A Filly's Tale

by Deathsia

To hell in a handbasket



“For the last time, I’m not letting you out Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone looking very irritated by the demon's twentieth attempt by now to convince the cyan blue mare to let her out.

“Grr!” Pinkie exclaimed with a growl before she sat on her rump in the magic bubble prison.

It was at this point Rainbow Dash began to hear screams from outside and similar demonic cries that Pinkie Pie had made. Curiously she creaked the door open to give a look outside to see a very horrifying sight.

Bodies of ponies lay scattered all over town as far as the cyan blue mare could see and those who did not appear to be dead sported the same glowing red eyes that Pinkie Pie had. “Dear Celestia...none of this happened last time...but then again Discord didn't have control of Equestria for this long either. Is this how it was before the regal sisters stood up to him? Dead ponies all over the world? Mindless slaves doing his bidding? How could this get any worse?” Rainbow Dash asked aloud in a scared tone before closing the door and noticed that Pinkie Pie was no longer in her prison which caused the cyan blue mare to give a panicked glance around herself.

“Pinkie? Where are you?!” Rainbow Dash asked aloud fearfully as she took several cautious steps around the room listening intently for any sound that might give away the pink mare's position however none came. “Great..i turn my head for a few moments and she somehow manages to escape! Great going Rainbow Crash!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily as she punched the bubble which gave a audible “Pop!” just before disappearing from existence.

In the next moment however Pinkie Pie had appeared before her and before the cyan blue mare could react was tackled to the ground. “You know that old saying that superstitious ponies always said about asking if things could get any worse tends to make things worse?” Pinkie Pie asked with a cruel grin looking into Rainbow Dash's eyes which were now filled with fear. “Their right!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed followed by a giggle as she placed a hoof on the cyan blue mare's throat and began to choke her.

“ack..Pi-kie...ack...d-don't...ack...do...ack...this...ack.” Rainbow Dash said in between gags tying to move the Pink Mare's hoof away from her throat but could not and worse yet her vision had begun to blur and could feel herself losing consciousness very quickly.

“Good Bye Dashie...too bad you couldn't join us, but your too hard headed to be one of us anyways.” Pinkie Pie with a malicious grin as the cyan blue mare's eyes rolled into the back of her head and stopped breathing shortly after. It was at this point that Luna and others came into the room in a flash of magic gasping in horror as Pinkie Pie released her grip on the Cyan blue mare's throat.

“Holy horseapples on a stick covered in caramel! Pinkie Pie what have ya done?!” Applejack exclaimed horrified at the sight of Rainbow Dash's body lying lifelessly on the floor.

The pink mare didn't reply rather she lunged at Applejack however she was halted mid-air not by Twilight but Luna this time and sent flying to the back of the room hitting the wall hard which knocked her out cold.

Twilight then rushed to her friend shaking her as tears swelled up in her eyes.”Rainbow...say something! Don't you dare die on us! You've got a daughter waiting on you to come and save her damn it!” Twilight exclaimed in a frantic tone as tears flooded from her eyes now.

“Twilight! Stand aside!” Luna's voice bellowed loudly which startled the purple unicorn out of her frantic shaking and moved away from the Rainbow Dash's body.

Luna then walked over to the body and put a hoof to it.”Her body is still warm, there may be a way to save her but I must have complete silence.” Luna said to which everypony nodded. Luna then placed two hooves over rainbow Dash's chest and began to push into it fiercely but not enough to break anything.

“What are you doing to her?!” Twilight asked in a frantic tone wondering if Luna wasn't actually killing her rather than help her ass the Alicorn blew into Rainbow Dash's mouth.

“It is called C.P.R. Twilight. Something modern day ponies such as yourself would not know of. I ask you to have complete faith in me as I know what am I doing.” Luna replied to which Twilight nodded as Applejack walked over to her and put a hoof around the purple unicorn.

After a few more minuets however nothing seemed to have changed much to everypony's horror and even Fluttershy's despite her still being discorded. “Hmm..this calls for drastic measures...” Luna said aloud in a thoughtful tone before her horn began to glow brightly and sparked and sputtered with electricity. “Clear!” Luna exclaimed and promptly zapped the cyan blue mare's chest with a bolt of electricity from her horn causing it to convulse involuntarily.  “I'll have to up the strength a little it seems...clear!” Luna exclaimed once again zapping Rainbow Dash's chest which convulsed involuntarily once again but this time Rainbow Dash gave a mighty coughing fit much to everypony's relief for a few moments before groaning loudly.

“Ohh...why do I feel like I was just struck by lightning?” Rainbow Dash asked in a weak tone as her friends rushed over to her and hugged her with tears of joy in their eyes except for Fluttershy who just stood stationary.

“Are you going to change me back or what egghead?!” Fluttershy exclaimed in an annoyed tone.


“How did you know what to do?” Twilight asked the moon princess a few short hours later after she had  put Pinkie Pie back in her bubble prison before she awoke again and changed Fluttershy back to normal who immediately began to apologize for the next hour to everypony till they all at once managed to tell her it was okay.

