
by DarthMaul22

Chapter 6.5: Bon Bon

Bon Bon emptied the bucket of soapy water into the kitchen sink. Letting out a sigh, she started to rinse the bucket as well as the sponge she had been using. Cleaning the walls had taken up the entire day, even with the stepladder. The house would smell like chicken fetus for a few days, but it would pass.

Returning the bucket and sponge to the cabinet below the sink, Bon Bon gave the house a once-over to make sure she didn’t miss anything. She had just finished cleaning the walls, all of Lyra’s little contraptions had been dismantled and disposed of, and her little ‘barricade’ was cleaned up.

Bon Bon sat down at the table. She wasn’t used to the quiet she found herself in. Most of the time, at least one of the two mares were talking – either Lyra going on and on about her beloved bipeds, or Bon Bon chastising her about the ensuing shenanigans.

Bon Bon, having already finished her current library book, retired to her room. Secretly, she enjoyed Lyra’s antics to some extent. She had extreme tenacity and the way her eyes lit up when she got to talking about it was rather endearing – even a little cute. Sometimes, though, she took things too far.

This was one of those times. Bon Bon settled down in her bed with a sigh. Lyra’s craziness was always present, and she had hoped it would tone down some after she moved in. Instead, it only got worse and worse. This last time, she had decided enough was enough. Bon Bon closed her eyes for a nap.

She could at least take solace in the fact that now, she knew things would’ve never worked out between them.