A Different Sunset

by Evowizard25

Part 7: The Nightmare is here

In Sunset’s life, she would witness many instances of sheer stupidity.  Fiddlesticks’ outburst was among her top five.

Not a sound could be heard echoing in the room. Everypony was too busing gaping at Fiddlesticks to do anything. Even Nightmare Moon, the terrible goddess of the night, was at loss for words. Fiddlesticks slowly, but surely, felt the silence. Her genuine smile turned forced as her eyes swept over everypony. “Um…Is shakin’ hooves offensive in your country?”

Sunset face-hooved. ‘You stupid hick. You’ve just pissed off Nightmare Moon.’

Surprisingly, and with breaking the silence, Nightmare Moon let out a laugh. It wasn’t a joyous one either, as it sent chills over their previous chills down their back and shook their very cores. It was sinister and vile, befitting the mare. Her large fangs didn’t help the ponies either. “It is good to see the art of jesters has not passed away in a thousand years. Thank you for the laugh.”

Fiddlesticks bowed her head. “No problem, miss…” Fiddlesticks left it hanging, unsure of what to call her.

Nightmare Moon frowned at this.  “Don’t you know who I am?”

‘Blast it, Fiddlesticks. Now you’ve done it.’ Sunset thought, wanting nothing more than to strangle the country mare.

“No,” Fiddlesticks scratched her head. “Wait!...Nah, nothin’. Ya kind of look like a Nightmare Night prop.”

Nightmare Moon snarled. “Prop?!! I am no prop!” She scanned the audience. She quickly flew over to Fiddlesticks, glaring into the mare’s face. The country mare took a step back in fear. “Did you not recall the legends?” She turned her gaze over to Coco, who was shivering harder than a leaf in a whirlwind. She lifted the mare’s chin to stare into her eyes. “Did you not see the signs in my beauteous sky?”

“Ya mean horoscopes?” Fiddlesticks asked. “’Cause ah don’t listen ta those thin’s.  A bunch of hooey is all they are.”

“Fiddlesticks,” Sunset spoke up, hoping to stop the mare before she did something to tick off the daemon princess even more. “Shut up.”

“What?” Fiddlesticks lightly shrugged. “Ah’m just sayin’.”

“Apostle.” Nightmare Moon went to her servant’s side. “Did you not introduce me to my subjects?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” he bowed his head.

“Then explain to me why they appear ignorant of my name.” Nightmare Moon sent him a withering gaze. “Tell me why they are not kneeling before my might.”

“Because they have forgotten,” Apostle answered. “They have forgotten the majesty of the night and instead hide in their precious light.”

The dark goddess snorted in derision. “So nothing has changed in the thousand years I’ve been gone.” She turned again to look at the group. “Do not worry, my little ponies. I will show you the wonders of the night. As I, Nightmare Moon, shall grant you the blessing of eternal darkness.”

The Ponyvillian’s were were locked in fear. Even Sunset’s mind was overcome with fear. She was facing a goddess after all, with nary any real plan on hoof. ‘Think on the fly,’ was a phrase used commonly by the cult of chaos. She never considered it an option really, seeing as it never really worked out for the cultists…at least, in her opinion.

“Only a foul heretic would want such a blessing,” Inquisitor Time Turner seethed. Bon Bon was currently offering up a small prayer to Celestia. The priestess clutched the sun amulet close to her mouth as she spoke. What she was saying, Sunset couldn’t hear. She just knew that it was ticking Nightmare Moon, and her cultist, off.

“Who are you to deny me? Am I not royal enough for you?” Nightmare Moon growled. “And stop praying!” She shouted at Bon Bon. Her voice cracking the air like lightning. “I do not need a headache.”

Vinyl chuckled. “You sound like my sister.”

“Hey!” Diamond shouted.

“Oh, you know it’s true,” Vinyl smirked at her little sister.

“Silence, chaos spawn,” Nightmare Moon seethed, getting into her face. “When I am through with this world, I shall cleanse it of your filthy taint.”