“It's a knowledge that I have had for eons. I never thought I would ever have to use it though.” Luna replied after a few moments.

“If you don't mind me asking...Fluttershy spoke of a interesting tale that you told her but no book in any library in Equestria has any record of this. What I’m trying to ask is, Just how old are you?”  Twilight asked which caused the moon princess to give a light laugh.

“Not as old as my sister but I've been around for more than fifty thousand years. Would you like to ask me anything else?” Luna asked with a kindred smile.

“Yes. Is it really true that we all started out as creatures called humans and some random idiot's greed for power changed the world?” Twilight asked curiously to which the Moon princess nodded with a frown.

“Twilight. There are reasons why we buried Equestria's true history and kept it hidden. Some reasons are more obvious than others but the biggest reason is this, after me and my sister came to power we strove for a better world in which all ponies could live in peace and harmony. We soon realized over the course of many years that many of our loyal subjects had no knowledge of the fact that they once derived from humans. They had no knowledge of the greed that humankind had nor the mass destruction that occurred over the years prior to Equestria's birth. We agreed that it was best in the long run that Equestria remain blissfully unaware of their true origins. So that they would not be tempted to repeat such mistakes their ancestors had.” Luna said in a calm and polite manner.

“This is...wow. This is really mind boggling! I mean I know it really shouldn't be that much of a shock after hearing it from Fluttershy and knowing I was born as a unicorn but still.” Twilight replied putting a hoof on her head breathing quickly.

“It is for that exact reason why we decided to bury the past as well. Ponies live out their lives blissfully unaware of a horrifying past that they have. They can live their lives without knowing the sorrow, pain, and anguish those of us who were once humans endured.” Luna replied and placed a hoof on twilight's shoulder. “Please calm yourself. Do not worry yourself over petty matters. Even though ponies derived from humans, the human race no longer exists. You were born a unicorn Twilight Sparkle, and a unicorn you are, there is nothing in this world that can state otherwise.” Luna said with a warm smile which helped bring the purple unicorn to ease.

“Sorry for flipping out like that, But it's not everyday a pony hears that we were all once humans. I mean, I read about them in books but I assumed them to be ancient pony folk lore. Or at least that's how the books made them out to be.” Twilight replied with an unsure smile.

“To be fair, any pony that was once a human is no longer alive today with the exception of me and my sister. Does that set your mind at ease Twilight Sparkle?” The Moon princess replied in a regal tone.

“Yes, Yes it does. I was born a pony and that's what I am.” Twilight said aloud as if reassuring herself as she said it.

“Good to hear it. Now let me examine Pinkie Pie's condition.” Luna replied as she walked over to the floating purple bubble with Pinkie Pie now fully alert and glaring at them both.

“When I did a magical scan on her to find out what spell was afflicting her it confused me because in all of my studies I never once encountered such a spell, it felt-Ancient?” Luna said cutting off the purple unicorn mid-sentence to which she nodded.”yes, exactly!” Twilight exclaimed in both shock and awe of the moon princess's knowledge.

“Well that's because it is. It's one of Discord's more sinister spells. Me and my sister figured out how to reverse it but it does have it one draw back.” Luna said as she looked at Pinkie Pie.

“Which is?” Twilight asked in a worried tone thinking that it may have something to do with possibly killing them.

“I can only break the hold upon her. The rest is up to the Pinkie to fight off the demon within and we can not help her. If she can not defeat the demon however, then she will die.” Luna replied much to Twilight's horror. “Do you still want me to help her?” Luna asked after a few moments causing the purple unicorn to break her horrified blank stare.

Twilight knew she had faith in Pinkie Pie, in all her friends, she knew deep inside that no matter the challenge they would overcome them together. “Do it. I know Pinkie Pie can do it. And we'll be there to support her all the way. Even if we can't be there to help her. Knowing that we are there, I’m sure she will beat the demon.” Twilight said with a confident smile.

“Very well, I will make preparations. Please inform the others of what is going to be occurring and make sure they do not interfere no matter what.” Luna replied at which point Twilight turned around, walked over to the others who were in the other room with Rainbow Dash, and began to tell them what was going to happen.

“If Pinkie Pie's going to be fighting some demon thing within her, then I’m going to be there!” Rainbow exclaimed getting out of her bed only to fall to her knees.

“Rainbow, you can't! You just recovered from a near death experience!” Twilight exclaimed in a worried tone as she helped the cyan blue mare to her feet.

“Don't sugarcoat it Twilight. I was dead. You know it and I know it. But no matter what condition I am in. I will always be there for my friends.” Rainbow Dash replied with a proud smile at which point Twilight couldn't help but smile back.

“She really does represent the element of loyalty in it's most definitive sense...” Twilight remarked to herself as she watched Rainbow Dash limp into the other room with Applejack and Fluttershy beside her to catch her if she ever lost strength in her legs at any point.


