A Jewel of a Problem (Please stop adding to faves or bookshelves)

by Rainbow Sparkle

End of One Day, Beginning of Another

-*-Diamond Tiara (Cain)-*-

I marched down the road, grimacing at the crusted, dried mud which stuck to my fur. The Apple Family’s barn was only a speck in the horizon as we neared Ponyville. Luckily, Silver Spoon seemed content with walking in silence.

We’d past several ponies by now, and I could've sworn they were watching my every move, whispering snarky comments behind my back. But I couldn’t muster the energy to care, as my legs began to wobble. Sweat stuck to my back -- like a soggy sweater -- and with no tiara, my mane was left hanging over my eyes.

My left fore-hoof clipped a rock, and I crashed forward. Before I could respond, Silver Spoon lifted me onto my hooves. “We’re almost home.” Silver trotted next to me, providing support, despite my weak protest. She simply shook her head, and reluctantly, I accepted the help

Luna’s moon was now visible, peeking over the rooftops, as we neared Diamond Tia-my house. Silver stepped back as I managed to stand on my own four hooves. We stood there. I fidgeted, playing with a tuft of pink fur on my forearm. As the silenced stretched, Silver Spoon was the first to break it. “I should go.” She hoof-bumped my shoulder, before turning towards the large metal gate.

“Silver Spoon,” I called. She looked over her shoulder. “Thanks again!” The shadows had made it difficult to see, but I could have sworn she smiled back. She finally exited the courtyard and turned past the gate. I was on my hind-legs waving.

I lowered my hooves; then I carefully craned my head towards the gargantuan doorway. The mansion that stood proudly before could have easily swallowed four or five copies of the Apple family’s barn. How I did not really notice its enormous figure? My mind must have been really, really distracted.

“... home sweet home.” I gulped.

Ominously, the door smoothly opened. I blinked twice, before venturing forward. My hoofsteps -- despite my tiny limbs-- echoed. Golden chandeliers littered the ceiling, which was bright enough to shine off the marble tiles. I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, as I left a trail of dirt.

My head lowered as I continued walking. Several stationed servant ponies watched aghast, while another few rushed over to me, hastily arguing amongst each other on the best case of action. The panic was now spreading like wildfire --several ponies were scrambling on top of one another-- and I could only cringe as their actions became more and more frantic.


Everypony went quiet. The servant-ponies edged away, letting through the oldest pony I’ve ever seen. Granny Smith’s great-grandpa came to mind. His expressionless, wrinkly face had gotten only closer. “This is inadequate.” As he turned, I caught sight of his cutie mark -- a very fancy bow-tie. He clapped his hooves, and in seconds everypony else shuffled out of the main hall.

“Umm…” I shifted side-by-side, fidgeting as he resumed his stare. I gave the pony a sheepish smile as I nervously asked “Surprise?”

He sighed, shaking his head.

I tilted my head to the side, my eyes widening as I asked “Huh-”

A pair of doors slammed open, near the stairwell. The furniture shook, as angry hooves clopped forward. Filthy Rich, with a pipe hanging from his mouth, did not look happy. “Jeeves!!! What is with this ruckus about my little princ-” He stopped mid-sentence, surprise registering on his face as he caught sight of me.

“Diamond?” He asked, and at my nod he rushed over to me, stopping inches away from my beaten up appearance. “P-princess, what did those Apples do to you!?”

“Umm-” I tried to say, but Filthy went right on, not seeming to listen as he started pacing in front of us.

“I trusted them! The bad lot, all of them, making my baby do Celestia knows what!!!”


“Jeeves, go prepare Diamond a bath.” Filthy grimaced. “Please forgive Daddy, if I had known they’d work you like a dog…” He sighed. “That’s it I’m tearing that list up, and I’ll burn it for good measure. Now go have your bubble bath, princess. I’ll have the cooks prepare your favorite dinner.”

“Wait!” I yelped, surprising Filthy Rich and Jeeves. “The Apples didn’t do anything wrong... I just worked a little too hard.” Not to mention mud-wrestled Apple Bloom I thought silently as I looked down to the floor. “I just...” My mind went blank, as I stumbled for words. “Just please... don’t get mad at them.” I squared my shoulders, looking into Daddy’s eyes. “I want to finish that list.”

