Solar: Hero of Canterlot City

by Royal Pony Dude

Chapter 10-Shade of Black Part 1-A Shadow over Sunset

One day, at Twilight's house, Sunset Shimmer was running over there….

"Had it started, yet?"

"Nope," Twilight told her.

"Good. I can't believe that the space team discovered alien life."

"I know we're talking about living mud."

CSA' s not releasing images. But we zoom in on this shot of the shuttle. Right on the hull, that dark patch is extraterrestrial life. Earlier today, the alien life form was flown over Everton University for where shall study by the top scientist, Dr. Midnight Colt.

"It's nice that Dr. Colt was feeling better after the whole snake thing," Sunset said.

"I'm surprised that Canterlot Weekly wants you to take pictures of it."

"Yeah, I called Brisky to see if can, but he said that Stardust wants no reports, journalists or even photography since it could create city-wide panic. But I'm not too mad, Platinum Writer paying double for the Solar photos," Sunset said.

Late at night…

"Where Sunset gets nowhere, but Solar's chances aren't," Solar said as flew over to the Everton Lab's rooftop. "After all, the camera has a zoom lens, and the lab has a skylight."

She focuses the camera as The Colts, Brisk and Twilight close up the lab.

"Now let's get a look at our strange visitor," Solar took the camera and then noticed someone was in there as well, someone dressed in a black suit with a black mask. "And our strange visitor's visitor."

The figure pulled a sprayed can and sprayed to reveal security lasers.

"Laser grid? A high school locker has been security than this," he rolled his eyes

He went underground to avoid the security lasers as Solar watched on. '

"Perfect! I stop a crime in progress. Get pictures of me and the crook. And gaze my eyes on the ooze! Hat trick!"

He broke into the containment case of the ooze and prepared to grab it.

"Come to daddy…"

Then a magic blast stops him.

"I never thought that I'd be rescuing the icky alien from the demented scientist," Solar smirked.

"Well, I do believe it's Solar Eclipse," He went over to meet face to face.

"Easy, dude, I don't want to fight."

"Name's Shadowmane. And shadows don't fight suns."

Shadowmane kicked in the chest which sent her back.

"We have fun with them!"

Solar fired multiple magic blasts at him but Shadowmane avoided them. then Shadowmane kicked a glass container at her but Solar ducked her head making glass fall on the lasers making the alarm go off.

Shadowmane and Solar created two magic blades and struck at each other then backed off.

"Nice skill, you got there, Sunshine," Shadowmane told her. "You want in on this gig. We can split the take."

"You're telling me that someone paid you to steal it.."

"Yeah, a certain captain of the industry offered a high amount of cash to steal the slime. Said about unlimited scientific potential."

"Are you sure it wasn't some run-of-the-mill geek who tried to show for the girls," Solar asked while launching a magic sphere at but Shadowmane duck to avoid it.

"Trust me, I would know. So what do you say, hot stuff, want to slice the slime? "

"Tempting, but it goes against everything that I stand for," Solar said as the ooze slither to the wall.

"Too bad, I like us together, " Shadowmane replied.

Unknowing to both of them the ooze had clung to Solar's boot.

"But we only just met."

"You know the old saying, give a guy a chance."

Solar blushed of what he meant by the sirens being heard.

"Love to stay a chat but I have places to be," Shadowmane said to her then became a shadow and went to an air vent and left and Solar teleported herself miles away from the building.

"Another baddie, with shadow powers," Solar said. "The Canterlot Weekly is going to be a very inserting headline."

The following morning…

"I can't believe that you're printing out lies!" Sunset said to Platinum Writer after finding out that Solar was blamed for the robbery.

"Lies! The Canterlot Weekly only prints facts! And whatever else it takes to connect the facts."

"Yeah, I was there when the whole thing happened. Solar was trying to stop Shadowmane from stealing the ooze. She got away, but they didn't leave together."

"Unless they met up later and split up the good, classic crook behavior."

"What about Midnight?"

"He found out the ooze was gone early this morning."

"Ugh!" Sunset stormed out. I saw him last night. Why on earth would he lie like that?

At a rundown building, two men were playing cards while the third one was reading the news.

"Heh, Solar must be pretty confused right about now." Then his phone rang. "Hello, general. No, regretfully I have no alien to deliver. A known competitor beat my team to the lab in minutes. Of course, your down payment shall be refunded. Goodbye."

"So, no check."

"No check. But this story in the Canterlot Weekly sparked an epiphany. Hard Wire, I need all your mechanic skills. And Show Tell, your special effects expertise."

"Yeah, what else is new? Which loser you're posing this time, Gecko?"

"This time I have someone a little different in mind."

