Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

by Jetto

8. Three painfully awkward conversations

“A little bit higher there, Doug, oh nono, Clementine, try a tinsy-bitsy bit louder, oh and Benjamin, darling, you start your part too soon, please try to wait a quarter second more, if that’s okay with you...”


“No, Duckie, I’m sorry, you can’t join the choir.”


“Yes, I know you’ll do your best and I love your singing voice.”


“I’m serious, I really do! It’s just that, you see, it’s a little bit too include you. The celebration is in few hours and we have so little time to practice...”


“I know you practiced a lot and I know you memorized all the lyrics, but we’re full. I’m sorry.”


“Oh come on, you know I wouldn’t lie to you!” the gentle yellow pegasus walked towards the duck and gently patted its head “There, there, who’s my little Duckie?”


“Yes, you are!” she nuzzled the ducks bill “Don’t worry, there will be next time and I promise, you’ll be the first one to know.” she turned back to the rest of her choir, composed of about two dozen of birds of many types and colors.

“Okay now, let’s get this one more time, but this time, imagine Princess herself is listening,” she raised her baton and was about to start again, but noticed two hummingbirds chirping with each other “Kenny, Katja, can I have your attention please?”

“Chirp chirp!”

“We’re all tired, I know, so let’s try our best. Once we get it right, we’ll have a break. What do you say?”


“You just went ten minutes ago.”


“Yes, I keep count. Now please, just hold on and be nice.”


“Kenny, language!”


“That’s better. Now, on my count, three, two, o-...”

“Excuse me!”


The yellow pegasus mare jumped and turned back, only after the fact realizing that the nearest tree, her cottage or any other hide-able object was way too far away for her to subtly move herself into a safe place. Instead, there she was, out in the open field, exposed and vulnerable, as her flying friends scattered away. Instead, all she had for protection, was her very long, pink mane, which she often used to shield herself from strangers.

Prince Blueblood and Shining Armor have just arrived to witness a fragile, yellow pegasus with beautiful, long pink mane that covered half her face. Which perfectly described the one they were supposed to meet here.

“You’re Fluttershy, right?” asked annoyed Prince. The mare looked around, then moved her mouth, but no sound was heard.

“I’m afraid I can’t hear you.”

“...s, ‘m...f... tter...y...” she whispered. Blueblood rolled his eyes.

“Oh brother, it’s gonna be one of these...” he muttered under his nose. He coughed and made one step forward, but once he set his for on the ground, she instantly made one step backwards. He stopped for a moment, then made another step and tried to introduce himself, but she took another step backwards, carefully observing the stranger. He could see her tremble in fear. He looked at her with annoyance. She kept her eyes away, but once in a while took a peek at him, but just as fast turned her gaze away. He took one more step forward, she took another step backward.

Blueblood sighed and looked at Shining Armor “I give up, you take over.”

Unlike Prince Blueblood, Shining Armor had a smile on his face ever since he first laid his eyes on Fluttershy. Yes, she was pretty, in a very classic way, but that’s not what charmed him. As he looked at her, he fought the urge to d’aww from the cuteness. She reminded him mostly of a stray kitten, protective and scared, but also intrigued and seeking attention, just failing to gather the courage to express it properly. He realized that comparing a pony, especially adult, to a stray kitten was really wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. Or, in other language, his big brother instinct kicked in.

He slowly, but surely, walked forward and talked in a very gentle manner.

“There, there, we’re not going to hurt you.” he cooed her, pulling his hoof forward. The mare was surprised, but against all odds it worked much better then Prince’s approach, as she looked at him with curiosity.

“Hello there, my name is Shining Armor. What’s yours?”

The mare shifted her eyes, but finally took a breath and answered “F-fluttershy...”

“Fluttershy...” repeated Shining Armor “...that’s a very pretty name.”

Fluttershy blushed, but did make a step forward, revealing a bit more of her face.