Filthy Rich and Jeeves kept quiet, watching me. Daddy trotted closer and then roughly hoof-brushed my mane. I couldn’t see his face, as he turned away. He hesitated. “Extra bubbles, Jeeves.” With that, he walked away.

I didn’t know what to feel, as the wrinkly-butler pony led me in the opposite direction.


I flailed my pink hooves into the air, trying to push the extra bubbles from my face. The strong perfumed water, had me hacking. I’d bet two bits, that the rose-flavoured water was making my fur more puffy and soft that I’d thought was humanly possible. But despite my unmanly protests, my two “scrubber-ponies” --whom I’ve lovingly named Wishy and Washy-- massaged and shampooed every bit of my tiny pink body. I had squeaked loudly as their hooves rubbed and rubbed certain spots... including certain non-existent spots... “You’re as pretty as your Mommy,” cooed Washy,which made me grumble.

I wanted to protest, but another pair of hooves lowered right under my shoulder. I shuddered at the sudden spasm, my back beginning to soften. I fluttered my eyes, as Wishy rubbed right next to my sore calf. I gave a content mumble, as the pretty pink bubbles tickled my cheeks. I giggled as I popped the yummy-smelling bubble.

“Tsk-tsk. Your mane is absolutely filthy,” chided Washy or Wishy. “Do you want me to schedule your Friday stylist.”

I chortled. “Sure. It’s been days since my last trim,” My body lurched forward, startling the two scrubber-ponies. Water splashed over the tub, as I tightly held my head. Washy kindly held me close, as I tried to steady my heavy breathing.

For the first time that day, I’d wish the ominous voice in my head would speak. But it was silent, probably taunting me, as I quietly wondered how I knew the bathroom’s decor originated from Le Herb’s design from Prance; or that the water was not only scented with crushed White Bella rose petals but also half-a-bottle of Manehatten chardonnay; or that “Wishy” and “Washy” were Equestria-renowned masseuses that would make Rarity cringe with jealousy.

Then memories of my real mom, of my real family, flickered through my mind. They were joined by memories of my life back on Earth, and in that moment the fear that had been building inside of me was washed away. “I-I’m just imagining things.” I whispered softly into the bubbles as I felt the soothing hooves of Wishy and Washy trying to comfort me.

“Is everything alright Lady Diamond?” Washy asked, and for a brief second I worried that they had heard me.

“Y-Yeah, my head just hurts a little.” I chuckled awkwardly, making my eyes go cross-eyed. “Probably just the bubbles.”

“Oh dear, maybe the bath mix we got was stronger than usual...” Washy murmured, concern written across her face as she glanced at Wishy.

My eyes became wide as saucers,worried they’d think they’d somehow gotten Filthy Rich’s daughter drunk, and were fearing for their jobs. Remembering how Ginger Gold had reacted when she accidentally smacked the door into me, I needed to say something quickly to assuage their fears.

Rubbing my head with a hoof, I gave them a weak smile as I said “Sorry, I was just kidding around...”

Before anypony could say or do anything else, the door to the bath opened, and Mister Wrinkles stepped in. “Ahem-” He called out, getting our attention, “Young heiress, dinner is prepared.”


Dinner turned out to be baked oats with a side of dandelion petals and asparagus. While I wasn’t sure about the flower petals, the oats and asparagus were perfectly fine by me, though I was already beginning to miss the meats I loved eating. What I wouldn’t give for some nice juicy chicken right now…

Once again I was in the dining hall, sitting next to Filthy Rich’s spot at the front. We were alone again, except for Ginger who was standing nearby ready to fetch anything either of us asked for. Both of us were eating in silence, and it was starting to get to me, especially when I noticed that every so often Filthy would glance at me curiously. But he kept eerily quiet, as if imitating a statue.

I was just about to finish the last few petals when Filthy said aloud “I talked to Granny Smith on the telephone earlier.”

I nodded carefully at Filthy’s words. I was wondering where exactly this was going to be going, hoping that I hadn’t somehow done something that would land me in more trouble.

“I was surprised to hear about how well behaved you were, what with how you’ve been acting lately.” His gaze was making me uncomfortable, so I turned my focus to finishing the petals that were left on my plate.

