//------------------------------// // Chapter 11:A grim Mexico // Story: The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset // by Savant 123 //------------------------------// The Ed’s, sunset, dazzling, Grim, and sunny were in a van being driven by Ed's uncle Harold. “How much longer before we reach our destination?“ Adagio asks in frustration, which is mirrored by her sister Aria. "Why do you guys even come?" Sunset asks, "Last I checked, we only invited Sonata.” Said girl was currently reading a comic book with Ed. “Free food, that's why,” Adagio said. "We will be foolish to pass up the chance for free food.” “Don’t worry, everyone; we will be at Burger Joy soon,” Ed's uncle Harold said. Ed's uncle was a fat man with a large nose. He wore a white shirt with orange sleeves and blue pants with brown shoes. Sunset had met Harold a few times in the past when he visited, and from what she can tell, Ed inherited his intelligence from him, as he has shown to be equally, if not more, dumb than Ed. She learned that, due to his lack of intelligence, he had a hard time keeping a job since he always did something to get him fired. Like how he was fired from his last job due to him eating all the paper cups in the office. Due to him always losing his job, he couldn’t afford rent, so he either slept in his van or stayed with Ed family until he could find a new job. Sunset learned that this had happened more than enough time that Ed’s family had a special guess room prepared for when he had to stay at their house. “That was what you said five hours ago,” Eddy complained. ”Are you sure you know where we are going?” “Of course I do,” Harold said in a confident voice. Five hours later: The van is now in the middle of the dessert, broken, and everyone is standing next to it. “I guess I didn’t know where I was going,” Harold said, causing everyone except Ed and Sonata to groan. "Grim, open a portal, and take us home,” Sunset said. “I would, but today is the one day of the year my scythe will update itself,“ Grim said as he showed them his scythe, and in the middle of the scythe was a digital screen that showed it at 15 percent before a complete update. "Great, what now?“ Adagio said. "Well, we already have shelter from the hot desert sun,“ Double D said, pointing to the van. ”We can just stay there until Grim Scythe finishes updating.” “How long will that be?” Eddy asks. “It usually takes until tomorrow,” Grim said. “Tomorrow,“ Sunny said in shock, "we are going to stay in a desert until tomorrow.“ “Hey,come on one day in whatever this place is called isn’t bad,” Harold said. “Mexico,” Adagio said. ”This place is Mexico.“ “Sure, we can call this Mexico if you like,” Harold said. “No, you moron, this is Mexico,“ Adagio points out. Harold quickly stood next to sunset. “I think she is losing it,” he whispered to sunset. “I am serious, see?” Adagio pointed to a big sign next to her that said welcome to Mexico. ”I think I take my chances in the desert.“ Adagio then began walking to the desert, with Sonata chasing after her. “Dagi noooo!” Sonata screams as she runs after her, but stops when she notices a town literally right next to the sign. “I can’t believe we missed that,” Grim said. …. Everyone walks into the town, where the residents are dressed as skeletons or wearing skeleton masks and makeup,and in addition to that, there are skeleton decorations. “Wow, is it Halloween already?“ Ed said as he and Sonata ate a taco that they got from one of the shops. “These people aren’t celebrating Halloween, you dundle heads.“ Grim said, "They are celebrating Día de los Muertos, or as their call in the English language, Day of the Dead. A holiday that celebrates death, which by extension is a holiday that celebrates me, As they walk, someone knocks grim on his shoulder with a walking stick. Grim turned and saw three young boys. “That is one great costume, mister,” one of them said. “This is not a costume; I am the real Grim reaper,“ Grim said, causing all three boys to laugh. Annoy Grim removed his head, causing all three boys to scream and Grim to laugh evilly. “I love it when he does that, “Ed said, causing all three boys to stop screaming and grim giving him an annoyed look. "Greetings, Mr. Reaper. I am Paco.