“As long as you take a breath mint,” Vinyl waved a hoof in front of her snout. “’Cause you really smell.”

Nightmare Moon didn’t answer her with words. Instead, she grabbed her by the throat with a tendril and lifted her into the air. “I will not be talked to by a commoner, especially one of Discord’s ilk.” Vinyl gasped for air as the tendril tightened. Little electric pulses of dark magic flowed about her skin, shocking the mare. The chaos priestess could not cry out in agony, her windpipe being slowly crushed. Only small whimpers and gasps escaped.

Not to let something like this go unchallenged, Lightning Dust flew over and smacked into Nightmare’s head. Or at least she would have, if Apostle hadn’t erected a shield around his mistress. Lightning Dust went tumbling to the ground. She was resilient though and quickly got back up. “Let her go.”

Nightmare Moon smirked. “Gladly.” With a firm jerk of her tendril, she sent Vinyl Scratch flying. Nurse Redheart caught her before she hit the ground, standing firm as she absorbed the impact and put Vinyl back onto her hooves.

“Thanks,” Vinyl said, gasping for air. The unicorn was also wincing in pain as the last vestiges of Nightmare's spell pounded her senses. Redheart nodded ‘you’re welcome’, before checking her over for any serious harm.

“Do you ponies think it’s funny to treat me in such a manner?” Nightmare Moon scowled. “Do you think I delight in seeing mere mortals laugh off my presence? DO YOU?!!” Her demand shook the building and all of its inhabitants.

Sunset briefly wondered why everypony hadn’t started running yet, but quickly surmised to them still suffering from shock. ‘It’s not every day an insane goddess shows up.’ Time Turner and his aide hadn’t made any moves either. Sunset knew it was for the same reason she didn’t. She noticed the Inquisitors and Priestess slowly making their way over to her. Apostle was keeping an eye on them and everypony else, just in case they tried something.

“As a maiter o' fact ah do.” Quickfix moved forward until she stepped out in front of the crowd. Her gaze was one of pure and utter hatred.
Sunset noted yet another one of her top twenty stupidest decisions.

“I remember that accent anywhere.” Nightmare Moon glowered at her. “You’re from the North, aren’t you?”

“'N' proud o' it,” Quickfix said.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. “Of course you are.” She sighed. “Between the Time Charger and the Northerner, I apparently lost my touch at genocide. No matter. That can be fixed post haste.”

“Ah don’t think so,” Quickfix smirked.

Sunset wondered what the mare’s game was. ‘Suicide perhaps?’
“And why is that?” Nightmare Moon seemed to be one step away from laughing in mirth.

“Because, this!” Quickfix’s horn lit up and immediately, several turrets popped out of the walls and aimed at the dark goddess.  “Eat lasers, moon bitch!” Another flick of her horn and the guns fired….streamers. The engineer’s jaw dropped. “Whit?”

“My, my, my,” Nightmare Moon said with an amused smirk. She clapped two of her tendrils together. “I must thank you, Northerner. That was truly an impressive display and a most warm welcome. Your ancestors must be so proud.” Quickfix tried to say something, but all she did was flap her lips a few times in silence.  Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I do so hope you ponies enjoyed your little outbursts, for they shall be your last." Her tendrils poised themselves, ready to strike. "Your souls shall do nicely as appetizers."

Just then, the doors burst open. In ran an Earth pony Guardspony. His golden armor and white fur coat was stained with large splotches of blood. His helmet was oddly absent and, had Sunset been in any other situation, she would have berated the lowly soldier for forgetting it. His breathing was frantic and his face was more so. “Your Majesty! The town’s being overrun by damned…” Sunset had to give the soldier credit for not passing out on the spot, but he nearly came close. He was frozen in place as he beheld Nightmare Moon.

“Please continue,” Nightmare Moon grinned, showing off her large dagger like teeth. “My town is being overrun by damnable what?”

