//------------------------------// // Guilty Creatures Sitting at a Play // Story: Vengeance of Dawn // by Scipio Smith //------------------------------// Chapter 9 Guilty Creatures Sitting at a Play Twilight's quill scratched as it ran across the parchment scroll, pausing only for her to dip the handsome phoenix feather into the ink. The qualities of a well-made potion are three fold: first, that it should fulfil its function in as expeditious a manner as possible. Second, that it should be safe for the consumption of ponies and any other living creatures who might conceivably have cause to take it. And thirdly, that it should be easy to reproduce in order to provide the greatest benefit to ponykind. There was a knock upon the door of Twilight's tower room. "Spike, would you mind getting that?" "Sure thing, Twilight," Spike got down off his chair and scampered over to the door. "Oh, hi Shining Armour!" "Hey, Spike," Shining Armour said. "Is Twily here?" "Sure," Spike replied, "hey, Twilight, it's Shining Armour!" "Hello," Twilight glanced in her big brother's direction, before returning her attention back to her essay. "Um, yeah, hi," Shining Armour said, sounding suddenly uncertain. "Uh, do you have a minute to talk?" "I'm kinda busy, can you just talk now. I promise I'm listening," Twilight said. There was a pause, Twilight did not look up for her brother's reaction. Shining Armour sighed, "You know it was Cadance's birthday party last night. Remember, I dropped off the invitation a couple of weeks ago?" "I remember." "You said you were going to be there." "And I meant it when I said it," Twilight said. "But I was busy last night, something came up." "Cadance was disappointed when you didn't show," Shining Armour said reproachfully. "I was busy," Twilight repeated, "we were completely snowed under with work, weren't we Spike?" "You could have made time if you'd wanted too," Spike said. "We could have started that research this morning." "We were re-cataloguing the books this morning," Twilight reminded him. "I am sorry about Cadance's party, really, but I just had too much to do." "Like when you blew me off for lunch last week?" Shining Armour said. "Exactly like that," Twilight said testily. "I'm not doing this to spite you or Cadance. I really have important stuff I need to be getting on with." "I know," Shining Armour said. "I know how much being Princess Celestia's student matters to you, I know how much of a responsibility it is. But, Twily, I didn't come up here to complain that you hurt Cadance's feelings ─ although you did ─ or mine. I came here because I'm worried about you. Because Mom and Dad are worried about you." "There is nothing to worry about," Twilight kept writing while she talked. "My grades are consistently excellent." "I've been asking around the school, Twily, nopony ever sees you, some of the ponies I asked didn't even know who you were," Shining Armour said. "Do you just spend all day and all night shut up in here?" "I go out when I need a book from the library, or to get something to eat," Twilight replied, still not looking up from her work. "Well I'm glad to hear you're eating, Mom was worried," Shining Armour said. "But living that way isn't healthy Twilight, it's not good for you." "I'm a grown pony, I don't need you or Cadance telling me what is or isn't good for me any more," Twilight said a tad testily. "A grown pony who has no friends or social life," Shining Armour said. "I don't have the luxury of spending my time on frivolities that I can just drop to go and do other frivolous things," Twilight said. "What I'm doing here is actually important, it matters." "Are you saying that the things I do don't matter? That they're frivolous? That me, our parents, Cadance, we don't matter?" Twilight looked up to see a hurt expression on her brother's face, "I didn't mean─ are we fighting?" "I hope not," Shining Armour said. "I will make it up to Cadance somehow, I promise," Twilight said. "But...I think you should go now, I have a lot of work to get done." *** "I didn't keep my promise," Twilight murmured. "Come again?" Spike said as he swallowed a mouthful of cupcake. "Cadance's birthday party, I said I'd go and then I didn't, remember? I didn't even get her a present. I promised that I'd make it up to her but I never did. I never even spoke to her until the wedding. And to think that I thought she was evil for blowing me off that day, when looking back I actually deserved the way that Queen Chrysalis treated me more than how the real Cadance did. How arrogant was it to think