A full minute of silence followed as I gulped down the last bits of my dinner. Pushing my plate forward, I turned to look at Filthy Rich. The uneasiness building inside me was growing exponentially, and I was half-hoping it was dinner. Before I could speak, Filthy spoke. “Ginger, why don’t you go check on the dessert.”

Ginger bowed, offering a quick ‘yes sir’ before ducking out of the room and leaving me with Filthy Rich. Once the door closed, Filthy looked at me. It took a moment for him to realize, I was beginning to shake. His face softened. “Princess, are you feeling alright?”

The question caught me off guard, but then again anything he might have said would have done so, as I hadn’t the faintest idea what was going on through his mind.

“Yes Daddy, I’m fine, just a bit exhausted is all.” I replied a bit too quickly.

His demeanor softened, his stiff posture inclining a few centimeters, his shoulders loosening. He looked to the distance, as he softly swirled his glass, half-filled with Zap Apple Brandy. Silence returned to the room, and once again I started feeling very uncomfortable, fidgeting a little as I waited for whatever it was Filthy was going to do.

“I knew a young colt once...” Filthy said, speaking suddenly as his voice carried through the empty dining hall. “He worked hard princess. He worked very, very hard.” He gave a weak chuckle. “From dawn to dusk he’d work, sacrificing his very soul for every bit.”

I was perked up on my seat, unable to know Filthy was watching me through the wine-glass’ reflection.

“And then one night, as that colt slept, a terrible storm blasted through. The worst Equestria had seen in decades, according to Pegasi. That young pony lost his estate, his bits, and his very livelihood. All his items cast into the wind, lost and never to be seen again.” Filthy carefully sipped his glass.

“The days grew long... as that colt trudged through Canterlot, covered in mud and rags... Everypony, friends he’d once known, offered him help. But he was a proud pony. Strong in his beliefs. So with his head held high he continued his journey.”

I sat patiently, waiting for Filthy to continue his story, but he seemed distracted by his drink. I almost didn’t want to speak. “What happened next?”

He looked at his glass for a moment, his eyes closing as he seemed lost in thought. A moment later, he set down his glass as he opened his eyes, gazing directly at me. “That colt died, the next day.”

Before I’d knew it, I was yelling. “That’s stupid!?” Diamond’s squeaky voice actually seemed to surprise Filthy. “Equestria is about friendship, not-not stupid pride.” I glared at Daddy. “He probably had horrible friends anyways, if they just let him out to just...” I tried my best to hold my composure, anger bubbling within me just under the surface. “Friends don’t just let each other go like that. Friendships are worth fighting for...”

I looked up, surprised by his smile.

“Diamond, I am proud of you.” My heart skipped a beat. He gently brushed my tiara-less head, his eyes shining. “After our meal...” He hesitated, before nodding to himself. “Please, accompany me to my study. I believe you have a story to tell me as well.”

I couldn’t hold my excitement. Daddy had never let me into his private study!! I was about to question how I’d known that, but Filthy had clapped his hooves loudly.

The door clicked open.

The dessert took my breath away, and I was very, very glad my human teeth hadn’t come along with me as I gaped at the stupendous, monstrosity, before me. Cake on cake on cake, coated and filled with creamy frosting, towered above me. Its sugar frosting sparkled in the light. Even more shocking, I recognized the confection towering over me.

“It-It’s the...”

“Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness,” finished Daddy, seemingly smug at my gobsmacked expression. “Or an incomplete version according to that pink pastry chef.” He fetched two silver platters. “Either way, since we’ve lent some funds to the Cakes, they’ve sent us their plans for the upcoming National Dessert Competition.”

It was... glorious.

“Enjoy princess.”

-*-Filthy Rich-*-

After enjoying a slice with his daughter, watching as she happily bit into the sugary creation, Filthy Rich excused himself, telling his princess that he had a few things he needed to check on briefly before they adjourned to his study. Before leaving the dining hall, he couldn’t help but give his little princess another pride filled smile, which she returned before diving back into her cake.

As Filthy Rich made his way towards his study, he was intercepted by Jeeves, who gave a quick bow before hoofing over a basket and declaring “Today’s mail Mister Rich. I apologize for its lateness, but the mail-mare seemed to have once again gotten side tracked in her delivery route. Something about battling mutant mail eating muffins at the Cake’s place.”