“ The boy said, “And my friends and I thank you for grazing my people with you present, for today might be the last Día de los Muertos.” Paco said the last one with tears. “Why is it the last day?” Sunset asks. “The day of the dead origins started centuries ago when Santiago came to set up his factory on our land and stole our ancestors most valuable treasure, the Golden Nose of Chipotle, from our ancestors. The spirit of our ancestors was not pleased and demanded that they get it back. So their dress as a skeleton caused him to flee and escape through his window, resulting in his end. After that, our ancestors returned the nose to the temple of Chipotle, where, as punishment for stealing the nose, Santiago was forced to guard the nose for eternity. After that day, my people celebrate that day by dressing as you,” Paco said, pointing to grim. ”And that is how the day of the dead started.” “Wow,” Harold, Ed,and Sonata said. “That was a good story and all,” Adagio said, ”but why is it the last day of the dead?” “Oh,“ Paco said. "That's because of him.” Paco pointed to a large limo that was driving on the street. The limo ran over a few stands, destroying them in the process, and nearly ran over some of the people. The limo stopped, and out came a large, muscular man wearing a black suit and a wrestling mask. “That is Del Uglio, the ugliest Lucha libre ever known. He sought to find the golden nose so he could use it to be less ugly,” Paco explains. “Then why don’t you try to stop him?” Aria asks. “Because he got mad wrestling skills, and the last guy that tried to stop him was beating up so badly that he was put in the hospital,“ Paco said. Everyone turned to look at Del Uglio walking when a motorbike ran over a mud puddle, causing him to scream and tear off his suit, leaving him in his wrestling underwear, mask, and shoes. He screamed in fury, causing everyone around him to run in fear. He grabs a nearby car and tosses it away with ease before running to a car next to it and kicks it in the air like it was a soccer ball. “Oh, I see,“ Aria said. “With his skills, he is unstoppable,“ Paco said. Del Uglio broke through the door of a bar, causing everyone inside to run. He then walked in, stomping on the ground and leaving cracks in the floor. Sunset and Co. follow behind him. "Why are we even here?" Aria said, ”I don’t care much about this holiday.“ “Me too,"Adagio said. "Well, I do." Grim said, ”This holiday is the only one that celebrates me, and I refuse to let some stupid two-bit Mexican wrestler take it from me.” However, unknown to Grim, as he said that Del Uglio had just gotten up and stood next to them. “Um, grim,” Sunset said. “This overblown gorilla won’t have the day of the dead until he prides it off on my cold dead hand.” Grim said, "I mean, seriously, who does this idiot think he is?” “Serious grim I think you need to stop.” Sunset said. “That's because he's good at wrestling; this two-bit thug thinks he can ruin my holiday,“ Grim said. ”Well, all I can say is..." He stopped when he saw a large shadow over him, he turned, and saw Del Uglio standing over him. “Did you say something about me?” He shouted at grim face, causing him to shudder in fear. “Did you say something about me?” He shouted again at Grim face. “Well, it was nice knowing you grim,” Aria said. However, to everyone's surprise, he just flexed his muscles. “Was it a compliment about my muscles or packs?” Everyone just stared at him, confused. “Seriously, did you?” He said, “It's sometimes hard to hear through this mask.” “Um yeah." Grim said ”It was a compliment. said, Why do you wear that mask?” Del Uglio then did dramatic poses. “I wore this mask because underneath it is a face that is so hideous and ugly that it can't be shown to anyone. It is why I sought the golden nose, as it will make me less ugly.” “And how are you going to find the nose?” Adagio asks. “I have a map right here." Del Uglio said as he pulled a torn-up map from his mask, ”This is the map that will lead me to the golden nose.” He showed them the map. ”All I need is the second half, and once I complete the map, I will find the golden nose." “Hey, that looks similar to my underwear,“ Harold said as he turned and pulled down his pants, showing that the back of his underwear had the other piece of the map. “How is that even possible?“ Sunny asks. “It's probably because the writer of this fanfic wants to move this story along,“ Grim said. “What?