I could just breeze back into her life and pick up where I'd left off as if nothing had happened?" "But that's exactly what you did," Spike pointed out. "Which just proves how much the two of you mean to one another when you stop and think about it." "I'd like to believe that," Twilight said quietly. "But I still never made it up to her for the way I behaved." "You did save Cadance and her wedding day from the changelings." "I know but," Twilight sighed, bowing her head, "this is why I have to save her Spike, whatever it takes. Because she's been so good to me, so kind, so loyal, I can't abandon her, not ever. That's why I have to keep on doing this." They stood in the converted laboratory. Every inch of these walls had become familiar to Twilight recently. Each stain on the carpet had become an old friend. In time she would become as familiar with its ins and outs as she had been with her tower at school. "I never said to give up," Spike said. "I just...it's been four days since you left this room for more than ten minutes at a time." "I'm more than ten minutes in the bath each morning." "You know what I mean, Twilight," Spike frowned. "You're shutting yourself in again." "Everypony understands what I'm doing here and why I have to do it," Twilight replied. "Thought apparently some dragons are having a harder time." "It's not a good combination with dark magic," Spike said. "And is it just me or are you using more and more of that?" Twilight sighed, "I need to become more practiced with it, more refined in my usage, if I'm to crack the secret of this spell." And it feels oh so sweet. I can hardly imagine going back to ordinary magic after this delicious nectar. "This can't be good for you, Twilight," Spike said. "You aren't sleeping." "I don't have time for sleep, and I don't need you telling me what is and isn't good for me," Twilight snapped. "I'm a grown pony and a princess!" Twilight flinched away from him, one hoof rubbing at her head as she frowned, "I'm sorry Spike, I don't know why I just yelled at your like that." Her head was throbbing, she felt in dire need of an aspirin. "Are you okay, Twilight?" Spike moved closer to her. "Do you want me to get the others?" "They can't help me with this Spike," Twilight said, taking a deep breath. They can't help me with anything, they're useless. Wait, where in Equestria did that come from? Am I receiving other pony's thoughts of a sudden? Am I becoming a telepath? Twilight shook her head, "We need to keep working. Are you still with me?" "Yeah, I'm with you," Spike sounded a lot less confident than his words, and looked less sure of himself than that. Twilight nodded, shaking her head clear. She needed to concentrate for this, she could not afford any distractions, not even the throbbing pain right underneath her horn. Besides, she had a feeling that what she was about to do would make the pain go away faster than she could say pain relief. She closed her eyes, focussed her energies and called upon the dark magic. Her horn glowed with that purple, green and black light, her eyes turned from lavender to sickly green, faint black lines began to appear running up and down her skin. And Twilight Sparkle felt oh so good. The pain from her headache was gone completely, replaced by such sweet sensation it threatened to overpower her mind. She flew through nectar, she swam in ambrosia, she drowned in pure joy and happiness and the thrill of power. Her aura bubbled and she bubbled with it, rising higher and higher as her mortal cares were cast off. With this power I could do anything. I could bend Equestria to my will, remake it in my image. I could be the mistress of a whole new race who would look to me as ponies look to Celestia. With this power I could─ Focus Twilight, focus! This is for Cadance, all and only for her. Why? Is it not time to put away childish things, sentimental attachments that belong to the past? Cadance doesn't belong to the past! She's my friend now! She's not anypony's friend the way she is at the moment. Leave her that way and who'll complain. "I will!" Twilight shouted, wresting her thoughts away from that foul path with an effort of willpower and firing a burst of dark magic at one of the test vials. If she could learn how to create the Tears of Nightmare Moon, then she would know how to purify the potion or create an antidote. It might be as simple as cleansing the mixture of dark magic. I cannot be cleansed so easily as that. Once you let me in there I remain. And really, why would you want me gone? You do not control me, Twilight