//------------------------------// // Old stories, New beginnings // Story: Child of the Night // by Field_Marshal_Luna //------------------------------// Child of the Night by Field_Marshal_Luna Co-written by AfterTouch Chapter One: Old Stories, New beginnings July 2nd Year: 804 ADB (After Discord Banishment) Perspective: Nightmare Moon I slowly looked down into the bundle of cloth, as I cradled it in my hooves. "You are called Shadow Moon my little one" The small tyrian purple alicorn in my hooves giggled with a heart melting smile; her ethereal jet black mane was slightly tinged with a deep purple, her mane covered one of her beautiful purple draconic eyes as it blew in the non existent wind, her wings folded to her side and her horn was slightly protruding from the cloth. "I love you Shadow, I will always be by your side." Small tears of joy began to trickle down my cheeks, ‘This is my foal, my beautiful foal...’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 7th Year: 1809 ADB Perspective: Twilight Sparkle The small purple air balloon slowly began to descend on the town of Ponyville, 'why did she send me to do this again?' the village itself was a small rustic farming town, wooden houses with straw roofs. The balloon finally landed and I began to climb out; just as one hoof touched the ground a pink whirl toppled me over, after I regained my sight, I noticed a over energetic pink mare; her mane and tail were pink again but it looked like they were inflated with air. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie what's your name?" Just as I was about to tell her she let out a large gasp and shot off like a bullet. "Okay?" confused about how strange pinkie pie is I just sigh and bring out the checklist in my saddlebags. "So...Applejack huh? I guess she is doing the food at... Sweet Apple Acres." I put the list back in my bag and started to walk into town, along the way I could only imagine how else I could spend my day then in this backward town. After about a ten minute walk, I found myself just outside sweet apple acres. In the fields I could see a orange mare apple bucking. "Excuse me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Can you come up here!" The orange mare turned around, as she saw me she smiled and slowly trotted towards me. "Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle-" "Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!" I frowned as my face deadpanned. "I don't think I am the type of person who you want to be frien-." "So then what can I do for ya?" Applejack was stood there smiling at me again. "Well I am here to check if you have all the food ready for the Summer Sun Celebration" I spat out the last three words. "I sure am sugarcube, wanna sample some?" At that point I turned around and started to slowly walk away. "No sorry, but I have a lot of other things to do." Applejack frowned for a second, upset that I didn't stay. "Well I hope to see you at the Summer Sun celebration." I looked back again and saw her smiling a big toothy grin. "Oh you will, and I am sure to look for you there." "Okay next on the list is... Rainbow Dash... and she is sorting out the weather?" I look up into the sky and see it dotted with hundreds of little clouds, I deeply sigh in frustration. 'This is going to be a long day...' After getting over my tantrum, I began to walk down the road which leads back into town, when I reached the bottom of the road I spotted a low flying cloud with a streak of rainbow coloured hair draping down. 'Rainbow mane? I guess that is her' I could not really careless right now so I amplified my voice. "Get up now!" My voice started to tremble the glass windows close by and caused Rainbow Dash to shoot about thirty feet into the air. "Oh my god" Rainbow Dash landed on the ground next to me panting deeply in shock. "Sweet Celestia that scared the hay out of me!" I chuckled lightly at Rainbow's antics, 'best part of my day so far...' "Hi I'm Twilight Sparkle," 'I hate this job...' "and I am here to help organize the summer sun celebration!" I said in a fake cheery tone. "It says here that you are to manage the weather in Ponyville?" "Yep. Name's Rainbow Dash, best youngest flier in all of Equestria and soon to be Wonderbolt!" Rainbow spoke in an over confident tone, 'And I couldn't really careless .' "Okay... well you need to get a move on since there are hundreds of clouds in the sky..." "Pfft, I can clear that in ten. Seconds.Flat." The last three words were emphasized with her hoof moving across in a 'chill out' sort of sign. I can already tell this mare is going to get on my nerves... "Okay then; prove it." I smirked as Rainbow glared daggers at me. "Fine" In a flash Rainbow Dash shot into the air and began bucking clouds into nothingness, my smirk grew; 'piece of cake...' after exactly ten seconds Rainbow Dash landed besides me again panting with a 'I proved you wrong' look. "Told *pant* I could *pant* do it." "Yeah you sure showed me... and Rainbow Dash? Thanks for making my job a whole lot easier." I turned around and headed off towards my next destination, 'hmmm so I am looking for a yellow pegasus called Fluttershy, And she is found in her cottage by the Everfree Forest?' shaking my head I began to trot out of town and crossing small, old bridge which crossed a small stream. In front of me was a medium sized cottage, it was very quaint and rustic and looked rather inviting. Outside the cottage though was a yellow Pegasus; her mane and tail were both baby pink, the mare seemed shy as she hid behind her mane. "Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I am here to help organize the Summer Sun Celebration" 'So help me god, if I have to say that line again I will rip out someone's esophagus!' The shy mare seemed to shrink at my words. "I'm Flutter..." She spoke so softly it could tame a manticore. "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that." She looked down at her hooves and hid her face behind her mane again. "My