“ Sunset asks, confused. Del Uglio then grabs Harold and tears the map from his underwear before tossing him aside. He then taped the map together. “Del Uglio shall now be less ugly,“ Del Uglio boasts. “Sunny, do something,“ Sunset said. " Right"Sunny said as she flew into the air and blasted him. However, Uglio grabs a table and uses it as a shield to block the attack. He then grabbed a chair and tossed it at her. But Sunny was able to dodge it before firing another blast at him. Uglio dodged it before jumping in the air, grabbing Sunny by the leg, and dragging her to the ground, where he slammed her on it hard. He then lifted her from the ground by the leg and slammed her on the ground again and again. He then tosses her onto a table, which breaks as soon as she lands on it. Sunny got up and tried to fire at him again. However, he simply jumped over the blast, where he would then grab onto the second-floor railings and stand on top of them. He then jumped from it and body-slammed Sunny. A referee suddenly arrived from nowhere, got on the ground, and slammed his hand three times before declaring Del Uglio the winner. Del Uglio then stood up with a fist in the air and cheered for his victory. He then ran through a wall, breaking it in the process, and through the woods. “I guess that is our cue,” Adagio said. “I agree,“ Grim said, ”that our cue to try and get to the golden nose before del Uglio gets to it and saves Día de los Muerto.” “No, that's our cue to leave,” Adagio said. “Not until we save Día de los Muerto,” Grim said. "Fine," Adagio said. “But how can we beat Del Uglio to the nose?” Harold said. ”He has both maps." “It simply,“ Sunset said as she pointed to the trail of destruction that Del Uglio left behind, ”we follow his trail.” “Then let go,"Grim said. “I think you guys should go without me." Sunny said as she was now sitting down in a wheelchair with bandages covering her entire body, ”I think I need to rest up.” “I will stay here to look after Sunny,” Double D said. “Well, then let go,” Grim said as he pointed his scythe in the direction of Del Uglio. …. Del Uglio broke through the vines and trees of the forest with ease as he followed the direction to the temple of Chipotle. However, unknown to him, sunset and co. were following right behind him. Del Uglio eventually reaches the temple. Seeing the temple, he smiled. “So close,” he said as he went up the temple stairs, only for the two statues that guard the entrance to jump and block his way. They point their weapons at him. This, however, did nothing to stop Del Uglio, as he simply jumped and kicked one of the statues, destroying its head in the process and causing the rest of its body to fall to the ground. The other one tried to hit him with its sword, but he just dodged it with ease before punching it and breaking it to pieces. He then went into the temple. …. Del Uglio stood on top of the temple, where he saw the ghost of Santiago sitting down on a beach chair, drinking a coconut. He had the golden nose on his face. He stopped when he saw Del Uglio. “Who are you?” Santiago asks him. “I am Del Uglio, and I came for the nose,” Del Uglio said. “Do you actually think you can get the nose?” Santiago said. “I don’t think I know,“ Del Uglio said as he jumped in the air and tried to body-slam him. However, Santiago just phased through his chair. After he landed on the chair, breaking it in the process, Del Uglio got up and looked around for the ghost, only for him to receive a wedgie courtesy of the ghost. Del Uglio reached his hand from behind and tried to grab the ghost. But his hand just went through him. “You can’t touch me because I am dead." Santiago boasts, ”But I can touch you.” He empathizes this point by lying down next to his leg and having his ghost tail wrap around his feet and pull, causing him to fall to the ground hard. "Timber, "he said before laughing. However, his laughter was cut short when Del Uglio grabbed the golden nose and pulled it off him. “No, “the ghost yells. ”Wearing that nose ensures I remain in the land of the living, and if it ever takes off, I will be sent to the land of the dead." Immediately after, he said that the ghost disappeared in a flash of light. “To the victory goes the spoil,” Del Uglio boasted as he stood up and held his nose up in the air. “Hold it” A voice said, and Del Uglio turned and saw Grim, Eddy, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, Paco, and his two friends, Sonata, Ed, and his uncle Harold. The last three dresses in wrestling costume “Is the costume really necessary?