Synthesis of the Atheist

by BlackRoseRaven

New Worlds, New Adventures

Chapter Eleven: New Worlds, New Adventures

Celestia was very concerned about the fact that Valthrudnir had apparently learned to begin toying with the mental link between Scrivener, Luna, and Twilight, but Antares was much more worried about the effects that this mental warfare was having on his parents. While they were conscious, at least, all three could trade thoughts and emotions easily: and now that the Lich was getting more practiced with it, it was becoming more natural for her to speak in thought or send mental images to the two ponies she was tied to.
But their link was still firmly there, and functioning fine. And Valthrudnir had receded to wherever he hid away, while Nightmare Moon was lurking through Luna's mind, whispering about the promises that had been made and that the Jötnar would be a powerful, disposable ally they could easily use to their advantage. Something else that made Luna frustrated and stressed and left her a little crankier than normal, and Antares couldn't help but notice it, too.
Not that anyone really told him much about what was going on: he understood his parents were trying to protect him, and they respected him enough to have invited him along on the mission they were currently in the last stages of preparing for. As a matter of fact, Celestia and Selene were currently setting up a powerful portal ring out on top of the Thorn Palace's pyramid, to help them reach the layer where the disturbance had been detected.
All the same, Antares sighed a little as he finished strapping his equipment on, and Meadowlark smiled despite herself from where she was sitting on the bed, saying softly: “Mir, that's about the tenth grumble I've heard from you in the last five minutes. What's wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Antares shook his head a bit as he reached up and absently checked over the simple black breastplate he was wearing, the lightweight metal polished and fitting his body like a glove. Enlarged silver cusps locked over both his shoulders, and thick dragon-scale leather fitted tightly over his forelimbs, snugly held in place by the bracers that were engraved with beautiful images of roses over the black metal.
His wings flapped once, ensuring that they were properly free through the holes in the back of the armor, and then he smiled to himself as they furled at his sides before looking lamely over at Meadowlark when she simply continued to look at him pointedly. Then she shook her head a little and picked up the coronet that looked almost as if it had been made from dragon horns that were twisted and fused together, holding this out to him.
He took it in his own front hooves, smiling at her as he slipped it carefully on, fitting his horn through the hollow cradle in the front as he said finally: “Okay, okay. It's just that... well... Mom and Dad are still kind of working hard to not tell me... anything, you know? I mean, I'm really glad that I'm getting to go on this mission, and you're coming with me, but... I'm worried they're going to babysit me the entire time I'm there, too, you know? That we're going to be... just kind of in the background a lot, with Twilight or Aunt Tia looking after us while Mom and Dad do all the work.”
Meadowlark only shrugged a little, reaching up to run a hoof carefully along her own armor: a thick cured hide vest, treated with several varnishes that had made it surprisingly-solid. It was tough enough to resist tearing even when shot by one of Cowlick's guns, although Meadowlark still clearly felt the impact.  “Have you tried talking to them about it?”
Antares looked lamely at Meadowlark, and the Pegasus smiled a little, gesturing mildly at him with one hoof. “See? Look. Your parents are good ponies. Really good ponies, as a matter of fact. But you act a lot like a little kid around them sometimes, Mir, and I think... I think that makes it hard for them to recognize you as an adult. I know Celestia does, and I know Twilight does, but they saw you fighting Cancer, and were there to watch you... grow up.”
“I don't know if I have grown up. I think I almost did, and then... I just ended up being a kid again.” Antares mumbled, rubbing at his face before he looked awkwardly at Meadowlark as she slipped off his bed, smiling at him. “Listen, are... are you sure you're okay to come with me? You can back out if you want still, I won't hold it against you. I don't wanna pressure you.”
“I'm fine, Mir. Besides, Zecora says it's important for me to do things like this, put what I learn to use and expand my horizons.” Meadowlark smiled a little, then she turned and reached down a heavy satchel made of thick cloth, strapping it carefully onto her side beneath one wing as potions jangled quietly inside, and Antares smiled after a moment.
Meadowlark was no warrior, and her vulnerable side meant she likely never would be, either: that didn't mean she had no place on the field, though. Under Zecora's tutelage, she had studied how to brew potions and elixirs of every purpose and effect, and she had also picked up other important skills from the wise shaman: how to harvest ingredients from almost any terrain, how to treat wounds, and how to interpret other languages and cultures even when you didn't entirely understand them.
Antares nodded hesitantly, then he looked around the little room he was staying in before turning and picking up his own satchel: most of what he was bringing with him were odds and ends, since his parents would be packing up the larger pieces of gear they were bringing with them, like the tent. He began to strap this on, then smiled a little when Meadow leaned in and kissed his cheek gently, before she said softly: “Look, it's going to be okay, okay? Talk to your Mom and Dad... all you really need is a chance to show them what you can do, and I know they'll give it to you. And they're going to see what a strong stallion you are, and they're going to be proud of you. I know that... I already am, Antares.”
“You don't count, you're my marefriend. And... you've always been... way, way too nice to me.” Antares laughed despite himself, gazing at her gratefully, and Meadowlark shrugged before the stallion glanced down and asked curiously: “Do you have your... bracer thingy?”
“Hornet Needle. And yes, it's in my potions kit.” Meadowlark gestured at this with her head, giving a smile before she leaned over and nudged him quietly. “Come on, let's get going, okay? We can see if Celestia needs any help with the portal ring, and maybe talk to the others if they're there. I know that Avalon was pretty jealous, after all.”
Antares nodded a little, but when Meadow began to turn away, he reached up and caught her by the shoulder, turning her gently back towards him so he could lean down and kiss her softly. She returned the affection slowly and tenderly, and then their mouths parted and the Pegasus smiled warmly as Antares murmured: “I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”
“I know. But I don't need you to promise that, Antares... I can take care of myself too.” Meadowlark said gently, reaching up and stroking under his muzzle. “So don't go throwing yourself in the way too many times. I'm not... the little filly I used to be.”
“I know that.” Antares smiled and nodded slowly, then they traded another short kiss before parting, and then the stallion headed to the door and pulled it open with one last glance around the room. “Let's go then... and I didn't forget anything, right? It just feels... light.”
“Well, your parents are getting everything together. I think you have everything.” Meadowlark replied, and Antares nodded and shifted a little before the Pegasus smiled despite herself as she remarked: “You know, if you want to stay behind, I'm sure your Mom and Dad will understand...”
“What? What? No, no, no. No.” Antares huffed, blushing slightly, and then he grumbled as Meadowlark strode past him before he hurried forwards, falling into pace with her as he said awkwardly: “Look, it's just that... this... this is the first time I'm actually going to be fighting beside them. Probably. I don't know, remember when that marsh drake attacked the animal care center?”
Meadowlark couldn't help but laugh a bit, and Antares glowered at her as he said flatly: “It wasn't funny. It wasn't funny at all.”
“It was a little funny, Antares. You were so serious, you got me and Avalon and Aphrodisia and we were all ready to go and fight it off, but just as we get out to the care center, your Mom shoots over our heads and... well. Beat up the giant lizard.” Meadowlark reminisced, and Antares grumbled a little, earning a tender smile from the Pegasus. “You're cute when you sulk.”