“Oh, it’s nothing special...” she answered, nervously stomping her hoof on the ground “...I-I like your mane, I-I mean, name too...” she blushed even more.

“Thanks,” answered Shining Armor with a smile “we heard your bird choir, it’s quite something. We don’t have many of those in Canterlot.”

“Oh, they’re not mine. I mean, I a-assembled them, but they’re not my pets. Just f-friends from the Whitewood forest. We only started a few months ago.”

“Really? But they sounded gorgeous!” Fluttershy blushed at the comment “Like they were training professionally for years!”

“Oh no, it doesn’t work that way!” said Fluttershy, her tone suddenly more confident and louder, but still fairly quiet for pony standards “A lot of ponies in big cities think that they have to keep them closed alone in cages and train them from birth, but that only makes them feel really bad and confused. If they can’t feel the nature around them, they’re depressed and their voices can’t develop naturally. Not to mention they lose all contact with their kind, where they grow through hardships and experience, and through rivalry for mates, who are attracted to their singing and...” she suddenly stopped, when she saw a surprised face of Shining Armor “...oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you with this!”

“Oh, nonono, please, keep going, it’s very fascinating!”

“Ekhem!” Prince Blueblood coughed “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Right...” Shining Armor scratched his head “Miss Fluttershy, this is Prince Blueblood, the Royal Inspector from Canterlot. We’re here to see if preparations for Summer Sun Celebration are going as planned...” Fluttershy’s eyes widened “...but, we see that everything is good, so we can go now and not disturb you anymore.”

He was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by a hoof reaching his tail. A bright yellow coated hoof, to be precise. He turned to see Fluttershy, her face mostly obscured by her hair, so only one, large pleading, beady eye could be seen.

“Umm, don’t you want to... listen to them some more? If... if that’s okay with you?” she asked in the most cutesy, squeaky voice possible. Shining Armor froze for a moment.


Prince Blueblood groaned and facehooved, but was glad that this time it wasn’t him. “Fine. One song. We still haven’t found Wonderbolts.”

Fluttershy whistled into the air, which made all the birds come back to their respective place. She took a stand before them and once again grabbed her baton.

“Okay my sweeties, show these gentlecolts what you can do! And a one, and a two, and a thr-...“ she stopped, when a loud voice came from the skies.


“What...” started Blueblood, but couldn’t finish, because...


Prince Blueblood had a strange feeling of deja vu. Once again something hit him very, very hard and very fast, but to him it felt like eternity, as a blue figure slammed into him without warning (there was one, but his memory of it wasn’t clear). They rolled on the ground for few good seconds, until they finally stopped, Prince lying on his back, crushed by a weight of a giant (actually, average sized), extremely heavy (not really, since pegasi have hollow bones and low body fat) monster (pony stallion).

“Owww...” moaned the stallion on top, massaging his head “...that could’ve gone better...”

“You... don’t... say...” muttered Blueblood, stopping himself from screaming, only because his lungs were crushed by a set of hooves. Once his eyes stopped being all blurry, he looked at the assailant that lay atop him. He could feel the irony slamming harder than any pegasus, as he noticed a stallion in a wonderbolts uniform, standing dark blue hair and cracked goggles. Just who he was looking for. He saw him once already, but couldn’t quite remember his name. Meanwhile, Shining Armor went toward the nearest bushes, trying to calm Fluttershy down, since she ran there and now trembled in fear.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, darling,” said the blue pegasus ” must’ve been blinded by your beauty.”


“Though you do sound a little...” he stopped talking, took a short pause and took his goggles away, revealing his green eyes. He looked carefully at Blueblood, eyes meeting. They blinked.

“You’re not a mare.”

“No s**t, Sherclop!”

“Well, heh... that’s just awkward.”

“I’d say.”

“I never thought I’d crash into a guy before... not sure what to say here.”

“No idea.”

“Well, not that you’re ugly or anything, I gotta admit you are one handsome devil, but I’m not that kind of stallion. So, no hard feelings?”

