//------------------------------// // Frustration // Story: A Jewel of a Problem (Please stop adding to faves or bookshelves) // by Rainbow Sparkle //------------------------------// -*- Cain (Diamond Tiara) -*- I looked out my window.  Touching the dirt road, the countryside rolled by.  Lush, bright green meadows stretched across.  It was very pretty, but empty, and went well with the current state of my mind as I tried not to think about anything in particular, doing my level best to just zone everything out… “Diamond.  Hey, Diamond!”  Apple Bloom’s sudden scream caused the carriage to swerve off the road, and remind me that I wasn’t alone with my thoughts.  I watched as the filly’s basket flew dramatically into the air.  The carriage lurched again, which knocked Silver Spoon to the wall. In an instant, I went from being zenned out to furious.  “Rickshaw!  You incompetent sack of donkey dung!” I shrieked. “Why’s Daddy even paying you!?”  There, visible behind the thick glass, the old pony driver scuffled into view, clenching at his chest. “Get us back on the road now, or you’re fired!!!”  Smug satisfaction filled me, as the carriage immediately jerked back onto the main road. ‘Daddy will be so proud!’  I even giggled in delight, but paused as I caught my reflection in the window. For a moment I just looked at myself, and then slowly, I looked at my tiara. That happiness vanished, as if somepony poured frigid, ice water down my mane. I shook myself as my mind reeled. I am not supposed to be Diamond Tiara! I’m me! I’m Cain! Not some prissy little filly...right? Time ticked by, and with each second I struggled to keep calm. I’m not Diamond Tiara…  I’m not Diamond Tiara… I’m not Diamond Tiara... The more I focused on those words, the more uncertain I felt. My inner turmoil was interrupted when Apple Bloom nudged me. “Huh? What is it Apple Bloom?” Apple Bloom dug at the cushion a bit, before she began. “Ah-um...sorry for startling everypony...eheh...Ah was just wantin’ to say thanks, for giving me a ride Ah mean.” She paused for a moment, seeming to consider her next words. “Um... What Ah mean to say is,  yer...yer a real pal.” On the outside, I put on a fake smile, but inside I was grimacing. “Thanks, that means a lot to me Apple Bloom.” She seemed to look at me for a moment, and I wondered if she was buying the front I was putting up, but she soon gave me an uneasy smile in return and let go, moving back to the spot she had been sitting and giving me the personal space I needed to deal with the turmoil in my head.   Boy, I really hope Twilight figures out a way to send me home. I don’t know how long I can stay sane at this rate. And I don’t even want to think about being stuck in this body for the rest of my life...   I pushed that thought out of my mind, reminding myself that I had Twilight’s help now, and that getting home would be easy as pie. I instead let my attention drift back to the sudden chatter beside me as Silver Spoon started talking about Canterlot fashion or something. The trivial facts meant nothing to me, as I had never been all that into fashion, but they offered an excellent distraction for my troubled thoughts. “Oh, hey Diamond, how’d you do on Friday’s homework?” Silver Spoon suddenly asked, drawing my attention back to the real world. Of course, I think I would have preferred what I was thinking about to what she had just said… “H-Homework? W-We had homework l-last week?” I asked, a lump forming in my throat as a panicky feeling began to form in my stomach. Giving me a rather quizzical look, Silver Spoon replied “Umm, yeah. We always have homework on Fridays…” The way she said that and the look she was giving me did nothing to help my growing fears. Facehoofing, I groaned as I pulled the school books I had out, quickly hunting down the assignment and promptly deciding to introduce my face with the carriage floor. Floor, meet face. Face, meet floor. “Ugh, with everything that went on this weekend, it must have slipped my mind…” I was rather surprised when I felt a hoof on my left shoulder, and looked up to see Apple Bloom giving me a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry bout it Diamond, Ah’m sure ya got time to get it done before class starts. Sides, I’ve forgotten once or twice before, and Miss Cheerilee never got angry.” That did reassure me, but I had no intentions of going into class without at least giving the homework a shot. I mean, it couldn’t be that hard could it? -*- Equestrian homework sucks. That was my assessment of what Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom called ‘homework’, and what I very much wanted to shred to pieces and toss out the window as the carriage bounced along the road. It didn’t help that a strange buzzing sound just at the edge of hearing was distracting me. My ears flicked in annoyance as I tried to focus on the last assignment before me, my most dreaded enemy of all...MATH! And not just any math, I’ll kid you not, this was Algebra! Something I hadn’t done in nearly five years. I let out a grunt of annoyance as I threw myself into work, doing my best to blank out the added distraction of Silver Spoon sharing celebrity gossip with Apple Bloom. “...but that’s all I’ve heard since Sapphire Shores last concert.” Silver Spoon said, a smirk on her face as she thought about the hijinks the pop star had gotten into. The carriage then went quiet.  “Hey Apple Bloom, you haven’t said much since you got in...everything alright?” Damnit Silver Spoon… I thought to myself as I slowly craned my head and watched Apple Bloom drag her hoof along the carriage edge. Her statement had me curious, and I knew that would make it damn near impossible for me to get any work down.  “Hey Apple Bloom, you alright?” I asked. “Well…” Apple Bloom said, seeming to think about it for a moment before sighing and continuing. “Ah think something’s wrong with AJ, she had this headache yesterday an’ now she ain’t acting like herself.” “I wouldn’t worry too much about it Apple Bloom.” Silver Spoon said, offering her a comforting smile. “Your sister is a really tough pony, and whatever it is she’ll probably pull through just fine.” I nodded, a thought coming to my mind as I interjected “Have you thought about talking to Twilight? Or Zecora? If something’s wrong, one of them should be able to help out.” “AJ’s gonna be seeing Twilight and her friends later today, she wants to share all the orange stuff she baked this mornin’.” I was at a loss for words.  AJ made the orange treats that Apple Bloom had offered? Before I could say anything I was pushed aside as Silver Spoon zipped over to Apple Bloom and exclaimed “You mean Applejack made all of these? I can’t believe it: these are way better than any of the ones I ever ordered!” I didn’t hear whatever was said next, because as I was pushed aside my tiara fell off my head and tried to drop out of the carriage. With a soft yelp, I dashed to side and snatched it with my teeth before it could get away. With my neck stretched out the window, I struggled to pull myself in.  The heavy wind had flung my mane over my face, and I could taste the metal accompanied with the strong flavor of sweaty strands of lavender hair.  I don’t know how I kept my composure.  Ponies either had sensitive tongues, or I badly needed another bath. Two pairs of hooves quickly pulled me back inside. Silver Spoon sheepishly looked away, while Apple Bloom seemed adamant to see if I was alright.  Their mouths flapped open and close, most certainly saying something important, but I couldn’t concentrate.  That faint, ‘buzzing’ sound was getting louder.  I rubbed my ears. “Give.  Her.  Back!” came a sudden yell from outside.  “Give us Apple Bloom!”  We all turned to the window and watched as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sped up and alongside the carriage. The unicorn filly’s body was lifted to the air, with only her front hooves anchoring herself onto Scootaloo as the pegasus filly sent what was a poor impression of a death glare my way. “What are you talking about?!” I shouted out, not exactly understanding what Scootaloo had shouted out. I don’t know if they heard me, but the next thing I saw was Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle crashing into a large boulder along the road.  As Apple Bloom sputtered incoherently and Silver Spoon looked at me for answers, I commanded Rickshaw to turn the carriage around. The instant we were stopped near where they had wrecked, Apple Bloom hopped to her hooves, rushed out of the carriage and called out, “Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! What in tarnation was that!?” “Ohh… why didn’t I put my helmet on…” Scootaloo groaned as she pulled herself from the floor.  “Ugh.  Sweetie Belle...You alright!?” “Ov-over here.” A shaky voice replied, and I looked past the still groaning Scoots to see Sweetie Belle stepping out of a nearby bush, spitting out some leaves and branches that had managed to lodge themselves in her mouth.   Like a good filly, I rushed over and tried to help Scootaloo get back on her hooves, but she angrily shoved me away. “Get offa me! I don’t need your help!” She tried to stand on her own, but then thumped back down from the lack of balance, letting out an angry grunt as she did so. I don’t clearly remember what had happened next, but I could feel my chest clench.  “Well fine, you dumb blank flank! Don’t know why I bothered helping anyways!”  The sensation of triumph evaporated and shifted into pure, unadulterated horror.  I watched helplessly as Scootaloo flinched away as if stung. Once again, I was shocked by what I had said, cursing at myself as confusion filled my head. Why was I acting like that? Why was I saying mean things like that?   I stumbled forward, desperately attempting to craft an apology.  That’s when I  saw the orange hoof heading for my face.  