name is Fluttersh..." "One more time please." I put on a friendly grin trying to boost her confidence. This time no words came out only a high-pitched squeal. "Well... I am here to check on the progress on the birds." Instantly her attitude changed from quiet and shy to very enthusiastic. "Oh! Well why didn't you say so; me and my feathered little friends have been practicing all morning!" "Oh well why don't I take a look then?" The timid yellow Pegasus nodded and began to trot towards a small oak tree full of different species of birds. Fluttershy walked up in front of the birds and spoke in a commanding, but motherly tone. "Now come on let's show Miss Twilight what we have learned today!" One side of the tree began to whistle a soft and slow tune, it was melodic and comforting; it was the type of tune you would sing a foal at bedtime. Then, the middle section of the birds began to chirp adding more character into the harmony, it reached deep into the soul and toyed with my emotions, I felt happy and powerful for once today, it was as if all my stress and anger had left. 'Fluttershy has some amazing talent with animals! It would take months for the trainers at the castle to organize this...' Finally the final section of the birds began to contribute the part, with all three sections singing and chirping in harmony it was like a full orchestra playing an amazing symphony; slowly the birds began to fade out into a soft hum, and finally cutting out altogether. "Wow Fluttershy! That is amazing! I don't think I have ever met somepony with as much talent with animals than you" Fluttershy blushed at my compliment, her light yellow coat tinged with a deep red blush. "Oh... it was nothing really, it was just my special talent..." "Anyway I see you are ahead of schedule, so I will leave you be for the rest of the day." I lightly smile at the timid young Pegasus and turn around, only to stop and look back. "Um, sorry about this... but do you know where carousel boutique is?" "Oh... its um in the town centre... it looks like a large tent... you can't miss it." I nod again in thanks and began to trot back into town. 'Well that has lifted my spirits up in this awful town, finally somepony with proper organizational skills!' I made my trip back into town crossing the same old bridge and down the paths into the centre, the streets were lightly dotted with pony's shopping in the market, to the west of the market was what Fluttershy had described, 'Hmm, ha it does kinda look like a tent' I trotted towards the entrance and opened the door, as it opened a small bell chimed to signal that a customer had arrived. A high-pitched female voice came out from the back of the shop "I'm coming! Just wait one second please!" A snow white unicorn mare came out from behind a purple dressing curtain, she had deep azure eyes, her purple mane and tail were curled, causing them to hug her body tightly. "What can I do for you today madam?" Her voice was etiquette and refined, and her accent was of the upper crust nobles of Canterlot. "Yes Miss Rarity, I am Twilight Sparkle, and I am here to organize the summer sun celebration." Rarity's jumped back slightly in shock. "Y-your T-Twilight Sparkle?! Celestia's prized student?! Celestia's prized student is in my boutique!" I sighed deeply at her rant, 'I hate this job...' "Please... just shut up." Immediately Rarity stopped talking and shied away; hiding behind her mane. "I'm sorry... about that was very unprofessional of me... now please tell me what I can do for you today?" "Well like I said, I am here to overlook and organize the Summer Sun Celebration; and I can already tell you are well on your way with your work so I do not think there is any need for me here..." I really could not be bothered anymore; I just want to get to the library and go to sleep. "Oh, of course darling; I am sure you have a million and one thing's you would rather be doing right now," This mare is smarter than I thought. "Oh and darling, if you would ever like a dress do not hesitate to call for me, the first is always free." Rarity smiled at me and I forced smile back. "Goodbye Rarity, I will see you at the celebration." I turned around and walked out of the door, 'God it's been a long day. I can't wait until I can just go to sleep' As I left the boutique I noticed the moon was slowly rising, the image of a mare on the moon slowly lifted above the horizon, the mare was linked to the legend of 'The mare of the moon.' But I know Nightmare Moon will be released tomorrow, I slowly made my way to my temporary home, as I enjoyed the cool air hitting my coat, finally I was at the library; it was a large tree and was near the town centre I walked down my path and opened the door, inside was pitch black causing me to stumble around whilst I looked for the light switch, 'gotcha!' I flicked on the lights. "SURPRISE!" Twenty ponies jumped out from nowhere and scared the living hay out of me! It took all my restraint to not snap one of their necks out of surprise, out of the crowed the same pink mare came hopping towards me. "Were you surprised? Huh huh huh?" 'What was her name again? I think her name was Pinkie Pie.' "Uh sure, now please I am going to bed I've had a very long day." ,I said in a very bored tone, Pinkie's mane deflated and she put on world-class puppy dog eyes. "D-did you not like the party?" Pinkie started to cry a little, if it was anyone else they would have apologized immediately, but I couldn't really careless. I ignored her and trotted up my steps into my bedroom. I opened the double door's which led to the balcony, I looked up at the moon again, 'Please return... I miss you.' I yawned deeply 'oh I guess today took more out of me than I thought, it would be best if I got a few hours of sleep before the raising of the sun.' I began to trot towards the small bed in the centre of the room. As I laid down onto the bed I slowly began to drift off to sleep, 'I'll see you soon... we will be together once again.'