“It’s alright. You’re a Wonderbolt?”

“Yes. Name’s Soarin.”

“Right, Soarin... Could you do something for me?”

“Sure, depends. Nothing too hard, I presume?”

“No, just a little favor, nothing too complicated, but it’s something that could make my life a bit easier.”

“Ok then, shoot.”


Fluttershy, who almost walked out of the bushes with Shining’s help, now ran away even faster, leaving only speck of dust in her place, spooked by Blueblood. Shining Armor sighed and decided to leave her alone for now. He added her to the mental list of mares to apologize later. That list was growing rapidly.

Soarin quickly flapped his wings and jumped away from Prince Blueblood, who stood up on his hooves, not without problems though. He swayed a little bit and closed his eyes, waiting for the feeling of vertigo to go away.

“You okay, man?” asked Soarin, as he went to help Prince keep his balance.

“Somepony just slammed into me!” replied Blueblood, then raised his voice “DO I LOOK OKAY?”

“I guess that’s a no, then...” realized Soarin, as he scratched his head “We have a good field medic, maybe you’d like her to check you up? She’s a cutie, and very thorough with her work, if you know what I mean.” He smiled and winked. Blueblood gagged.

“Over my dead body!”

“Oh...” he thought for a moment “...she has a twin brother, I heard he’s just as thoro-...”

“Are you insinuating something?” he looked angrily at Soarin, who raised his hooves to stop him

“Woah, I never said anything! It’s just that, there’s nothing wrong with...”


“Okay, I get, I get it! I never said you were, geez!”

“Then why did you said that thing before?”

Soarin feigned ignorance “Said what?”

“About the medic?”

“She’s a mare.”

“And her brother?”

“What about him?”

“You said he’s just as thorough.”

“That’s what I heard.”

“Then why did you bring it up?”

“Because it’s true... so they say.”

“What does this have to do with...” he stopped and shook his head “Arghh, I’m wasting time here!” he turned around and walked away.

He came back few seconds later, once he realized something.

“I forgot was looking for you.”

“Then why did you just lea-...”


As the two were arguing, Shining Armor looked from the distance and decided to wait it out. Mostly, because he was kinda-sorta supposed to protect Prince from any harm, including stray pegasi in the skies. He sighed and wondered if Fluttershy would be back so he could apologize, but he noticed something in the bushes. They were shaking, as if something was inside them. Could this be... danger? An actual threat? Shining looked over at Prince who kept arguing with the Wonderbolt and after making sure he was fine (relatively speaking), he sneaked towards the bushes. He carefully took a peek inside, expecting an assassin or a timberwolf, but instead found...

“Yes, I am that awesome. But that’s cool, you can still hang out with me... no, way too selfish, How about... Oh yes, I watched all your shows, I know the moves inside and o-... no way, that makes me sound like a creepy fangirl! Maybe... oh you know, if there’s a slot, I’ll gladly fill it, if that’s okay with you... no, no, no, NO! That makes me sound like Fluttershy! Arghhh, words, why are you so hard?”

Shining Armor couldn’t help but giggle at the light blue mare hidden here, practicing her speeches loudly, not even noticing him. He looked from a different angle and noticed something familiar. That mane, all those colors...

“Rainbow Dash?” asked suddenly.

“AAAAAA!” screamed mare just as suddenly. In response to that, Shining Armor quickly dove into the bushes himself and tackled the mare to the ground, putting a hoof to her mouth, muffling her completely. Outside, Prince Blueblood and Soarin heard a sound.

“Did you hear something?” asked Prince

“Sounded like a surprised, tackled fangirl.”

Prince looked at him questionably. Soarin shrugged in response.

“I'm a Wonderbolt. It happens.”

