//------------------------------// // 19. Repartee and Repose // Story: Address Unknown // by remedy //------------------------------// Chapter 19 – Repartee and Repose A soft knock on the library door floated to Twilight, causing her heart to skip and flutter. She had been anxiously awaiting Derpy’s return all morning; there was an enormous amount of information she wanted to discuss with the pegasus. She needed to know how the night went with Rainbow Dash, and if the two had managed to get along. She also had to let Derpy know about the significant discovery Rarity had made, as well as the invitation to the spa the next day. Of course, last but not least, she had missed Derpy’s presence terribly, even though it had only been for the remainder of the day. She couldn’t wait to feel her embrace, enjoying the warmth and the slight tingle from their coats brushing together, or to feel her lips pressed against her own, subtle darts of their tongues pushing excitement into each other. The thoughts were already arousing her, but, with difficulty, she repressed her urges; sensuous activities would have to wait for later. She took a moment to compose herself, ready to meet Rainbow Dash and Derpy at the door, greet her marefriend affectionately, and profusely thank Rainbow for agreeing to take care of her sightless partner. She paused at the door, however; a foreboding silence had followed the knocking. Her soul felt heavy at the implication it could have. Perhaps Derpy and Rainbow Dash had not gotten along at all, and weren’t even on speaking terms. Her heart rate picked up at the thought of what may have been the most uncomfortable night the two mares had ever had, and she shivered at the knowledge that it was her idea to put them together in the first place. She bit her lip in anxiety, readying an apology to both in her mind in case she found them outside in an arrogant stalemate, neither acknowledging the other’s existence. A misjudgment on Twilight’s part could have both prevented a mended relationship between the two pegasi, and created a rift in her friendship with both of the mares. She shuddered at that thought, that she could possibly have alienated both the mare she loved deeply as well as one of her most trusted friends. She steeled herself for whatever situation she would be presented with, and nervously opened the door. She was shocked to find only Derpy waiting patiently for her. Had Rainbow Dash dropped her off and just left, not even wanting to talk with Twilight at all? Her mind was abuzz with confusion as she looked about for Dash, until her eyes returned to Derpy, who was still standing outside the library, looking puzzled at the unicorn’s vacant gaze. A realization forced its way into Twilight’s head as she stared at Derpy, the truth of why she was alone taking unusually long to sink in. She was alone because she didn’t need a guide. Derpy’s sight was back. Twilight’s mind tried to make sense of the situation, but her recent suspicion kept a tight hold. Reality clashed against the scenario her brain had created, her mind lost all focus and function, and she stood inert from shock. Derpy was still left standing outside the library, utterly baffled by Twilight’s behavior. She wasn’t quite concerned – she was beginning to recognize some of Twilight’s peculiar quirks, such as this one – but she still was unable to come up with any reason for it. She waited a few moments for Twilight to come around to her senses, but the few moments passed without change. Derpy offered an inquisitive, “Twilight? Are you okay? Twi?” She waved her hoof in front of the unicorn’s face, but the look of shock still remained. Derpy quietly grinned to herself. It seemed that if she wanted to snap her lover out of her trance, she’d need to take ‘drastic measures’. She approached Twilight slowly and wrapped her hooves around the neck and withers of the mare, allowing her to support her marefriend as well as give her a warm hug. Then she gently pressed her muzzle against Twilight’s, her lips slightly parted, and gave unicorn the softest kiss that she had ever received. At first there was no response, but quickly Derpy felt the lips touching her own begin to quiver. Heat rushing through Twilight’s face as her eyes closed in pleasure, until the unicorn gradually melted toward the ground, kept upright only by Derpy’s supporting embrace. Derpy allowed the kiss to linger until she felt the tip of a tongue tapping against her lips, seeking entry. She teasingly refused the attempt for now, affectionately giving Twilight a final light peck as she pulled away slowly, eliciting a small groan of disappointment from Twilight. Derpy watched as Twilight’s eyes fluttered open, still seemingly in somewhat of a daze, and she gave the unicorn a coy smirk. “There will be plenty of time for that later, Twi. How about we head inside for a bit?” Twilight nodded groggily, a dreamy smile smearing across her face as she allowed the pegasus entry, and then closed the door behind them. They headed inside the library, taking seats close to each other on the sofa, and Derpy noticed that