thought as she kept up the spell for a few moments longer. Once I have what I need from you, I will cast you aside. So you say. The spell ended, Twilight pouring the last of her magic into the vial and then releasing her hold upon the black magic. Instantly she felt so weak, so drained that her legs wobbled and she feared that she would fall flat on her face in front of Spike. But that was not the worst part, the worst of it was not how drained of strength but how drained of joy she felt after having drawn forth dark magic and then released it again. It was as though she had been asleep and dreaming such a sweet, paradise dream of golden worlds filled with happiness that, upon waking to a reality hard and cold, she cried to dream again. Twilight Sparkle did not weep, but she felt herself coming close. It was all she could do not to seize dark magic again at once. If this ecstasy is Sombra's taint then why can't all magic be so tainted? Twilight Sparkle fought to keep her thoughts clear, "Did it work?" Spike walked over to the vials, "It doesn't look the same as the control Tears." "Doesn't really matter. I'll purify it and we'll try it out on the rat. Stand back," Twilight summoned her magic. "Um, Twilight," Spike said nervously, "I thought you were going to use regular magic for the purification, not dark magic." "What? Am I?" Twilight noticed that she didn't feel so tired any more. She let go, and her weariness returned twice as hard. She reached again for magic, and grasped at the dark kind by mistake. The third time the same thing happened. "You're overusing it Twilight, you need to let it go," Spike insisted. "I'm fine, I just need to take a quick break," Twilight gasped. "I am the Princess of Magic, I can do this." "You won't be able to do regular magic if you keep this up," Spike sounded incredibly shrill to Twilight's ears. She was getting a little fed up with his complaining. "You need to let the dark stuff go, for a while at least." Let go? But it's so sweet. Twilight shook her head, forcing her eyelids to stay open, "I need to do this. For Cadance." "Perhaps there's another way. Perhaps Rarity can help you." "Hah! What's she going to do, sew me a cure for Cadance?" Twilight sneered. "Why did I just say that? Where are these nasty words coming from?" "You don't know?" "No I don't and if you've got nothing better to do than look smug and sound self-righteous then you might as well leave, you're no use to me," Twilight shouted. Spike backed away from her, his green eyes wide with shock, "I'm going to go get the others, maybe they can talk some sense into you." He very nearly slammed the door behind him. Twilight rubbed her head as it started to ache again, worse than before. Why did I talk to him like that? He was just looking out for me. I'll make it up to him later. "I can control this," she whispered to herself. "I will control this. I will master it. I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. Power does not tempt me." Then why do you want it so badly? Somepony knocked upon the door, "Princess Twilight, may I come in." Twilight vaguely recognised that accent, foreign sounding but in such a way as to be impossible to trace, "Come in." Yes, it was the Countess Mercedes Zaccone who swept into the room. Whether it was tiredness, dark magic or something else, but Twilight felt feelings stir within her that she had not felt before. She was at once fascinated and repulsed by this pony, drawn to her and wary of her. It was though she considered the Countess to be both kin and mortal enemy to her. "You'll have to excuse me, and the mess," Twilight said. "I wasn't expecting a visitor." "Believe me Your Highness, I would never look down upon how hard you are working. It speaks well of your friendship with the Princess Cadance, yes? But still, I hoped that you might consider taking a small break from your work to attend the theatre as my guest." Twilight frowned, maybe it the fog in her brain but she could not have said what Twilight thought she just said, "You came out here to ask me to go to a play?" "A very good play," the Countess corrected her mildly. "Performed by some excellent actors, the very best for comedy, tragedy, historical, pastoral or indeed any production of any kind." Twilight laughed, "I'm sorry, but I don't have any time for such frivolity right now." "Frivolity? Oh no, Your Highness, this is vitally important. I must confess I have an ulterior interest in this matter: I am something of an amateur sleuth, I adore detective stories and constantly involve myself in investigations