New Horizons

by Nugget27

There is No Fight Left in Me.

I sat down at a picnic table, seeing as I don’t think I can actually flee, with Rainbow Dash being the better flier than I, Apple Jack’s definitely stronger than I am, and Twilight has magic that could kill me pretty easily. I grumbled, but luckily, I was sitting next to AJ; I didn't mind her. Apple Jack must’ve sensed my mood, or is good at reading faces, because she took her hat off and hugged me. I blinked a few times; I thought she’d hate me. Meh, if she doesn't, that's nice, at least I’ll have somepony to talk to while I ignore Twilight.

“Sorry about this, Ostri. But… Princess’s orders, and we can’t really argue with Twilight,” Apple Jack said. She reached into a saddlebag and pulled out an apple. “Want one?” She asked.

“Mmm,” I hummed. “I dunno, you just offered me an apple from one of the best farms in the country.” I won’t lie, Apple Family Apples must have coke in them. 

“I know. Figured you might as well have some sort of comfort. If it were up to me, I’d be grabbing my family and getting the buck out of Equestria, and coming back to help fight the yetis that are invading.” She handed me the apple. “Well?”

I unsheathed my knife. “Bet. We can share this one, since I know you probably didn’t bring a lot of these, and this is a part of your travel supplies.”

“Put that knife away, Ostri,” Twilight demanded. “You’re just gonna-”

I took the knife and started peeling the apple at record speeds. I was kinda shocked with how precise I was. Every slice was perfect. “Anyone else want a slice besides Apple Jack?” I asked and soon, in mere seconds, the apple was skinned.

“I won’t turn down a snack,” Rainbow admitted. “Plus, watching you use that knife is kinda… awesome. I don’t think I’ve seen anypony use one so proficiently while cutting something before.” 

“I have cupcakes!” Pinkie said. “So I’m good!” She pulled a cupcake out of her mane. Y’know, I’m fresh out of fucks to give, so I wasn’t gonna question how Pinkie did that. At least she’s not an asshat.

“It’s too early for brunch,” Rarity pointed out. “And I’m scared that you’ll find some way to poison us.”

“I wouldn’t mind one, Ostri,” Fluttershy almost whispered.

So four slices, got it. I tossed the knife up a couple times, catching the handle every time, before quickly making work of the apple. “Y’all care about seeds? It’s a cultural thing from my home; I don’t fuck with apple seeds.”

“What kinda pony takes the seed out of the apple?” Apple Jack asked. “Kinda pointless to do that.”

“When apple seeds used to be bad for you, you would too. Just something I can’t let go of.” I cut the seed out of my slice before handing a slice to the four ponies who actually wanted one.

“How the hay didn’t you cut yourself?” Rainbow asked. “And can you teach me how to do that?”

“Sure, just catch me one day if I come back to Equestria, and stuff.” Twilight was glaring at me. “What? Can mares bleed out the ass like human females can?” I may get screwed here, but I was at least going to mentally screw with Twilight before I go out.

“W-what!?” Twilight and Rarity blurted out, before Twilight quickly regained her composure. “No, I’m just wondering why you four are being nice to him! And Ostri, you made Princess Luna cry. You helped instigate a war-”

“No, the Storm King did, I just retaliated.” I corrected it. “He invaded first, and his demands that you, Luna, and Celestia were basically killed. Same with Cadance, which I wasn’t gonna let happen; Cadance doesn’t deserve that shit. It’s his dumbass fault for not preparing for everything, like a pony that will actually fight back.” I took a bite of my apple slice and started speaking with my mouth full, like a gangster. Honestly, I would be angry, I would be pissed, but I was done giving a shit. If Twilight tried bringing me back, I was gonna slap the shit out of her, spank her, and hand her back to Shining Armor and Cadance.

Or just let her drag me away. I honestly can’t be asked to care about what happens anymore.

“B-what!?” Twilight asked.

“He did make a good point,” Apple Jack pointed out. “Technically, the Storm King swung first.”

“And I fucking shot him in the knee. Boom.” I chuckled. “I want to fucking die,” I grumbled. “Twilight, I know you wanna do whatever fucktarded thing you wanna do, but like… Today was a potato day for me. I wanted to wander the city, do fuck all, get lunch at some point, fuck off to somewhere else, eat dinner, and head back home to cuddle with Blaze, or probably Chrysalis. Then I was gonna actually take Chrysalis out with me to the city; I promised her that much and I intend on keeping it.