Twilight was starting to become more lucid now. Derpy gave her marefriend a playful grin. “It’s not often that I get to see you that unresponsive, not that I mind the cure for it.” She licked her upper lip lightly to tease Twilight a little more. Twilight shook her head to clear it some more, her comprehension returning. She gazed back into Derpy’s eyes, reflecting on how beautiful they were. Though askew, the amber colored irises of the pegasus were captivating, and Twilight was reminded just how adorable Derpy could be. She had seen Derpy as beautiful before, and since their relationship began she had the privilege of watching Derpy’s confidence grow, but never before had she seen Derpy so playful or teasing. Derpy was obviously opening up to Twilight, and it seemed the openness was extending to the rest of her friends as well. The heat spreading down her body reassured her that she did not mind the flirtatious behavior, and her tail flicked absentmindedly to the side. She leaned forward on the couch with closing eyes, clearly intent on finishing what Derpy had started only minutes ago. She felt something press against her muzzle, but it wasn’t the soft texture of another muzzle; rather, it was much harder and colder. Her eyes floated back open to see Derpy wearing an entertained look and casually holding a hoof over her marefriend’s mouth to halt her advances. Twilight sat back and gave a little pout at the denial. Derpy simply shook her head, the grin never leaving her face. “I told you, we’ll have plenty of time for that, but later.” The grin changed to a warm smile. “Don’t you think we should at least catch up on what’s happened in the past day, and maybe take some time to unwind? I know I have several bits of news you might like to hear.” Twilight blinked several times before her mental circuitry reminded her that she also had some things she had wanted to talk about. She was slightly amused yet annoyed with herself at how easily Derpy had derailed her train of thought. Finally free of all concerns and distractions, she nodded back with a smile of her own. “I never thought I would have been thrown so far off course like that,” she gave a playful grin of her own. “But you’re absolutely right, and I have news of my own for you.” Her smile turned to a look of pure excitement; she could barely contain the information she had for Derpy about the spell, not to mention the invitation to the spa. However, she wanted to hear about Derpy’s night with Rainbow Dash first, and was definitely interested in how and when she regained her sight. “Okay, you first.” Twilight sat almost bubbling over with excitement, looking expectantly at Derpy for the update on the previous night. “When did your vision come back? And how did things go with you guys?” Derpy held up a hoof to calm Twilight down. “I got my sight back this morning, but I’ll get to that in a little bit.” Twilight looked flustered at the delay to her answer, but still sat, listening. “Yesterday started off pretty much as expected. Rainbow wasn’t exactly pleasant to me, and a couple times, well, she was actually pretty mean.” She frowned at the recollection. “It felt as though she was literally trying to find ways to be mad at me. A few times I even cried a little bit about it. I was feeling pretty horrible.” An indignant look stole over Twilight’s face, but Derpy continued before her friend could voice her frustrations and anger. “I didn’t think she had noticed, but now I think she just may have. Obviously, I couldn’t see if she was watching me, but as the night went on, she started acting… strange. She seemed to space out at times, and would get really quiet for much longer than I’ve ever seen Rainbow get. She was really interested in the… uh, pictures and stuff I had around my room.” Derpy danced around the topic of the pictures; she realized halfway through her sentence that Twilight had never been to her house, and had never seen her chart collection. Now wasn’t the time to bring it up. “Rainbow Dash actually cooked me dinner. I was surprised that she would go to so much trouble for me, when earlier she had pretty much made it clear she outright hated me. I assumed she was trying to do it as a favor to you.” Twilight sat with an astonished look, but nodded. The same thought had occurred to her as well, though she still was having a difficult time believing the polar shifts in Dash’s behavior. “We went to sleep; I offered her my bed, but she refused and slept on the couch instead. When I got up, my sight had returned, and it’s actually a bit better than it was before.” Twilight gave a wide smile at that update. “I don’t think she slept very well at all last night. I heard her cooking breakfast, but she looked really ragged, like she had been up all night. When she saw me, she came over, and out of nowhere started apologizing like crazy. I think it was eating her up all night long – she was really worried that I wouldn’t forgive her. What it came down to was she wanted to tell me how sorry she was and start over as friends.” Derpy beamed joyfully at that, and Twilight echoed the emotion. “After