Back in the bushes, Shining Armor was laying on the ground, Rainbow Dash’s muzzle restrained by his one hoof, while her wings and front hooves kept by second hoof, his hind hooves held together hers. Rainbow Dash was super strong for someone with hollow bones, but she couldn’t force herself out of unicorn’s grapple, even though she tried really hard. Shining Armor on his part struggled to keep her under control, which was not an easy task and achieved only due to his extensive close quarters combat training with best instructors that Canterlot had to offer. He peeked out of the bush and sighed with relief, once he confirmed that the coast was clear and Blueblood didn’t notice. He then whispered into her ear.

“Look, I’m not going to hurt you, I promise!”

Rainbow Dash struggled for a moment, but finally calmed herself down, so Shining could slowly let her go.

And then she kicked his balls!

Moondancer gasped loudly and took her attention from the book she was just reading. Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, who sat right next to her in the University library, looked at their friend with concern.

“Moondancer, are you okay?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“This feeling...” started Moondancer, looking into the distance. Her two friends looked there as well, but noticed nothing out of ordinary “...somepony just took a hard blow to their stallionhood!” a single tear ran through her cheek.

Sunset and Twilight looked at her. Then at each other. They rolled their eyes and ignored her, going back to studies.

“W-why...?” asked pained stallion, as he rolled in the ground.

“Creep!” she kicked him again, but this time he was shielding himself with hooves.

“Ow, stop it... I... wasn’t... going to...”

“What the hay dude! Who jumps at ponies like some creepo molester, anyway?” she quietly screamed (or loudly whispered). She started wiping herself with disgust “Ewewewew, I need a shower!”

“Listen...” continued Shining Armor, fighting off the pain with all his willpower. Good thing they were still in the bushes, he had no qualms in laying on the ground in pain “... you... need... to... damnit, it hurts so much!”

“I sure hope so!” replied disgusted pegasus “What do you want, creep?”

“You are... needed... sweet Celestia, it feels like they’ll fall off!” he took a deep breath and finally managed to sit on his hooves properly “...okay, I’m better now... damn it filly, learn restraint!”

“I don’t wanna hear that from you!” she huffed and crossed her hooves

“Anyway, Thunderlane and Blossomforth are looking for you.”

“Oh, THEY sent you...” she rolled her eyes “... I told them, I’ll take care of it on my pace.”

“You might be running out of time here.”

“Pfft, filly please,” Rainbow Dash snorted and waved a hoof “I have plenty of time. The inspection won’t be here for hours anyway.” She smiled smugly.

Moments passed in silence. They looked each other in the eyes. Smile on Rainbow Dash’s face slowly faded, as he brain very, very slowly connected the dots. She was now starting to sweat as she looked at Shining Armor. Her eyes widened.

“Umm... by any chance...” she started, smiling nervously.

“By any chance what?”

“Y-you’re not the... i-inspection guy? Right?”

Shining Armor smiled brightly and waited with his reply, making Rainbow Dash sweat more. Sure, he was a kind hearted guy, but his stallionhood demanded justice. Or at least, a little bit of revenge. Few seconds of nerves were all it took to satisfy Shining’s cruel side.

“No, that’s not me.”

Rainbow Dash fell on her knees with relief “Oh thank Celestia... Don’t scare me like that, man!”

“But that guy is.” He pointed at Blueblood, smiling.

Then Rainbow Dash screamed again and once again, Shining Armor tackled her again.

“I swear I heard something this time!” said Blueblood, looking around the area, but once again seen nothing of interest.

“Sounded like a panicked pegasus mare assaulted by a really strong unicorn soldier." he was once again met with surprised stare "...what?”

“Will you stop doing that?” asked Shining Armor, as he laid there on the ground on his back, Rainbow Dash atop him on her back, while his hooves covered her mouth. She struggled, but not as hard as before “I’m trying to hide you from him, so you could clean the skies! You have less than thirty minutes already!” he removed his hoof from her mouth, but still kept a steady grip on her body.

“Okay, okay, I’m going already, geez.”