“Celestia preserve me,” the soldier muttered.

Nightmare Moon’s grin vanished with a snarl. “Apostle.”

“Yes, my goddess.” With that, Apostle sent out a beam of magic that would have killed the unlucky guardspony…if not for Sunset’s quick reflexes. She wasn’t much of a noblemare, risking her own neck out for others, but here…she just followed her instinct. A rather stupid instinct, but an instinct none the less.

The two beams collided and cancelled each other out. Sunset was lucky neither were rather powerful. If Apostle had sent a more potent spell, it most assuredly would have sent everypony flying. With the spell blocked, Apostle quirked an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t take standing up for others to be your forte, Princess.”

‘Well….I’m bucked.’ Sunset, of course, shot him a glare. She had to at least save face, even if she was about to die. “I’m a princess. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”

“Princess?” Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “My sister dares to elevate a commoner to our status? I thought her mad before, but she has proved me wrong.”

“I am no commoner,” Sunset snarled. If she was going to die, she was going to at least go down fighting. “I am Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter, heir to the Kingdom of Equestria. You will submit to my authority, daemon.” Yeah…She knew that wasn’t going to happen, but it was kind of the standard procedure with dealing with enemies…She doubted she could get step two done: slaying them.

Nightmare Moon gave her a deadpan look. Sunset would be lying if she didn’t acknowledge that she was a little jealous of it. ‘Mine’s prettier though.’ 

“Pardon if I interrupt,” Spike spoke up finally. She was wondering when he would do something. Unfortunately, he was still carrying the scrolls, obstructing his view of them and vice versa. “But sis, and correct me if I’m wrong, has the manure hit the fan?”

“No,” Sunset corrected. “The manure clogged the fan, set on fire, and was crushed by a falling meteorite.”

“Oh,” Spike dropped his scrolls, finally revealing himself. “Then I best do something then.”

Nightmare Moon instantly reared back and hissed. “Dragon!” Her tendrils readied themselves to strike, acting as a snake would before the bite.

Spike’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. “Tactical retreat?”

Sunset nodded. “Tactical retreat,” and with that, Spike picked her up in her arms and ran. The rest of the ponies followed suit. Apostle took a shot at them, but Spike was a little too quick. Sunset noted that the other ponies were lucky he was aiming for her brother’s head.

When Nightmare Moon made to lunge, Time Turner calmly said, “I don’t think so.” With that, he pulled out a small device, commonly known by the Time Chargers as a sonic screwdriver, and pointed it at the turrets. With a small ‘whirring’ sound, the turrets came back to life and actually started firing at Nightmare Moon.

She cried out in pain and anger. The turrets didn’t seem to be hurting her, but she was certainly ticked off. Using her tendrils, she shot out several of them at once, effectively crushing all the turrets harassing her. And without further ado, she turned into a misty cloud and shot out the open window. Apostle hissed in rage, glaring at the Inquisitor.

“This isn’t over, Doctor,” and with that, he disappeared in a black mist and flew off after his master.

“It’s Time Turner,” the Inquisitor responded.  

‘Bad day. Bad day. BAD DAY!’ Sunset hollered inside her skull, as her brother carried her to safety. Every few seconds, she would silently curse herself for stepping forward. ‘Why did I have to save the guardspony? WHY?!!’At least their trip back to the library, a supposed safe place to camp out for a while, would be comfortable. She had to admit, she liked the feeling of being held in her brother’s big, strong arms.

The sounds of armor and swords clanking against one another and the occasional musket ‘bang’ filled the air. Screams of pain and violence sought their way to her ears. She clutched her hooves to cover them, trying to block it all out. She was tough, but actually hearing the death cries of her fellow ponies was too much for her.‘This isn’t happening.’ She tried to fool herself, without avail.

“Don’t worry,” Spike tried to alleviate her fear. “We’re almost there.” He was right. Only a few seconds later, Spike had pushed open the door, laid her down, and closed it behind him. He sighed. “We’re safe.”

