//------------------------------// // Chapter Four // Story: One Winged Pony // by Majin Syeekoh //------------------------------// "My magic says he should be right...around...here!" Twilight murmured as she used her horn like a divining rod, feeling the magical energies pull her this way and that, finally pushing her horn up a tree, "Ok, girls, we're looking for a pegasus in the tree!" "On it, Twi!" Rainbow Dash said with a salute as she zipped up and around the tree, "found him! But he's got...ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh!" "What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack yelled out" "Just check it!" Rainbow yelled as she floated down with the passenger. Everypony gasped at what they saw. Rainbow let down what appeared to be a cream-colored pegasus with one cream wing and one black wing, and flowing white hair with a white spitcurl in the front. He had a Cutie Mark of white and black wings arranged in a Yin-Yang design. But what shocked them most of all was that this pegasus had a fifteen-inch horn, making him... "An alicorn," the ponies said in unison. "Quick, we have to get him to the hospital!" Fluttershy commanded. "Guess ah'll load 'em up, then." Applejack said as Rainbow gingerly laid the new alicorn on the orange pony's back. ------ "So you say you found him unconscious in the Everfree?" Doctor Caramel asked irritatedly. "What in Tartarus was an unidentified alicorn doing in the Everfree? And why didn't you bring him to Canterlot? They have much better facilities for treating alicorns! In fact, all I know about Alicorn Anatomy and Physiology is from a three-credit course at Ponyville Community that I am in the middle of taking because our librarian up and turns into one-" "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Twilight's awesome, but can you help the guy we brought in or not?" Rainbow Dash asked, annoyed at the obvious overshare. "Oh, well, yes, of course." Doctor Caramel said, with more than a bit of surprise. "He's in room 215. You can see him now, if you'd like." "Awesome! Thanks, doc!" Rainbow Dash beamed as she left the waiting area and flew up to the outside window, where her friends were inside. She rapped lightly on the window. She saw all of her friends turn as she waved at them, hovering in the air. "A little help here?" A purple glow encased the window as it swung open, and Rainbow Dash swooped in as the window shut behind her. "So how's the patient?" Rainbow inquired. "Well, his heart rate is low and slow, but that is the tempo to be expected for an alicorn. His brainwave readings," Twilight said as she fumbled around with some papers, "appear to be healthy, but we don't know why he's not waking up yet." Twilight frowned. "Let me try," Pinkie said. She lifted the alicorn's ear, and took a deep breath. It was at this point that her friends covered her ears, knowing what was coming next. "HEY MISTER ALICORN SIR, PLEASE WON'T YOU WAKE UP AND PLAY WITH ME? I'M SURE IT'LL BE SAFER THAN BEING IN A BLACK CLOUD-" and was pushed away by the alicorn whose ear she was screaming against. A gasp escaped all of their throats as they watched him shuffle awake. He spoke in a deep voice, "What the hell is that cacaphonous droning!?" he rubbed his eyes as he opened them, "man, I'm so hungry I could eat a...", his voice cut short by the sight of six pastel-colored ponies surrounding his bed. Fluttershy said, "What's the matter, Mister?" His voice eked out, "You're all...you're all...HORSES!" "Actually, we're all ponies, sir. Just like you." Applejack pointed out. The alicorn looked down at his hooves, and his wings popped up in surprise. He turned around to see what just happened as his horn bumped into the wall, "fuck! Shit! Fuck, this isn't happening!" he swore as he stumbled out of bed onto his back hooves, slowly losing his balance as he fell down onto his front hooves. "What just happened?" Twilight queried. "I know! He made up new words!" Pinkie exclaimed, "and I like them! Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shitty shitty fuck fuck, shitty shitty fuck!" Pinkie chanted while pronking around the confused alicorn. He stared at the pink pony in a mix of horror and confusion. "Quit it, Pinkie! You're scaring Mister...I don't believe we have your name." "Safer. You can call me Safer." The scared alicorn said, quite deliberately as if holding back panic. "Well, Safer, pleased to meet a fellow alicorn! I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but my friends call me Twilight." "Ahm Applejack. I carried ya here on my back and hoo-wee, are ya heavy!" "Now, now, that's no way to speak to a gentlecolt, especially not a handsome alicorn stallion such as yourself, Mr. Safer," Rarity said seductively as she approached Safer, her hoof extended. "I'm Rarity." The cream-and-black pony grasped her hoof with his, and kissed it. "Enchante, Rarity." He could get used to this, even if she was a pony. "Ooooh, he knows Fancy!" Rarity squeed in delight. "Rainbow Dash. I'm the one that fished you out of the tree you barreled into." "...I'm Fluttershy." "And I'm the P to the inkie, to the P-R-I-T-E, and come on Mister Safer, WON'T YOU PLEASE MAKE FRIENDS WITH ME??!!??" Pinkie wailed as she dove into the alicorn who could barely get a hoof up before she barreled him over onto the ground. "I'm Pinkalicious!" She said with a wink. "Pinkie!" Twilight admonished as she lifted Pinkie of off the horribly confused alicorn with her magic and set her down next to the bed. "Sorry about that, Mister Safer-" "Just Safer...is fine." The alicorn said while dusting himself off. "Well then, Safer, if I may ask," Twilight continued, "where are you from? I can't recall reading your name in any history texts, or Celestia and Luna ever mentioning your name...so where are you from?" "Out, of...town?" Safer offered helpfully. "Ooooh! You must have been sucked through the dimensional tear when you went to examine it on your end! But that means...oh my Celestia, we dumped the black energy into an inhabited dimension!" "Um, yes?" Safer said with a hint of surprise in his voice. He shook his head, and reasserted himself. "I mean, yes that's absolutely right! How dare you use my dimension as your dumping ground!" "Oooohhhh, I should have checked! I'm so sorry, Safer! But I can't rip open the dimensional tear right now! I'm too weak!" Twilight apologized. "I suppose that's alright. Do you have accomodations, perhaps a nice...stable?" Safer intoned questioningly. "I have stables, but wouldn't ya prefer a bed? Stables are fer livestock." Applejack informed the stallion. "I guess you could stay with me, seeing as how this is my fault. I have an extra bed." Twilight spoke up helpfully. Pinkie snuck up to Twilight and whispered loudly, "Hey, Twi, don't ya think that's a little, inapropro?" "Nonsense, I'm a perfect gentle...colt." Safer reassured the pink pony. "Yes you are, Safer." Rarity oozed toward Safer. "Now come with me to my boutique. I'd love to design something for a stallion alicorn," she said as she wrapped her foreleg around his and led him away. "I must protest..."Safer got out before- "Nonsense, Sir Safer. We simply must design an ensemble to frame that hunky figure," she said as she led him out of the room and down the hallway. "I've got a hold of the most fashionable material straight from Canterlot. I believe it's called pleather..." Her voice trailed off as they headed down the hall. "That's Rares for ya." Applejack noted. ---- "Nice cloak, Safer!" Pinkie exclaimed. She breathed in a lungful, and- "Miss Pie, I appreciate the gesture, but do we have to do this in the Town Square?" Safer asked worriedly. "Yeah! It's where I welcome all of my new friends! And it's Pinkie!" "If you insist..." Pinkie nodded. She breathed in a lungful of air and belted out: Safer's my friend! (Safer's my friend!) From another dimension! (From another dimension!) And he's try-ing to get back! Oh how I wish that he could stay-ay But he says he has to leave! He has a coat! (He has a coat!) That Rarity made! (That Rarity made!) It's made from Canterlot pleather! But the reason she made it for him Is that she has a huge crush(on Sir Safer!) Oh yes it's huge- "...thank you, Pinkie," Safer said, his cheeks and the tips of his ears reddening as he clamped a wingtip over her mouth, "That's quite enough." Pinkie pried herself away from the wing and blurted out, "Oh you wanna see my wagon? I use it to welcome ponies! I'll be right back!" With that, she slipped around a corner, coming right back with a red and white wagon. She wheeled it in front of Safer, and opened it up to revealed a couple of stacks on top and what appeared to be an oven in the front. "Ready for my welcome song?" "Welcome, welcome, welcome/A fine welcome to you/Welcome, welcome, welcome/I say how do you do?