//------------------------------// // Periculosi in Territorium // Story: A Brave, New World (OLD version) // by Biker_Dash //------------------------------// Periculosi in Territorium (Into Dangerous Territory) edited by Bad_Seed_72 The scene is one of controlled chaos. Guard units throughout the city were on high alert, and other units were prepping for immediate deployment. Inside what is known as the War Room within Canterlot Castle, everypony is in a half-panicked state as they scramble to find out just what is going on. Shining Armor stands in front of the table, going over reports that keep coming in. One report, delivered just a couple minutes ago, tells him that a whole Royal Guard detachment was attacked and is now out of commission. The unit had been attacked en route to Ponyville. This, on top of the information that his sister had sent via her dragon assistant, proved that the excrement has officially hit the rotating air-movement device. First thing that they have to do is get Guard units to Ponyville. Twilight is most likely correct that Ponyville is not a secure town, and the best way to resolve that would be by immediately getting at least a company of troops on the ground. Shining Armor would send a whole Division if he had the means and time, but speed was of the essence, and there was only so many chariots that he could muster in such a short time. At least Pegasi do not need chariots, but Unicorns and Earth Ponies do, and chariots need Pegasi. He was able to get enough chariots and drivers for about a whole company of armed Unicorns and Earth Ponies. Another company of Pegasi would be flying perimeter around them all. Everypony will be carrying shotguns and a full load of ammo. Full battle armor as well. One thing is certain: Shining Armor will personally be leading this. And heads will be mounted on pikes when the Empress is finally found and made safe. How all this could have happened is beyond him at the moment, but what matters now is not the how or why, but simply getting Empress Celestia back and safe. Shining Armor is putting on his gear when a lithe, pink Alicorn walks into the room and heads straight for him. She is very displeased that he was refusing to allow her to go to Ponyville. Did he not understand how important it was that she be there in the event that the Empress is not found before the dawn? What will everypony think if no one is there to celebrate the Raising of the Sun? It could cause panic, and even worse, it could cause doubt. She HAS to be there. ”SHINING ARMOR! YOUR OFFICE! NOW!” she bellows, using the Royal Canterlot Voice. Yes, Priestess Cadenza is pissed off. And she feels she has every right to be so. The pair walk into his office. With a glow of his horn, Shining draws the curtains and closes the door. Once the door closes, he turns around, and gets a hoof across the face. “I love you too, Cadance,” he grumbles, getting back to his hooves. Damn, she hits hard. “I’m going to assume that you’re upset about my decision about you not going to Ponyville.” “You’re damn right, I’m pissed,” she hisses, getting right in his face. “Do you have any idea how important it is that I be there? What happens if my aunt is not found before the dawn and she is not there when the sun rises? Do you want ponies to start doubting the teachings of the Church? Somepony has to be there for appearances, and it has to be an Alicorn. Now, last I knew, there are only two ponies around here that have both wings and a horn.” “Why can’t you do it from here, Cadance? We could make sure that the word gets out, and there will be plenty of ponies to witness the event. This way, no one will doubt. All appearances will be maintained,” the Head of Security Services said in a calming voice. “Also, you will be safer here.” “I will be perfectly safe there as well, Shiny,” she says. “With all the Guard Ponies there, and all of them armed and on high alert, nopony is going to be able to try anything. Nothing bad will happen to me.” Wrapping her forelegs around his neck, she hugs him softly. “I have complete faith in you, my love,” she tells him before kissing his lips tenderly. “Please, Shiny, this is important. Very important. Do it for Equestria, and more importantly, do it for me,” she adds, pleading with another kiss. “OK, fine,” he concedes. “But on the flight over, you will have guards assigned to your chariot, as well as Pegasi surrounding you. And when we get there, you are to be under guard at all times, Cadance. Please allow me this, at least. I cannot bear the thought of anything bad happening to you.” “We better get going. Time’s wasting,” the Priestess tells him, as she heads out the door. It is amazing just how tightly wrapped around her hoof he is. * * * * * Six ponies follow a narrow path through a dark forest. The forest they are traveling through is the Everfree, and it is dangerous enough during the day, but now, it is night, and the truly dangerous creatures come out at this time. Normally, few would willing enter the forest, even during the day. Fewer still chose to make it their home. That these six would go in at night proves just how desperate they were to find their Empress. Twilight is in the lead, lighting the path with her horn. Fortunately, Luna had not made any attempt to hide her hoofprints. If anything, she made it very easy for any pursuers to follow. Too easy, in fact. Twilight suspects a trap. In what form it will take, she is not certain, but she is watchful as they trot down the path. When the