When everypony had  gathered in the room they saw a very odd looking symbol just below Pinkie Pie's floating prison. It looked like a star but this kind of star was very different. It had six points to it with a symbol drawn within them that not even Twilight could fathom what they truly meant.

“Allow me to clear up any confusion you may have. This glyph I have draw below Pinkie Pie is a very ancient form of magic. It is nothing like modern day unicorn magic as it calls upon forces which no unicorn today uses to use their magic as they are able to tap into these elements without realizing that they are in every spell they cast.” Luna said in her regal tone.

“If that is the case, then why draw the glyph in the first place?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Because of the nature of this magic, it can not be countered by any modern day unicorn magic. So in other words this spell must be cast with words rather than the use of unicorn magic. But in order to ignite the spell I must use unicorn magic after the words have been spoken.” Luna replied in a matter of fact tone.

“So let meh see if ah'm followin this here. Ya can't use unicorn magic because this here magic isn't unicorn magic, but your still going to be usin unicorn magic to cast it?” Applejack asked looking even more confused before she even asked the question if possible.

“Exactly.” Luna replied which was met with a chorus of “HUH?!” from all five ponies. “Let me elaborate farther. Each symbol represents an element within the six-pint star.” Luna said then pointed to the first symbol in the glyph. “Earth,Fire,Wind,Water,Light, and shadow. These six elements represent the magic of life itself. It is within the magic of life itself these elements reside. And every living thing on the planet can tap into them. Even earth ponies such as Applejack, however most ponies lack the ability to truly tap into them, rather only can tap into them partially. A decent example being Rarity.” Luna said pointing a hoof at Rarity who placed a hoof on her chest in shock.

“Me? What ever could you possibly mean?” Rarity asked in a confused tone clearly not following however Twilight was hanging on the edge of every word Luna spoke. Whether the moon princess knew it or not Twilight was learning from this.

“Your skills in magic are quite remarkable yes, but they are limited. As you all know very few unicorns have the ability to use all forms of magic, rather they can only tap into the type of magic they are most gifted at using. Now getting back to the point about Rarity, since your skill in magic is limited to the use of creating dresses and other similar styles of magic. You only have the ability to tap into the elements of Earth,Wind, and Water. These elements are crucial for any sort of magic involving the type of work your involved with.

“If that is the case, then does that mean I have the ability to tap into all six?” Twilight asked curiously.

“That would be correct, since you special talent is magic, you have the ability to tap into all six, but you have only done so once in your lifetime. Or so my sister told me when she helped calm the magic within you. You're catching on quickly, I can see now why my sister took such a profound interest in you.” Luna replied with a smile.

Twilight knew exactly the day she spoke of. It was the day in the school for gifted unicorns where she was about to fail the test that would ultimately shape her life. She knew now that Rainbow Dash had triggered it somehow, but what she still couldn't figure out is why she lost control. Was it because she was too inexperienced at the time? That day still haunted her to this day, if it had not been for her mentor, her parents would most likely still be plants right now and the examiners stuck in a limbo of magic forever.

“I am about to begin, Twilight if you would please dispel your bubble prison around her and hold her in place with your magic until I say..” Luna said in a calm manner snapping the unicorn out of her thoughts.

“Okay.” Twilight said and began to focus magic in her horn which caused the bubble to give an audible pop and before the pink mare could react held her in place with her magic.

It was then the princess began to speak in a language none of them recognized except for Twilight.
Six elements of life, I call upon the! Bestow thy blessing upon this poor creature, break the grip of darkness upon her soul! I beseech the! Aid this mare in her struggle so that she may be free of thy evil which plagues her soul!

 “That's human speech...I read all about it in, Equestrian Folk Lore, Facts and Rumors Edition. She really was once human...wow.” Twilight thought to herself in both shock and awe.

“Twilight, now!” Luna exclaimed as the glyph began to glow with a bright white light and each symbol with it it lit up one at a time till all six glowed brightly. Twilight let her magical hold go and immediately after Luna focused magic into her horn and shot it at the glyph causing it to erect a barrier around the pink mare before she could react.

Each symbol on the glyph then shot a beam of magic at the pink mare from where she stood in the center wrapping around each of her legs, neck, and waist effectively chaining her down in place. Pinkie Pie then let out an audible cry of pain as she was suddenly slammed to the floor with all four legs spread out much to everypony's shock who gasped in shock at this. “Do not be alarmed. I expected this. The demon is fighting the spell's influence which is why the magic pinned her to the floor. Don't worry, the demon won't be able to fight it much longer at which point it will be up to Pinkie Pie to finish the demon off from within.” Luna said in a calm manner which put everypony's mind at ease if not at least a little bit.

“She...is....mine...FOREVER!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a demonic tone after several moments before passing out but the magic didn't fade.

“Is that all? Is it over?” Fluttershy asked in a timid voice looking positively horrified by the ordeal.

“Not yet, the hardest part is now yet to come. The demon no longer has a hold of her but still resides within her being. It is up to her now to defeat it from within. I can do no more.” Luna said as she took a few steps away and sat next to Twilight.