“Safe?” Sunset stared at him incredulously. “How in all the world are we safe? Nightmare feathering Moon is back, Spike. Her army is attacking the town, Mom’s not here, and I don’t have any plan to stop this. We’re not safe.”

“Equestria’s faced worse.”

“But not us," Sunset pointed out. "We're not soldiers. We haven’t faced any of the horrors. What are we supposed to do?” Sunset started hyperventilating “I’m going to die…I’m going to die in a backwater town in the middle of nowhere.”

Spike quickly leaned down and softly grabbed her shoulders. “You’re not going to die.”

“Of course not,” Sunset reasoned. Her mind travelling to dark places. “They’re going to keep me alive for some insane ritual. Probably to bind me to some daemon.”

“Sunset, stop this.”

“Why?” Sunset looked him in the eye. “Why should I stop? Mom isn’t here for us. We’re by ourselves and heavily outmatched.” She lowered her head and uttered something she never thought she’d ever say. “We’re done for.”

“I didn’t take you for a chicken.” The duo turned to turned to look at Lightning Dust, who was currently munching on a daisy sandwich. The mare gulped down a mouthful  before speaking again. “I guess I was wrong.”

“I am no chicken,” Sunset rounded on her. Lightning didn’t even flinch when Sunset was a mere hoof away, giving her a deathly glare. She just continued eating. “And what right do you have to be trespassing in my library.”

“The right to survive,” Redheart piped up as she, Quickfix, Fiddlesticks, Pizzelle, and Coco walked out of the kitchen. “I think that gave us every right to seek shelter here.”

“Pfft, says you,” Sunset growled. ‘This is my library. MINE!’ “As a princess, it’s within my right to have your flanks thrown out of here, pronto.”

“Whoa there, sis.” Spike put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Instantly, a little of her stress went away. Her brother had a way of keeping her calm…ish. “Let’s not get too hasty here.”

“Fine,” Sunset grumbled.

“I’m sorry for coming here,” Coco spoke up. “I was just so scared and I thought…it would be safe here.”

"And it is safe here, honeydoll.” Pizzelle gave the timid mare a comforting smile. “She’s just stressed out by all this. We all have our ways of handling stress. Why, I bake when I’m stressed.”

Finishing up her sandwich, Lightning spoke up again. “So, any ideas?” she asked her.

“But…” Sunset tried to speak, but was interrupted.

“You’re the princess here,” Lightning said. “You’ve got to have read and studied about stuff like this, or at least have some idea on how to beat Nightmare Moon.”

“She’s git a point,” Quickfix chimed in.

Sunset sighed. “The Elements of Harmony. They’re the only thing that could defeat her, at least to my knowledge. The seven Elements—Loyalty, Truth, Joy, Benevolence, Selflessness, and Inspiration—were the weapons that sealed her away for a thousand years.”

“What of the seventh?” Redheart asked.

Sunset shook her head. “I have no idea what it is, but it said to be summoned when the other six are brought together. But I have no idea where they are.”

“In the old ruins of the castle,” Pizzelle spoke up. “It’s deep inside the Everfree Forest.” Everyone looked at her. “What? I read it in the recent ‘Ponyville: A tourist’s guide’.”
Fiddlesticks quirked an eyebrow. “Funny. That warn’t in last years edition. Ah check it out every year t’see what they say about the farm.”

‘Well that is strange.’ Sunset thought, but pushed it aside. “It doesn’t matter. Do you still have the book?”

Fiddlesticks took off her hat and out a book. “Right here.”

Sunset looked at her curiously. “You had it…in your hat?”

“Eyup.” Fiddlesticks nodded.

“If you had it now,” Sunset said. “Then why didn’t you know about the Elements?”

“’Cause I didn’t have any time ta read it,” Fiddlesticks answered.  “Ah was too busy practicin’.”