They were silent for a moment. Shining Armor realized that right now Rainbow Dash was blushing and their bodies were touching a little too much for comfort. His breath was reaching back of her head and they could hear each others heartbeats. His face got covered in blush as he slowly realized how it looked from the outside.

“If I let you go, you’re gonna hit me again, are you?”

“I might.”

Shining Armor slowly released Rainbow Dash from his grasp. She slowly stood up, fixed her mane and coat. He did the same. They both looked at each other, but quickly averted their eyes. They scratched their heads. She didn’t kick him this time.

“So... should we pretend that nothing happened?” asked Shining Armor.

“Because nothing did.” Answered Rainbow Dash



They stood there for a few more seconds.

“So, I should go now. You know, clean the skies. Because I’m the weather manager.”

“Yes, do so.”



Another pause.

“Just to be clear, nothing happened between us here.” said Rainbow

“Nope, nothing.”

“We didn’t develop any relationship.”

“Not really, nope. If that’s cool with you.

“No, I’m okay. And you?”

“I’m good.”



They stood there for a while longer. Rainbow Dash hated awkwardness just as much as Shining Armor.

“Ok, bye!” and so Rainbow Dash, well, dashed out of the bushes and quickly disappeared on the skies. Shining Armor would probably gaze after her, if he just didn’t remember how painful part of him felt, it was almost unbelievable. But he was a stallion, and like a stallion should, he walked out of the bushes, careful not to alarm Prince Blueblood or Soarin of it. It seemed like he succeed and walked towards the pair, who were in the midst of a conversation. It seemed like nopony found out.

About ten feet away, another bush shook. A small, dark orange filly with purple mane, emerged from it, her eyes wide.

"Wh-what just happened?" she asked herself and slowly walked back to Ponyville.

“... but if there’s only two, then how do you split it between seven stallions?” asked Prince, baffled by Soarin’s point of view.

“That’s simple. First, you need to take half a dozen fresh pineapples... oh hi there.”

They stopped their conversation once they noticed Shining Armor was back. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the context of this conversation.

“Where have you been all this time?” asked bitterly Blueblood. Shining Armor shifted his eyes and smiled.

“Umm... little colts room...?”

“Sure, whatever. So, back to our conversation...” he turned back to Soarin, but couldn’t resume the talk because...

“SOOOOOAAAAAARIIIN!” shouted a very, very angry mare in the skies.

Soarin gulped.“Oh, balls.” Muttered Soarin, as he looked away. Shining Armor shuddered at the bad choice of swear words.

Soon after, a wonderbolt mare landed right next to them. There was no mistaking it- that small, but incredibly fit figure, flaming orange standing mane, those brown eyes. Spitfire. A true legend among the Wonderbolts, a record beater on almost any race track, the face on almost all posters from last few years and the most often spoken name everytime a topic acrobatic flying comes into conversations. Despite being very young, roughly their age, give or take, she was an accomplished Wonderbolt for five years already, captain of the own team for two years.

And she was swearing like a sailor at one of her members.

“Where in flying *** were you doing, you *** ***!?*” started but did not end for a long time and kept on going. Shining was a guard for some time and he saw and heard a lot of things, but hearing her made him feel dirty.

Once she stopped shouting at Soarin, she finally gasped and smiled “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. But go to med bay anyway, just to be sure. And as for you, mister.” She turned to Blueblood and bowed her head very low “I’m terribly sorry for my stupid subordinate. I will take all the responsibility for his reckless behavior.” As she was talking, Soarin stood behind her and moved his mouth to imitate her speech, complete with mimicking her head movements, but adding some eye rolling to it. Shining couldn’t help but snicker at it. Blueblood was not amused. Neither was Spitfire.

“I know what you’re doing, Soarin.”


Prince Blueblood coughed “Well, I guess since no permanent damage was done, I’ll let it slide for the time being. In the meantime, I’m conducting an inspection of the celebration and, for once, I would like to speak with somepony competent.”

And so they moved away from Shining Armor and Soarin, letting the two low level stallions sigh with relief.