that, we got along great this morning. Rainbow even offered to help me with my flying once my vision was better.” Derpy’s face shone with excitement. “She went home after breakfast, and I flew straight here.” Twilight took a moment to consciously close her mouth, which had fallen ajar throughout the tale. She gave Derpy a giant smile, and then nearly tackled her, planting a firm kiss on her lips and letting out a joyful squeal. “I’m so happy you guys got along after all!” Twilight thought back to meeting at the door and bit her lip. “That’s what had me so worried… before I opened the door, I didn’t know you were able to see and that you came alone. I assumed you both were out there, but I didn’t hear any talking, and I kind of thought I had made the two of you even worse off than before.” Twilight let out a heavy sigh. “That’s what threw me off so much when I opened the door. I was fully expecting to see the both of you irate with each other and I had fully planned out apologies, ready for each of you. I almost lost it, thinking about how miserable you both may have been because I asked you to stay together…” Derpy smiled gently and ended her friend’s confession by pulling Twilight into her chest, folding her wings around her, enveloping her in a warm and comforting embrace. “It’s all fine, Twi. Everything went perfectly, and it was all thanks to your idea.” Twilight smiled upward at the pegasus, and Derpy continued speaking. “We just need to work on your overactive imagination a little bit.” Derpy poked Twilight teasingly. “Things are never really as bad as they seem, and we have each other to rely on when times get tough.” Twilight gave a sniffle of sentimentality, and then pulled out of the embrace. Her face had lightened considerably, and she reflected on just how much Derpy was right. They had each other to rely on, regardless of the situation. She gave a smile – not a strong smile, but it was far from weak. Derpy’s returned the smile, but she dreaded what she needed to do next. She knew she had to tell the unicorn about her cutie mark; doubtless Twilight would notice soon, and it would be best if she knew about it right away. The pegasus knew that she would have to keep Twilight’s reaction in check, or else their entire day of relaxation would be ruined by a frenzy of study. “Twi,” she began cautiously, “I have one other thing to let you know about, but I need you to promise me something first.” Twilight stared back, lines of worry etched over her darkening face. “Derpy, what’s the matter?” She was already getting anxious, and that did not instill confidence in the pegasus. Derpy mentally kicked herself. Stupid! You should know her well enough by now to know saying something like that would scare her! The subject had been brought up, though, and there was no way to back out now. Derpy’s hurried to reassure Twilight. “Absolutely nothing is wrong, Twi, but… I need you to promise me – seriously promise me – that you won’t obsess about it. At least for tonight.” Her eyes pleaded with the unicorn. “I don’t want you to overexert yourself again.” Twilight tried to focus, but it was obvious she was worried. She knew something significant was going on, and she couldn’t just promise to pretend to ignore something that could be so serious that it evoked this much caution from Derpy. Her focus broke, her gaze dropped, and her shoulders sagged. “I… I just can’t… not without knowing what’s going on.” She looked apologetically at her friend. “If there’s a significant problem, you know I can’t just sit around pretending there’s nothing wrong. I can try, really,” her voice cracked, “but I’m sorry, I… can’t promise that.” She sat with a defeated tremor. Derpy closed her eyes and silently cursed herself for introducing the topic so vaguely that it upset Twilight this much. She inched closer to the mare, extending a wing over Twilight and pulling her closer. She wrapped her hooves around the unicorn’s neck, holding her snugly as she rested her head against Twilight’s cheek. “I’m sorry,” Derpy whispered. “I didn’t mean to upset you like this; I really said that wrong. It’s really not a problem, but I want to enjoy today together with you, not spend it with you absorbed in research all day. It’s something I know you’ll be very interested in, but… I just want you to wait a little before you get all ‘science-y’ on me.” Twilight hugged Derpy back before responding pensively. “I can promise not to overreact,” she gripped the pegasus tighter, “if you can promise me it’s not something I need to be worried about. It’s only logical. If it’s possibly dangerous, I can’t ignore it. You know that.” Derpy nodded into Twilight’s shoulder. She loosened her grip, adjusting her position so she could look the unicorn in the eyes. She gave Twilight an encouraging smile and a small kiss on the nose. “I can accept that.” Twilight tried to calm herself as best as she could. She felt Derpy take her hoof, and the pegasus tugged it slowly toward her flank. Her hoof came to rest over Derpy’s cutie mark, and she looked back to Derpy with confusion. Derpy gazed back, a