//------------------------------// // High School Wanderings Part 4 // Story: Other Wanderings // by ed2481 //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle walked into the school gym where she’d been told the ‘planner’ would be. The entire room looked like it had been hit by an artillery barrage of party supplies. Standing in the center of the madness, pulling a balloon off of her skirt and blowing it into a real balloon, was a strangely familiar pink haired girl. “Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked as she closed the distance with the girl. The reaction was immediate, and completely Pinkie. The pink haired girl grabbed onto her shoulders and brought her face within centimeters of Twilight’s. “Are you psychic?” she inquired eagerly. “Nope,” Twilight replied. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Pinkie let go of Twilight with a slight shrug. “Not really,” she said with a small shrug. “I was just hoping that you were is all.” “Oh, okay,” Twilight said as she ran a hand through her hair. “So... I’m here to sign up for this Fall Formal thingy... you’re the one I talk to, right?” Pinkie grinned, her hair seeming to somehow get even more excited then normal. “Yep a dep dep,” she said with a smile. Then an interested look crossed her face. “Oh that means that you’re actually considering running against old Nazi Girl herself,” Pinkie exclaimed, grinning widely. “Nazi girl?” Twilight inquired, confused. “Yeah; she wants to take over the school, she’s trying to make us goosestep by her, and her name can be shortened to SS so I call her Nazi Girl,” Pinkie explained with a giggle. “She doesn’t like it much.” “Bitch deserves it,” Twilight stated. Before Pinkie could respond to that, another familiar face entered the room. To Twilight’s surprise, it was Ethan. “Hey Sparky,” the teen said with a smile as he walked up to her. “What’s up?” “Oh nothing, I was just talking with Pinkie here about me becoming the next Princess,” Twilight said with a slight shrug, meanwhile, Pinkie was closely examining Ethan. “OOooh are you LARPing as Dresden?” Pinkie asked the teen with wide eyes. “Who... and what are you talking about?” Ethan replied, confused by the name and the activity. “Well, LARPing means dressing up as fantasy characters and pretending to be them,” Pinkie listed off before she effortlessly blew up a balloon. “And Dresden is a character from a book,” she continued. “I just assumed because of the leather and chainmail, along with the gun in your back pocket...” Twilight turned to give Ethan a glare. “You brought a gun?” she demanded. “How? Tia was very thorough!” Ethan smirked and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a vaguely slingshot-looking creation. “It’s my dartgun Sparky, never leave home without one when I can avoid it,” Ethan told her with a chuckle. “It’s mostly non-lethal... kind of.” Twilight gave him a long look before shaking her head. “Fine, you can keep your ‘dartgun’,” she said, shaking her head before she turned back to Pinkie. “Anyways, sign me up for this Fall Formal thing I guess...” “Alrighty,” Pinkie chirped with a smile as she wrote Twilight’s name down in mid air. “There we go.” “Should I question why you didn’t actually write it on a piece of paper?” Twilight asked. “Probably safer if you didn’t,” Pinkie replied, though Twilight couldn’t quite tell if she was serious. Twilight shrugged slightly and turned to Ethan who’d stuck his dartgun back in his pocket, which swallowed it. Without thinking he’d took hold of her hand as he stood next to her. Twilight blushed, and looked down at their hands. Ethan followed her gaze, and a matching blush crossed his face... but he didn’t take away his hand. “Cassie’ll understand,” he told Twilight with a small shrug. “So long as she doesn’t castrate you,” the girl replied jokingly. “Na, I don’t think she will,” Ethan said, shrugging his shoulders. Pinkie was looking between them with the oddest ‘knowing’ expression on her face. “You two are adorable,” Pinkie informed them. “Though I don’t think castration sounds like a normal ‘couples’ thing to do.” “Umm yeah,” Ethan said with a slight shrug. “Anyways, we should get going... we have this... thing to do. Right Twilight?” “Umm... right,” Twilight agreed. “The... thing.” “The third closest on the right after you leave the gym is always unlocked,” Pinkie informed them with a wink before she skipped off. Twilight and Ethan exchanged another glance. “Should we?” “Na, don’t want to make it too weird,” Ethan replied with a slight shrug. “I mean... me... kissing you... that would just be... weird... right?” “Right... it’s not like I’m... attracted to you normally... right? It’s just this... body,” Twilight said slowly. “Yeah... that’s all it is,” he said, his face getting a little closer to hers. “You’re a pony