“And also, the only reason why I’ve not stabbed any of you yet, is because Shining Armor and Cadance wouldn’t be very happy if I did that. And also four of you aren’t too bad, admittedly, which is why those four haven’t been stabbed in the face..”

“Oh please,” Rarity rolled her eyes. “You’re rather barbaric, cruel, and chose to break the heart of a princess-”

“Who broke his first, Rarity,” Rainbow pointed out. I slowly closed my mouth and reached over to Rainbow, who was on the other side of Apple Jack from me. “Are you gonna hit me?”

“No, I’m brohoofing you. You’re using some fucking logic. Thank the fucking lord for somepony having a god damn brain!” 

Rainbow smirked and brohoofed. “You owe me another race, by the way.”

“I’m down; I need to get better at turning before I do that though; you’d kick my ass if I don’t.”

Twilight and Rarity were just sitting there slack jawed. “Rainbow, that is a criminal.”

“He didn’t even do anything illegal,” Fluttershy pointed out. She was actually speaking up now… she’s getting mad, oh boy. “Twilight, Ostri legitimately isn’t that bad-”

“He said he’d stab us on sight if he wasn’t traveling with my brother!” Twilight growled. 

“I’m doing that out of respect for him, Twilight. I don’t want my friend to have to attend his little sister’s funeral. I may be a lot of things, I may be a sack of shit. I may not even be a good person, but I do know how important family can be to people. Shiny and Cadance absolutely adore you, despite you being a cunt, and they love you. Love’s dangerous, Twi, it can feel good, and it can fucking hurt. It fucking hurts when the people you love die.” AJ gave me a sympathetic look and gave me another hug. Nevermind, Fluttershy beat her to it.

“You just need some time alone. Come on now,” she coaxed. “I’ll take you to a more secluded spot in the city, and leave you be, young stallion.” I cocked an eyebrow at her. “You’re not even twenty years old yet, Ostri, I can tell. I can also tell what it looks like when an animal has completely given up any fight it has in it; you’ve been beaten down so much that you aren’t even attempting to fight back… even if it is for more reasons other than just being defeated.”

“God damn, Blaze was right; you’re a sweetheart.” I genuinely smiled for the first time in a minute. “Thank you, Fluttershy. You’re a good mare.” I got up, only to feel something big and fluffy from behind me. I slowly turned my head around and came face to face with Blaze. “WHOA!” I fell on the table, or would’ve if Blaze didn’t grab me with her magic, spun me around in her magic, and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I involuntarily went limp in her grasp. I could feel Blaze’s animosity through our bond.

“Why did you use your brother as a sentient tracking device? I’m only here because Shining Armor said he sensed you in the area.” She glared at the rest of the mares present. “Did none of you attempt telling Twilight that she is being more of a bitch than I am?” She asked. She glared at each one, save Fluttershy. She actually nuzzled Fluttershy. “Thank you for at least making an attempt to move my colt away from the situation before I arrived. I can tell that Ostri is only really feeling any hostility towards Twilight Sparkle and Sparkling Rarity.” Rarity’s eyes widened at that. “I can blow your brains up with a thought, so please, do not follow me or Ostri. He greatly expressed his desire to be left alone for today, so I shall find somewhere where he can be alone, and return for him once he is sufficiently out of his current mood swing.”

I felt Shining Armor walk past us as Blaze slowly backed away from the table. “Twilie,” Shining asked sternly. “Why did you follow me and Cadance?” Shining sounded fucking mad. No, that isn’t anger, that’s disappointment.

“Because Princess Celestia tasted me with trying to convince Ostri to come back to Canterlot with us-”

“To fight a war he already wants no part in,” Shining said bluntly. “Twilight, please, please think for a moment. Say you found somepony you loved, loved with every bit of your soul. In the same way I love Cadance?” It seemed like Twilight was beginning to listen. “Now imagine they broke up with you, and blamed you for the break up. Now imagine that they mentally abuse you for however long, to the point that it leaves you emotionally broken. Now, imagine how much you would want to come running back to that pony with your forelegs wide, wide open?” Shiny asked. 

“I would if they wholeheartedly apologize!”

Shining Armor took a deep, long breath. “Okay, how much do you trust Cadance’s judgment on relationships?” 

“A lot, of course.”