“I certainly hope you do not regret this.” Luna whispered into Twilight's ear so that no pony else heard her.

“I have faith in my friends.” Twilight replied confidently in the same whisper but she still couldn't help but worry for her friend.

Several hours had past by now and the moon rose high into the skies thanks to Luna who used her magic to raise the moon before returning to Twilight's side. However something was terribly wrong with Pinkie Pie as they all soon realized. The color of her fur was now fading at an alarming rate so that after a mere minuet had past her fur looked nothing like it natural cotton candy pink color but rather a sickening brown color.

“Oh Dear...” Luna said putting a hoof over her mouth.

“What wrong with her?!” Twilight asked in a panicked tone in response to Luna's reaction to this event.

“Sh-She's losing the fight...if her condition worsens any farther I will have no choice but to kill her before her body begins to undergo the transformation that occurs when a soul loses the fight against he demon within.” Luna said with a frown.
“You can't kill her! And what transformation? You never said any of this would happen!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked yet furious tone as she shook the moon princess with both hooves till she bat them away.

“I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry you all. I had faith that she wouldn't make it to this point but now I am not so sure.” Luna replied but this didn't make anypony feel any better especially Twilight who looked as if she was ready to erupt flames again sporting a similar look she did when Pinkie Pie had told her that the doosy hadn't happened yet at froggy bottom bog.

“You lied to me...” Twilight said in a low tone still glaring at her.

“I did no such thing! I simply withheld information that might scare you.” Luna retorted sounding offended.

“WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?!” Twilight's voice roared as flames actually did erupt from her mane and body now looking very pissed off.

“Whoa Nelly! Twilight's plum flipped her lid!” Applejack exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“No, i'm just very pissed off at a certain moon princess!” Twilight exclaimed loudly but not in a roaring fashion this time as she gave a glance at Applejack before looking back at Luna whom was not intimated but she wasn't unfazed either.

“Twilight, please calm yourself, there still is a chance she will defeat the demon.” Luna said trying to clam the furious purple unicorn.

“What else are you hiding?” Twilight asked looking at the moon princess with a cold glare.

“What?” Luna asked in a confused tone.

“Did I stutter?! I asked what are hiding! Spill it! There must be something we can do to help her and I’ll bet bits to apples that you know of a way!” Twilight exclaimed at which point the moon princess's face chanced from calm to worried.

“Well, there is a way, but I can't risk all your lives if you all die then then our chances of defeating Discord are gone completely.” Luna said in a defensive tone trying to convince them this was not a good idea but clearly failing measurably as all five ponies now were staring at her with similar glares.

“Luna, while I appreciate the gesture to protect us, Pinkie Pie is our best friend and if I may be as bold to say we are all like family to one another. So when I say I am willing to risk my life for her, I simply would not give it a second thought!” Rarity exclaimed with proud smile.

“Ah'm with Rarity on this one. Pinkie Pie is like mah sister and ah would risk my life to protect any sister of mine.” Applejack said chiming in.

“Pinkie Pie is umm..well..-” Fluttershy began to say until her expression suddenly changed from shy to fierce and determined. “Pinkie Pie is my best friend and just like my other friends, she is family to me! So you best start talking princess or the filly's gloves are gonna come off and-” Fluttershy began to say before Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her shoulder cutting her off.
“She got the point Fluttershy, no need to go off the hinges on her.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile at which point Fluttershy resumed her shy posture. “The point is princess, we are all family and we will risk everything just for one of us. Even if it's our lives.” Rainbow Dash said looking at Luna now as she spoke.

Luna looked to each one of the ponies then back to Pinkie Pie who's condition was still worsening by the second then back the five before letting out a sigh. “I was a foal to think that you all wouldn't want to go to such great lengths for one of your friends.” Luna said with a smile closing her eyes as she spoke before she opened them again. “Very well, I will tell you how you can aid Pinkie Pie, but I warn you now, not only will her soul be at risk but your own as well and once it begins you can't stop until  Pinkie wins. However if she loses, you all will be at the demon's mercy.” Luna said at which point Twilight's pissed of expression lightened greatly and even smiled at her.

“Then what the hay we waitin for? Apple buck season?” Applejack said with a smile.

“Very well, I need each of you to stand around Pinkie Pie on your hind legs keeping each hoof connected at all times.” Luna replied at which point everypony rushed around Pinkie Pie's body and stood on their hind hooves. It took a few tries on Rainbow's part but she managed to finally stand on them.

“Now repeat after me and say exactly what I say.” Luna said and began to speak once again in a language they didn't recognize but listened to each word she spoke.

We seek to aid thy soul whom is locked in their eternal struggle. We bare our souls to the in hopes that we might aid her in defeating the demon within. Spirits of fire,earth, water, wind, light, and shadow, we beseech the! Grant us passage into thy victim's soul so we might aid her from within!

All five ponies repeated this word for word and moments after they had finished stream of magic shot forth and all five passed out immediately afterward at which point Luna walked up and sat near them only able to watch. “Good luck, my little ponies...” Luna said aloud as she looked on with a worried expression.