“Miss Pinkamena is experimenting again? Well, we better keep our orders from Sugar Cube corner to a minimum again until the dessert competition is done. Thank you for the mail Jeeves.”

Jeeves simply bowed again and went on his way as Filthy Rich took the basket in his teeth and entered his study. Setting the basket on his desk, he quickly sifted through the usual junk mail and left the bills and business letters off to the side to review later. It didn’t take him long to find what he and his princess had been waiting the last week for.

Filthy Rich quickly walked over to the talking tube set into the wall, making sure to flick the switch that would connect the study to the dining hall, before saying “Diamond Tiara, when you’re finished you can come on in.”

He heard a soft yelp from the other end, and then the soft patter of hooves before he heard Diamond Tiara replying “Yes daddy.”

Filthy Rich turned away from the tube, glancing at the letter he held in his hoof, a soft smile gracing his face as he carefully opened it and gazed at the beautiful writing of his beloved wife.

To my dear King and darling Princess...

Please forgive a silly mare’s lateness, but I have been so terribly busy here in Paris. I love you both, so much. Never forget.

Oh! Negotiations in Prance are nearing to a close. Of course, I’ve attracted several Prench suitors, sent to sweep me off my hooves. And my dear King, you’ll find great humour that I’ve broken many hearts.

Filthy Rich broke into laughter, his navy-blue eyes brimming with tears. He leaned on his side, his dark auburn fur pressing against his armchair, as he returned to the letter.

My King, you have already swept me away and I cherish the moment I return, to feel your warmth next to mine. And it gives me great pleasure and enthusiasm to announce that I will be soon returning to Ponyville.

He collapsed into his chair.

Princess Celestia has confirmed the date, I should be home by next week -- four days after you get this letter.

And to my darling Princess, I’ve missed you so. My wonderful, darling daughter. As promised, I have your Prance-Le Floure’ gown, and I will be bringing it with me when I return home. I just know you’re going to love it, you’ll look as regal and beautiful as any princess in Equestria.

I miss you both dearly, and I can not wait to be home holding both of you in my hooves,

Love, your darling Queen,

Silver Tongue

He blinked slowly, stunned at the wondrous news. He looked towards the family portrait which hung proudly above his fireplace. Filthy Rich sat quietly, lost in the image.

He did not turn as a light knock reverberated through the room. Clearing his throat, Filthy Rich called out “Enter.” A second later, the door was pushed open, and his little princess stepped inside.


He pulled back a cry, as he weakly turned to his side. The family portrait flickered in his memory. Diamond stepped gently forward, her worry apparent. To think, that just yesterday he’d saw her shrieking at an elderly mare till she was left in tears.

But now...

Filthy Rich couldn’t help but notice her gait. There was an apparent softness to her features, missing ever since her mother’s departure.

Everypony knew his Cutie Mark meant his special talent was moneymaking. They were partially right. But his success, had also derived from his talent in catching trickery and deceit.

“Daddy, are you okay?” His princess was not acting. He could sense it.

He gently patted the space next to him, amusement playing on his features as his little filly hesitated. Filthy Rich felt his heart strings strung gently, as she walked over and sat down next to him. She seemed a bit nervous, but a few loving strokes of her mane seemed to ease the tension out of her.

“Now Princess...why don’t you tell me about your day?” Filthy Rich asked, pulling her close in a soft embrace as he waited for her to start.

He listened quietly as his Princess launched into her intricate tale of her day in Ponyville. She’d press up onto him, nestled next to him as she tried to move her own tiny hooves to keep up with her exciting tale.

He caught her small yawn, as she begun to mutter about Silver Spoon, and letting her borrow the tiara for the while. His princess rubbed her eyes, her posture getting droopy as she spun her words further.

And as Luna’s moon drifted long past the sky, he kept perfectly still as his princess eventually fell to sleep. She muttered quietly, before snuggling further into his embrace.

Looking down at his precious child, Filthy Rich never felt so fragile, knowing that his wonderful Princess had come back home. They were going to be a family again. He rested his head, catching one last glimpse of the dusty portrait -- a younger him, held by his darling wife, while a playful pink filly sat on his lap -- before he too closed his eyes and drifted off.