“She doesn’t think Ostri and Luna can even come close to what they once had,” Shining Armor said plainly. “You may not like her, but Chrysalis is an even more capable empath than Cadance is, and she can sense just how broken Ostri is. Blaze, who is literally soulbound with Ostri, can feel exactly what Ostri is feeling. Go ahead and ask her how Ostri is…” He turned back to me. “Thank you for not immediately attacking her, Ostri. I know you’ve been through a lot, and are a second away from snapping, so thank you for at least having some self control.”

“Man,” I chuckled. “If I had anyone like you growing up, I probably wouldn’t have been such a sack of shit. Well, I wouldn’t have been such a sack of shit if I had anyone growing up.” I nodded to him. “Take care of your sister, man.” Shining nodded while Twilight and Blaze apparently had a very, very silent, telepathic conversation. 

Twilight slowly looked at me. “Ostri…” she’s starting to look remorseful finally. “Blaze just… showed me what you’re feeling. I didn’t even know the type of magic that Blaze was using even existed. How, how mentally distraught are you that you aren’t even willing to fight back anymore? If we brought you back to Canterlot, without anypony interfering, you wouldn’t have fought the issue, would you?”

“Honestly, I’m tired, Twilight. I’m being dead honest here, when I say this. So far, my life has been a shit. Aside from Luna and Celestia at first, and then Chrysalis and Blaze. I’ve nobody to call family. Grew up in an orphanage, which did very little for me, and I’ll admit, I grew into a real asshole. Treating it like I owned the place when I first showed up in Everfree City, I told Celestia stuff. I told her to look after her sister in a way that wasn’t super great or respectful.” I smiled a little. “God damn did Luna make me feel loved and cared for when we were dating. 

“That got torn away as soon as I was beginning to actually grow. I was already getting accustomed to the fact that I’m no longer human, which to this day, feels horrible. I see the woman I love so coldly drop me like a used tissue. Discarded with very little thought until I’m ‘useful’ again. I was about to finish my schooling when I showed up in Equestria, I had friends I knew I wasn’t gonna see again. I get to Equestria, and begin getting acquainted only to get uprooted again. I’ve gotten used to the fact that my life sucks, and being in this more… modern age just reminds me of how much I fucking hate being alive sometimes.

“If you dragged me back, I woulda let it happen. I would’ve let myself get ‘all the rewards and awards’ from leading this country to victory in a war when it never needed my help. I would’ve ended up hanging myself once it was all said and done, if Blaze and Chrysalis weren’t here, then I legitimately would’ve just crumpled and let myself waste away. What makes me useful anyways? I can kill people, woohoo… Glad that’s all I’m good at besides leading a life of shit.” I looked Twilight in the eye. “Tell me, why would I want to live? Say the world is fucked up, and Blaze and Chrysalis were either dead or gone. I woulda let myself starve to death in my old bedroom, Twilight. I’m tired of trying to find my footing, but I’m trying to for the people I love.”

Twilight walked around the table and placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Ostri…”

“Be quiet, Twi. We can have a more civilized conversation after tomorrow. I was only going to stay in Baltimare until tomorrow night, but I’ll stay one more time so you don’t gotta hunt me down again. If you can give me a legitimate-no, I won’t fight a war-but we can talk. It won’t end with me going back to Canterlot; I’ve still got a promise to Shining Armor and Cadance to make good on, and a marefriend and the fluffiest best friend I could ever ask to live for. Chin up; you got people that love ya, go enjoy the day with them and apologize for not listening to them. You’re a princess, but it doesn't mean shit if nobody loves you, but you clearly have people that love you. 

“Just listen to your friends every now and then. Good friends will tell you when you’re being a dumbass. Bad friends would’ve joined in and hounded you into making me come with you.” I pointedly looked at Rarity. “You’re a bitch. I hope you can prove me otherwise in a couple days, if not, that’s a shame, it doesn’t really matter.” With that, Blaze turned to start walking up the street to find me somewhere more reclusive. 

“Hey Blaze,” I said. “Where’s Chrysalis?” I asked. “Or Cadance?”

“Chrysalis heard Twilight was here, and Cadance stayed behind to talk her out of killing Twilight.”

“Good. I really didn’t want to witness anyone dying, or be the cause for anyone dying. Seriously, that is one more thing I just don’t want.” I took a long, deep breath. “Can you stay with me, Blaze?” Now was a good time seeing as she had carried me into a park and laid me under a tree. She had gotten up to leave when I asked that. “I… I know I said I wanted a day alone, but…” I shivered. “I just need somebody here with me, Blaze. I’m so fucking done with everything, Blaze. Just… Please wrap me up in your tails, and hold me.” 