Back with Sunset, she puts on her Solar costume and patrols the city.

"Shadowmane must have taken the goo," Solar said as she was unaware that the ooze on her boot started to cover her suit.

"No proof in the photos but I know I didn't take it. And why did Dr. Colt lie after I saved him from being a monster snake? And how am I going to clear my name?"

Solar landed on a building as ooze covered her suit giving her the look of the original but mostly red and black.

"And the crazy thing is? They think I stole the alien. I never got to look at it."

"Ooh, that's a good look on you," Shadowmane said, dropping in. "I'm flattered. See I knew we had something."

"You! You're the real thief!"

"Because I stole your heart? Heard it before, hothead."

"What the heck?" Solar looked at herself.

"I know what it's like being blamed for crimes that I didn't commit. Or any crimes. Hurt the biz. So the frame-up must really annoy an ex-primary color gal like you."

"You didn't steal the ooze."

"You know I didn't steal it. Unless you did…"

"I didn't!"

"Cool the fire, I didn't say it. But if you're fed up with not being thanked enough due to your hero image with mine then I have to ask, are we going to be bad guys together or just plain bad."

Solar said nothing and took off.

"Was it something I said?"

"I guess I found the ooze, or it found me. Face the facts, Sunset. Alien life has bonded to your suit. Which means your cleaning bill is going to be insane."

An out-of-control plane zips through Solar causing her to lose her balance.

"Great, the engine busted, gotta get to Canterlot Park," The pilot said before the plane hit making him clock out.

Solar ran on a building and jumped right onto the left wing of the plane.

"Whoa, I can't believe I leaped, let's hope I'm strong enough for this?"

Solar used her to guide the plane to the park and then grab the unconscious pilot.

"Hold on tight."

Solar jumped off the plane just as it exploded and landed perfectly on the ground.

"How incredible! Did I do that or did the ooze manage to strengthen my magic?" Solar thoughted. "What if I can use the ooze to help more people as Solar, and also get a bit more photo money as Sunset, then maybe it's okay that sort of unintentionally stole the slime from Colts' lab, and maybe better for everyone that I don't return it. Course it ain't my call."

The next day at Canterlot High…

"I don't believe this," Rainbow exclaimed while reading the newspaper.

"What got your boil burning, Dash?" Applejack asked.

"This! The Canterlot Weekly got photos of Solar pulling a heist," Rainbow gave the farmer the paper. "There's no way it can be her! Those photos are completely bogus. Anyone can put on a costume. Sunset wore one last week!"

"I agree with you, Rainbow, but the Canterlot Weekly has foolproof evidence," Rarity told her.

"Screw them, they're not convincing me that Solar turned to crime!" Rainbow stormed off of course their was overheard by Sunset.

Later that night…

"Never thought I would look out for me, but whoever pretends to be like must also be the same person who poses as Midnight," Solar said as she flew through the streets.

"Hey, crime spree! Was hoping you'd come by again," Shadowmane shouted which made Solar confront him.

"Listen, Shady, I'm innocent!"

"I already know that you're being framed. Does the imposter know that you're a girl, and that red and black is the new red and yellow."

"I'd turn him black and blue if I could find him."

"Really? It so happened I know where he is going to hit next," Shadowmane said. "Try to keep up."

Solar followed Shadowmane to the Canterlot Harbor to see people entering the Castle Cruise Ship among them was Rarity who was given an invite.

"The harbor? How are you sure he can strike here?"

"To catch a thief, you have to think like a thief. A boat full of stiffs and snobs is a can't miss proposition," Shadowmane said as look down. "Ooh, Mayor Highlander is wearing the legendary Sun Tiger! I want it."

"Shades, no door prizes. Besides, how are we going to get onboard without getting gunned?"

"Please, I'm a professional. I came prepared!"

On the loading dock, Shining Armor was talking to Arctic Colt

"The sooner we get onboard, the less we have to worry about the sun," Shining Armor said.

"I still don't buy it, Captain. We've both seen Solar in action. I can't believe she turned to crime."

"Believe it, Colt!" Platinum Writer came up to them. "The Weekly has been saying for weeks that she's a fraud. Now that I'm proven right. I assume you've taken the proper precautions?"

"Don't worry, all the guys have top orders to look out for Solar," Shining told him.

"And besides, the only way she can come on is if she's already here," Arctic said then three went inside.

On the ship, people were having a good time in the bathroom. Gecko pulled off his disguise and prepared to put on his Solar costume.

"Show Tell? Hard Wire? Are you guys in position?"

We're good to go, boss!

Yeah, I’m in the system.

"Then cue the light. Cause it's showtime."