That first night was not an easy one for Cain. Being so far away from home in both body and soul, and plagued by nightmares left him tossing and turning, whimpering as he saw images of a trapped small pink filly being chased by horrible monsters that were born from the shadows of the dark.

“Somepony help me!” Cain could hear her screams, with the only response being a mad, deranged cackle that echoed around her and bore into her mind. The filly begged for help as the monsters inched closer.

The sight of the terrified filly sent feelings of rage and helplessness through Cain, as he could do nothing but watch the scene. He wished desperately that the images and sounds would fade away and allow him some peace, but that was not to be. As he was forced to watch, he hoped to himself that he was not the only one suffering this night.

~As it would so happen, he was not, but I’m afraid my friends that’s a tale for another eve. Why yes, I can see you all out there through your silly little screens. I’m even making funny faces faces at you when your not realizing it! But I’m sure you don’t want to hear from little ol me, so I think we’ll just move things right along now.~


-*-Diamond Tiara(Cain)-*-

Day 2

“GUAH!” I shouted, shooting up and smacking my head into something, or someone as I heard a similar yelp a second later. I opened my eyes, seeing a blurry pony shaped face standing before me. Ginger Gold was rubbing her forehead, before looking at me with wide eyes. She leaped at me, and squeezed my cheeks to check for any bruises.

“Oh thank Celestia, you’re finally awake!” I flailed helplessly, as Ginger Gold then pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. “I was starting to worry that something was wrong with you. You kept tossing and turning, and you were muttering in your sleep...” She paused, and then decided to gently put me down. I thankfully sank into the large marshmallow-like pillow.

“I was?” I thought back to my dream, unable to remember. I rolled off the giant cushion, and toppled off my bed. The bed sheets that fell with me were wet, probably from sweat. I unwrapped myself, trying to ignore how sticky my fur felt.

“Definitely. But you were mostly muttering gibberish.” She kneeled down towards me. “You sounded very scared though...were you having a bad dream?”

I tried to remember, but failed. “Maybe. But I have a huge headache.”

Ginger Gold patted me gently. “Well, a warm bubble bath always cures headaches. At least, according to my mother...” She tapped her chin, before smiling widely. “And Mr. Rich did say I needed to...” I shivered, as Ginger giggled to herself.

“That’s not really necessary Ginger...” I murmured as I attempted to crawl away.

“Nu-uh.” She lifted me up, and carried me down the hallway. I gave up trying to escape after several minutes, and was sorta listening to her instructions. “-young ladies. And one more thing. Mayor Mare and Twilight Sparkle are expecting you.” My ears wiggled. “The Mayor at town hall. Then after, Twilight requested to give you a special assignment.”

My face blushed red, “Twilight...”

I clamped my jaw shut, realizing Ginger Gold was looking at me funny. “Ehehe. Umm.” I caught sight of a nearby clock. “I mean-umm- Right off the bat? Can’t it wait like an hour or two?”

Ginger’s answer was straight to the point and very direct; She simply lifted me up and unceremoniously dropped me in the tub.

Coughing and sputtering, I brushed my drenched mane aside and muttered “I’ll take that as a no then.”

“Sorry Miss Tiara, but Mister Rich was very clear.” She poured a bucket of water on top of me. “He wants you punctual, on the dot.” Rose-scented shampoo was slathered on top of me.

Bath time was a blur, as she massaged my tiny soapy body. After squeaking too many times (obviously, in the most manly of ways...), it felt as if I had just woken up at the breakfast table all squeaky clean.

I stared at the bowl of oatmeal, as the chef bowed away. I poked the mooshy gloop before gobbling it up.


I was all dressed up, sitting out on a red-silk cushion. There was a ruffly pink skirt, wrapped around my torso. And our house-stylist had ponytailed my mane. I should have been more irritated, but it did keep the hair from my face.

I looked at the note, Filthy Rich had left for me.


Daddy received an urgent call. Sorry, we could not meet at breakfast.

Ginger Gold volunteered to pass all instructions. Remember Princess: 1) Mayor Mare 2) Twilight Sparkle. Both are very influential ponies.

Keep making Daddy proud.



PS~ Don’t let the maids do your homework. Jeeves will tell me if you do.