“Okay, Ostri.” The moment she laid down, I immediately ran up to her side, and flopped into her. In a heartbeat, I buried my face into her shoulder and started crying. “Ostri…” She whispered. “You… No, you’re not alright, that much is clear. I don’t think I’ve seen you cry before.” The two tails rubbing my back at least felt a little good. “What exactly happened? I am only not reading your mind right now because I know you need to get this off of your chest.”

“Why can’t I be left the fuck alone?” I asked.

“...Please elaborate, Ostri.”

“Why can’t Luna and her fucking cunt of a sister leave me the hell alone? I’m trying to be civil, I’m trying to not physically lash out at them. I just want some peace and god damn quiet after the fucking rollercoaster of bullshit my life’s been over the last couple of years. I just want to travel, see this new world since I could never really explore my own, and spend my time on the planet with you and Chrysalis. I hope that I can also at least leave the world a little better than it was when I came.” I sobbed. “Just… why? Just. Fucking. Why?” I still had the newspaper as I wasn’t entirely done with it.

Blaze read the article and slowly started growling.

“That. Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit.” Blaze snarled. She shook her head. “Ostri, do you want me to go take care of those princesses? They straight up lied about you, and I personally will not stand for it.”

“Blaze, no. Retaliating won’t make anything better. After I have that chat with Twilight in a couple of days, we’re going to stop in the middle of nowhere for a day, and just camp. Just somewhere, nice, quiet, and the ever fresh fuck away from everything. Hell, I’m tempted… to just grab you, walk into the nearby woods, and just camp. Just like old times when a night of oddjobs left us in the middle of fuckall, sitting around the campfire, watching the stars, and simply just having some time alone.”

“I wouldn’t mind that. Perhaps invite Chrysalis along as well? She may say she’s fine with just spending time with Cadance and Shining Armor, frankly I’m shocked at how well they get along, but we are technically her ‘Hive’ now even if you don’t realize it. She probably benefits a lot from being around us, since we supply her with emotions to eat, and I know she wants to spend more time with you, even if I am present.”

“That wouldn’t be too bad of an idea…” I sighed and picked up the newspaper. “Might as well see what else is popping around Equestria; as much as I’ll hate reading this shit in the coming weeks, I know I have to. It’s better to not be in the dark than to get blindsided.” I was also going to try my best to try and avoid… “Say Blaze, didn’t you notice how more ponies were leaving the downtown area?” I asked. As I was saying, I was gonna do my best to try and avoid the places that the Storm King invaded, and if he already did invade, well, I might actually roll up and try and help out. Just because I’m ‘not loyal’ doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to help people out.

“I have, why do you ask?”

“Well, the Storm King’s country is located somewhere in… China, I believe, or just somewhere in Asia, since he’s sending forces from the east and west., apparently. The fucker’s going for the big cities first, since those are where the most ponies are at.” Blaze peeked over my shoulder and started reading it with me.

“The downtown area is a main target, according to changeling spies that were smuggled into the Storm King’s forces.” I blinked.

“Why the fuck did this King Thorax, and the press, announce that there were changelings spying on this asshole? Like bro, you aren’t supposed to publicly announce this shit.” I facehoofed. “Does nobody on the fucking planet use their brain-” I kept reading and read what the heck the griffins were doing. “Oh hey, these guys improved,” I chuckled and pointed at the articles. The griffins essentially made fireworks stronger, and smaller, and could shoot right out of a crossbow… Essentially these guys made muskets. 

“A long, long time ago, my ancestors came up with a way to take over Equestria, a thousand years ago. Once, a proud tribal leader decided to head for the heart of Equestria, Everfree City…” Holy fuck. Why is the only fucking race on the planet that remembers what I did the griffins?

“It’s because of how severely you beat them, Ostri. Few survivors, if any, ran back to the north and told stories of why Equestria was a lost cause. You made them fear you, and also respect you, look."

King Beak also says this:

“If the Princesses don’t want that pony they summoned from a thousand years ago, I’ll hire him. A pony that was the mastermind behind fully stopping an invasion on his homeland is a pony I want in my payroll: Just imagine how much better the griffin military could benefit from such a being!” I smiled at that. I knew I had another potential home if I didn't settle down in the Crystal Empire, or in Honshu. I hummed for a while and looked at Blaze.

“Hey bud, why… were you… reluctant to lead me and Chryssy through your homeland?” I asked.