Manticore attacks, it is Pinkie Pie who saves Twilight, tackling her suddenly from the side, causing the stinger to bury itself into the ground instead of pony flesh. The other four react quickly to the attack, scattering out of the way for three of them. Rarity counterattacks by using her magic to throw dirt into the animal’s eyes, then twisting around to buck him in the snout. The only effect it has on the Manticore is to anger him, causing him to swipe at Rarity with his claws. Had she been a bit slower, half of her shoulder would have been ripped off, but she gets away with a couple of shallow scratches instead. Pinkie Pie jumps into the fray with her shotgun. As the Manticore swipes at Rarity, she jumps up, and lets loose with two rapid shots into the base of the stinger on his tail. The bellow of rage and pain is deafening, and he turns to swipe at his attacker, only to be shot at by both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Only a couple of shots hit. However, the wounds slow him down, and the tide is turned. With the Manticore distracted, Twilight Sparkle fires up her horn, and sends a blast of energy at the feline beast. Wounded and staggering, he prepares to attack, but then is hit by several loads of buckshot, bringing him down. “Oh, HELL YEAH!” cheers Dash victoriously. “Time to end this fight.” She flies over to the stricken creature to deliver the killing blow. She did not expect the most timid of the group to jump in front of her. “STOP!” Fluttershy cries out, placing herself between the dying Manticore and her friends. “It’s over.” She then turns to the Manticore, looking into his eyes as he gasps for breath, struggling still to live and fight. Fluttershy has an ability with animals that is almost unheard of. She understands them more than anypony else, and can even communicate with them. It is her special talent. It is what can only be described as a psychic connection with them, and now, she senses its pain and fear. “It’s OK. It’s over now. You don’t have to fight anymore,” she tells the Manticore.. She opens her mind and her heart to the Manticore and bonds with him. She can feel his pain. She feels the fear and the sense of dying. Reaching up with a hoof, she gently strokes its mane. “Yes, I know, you’re scared and sad. You will be with your mate soon. You won’t have to go alone. I will be right here with you.” She now sees within her own mind the fight with the guards and the Empress. She feels the rage at seeing his mate killed with a single blast of magical energy. And she feels the presence within his mind of another. A presence that commands him to do as bidded. She can feel all the emotions that the Manticore feels, and they share the sadness. Still stroking the Manticore’s mane, she tells him softly, “It’s time. Don’t be scared. I am with you, and soon, you will be with her again.” Sensing acceptance, she motions for Rainbow Dash to do what needs to be done. She does not leave the creature’s side. She cannot. She feels the labored breaths and the burning pain of the wounds inflicted. She feels its fear at what is to come, and she knows the thoughts of the one he will soon be joining. She feels the gentle hoof that is calmingly stroking his mane. She then feels a cold pressure on the top of his head, and there is an incredibly loud booming sound accompanying an instant of blinding pain, and then, the fading into oblivion. The others all hurry to her side as she collapses from the experience. Twilight is worried for her, because they have a mission to accomplish and cannot afford to delay. And if one of them has passed out from this experience so soon, then how can they go on with that weak pony in tow? Waiting for her is wasting time. When they finally get to where the Empress is held, will Fluttershy’s weakness prove to be their downfall? But to her shock, it was not that Fluttershy passed out, but that the Pegasus was crying in sorrow for the fallen Manticore. What was it that caused Fluttershy so much emotional pain? And then it hit Twilight. It was compassion. Fluttershy felt compassion for all things, and that even included an enraged creature that had been trying to kill them. This epiphany shook Twilight Sparkle to her core. Never before had she learned about compassion or kindness. And what she just witnessed was compassion on the highest level. Kneeling down beside her, Twilight asks, “Are you going to be alright?” When she received a tearful nod in reply, she asks, “What did you do?” Fluttershy did not reply. Instead, she got up and walked away from the group for a short distance. When Twilight moved to follow, she felt a hoof on her shoulder holding her back. “Let her be, Twilight. Let’s just continue. She will follow along eventually. As for what she did, it is part of her special talent. She has an affinity with animals, to the point where it is literally psychic in nature. She can open her mind to them, and, by the same token, she can also enter their mind. That is what she did with the Manticore, so that it may die without being in terror. Her compassion dictated that she not let it die alone,” Rarity explains as they continue down the path. “I have seen her do this on a couple of occasions, Twilight. Both times, she was hurting as she is now for a while. Afterwards, she recovered and continued on with what she had to do.” Picking the pace up to an easy canter, they head further into the forest. * * * * * Within the Everfree Forest lies the ruins of an old castle. Not many ponies know