into criminal activities. On the Isla Dantes I am well known to the guard as an investigator. And so, when I arrive here and a crime is committed, I investigate. And now I have a plan." "If you think you know something you should talk to my brother." "No. I talk to you. I feel a...kinship between us. A bond, tying us together. I can speak freely with you. I fear you may be betrayed by one of your own inner circle." Twilight laughed again, "No that's impossible. I trust my friends completely and absolutely." "Do you?" the Countess asked. "Do you still, after gaining wings and crown? It is said that power reveals who we really are, but I believe it is truer to say that power reveals those around us. Success breeds envy and resentment, even where there had once been perfect love. Are you so certain that there is not a cancer spreading through your garden?" "Yes," Twilight said, but it came out somewhat hoarsely as she back away from the Countess. She would not believe it, did not want to believe it, but some part of her did believe it, and whispered at the back of her mind that Countess Mercedes spoke true. The Countess smiled thinly, "It is said that guilty creatures sitting at a play will, when confronted with the image of their malefactions, be struck so to the soul that they will make confession of their crimes. For crime will speak even though it has no tongue. Come to the theatre with your friends and see something like the poisoning of Princess Cadance played before you all. If they are true, they'll bear it with patient shrug and I'll confess to being wrong. But if they play you false then one of them will blanch and flee, frightened by the cunning of the scene. Then you will know your course." "You will be proved wrong," Twilight said. "I am prepared to take the risk," the Countess replied. Twilight bowed her head. She felt unspeakably dirty, but at least this would stop Spike complaining that she never left the palace, "Very well." *** The next night, Breaking Dawn stood backstage at the Theatre Royal Haymarket and watched the actors getting ready for the show. Actors put on their costumes, applied their makeup, put on their wigs and transformed from humble players into princes and princesses, heralds and clowns. The magic of the theatre, as powerful as any unicorn's art, began to suffuse the air. "Is everything in order?" she asked. Hard Candy pulled on a long, flowing blue wig, "Yep. We're all set and ready to go as soon as the curtain rises." "And it's all going to go flawlessly?" Candy gave her a look, "Give us some credit Dawn, this is what we do for a living." "Sorry," Dawn said. "It's just that this has to go off without a hitch. Absolutely flawlessly and just like Laurel and I wrote it. Do not let the clowns speak more than is allotted to them, nor let anyone waste time in─" "Dawny," Candy said in a warning tone. She chuckled. "We don't need you to teach us how to suck eggs." "Right, right, sorry," Dawn shook her head. "I should go." "That's probably for the best." *** The Countess Mercedes had managed to book the prestigious Theatre Royal Haymarket for the night, and so on the night after their conversation Twilight led her friends to the ornate, columned front of the theatre for the special performance, to which all of the elite of Canterlot appeared to have been invited. Crimson banners hung from the theatre roof proudly proclaiming The Treason of Valiant, Prince of the Crystal Empire. An usher in a velvet waistcoat waved Twilight's party through. "You are in the Royal Circle ma'am, Countess Mercedes is expecting you." Twilight nodded in acknowledgement. "So many ponies here," Rarity said. "Is there anypony she didn't invite?" "I don't think so," Twilight replied. "Even Princess Celestia received an invitation, though she didn't accept it. I─ Shining Armour?" "Twilight, hey," Shining Armour smiled as he cut his way purposefully through the crowds like a shark through a school of fish. "I think I'm in the Royal Circle with you guys." Rarity made a kind of strangled squawk of alarm. She did not look Shining Armour in the face. "Great," Twilight said. "How's the investigation going? Did you get anything from the apothecary?" Shining Armour scowled, "That guy. No, he doesn't know anything." "Maybe you should let me talk to him," Twilight said. "I bet I know some ways of getting him to talk." "I don't think that's a good idea, Twilight Sparkle," Shining Armour said. Twilight frowned, "No, nor do I. I suppose we'd best go on up." "Why do we all have to go this play anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Theatre isn't really my thing." "Neither was reading until you gave it a try," Twilight reminded her. "Yeah, I guess," Rainbow Dash admitted. "Do you know what it's about Twilight?" Fluttershy murmured. "It looked rather nasty on the poster outside." "No, I'm afraid not," Twilight lied. She felt bad about deceiving them, but the point of this whole exercise was that they did not know the truth. It was a terrible feeling that the Countess had planted in her stomach. It was as if a glass barrier had been erected between her and her friends, a barrier that could not be seen that was nonetheless dividing them impenetrably. The thought that one of them might have betrayed her after all they had been through...what would that mean? Had she ever known the real them? Or had they been playing her false this whole time? All they've ever wanted is what they could get from you. No, no that isn't true! What's happening to me? "Twilight darling, are you okay?" Rarity laid a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, drawing back as Twilight flinched from her touch. "I'm fine, really." "At least you're getting out of the palace, right?" Spike said. "Yeah, right," I need to get this over with so I can say that they are all innocent, and get back to trusting them. It's terrible, the only one I don't doubt is Applejack. And she was always the least and dullest of them. What? No she wasn't. Stop thinking stuff like that. She led her party up into the Royal Circle, which was deserted save for the Countess and her chaperone. "Ah, Your Highness, so glad you could make it. And all your lovely friends too, welcome my dears. Miss Rarity, I know, and the Crystal Prince I have met, but I am afraid the others I know only by reputation. "These are my friends," the word very nearly stuck in Twilight's craw, "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike." "Pleasure to meet you," the Countess purred. "Rainbow Dash the famous flier, yes?" "The one and only," Rainbow Dash answered proudly. "Perhaps I will have the pleasure to see you race sometime?" "Maybe yeah, I never say no to chance to show my stuff." "Never ever," Rarity murmured. The Countess smiled, more like a smirk almost, "Please, all of you, sit. The curtain will rise in just a moment. Your Highness, sit by me if you will." "May I sit next to you, Rarity?" Shining Armour asked. Rarity looked distinctly unhappy with the idea, Twilight had already sat down next to the Countess, Fluttershy next to Twilight, Rainbow Dash next to Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie next to Rainbow Dash and Spike next to Pinkie Pie. So she really had no choice but to acquiesce as she sat down with Spike on her right and Shining Armour on her left. "Is this a funny play?" Pinkie Pie asked. The Countess blinked, "No, I am afraid not." "Aw, that's a pity," Pinkie Pie said, producing a box of popcorn from Celestia knew where and beginning to munch on it. Below them, in the Upper Circle and the Stalls, the seats were filling quickly. There was not an empty seat in the theatre as the trumpets sounded, the red velvet curtain rose and the actors walked on stage. The play began with a Prologue advancing to the centre of the stage to face the audience. "A time of peace and great prosperity," the Prologue said. "In the fair Crystal Empire of old, Wherein we lay our wood and canvas scene, Here reigns the Princess Bella, whose fair face, Is famed beyond repute in all the lands. Though sought by suitors from across the world, Her hoof is given to the bold Knight Valiant, Whose gallantry is as her beauty well renowned. His sister is to royalty new made, And to the Crystal Empire she is come, With presents, praises and rich train, To be done honour. Gentle ladies, and kind gentlecolts, Forgive the meagre trappings of this play, We have no gems t'adorn the city bright, No Crystal Heart to cast a loving light, Our crowns are paper gold, our wings are false, We have no throngs of Crystal Ponies, No swollen progress for a princess fit, And Bella seems less fair than words would make, Give us your aid, good watching folk, And with imagination we will be Transformed into things grander than we are: A city will sprout whole and full upon this stage, Great crowds will flock about it richly dressed, And you will behold beauty beyond words As we ride on the wings of your belief." The Prologue retired, and a small crowd of extras entered upon the stage. "All hail the Princess Bella! All hail Prince Valiant! Long live the Crystal Empire!" The Prince and