/Welcome, welcome, welcome/I say hip-hip-hooray/Welcome, welcome, welcome/Too Ponyville tooooodaaaaaay!" Safer stared at Pinkie. "Wait for it, Safer..." Pinkie warned. Just then, a fully-baked pie flew towards Safer's face. He raised his hooves towards his face, wishing that the pie wouldn't hit him. It never did. He opened his eyes to see the pie sheathed in a black aura. Just as he realized that it was his doing, the confetti cannons went off, causing him to lose focus and almost drop the pie, which he caught on one of his hooves. "Fancy hoofwork, Safer!" "Erm, thank you, Pinkie...think fast!" Safer threw the pie into Pinkie's face, where it caught her dead on. "That was for the embarrassment concerning Rarity!" "I know, sillyface!" Pinkie proceeded to lick the pie off of her face, "I let you have that one! To think you could catch me off guard with a pie!" ---- Twilight heard clopping come down the staircase. She put the finishing touches on her letter to Celestia as she turned around and faced him. "Hey, Safer! Just finished writing a letter to my mentor. Normally I don't write letters to her anymore, but I figured this to be a special occasion, seeing as how we met you and all. Wanna read it?" Twilight looked up hopefully. "I suppose you'll pester me until I do..." Safer mused, "Fine, let me see it." he said as he grasped the letter with his aura and read the letter out loud: "Dear Princess Celestia, During my attempt to shunt the energy out of this dimension, we seem to have picked up a straggler, an alicorn named Safer. I accidentally sucked him in, but he's being a real good sport about the whole thing. Rarity dragged him away first to play dress-up, and the pleather coat she made for him makes him look so dashing-" Safer looked at Twilight, who blushed and looked away coyly. He went back to reading, "-so dashing. He even let Pinkie Pie give him a proper Ponyville welcome, with the wagon and everything. Pinkie even let him pie her for the song she sang for him. And lastly, I've been teaching him all sorts of magic, which he has quite the aptitude for, despite claiming to not know any. He says it's because magic is different in his dimension. In a couple of days, I'm going to tear space again to send him home. Maybe you guys should meet! Your faithful student forever, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Safer glanced it over again. "So, this...Princess Celestia." "What about her?" Twilight asked. "What's she like?" Twilight took a breath. "Well, she's the most powerful being in all of Equestria, and she raises the sun. She co-rules with her sister, Princess Luna, who raises the moon." "So," Safer intoned, "she would be akin to a goddess?" "Well, she's older than Equestria and created it, so yeah, I guess if you want to put it that way, yeah." Twilight grasped her letter from Safer and called, "Here Spike!" "Really, Twilight? Aren't you a little too, 'princessy' for letters?" Spike called down while walking down the stairs in a boyish voice. He grabbed the letter and breathed on it, the magic whisking away the letter straight to Celestia. "Fascinating..." Safer mused, "may I write a letter?" he said, grabbing a quill and parchment and started jotting down a letter. "Whatcha writing?" Twilight asked. "A letter...declaring...myself as an emissary of the Great Midgar Republic of the Cetra dimension!" Safer sighed, hoping she bought it. "Oh, ok, I'll get out of your mane, then. You remember where the bedroom is, right?" "Yes, yes, top of the stairs and all that." "Good. Goodnight!" Twilight beamed as bucked up the stairs. Safer finished writing his letter a few minutes later, sent it by Dragonfire, and stalked up the stairs so as not to disturb Twilight. ---- Princess Celestia was sipping on a banana smoothie as she read Twilight's letter. This Safer fellow sounded quite interesting, especially about the cloak. Something was spinning in her mind, though, when all of a sudden, another letter appeared at her hooves. She picked it up with her magic, unfurled it, and started reading, sipping on her smoothie: Hello El, it's Sephiroth Celestia spat out her banana smoothie and kept reading like a mare possessed: I understand your wish to start anew from the old world, but seriously, ponies? These creatures are so gullible, it's laughable. The white one does know my style, though. I daresay I look, what did that blushing whore use, dashing. Now before you fly off to rescue them from my divine glory, may I mention that I am sharing a room with a certain princess, and if you so much as make a hostile inkling of a move against me, I'll crush her like the insect that she is. I'd tell you more, but that would spoil the fun. Ta ta. P.S. I told her that I'm an Emissary of the Great Midgar Republic of the Cetra dimension. So remember to play along, or it's goodnight to your wretched worms. Celestia began to fume. There were only two beings who could hold her down before she rushed in without a plan. "LUNA! DISCORD!" She bellowed in her Royal Canterlot Voice before everything turned red.