The young princess quickly took the book with her magic and leafed through the pages. “AH HA!” She yelled triumphantly. She put a hoof to the page, pointing to her destination. “A map!” She closed it up. “I wish to personally thank you all for the assistance. Now I must be off…”

“Oh no.” Lighting Dust shook her head. “You’re not going alone.”

“I won’t be going alone.” Sunset gestured to her brother. “I have Spike.”

Spike gave them a dashing look, which caused the other mares to blush. “Do not worry yourselves. I can most certainly handle the monsters of Everfree.”

“Ah highly doubt that,” Quickfix told him.

“Yeah.” Fiddlesticks nodded. “There are critters twice ya’lls size living in them woods. Some of ‘em with teeth the size of mah head.” She gestured the length.

“I think we can take them,” Sunset snorted. “I mean, they aren’t Nightmare Moon. I doubt she even knows anything about their location.”

“’N’ ‘cause ye said that, “the universe is aff ta make it so.” Quickfix smirked.

“She’s got a point.” Fiddlesticks nodded in agreement.

“Happens in far too many stories for my liking,” Pizzelle said.

“Which gives me my rematch.” Lightning stood on her back hooves and punched her front ones out, like a boxer. “I’ll make that daemon regret showing her face in Equestria.”

Sunset chuckled. “You really think you can just punch her into submission?”

Lighting shrugged. “It’s worth another shot.”

“So it’s settled then,” Redheart said. “We’re going with you.”


“No buts.” Redheart gave her a stern gaze, which made her shut up. “You need a medic on your team and I’m the mare for the job.”

“I’ll be the tank,” Lighting smirked.

“You’ll need moral support,” Coco chimed.

Pizzelle put an arm around the younger mare. “And I’ll be the moral support’s moral support…While adding my own moral support to said moral support….This is a bit more complicated than I meant it to be.”

“Somepony’s got ta keep ya’lls spirit up,” Fiddlesticks stood up and pulled her fiddle from behind her back.

‘How does she do that?’

“A little country music will pass the time.”

“A quick thinker is whit ye’ll need,” Quickfix stepped forward. “Luckily fer ye, ah’m the quickest.”

Spike gave her a sly smile, to which she returned a glare. “Looks like you’ve been outvoted.”

“Why are you supporting this?” Sunset shot at him.

“Because we’ll need all the help we can get,” Spike told her. “The local militia have their hooves full with the traitors. We’re on our own.”

Inquisitor Time Turner kicked open the door. The stallion looked haggard and was currently carrying a small, golden revolver in his right hoof and a red power sword in his left. The sword glowed a soft red, as the magic flowed about it. Sunset wondered how he got them, since revolvers weren’t exactly common yet, and power swords were only given to those who’ve fought valiantly for the kingdom, but he was a Time Charger. They tended to get the gear they wanted. “My princess,” He rushed over to her. “Are you injured?” Sunset shook her head. “Have you seen Ditzy?”

“I saw her making her way home with her daughters,” Pizzelle answered him.

Time Turner sighed in relief. “Her home is away from the fight. She’ll be safe there.” He turned back to the door. “Now come along. If we hurry, we might be able to make our way to the train station before they are able to cut off the route.”

“You think they’ll be able to do that?” Sunset asked. “Even with our soldiers….”

“This is a planned out assault,” Time Turner told her. “They would have taken into account our defenses and perimeters. The forces of darkness aren’t stupid, so they’ll attack our line of supply and reinforcements. Now, we must hurry before they do so.”

“I’m not going with you,” Sunset answered him. “I’m going to the Everfree Forest. I have to stop Nightmare Moon.”

Time Turner looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “Have you gone mad?”

“No,” Sunset said. “I know now how to stop her. I need to go, Inquisitor.”

“But your majesty…” Time Turner started.

“I order you to stay and defend this town.” Sunset usually felt rather good when ordering ponies around. Right now, she didn’t have it in her to savor the feeling. “Save as many lives as you can and buy me time.”