My head snapped backwards, colliding into the dirt road. -*- "...That wasn’t very nice Scoots." "Whatever. She had that one coming. Sides, she’s waking up." "Diamond. Wake up." Silver Spoon’s voice drifted to me as the darkness slowly began to dissapate. Groggily, I got up on my hooves, blearily remembering what had happened. Slowly, I stared at Scootaloo. No, I didn't just stare, I was glaring at her. I was pissed. Steadily, I walked closer, unwilling to look away as my anger, and a bunch of other feelings, all became focused upon one pony. "What are you lookin’ at?" Scootaloo began, her anger returning as she continued, “Nopony likes you.  Nopony needs you!  Get away from me, you selfish, arrogant, spoil-” I punched her-hard.  A loud crunching sound rang out, meaning I'd probably broke something. Scoots wings buzzed loudly as she was sent flying a few feet away, landing in a crumple. As she started to get back up, I marched over to her, looming above her as she looked back up at me, angry defiance in her eyes. But it wasn’t there for long, as I leaned down and let my rage filled eyes sit inches away from hers. I felt a sadistic spike of pleasure run through me as I watched her squirm and shift under my gaze. "This is your only warning Scootaloo. Never. Ever. Hit me again. Not if you ever want to be able to fly. Got it?" Scootaloo seemed conflicted, but another look into my eyes and I could see that she realized I was speaking truth. She gulped and nodded her head, which was enough for me. I pulled away from her and stomped off, noticing the school in the distance, along with two approaching forms. Miss Cheerilee, and Rickshaw. And neither of them looked all that happy. There was only one thing I could say at a time like this. “Shit.” -*-Twilight Sparkle-*- "Alright…let me see if I get this straight." Twilight didn’t turn to acknowledge what Spike said, but she was paying attention all the same as five quills scratched against five scrolls. "Diamond Tiara is possessed by the soul of a hyomon-" "Human." Twilight corrected. "Right, whatever. She’s possessed by the soul of a human who Discord brought to Equestria, even though he’s still stuck as a lawn ornament back in Canterlot. He wants your help finding a way to get his soul out of her body, and back home, and you’re going to help him." Twilight nodded her head. Spike stopped his pacing and gave her an even stare as his eyes grew distant, no doubt mulling over what she had told him. Which hadn’t been much, but that was because she wanted Cain to explain everything in front of all her friends AND the Princess. "Okay, how much of Pinkie’s gum-drop and spiced pear pizza did you have last night?" Twilight let out a groan, her head dropping as she shouted "Spike, I’m serious! I remember everything that happened in that weird dream-scape, everything Discord said, and I didn’t imagine everything Cain said." "You mean miss prissy crown?" "Spike, that’s rude, in more ways than one. Miss Prissy Crown is nothing like how Diamond Tiara normally acts." Twilight said as she finally set the quills aside and rolled the scrolls up. She looked up and around before spotting the sleeping form of Owlowiscious up on his perch. With a soft whistle, he was roused from his slumber and less than a minute later he was flying down to perch upon her horn. "Hoo?" "Morning sleepyhead. Would you be a dear and take all of these to my friends? Its really important." Owloicious gave a salute with his wing before snatching the letters up with his claws. Without even looking, he set off for the open window near the front door and was gone, leaving just Twilight and Spike in the library. She grabbed another scroll and began writing the letter meant for Princess Celestia, but was sadly interrupted when Spike poked his head into her field of vision. "Come on Twi, you can't seriously be falling for this? This is crazier than that day Pinkie said she wasn't Pinkie..." "Spike, Pinkie was like that because she accidentally walked through Poison Joke again. There's just too much here that can't simply be explained away for this to be any sort of trick or plot." She let out a breath as she closed her eyes and remembered that dream world. "And besides Spike, when I saw Discord last night, it wasn't like that nightmare I had after we beat him. I know that Discord was there in...whatever that place was." She opened her eyes and looked directly at Spike as she went on. "I gave my word to Cain, both in that place and to him here in this room that I would help him, and I intend to do that." Spike seemed to decide it was a good point to change tactics. "Alright, so let’s say Discord's involved. How do you know helping this Cain guy, if he isn't some sort of creation of Discord’s, won't be playing right into his hands? For all we know, this is some master plan of his to try and break free again!" Twilight gave him a coy smile as she