On the outside…

"Nice ride!" Solar exclaimed as she and Shadowmane approached the boat on a jet ski.

"Well, crime pays!"

"Not listening!"

"Very funny, hold on tight!"

"Don't worry, I won't slip."

"Not why I said that.”

"Uh, on second thought we're close enough!" Solar said as she hopped on to the cruise.

She looked around and saw a guard that was fast asleep.

"Guess, Shads was right, the jerk would be here," She said.

Meanwhile, Highlander was doing a toast in the ballroom.

"And so I raise my glass to thank you for all of your support. And after the election your city will thank you too," She said.

Then suddenly the lights out causing a sense of nerve within the guests.

"As will your friendly neighborhood sun thief!" Gecko said, making the people panic as the lights came on.

"Call it!" Platinum Writer said.

He dropped two bags on the ground.

"Fill Em up, folks!"

"Take her!" Shining said but Solar trapped him with mystic wrap making him fall to the floor.

Much later, everyone was dropping their valuables in the bags as Arctic Colt untied the captain.

"Captain, something is off. The guy's too tall, this Solar is a fraud," Arctic Colt was finished then charged right at her.

"Solar is not a fraud! Can't believe I said that," Platinum Writer said.

"Behind you," Show Tell warned Gecko.

In response, Gecko kicked in the chest and sent him crashing into a glass wall.

"That's Solar strength, people think I can fake that," Gecko threatened.

"I do," Solar entered the ball with a glare on her face.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"Solar Eclipse. The real deal."

"The real one? You don't even have the costume right!"

"I'm in mourning for the buried rep," Solar said as she kicked Gecko in the chest. "Just like the picklebrain will be when he's forced to print a retraction."

'Retraction?! Listen sun-head no one tells me…"

"See? Even the jolly one himself knows I'm the genuine article."

Gecko quickly threw a fireball at her which Solar avoided but Solar did a palm strike at the chest that sent him crashing into the wall.

"Now that's not Solar Strength. Accept no substitutes."

"Demitasse, Solar," Show Tell came to her and dropped a smoke bomb that covered the entire room in smoke allowing him and Gecko to escape.

Once they were outside, they met with Hard Wire.

"We need to go!"

Hard Wire used his watch to control the speedboat and made it come to cruise.

"Incoming!' Show Tell warned them as Solar caught up.

Hard Wire threw a drone that fired a laser at Solar and one laser blast tore the suit but Solar quickly destroyed it with a magic blast. She looked at her arm and saw the suit repairing itself.

Gecko quickly hopped on the boat then Show Tell gave him the bags and just as he and Hard Wire were about to board Shadowmane grabbed both by the collar and brought them to the top.

"Why don't we let them handle it, Solar to Solar?" Shadowmane said to them and bashed both of them they were knocked out.

"Thanks, Remind me I owe you," Solar thanked him as she went after Gecko.

"Not to worry, sunshine, you already have."

Solar created a magic lasso and threw it to the end of the speed boat and rode on the water as Gecko tried to shake her off.

"Man, I can feel it balancing me. Compensating for the boat, the water, everything."

Gecko threw explosives at her Solar used her upgraded agility to avoid them as she still hung on. Gecko did a hard right which flung Solar into the air but Solar did some parkour and did a giant leap. She was the boat. Gecko placed on shock gloves.

"How about I shock some sense into you," Gecko took a swing but Solar duck to avoid it.

"Do I sound like that? Or at least that I offer a higher quality quip," Solar said as

She kept avoiding them then got behind him and did a flaming chop at his back which made him collapse.

"Already, pal," Solar removed his mask showing his real face. "There's one me and that is me, Got it!"

Much later…

"Where did I lose it?" Rarity was looking for her diamond necklace.

"Excuse me miss, looking for this?" Solar tapped her shoulder and showed her necklace.

"Thank, Equestria, you found it, where did you find it?"

"I found it on the coastline when crooks tried to make a run for it."

"Well thank you for finding it and must apologize for my rude accusations against you," Rarity said to her.

"I'm cool with it, at least it should make some sense that people should believe lies like that without the full truth."

"For sure, but I have to say your color scheme suits quite nicely."

"Thanks, I'm out."

Solar teleported away from the dock.

Much later…

"We made a pretty good team," Solar said as she found Shadowmane looking across the night scene. "Maybe you should change sides."

"Tempting, but I love doing what I do best."

"Okay, so why did you help me?"

"You don't know?" Shadowmane hugged her and kissed her on the lip making Solar lovestruck then once Solar was dazed he left with the Sun Tiger.

"Wow, Shads, I had no idea you feel that way?" Solar blushed a little bit then looked around to find out that he left. "Great he's gone. Why did he kiss me?"