Antares groaned a little, but then he sighed and dropped his head forwards, becoming a little quieter, and the Pegasus softened as well as he said finally: “But see, that's what I mean. I know I couldn't take down something like that on my own. Mom... beat the crap out of it with one hoof tied behind her back. I mean, she beat it up so badly Fluttershy scolded her afterwards and had to admit the drake to the care center to recuperate.”
Meadowlark smiled a little, looking over at Antares softly and saying softly: “But Mir, your Mom is... well, special. And so's your Dad, and they've had so many more years of experience with this. One day, you'll be that strong too.”
“I don't even care about being strong or not, I just... I want to be useful to them, you know?” Antares said after a moment, looking down and nodding slowly, and Meadowlark gave him a compassionate look before the stallion mumbled: “And it's going to be really embarrassing if a dragon attacks us or something and Mom just beats it up.”
The Pegasus only shook her head and gazed at him with entertainment, and the two continued quietly on their way until they reached the top of the pyramid. Aphrodisia and Avalon were indeed both present, along with Tender Trust and her two brothers. They were all watching as Selene calmly levitated large pieces of shaped metal into place, which Celestia then used her own magic to fuse into the mostly-complete frame of the round portal.
Avalon glanced to the side as the two approached, then she glowered at Antares, saying flatly: “I hate you, you know that? Why the hell didn't you ask me to come too? Dude, if it's because Meadowlark's your marefriend, dump her right now and make out with me and I'll be your marefriend just so I can go on an adventure into another world. That would be cool.”
“And you already got to do that once before, remember? We all did, with Clockwork World.” Antares' tone grew quieter as he spoke, and Avalon winced a bit and Aphrodisia shifted uneasily for a moment, as blurry memories sifted through the minds of the ponies and demon. Only the half-Phooka triplets were unaffected, all looking curiously out at the others.
“Screw that. That doesn't count, it was... a nightmare.” Avalon said finally, and the others nodded before the Pegasus added grudgingly: “But I guess... you two do deserve it, anyway. You kind of suck Meadowlark, but you know. You try really hard and you are sleeping with Mir. And they are your parents, Antares.”
“We're not... I... shut up.” Antares said finally, and Meadowlark only shook her head with a wry smile as Avalon snorted in amusement, rolling her eyes and looking back towards the two industriously-working winged unicorns... or rather, winged unicorn and Nephilim.
“So like, what are they doing, anyway? Celestia said it's a portal, but I thought that... rainbow bridge thing was the portal between worlds.” the tiny Pegasus questioned after another moment, studying the portal with interest.
Antares nodded, taking a moment to remember what Twilight had told him as he answered: “Yeah. But the Bifrost also takes at least a week to regenerate after it's used, remember? So Celestia decided that... just in case we run into something really bad, or something happens, we're going to use a one-way portal instead. It's going to take a lot of power, but as you've probably noticed... Selene can provide a lot of power, and she can draw on energy from all of Subterra. This way, we can open the Bifrost any time we're ready to come home.”
Avalon nodded and looked thoughtfully out at the portal ring, whistling a little before Aphrodisia said abruptly and happily: “Daddy and Mommy are both really mad at your Daddy and Mommy, but more like silly mad than mad mad.”
The glossy-black unicorn snorted in amusement at this, smiling despite himself as he glanced amusedly at the two and responded: “Believe me, I know. I thought Pinkamena was going to kill me when I saw her a few hours ago, maybe skin me and wear me like a suit so she could go in my place.”
“That's a fun idea. I might try that some time kid, thanks.” Pinkamena's voice said mildly, and Antares winced and slowly looked over his shoulder to see the demon standing behind him, her moody eyes boring into him. He cleared his throat and slowly began to step away, and then winced when she punched him lightly in the flank. “Hey. Take care of yourself on the other side.”
Antares blushed a bit, but nodded quickly before the demon glanced moodily at Meadowlark, then shrugged after a moment. “You, I don't care about so much, but you seem smarter than Antares so if he dies, I'm going to blame you.”
“I... what?” Meadowlark winced a little, and Aphrodisia giggled behind a hoof as Avalon snorted in amusement, before the crimson Pegasus blushed and shook her head, but found herself unable to form a response before Pinkamena shoved past the two ponies in front of her and strode towards the portal ring.
Without looking up, Celestia said clearly to the demon behind her, while her horn continued to glow gold as energy sparked and flared along the metal ring she was in the process of finishing: “Please don't bully them, Pinkamena, I'm sure they're stressed enough as it is.”
“Shut up, Princess Sunshine. Anyway, only reason I'm here is to let you know that Scarlet Sage is pissed as hell at her Mommy. I made Sleipnir stay downstairs and watch the show that's going on because they sent me up here to tell you that Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom are going too.” The demon paused reflectively, chewing on her lip as Celestia winced a little. “Say, why is it when I get pissed off at people no one listens to me? Sure, I can't make ponies' heads explode but I can rip them off easier than either of the lesbians could.”
Celestia looked surprised at this, but she kept her eyes forwards and her attention focused on the task at hand, and seemed relieved when it was Antares who stepped forwards and asked quickly: “Wait, what do you mean, my sister is coming too? Scarlet... I mean, well... she pretty much never...”
Pinkamena shrugged, glancing over her shoulder and saying mildly: “I meant what I just said, tumor. And hey, the vampire might be shy but she's got a nasty streak. Don't think none of us ever see that, or the way she runs around after Mommy and Daddy almost as much as you do, kid.”
Antares sighed tiredly at this as Avalon giggled a few times between her hooves and the half-Phooka brothers traded amused looks, even as Tender Trust shook her own head slowly. Aphrodisia, meanwhile, simply had her head cocked as if she was listening to something before the young demon suddenly flailed her front hooves at the air, calling loudly: “Daddy's getting beaten up, Mommy!”
“Good. He likes that.” Pinkamena said dryly, and Aphrodisia nodded seriously before the older demon turned her moody eyes back towards Celestia and the portal. “Guess that means the others are on the way. Look, if that kid got to force her way onto this nice little field trip, why the hell can't I go?”
“Because we'd all really miss you if you left, since you're so nice and all.” said a wry voice, and Pinkamena looked up sourly as Rainbow Dash approached across the northern bridge with a grin, Applejack and Soarin' striding on either side of the tall stallion, and Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all following behind. “And I guess we need someone who can actually keep Slippers in line, too.”
“Shut the hell up, Dash, that's my nickname for him. Find your own.” Pinkamena said rudely, and then she rolled her eyes with a sigh when the Pegasus approached and held up a hoof, grumbling before she reached up her own and tapped it against his. “Just so determined to screw up every little bit of my life that you can, aren't you?”
“Oh relax, we all know you're nice by now.” Rainbow Dash scoffed... then yelped and staggered backwards when Pinkamena slung a hook into his face, his eyes watering from the force of impact as his eyes rolled in his head a bit, and Applejack only dropped her face in a hoof as Pinkie Pie glared at her sister. “Or. Not that nice.”
Pinkamena grunted, the demon drawing her eyes moodily over Rainbow Dash, then she sighed and turned around. Pinkie Pie immediately bounced over to sit beside her twin with a wide smile, but the demon only glared at her, muttering: “Really brightens my day to get left behind and then be left babysitting all you kiddies. And you know what sucks the most? None of you are going to die for another fifty or so years unless we get wrapped up in some new war.”
“Don't worry, big twin sister, I'm never gonna leave you. Even when I'm dead I'm gonna make sure I'm still around somehow.” Pinkie Pie said kindly, wrapping a foreleg around her and smiling warmly, and Pinkamena looked less-than-enthused with this. “Besides, all of us are friends forever, right? No matter what happens, we'll always be there for each other!”