tentative whisper escaping her mouth. “Twi, look at my cutie mark.” Twilight’s eyes slowly crept over to Derpy’s flank, and she moved her hoof to the side. There were several agonizing seconds of silence while she inspected the mark, looking for what might have made Derpy so nervous. Then she saw it. Two bubbles at the top of Derpy’s flank appeared different, while the rest remained unchanged. They had become slightly translucent, and the morning light filtering through the window accentuated the colors. One held a slight mulberry color, flecked with sapphire and rose tints, while the other had adopted a cerulean hue, with thin streaks of red, green, and violet coloring the upper margin of the circle. A gasp escaped her lips; all traces of her worry were erased by wonder and elation. She had never heard of a cutie mark changing; at least, not a true cutie mark. Her breath hitched a little as she recalled Apple Bloom’s case of cutie pox, but her mind immediately reminded her that none of those had been true cutie marks to begin with. Her muscles tensed with enthusiastic energy, her mind whirring at the implications of a variable cutie mark. Immediately her memory went to work, retrieving bits of information on books that may be helpful in explaining the phenomenon. She was unaware that, even while sitting motionless on the couch, her magic had been awakened by her subconscious and was already levitating books from shelves, floating them across the room to pile up next to her desk. She turned to Derpy, brimming with questions, but she halted instantly at the sight of her marefriend. The raspberry hue faded from her horn, and any books still in motion thumped loudly to the floor in a haphazard mess. Derpy was sitting rigid, her eyes clamped closed, her head turned away, and her face stripped of happiness. This is exactly why she didn’t want to tell you. You almost ran off to look through your books, didn’t you? The small voice echoed through her head, accusing her, berating her. Look around – you were already pulling books off the shelves before you even said anything to her. Forget the books, for once. Twilight let the voice die down, taking deep breaths as she strained to suppress her innate urge to investigate. A second voice echoed through her mind. We have each other to rely on. She smiled, remembering Derpy’s reassurance from earlier. She grasped Derpy’s hoof and pulled her back into a tight hug, startling the pegasus in her forehooves. “It’s beautiful.” Twilight breathed into her ear. “Thank you for letting me know. I promise you, I won’t obsess over it.” She grinned, giving Derpy a squeeze. “Not today, at least.” Derpy brightened at the realization that she hadn’t destroyed her chance of a calm afternoon. She returned the hug, and gave Twilight a light kiss as they pulled apart. She smiled happily. “Rainbow Dash noticed it at breakfast today,” Derpy confessed, “and I’m not sure how long it’s been like that. I’d like to know what it means, too, but I’d much rather hear your news for the day.” She grinned playfully at Twilight. “Alright then,” Twilight cleared her throat, trying to sound a little more composed than she felt. “Sorry to keep you waiting so long for it.” “I can wait for as long as you need me to, though I’d much rather hear it now,” Derpy replied with a wink. Twilight nodded. She looked directly at Derpy’s eyes, and felt a surge of happiness flow from her core. “Late last night, Rarity discovered what went wrong with the spell. It turns out that one smudge was in just the spot to conceal a couple letters, and those will make all the difference. It was, thankfully, only a minor mistake.” Twilight’s face shone, happy that a solution had been found, and her enthusiasm to try again peaked. “Would you like to try it out? We can perform the spell whenever you’re ready; I’ve reviewed it over again and again, and Spike is out on errands so there will be no disruptions!” Twilight was practically hopping with excitement, until a gentle hoof took her own, pulling her down on the couch. She looked over to see Derpy still smiling serenely at her, though her demeanor became slightly more serious for a moment. “Can we wait to retry the spell for a little while, Twi? I’d like to wait until later, if you’re okay with that…” Twilight’s excitement fell away, her face crestfallen. Has she lost her trust in me? Did I mess everything up with that first attempt? It took another kiss from Derpy to pull her back into reality once again. Twilight looked at her marefriend, confused. “Why don’t you want to try? Is it because I messed up? I’ll quadruple check everything again if you want me –“ Twilight was silenced by a hoof gently pressing her mouth, and she looked back up to Derpy, who was still wearing her smile, her eyes radiating nothing but affection. “Twi, I would be more than happy to try the spell with you later.” Derpy noticed the questioning look on Twilight’s face. She pulled herself closer to the unicorn. “I’d just like to spend a normal day with you, Twi. No studying, no spells; I want nothing more than to just spend time together. I don’t