about it, and for the most part, the few that do believe it to be haunted. This suited Empress Celestia just fine, for she did not wish to have too much of the real past discovered. Unfortunately for her, that seclusion has now become a hindrance to anypony finding her. Yes, Twilight Sparkle would find her, but how long will it take? And will she wait for reinforcements, or attempt a lone rescue? If Twilight were to wait, as logic would dictate, then it probably would not be until mid-afternoon before help arrived. Granted, when it did arrive, it would be with a minimum of a platoon strength force of the Guard Special Forces. Most likely with her brother Shining Armor taking the lead. It seemed more likely that Twilight would have called for help before running in solo. As powerful a Unicorn that she is, Twilight would be at a severe disadvantage. Either way, things did not bode well for the Empress. There is no way that she could make her escape on her own. When the Empress woke, she found that not only were her wings securely bound to her body, but she was also chained to the cold, stone floor, with shackles on each leg and a pair of chains attached to the bindings around her chest. Furthermore, it seems Luna has managed to fashion a magic binding band and has placed it on her horn. However it was made, it was imbibed with some extremely powerful wards to block magic of Alicorn strength. Celestia was at the complete mercy of her sister, and it was not a place she relished being. Luna sat off to the side, brooding. What is going through her mind is anypony’s guess. She must realize just what her situation is, Celestia thinks to herself. “Why haven’t you killed me, Luna? You know that you will have to do so in order for your misguided dreams to have any chance of becoming true. Could it be that you’re having second thoughts? Could it be that you have realized that if you DO kill me, that you will be hunted down and slaughtered like the whorse that you are?” Celestia continues to taunt her sister. “Poor, poor Luna. You know that you are doomed to fail, just like you did a thousand years ago. This time, it will end with your death. I suggest that you flee. Run away like the scared little foal you always have been, little sister.” “Just shut up, would you?” “Are you upset, little sis?” Celestia mocks. “Imagine how much more upset when a company of troops, all armed and highly trained, come through that entrance over there,” she says, motioning towards the doorway at the far end of the auditorium-sized room with her snout. “They will bust in here, coming in with the one purpose of killing you. Maybe if you hurry, you might escape. You can possibly get to Zebrica or the Fillypines through Mexicolt. You might be safe there, for a few years anyway.” “I’m tired of all of this. I spent centuries watching you rule with an increasingly iron hoof. I fought you because I had no other choice but to try to bring the tyranny which I could see you building to a quick end. I failed in that, and spent a millennium exiled to the moon. You do not know what that was like. As evil as you have become, I would not wish that even on you,” Luna retorts. “And I have witnessed the thousand years of conquest that you have wrought.” The black mare stomps her hoof in disgust. “It will end tonight.” “Why I just didn’t kill you when I had the chance, I shall never know,” Celestia mumbles under her breath. “You should have. I honestly wish that you had done that.” A realization comes to the Empress. “You want to die tonight, don’t you?” Luna just walks away. * * * * * The six mares gallop down the path that led deeper into the Everfree Forest. For the past half hour, nothing has crossed their path. Considering what Twilight has heard about the Everfree, she considers herself and her companions lucky in that regard. The last thing that they needed was to have to fight off any more dangerous animals. “Twi, Ah think some o’ us could use a break,” Applejack says. “Fluttershy an’ Rarity ain’t used ta all this runnin’. Let’s stop fer a few minutes.”. Twilight agrees, though she would rather keep going. Still, she should rest as well. She is not in as good shape as she should be, and this run has her winded. Coming to a slow trot, then a walking pace, she tells the others to take a five-minute break. Hopefully, they will soon find the Empress and the Alicorn that had captured her. This has Twilight worried. Even as powerful as she is, she was nowhere near as powerful as Luna is. And the ponies with her would not add up to much more help, she suspects. Yes, they did have another Unicorn, but Twilight wonders just how powerful she is. They also have three veterans among them, and all three of them have shotguns, but with only eight rounds apiece. No matter how she adds things up, it is not looking favorable. Fluttershy stops from her slow pacing to sniff the air. When the others see this, they do the same. They smell a rotten odor and feel a chill creep down their backs. Fluttershy is the one to speak what they all are thinking. “Timberwolves!” They have little time to react when the attack comes. Three of the Timberwolves go down to shotgun blasts as a fourth loses its head to a blast of magic from Twilight. As the first three try to get up, Rarity starts dismantling them with her own magic. More come out of the woods, attacking with a chilling ferocity. It is not long before the three shotguns click on empty chambers. Fortunately, they had managed to take care the majority of the