“Right.” Rarity smiled, and Applejack nodded firmly as Rainbow Dash grunted. Soarin' chuckled a little at the sight of the others, then shook his head before turning and striding towards the cluster of younger ponies.
He began to open his mouth as Antares looked up at him, and then Avalon said cheerfully: “Hi, gay uncle Soarin'. You're pretty gay.”
Soarin' moodily looked at her as Aphrodisia giggled loudly, and then he asked dryly: “Are we going to go through this every time we run into each other now?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Don't worry, I still like you. You're just gay.” Avalon replied in a kind voice, and then she paused before sitting up and shaking herself out, asking curiously: “Hey, where's Big Mac? Why isn't he here to see them off too?”
“He's on duty with the Knights, helping look upstairs in Canterlot. I was supposed to be too, actually, but there's a heavy storm moving in outside of Subterra, and the aerial patrols were canceled. Don't wanna risk any more Pegasi getting hurt.” Soarin' replied with a shrug and a smile. “I'm certainly not going to complain, though.”
“That's because you're lazy.” Avalon remarked, and Soarin' simply nodded in response with another smile before Avalon hesitated, then asked quietly: “Hey, so uh... you wanna visit Spitfire later? And we three can like, well... even if we can't fly outside, we can still go over theory and do some basic exercises, right?”
“Yeah, Ava, that sounds like a great idea. She really likes you, you know... thinks you would have easily made it to becoming a team captain in the Wonderbolts if you ever joined up.” Soarin' replied warmly, nodding firmly. Avalon grinned and preened, but she was blushing a little too, and her feigned arrogance didn't completely hide how delighted the compliment made her.
Antares smiled a little, and then he glanced up as Celestia sighed in relief and finished assembling the portal ring with a flare of golden magic, the ivory mare shaking her head quickly out before Selene said softly: “You should go and get ready, Dawn Bringer. Mother and Father will be arriving shortly, and they'll want to leave quickly. I can feel the anxiety building in the air.”
“Yes, of course. You can begin calibrating the portal when you're ready, Selene, I trust that you don't need my assistance for preparation.” Celestia replied calmly, and Selene bowed her head politely before the Baroness turned her eyes over her shoulder, adding to Antares: “If your parents arrive before I get back, please try and keep my little sister distracted. She tends to get... excitable before a mission.”
Antares winced a bit at this, but then nodded hesitantly, and Celestia smiled before she strode quickly towards the northern bridge, sharing quick greetings with the ponies she passed. Antares fidgeted a little as he looked towards the enormous, multi-layered ring of metal that had been assembled, and he watched as plates of metal revolved slowly as Selene's horn glowed and the endless gaze of the Nephilim focused on the strange construct.
Then Meadowlark nudged him gently, and the Pegasus said softly: “Hey, Mir, it's gonna be okay. Don't look so panicked.”
“I just... you know. I'm still a little worried and stuff. I wanna make sure I do a good job and don't let down my parents. They're... tough ponies.” Antares said finally, and Soarin' glanced up with a small smile at this.
“Kid, I don't think you have to worry about that too much. I mean, look at me.” Soarin' laughed a little as he gestured at himself with an amused look at Antares. “Big time show-flier or not, when I first got involved in things I was just stunned by... everything I saw. I still am, and by the stuff even you kids do. But if I can stick around and even be accepted around here, I'm pretty sure you're gonna fit in just fine on this mission-thingy.”
“Great pep talk, Soarin'. No wonder Spitfire was always the one who did all the work.” Avalon said mildly, and Soarin' gave her a dry look as Aphrodisia giggled again. “Still, though, he's right, Mir. Stop being a douchebag.”
Antares sighed tiredly, but before he could respond, he felt his eyes drawn over his shoulder and up towards two ponies who were moodily approaching, and Antares' eyes widened slightly before he whistled slowly. “Oh wow.”
It wasn't the fact that Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom were both dressed in their gear that impressed him: Scarlet's armor was beautiful, lightweight silver scale mail, with thin chain mesh protecting her limbs and a small, bladed bracelet around one wrist, but it was the thunderous look beneath the silver helm she was wearing that really drew his attention. Normally his big sister had a serious but kind disposition, was usually patient and protective... but when she got mad, well...
Scarlet Sage glared at Antares, who quailed and fell back on his haunches as the Pegasus approached and loomed over him, and Apple Bloom sighed a little, hurrying up to her partner's side and gently touching her shoulder. Apple Bloom's own gear was a little heavier: a golden breastplate, and system of interlocking plates protected her limbs, giving her more solid protection. She was only wearing a bandanna tied around her head to keep her mane out of her eyes, but also had a backpack filled with equipment on and the butt of a rifle jutted rested in a holster beside this. “Hon...”
“I'm not going to kill him.” Scarlet muttered, and then she huffed a little and asked waspishly: “But why didn't you or Mom or Dad ask me if I wanted to come too? Because I do. I'm not letting you all just... run off and leave me sitting here on my flank again with Red. We're good, strong, capable ponies, and we're coming with you.”
“I... okay.” Antares said lamely, looking cowed and not really knowing how to respond as Avalon giggled madly and Soarin' awkwardly took a few steps away. Then Apple Bloom cleared her throat and carefully slipped away to head over to Rainbow Dash and Applejack, clearly deciding it was better to just let Scarlet vent.
Antares looked almost desperately back and forth, and then he winced when Scarlet Sage huffed at him and continued grumpily: “I mean, what is it? Mom trained me almost as much as she trained you, Sleipnir spent years working with Apple Bloom and still spars with her on occasion, we all work together as a good team... so why is it no one ever thinks to just ask, 'hey, Scar, you wanna come with us?' Is that really so hard? Do I really seem like that much of a girl?”
Antares slowly shrank his head back into his armor as Meadowlark reached up and gently but silently patted the unicorn's shoulder, before Tender Trust asked curiously: “But are you not a girl? I do not understand.”
“It's a metaphor. A lousy sexist one but I guess I get that from Mom.” Scarlet Sage muttered, and then she sighed tiredly and shook her head grumpily, mumbling: “Even if I always do end up getting treated like the girl in my relationship, too.”
“Oh god.” Antares dropped his head in his front hooves, his ability to understand things kicking in at the worst possible time as he covered his eyes and scrubbed at them wildly to try and get the image that came to mind out of his brain. “Can you just kill me or something? Please? Or save this up for Mom? She deserves this, not me.”
“I already yelled at Mom.” Scarlet Sage said crankily, and then she grumbled again before shaking her head quickly and sighing, softening a little and rubbing slowly at her face with one hoof. “Alright, alright, I guess... I'm just upset. Honestly, it's like no one tells me anything, though, Antares. And I know I seem busy with my own life, but... my life includes all you guys too. My family is my life. I love you all and want to be there with you, and I don't want to just... sit back anymore, and let things move around me, just acting like support.”
“Support is important, though... without support, the mightiest tree of the forest will topple at only the gentlest touch of the wind.” Tender Trust said gently, and then she smiled over at her brothers. “The way of the Phooka is to be one with the clan and nature, serving and living where we are needed most and interact best. Sometimes the best action is to take no action at all; sometimes the best way we may serve others is to wait with patience for their return.”
