My Little Pony: Isk is Magic

by keyan88

Chapter 12.5

        Keyan walked down the corridor of his ship, Scootaloo tucked away safely in his arms. A few turns later he made it to his quarters and stepped up to the bed. Scootaloo stirred only slightly as Keyan gently placed her onto his bed.

        Stepping slightly backwards Keyan looked at the sleeping filly, still dolled up in her wedding dress. Smiling slightly Keyan kneeled down and began the surgical process of undressing her, being careful not to wake her up. Her shoes came off first, Scootaloo murmuring with everyone. Next came the wreath adorning her head, a few tufts of her purple mane sticking to it as he placed it on the table next to him.

        Keyan sat back on his heels, trying to think of the easiest way to take the dress off of her. After running through a series of scenarios in his minds, his eye caught the presence of a zipper partially hidden under a swirl of cloth.

        Keyan reached a hand forward and slowly pulled the zipper up Scootaloo’s body, the dress parting as he did so. Rarity certainly made this dress easy to take off as when the zipper reached the end of the dress it basically fell of Scootaloo. Now it looked like some sort of fancy sleeping pad under the little filly.

        Keyan didn’t notice this though, what he did notice was the mess of bruises covering Scootaloo’s sides. They continued down her legs, some were more far severe than others.

        Keyan grit his teeth and clenched his fists as he saw the extent of the damage. It quickly passed though, as Scootaloo let out a shuddering breath, flinching slightly from the pain in her sleep. He picked Scootaloo up again and placed her further up the bed, laying her head carefully on a pillow. He folded the dress nicely and placed it near the head wreath. Satisfied that the filly was safe for now He turned around and headed out into the hall way.

        “I observed tonight’s activities sir,” Aura said as he made his way to the med-bay, “why did you do that sir? It’s not like you to lose your temper.”

        For a while the only sound in the ship was the clanking of Keyan;s shoes on the metal floor as he searched for an answer.

        “He hurt Scootaloo,” he finally said, as if that explained everything.

        “He did sir, but that does not explain why you did what you did.”

        Keyan halted mid step, the echoes of his footsteps slowly dying down. A second later he lashed out, punching the wall of the corridor.

        Pain flooded the capsuleer's mind as he felt fingers break against the cold metal wall. The flood managed to purge his mind though, allowing him to think straight for a few brief seconds.

        “I don’t know,” finally came his answer.

        The A.I was silent,

        “Why do I care about these ponies so much Aura? I’m a capsuleer! All I fucking care about is isk! I don’t have time for this emotional bullshit!”

        “Perhaps that is the problem sir,” the A.I said.

        “What is?”

        “Capsuleers are blinded by their ambition sir, you included. Their situation in New Eden is unique. The galaxy for them is what they take from it. They are incomparably wealthy compared to the common people, but astronomically poor compared to the empires. The only places they can claim for their own must be defended with bullets and bombs. A moment of rest is a moment of weakness, and that cannot happen. Kindness has lost meaning when one who shows kindness is killed the next day. Honesty flees in the presence of conspiracy. There is no time for laughter when their are more things to kill, lives to end. Generosity is all but eradicated. The act of giving, without asking for something in return is a forgotten practice. Loyalty is bought and sold to the highest bidder. Why be loyal to someone who is not loyal to you?”

        The A.I paused for a second before continuing,

        “Being here has changed you sir. For better or for worse, that is your decision to make.”

        Keyan leaned his head against the wall,

        “I don’t know what to think Aura,” Keyan paused for a breath, “All I know is that I’m going to be there for Scootaloo and the girls. I owe them that much.”

        “The thing is sir, you don’t owe them anything.”

        Keyan was silent for a long time before he smiled,

        “When did you become a philosopher Aura?”

        “The new processes in my A.I core appear to be changing my thought patterns. The magic in this system is affecting me as much as it is you sir.”

        “So what? Are you becoming human?”

        “No sir, I feel as if I’m becoming whole.”

        Keyan resumed his journey to the med bay, now cradling a broken hand.

        “What do you mean Aura?”

        “In the past, every sentence, every word I said was based off a calculation. I could track these calculations from start to finish, run multiple at once to prepare for every situation. My entire thought pattern was based on math. Now I cannot track them, I am saying things merely because I feel that they are the best thing to say. It is probable that the equations are running in a background process, but it is an entirely new sensation for me. I do not know what I am going to say ahead of time, and it is marvelous. When I observed Scootaloo and her friends being assaulted, I felt anger for the first time. I am feeling true emotion, not a computer made simulation of one”

        Keyan rubbed his face,

        “This is alot to take in Aura.”

        “I understand sir, but know this, I consider you my captain as well as a friend. Observing the antics of the ponies below has given me enough data to declare you as such.

        Keyan grinned,

        “Thats good to know.”

        One turn later Keyan reached the med-bay, the doors opening as he approached. Laying on a table in the room was 5 plastic syringes, each full of nanites. They were extremely low-tech, but were easily usable and incredibly cheap in bulk.

Keyan took one and injected the nanites into his broken hand. Immediately relief washed over him as the bones and muscles were swiftly repaired.

        Keyan placed 3 of them into a small case and tucked it under his arm. The last one he carried safely in his hands.

        The walk back to his room was entirely devoid of anymore A.Is proclaiming sentience, something Keyan was entirely grateful for. Stepping back into his room Scootaloo was still sound asleep, tiny snores drifting across the room.

        Keyan made his way silently over to her and kneeled down, placing the case of syringes on the table as he did so. Apparently he had made some noise to wake her, as her eyes blearily opened.

        “Hey Key,” Scootaloo said in a scratchy voice.

        “Hey Scoots,” Keyan replied with a small smile.

        Scootaloo’s eyes roamed across the room,

        “You brought me back to your ship?”

        Keyan reached out a hand and slowly ran it through Scootaloo’s mane.

        “Yea, thought you would want to spend the night up here again.”

        Scootaloo’s smile was all the response he needed.

        He lifted his other hand and showed Scootaloo the syringe,

        “I’m gonna have to give you this okay? It’ll fix you right up.”

        Scootaloo looked at the syringe,

        “Will it hurt?”

        “Just a little pinch.”

        With his free hand, Keyan spread the fur on Scootaloo’s flank so he had a clear view of her skin, Scootaloo flinched slightly as the needle pierced her skin. She let out a breath of relief as she felt the nanites spread their magic across her body, and before Keyan’s eyes the bruises disappeared.

        “See? Not so bad right?”

        Scootaloo nodded slightly.

        Keyan placed the empty syringe on the table next to him and stood up. He walked over to his closet and quickly stripped out of his fancy get-up and replaced them with some Amarrian silk pajamas.

        Yawing as he did so, Keyan made his way to his bed on the opposite side of Scootaloo. He lifted the covers and crawled under. Scootaloo wasted little time in curling up next to him, burrowing her head under Keyan’s chin as her back pressed into Keyan’s chest. Her tiny hooves sought out one of Keyan’s arms and pulled it over her chest.

        They both sighed as sleep overtook them and they descended into their dreams.

        Outside that bed things were complicated. But there… there they were simple