I stopped at the last part, and my eyes went wide as saucers. “HOMEWORK?! B-But it’s supposed to be summer!”

Or, at least, it was back on Earth.

“Is everything alright Miss Tiara?” Ginger asked, poking her head through the kitchen door.

“Calendar! I need a calendar! And I need every school book I have! NOW!”

There was suddenly a flurry of movement, and I watched in amazement as several staff members that seemed to pop out of the walls ran off, returning moments later with the items I had requested. Ginger Gold set a cutesy calendar on the table, and a quick glance confirmed two things.

That it was indeed summer, and that it was the exact same date it would have been back on Earth. Which meant that in Equestria, school went on even in the summer.

Great, not only do I have to take Diamond Tiara’s punishment, I also have go to school for her! This can’t get any worse!

A door opened, and Jeeves poked his head out and said, “Miss Tiara, I’m afraid you only have ten minutes, seems some of our clocks are off half an hour.”

With a groan, I banged my head on the table. Today was just going to be a blast.


“Here we are Miss Tiara.”

“Thanks Rickshaw.” I said, hopping out of the carriage. I flashed a smile at Rickshaw, an old brown Earth Pony who worked for Filthy Rich as a carriage driver. He gave me an odd look before shrugging and trotting off with the carriage.

Frowning slightly, I briefly wondered why Rickshaw didn’t return the smile before shaking my head. I had more important things to do, like getting this ‘being the mayor’s assistant’ bit out of the way as soon as possible. To that end, I turned and marched up the steps of the town hall, some excitement making its way through me as I pushed the door open. I was after all going to get an inside look into how Ponyville was run.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside.

The room was spotless-- bureaucracy at its finest. I almost tripped over several stairs, as a gaped at the amount of ponies zipping and zooming everywhere. Unlike the first MLP episode, the structure was jam-packed with working ponies. There were typing ponies, delivery ponies, janitor ponies, greeter ponies, secretary ponies, arguing ponies, agreeing ponies, and ponies who seemed to be doing assignments that left my mind boggled.

I would have said it was similar to a fresh, clean DMV (or any other government setting) but the COLORS were almost blinding. The pristine pinks and reds and yellows were overloading my cutesy-senses.

I shook my head, attempting to regain my focus from the crowd of colorful ponies.

“Oh boy!!! I mean, oh girl-!!” A bubbly voice greeted me. “Oops! I mean, hi there Diamond Tiara!” l turned around, just to see Derpy (Ditzy?) knocking a stack of papers as she rushed towards me.

She gave me a kind smile as she flew over, though her smile faded and she tilted her head in confusion. “Hey, what happened to your tiara? That bird didn’t take it again, did it?”

I shook my head, replying “Oh no, my friend is borrowing it for the weekend.”

Derpy’s smile returned. “Ah! That’s so nice of you. You’re totally an awesome friend.”

“Yeah…but it does feel kinda odd to not have it on.” I shook away the feeling. “Anyways, I trust Silver Spoon will take good care of it.”

“Friends are definitely the best!” Derpy’s smile faded for a moment, before giving a happy cheer. “It’s never fun to lose a friend.” I nodded to her, and she gave my head a quick pat before she said “Well, I’ve got to get going! Lots and lots and lots of mail to deliver. See ya later!”

I waved back, watching her vanish through the front window. My heart was racing, having met another pony I’d adored from the show.

*ahem* “Miss Tiara?”

I looked over my shoulder. A unicorn looked at me, tapping her hoof. “Miss Tiara, I presume?” She levitated a notepad with a black quill.

I nodded politely “Yes, ma'am.” I straightened my posture, before bowing. “Miss Tiara, reporting for duty.” I couldn’t help myself, as I politely walked alongside her.

She quirked an eyebrow at me, surprise clearly written on her face as she silently appraised me. I kept my face blank. She soon made a ‘hmph’ sound before turning and stating “Just follow me, the Mayor is waiting for you.”

I followed her through a pair of doors, which led into a long hallway filled with office-cubicles. Swathes of ponies were busy at work, behind their desks.

As we continued to walk, we eventually reached a doorway. The unicorn tapped the door with her horn, and the doorway -clicked- loudly. “She will see you now.” Before I could speak, she was already hurrying off to her next task.