“Except Mom and Dad constantly get beaten up, and if I'm not there, I can't heal them.” Scarlet Sage remarked, and then she sighed a little and shook her head before turning her eyes to Meadowlark, asking in a quieter voice: “Are you only carrying potions with you, or do you have some powders and raw herbs, too?”
“I have a few spare ingredients.” Meadowlark confirmed, smiling awkwardly and nodding, and Scarlet Sage smiled back after a moment.
“Okay, good. I... I really hope this trip goes smoothly, and maybe we can spend some time together, teaching each other a few things. I'm sure I can learn a lot about healing from you.” Scarlet Sage said softly, and Meadowlark blushed and shifted, gazing gratefully up at the Pegasus before the silver mare turned a sour look back on Antares. “And you. You're as bad as Mom and Dad.”
“What did I... oh, fine.” Antares grumbled and crossed his forelegs, then he looked moodily over at Apple Bloom, adding dryly: “I'm going to hang out with your wife this whole trip and not you.”
“Well I'm going to hang out with Meadow this whole trip and not you.” Scarlet Sage retorted, before both siblings winced when Aphrodisia poked her head in and grinned brightly between them.
“You two should swap wives since you like each other's mares so much.” she commented, and behind her, Avalon cackled as Soarin' cleared his throat and turned quickly around, running over to join Apple Bloom with the others.
Scarlet Sage and Antares both slowly turned a glare on the demon, but before either pony could speak, the doors across the bridge banged open and a trio of ponies strode out. Antares looked up in relief, but Scarlet Sage only looked grumpily over her shoulder as Luna, Scrivener and Twilight approached.
The sapphire mare winced a bit at this, then offered a lame smile: she was dressed in a beautiful, black alloy breastplate inscribed with images of roses and vines, while solid, dark blue dragon-scale leather protected her limbs and locked securely into lightweight bracers around her lower limbs. A blue casque covered her head, hiding her mane from view and with a cradle that gave extra support to her horn. Her wings fluttered awkwardly at the glare she was getting from Scarlet Sage, comfortably fit through shaped holes in her tightly-secured, body-fitting armor.
Twilight Sparkle didn't have any excessive gear herself: only a simple vest layered with gemstones and painted over with a silver-gray composite that strengthened the material, and a long, hooded black cloak that she could conceal herself beneath. Saddlebags hung on either side of her body, but they were only lightly packed: as usual, Scrivener Blooms was the one carrying the heavier satchels for them: less out of chivalry and more to let Luna and Twilight continue to move freely.
The stallion was dressed in obsidian plate mail, with modular plates on his back that could be locked in different positions, and an underlayer of silver chainmail was visible here and there through the joints in the stallion's armor. The silver pauldrons over his shoulders and dark plate over his breast were all engraved with symbols of the crescent moon, and the plate was designed so his platinum collar fit snugly against the top of the plate. Lastly, his head was protected by an onyx helm with a set of black steel dragon's horns: it had been a gift from Pinkamena and Sleipnir, and made all the more thoughtful from the fact it had been designed to add a world of hurt to whatever Scrivener rammed into with his head. Which was often the best purpose his head had, whether inside or outside of combat.
He cleared his throat when he caught Scarlet Sage's nasty look, then gestured pointedly at Luna a few times with his head, but the sapphire mare quickly threw a back hoof into Scrivener with a huff and muttered: “Traitorous cur. And... Scarlet Sage, really, 'twas just an... an oversight! An assumption and... well, thou wert nowhere to be found!”
“I was not. We've been having dinner together every day and you know where I'm staying, where I've been helping out and... ugh.” the silver Pegasus rolled her eyes with a grumble, looking sour before she continued in a grouchy voice: “Look, let's just... do this together, okay? I can help. And I'm going to help, whether you like it or not.”
“I do like it! I like it very much!” Luna paused, then giggled a little before awkwardly clearing her throat when Scarlet Sage only looked at her sourly. “It... it sounded. Humorsome.”
The silver Pegasus shook her head slowly, grumbling a little under her breath before giving one last grouchy look at Antares, who shrank back again. Then Scarlet Sage turned and strode towards the portal ring, turning her eyes to it as Luna mumbled: “I fear that my daughter inherited my temperament somehow, and yet also absorbed Celestia's ability to strike terror into the very hearts and souls of ponies. 'Tis not even the fact she is a Blood Seer that scares me. Her glare settles on me and I feel as if I am under the heinous gaze of a Gorgon.”
Scrivener grunted, and there was a moment of silence before the sapphire mare began to look back and forth, then frowned. “And where is my big sister, on that evil subject? Do not tell me she plans to keep us waiting, I desire to get underway as quickly as possible to hopefully shake off the fearsome loathing of mine daughter.”
Antares winced, opening his mouth... but thankfully, a moment later Celestia's voice called out calmly: “I'm right here, little sister. My apologies, I took a moment to polish Tyrfing as well.”
Luna smiled as Celestia approached, all ponies turning their eyes towards her, and as always Scrivener couldn't help but marvel at the sight of her. Her armor was by far the heaviest gear he had ever seen any pony wear: massive, solid and layered golden full plate mail, with thick mesh layering beneath it. She looked titanic, and yet approached with only the softest of steps, smiling beneath the coronet resting around her skull.
On her back was a gleaming, immense sword: all along the white, saw-toothed six foot long blade were etched images of the Nine Worlds in burning crimson. It was a magnificent and terrifying weapon, a weapon both cursed and blessed and wielded by Celestia with fantastic skill.
The mare strode slowly forwards, her amethyst eyes warm as Luna grinned slightly, looking almost enviously over the mare before Celestia said gently, as she picked up on this: “Don't worry, little sister. One day, we'll find your own weapon again.”
“Aye, 'tis terribly unfair that thou has monstrous Tyrfing, and my own poor spear, Andlitstingar, lays somewhere in the darkness of Clockwork World!” Luna complained, and then she shook her head and looked thoughtfully at Scrivener. “At least I still have the poet I can fling into the faces of my enemies. And 'tis sometimes more effective, too.”
Scrivener gave her a flat look, then he returned his gaze to Celestia and asked finally: “So how are you feeling about things, Celestia? I mean... you look...”
“Excited? I am.” Celestia smiled after a moment, bowing her head forwards and closing her eyes as she said softly: “I'm looking forwards to this experience. No matter what we meet on the other side, after all, we're going to meet it as one, together. And I don't believe anything can stop us when we work together.”
Scrivener smiled at this thought, and Luna grunted and nodded firmly as Antares rose his own head with a smile. Then Aphrodisia waved a hoof, complaining: “Hey, I'm family too, and so's Mommy and Daddy! Why don't we get to come?”
“Because somepony has to stay behind and keep an eye on the world here, and we're entrusting that to you.” Celestia replied gently, and Aphrodisia smiled warmly and nodded, blushing slightly before Celestia paused, then added dryly: “And Sleipnir already told me about the impression he left on the ponies of the other layer while setting the anchor. I somehow doubt he'd receive the warmest of welcomes.”
“That's Slippers.” Pinkamena grumbled from the group of ponies that were waiting to see them off, and then the demon sighed and added loudly: “If you guys screw up, I'm not coming to save your asses, got it?”
“Of course you won't.” Scrivener smiled despite himself, then only snorted in amusement when Pinkamena gave him a rude gesture. “Hey, if Barry comes by, tell him I'll be back in a week or so. If he starts whining just let him know that after I get back, I should be ready to finally talk to Underbrush, that'll shut him up.”