attacking animals. Unfortunately, unless they incinerate the Timberwolves, or at least destroy their heads, they come back. The fight is going in favor of the mares when Applejack is blindsided from the left by a newly-reconstructed Timberwolf. Its claws rake into her side as its jaw clamps down upon her back, bringing a startled cry of pain from the mare. “NO!” screams a suddenly enraged Fluttershy. She had been fighting alongside of her friends, but seeing one of them hurt was too much. As the wooden creature moves to bite at the struggling Earth Pony’s throat, Fluttershy jumps in with a flying kick to the animal’s head. Knocked to the side, it shifts its attack to a new prey, but Fluttershy gives it no chance and no quarter. When it swipes at her, she blocks with a forehoof, then spins around to snap the lower leg off with a strike from the other hoof. Grabbing the broken off limb, she silences the howl of pain by jamming it down the Timberwolf’s throat. Gagging on its own foreleg, it is stunned enough that it cannot stop Fluttershy from grabbing its head and spinning around to snap the neck. When it collapses, Fluttershy grabs a large rock and repeatedly brings it down upon the animal’s head, screaming at it, “I! HAVE HAD! FUCKING ENOUGH! OF YOU!” She does not stop until the light finally fades from its eyes. Everypony is staring in shock. Rainbow Dash, who grew up with her and knows how she can fight, is shock by the ferocity within the normally-timid Pegasus. Even Applejack and Pinkie, both combat veterans, are stunned by what they have just witnessed. Krav Pega is one of the most brutal of martial arts, and not something that somepony like Fluttershy would know normally. Coming to their senses, they look around and see that the fight is over. All the Timberwolves have been killed. Seeing the wounds on Applejack’s side and back, Fluttershy hurries to grab her medical pack and starts tending to the injuries. “I’m sorry, AJ. I should have been quicker. Because I was slow, you got hurt,” she says, timid once more. “It’s OK, sugarcube. It’s combat. It happens. Ah’m jus’ thankful that you was there ta save ma flank,” Applejack replies, wincing in pain as her wounds are bandaged. Grabbing her hat from the ground and placing it back where it belongs, she asks her friend, “How bad does it look?” “You’ll have some scars for certain, and it is going to hurt for a while, but it only looks bad.” As they wait for Fluttershy to finish up with Applejack, then check the others, Pinkie Pie is merrily bouncing around, singing some random tune that is in her head. Stopping in front of Twilight and Rarity, she fixes her grinning gaze upon them. “That was fun. Let’s do that again!” she exclaims, waiving her forehooves in the air like a madpony. “I’m gonna have so much fun beating up on that meanie that kidnapped our Empress! POW! POW! POW!” she adds, throwing mock jabs in the air like a boxer. “Really, Pinkie, your enthusiasm for a fight is quite astonishing, to say the least. Considering that Nightmare Moon is supposed to be as powerful as Empress Celestia herself, I would not be so looking forward to the upcoming battle with her,” Rarity says, sounding drained. She had expected to have to fight, but with what she has done and witnessed tonight, the cold reality has sunk in. They could very well die tonight. “Don’t be such a frumpy-grumpy, Rare!” Pinkie cheers. Leaning in close, she adds with a slightly manic gleam in her eyes, “Besides, you looks like you had fun, picking them woody doggies apart like playing Pick-Up-Stick in reverse!” She then bounces off to do her own thing. Twilight watches the pink bouncing bundle of crazed pony with a look of bewilderment. She is known for the parties she throws for everypony in Ponyville, as well as being the assistant baker for the Cake family. Twilight had no clue that the pink mare was that unstable. The look in her eyes was that of a pony who has seen one too many things in her time. Turning to Rarity, she asks, “Is she always that... crazy?” “I am afraid so, darling. If you really need to know more about her, I am certain you can find her files in the Military Archives. Or, if you really wish to know more about her, then you could talk to Applejack. The two of them served together as Rangers.” Rarity studies Twilight as the mare ponders this. “Try not to worry too much about this, Twilight. Pinkie may be somewhat disturbed, but I suspect that she will not fail us.” Rainbow Dash lands next to the two Unicorns. The look on her face tells Twilight that she has some bad news. “I just checked with Pinkie and AJ. We’re out of ammo for the shotguns. So it looks like it will be hooves and magic from here on out. Don’t worry though. You got me on the team. We CAN’T fail!” she boasts. “If Nightmare Moon gets too much to handle, I’ll just do a Sonic Rainboom on her head. End it right there for ya!” “Glad you’re with us, Rainbow. We need confidence like that. Just don’t get too cocky,” chides Twilight. “Got a quick mission for you. I need you to fly up along the path and check to see what is ahead.” “Been there. Done that. WAY ahead of ya, Twi. “About five more minutes of running at a moderate pace, and we’ll come to an old rope bridge. It looks sturdy enough. Just beyond that are some old ruins. How much you wanna bet that’s where the Empress is being held?” “Girls!” Twilight calls. “We’re almost there. Let’s get ready.” And with that, they gathered themselves up and trotted down the path towards the confrontation to come.