Princess entered from the left, pressed close against one another as they strode on stage to the cheers and applause of the populace. "Now is the winter of our fearful dread, Turned glorious summer by my Valiant, prince, Now is the long dark night in which we dwelled, Dispelled and banished by the light of love," Princess Bella said. "'Tis even so, now you and I are wed, And come together to this Crystal Throne, Though suitors came from all the world to win, The favour of this most fair hoof, from Quaggai, From Grevyia, from griffons' lands, And even Changelings from the barb'rous wastes, Twas I you chose, and I you lately wed, Though I am favoured not with handsome face, Nor blessed with nimble tongue." Prince Valiant replied. "Yet with your valour you have won my heart, And claimed it as a spoil of war. Tell me, Prince, Will you love me evermore and ever faithful?" "For evermore," Prince Valiant said, though he continued in an aside, "In truth I have not loved her since we wed, And only 'nother's stubbornness, Preserves my faith to this despised union." Trumpets rang out, Princess Bella said, "Let all attend and welcome Princess Nimue, New crown'd and sister dear to my sweet prince, Attend her royal state and welcome! Hail Princess Nimue!" "The Princess Nimue cometh! Behold! Behold!" the crowd cried as Princess Nimue entered from the right accompanied by her train. "Good brother, and sweet sister Bella kind, You are too generous with flattery and praise, Though I have lately royal wings been granted, I feel no higher up than once I was ─ upon the ground." "In our esteem you soar above the clouds," Bella said. "Come, let us away." Belle and Nimue exited, followed by Nimue's train and all the commoners. "Lady Guinevere, hold a moment," Prince Valiant called. "Have you yet given thought to my last letter?" One of Nimue's attendants, a unicorn with blue hair, halted at the edge of the stage. "My answer is unchanged from last we spoke." "Why, Guinevere, why must you be so cold? Just let my blazing passion melt the ice, That has engulfed you." "I'd sooner a cold wind would put out all thy flames." "Fie, Guinevere, look at me!" "Nay I'll not!" "Doubt that the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Think truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love thee, Whole entire. Is it my face that so repels your heart?" "Rather your wedding band repels my thought," Guinevere said. "I'll be the prize of no stallion saving he Who calls me wife. You're wed t'another." "And greatly I regret my hasty foolishness," Valiant said. "If I could wed thee, would you call me husband?" A crafty look appeared on Guinevere's face, "I would consider it. Now I must go." She exited, and all the stage darkened but for a spotlight upon Valiant alone. "O! I am bound about with iron chains, Which dig into my soul and rend it 'bout to pieces! My wife, though I do love her not, is kind, And innocent of both crime or offence, Save loving me in which act she, In thinking herself loved is more decieved. I love her not, my heart burns for another, Her face before my eyes, consuming thought, But what to do? I cannot marry while I am yet wed, Nor would I yield the throne of this fair Empire, Where I now stand prince. Is love enough, To cast aside a kingdom for it's sake? Oh yes, yes, for without throne I'll sleep In common beds. But without Guinevere, I'll never rest." Valiant rushed off stage. The stage darkened, and when it lit again a leafy bower sat in the centre of the stage. "What is this play about, Countess, may I ask?" Rarity said tremulously. "Passion, plot and the ruin of the realm by love," the Countess said. "Murder, treason and foul purposes. Look, here comes the Princess Bella back again." Bella came on, yawning. "I am much tired and sleepyheaded now, My lids are heavy and my footfalls drag, I'll rest here in my garden bower awhile, Till weariness flees from me." She lay down, and was soon asleep. Valiant returned, swathed in a black cloak and holding a vial of poison, "Thoughts black, hooves apt, Drugs fit and time permitting, Moment right, with no creature seeing. Farewell, unloved wife! What's this? My hooves seem in th'air to stick, Does my body rebel against my will? Can it comprehend the vileness of the act, And seek to stem the stench of my offences? For rank this is, so rank I tremble on, The threshold of this Deed. A little water, Swift applied may clear my hooves, But is there water in ocean's whole expanse Wash clear my soul? Yet have I other choice? A life of misery? Fie upon that! Where must I