“I'll just rip his tongue out. That's the easier way.” Pinkamena muttered, as Celestia and Luna strode over towards Selene. Then the demon grimaced over her shoulder, but ponies were all starting to say their goodbyes and wish luck to their own friends, and finally she sighed, she and Scrivener striding towards each other before trading a short, quick hug, and she muttered almost embarrassedly: “Look, asshole. Watch yourself.”
Pinkie Pie beamed at them brightly, hopping up to her sister's side, but Pinkamena only reached out and shoved a hoof against her twin's face with a tired sigh. “Shut up, sissy. And get lost, Scrivener, no one likes you.”
“Yeah, I know.” Scrivener glanced towards the portal ring... then laughed when Aphrodisia almost tackled him, hugging him fiercely as well before he smiled and returned the embrace. “You make sure your mom doesn't kill too many ponies, huh?”
“Yes, Uncle Scrivy.” Aphrodisia chirped, and then she bounced over to hug Luna and Twilight as well, the stallion reflecting for a moment on how lucky he was before Pinkamena slapped him out of his reverie, quite literally.
He winced and rubbed at his cheek, giving her a flat look before she grunted and jerked her head at the portal. Selene was already starting to power it, and the stallion nodded, turning to stride quickly towards it and hearing Celestia instructing; “-careful. Scarlet Sage, Apple Bloom, you're both welcome to join us, but remember that we don't know what we're getting into. Until we do, Scarlet Sage, please be especially careful.”
The Pegasus nodded with a small smile, and then Selene rose her head, the Nephilim saying quietly as her horn glowed brightly, and the portal ring whirred and reverberated with the same white light: “I am ready to open it at any time. I can only hold it for thirty seconds... you will have to cross quickly together.”
“Then it seems, friends, this is goodbye for now... but we shall return, fear not, and we shall try to bring thee all back a memento as well as stories of our victory!” Luna called with a grin, as the group of armored ponies naturally assembled behind her and Celestia. Scrivener smiled, looking over his shoulder as well at friends old and new as they waved and wished them well; at two generations, the growing-older ponies like himself, and their younger, hopeful sons and daughters who would one day take up everything they had built and continue to watch over Equestria.
“Open the portal!” Luna dropped to a ready position with a wide grin, and Selene smiled calmly as her galactic eyes locked on the sapphire mare for a moment, nodding slowly before the aura around her horn intensified. Electricity crackled violently around the portal ring, and light began to pulse slowly as metal spun and a hum built gradually through the air, the entire world beginning to reverberate with the energy being gathered.
Inside the rings, white energy spread gradually inwards like liquid, rippling and humming as electricity sparked back and forth. And then the energy began to ripple as it filled the portal ring completely before there was a crackle, and the white energy suddenly became a window that stared into another world; a gorgeous, verdant world...
“Go!” Luna charged forwards, and Celestia lunged up beside her, the two mares leading the way as Scrivener and Twilight followed. Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom were only inches behind, and Antares and Meadowlark brought up the rear, both young ponies almost overwhelmed with awe and amazement and excitement.
The portal rippled as ponies passed through it: Antares couldn't help but gasp at the shock of icy cold he felt as he ran through himself, his eyes bulging before he stumbled out into the world beyond, staggering to a halt as his entire body shivered and energy faintly sparked over his horn. His mother was still laughing, even though Scrivener and Twilight were both wheezing, and Celestia had a wide, warm smile on her face as she looked slowly out into the distance.
The young stallion couldn't help but glance over his shoulder, and he stared at the portal behind him: a rip in the fabric of reality itself, the edges steaming faintly before it suddenly sparked, and a moment later vanished in a burst of force that made him stagger and almost knocked Meadowlark sprawling. He reached out and caught her before she could, and she smiled faintly up at him before slowly looking up... and her breath caught in her throat as she whispered: “Wait...”
Antares looked curiously down the road... and he blinked in surprise before his mouth worked a few times, and he asked stupidly: “Is that... is that Ponyville?”
“Aye!” Luna grinned widely, her eyes glowing with mischief as she said delightedly: “Oh, this is the very best part... well, nay, 'tis the second best part, to be honest. But 'tis very good, very good indeed all the same!”
She laughed, then shook her head before bouncing excitedly on her hooves as Celestia favored her with an amused look. “Come, come, come! We must go there, we must go immediately!”
Antares slowly looked around, trying to get a sense of his surroundings... and to his amazement, despite being in what he knew was an alternate layer of reality and an alien world, he could. They were sitting on a road leading towards the village in the distance, which was clearly Ponyville. The biggest difference he could see so far was that there were no enormous walls to protect from attack or incursion... but the atmosphere around them was so warm and peaceful that he doubted they needed to fear the same things ponies did in his world.
Scrivener and Twilight looked at Luna, then over at Celestia... before both ponies stared at her disbelievingly, unconsciously mimicking each other when the ivory equine said thoughtfully: “We do need to locate precisely where this disturbance is... Sleipnir mentioned to me he buried the anchor in the far north, but that doesn't necessarily mean the anchor was reacting to something in the vicinity.”
“Wait, wait, no. You can't be serious.” Scarlet Sage said after a moment, looking up in shock as Apple Bloom stared as well: a moment later, the befuddled Antares felt his talent for understanding things kicking in, and he gaped at Celestia as he realized she was actually encouraging Luna's idea.
Luna, meanwhile, looked all the more gleeful at this, her eyes glittering before she shook herself quickly and then looked over her shoulder, calling delightedly: “Up, up, up on thy hooves! Come, let us march boldly right into Ponyville and see how they react, thou cannot argue with me when even Celestia agrees with my idea. Oh, 'tis delightful, 'tis truly delightful...”
Luna laughed again, looking up towards the blue, brilliant sky overhead, and then she turned her eyes back over her shoulder and gestured impatiently when the other ponies only sat and stared at her. “Come now, thou shall all feel better once moving. The first time passing though a portal is always a shock, it takes the body time to get used to it.”
Celestia nodded ,then she glanced over her own shoulder and shrugged a bit as Twilight tried to splutter out a question. “To be honest, I do have a few... concerns... about what may happen, but this is the best course of action. They have already seen Sleipnir, after all, and whether they believed him or not when he told them who he was, it should give them a little more understanding of who we are. And if we can't find out where this source of trouble is from Ponyville, then we'll still be able to contact Canterlot from there and speak to our counterparts in this world to get a much-needed lay of the land.”
“Oh, shut up with all thy wordiness Celestia, and just admit thou wants to have a little fun. Is that really so hard for thou to say? Art thou allergic to the word 'fun?'” Luna asked dryly, and when Celestia gave her a flat look, Luna huffed before turning around and bulling into Scrivener Blooms, the earth pony staggering backwards to his hooves before Luna ran around him and began to hurriedly push him forwards, shouting: “Well Scrivy and I are going to have fun whether all thou art coming or not, and that is that!”
Twilight groaned, and then the Lich quickly picked herself up and hurried after them as Celestia smiled and shook her head, following at a slower pace. Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom traded dumb looks, and then Antares sighed tiredly and gave a helpless look to Meadowlark before the stallion followed in the wake of his family, asking Scarlet moodily as he passed: “Happy that you came with us now?”
