Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

by Jetto


Life in Ponyville was rarely boring, even for a farmer like Big Macintosh. Especially Big Macintosh, one of the very few, but very much desired, bachelors left in this town. For one reason or another, single stallions were a rare commodity in Ponyville and what was there left, was usually not somepony you wanted to date. Unless you REALLY liked jelly...

Mac had to break hearts all the time, sometimes even having to be saved by Applejack, who unlike her kindness incarnate big brother, didn't have reservations on using force to say 'no, get yer buckin' hooves of mah brother!'. Perhaps the arrival of not just one, or two but three new stallions, all handsome and unique in their own ways, would somehow help his case. He doubted it.

“Macintosh, you have mail!” Granny Smith was just finishing the dinner for today when Mac came back home. She pointed him at the table, where several envelopes laid waiting. Some were obviously just bills, there was one farming magazine they subscribed, along with several letters, probably from relatives that couldn't join them this years reunion. And there was one more, addressed to Big Macintosh himself. He reached out for it with eagerness, when...


A small figure of a filly leaped at the table, grabbed a desired letter with her mouth and jumped away, before Macintosh could react. All in a span of two seconds.

“Applebloom!” said slightly irritated Macintosh, as his little sister walked few steps back and examined the envelope carefully.

“Oooh, it's from... Darling!” she giggled and blushed a little, as she read just that on the sender “Big Mac has a filly-friend!” she sung. Macintosh walked to the filly, but she was too fast and dodged just as he was trying to grab the letter.

“Applebloom, give it back!” he ordered, but was completely ignored as little filly was dancing around him.

“Mac and Darlin', sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-UGHH!”

Her dance was stopped when she collided with another tall figure that suddenly appeared from around the corner. She fell on the ground, dropping the envelope on the ground, which her big sister picked up and examined carefully.

“Applebloom, what did Ah say 'bout takin' somepony's correspondence?” asked Applejack, looking straight into her filly sister.

“Ahm sorry!” her ears drooped, as Applejack nodded and pointed her at the table, where the filly obediently walked to.

Glad that this was resolved, Big Macintosh smiled at his sister (the bigger one) and walked to her.
“Thanks AJ.” he extended his hoof to reach for the letter... but Applejack moved her hoof to the left, avoiding his. He raised an eyebrow and tried to take it again, but she moved her hoof with letter again. And then again. And one more time.

“Applejack!” muttered Big Macintosh, looking at a smug smile on her face.

“Ya didn't say 'please'.”


“That's the least ya could do for yer... DARLING!”

Macintosh grunted and turned to one last sane pony in this room.
“Granny, tell 'er somethin'!”

“Play nice, children!” answered Granny, not even taking her eyes from the stove. Mac grumbled again. It was going to be one of those days again...