“Wow! If we weren't on our way to save Pinkie Pie right now I would be totally loving moving at this kind of speed!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a cheesy grin as the five of them flew through an seemingly endless void in a free fall dive still holding hooves as they fell.

“This ain't some kind of pleasure cruse Rainbow, keep ya mind on the goal, and that's to be savin Pinkie Pie from this here demon possesin her!” Applejack exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

Twilight was just about to tell them to stop bickering when they suddenly came to a halt on what seemed to be stable ground with Pinkie Pie sitting not far from them a short distance away.

“Pinkie!” All five exclaimed in a happy tone at which point the pink mare looked up at them.

“Hey girls! What are you doing here for?” Pinkie Pie asked with a wide smile as she stood on all four hooves.
“Comin to rescue you of course!” Applejack exclaimed with a smile.

“Rescue me? From what?” Pinkie Pie asked apparently clueless.

“Umm.. Pinkie Pie, you do know what's going on right now don't you?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Are you okay Darling? We are very worried about you.” Rarity chimed in with a concerned look and tone to match it.

“Pinkie, have you seen the demon around?” Twilight asked curiously looking around. “This was odd wasn't Pinkie Pie supposed to be duking it out with some demon? And if so, why doesn't she have a scratch on her?” Twilight thought to herself curiously.

“I'm fine silly fillies! But it was super awesome of you all to come and see me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile and began to hop around the five.

“Somethin is a might off here. Isn't pinkie pie supposed to be fightin some demon right now Twi?” Applejack whispered to Twilight whom nodded silently.

“I agree, something is definitely off here but I can't place my hoof on it.” Twilight replied in the same whisper.

“What'cha talking about? You know it's not nice to keep secrets from your friends Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed putting her face right in front of Twilight's.

“Well you see Pinkie...” Twilight said but trailed off as another pink mare slowly came into view looking far more worse for ware than this one.

“Get...away...from my friends...you meanie mean pants!” The pink mare exclaimed in a weak tone.

“Whoa Nelly! Two pinkie Pies?! Which one is the real one?!” Applejack exclaimed in a confused tone.

“Don't listen to her! She's not a nice pony! I don't know who she is but she's been trying to hurt me the entire time but I wouldn't let her! I thought she was gone for good!” The other Pinkie Pie exclaimed pointing an accusing hoof.

“Twilight, darling which one is the real one? Can you tell?” Rarity asked in an worried tone.

“No I can't. Neither one has glowing red eyes in here or a demonic voice so I can't tell them apart!” Twilight exclaimed as the not worn out version of Pinkie Pie walked over and pointed an accusing hoof at her.

“Don't let this meanie mean pants fool you! She's the imposter!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed looking at the other five.

“Twilight, what do we do? If we choose the wrong Pinkie we will not only have doomed her but ourselves as well!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a worried tone much like the others at which point Twilight put a hoof on her chin looking deep in thought for a few moments till her eyes lit up.
“Well shucks, if we don't hurry up we are going to miss a super awesome fun party back in Rarity's place.” Twilight said confusing the other four at first till they caught on to her ploy. If there was one thing the real pinkie loved it was parties.

“A party?! Where?!” Both Pinkie's exclaimed practically at the same time much to the five ponies disappointment. “Should have known that wouldn't work...” Twilight remarked realizing that the fake would mimic every part of Pinkie Pie's personalty in order to be convincing.

“I think the energetic one is the fake Twilight. I mean after all when we were outside she was looking worse by the second. It's only natural that the real Pinkie Pie would be beat up in here.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I concur with Rainbow on this one Twilight. Surely the real one would have to be very hurt right now for Pinkie Pie to be in such condition she is.” Rarity chimed in to which Fluttershy gave a simple nod in agreement.

Things are not what they seem...

These words echoed inside of Twilight's head but she didn't recognize the voice.

“Things are not what they seem..” Twilight said aloud thoughtfully.

“What the hay does that mean?” Applejack asked in a confused tone.

“I don't know...but out of no where a voice in my head said that but I don't know who it was.” Twilight said trying to make sense of the words as she repeated them over and over quietly to herself thoughtfully.

“Maybe it means that the energetic one is the real Pinkie and the fake is the beat up one trying to trick us.” Rarity suggested.

Your eyes are your worst enemies...

“Our eyes are our worst enemies?” Twilight said aloud echoing the words the mysterious voice spoke.

Trust your heart, not what your ears tell you...

Twilight repeated this aloud as she ran the three clues through her mind trying to piece the parts of this puzzle together. “Things are not what they seem, our eyes are our worst enemies, and trust our hearts, not what our ears tell us...” Twilight said aloud thoughtfully.

“What does it all mean?” Fluttershy asked in a timid voice as both mares simply stood stationary as if waiting on their impending judgment to decide which one is the real Pinkie Pie.

Twilight then closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. “Things are not what they seem...my eyes are my worst enemies...trust my heart, not what my ears tell me...” Twilight said aloud quietly to herself as she attempted to look deep within herself for the answer keeping her eyes firmly closed as she took slow but steady breaths.