Scarlet Sage only mumbled in response, and she and Apple Bloom fell in pace with her younger brother and Meadowlark. And while at first the group was spaced widely out, by the time they reached Ponyville, the eight equines were all moving in a fairly close, loose formation, Luna at the forefront with Scrivener and Twilight on either side of her, and Celestia interestedly looking around as ponies of this world stopped in the street to stare and gape at them, making it fairly clear that whatever versions of them might exist in this layer were most likely a little quieter and more reserved.
Twilight embarrassedly pulled her hood up with a flick of her horn, and Luna gave her a huff as they made their way slowly towards town square. Antares was gazing back and forth with rapt awe, and Meadowlark simply looked amazed as she murmured: “I don't even know what to think. I mean... look at them. Some of these ponies I even recognize, but they look... younger and others... I just... this is incredible. This is beyond incredible.”
Antares nodded slowly in agreement, and then he looked up as Luna said warmly over her shoulder: “And the feeling never gets old, my friends. Every time I have been in another layer... the fascination, how... how breathtaking it always is! 'Tis indescribable, absolutely indescribable.” Luna laughed and shook her head, eyes warm before a bright grin spread slowly over her face. “And here, here we have the best reward!”
All eyes looked forwards as they strode into the square, Twilight giving a soft sound of awe as she looked up over the enormous tree that housed the library. And as they approached, the door opened and a violet unicorn ran out, with wide, innocent purple eyes, staring at them with awe as she asked in disbelief: “P-Princess Luna? Princess Celestia? Who... w-what's going on?”
Scrivener smiled faintly, then couldn't help but laugh a little when a small purple dragon stuck his head around the corner: he looked childlike and young, his features only just starting to mature as he looked at them with incredulity. And then Luna grinned, opened her mouth... and huffed when Celestia reached up and touched her shoulder, looking at her pointedly.
“Oh, fine, ruin all my fun.” Luna grumbled irritably, and then she turned her eyes to the Twilight Sparkle of this world, bowing her head politely and saying kindly: “It is a pleasure to make thy acquaintance, and thou shall be relieved to know I am not Princess Luna. My name is Brynhild, and my sister is not Celestia but Freya.” Celestia looked surprised at this... but then smiled warmly. “We are... visiting on business from another layer of reality, following the trail of something wicked. Do not fear, Twilight Sparkle, we mean no harm.”
The unicorn stared at them with disbelief, looking back and forth before she gave a faint laugh, whispering: “No... no, that's impossible, and... this is just some big prank, right?”
But Luna Brynhild only smiled slightly, then reached out and nudged the cloaked pony beside her, who sighed quietly... then blushed as she reached up and pulled her hood back. The Twilight Sparkle native to this layer stared in shock and awe at the Twilight Sparkle of their world, who blushed faintly before murmuring: “It's no joke, Twilight.”
Twilight stared... and then several ponies emerged from the crowd: a white unicorn with a violet mane, a bright pink, gaping earth pony, and a blue Pegasus mare who called with dumb surprise to the purple unicorn: “Uh... Twilight? Do you wanna tell us what's going on? Maybe explain why there's two of you and the Princesses are in armor and have a bunch of scary ponies with them?”
The Twilight Sparkle outside the library was only spluttering and staring, and Luna looked up with a pleased grin... before it faltered when the violet unicorn simply keeled stupidly over, and she huffed a little before glowering over at the Lich, who was staring dumbly at what was essentially herself. “It appears thy counterpart has a rather weak constitution.”

After Twilight Sparkle, unicorn, was helped back to her hooves – and more importantly, she'd stopped mumbling to herself about how this was impossible after being promised answers – the ponies all clustered into the comfortable interior of the library. Letters had been sent off while Luna had nosed around and Celestia had handled initial introductions and explanations, and Twilight Sparkle, Lich, had quietly sat in the background and tried to avoid too much contact with anyone.
Now it was evening, and the library was playing host to more than just eight ponies from another world and Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Princesses Luna and Celestia were both present with a white unicorn wearing stylized violet armor, his blue eyes studying them nervously from beneath his rugged navy mane. Shining Armor, big brother best friend forever to the Twilight Sparkle of this layer.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still studying their counterparts intently, even though Celestia – or Freya, rather, as they were calling her for now – had explained the situation calmly and courteously, and in great detail. Then, finally, Celestia sighed quietly, meeting Freya's eyes as she said softly: “I don't entirely know what to think. And while I appreciate the fact you're here to help... we can handle our own problems within our nation, too.”
“We don't mean any disrespect.” Freya replied gently, and she reached a hoof up without looking to cover Brynhild's mouth with the sapphire mare began to turn, making her grumble as the armored ivory equine continued rationally: “This kind of problem, while within your world, is something that would threaten all layers of reality. And it's something that we've been made responsible for by... by an old, dear friend who is no longer with us.”
She quieted, thinking for a moment of Odin as Luna Brynhild softened, and then Celestia Freya shook her head quickly before continuing finally: “We're only here to lend assistance and fix this particular problem, not to interfere with the lives of your people or the running of your nation.”
“Well, a little.” Brynhild said positively, and all eyes glared at her as the Lich Twilight Sparkle sighed tiredly. “Oh shut up... uh... Scrivener, damnation, we require a name for Twilight. 'Tis too confusing otherwise. And she does not have a Valkyrie name as I and big sister do, so... all of thee, assist me in thinking up a name for Twilight.”
“We could call her Morgan. Twilight Morgan Sparkle, it even fits with her name. Kind of.” Scrivener said mildly, glancing up, and Luna looked thoughtful as the violet winged unicorn glared at the charcoal stallion, but he only shrugged and smiled slightly over at her. “Hey, that's Luna's... I mean, Brynhild's name in the old legends of Titan, Morgan and Sol. You should be honored.”
“Aye, aye, she should be! Morgan it is!” Luna Brynhild declared, and then she winced when both Celestias gave her the same dry look. “By Helheim, Scrivener Blooms! This is not Nice Celestia at all!”
Princess Celestia only sighed tiredly, and then Princess Luna asked after a moment: “Brynhild... why do you speak like that? Surely you must have mastered the way ponies speak in the present day and age and abandoned old, silly dialects?”
“Silly? Bah! 'Tis better to be silly than it is stuffy, and I see that thou art clearly of the latter sort.” Luna said huffily, and then she grumbled as Princess Luna looked shocked before the armored sapphire mare asked loudly: “Is she not stuffy, Morgan?”
Newly-renamed Morgan only mumbled to herself, before saying finally: “Look, we're... all getting off-topic here... from what it sounds like, no one here has even been aware of any major disturbances, and I'm sure that if monsters from a place like Clockwork World were present, there'd all kinds of disturbances and reports coming in...”
“Well...” began a hesitant voice, and all eyes turned with interest to Applejack: the orange-hued mare cleared her throat a few times, and it was hard to blame her for being a little nervous. Even Rainbow Dash currently seemed cowed by the story that Freya had told and the fact they were sitting in a room with two Princesses and two ponies who looked and sounded exactly like aforementioned royals. “Uh... well... I got a letter, actually...”
She stopped, then shook herself hurriedly out before continuing in a firmer voice, as her eyes flicked towards Celestia. “Actually, Princess, I was going to come and talk to you about it, or get Twilight here to send on the letter to you. My cousin, Braeburn... he was supposed to come up to Ponyville a few days ago by train, but he sent us a letter saying that he has to stay in Appleloosa. He says both buffalo and ponies out there have gone missing recently, and there's been all these weird storms, way up in the mountains. And anypony that's gone to try and find out what's wrong, well... they ain't never come back.”
