Spike's Journal

by WorkingClassWriter

SPECIAL:It's a Flood, Flood, World

Spike’s Journal
Written by The39Ponies
Edited by cwiis

SPECIAL:It's A Flood, Flood World

Dear Diary,

Movie adaptations of books seem to be massive these days. Hoofy Potter and the Ponylosopher's-or-Something's-Stone was being made into a TV film. Since Fluttershy had a TV, we decided that we would go to her house for movie night. Everypony was enthusiastic about the idea.

Well, everypony except Rainbow Dash. She didn't want to have anything to do with magic or books, or even movies based on them. After a bit of convincing, however, she decided to go with some of her friends from the weather team. We shouldn't have done that. I'll explain why later.

At 6 PM, we had gotten the popcorn, cupcakes, and muffins (although Derpy would probably end up eating half of them before we could even touch them). We were all ready to watch the movie. In fact, we were so excited that we didn't even notice the rain. Pinkie Pie seemed a bit ticked off, though. Seems like she wanted to watch Dora the Pegaxplorer or something (no idea why).

Then, the movie started. ...Well, it was just the usual logos and stuff at first, so we patiently waited. Finally, the real movie came. We saw the Trottingham Forest, and--

There was this big flash of lightning (how ironic) and a thunderclap. Then, the lights went out. Everypony groaned. Fortunately, Fluttershy had a high-tech lamp, too. Problem was, we only had lights and water. No cable. I did a bit of fiddling around and found out that the TV had a crank in case the cable broke. Unfortunately, somepony had to twist it for it to work. Since nopony volunteered (gee, I wonder why), I decided to take the cruel job.

It worked! Except that it seemed like the 3D wasn't going well, and we could barely hear a word of what the characters were saying. Still, we were going to enjoy this the best that we could. After all, nopony except Pinkie wanted to watch Dora. Not even the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Suddenly, it got replaced by a newscast which was even more low-quality. Still, we could make out that the reporters were saying something about floods due to not having enough wingpower force applied on a main cloud or something. Curious, we looked outside and saw that it was raining heavily, accompanied by a flood to boot.

Since the newscast didn't make much... well, sense, Pinkie asked if we could watch Dora. Cranking the best I could, we switched to Ponylodeon Jr., which was in perfect quality (of course).

Right now, practically everypony else aside from Pinkie was grumpy. Feeling pity on them, Twilight revealed that she had brought the original book along just in case. She decided to do some live-reading, which went well until she remembered there were 300 pages to go after the first chapter. Also, her live-reading was accompanied by the sounds of thunder, rain, and Pinkie shouting "Come on, Dora, it's right BEHIND YOU!".

So, things went like that for around 30 minutes. While cranking the TV, I noticed that Twilight sounded tired. She then cut the book short. And by that, I mean: "Hoofy Potter saved the Ponylosopher's Stone from falling into the wrong hands and lived happily ever after until the next book. The End."

Unfortunately, the other ponies were so impressed that they wanted Twilight to read the rest of the books in her bag. Wearily, Twilight got Daring Do:The Shadow Empire Strikes Back.

Just then, the roof started to leak. I tried pointing this out to Twilight, but she was too busy describing Horsth. Praying for a miracle, I continued cranking the TV.

Apparently Celestia wasn't listening, because a wet drop fell on my nose. This made me sneeze, which made me stop cranking, which disconnected the cable. Pinkie was not amused. I tried recranking it the best I could, but it wasn't moving. Not thinking of getting oil, I pulled as hard as I could. The crank snapped out of the machine.

At this point, both Scootaloo (who was coming out of the bathroom) and Derpy (who was getting some muffins) tripped due to a puddle. Somehow, they both managed to roll outside.

Everypony panicked (except Twilight and her audience, who were too engrossed in their respective tasks). Rainbow Dash decided to go out and try to save them. Apparently both of them were fine but stuck in the chicken house. We had no idea how to get them out, and decided that we would try to help them after the rain was over.

At this point, Twilight was cutting corners short again, but she still couldn't resist saying The Line. However, her voice was getting pretty hoarse. Finally, she said It. However, it came out more like "Dexing I sem yur fath".

Right then, I decided I couldn't bear the mess anymore and fainted. I woke up the next morning in a puddle with a fever. Apparently the leaking stopped just before the roof would have collapsed, and the rain had stopped three hours before.

Today, I learned that I hate rain.
