Twilight on Acid

by Majin Syeekoh

Dash's Beautiful Twisted Rainbow Fantasy

Luna was tumbling through the æther, head over hooves. She was sailing past many, many dreams, but was unable to zero in on any single one.

Maybe I overdid it.

She gritted herself and focused on the first foal that came to mind, hoping that he was asleep. Quickly, her direction changed and she slammed into a sparsely decorated room, the dreamstuff wobbling as she landed. The colt in bed stared at her in awe.

“Princess Luna!”

Luna smiled. “Hello, Pipsqueak.”

The colt sat up, goggle-eyed. “Oh, I knew you’d come to visit me!”

Luna giggled. “So it seems.”

Pipsqueak said, “But why are you here? I’m not having a nightmare.”

Luna sighed. “Well, little Pipsqueak, it appears that I am...lost.”

Pipsqueak stared at Luna in shock. “How you could be lost? This is your world!”

“Well, I’m trying to find a silly pony named Rainbow Dash, and to even approach the dream, I had to become as silly as her.” Pipsqueak nodded. “But the silliness appears to have knocked me off course. Could you help me find the way?”

Pipsqueak nodded happily. He pointed in a direction. “First dream to the right, and straight on for thirty minutes!”

Luna nodded. “Thank you, Pipsqueak.”

“You’re still my favorite Princess!”

Luna smiled. “And you’re still my favorite colt.” She turned away to take off, then turned to ask, “By the way, why are you in bed so early?”

Pipsqueak frowned. “I’ve got the flu.”

Luna frowned. “Well, feel better, Pipsqueak.” She took off in the direction Pipsqueak gave her, finding the dream with little effort. She landed in the dream, which was entirely rainbows.

“How apropos,” she remarked, gazing in awe as the technicolor dreamscape around her. There were rainbow houses, rainbow roads, rainbow carts, rainbow ponies, rainbow clouds, and even a rainbow sky.

“I never realized how beautiful rainbows were,” Luna said as she gazed in wonder. She then realized that she was not there to look at the scenery. She had a pony to find. She deduced that due to Rainbow’s egotism, that she would be the only thing not made entirely out of rainbows. She scanned the sky, hoping to find Rainbow Dash, who appeared to be absent. She took to the air, examining the ground for cerulean. She spotted it in an approximation of Sweet Apples Acres where it was napping in a rainbow tree growing rainbow apples. She swooped down and nudged the cerulean body, which snapped awake.

“Wha?” she said, scrubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Luna smirked, still hovering. “Of course you of all ponies would be asleep during a dream.”

Rainbow Dash stared at Luna. “I thought I was in heaven after Pinkie conked me in the head.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Whyever would you think that?”

Rainbow Dash stood up on the branch and wrapped a foreleg around Luna’s shoulder, gesturing across the vivid dreamscape. “ It’s just what I imagined it to be. Rainbows. Rainbows everywhere.”

“Well, surely my presence has caused you to reevaluate that assertion.”

Rainbow frowned at that. “Yeah, I guess so,” she said as she took to the skies, “Besides, I don’t really think Pinkie Pie would kill me.” Luna followed after Rainbow Dash, struggling to keep up with her. Why was she struggling to keep up with a pegasus?

“In here, I’m the fastest pony alive!” Rainbow Dash shouted, the rainbow wind whipping back her mane. Several other rainbow pegasi flanked her. “I’m also captain of the Wonderbolts!”

“Interesting,” Luna remarked. “Do you have any special somepony in here?”

Rainbow shook her head. “Nah, no time for love. In here, I just feel the need for speed!” she shouted as she took off, creating a Sonic Rainboom which reverberated across the dreamscape, Luna finally falling back. She shook her head and teleported to where Rainbow was.

“Rainbow Dash-” she got out before the pegasus zoomed past her. She shook her head and teleported again.

“I need-” she said before Rainbow passed her again. She frowned and teleported again.

“You to-” she managed before Dash shot past her. She grimaced. I need to find another approach. She then hit herself on the head. Of course! Stupid Luna!

She teleported directly into the flight path of Rainbow Dash, shouting, “Come with me!” before Rainbow Dash barreled into her at top speed, knocking the wind out of both of them and sending them careening straight into the ground in a pile. Rainbow Dash then kissed Luna.

“Huh?” Luna asked as her eyes widened open in shock. This dream has taken quite a strange turn.

“I...uh…think I’m a closet fillyfooler,” Rainbow Dash admitted, “I just didn’t realize it until Twilight kissed me earlier today. I made a big show of hating it in case anypony was watching it...but I think I kinda liked it. I got this weird feeling inside when she kissed me.”

“So why did you kiss me?” Luna asked.

“‘Cause I wanted to see what that feeling was again.”

Luna pushed Rainbow Dash off. “Look, Rainbow,” Luna said while standing up and dusting herself off, “you’re a nice mare and all, but please don’t get me involved in your sexual confusion.”

Rainbow Dash stared wide-eyed at Luna. “But-”

“No buts. Had this gone on any further in this place, it would have gotten quite unpleasant for me.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? It was just a kiss-”

“IT WAS NOT JUST A KISS!” Luna screamed in her Royal Canterlot Voice, blowing Rainbow Dash’s mane back. She then sighed and collected herself. “Sorry about that.”

Rainbow started tearing up. “What do you mean, it wasn’t just a kiss?”

Luna sighed. “Well, for one, you’re a terrible kisser.” Rainbow frowned at that. Luna winced. “Second of all, there was far too much emotion invested in that kiss. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue, because all you would interact with are dream ponies, but I am not part of your dream.” Luna huffed. “Had that exchange continued, I would have been dragged into whatever perverted fantasy your mind would have come up with and I would be trapped in your dream for quite a while, especially in your delicate condition.”

Rainbow frowned. “But doesn’t dream time function differently than normal time?”

Luna shook her head. “Not for me it doesn’t. I sync in with whatever time flow is present and live every excruciating second. Now let’s go back, Rainbow Dash. Your friends are waiting for you.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and stood up. “Alright, I’m ready. I’ve had my fun. Besides, the rainbows are making me dizzy.”

Luna chuckled. “Very well, let’s-”

“And Luna? Can we keep this kiss between us?”

Luna nodded, “What happens in a dream stays in a dream. We’re going home.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it…”

Luna and Rainbow Dash looked around for the source of the voice.

“Oh, don’t bother looking for me…”

Luna could have sworn she had heard that voice before. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it, though.

“I could be anywhere in this amazing chaotic wonderland…”

Luna then realized where she had heard that voice.

“Discord,” she hissed.

“How very astute of you, my little pony…”

“I am NOT your little pony!” Luna roared in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Discord then popped into existence, towering incredibly high above the two ponies.

“I don’t know. From here, you look quite little to me…”

Luna gulped.