A few moments past but nothing seemed to come to the purple unicorn and just as she was able to give up an image appeared before her in her mind at which point her eyes shot open. “I figured it out.” Twilight said plainly but with a sheer amount of confidence as she spoke.

“You did? Who's the real one?” Rainbow asked curiously.

“yes darling, tell us.” Rarity chimed in.

“Don't be leavin us in suspense now. Who is the real Pinkie?” Applejack chimed in as well in an excited tone.

“The answer is....neither!” Twilight exclaimed which was meant with a chorus of”HUH?!” from the other four. “Neither one of these Pinkie Pie's is the real one. They are just doppelgangers meant to delay us while the real demon finishes off Pinkie Pie! Come on girls! Pinkie's life is still in real danger!” Twilight exclaimed running past the the two followed by the other four until the two versions of Pinkie Pie jumped in front of the five stopping them in their tracks.

“Aw, you caught us! Too bad you won't be able to save her though!” One of the Pinkie Pie's said with an evil grin at which point the two pinkies transformed into shadowy forms of themselves which glowed with a dark aura.

“Whoa Nelly! How are we supposed to be fightin these things?!” Applejack exclaimed in a scared tone as the shadowy figures were now pacing around them preparing to strike.

You are not limited to your physical attributes...

Look deep within each of yourselves and find the key to your soul which unlocks the power within...

“Either ah'm flippin mah lid here or ah just heard a voice speakin in mah head.” Applejack said in a worried tone.

“No I heard it too darling, and I think I know what it means.” Rarity said and began to channel magic into her horn and moments later fired a great flame from her horn at the two shadowy figures whom dodged in a panic. “Ah-ha! I was right! Listen up girls! Here we can do anything we want! So let your mind wonder freely!” Rarity exclaimed with a triumphant grin as she shot forth a beam of icy magic at the shadowy figures.

Rainbow Dash was next to close her eyes at which point her wings appeared back on her sides.”Aw,yeah! This is awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed taking off as well.

Fluttershy was next to close her eyes and in the next moment her form changed to that of a giant tree. Earning a gawk from Rainbow Dash followed by a facehoof. “Seriously Fluttershy, a tree? Of any form you could possible take you choose to be a big tree?” Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone.

“Not just any tree Rainbow...” Fluttershy said at which point thousands of birds flew forth from within the deep brushes of leaves on her head and roots began to erupt from the ground near the shadowy figures causing them to panic and jump only for the army of birds to begin attack them mid-air. “A magic tree!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a wide grin on her face which was located near the base of the stump.

Rainbow Dash however just facehoofed again with a groan. “So lame...” Rainbow Dash said followed by another groan.

“Lame or not Rainbow, Fluttershy has the right idea. Take the form which makes you feel the strongest because we are going to need it!” Twilight exclaimed closing her eyes now at which point her size began to increase as well as her horn and moments later wings appeared on her sides.

“An Alicorn?! Now that's way past cool!” Rainbow dash exclaimed in an excited tone as Twilight spread her wings and took off to the skies flying next to cyan blue Pegasus and Applejack.

“Focus Rainbow!” Rarity exclaimed as she shot forth a bolt of lightning from her horn at the shadows whom were clearly out matched now or so it seemed until they began to sprout more copies of themselves till they formed a small army.

“Whoa nelly. ah'm beginin to think that wings aren't gonna cut it.” Applejack exclaimed in a scared tone as the army began to charge at them.

“Too late to be seconding guessing yourself now because here they come!” Rainbow exclaimed at many of the shadowy figures began to take the skies flying towards Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack while others remained on the ground charging towards Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Alright, it's time to buck some rotten apples! YEEE-HHHAAAAW!” Applejack exclaimed and charged forward at the shadowy figures followed closely by Rainbow Dash and Twilight whom shot a volley of magical beams at the shadows to provide them some cover before the three began to buck at the shadowy figures which seemed to poof with each strike to them.

Meanwhile on the ground Rarity was casting spell after spell at the army on the ground while Fluttershy used her roots to bind many of the shadowy figures and sending out yet another great force of birds to replace the ones that had been defeated earlier.

“Oh, yeah! We got this in the bag!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she bucked another shadow mid-air which poofed upon getting bucked.

“Ah wouldn't be countin your apples before they fall if I were you Rainbow.” Applejack replied apprehensively as she pointed a hoof behind her.

“Oh come on! We are kicking some serious flank here, what could they possibly.....” Rainbow Dash began to say with a grin until she turned around,trailed off, flattened her ears, and frowned at the sight that beheld her. “Aw,crud...” The cyan blue Pegasus said in a dismayed  tone as she saw many more shadowy figures appear and in greater numbers taking to the skies once again at them.

“There's no end to them!” Rarity exclaimed as she blasted a group of shadowy figures only for more to take their place.
“The demon must have expected us to be able to fight back, this is all part of it's ploy to delay us so it can finish off Pinkie Pie! Some of us are going to have to stay and fight while the others run off to find Pinkie and save her!” Twilight exclaimed at which point Applejack stopped bucking shadows and flew up to Twilight.