Princess Celestia looked surprised at this, frowning deeply as she traded a look with her younger sister before gazing down at Shining Armor. “Have you heard anything about this?”
“Not a word, Princess, but... there aren't a lot of cities or ponies out in the Appaloosa area. I don't think there's even much in the way of a guard post for miles around...” Shining Armor replied quickly, and Celestia nodded slowly as Freya frowned a little. The white stallion clearly fidgeted a bit when he realized the golden-armored mare was looking at him, looking like he was fighting down every instinct to say something to the pony who resembled the Princess of the Sun so clearly.
Luna Brynhild grunted at this, rubbing thoughtfully at the underside of her chin. “I have never been to this Appleloosa. But we have experience with deserts, do we not, Scrivener Blooms?”
“And forests, and winter, and... Hell. Literally Hell, I mean, we've literally been to Hell.” Scrivener said dryly, looking up from an index book for the library he had found and was paging curiously through. “I've never been there either, though...”
Apple Bloom smiled a bit, saying finally: “I've been there a few times. If things are as similar out there as they are 'round here in Ponyville, I can probably help guide you around the town, at least... and Braeburn's always been a generous cousin. Just please don't spook him too much, Luna, if he's anything like the Braeburn back home he'll probably be a little... excitable.”
“Wait, cousin?” Applejack looked blankly for a moment at Apple Bloom, then frowned and leaned forwards, studying her intently as Apple Bloom smiled embarrassedly, automatically reaching up to take Scarlet Sage's hoof. Then Applejack's jaw dropped, raising her hoof and spluttering stupidly for a few moments. “Wait, I... Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom, are you... Apple Bloom?”
“Oh wow!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, and it was the first real outburst the pink pony had given: for almost this whole time, she had been just staring at them, as if trying to decide who and what they were. But now she bounced forwards, staring raptly over them and gazing back and forth with awe, and Scrivener winced as Meadowlark and Antares traded dumb looks. “I didn't even know what was going on at first, I mean... I thought I was dreaming, like, crazy dreams that felt really real but weren't but... wow, this is real, isn't it? You're really real!”
“I reckon.” Apple Bloom said finally, and then she blushed a bit as Luna Brynhild snorted in amusement, while the Princesses only looked nonplussed for a moment.
The Lich Twilight Sparkle couldn't help but let her eyes draw outwards, studying her friends silently... and Spike, of course, little, loyal Spike, who was half-hiding behind the empty tray in his claws. Fluttershy was half-curled away, and Rainbow Dash was visibly fighting back all the questions she had, and Rarity was still staring over them with something like awe, her eyes returning again and again to the regal figure Celestia Freya cut in her massive, almost-glowing aureate plate. And of course, this world's Twilight just kept staring at her, taking in her every detail, and she could feel Shining Armor's on her every now and then, just like both Princesses did...
She felt Princess Celestia's eyes turn towards her again, and the Lich shifted a bit, feeling herself being studied before the ivory unicorn finally asked slowly: “I can't help but notice there are... differences. Brynhild, Freya... your differences are more subtle, but the Twilight Sparkle of your world-”
“Morgan.” Luna Brynhild interrupted cheerfully, and the Princess of the Sun favored her with a slight frown. Not just at the fact that this strange pony had interrupted her, there was something of distrust in that look, too... something protective, and worried, and perhaps a little scared.
“Morgan...” Princess Celestia paused, then asked finally: “You clearly are Twilight Sparkle, but you're much larger... and you seem... different. I feel a very powerful magic emanating from you, and something that... that tickles my senses. That makes me feel...”
She hesitated for a  few long moments, and Twilight glanced awkwardly away before Celestia Freya looked out the window and said softly: “It looks like evening is coming on quickly.”
“So it is. Sister, shall we take a recess to attend to our duties?” Princess Luna asked as Princess Celestia frowned nervously... but then slowly nodded, even as her amethyst eyes lingered on her twinned counterpart.
“Of course. We should only be a few minutes, and then we'll return. We just need to find a quiet place to lower the sun and raise the moon.” Celestia said slowly, and the others nodded before the two royal sisters stood, bowing their heads politely. Ponies around the room returned the gesture, and then they left... even as Princess Celestia tossed another unnerved look over her shoulder as she did so.
There was silence for a few moments, the only sound Scrivener quietly turning the pages of the book before Shining Armor climbed to his hooves and muttered something to his sister. Twilight Sparkle nodded quickly and stood, then called awkwardly: “Uh... Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy, would you come with me to the kitchen? To... to help prepare dinner.”
The ponies did so, and the little dragon stared for a moment longer before blushing when Twilight called his name again loudly, and he tossed a lame wave at the ponies of the other layer before spinning around and running off. That left Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack with the group, and Luna Brynhild and Celestia Freya traded mild looks: to them, it was clear what was going on.
Pinkie Pie bounced happily over to Antares and Meadowlark, smiling brightly to them as she leaned down and asked quickly: “So who are you guys? My name is Pinkie Pie!”
“So uh... you like you've grown up... big and strong.” Applejack said hesitantly as he approached Apple Bloom, gazing at her with fascination... maybe even envy, as her eyes slid to the locked hooves of the mare partners. “And... not to... y'know, not to stick my nose in where it don't belong or nothin', you two...”
“You're big.” Rainbow Dash said mildly, and Scrivener Blooms slowly looked over the top of the index book he was reading before the mare grinned at him, tossing her rainbow mane with a wink. “But you know what? I bet I could still beat you in any contest under the sun. Just like I bet that Twilight is still an egghead and... well, your princesses are a lot scarier than our princesses.”
“Do not call me a princess!” Luna Brynhild said in a surly voice, and Rainbow Dash snorted in amusement before returning her eyes to Scrivener, looking at him with interest. Luna huffed, then she grumbled a little before glancing sourly over at Celestia, who looked meditative: “So does thou think this was orchestrated, or...”
“I think...” Celestia glanced towards Twilight, who flushed and looked down embarrassedly. “I think we should have thought twice before entering the village in full raiment. And I think more than scaring them, the Celestia of this layer sensed...”
“Yeah.” Twilight said softly, reaching up to touch her own chest silently... and then she glanced up in surprise as she felt a hoof on her shoulder, looking up to see Applejack standing beside her. Younger than she was in their layer, but the same kindness in her eyes, shining with compassion.
“Hey, you okay there, Twilight? I mean... I know you ain't... our Twilight, but you still seem like Twilight to me.” Applejack gave a small smile to her, and it did a world for the Lich, who smiled faintly in return. “There you go. But what's wrong? Y'all can't be shy now with just us three here.”
Scrivener only grunted, closing the book and putting it aside as he stood up and glanced towards one of the windows, noting the sun was still in the sky. Luna grimaced at this small detail, which likely confirmed their suspicions, as the stallion said mildly: “Well, you know. We're about to be ambushed, that's all.”
Applejack frowned in confusion as Rainbow looked up curiously, and Pinkie Pie asked with interest: “Like... a surprise party? Oh my gosh, is that what Twilight and them are doing, they're making a surprise party?” She bounced on her hooves, lighting up with excitement before her eyes widened in shock. “But wait, then why aren't I there too? Twilight! Twilight, hey, let me help with the surprise party!”