“Miss Tiara!” exclaimed a cheerful voice, and suddenly I was pulled inside. A gray-maned mare smiled broadly, as she sat me down onto a cushion. “I was so startled that the daughter of my best sponsor wanted to assist me.” Mayor Mare quickly trotted behind her desk, trying to hide the beads of sweat on her forehead.

“Oh. Umm. I wanted to apologi-”

“Haha. No need to apologize my dear!” she interrupted quickly. I didn’t know ponies could smile that wide. “Such a smart filly would normally want to explore her natural talents at journalism.” She seemed to calm slightly. “But when your generous father asked to have you assist me. Oh my, I was so surprised! Of course, I do love the help........eheheh.”

I was about to speak, but Mayor Mare had already rushed me out her room. I spent the first few minutes doing absolutely nothing, as every other employee had been ordered to do cater to my every whim. An office pony had even brought me lemonade. For some, this would have been a lucky break, and I did think of it as such.

For about five seconds. Then it got annoying. I wasn’t a big fan of pampering, and that’s basically what they were doing, and it made me sick to my stomach. The only problem was, I wasn’t sure how to get them to stop.

Then, it came to me.

“Excuse me...Misty Rain, right?” I asked the Pegasi Mayor Mare had told me to talk to if I needed anything.

“Yes Miss Tiara? Is there something I can do for you?”

A small smirk came to my face, and I said “Yes actually, you can give me something to do.”

“O-Oh...but, um...the Mayor said that you-”

My smirk vanished, and I sighed as I gazed at her, my expression clearly stating how tired of this I was. “Mayor Mare said to cater to my every whim, right?” Misty Rain seemed to hesitate for a moment, before nodding. I continued on “Well then, my whim is for you to find something productive for me to do! Chop chop!”

Despite my annoyance at the staff, it was rather amusing to see how fast she dashed off. A minute later she returned with the dour and unhappy face of the unicorn I’d seen earlier.

“Why did you bring me over here Misty Rain? I’ve already told you I’m not kissing the brats hooves.” She said, which only served to make several of the nearby workers glance nervously our way.

“Quick Quill...don’t let the Mayor hear you saying that, you don’t want to lose your job do you?” Misty Rain whispered to her, but the Unicorn snorted and replied

“If keeping this job requires me having to babysit that sorry excuse for a filly, then to Tartarus with this job.”

Amazingly enough, I smirked. I was suddenly liking this mare’s attitude. It was refreshing from having to deal with the servants who did whatever they could to please me,...well, technically, ah you know what I mean.

“Excuse me Miss Quill, but I think you’re going to want to hear what I have to say.”

Quick Quill turned her eyes towards me, glaring daggers of eye-death at me as she asked “Oh really? And what in Eques-”

“Give me some work.”


“Work! You know, the stuff you do everyday? Give me something to do, I can’t just stand around here all day doing nothing.”

~Oh my, what a face, guahahaha, that is just priceless!~

I had to agree with the voice, the look on Quick Quill’s face was an amusing one. This only caused my smirk to widen into a smile as I did a short hop in the air.

“C’mon, I’m bored! Give me something to do, I don’t care what it is!”

Quick Quill seemed to be just a tad confused, as she quickly took a look around before asking “You didn’t swap the brat out for a long lost twin sister or something when I wasn’t looking, did you?”

I sighed, giving her a tired stare as I said “Look, are you going to give me some work to do, or do I have to go around doing random things until you give me one to get me outta the way?”

Quick Quill finally seemed to come out of her dazed state, as a mischievous spark appeared in her eyes. “So...” She purred, “You want something to do that badly eh? I think I’ve got a few things you could work on...”

My enthusiasm vanished, and I gulped. Somehow, I had a feeling I might regret asking her for the work.


As it turned out, she didn’t give me anything highly impossible for me to do, or anything that was demeaning even to me. No, she basically used me as a messenger pony, delivering files from one part of the office to another. Every now and then she’d also have me go get her or one of her underlings coffee, but other than that, it was nothing hard.

I think she had a bit too much fun ordering me around though.

“Minion! It’s lunch time, take 15, and be back on the dot!”

I rolled my eyes at Quick Quills use of the word minion, but gave a nod as I gathered my lunch from my bags and made my way out to the steps. I quickly set about devouring my tulip and honey sandwich, letting my mind wander off on its own as I zoned out.