“Ah'll do it!” Applejack exclaimed proudly.

“Not alone you won't! Twilight could you be a darling and take over for me down here?” Rarity shouted as Applejack landed next to her.

“No problem, they might be great in numbers but it's nothing me, Rainbow, and Fluttershy can't handle, right girls?” Twilight exclaimed which was met with a the other two shouting in agreement.

“Hold on tight Rarity, ah'm still new to this flyin thing.” Applejack said as she lifted up Rarity and took off to the skies while Twilight providing the two with cover by shooting another volley of magical beams down at the army of shadows.


“Where you suggest we begin lookin? Cause all ah see is a heap of nothin.” Applejack said she she carried Rarity in the air above the seeming endless landscape.

“Remember what Twilight said darling. Things are not what they seem, our eyes are our worst enemies, and trust our hearts, not what our ears tell us.” Rarity replied as Applejack began to descend down and landed shortly after.

“So in other words, all this is an big ol' illusion?” Applejack asked curiously to which the unicorn nodded. “How you suggest we go about breakin this here illusion then?” Applejack asked a few moments later.

“I haven't the slightest darling but if Twilight managed to see past it then I’m sure we can.” Rarity replied and closed her eyes mimicking what Twilight had done earlier as she took steady slow breaths to which Applejack followed suit.

For a few moments nothing seemed to change however it did not stay this way for long as Applejack and Rarity opened their eyes to see an entrance to a all too familiar looking forest. “Is this...the Everfree forest?” Rarity asked aloud in shock.

“Sure is lookin it. I thought doin what Twilight had done would get rid of this consarned illusion..not create another one.” Applejack remarked followed by a facehoof.

“Well who's illusion is it then? Pinkie Pie's?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Remember Applejack, in here we can do anything and if Pinkie Pie was losing a battle she would want to hide in the scariest place she knows of thinking it would keep the demon away.” Rarity replied taking another cautious step in.

“So she turned herself into the Everfree forest?” Applejack said sounding thoroughly confused.

“Not exactly...” Rarity replied in a shocked tone as she trailed off at what she was seeing.”Applejack quick!” Rarity exclaimed in a panicked tone as the farm pony rushed to her side to see what she saw and gasped.

“Is that...Pinkie?” Applejack asked in a shocked yet horrified tone at the beaten and bruised quivering filly that lay in front of them.

“I think so, but why is she so young? Why she looks to be no older than a filly just fresh into her first year of kindergarten.” Rarity said as she lifted the filly up with her magic, sat on her rump, and cradled the quivering filly in her hooves as she ran one through her hair gently and the filly flinched and whimpered fearfully. “Shh...we aren't going to hurt you little one.” Rarity cooed in a comforting tone as she continued to stroke the filly's hair who upon hearing these soothing words managed to stop flinching and whimpering but continued to quiver the the same.

“Bless mah heart, she's shakin more than a rattlesnake tale. If this is how Pinkie Pie looked as a young filly, ah'd say she is down right adorable.” Applejack said with a warm smile of her own.

“Focus Applejack. We're here to save Pinkie, not admire how cute she was as a filly.” Rarity said in a prim and proper tone to Applejack before she turned her gaze to the Pink filly. “Darling I know your scared, but do you know who we are?” Rarity asked curiously.

“R-R-Rarity...A-And...Ap-Ap-Applejack.” The filly replied weakly no longer shaking but still looking very scared.

“That's right darling. Now then, do you know who you are?” Rarity asked in the same soft tone.

“P-P-Pinkiemena dian Pie.” Pinkie Pie replied stuttering as she spoke.

“Well yes, that is your proper name, but do you mind if we call you Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked with a smile to which the filly shook her head. “Well then, can you tell us what is going on here Pinkie? We came to save you but can't seem to find this demon anywhere.” Rarity said as she set the filly down on the ground and got to all four hooves.

Upon hearing the word demon however the pink filly dived into some bushes shaking as as she did. “D-D-Demon? Where?!” The pink filly exclaimed in a terrified tone.

“This can't be the same Pinkie Pie we all know. Ah mean, what happened to giggle at the ghostie, laugh at the creepy and all that?” Applejack asked in a confused tone as Rarity shot her an annoyed look before parting the bushes.

“It's okay Pinkie Pie. We're here for you. We'll protect you from the demon.” Rarity said in a comforting tone extending a hoof which the pink filly took after a few moments hesitation.

“Th-there are more of me in there. B-But the demon is coming after each one of us. It-It-It separated us so that we couldn't fight against it. I-I-I know I shouldn't be such a scaredy filly, b-b-but I can't help it!” Pinkie Pie said hugging Rarity's leg tightly as the white unicorn looked at Applejack whose expression was one of sheer confusion at this point.

“What in tarnation does she mean by separated her and more of her in thar? Isn't this Pinkie Pie right here in front of us?” Applejack said still looking thoroughly confused.