“I am a kitsune that, when I had blood, had some kumiho blood mixed into it. Hybrids are not usually accepted in Honshu, and also, the territory is shared by kitsune and kumiho. I don’t want to risk running into another creature and having them kill you or Chrysalis because they were bored and saw a weaker, ‘inferior’ being that looked fun to toy with.” She shook her head. “I can defend you, and give everyone a reason to not harm either of you, but I want to ensure your wellbeing, not roll the dice and hope for the best.”

“That’s fair…”

“I will still lead you through Honshu; I may be somewhat young, but I will be damned if I let anyone hurt you or your mate. I just don’t know how viable living in Honshu would be.”

“It would be nice and far away from actual society…” I hummed. “Nah. I offered several ponies, like Rainbow, a race, Cadance a security guard if she needs it. I still need to ship Luna a dildo so she can pleasure herself without ruining another stallion’s life.” Blaze snorted.

“Oh, we have to do that, Ostri. That would be funny!” Blaze let out that human-like laugh, but it seemed to have changed just a little. It actually sounded more adorable than haunting because it came out of something not human. This just sounded like a cute girl, giggling away. “I know Ostri, I am adorable.” I climbed up on her back. “Hey, you’re the horse here, I should be riding on your-” she stopped when my wings slowly started going up and down her neck, and just slightly past her chin. “Oh, that feels good, please continue doing that.” 

And that’s how Chrysalis found us, well, Cadance, Chrysalis, and Shining Armor.

“I see you are doing better now,” Chrysalis noted. 

“Yeah…” Blaze fell asleep while I was petting her, but I continued to practically lay on top of her and continue petting her. It felt nice, Blaze liked it, and it was helping me a bit better about myself. “Ah, me and Blaze had each other’s backs for so damn long, that…” I shook my head. “Ah, sorry about up and disappearing, saying that I wanted the day alone and whatnot, just to do this,” I gestured to the kitsune I was using as a bed. “I just think if I didn’t have some form of company, I woulda threw myself in the canals and let this nightmare of a life end.”

“...And here I was thinking you’d lash out at Twilight and her friends.”  Chrysalis walked around, wrapped her forelegs around the both of us, and laid her head on top of mine. Despite me having a kitsune to add to my stature, Chrysalis was still a lot taller than either of us, apparently. “I would much rather you have Blaze here to keep you anchored, rather than finding your body floating down the river, Ostri. Do not apologize for needing company when you clearly needed it. I just apologize for not being able to get to you quickly enough; Cadance talked me out of killing everypony that tracked you down.”

“It wouldn’t be a good idea, or legal, to kill off one of Equestria’s main lines of defense during a war.”

“Say guys,” I pointed at the newspaper. “Since Equestria’s spies, the changelings, are fucking stupid, they announced what cities are getting attacked in the public newspaper.”

“...Oh.” Chrysalis groaned. “I am going to have to teach Thorax not to do that. I thought he left the military and spywork to Pharynx…” She shook her head. “Luckily, I believe that the drones had enough sense to back the fuck out of the ships after they got what they needed.”

“Oh well,” I shrugged. I got up from the pile and did a stretch before tumbling right back in. “It’s a beautiful night to sleep under the stars. Hey Shiny, Cadance, wanna join?”

“Uh… isn’t this sorta thing-”

“Ostri asked if you wanted to cuddle, Shining Armor,” Blaze said with her eyes closed. “He likes both you and your wife. Just accept the offer and join us. Neither me or Chrysalis will mind…” She lifted her head. “Not here. Not fucking here.”

“Uh, Blaze, is something wrong?”

“...I believe the kumiho that was trying to court me, before I left Honshu a thousand years ago, has finally managed to track me down. I can feel him in the area, and I know he knows I’m here too.” Huh.

“So we’re fucked.” I grumbled as I stood up.

“We might be,” Blaze admitted.

I fucking hate life.

“Well, it’s been a good run,” I threw my hoof around a couple of times. “Who knows? He may not be all that bad.”

“Well… he was rather handsome last time I met him. I just wasn’t looking for a mate at the time so I didn’t take him up on his offer.” Blaze shrugged. “For a kumiho, I don’t think he was that violent, but we won’t know for sure… Let us go to the outskirts of town, Ostri; at least then he won’t target anyone in Baltimare besides us.”

“We are coming along,” Chrysalis said. “I’ve been fueled up with love, and between me, Cadance and Shining Armor, if this kumiho becomes violent, I doubt we would lose a fight with it.”

“Alright then. C’mon guys, let’s get moving.”