sacrifice myself for others' sake, And be a servant for them all my days. Forbid it, Celestia! I'll do as need, Though all my joys be mingled with regret." He poured the poison into Bella's ears. Rarity squeaked in alarm. Twilight saw that the Countess had paled a little, a single tear running down her cheek. "What do you mean bringing us to a play like this after everything that's happened?" Rainbow Dash snapped. The Countess blinked and wiped away her tear, "It is all in good humour, yes? Poison in jest. Now you shall see how Prince Valiant gets the love of his sister's hoofmaiden." Rarity, looking like she was about to be sick, got up from her seat, "Excuse me everypony, I feel a little unwell." she galloped out of the circle and down the stairs. After a few moments, Shining Armour stood up awkwardly to follow her. The Countess leaned in to Twilight, "Listen to their conversation. You may hear something to your advantage." Twilight looked in the direction she had gone. She felt more than a little ill herself. *** Rarity stood outside the theatre, taking deep breaths of the crisp evening air, ignoring all the hustle and bustle of a Canterlot eve that went on around her. She knows, that was the thought that ran through her head like a hamster upon a wheel over and over again. She knows about the letters. The similarities of the play had been great, the paralells to her situation had been too pat, to admit of any other explanation. The Countess is suggesting that I knew about Shining Armour's feelings, that I returned them, that I encouraged this. But then why not just tell Twilight? Why this charade? Is she playing some sort of game with me? Unless she knew about the letters because she sent them! Rarity took a deep breath. That would explain everything. Which would mean that she was not just playing with Rarity, but with Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armour too. Anger began to build inside of Rarity, her brow furrowed and her jaw clenched. So she thinks she can use me to hurt Twilight? Play us both for fools? And who knows how involved she is with what happened to Princess Cadance. I think it's about time somepony showed this little madam what happens to people who try to come between this family. Her sickly feeling replaced by a rage that seemed to give her strength, Rarity wheeled round to march back in there and give the Countess a piece of her mind. Only to find Shining Armour standing in front of her. "Did you not enjoy the play?" he asked. "My love?" Rarity stepped backwards, her blue eyes widening, "No, this isn't right, this isn't you." "I was hurt you didn't answer my letters," Shining Armour said. "Y-you wrote me those letters?" "Who else would have?" Shining Armour asked. "I love you, Mi Amore, I don't know why you keep denying that you love me too." "Because I don't," Rarity snapped. "Stop lying," he hissed. "We don't have to lie any more: not to one another, not to ourselves, not even to Twilight Sparkle. We have a chance now, finally, to talk honestly." "Honestly: we have nothing to talk about," Rarity somehow managed the difficult feat of shouting while sounding prim at the same time. She walked back up the steps into the theatre. Shining Armour followed, dragging her into an empty cloakroom, "I know the truth. I know what we have. I will not tolerate all this lying any longer." "Let go of me." "I love you. I poisoned my own wife to be with you. I know you feel the same way I do, I see it every time you look at me. You don't want that annoying little lizard, I'm the stallion you love. Why do you keep hiding it?" "I'm not hiding anything!" Rarity shouted, wrenching free of his grasp. "I feel nothing for you. Nothing! Except revulsion at what you've done. How could you imagine that I would...you're Twilight's brother. Married to one of her best friends. Don't you realise how much you've hurt her. And you dared to act so outraged at the think that you had done, and now to expect me to be happy about it. How dare you? How dare you? You're Twilight's brother and Twilight's friendship means everything to me. More than you, more than love, more than anything. I won't ever betray her, ever. You disgust me." Shining Armour's expression became hurt as he placed his hooves upon her shoulders, "Mi Amore-" "Don't call me that! And get off!" Rarity shrieked as the door from the theatre opened. Twilight Sparkle stood in the doorway. She did not look angry. Her expression was more upset than anything. The grief in her eyes cut Rarity to the quick. "So," she said softly, "it is true."