“ Aria asks. “What it is fun?” Harold said. “Hand over the nose,” Grim said. “If you want this nose, then you must beat me in a wrestling match,” Del Uglio said. “Deal,” Eddy said. …. Everyone was now back in town, and in the middle of it was a wrestling ring, and everyone in the town was nearby to watch the match. Ed was on one side of the stage shirtless and wearing a shoe on his head, and on the other side was Del Uglio. “ Eddy I don’t think this is a good idea. Double D said, "There's no way Ed can beat that guy.” “Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Eddy said as he brought out a walk-talkie from his pocket. …. Ed stood in the ring, waiting for the match to start, until he heard a familiar voice say, "Hey you!" Ed quickly looked around to see where the voice was coming from. This went on for a while until he saw a green monster figure near the ring.”Approach me mortal, for I, the great Baron O' Beef Dip, have returned!" "Baron, you're alive!" Ed exclaimed as he reached for the figure and hugged it, completely ignoring the walkie-talkie haphazardly taped to the toy's back. "I never left to begin with fool!" The Baron replied. "What are you're commands my master?" Ed asked. “Beat up, Del Uglio, and win the nose,” Eddy said. Ed looked at Del Uglio and smiled. “It shall be done, master," Ed said. The bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Ed quickly charged at Del Uglio and rammed his head into his stomach. This caused Del Uglio to back away in pain. Ed then grabbed him by the leg and toss him into the ring rope, causing him to be slingshot towards Ed, who jumped out of the way and grabbed his leg as he flew, causing him to stop. Del Uglio landed on the ground, and immediately after he landed, Ed repeatedly slammed him on the ground over and over again. After one last slam, Ed then bit Del Uglio in the buttocks, causing him to jump in pain. He reached behind and pulled Ed off of him. He then punched Ed, causing him to fly to the Ring Rope and slingshot him back to him. Del Uglio stood in his path and was about to punch him once he was near. However, Ed maneuvered his body so he could fly through between his legs, where he was then slingshot by the rope, and back to him. Ed kicked him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. He then ran towards the rope and slingshot him towards Del Uglio while he was down. The impact sent him flying into the air, and he fell hard to the ground. Ed then jumps onto one of the wrestling posts, jumps off of it, and body slams Del Uglio. The referee then walks next to them and counts to three, declaring Ed the winner. “Yeah,” Ed cheered as everyone in the town toss him in the air. “You won,“ Del Uglio said as he gave Paco the golden nose. “Now I must live the rest of my life ugly.“ “Mr. Del Uglio, don’t you think you are overexaggerating?“ Double D said, ”Surely it can’t be bad.” “It is bad,” Del Uglio said as he took off his mask. Causing everyone to look in shock as under the mask was one of the most beautiful man they saw. Del Uglio then pointed to grim ”Now it is your turn to take off your mask.” Grim just shrugged and removed his head, leaving Del Uglio shocked. “You, the real Grim reaper!” he shouted in shock before fainting. “Wish we had done that from the start,” Grim said as he put his head back. "Could had save us all that trouble.” Sunset then grabs a bucket of water and pours it over him, causing him to wake up. “Del Uglio, you're not ugly." Sunset said, ”In fact, you are the exact opposite. I mean, look, the ladies are crazy for you.” Sunset pointed to a group of women who were looking at him in a love struck manner. “How can that be? I am hideous,“ he said as he snapped his fingers, and a man in a butler uniform walked next to them and dropped a full length mirror that was covered with a white cloth. Del Uglio then took off the cloth and stood next to the mirror, “See for yourself.” Sunset looked at the mirror and saw that it was a funhouse mirror. “I am hideous,“ Del Uglio cried. “You know that is a fun house mirror, right?” Sunset said as she went and took a hand-held mirror from Double D and showed him his reflection in it. “Hey, I am gorgeous,“ Del Uglio says as he grabs the mirror and admires his look. He then turned to look at sunset and everyone with an embarrassed look. “It seems I have been doing all this for literally nothing. I am truly sorry for everything, and to make up for my misdeed, I shall be Día de los Muerto's new protector and protect it from anyone who will ruin it.” “Well, great, that is all over,“ Grim said. “So what now?” Eddy asks. “We could celebrate Día de los Muerto with everyone,“ Sonata said. “Oh, by the way, to also show you how sorry I am, I shall treat you and your friends to the most expensive restaurant in town,” Del Uglio said to Sunset and her friends. “Sounds good to me." Adagio said, ”I am starving.” “Me too,” Aria said. For the rest of the day, sunset and everyone celebrate Día de los Muerto before staying at Del Uglio mansion for the night. When the next day came, Grim opened a portal, and everyone returned home.