went back to writing. "Why do you think I'm sending a letter to the Princess Spike? If Discord's involved, then the Princesses have to be made aware of it. And even though I've grown in my magical abilities, I'm still nowhere near where Princess Celestia or Luna are. Maybe they've encountered something like this in the past, or maybe Discord tried this sort of stunt before. We need their help in this." Spike still didn't seem completely convinced...but after tapping his foot on the floor for another moment or two he let his arms drop to his sides. "Alright Twi, if you're really dead set on doing this, I guess the best thing I can do is support you." Twilight pulled the dragon into an embrace with a forehoof, nuzzling his face as she said "That's my number one assistant! Now, could you go ahead and sent this to the Princess?" She presented the finished letter to Spike, who took it and gave a short bow. "It'd be my pleasure Twilight!" With a blast of his draconic breath, the letter was sent wisping into the air, headed off for Canterlot. Spike turned back to look at Twilight as she started gathering books on advanced magic and setting them next to her. He walked over and laid a claw on her back, causing her to look to him as he spoke. "Ya know Twi, even though I'm not sure about this whole thing, I'm glad you’re not taking it all on your own. Sending the Princesses a letter is a great idea." Nuzzling him again, Twilight smiled as she replied "I'm glad you approve. Now, we've got a lot of work to do before everypony gets here, so could you help me find Starswirl's Guide to Rare and Unusual Magical Phenomenas?" Spike nodded and rushed upstairs to Twilight's personal collection of literature as Twilight grabbed the first book from her pile and opened it up, setting it on the floor as she began her research into the most unusual task she had ever taken up. -*- Cain (Diamond Tiara) -*- You know, sitting as I was in this small little corner, stuck staring at the juncture where two pieces of wall met and joined together, I had to admit that Miss Cheerilee was right when she said that being in time out was a great way to think about what a pony had done wrong. Only, in my case, I wasn't thinking about what I had done wrong, so much as what Scootaloo had done wrong. Oh yeah, I was still pissed of at that little paperweight. Said Crusader was sitting in a similar corner on the other side of the classroom, holding a bag of ice up to her mouth. Originally, it had seemed I was going to be the only one stuck in a corner, but the other two Crusaders and Silver Spoon had told Cheerilee that Scootaloo had been the one to start it. Thus Cheerilee had decided to put Scootaloo in time out as well...after giving her a potion to fix some of the damage I did to her jaw. Guess Diamond has more strength in her than I thought. Or maybe I was just pissed off enough that I made up for her lack of it. Speaking of which, despite the fact that I was in trouble, something I had so far tried to avoid since arriving here, I actually felt rather good. It was hard to describe, but it didn’t feel like there was some second person trying to butt in and take control. I could only feel my own thoughts and feelings, and that was a plus any day in my book. A small bell above the door rang out, and I could hear a murmur of excitement coming from the fillies and colts behind me. “Alright everypony, that’s enough for the moment. Go on outside and have fun, I’ll come get you when break is over.” A cacophony of hooves racing outside filled the air, even as I kept my nose stuck in the corner. With me being in the mood I was in, I wasn’t in any rush to go outside and play with anypony. When I was like this, solitude was generally the best option for everyone involved. When the room was quiet once more, I heard murmuring at the other end of the room. It sounded like Cheerilee was trying to quietly talk with Scootaloo, but thanks to there not being any other noise in the room, and because I had nothing better to do, I was able to catch most of it. “You need to go apologize to her Scootaloo. I know the two of you don’t really get along…” Scoots reply was muffled, but I could detect a hint of frustration in it as she replied “We’ve never gotten along Miss Cheerilee.” Heh, much as I may be angry at Scootaloo, I could understand her frustration. “...Be that as it may, what you did was wrong Scootaloo, and you need to make up for it. I’m sure if you do you’ll feel better about this whole mess.” “Ya gonna make miss ‘I’m better than everypony’ apologize too?” The sigh Cheerilee let out forced me to put a hoof over my mouth to keep from laughing. “I’m going to be talking with her too Scootaloo, and yes, I’ll be telling her to apologize for hitting you.” Fat chance of that happening I thought to myself. Sorry Scoots, but right now you’re on my grudge list. Give it a day or two and maybe we can talk. Unsurprisingly, Scootaloo and I were on the same wavelength for that. “Yeah, like Diamond’s gonna apologize for anything.” Cheerilee sighed again. “At least think about it, please? For me at least? It’s not healthy to let things like this sit and fester.” Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to sigh. “I guess I can try… got any more of that medicine?” “Certainly, there’s another bottle in my desk, second drawer on the left.” “Thanks Miss Cheerilee.” I heard Scootaloo’s hooves upon the floor as she made her way towards the desk. Even though I couldn’t see her face, as I had no interest in turning around, I could feel her gaze boring into me nonetheless. Scootaloo didn’t waste much time, soon following everypony else outside. This just left me and Cheerilee, with enough tension in the room to choke an Ursa Minor. Maybe. The Ursa could probably eat it all up, but I doubted I'd ever get a chance to ask one. "Well Diamond Tiara, I believe we need to have a talk." Cheerilee finally said, drawing my thoughts away from the image of me asking a giant cosmic bear if it could eat the school in one bite. "Do we have to?" I responded, keeping my head stuck in the corner, every fiber of my being declaring my intent to be defiant to the end. Or until it stopped being fun. "I think the wall is much more interesting than anything we could possibly talk about." "No games today Diamond, I want you to turn around and come over here. You can't leave until you do." "Leave? Why would I want to leave? This stool is very comfy to sit on, rough edges and all."   “Diamond Tiara…” Cheerilee murmured, with no response from me. After a moment, she sighed and began again. “I know you’ve been having a tough time getting along with your classmates since you transferred from Morningstar’s Private School back in Canterlot, but hitting someone? That’s not like you at all…” Well, that was something I hadn’t known, though I had to say I wasn’t too surprised that Diamond hadn’t hit anyone. “Yeah well, getting a hoof straight to the face has a tendency to do that to a pony.” “That doesn’t mean you had any right to hit back Diamond. All that does is make things worse.” I really wanted to laugh at that statement. I’d heard it before, and frankly in my experience, it was mostly utter bullcrap. Of course, trying to tell that to Miss Cheerilee probably wouldn’t get me anywhere, and to be honest with how I was still feeling, nothing she said was going to do anything. “I beg to differ on that teach, but you know what?” I said, hopping off the stool and finally turning around to look her in the eyes, “I don’t think it matters, because we’re done here.” With that said, I started walking towards the entrance, but Cheerilee moved to intercept me. “What do you mean Diamond Tiara, we’re not done talking-” “Yes, yes we are. Ya see, right now, I’m still really, really irritated, and frankly, any little bit of nonsense you spout right now is just going to go through one ear and out the other.” I replied, using a hoof to demonstrate such to her. “Right now, the best thing for everyone involved is to leave me alone, and let me go vent somewhere. Preferably away from everypony else. So, if you’ll excuse me…” I didn’t even wait for a response back from her, simply dashing out the door and shutting it behind me. Frankly, even if little miss Tiara would have stayed to get lectured, I simply wasn’t in the mood. Anger and frustration were still bubbling within me, and it was plain to see from the scowl on my face. Thankfully, as I made my way through the various foals going about having fun and enjoying their break from the drudgery of school, no one was foolish enough to bother me. Maybe they could pick up on my emotions, and were getting the pony equivalent of “DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!” from me. Or maybe they’d seen DT with an expression like that before and had learned not to mess with her. Either was fine with me, as long as it meant nobody interacted with me.  I probably shouldn’t have thought that last bit though, as just as I was making my way towards the edge of the playground, I heard running hooves headed my way. Four to be exact, and since no one else had bothered coming near me, they could belong only to… “Diamond, wait up!” I heard Silver Spoon cry out, and turning back a bit I saw her and the rest of the Crusaders making their way towards me. Silver Spoon looked worried, as did Apple Bloom, while Sweetie Belle seemed rather apprehensive. Scootaloo was purposely not looking in my direction. "No, nu-uh, no way, nein, nyet." I shouted back, turning my head away from them and picking up my speed. Now was not the time for them to be bothering me, and I had no desire to end up saying anything I might regret. "Ah pony-feathers, she's trying to get away." I heard Apple Bloom say as I started running, no longer within the confines of the playground but now racing across one of the empty pastures bordering the school. I heard Silver call out again as they tried to keep up. "Slow down Diamond, we just want to talk to you!" Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon were keeping up, but the other two were having trouble. "Teach wanted to talk too, and I didn't give her the time of day! Just leave me alone!" That was what I wanted really, some time alone to vent my frustrations, somewhere where no one would be able to say or do anything to cheer me up or calm me down. I just needed to let all my stress out, and I couldn't do it with anyone else around. Especially any of these ponies. I quickly looked around me, trying to see if I could find someplace I could lose my pursuers. I didn't see anything useful at first, but then I saw it. A nearby hill had a single tree sitting atop it, and I could see some low hanging branches. Maybe if I can get up there fast enough, they'll just pass by. It was better than nothing at this point, so digging down and grasping some of the frustration I still felt, I used it to give me some extra speed as all four legs thundered beneath me. With the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, I made it behind the tree, the four of them far enough away that I had just enough time to try and hide. But as I hopped up and tried to grab one of the branches, I discovered that unfortunately, ponies are terrible at climbing trees. Well now what genius? I growled softly as I again looked up at the tree...which was when I noticed a hollow spot that looked just big enough for a filly to slip inside. I could hear them getting closer. It was now or never. "Huh? Where the hay did she go?" Apple Bloom said as she and the rest came into view. Sweetie Belle fell to the ground, breathing raggedly and reminding me vaguely of a half melted marshmallow. "May...huhhuhh...Maybe she got away?" "Nah...Diamond's not that fast. Besides, I don't see her anywhere." Silver Spoon replied, looking out at the fields around the hill and trying in vain to spot me. Or so I thought, as her eyes turned to the tree and she peered at it suspiciously. Please don't spot me please don't spot me. Silver's eyes locked onto me, and for a moment, our gazes were linked. There was no doubt in my mind as I stared back into her lavender eyes. I had been found. Slowly, I closed my eyes and lowered my head in defeat. I guess letting go of all the stress and anger would have to wait. But she didn't say anything. I waited for her to call me out, but nothing ever came. Chancing it, I looked up, and we stared at each other once more. This time, Silver Spoon looked away. "Do we really have to do this right now?" Scootaloo said, bringing my attention back to the crusaders. "I'm not in any hurry to apologize to miss high and mighty you know." "Cheerilee said ya oughta try, and sides ya said it yarself, it was wrong to hit Diamond for somethin' she wasn' even doin'." Silver Spoon turned to face the others. "We can try again later Apple Bloom. I think its best if we leave Diamond Tiara alone for now." "Are you sure Silver Spoon?" asked Sweetie Belle, who seemed to have finally recovered from the run. "Yeah...I don't think talking with Diamond's gonna do any good right now anyways. We can talk after school." Silver said, turning back in the direction of the school and the playground. The crusaders watched her go for a moment, and then, shrugging their shoulders, followed after her. I sat there in stunned silence for a few minutes, wondering if they were somehow trying to pull a fast one on me. It seemed like something the crusaders might try after all. It had to be nearly ten minutes after they left that I finally poked my head out and glanced around. No one was around. Except for some birds chirping in the tree, I was alone. "Ugh...finally." I muttered to myself, climbing out of the tree and plopping myself on the soft grass, glaring at everything around me. Now that I wasn't being bothered by anyone, all the feelings I had lost focus on came back to the forefront. My thoughts went back to what had happened earlier with Scootaloo, but looking back on it, that frankly didn't really bother me anymore. I'd gotten over that. But that outburst did unleash all the stress I'd been burying deep down since I got here. "I'm tired of this...I'm tired of trying to be someone I ain't. I never wanted to get stuck here. Especially not in this brat’s body. Having to even try and act like that pretentious spoiled rotten brat disgusts me to the core. As if being in one of the most hated ponies in the show wasn't bad enough, I'm stuck taking her punishment. All for something Diamond Tiara did. And I'm even getting in trouble for the stupid things that she says." I stopped my rant and rapped my head, continuing. "Yeah, I'm talking to you prissy princess, I'm sure your in there somewhere. I certainly didn't say anything mean to Scoots. At least, not until after I decked