“Geez, I thought she was never gonna end.” Whined Soarin, as he sat on the ground, wiping sweat.

Shining Armor joined him on the ground “She’s a... charming lady.”

“Yeah, truly a beautiful monster. ‘Join the wonderbolts’, she said. ‘It’ll be fun!’... yeah, I bet she’s having fun watching me suffer.”

“But still, to shout at somepony like that. Does she hate you that much?”

“Hate?” asked Soarin, then burst into laughter “You kidding? She’s my best friend!”


“Yup. Ever since kindergarten, we were pretty much inseparable. We still are. Even though there is a light year long skill gap between us, she still insisted on having me on her team.”

"I see."

Moment of silence passed.

“By the way...” mentioned Soarin, as he raised his hoof toward Shining Armor. And waited. Shining looked at the raised hoof, then at Soarin, looking for an answer “Hoofbump, please?” added Soarin. Shining Armor shrugged and bumped his hoof, if only because there was no reason not to.

Or was there?

“Why were we hoofbumping?”

“Because you scored.”

“Scored what?”

“That rainbow chick. Just a while ago.”

Shining Armor stopped. His brain froze. And then burned so hot, that his forehead, cheeks and everything on face and nearby area became very, very red.

“Bah-bah-bah...” muttered unintelligibly Shining Armor

“Oh come on, don’t try to deny it, you sexy demon, you!” Soarin bumped his shoulder “I saw it when you jumped into the bush and made her scream not once, but twice in a matter of minutes!”

Shining Armor wanted to deny everything. All of it. His entire last hour of existence. But couldn’t shape a single word that could be looked up in dictionary. Soarin continued.

“But seriously dude, be more careful next time. All this time the bushes were shacking madly, at times your hooves or tails were sticking out and once you were all done, she flew so fast, she left rainbows and dust trail leading there. Not to mention, you walked funny and had a giant blush on your face. And I admire the risk you took, just like that, in bushes like a boss, but there was only so much nonsense I could come up with to keep your boss distracted for you. No, no, it’s okay. You'd do it for me too, I can tell.” he patted him on the back.

Shining Armor continued to blush, but abandoned all pretense of explanations and just nodded. In fact, he preferred this version a bit more, if only because the other alternative was confessing to the groin shot.

“Heck, she was stalking me for an hour, just when I found a free moment to finally talk to her, see what kind of mare she was, I lost control midair and crashlanded into your boss. I didn’t realize she was one of those ‘easy’ types. I prefer mares with more personality, dreams and self-esteem, you know, those that won’t throw their plots at first uniform they see... not that I dislike that type either, once in a while.”

Shining Armor was... no, he wasn’t. Not at all.

“But still, it’s dang good to meet a fellow player around here. We gotta go get a drink sometimes, exchange tips, help each other, you know. We hunters gotta stick together.”

And just then, Spitfire and Prince Blueblood went back, after talking about the actual important stuff. Blueblood walked to Shining Armor, telekinetically pulling out the checklist from his saddlebags and checking the Wonderbolts. He also checked the bird choir while he was at it.

“Alright, it was good to talk to somepony competent, for a change.” Said to Spitfire. She nodded.

“Likewise, Sir Blueblood. I will see you at the celebration, then. Come on, Soarin.”

“Coming, honey!”

“Come again?”

"That's what she said."


“Nothing.” He sighed and made a few steps toward her. He stopped, turned back to Shining Armor and whispered to him.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. See ya later, buddy.”

And the Woonderbolts were gone. Shining stood there, still stunned. At least his gonads weren’t hurting anymore. Prince Blueblood watched as the two Wonderbolts left and noticed something else.

“Well what do you know, the sky actually IS clean!” he admitted, looking at the clear skies, then at his hoofwatch “And they still have twenty more minutes. Huh, I guess that Rainbow Dash mare isn’t as overrated as I thought.”

“Yeah...” admitted absently Shining Armor “...she’s... something, all right.”