mind whether we’re talking, silently sharing company, playfully teasing one another, or possibly doing some other activities as well, as long as it’s with you. None of those require my eyesight to be better. So I think it might be better for you to relax. Celestia knows when the last time you really relaxed for a full day was.” Comprehension dawned on Twilight, and she nodded reflectively. A small smile graced her face at the idea, and she gave Derpy a peck on the cheek for her thoughtfulness. “So, did you have anything specific in mind, Derpy?” “Actually, I kind of did.” The pegasus returned the kiss, then turned, sitting against the arm of the couch. As she did so, she gently pulled Twilight along with her. The unicorn simply followed her marefriend’s lead, and found herself laying with her chin and muzzle on the pegasus’ lap, her mane splayed widely across the slate coat of her mate and her tail resting on the cushions, occasionally twitching to the side. “You’ve done so much for me lately, Twi. You’ve made my life wonderful, you’ve introduced me to your friends, and you’ve worked hard at finding a solution for my problem.” Derpy trailed a gray hoof from the base of Twilight’s horn, down through her mane, and brought it to rest in the middle of her back, eliciting a small groan from the unicorn. Derpy’s voice dropped to barely a whisper, and she placed her muzzle right next to Twilight’s ear, speaking calmly, with a slight sultry tone. “I’d just like you to lay and relax for a little, while I give you the best massage I can manage. If you’d like to talk, I’d love to, but if it’s more comfortable to lay in silence, that’s fine, too. Just, please, try to take some time to enjoy having something done for you for once.” Twilight managed a weak nod and a muffled “mmph” before surrendering herself to the pegasus. Her eyes slowly drooped, the lids closing as she felt the pegasus moving her hooves around her back, shoulders, head, and mane, feeling as though she would melt under the soft pressure. She had been working very hard lately, and this morning’s mood swings had definitely proved that it was taking a toll on her. It was as though Derpy had seen directly through her, pinpointing exactly what she needed, and she felt her tensions and worries drift away. Derpy sat quietly with Twilight’s head in her lap, softly rolling her hooves across the unicorn’s scalp, occasionally stopping the massage to run a hoof through the beautiful dark blue mane spread across her flanks and legs. She gave a light giggle as a few strands adhered to her coat, caught by static electricity and giving her occasional pinprick shocks. She absentmindedly brushed the hairs back down and continued her massage in silence, the stillness broken only by the occasional low moan of pleasure made by Twilight. Derpy moved her hooves down, rubbing circles around Twilight’s shoulders, watching with adoration as a wide smile spread across Twilight’s face, and she could hear a low but long rumbling sigh coming from the unicorn, almost as though she were purring like a kitten. The noise was alluring, and it took a large amount of concentration from Derpy to keep herself from ending the massage that moment and descending on Twilight in a voracious flurry of hugs and kisses. However, now was not the time to indulge herself. Even though Derpy was thoroughly enjoying the intimate contact with her marefriend, the purpose was to provide Twilight with the most relaxing and enjoyable time she could remember. Derpy was no masseuse, but she seemed to be doing a decent enough job of it, judging from her partner’s reactions. The presses from the gray hooves were often met with slight pushes from the lavender fur as Twilight subconsciously leaned into the movements. Derpy had even noticed Twilight giving her leg playful nips or licks from time to time. It was nothing intense, but teasing nonetheless. The purrs were nearly continuous now, growing in volume and culminating in a happy but soft moan, then gradually settling back into a purr. Working through the unicorn’s back provided Derpy with a firsthoof view at how tense Twilight had been; nearly every patch of fur felt like it was hiding knotted muscles, and more than once she heard audible pops as the muscles and ligaments pulled at each other in their strained state. She could only guess how long Twilight studied at a time, but a constant position for hours on end couldn’t be comfortable. Derpy gave a smile as an idea played through her mind. Both ponies enjoyed peace and quiet, obviously. They had been sitting in silence for close to an hour now, and neither showed any sign of wanting it to end. Sitting on the couch like this with Twilight was extremely enjoyable – as well as somewhat arousing. Once she had better sight, she made a mental pledge to study massage therapy. She envisioned them in the future, every night Twilight snuggled across her lap, paging through a book, sharing a conversation, or simply enjoying in silence as Derpy became her own personal stress relief for the night. Derpy gave herself a small nod, unnoticed by Twilight. She