“Hey Diamond!”

I glanced up to see the approaching form of Silver Spoon. It was actually a bit disconcerting to see DT’s tiara perched on her head, though it certainly didn’t seem out of place on the silver filly.

“Hiya Silver Spoon.” I called out to her, giving a quick wave as I downed what was left of my lunch. When she reached where I was sitting I got up and instinctively we went through the motions of their trademark greeting, laughing a bit when we finished.

“It feels good, doing that with you again.” Silver said as she sat down by me. As cheesy as the whole thing was, I had to admit that part of me enjoyed doing the little sugar lump rump thing.

“Thanks for accepting my apology...I’m not sure how I would have felt if you didn’t...”

“Okayy.” Silver Spoon tilted her glasses. “You’ve been apologizing wayyy too much recently, are you feeling okay?”

I was silent for a moment, trying to decide how to answer that. After a moment, I settled on a half-truth.

“I guess you could say...I feel different. Like I’m seeing things in a whole new light, or something.” I murmured, gazing up at the sky for a moment. I glanced back at Silver Spoon, and a small smile formed as I said “You know, that tiara looks really good on you.”

Silver Spoon frowned, then put a hoof on my head. She then looked at my dress, smudged with several ink-blots. “Diamond, maybe you sho-”


I groaned, face-hoofing as I said “Ugh, the slave-driver calls.” I offered a weak smile to Silver and said “Sorry, but I guess I have to go back in there. At least it’ll be over soon.”

I got up to head back in, but a hoof on my back made me pause, and I turned to see Silver looking at me in concern. I pulled her into a quick hug and said “Sorry, I wish we could chat more, but...” I sent a glance back at the town hall, rolling my eyes as I did so.

“Hey, Diamond, listen...” Silver Spoon started, concern still in her eyes as she continued, “If you want to talk after you’re done here, I’ll be at SugarCube Corner.”

I nodded. “If I have time, I’ll be there.”

Silver nodded, and trotted off in the general direction of SugarCube Corner, while I headed back inside, where I got a short tongue lashing from the slave driver.

Round 2 of the slave-driver was as exciting and funtacular as expected. As it would turn out; however, we’d both somehow lost track of time. We learned this when Mayor Mare finally decided to poke her head out of the office, and shrieked as she caught sight of me balancing a stack of folders on my back.

“Wha-What in Celestia are you still doing here!?” She crashed through a desk chair, as she charged forward. “And what are you doing?!”

“Umm...working?” I innocently asked as I brought the folders over to Misty Rain’s desk, who quickly hopped into the air and cried out,

“It wasn’t my idea!!!” She cried out. “I swear!”

“Oh put a sock in it Misty.” Quick Quill spat, quickly stepping forward. Her demeanor softened as she gave the Mayor a fake-smile. “Miss Tiara simply inquired that she be given something to do.” She rubbed my mane hard, digging into my scalp. “Her performance was...” I noticed her grimace for half-a-second. “Exemplary.”

“Oh, but look at her!” Mayor Mare screamed loudly, causing the worker ponies to cringe. “She’s a mess!! And her father-oh no oh no... and I was so hoping nothing would go wrong.” She stormed towards Quick Quill, pointing her hoof. “You-You-You...” She stammered, unable to shriek the right words.

I rolled my eyes at the scene unfolding before me. As I did so, I happened to glance a nearby clock...

… and I yelped, nearly leaping into the air as I read the time. I had five minutes to get over to the library!

“Ohnononononnononononno... I’m going to be TARDY!!!”

~Blech, that was terrible!~

“Shut up annoying disembodied voice!” I said as dashed off to grab my stuff, giving quick “BYE!” to everyone in the town hall as I sped out the doorway, down Ponyville.

If I’d stayed longer, I’d likely have heard Mayor Mare ripping into Quick Quill, spouting how she had me talking to imaginary voices now. But unfortunately I didn’t, as I was too busy swerving past ponies. I could see the big tree in the distance.

Suddenly, I crashed backwards as my head slammed into sompony. I toppled over, as parchment and quills rained down upon me. Climbing to my feet, I was about to try and help whomever I had bumped into, when...

“Oh my, are you alright?”

I recognize that voice!!