“I think...what she is trying to say is that the demon split her soul into different parts of herself so that it could pick off the weaker parts of her soul easier. Am I correct so far darling?” Rarity asked in the same comforting tone to which the pink filly nodded.

“So let meh get this strait. The demon split y'all into different parts of yourself, you created duplicate of the Everfree forest so y'all could hide in there, but the demon is still pickin y'all off one by one. Am I folowin this right so far?” Applejack asked curiously as she attempted to make sense of this.

“It can't k-k-kill any of us,b-b-but it can weak us so that it's easier to destroy the core.” The Pink filly said in a shaky tone.

“The core? What in tarnation is that?” Applejack replied once again thoroughly confused.

“Think of this is way Applejack. We each represent an element of the elements of harmony correct? However without Twilight the magic is gone and can not be used because her element ties all the others together. So this core Pinkie is speaking of must be the element of magic in her elements of harmony and if the demon destroys that...” Rarity said trailing off.

“ah think ah’m getting the picture.” Applejack replied and began to walk into the forest. “So lets get out ponytails in gear and get to findin these other parts of y'all!” Applejack exclaimed with a smile.


“It has been a day already since they went in...if Pinkie Pie loses then I will be forced to kill all six of them...oh Sister, what should I do? Should I have faith in Twilight and her friends or should I kill them all before they turn on me? What would you do?” Luna asked aloud as she looked at the stone version of her sister on the other side of the room before letting out a sigh. “Of course you'd sit back and have faith in them...but it's not as easy for me to do as it it for you sister!” Luna exclaimed with a annoyed glare at the stone statue of Celestia before turning back and sitting just short of the glowing glyph on the floor where the six ponies lay.

“I will give them two more days...in honor of your faith of them. Their aid seems to have slowed the degradation of her condition, but if Pinkie's condition continues to worsen or the transformation begins I will have no choice...” The moon princess said trailing off before she conjured a dark blue glowing blade which gently floated down in front of her and laying motionless at her hooves upon reaching the floor.

But to kill them....


“Where you propose we begin lookin? Cause I can't tell which way is up or down in this place.” Applejack remarked as they stepped into a clearing which suddenly changed and looked like something out of some painting she once saw. Stone stairs were littered all over this room many of which moving in an upwards upside down fashion while others seemed to lead into nothingness.

“It's really quite simple actually” A familiar voice spoke up behind the three causing them to turn around to see another filly version of Pinkie Pie however this one was wearing glasses and had a very intelligent look about her.

“Ah'm gonna assume your another part of Pinkie that the demon split up?” Applejack said in a  questioning manner to which the pink filly nodded adjusting the glasses on her nose.

“You would be correct in making that assumption Applejack. This maze is of my own design. As you both are quite aware of, in here we can do anything we like and with my vast intellect I figured this maze would be the best way to confuse my foe in order to keep myself protected.” The pink filly with glasses said in proper tone.

“I must say, I am quite impressed Pinkie. I would have never imaged you to be the brainy type like Twilight.” Rarity said looking about this maze in awe.

“Just because I walk around and behave like a blithering idiot you assume me to have a similar intelligence? I can't say I find this surprising.” Pinkie Pie said with a smirk.

“I didn't mean to sound so tactless darling, I just....what I mean to say is...” Rarity said trailing off twice before she bit her lower lip.

“Let us be off to find my other counter parts before that demon finds us.” Pinkie Pie said at which point the scared version of Pinkie suddenly hid herself behind Rarity shaking.

“Ah, you must be my counterpart which represents the less brave among us.” The pink filly with glasses said putting a hoof on them as if to adjust them.

“N-Nice to meet you.” The quivering filly said in a shaky tone.

“...Quite.” The pink filly with glasses said in an awkward tone before she began to walk down the stairs. “If you will all follow me I will guide you all safely through this maze and we shall find my other counterparts.” The pink filly with glasses said with a smile to which Applejack and Rarity followed closely with the scared pink filly now far behind them.

“Just how many parts of you are there?” Rarity asked curiously as she followed the pink filly.

“I'd estimate there being six of us in total if you include our core. The demon was quite clever in splitting us apart for separated we are weak but together we are strong and the demon knows this and fears us becoming one again. If the demon manages to find our core before we do, we might as well consider ourselves done for.” The pink filly with glasses said.

“For the sake of mah own sanity ah'm gonna call ya smart Pinkie and this one over here scared Pinkie.” Applejack said still reeling from her own confusion.

“Whichever makes you feel better Applejack. Though we are all the same pony, just different parts of her.” Smart Pinkie said with a smile.

“Please...don't be confusin this farm pony any more than she needs to be. Mah head is already confused enough as it stands.” Applejack replied to which smart pinkie gave a small giggle.

It didn't take nearly as long as the Rarity and Applejack thought it would to get through the maze, in fact it took less than ten minuets or at least that how it seemed to them as they walking into another clearing which could be none other than Everfree forest again.

The four continued to walk the path unaware of them being watched however...