definitely liked that idea, and committed it to memory. She couldn’t imagine a better way to simultaneously unwind, enjoy relaxing time with Twilight, and talk if they had things on their minds, and best of all, it was something they could share every night. A slow, warm smile spread across her face as she gazed at the pink and purple locks swimming in the deep blue ocean of Twilight’s mane, slowly moving a hoof down a lock, straightening it down the mare’s back. Just past the end of the lock lay Twilight’s flank, and Derpy gave it a teasing caress before moving back up to start over again. She felt Twilight respond to the light touch, and her dark blue tail trembled as Derpy’s hoof trailed over her flank. Twilight rolled over slightly in Derpy’s lap, her eyes heavily lidded and a look of serenity blanketing her face. She reached a hoof up and around Derpy’s head, gently pulling it down. Derpy offered no resistance, and the two met halfway, muzzle to muzzle, exchanging teasing pecks and half-kisses before finally melding together in a passionate caress, tongues exploring each other. They pulled apart slowly, their tongues still hanging from their mouths, both panting for breath as though they had just run a marathon. Twilight lowered her head back into Derpy’s lap, but looped her hooves behind the pegasus’ back, pulling Derpy closer so she could nuzzle into the fur on her belly. Derpy simply basked in the embrace around her midsection, glowing with contentment. She leaned down and gave Twilight a light nibble on the ear, then returned to her sitting position, reflexively running her hoof through Twilight’s mane again. She felt the embrace loosen slightly, and looked down to find Twilight turning to face her now. “Derpy, I thought of something I meant to talk to you about earlier. At least, until you distracted me yet again.” Twilight gave a suggestive wink and smiled. “To thank Rarity, I offered to take her to the spa tomorrow evening; that’s one of her favorite places to go. Fluttershy usually goes with Rarity, and they actually had an appointment set up already. She suggested that we all go together.” Twilight blushed slightly at the idea. “Would you be interested in going? The appointment won’t be until after you’ve finished your delivery rounds, and I know how Rarity showers Aloe and Lotus with praise, so it would probably feel really nice…” She trailed off, and then looked to Derpy, giving her a nudge and a wink. “I think I’d take a massage from you any day of the week over theirs, but it would be a nice relaxing time for us to spend with both Rarity and Fluttershy.” Derpy winced at the reminder that her weekend was almost over. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to such a kind offer. She felt intimidated by the idea of ponies she had never met running their hooves all over her, but she did not want to turn down a generous invitation. Truthfully she had never been to a spa, and wasn’t sure what exactly to expect. Twilight quickly picked up on her hesitance and held Derpy’s hoof, giving it a quick peck. “I’ve only been to the salon once before, so I’d probably feel a bit weird by myself. I mean, Rarity and Fluttershy go together all the time, so I’ll probably just be a bystander for the day. But, I think if you were there it would make it much more fun for both of us.” Derpy nodded quietly, smiling back at Twilight. “I’d love to go. It can be like our first official date, and sharing a spa treatment sounds like a pretty romantic idea for me.” Plus, it will give me a chance to ask Aloe and Lotus where to start learning how to give massages. I could ask Twilight where the books are, but that would spoil the fun… Derpy gave a small jolt, realizing she had drifted off for a moment. Twilight was smirking at her. “Is your mind wandering places it shouldn’t be?” she asked teasingly. Derpy blushed. “Possibly,” she admitted, “though which places they are you’ll just have to guess.” She gave Twilight a mischievous wink. “I was thinking, though, that after a spa treatment it would be a perfect time for us to try the spell again.” Twilight cocked her head to the side. “Why would that be perfect?” Derpy postponed her answer, lifting Twilight up slightly so she could slide out from underneath the unicorn. Free from being pinned to her sides with nowhere to go, her wings stretched up and out, slowly turning rigid. “Well,” Derpy said, “we’ll both be as relaxed as we can be. Plus…” She gently moved her stiffened wings back and forth, “then my first clear sight will be you, looking even more amazing than you do now, if that’s possible.” Twilight grinned widely, her fur blushing to a deeper purple as she took both the compliment and the unspoken suggestion from Derpy. She flicked her tail to the side, her own arousal obvious in the air as well, as she led the way up the stairs and to the bedroom, with Derpy trailing behind her. Twilight hopped up onto her bed and lay down, casting a sideways glance at the pegasus following her lead. A quick glow of her horn brought extra pillows to the bed, and then shut the door with an audible click.