her..." I sighed, looking once more out at the land around me. The bright blue of the sky mixing with the fluffy white of a few clouds. The soft grass of the plains and hills around me blowing gently in the breeze. The birds chirping as they flew and flittered about… It was beautiful, peaceful, and for most, it probably would have gave them a feeling of peace. But not for me. Because as peaceful as Equestria was… It wasn't home. "You know what, I don't care if this is the chance of a lifetime, I don't care if I get to explore the land of my favorite series ever, I don't even care how wonderful and nice it is here. This isn't where I belong, this isn't my home! I miss my family, my mom, my sister, and our two annoying cats! I miss my grandmother and her silliness! I miss all the friends I've made since becoming a brony! Heck, I even miss my crappy-ass job at Wal-Mart! I don't want to be a pony! I don't want to be Diamond Tiara! I want to be me! CAIN!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!" I slumped down, laying on my belly as a I splayed myself across the ground, closing my eyes and trying to imagine I was back home, that this had all been some sort of horrible dream. For a few wonderful seconds, I had myself nearly convinced...but then reality decided to crash down upon me. "Well, sounds like somepony has had a tough time." A familiar voice replied. I rolled my eyes as the plains around me returned to my vision. "That's the understatement of the week Rainbow Dash." I then sat there for a few seconds, just staring out into space...until my brain processed everything. What the- I thought as my head snapped up and I started looking around, trying to spot the rainbow maned pegasus. "Up here kiddo." My head jerked up and I found her, her familiar face peeking out from one of the clouds that I'd seen earlier. She was looking down at me, a neutral expression on her face but her eyes told me that she was concerned. I gulped, staring up at her for a moment, not exactly sure what to say or do. I didn't really think running again would do any good, not against Rainbow Dash anyways. Finally, gulping again, I asked "H-How much d-did you hear?" Her lips formed into a smirk as she stood up, shaking some of the cloud off of her. "Dia-I mean Cain, I've been up here since you decided to pop into that tree. I heard everything." Well...I thought knowing how much she'd heard would help my brain figure something out, but it kept pulling up a blank. I heard Rainbow Dash sigh as she hopped off her perch, gliding down and settling down next to me. "Hey chillax, there's nothing to worry about, Twilight already told me everything." My ears perked up, and though I was still freaked out, a glimmer of hope welled up within me. "Really? So you don't think I'm crazy?" "Well, I think the whole story is crazy, but Twi said that Discord was involved, so I guess that's to be expected." Rainbow Dash replied, tapping her chin with a hoof. Her eyes widened, almost as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah! That's why I'm here, Twilight sent me to come find you and bring you back to Golden Oaks." The knowledge that Rainbow Dash seemed to believe everything, and wasn't at least immediately planning on handing me to any counselors of any sort, allowed me to calm down a bit. "Why's that? Surely she hasn't found a way to get me home that fast." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nah, Twilight's good, but not that good. No, she said something about Princess Celestia coming by to talk with you." Okay, now I was worried again. Mostly, because I'd never met royalty before, and this wasn't just any royalty, this was an ageless possible goddess I would be meeting. More than that though, was the worry of what might happen if the Princess, after hearing my story, believed me to be crazy. What other choice do I have? I thought to myself as I stood up. "Well, I suppose I can't keep Twilight or the Princess waiting. Now...which way to-YAAH!" I was suddenly lifted in the air and plopped on Rainbow Dash's back, and from the way her body was shifting and tensing up, there was only one conclusion I could reach. And it was not one that appealed to me. "Oh no, ohnononononooo..." Rainbow Dash turned and gave me what I'm sure she thought was a comforting smile, but did nothing to calm me down. "Ah relax, its a short flight, especially when flying with yours truly." "Its not that...I'm just really really scared of..." She didn't seem to be listening. "Just hold tight and it'll be over in a flash." And then she kicked off, and we launched into the air, the wind rushing past me as I clung onto her with all my strength. The last word I screamed out was lost to the wind. "HEEEIGGHTSS!!!!" As Rainbow Dash turned towards Ponyville, I closed my eyes and made a mental note to myself that the instant we were on solid earth, I was going to throttle Equestria's greatest flier.