The pink earth pony shot through the archway that led to the kitchen, and Antares quickly turned disbelieving eyes to his father before he winced, shaking his head and saying hurriedly: “Wait, I... why would they do that? And we can't... we can't fight them if they are, I mean... I know there's eight of us, but I don't know if I can hit a pony that looks like Mom or Aunt Tia...”
Meadowlark looked up worriedly as well as Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage both winced, but before anyone could say anything, Rainbow Dash said incredulously: “Wait, Aunt Tia? You mean... Celestia? And... and by 'Mom,' you can't mean...”
“Look at me, look at Scrivener, and then look at Antares, and hope that the gears in thy mind do not strip with all their clanking.” Luna said crossly, and Rainbow Dash glared at her, then huffed and opened her mouth as her eyes slid to Antares... before she stopped, mouth falling open as her magenta gaze moved to Scrivener, and she put it all together in her mind.
Applejack only rolled her eyes with a sigh as Rainbow began to mouth wordlessly, the earth pony saying with a frown: “Now wait just a minute, everypony. You make it sound like our Princesses are about to attack you or something, and that's just ridiculous. From what I see, you ponies are... well... y'ain't like a lot of ponies around these parts but... Twilight is Twilight and your story sounds pretty solid to me, and I reckon if you were here to cause trouble...”
“It's okay, Applejack. It's my fault.” Twilight said softly, and the violet winged unicorn smiled faintly as she stood up and shook her head slowly when the goldenrod mare frowned at her. “It's not because of what they saw or heard, or... not just that. It's because of what they must have felt from me, and I can't blame Princess Celestia for being scared... she has to protect her country.”
“She is stupid. And stuffy.” Luna grumbled, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack both gasped and stared at her with shock, which just made Luna groan. “Well, she is! Just like my big sister can be stupid and stuffy and bullheaded and-”
“Thank you, Luna.” Celestia Freya said tiredly, and then she shook her head slowly before grimacing a bit as instead of darkening, the day seemed to brighten a little, the light shimmering through the windows enough to catch the attention of even the two ponies native to this layer. “Luna, I know what you're going to suggest, but let's avoid fighting for now. We need to maintain peace, not start a war.”
“Oh come now, it worked perfectly well with Little Luna and Nice Celestia when they attempted to take Scrivener and I into custody.” Luna Brynhild argued, and then she grumbled when Celestia looked at her pointedly. “Oh fine. But I make no promises. If they raise horn or hoof against me I shall pummel them all. And so will Scrivener. And thou too, Twilight, I order thou to.”
Twilight only sighed tiredly, before Rainbow Dash remarked dryly: “I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have to say that it sounds like you guys think you can just walk in and beat us all up if you so please, and I take offense at that. We're as tough as you, we just don't have the shiny equipment, that's all.”
“Dash, please don't pick a fight with the ponies in battle gear.” Applejack said tiredly, and Rainbow Dash grumbled under her breath but nodded before the goldenrod earth pony added reasonably: “And look, no matter what-”
She was interrupted by Shining Armor striding into the room with Twilight Sparkle nervously standing a little behind him, the unicorn stallion looking back and forth before he asked courteously: “Excuse me, but will you all please step outside? Except for Rainbow Dash and Applejack. But there's something you... otherworld ponies should be introduced to.”
“Looking Glass World, actually, is what we call it.” Luna Brynhild remarked, and then she sighed tiredly before grumbling and jerking her head at Scrivener and Twilight. “Both of thou, up front with me. Antares, Meadowlark, please follow next. Then Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom, and Celestia shall bring up the rear.”
Celestia nodded calmly without complaint, letting Luna take the lead, and the sapphire mare visibly appreciated it, smiling faintly and becoming a little more serious as Shining Armor winced, seeming to recognize that their ruse had been seen through. Then Applejack frowned, saying worriedly: “Shining Armor... what's going on here?”
But the unicorn didn't respond as Luna flicked her horn to open the door, then strode through, with Scrivener and Twilight following... and none of the eight ponies that made up the group were surprised to find not just Princess Celestia and Princess Luna waiting for them, but almost a full brigade of Royal Guard waiting for them.
The eight strode out into the square, and Antares admittedly felt a tingle of fear as he looked slowly back and forth. As he had been taught, numbers almost always won over strength, when pitted against each other in straight combat.
“I would like to know your true intentions for being here.” Princess Celestia said softly, and then she closed her eyes and bowed her head forwards, giving a single shiver as Princess Luna looked up at her silently. “And I want to know what you did to the Twilight Sparkle of your world.”
Twilight began to open her mouth, but then Celestia Freya reached up a hoof, touching her shoulder silently before she raised her head and replied clearly to the Princess standing on the other side of the square, with a wall of soldiers between her and them. “The enemies we seek... we think they come from a world called Decretum. A world that attacked ours before it was stopped, whose forces took many lives... including that of Twilight Sparkle.”
Celestia Freya fell silent, looking towards the violet mare, who gazed silently back, their eyes locked before the golden-armored equine looked slowly up. She could feel all the eyes of the ponies around the square on her... the eyes of soldiers, and civilians who were staring fearfully out from behind the rows of Royal Guard, and the eyes of the Twilight Sparkle of this layer and her friends and brother. “But before she died, she tied her essence to a music box... and I had... I did the only thing I could do. I resurrected her as a Lich.”
Princess Luna covered her mouth with a hoof as Princess Celestia's eyes hardened, baring her teeth as she leaned forwards and snapped: “Why should I believe that ponies who come to a peaceful village in full armor and carrying weapons want peace? Why should I believe that ponies who use dark, forbidden magic, who look like evil mirror images of ourselves want to put a halt to some unknown, alien force of darkness I've never heard so much as a rumor about? What are you really? Changelings? Demons? Shadow-puppets of Sombra? Even worse abominations of darkness?”
“Well, aye, we are dark, Princess Celestia, but we are not the monsters thou thinks we are.” Luna said sourly, her eyes narrowed before she cracked her neck as she stepped forwards, glaring challengingly back and forth. “Now, I have no desire to hurt anypony. Pummeling is much better saved for the enemy, not for those whom we would rather have as allies. But I must warn thee, Princess Sunshine, as my dear friend Pinkamena does so love to call thee: signal an attack upon us... nay, so much as speak ill of my beloved family again, and I shall mangle every soldier thou sends at us and then properly bitch-slap thee into the ground. Just because we are here to help does not mean we shan't rise to the challenges thou dares throw at us.”
Antares gaped at his mother as Celestia Freya sighed quietly, but her amethyst eyes held some glimmer of approval all the same as Princess Celestia glared angrily at them, her rainbow mane twisting before she straightened. And even as her younger sibling reached worriedly up to grasp her shoulder, the Princess of the Sun ordered sharply: “Arrest them, so we can bring them to Canterlot for questioning. Brynhild, Freya, do not resist, or we will take extreme measures! I will not allow you to threaten myself or Equestria!”
But Luna Brynhild only grinned widely, stepping forwards and dropping to a ready position before Celestia Freya sighed and shook her head slowly, then called clearly as Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage stepped into defensive positions near Meadowlark and Antares: “Disable if necessary, but do not kill or maim!”
“No, maiming is fine!” Luna Brynhild corrected calmly, and then she cracked her neck loudly before her cyan eyes flashed, baring her teeth in a wide grin as the Royal Guard of Equestria began to surge in from all sides.