Spike's Journal

by WorkingClassWriter

Owl's Well That Ends Well

Spike's Journal

Written by The39Ponies

Edited by cwiis

Dear Diary,

Two days ago, we heard that there was going to be a meteor shower of some sort that night. This particular event wasn't going to happen again for another hundred years, and since we probably wouldn't be able to catch that one (unless Twilight becomes a princess or something, which is highly unlikely), we decided to go.

Well, I had a... slight holdup while heading there. Ya see, Twilight asked me to get an almanac of stars or something. Unfortunately, when I found it, I sneezed fire. And since it didn't have the teleportation perfume on it or anything, it got fully burned. Well, not quite, I suppose. I believe you could see a very small part of the title - it said "SUPERNOV". Panicking, I lied to Twilight and said that I couldn't find it. I think I got a few lumps of coal for that.

Anyways, we finally got there at around seven. We ate dinner there and talked a bit before the actual meteor shower happened. I got thanked quite a bit for my help there. In fact, to my complete joy, Rarity gave me a bowtie which was made especially for me. I think I fainted and landed in the punch after that.

The next day, however, was not so great. When I woke up, I saw an owl perched in front of the clothes hanger. It turns out that in the middle of the night, Twilight had decided to adopt him. In fact, she hired him! She even gave him a name, Owlowicious. She had totally forgotten about me! Well, okay, maybe not totally, but he was still taking my job. The proof? He did all of my usual errands. In fact, when I was buying some quills, he decided to make my efforts worthless by pulling out some of his feathers instead!

This may be considered a form of Heroic Sacrifice, but I knew something was up. I suspected it even more when the owl stole all of the gang's attention. I figured that Coltdemore had gotten tired of his Horseuxes and decided to use cute little head-turning owls instead. That theory made perfect sense!

But before I could report this to Twilight, she suddenly burst into my section of the library. She had found out about the burnt book, and was pretty mad about it. I concluded that Owlowicious had snitched on me, and I decided to teach him a lesson as payback.

The next day, since I was grounded for half a week, I couldn't go reading the new Hoofy Potter book to find out if Coltdemore had made an evil copy of Hoofwig or something. So, I decided to search around Ponyville instead, looking for items I could use in my dastardly plot.

By lunch, I had gathered up a messed-up toy mouse, a stuffy pillow, and some ketchup. Complete with a John Hoofision costume (well, he didn't have a mustache, but hey, I didn't want to be that evil), I created a mess on the floor. I feel a bit uncomfortable even thinking about it, so let's just say I made it look like Owlowicious caught the mouse.

Then again, I should have dressed up as Ahuizotl or something, because Twilight noticed me right away. My act didn't help, and she criticized me for turning to the Dark Side (my excuse of cookies didn't help). She wrapped up her speech by saying that I wasn't the Spike that she knows and loves.

Thanks to my lack of vitamins that day, I thought that she didn't love me anymore. Remembering my lesson with babysitting Fluttershy's animals, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and run away.

That night, I found a cave to sleep in. It had plenty of jewels inside it, so it was basically a no-brainer. Well, I should have looked before I leapfrogged, because when I finished my dinner, I realized there was another dragon in the cave. Who looked exactly like Smaug. And I sure as hay wasn't Bilbo.

Cue me running away like a maniac from the cave. Unfortunately, the dragon had already developed wings (duh). For a moment, I thought I was doomed. I decided to try to send a mental message to Twilight to bury her Pony Trek collection with me so I could read it in the afterlife.

Fortunately, Owlowicious swooped down to save the day by attacking the dragon with all his might. And I swear he was doing it for me. We managed to escape just in time, and I learned my lesson.

Aside from what I wrote to Princess Celestia, I also learned that pets aren't so bad after all. Now, to convince Twilight to get me a falcon.