after... all. Nothing... attractive about that.” “Shut up and kiss!” Pinkie suddenly exclaimed from beside them, hurling confetti in the air. Out of reflex, Ethan’s fist launched out and nailed her in the eye. Pinkie let out a squeak of surprise as she fell on her ass. “Oh my gosh!” Twilight exclaimed in shock as she let go of Ethan’s hand and knelt down beside Pinkie Pie. “Are you alright Pinkie?” “I...owwww...” the puffy haired girl said before looking at Ethan, displaying one eye that was already beginning to bruise heavily. “You have a mean right hook!” Ethan looked down at her and winced. “I’m sorry Pinkie... I didn’t mean to punch you... but you should never surprise someone when they’re trying to decide whether or not to kiss someone.” “Eh, it’s alright,” Pinkie said, hoping to her feet, swollen shut eye not seeming to bother her all that much. “I’ll just head to the nurse, this isn’t the first time someone has accidentally punched me in the eye.” “Somehow... I’m not surprised,” Ethan mused. “Sorry again.” “I’m fine,” the girl said with a slight shrug. “See you later,” she added with a wave before she walked out the gym. “You know... I’m surprised you were able to actually hit her,” Twilight said with a frown. “Our Pinkie would’ve dodged it.” “Yeah... so, you’re going to be a Princess?” Ethan asked her. “Looks that way, yes,” Twilight replied. “Okay... how do we do that?” the teenager asked. “I have no idea,” Twilight replied. “Why don’t we go to the school library and do a little digging?” “You just want an excuse to read books from an alien world, don’t you?” he asked her with a raised eyebrow. Twilight frowned at him and put her hands on her hips, she didn’t know why, but it just felt right. “I am going to be doing research on how to win the Element of Magic. Not reading random books on a whim!” “Mhm,” Ethan said, clearly not impressed or convinced. Twilight let out an annoyed huff. “Fine then, let’s just go, alright?” “Sounds fine to me,” the teenager said. “You...” Twilight trailed off, shaking her head. “Alright then, let’s get going.” “Lead the way ‘Princess’ Sparky,” Ethan replied with a small smirk. Twilight shot him a sidelong glance, but strode off, the man following just a bit behind her, tracking her hips with his eyes. Mmm... very nice, he thought to himself, no longer banishing the thoughts out of reflex. I wonder how she looks without that skirt on... probably drop dead sexy. Twilight for his part, had noticed the man’s gaze, and decided to sway her hips just a little as she walked. This feels so... strange, she thought to herself. And yet... it’s so natural that it’s almost scary. She looked back and gave Ethan a seductive wink. Did she just wink at me? Ethan asked himself. Oh my God, she winked at me! This was quickly followed by the thought, God damn hormones! “We’ve got to do something about this,” Ethan grumbled aloud. “The sooner we get this done... the sooner I can get rid of the images in my mind,” Twilight replied, a bit distractedly as a blush touched her face. “Are they good images?” Ethan asked her eagerly. Twilight was silent for a moment before she turned on her heel, grabbed his waist, and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss. Ethan’s body reacted instinctively and his hands reached under the bottom of her dress and traveled upwards as his lips eagerly met hers. “What in God’s name are you two doing?!” Twilight and Ethan separated with a wet pop and turned to find Principal Celestia glaring at them, hands on her lustrous, shapely hips. “Making out,” Ethan answered simply, his hands remaining inside of Twilight’s dress, gently fondling her. “Want to join in?” As he looked around, he also noticed that there were also several students staring at them. Principal Celestia was dumbstruck by that response, he’d said it so simply and so unabashedly that a part of her brain had run into a wall, head first. “I-um-NO!” Principal Celestia exclaimed as she shook her head. “What could possibly possess you to do such a thing in the middle of the hallway?!” “Um, hormones?” Twilight hazarded. To their surprise, as well as the surprise of every student in the hallway, Principal Celestia facepalmed. “I... don’t even have the words right now,” she groaned. “Cool,” Ethan said before he gave Twilight another kiss, this one a bit less passionate. “We’ll just be going then.” Before the stunned woman’s eyes, Ethan started to walk away, pulling Twilight along with him, a hand on her hip. Celestia watched them leave, her mouth moving up and down. “Wait... does that mean we can make out in the hallway?” One of the students near her asked suddenly. That snapped Celestia out of her funk. “No, no you may not!” she turned on her heel to face them. “Anyone who I see repeating that kind of conduct will find themselves in my office immediately and I will call your parents as well!” There was a collective ‘aww’ from the student body as they dispersed. “I... just don’t know what is going on today,” Celestia said with a sigh as she leaned back against the nearest locker. “Everyone is going crazy...” "So... that happened,” Ethan said as he and Twilight walked along, his hand still on her hip. “Yes... it did,” Twilight agreed with a slow nod. “Want to write it off as these bodies being hormonal as all fuck?” Ethan asked her. “I was thinking so, yeah,” Twilight agreed. “Still... it was nice... so thanks.” “Hey, I aim to please,” Ethan replied with a small chuckle. “You’re not too bad yourself.” “Thank you,” Twilight said, giving him a soft smile. “Tia always says so.” Ethan let out a small chuckle and the hand around her waist dropped a bit lower gave her a squeeze making her let out a small yelp of surprise. “Hey!” she protested. “Sorry,” he apologized. “Damn things just don’t know how control themselves.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem.” In response, he gave her another squeeze, this one a little sharper. Twilight gave him an unamused glare and slapped his hand away before continuing forwards, this time her stride angry. Ethan let out a small chuckle, and followed her as they entered into the library. Much to their surprise however, it wasn’t the books that took up their attention, instead it was the strange... computers which were sitting in the center of the wooden tables in the middle of the room. “Is that... a computer?” Ethan asked with a frown as he walked up to it, pushing one of the keys. Much to his surprise, the screen emitted a beep, and went from black to a blinding white in under a second. “Ah!” “Ethan... it’s just a computer,” Twilight said, giving the man a strange look. “It doesn’t look like any Robco computer I’ve ever seen!” Ethan protested. “Also, it beeped at me!” he added indignantly. “Ethan... you honestly astound me sometimes,” the girl said with a shake of her head as she walked up to the computer and began to type. She frowned when nothing seemed to happen. “How does this thing work?” “Fuck if I know,” Ethan replied with a slight shrug. “You’re the ‘smart’ one, figure it out.” “Watch your mouth young man!” a feminine voice exclaimed from behind him. Ethan looked back to see a replica of... some pink mare he’d seen before glaring at him. “Hard to do that without a mirror,” Ethan replied before shrugging, and walking off. “Call me when you figure it out Sparky,” he called over his shoulder. “Fine, I will,” Twilight grumbled as she looked over at Cheerilee. “Can you tell me how to-” she cut herself off and shook her head. Bad idea, she thought to herself. “Ma’am, would you tell me what I’d need to know to win the Fall Formal?” Cheerilee frowned, but took pity on the poor girl and began to explain. Meanwhile, Ethan walked around the library, not really paying attention to his surroundings. Not paying attention that is, until he saw two rather stupid looking kids pointing a metal device at Twilight. The girl was was at the moment, attempting to type something... using the edge of her hands. “Oh man this is golden! She’ll never win if this gets out!” one of them giggled darkly. “Yeah... Summer’ll blow us for this!” the other agreed. “I wouldn’t take her up on that,” Ethan mused from behind them. “She’d probably bite your cocks off.” The two younger boys jumped in surprise, letting out gasps. “You-you-you’re the one who beat up the football players!” the one on the right, the taller of the pair stuttered. “Yep,” Ethan answered with a smirk. “Want a demonstration?” “Um... no!” the shorter one exclaimed after thinking for a second. “Well then, give me whatever the hell that thing is,” Ethan demanded, pointing at the phone. “But-but! Summer would kill us!” the tall one exclaimed. “I don’t know about that,” Ethan replied with a small frown. “I don’t think she has the balls.” He let out a dark chuckle. “Whereas I do,” he finished, staring down at them. He didn’t even put any real anger into them, only a cold... detachment that chilled Snips and Snails to their cores. “One,” Ethan began to count. Snips and Snails exchanged a look. “Two,” he continued. The two suddenly came to one conclusion. No amount of free blow jobs was worth the pain that Ethan would deliver if they didn’t comply. “Fine! Take it!” Snips exclaimed, thrusting it into Ethan’s outstretched hand. To his surprise, and horror, the older boy snapped between his hands and then stuffed in his pocket. “Thanks boys,” Ethan told them with a smile. “Now, you guys should get going and tell Summer that that’s what I’ll do to her spine.” The two let out terrified shouts, and went tearing out of the library. Ethan looked at the destruction he’d created, and smiled. “It’s a good day,” he said cheerfully.