Time Turner grit his teeth. Words of disapproval danced on the edge of his tongue, but he eventually sighed and bowed. “As you wish, Your Majesty.” Without another word, he ran out of the building.

“Don’t you think we might have needed him?” Redheart piped up.

“Pfft, says you,” Sunset said, as she started out the door. “I can handle myself. The question is: can you?”

Lightning walked alongside her. “No, the question is: can you keep up with my awesomeness?”

“Only if you can keep up with mine.” Sunset shot her a ‘try me’ look.

Lightning narrowed her eyes. “Oh, it is on.”
Outside the Everfree Forest

“So let me get this straight,” the earth pony guardsmare said, looking over the group. She was currently sitting on top of a dead Nightmare cultist. Her armor was dented and a couple pieces had been sheared off. Trickles of blood seeped from shallow, open wounds. She was also currently chowing down on a loaf of bread. With another swallow, she tilted her spear over to the forest. “You want to go into the Everfree Forest, the exact place Nightmare Moon is right now, because you believe the Elements of Harmony are there waiting for you to activate them? Did I get that right?”

“Yes,” Sunset stated. She glanced at the forest once more. The Everfree Forest was a placed to be feared as it was one of the deadliest place on the planet. Few dared travel inside and fewer still made it back out alive. In it dwelled monstrous creatures from far and wide, seeking some poor, unfortunate soul to make a snack of. She could see why such heinous creatures just love the place. The ancient trees, both dark and mysterious, seemed to emit a horrid sense of foreboding. The darkness that filled every inch of the forest was most likely hiding some kind of horror. The way the self-conscious breeze rocked the limbs almost made it appear as if the forest was shooing her away.‘Pfft, as if.’

“That sounds like the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard,” the mare said, before shrugging. “But hey, I’m not a princess. I’m just a guardspony doing her job.”

Just then, they heard the sound of a soft gurgle. “What was that?” Coco asked, since she couldn’t see through her blindfold. The group had decided to spare Coco the deathly sight before them. It wasn’t extremely horrible, just several dead ponies strewn about, but she was a delicate soul.

‘Way too delicate for this world.’ Sunset thought.

“Nothing dear,” Redheart said quickly

“Yeah.” Pizzelle nodded enthusiastically. “They’re just…doing some plumbing. Yeah, plumbing.”

Sunset face-hooved. 'Really? That's the best you can come up with?'

The guardspony just laughed. “Interesting friends you’ve got here.”

Sunset groaned. ‘They’re not my friends. They're my meat shields.’

Before she could say such, the guardspony got up from her position. The mare moved a little aways and stood over a fallen Nightmare soldier. Sunset could see, even with all its injuries, the soldier of nightmare had a little life still. The plunging of a spear into chest extinguished that last spark of life. “And done. Thanks for telling me.”

“No problem,” Coco smiled sweetly. “I’m sure being a plumber isn’t an easy job and I’m glad I was able to help.”

The guardspony raised an eyebrow. “Look missy, I’m not a plumber. I’m a…”

“Look at the time,” Pizzelle interrupted. She pushed her head against Coco’s hindquarters, moving her along. “We best be going. Nightmare Moon won’t stop herself.”

“Maybe if we’re lucky,” Sunset said, as they ventured into one of the deadliest places on the planet.

"Take care now," the guardspony called after them.
Deep within the Everfree Forest, inside the castle of the two sisters

In the past, the denizens of the forest feared nothing but each other. They roamed as they pleased, ate as they please, and died as they pleased. Nothing would keep them from following this pattern and nothing ever did.


Except tonight. No tonight, the creatures of the Everfree steered clear of the old, decrepit ruins that once housed some of the mightiest beings in the land. The monstrous beings could sense the massive dark aura that threatened to consume them.

The castle itself had been untouched for a thousand years. Nature had been eating away at the structure, giving the once grey stones a ‘green’ coloration. The cobblestones were cracking and showing their age. The smell of rot and ruin made it simply unbearable.

Nightmare Moon seethed as she took in the sight. “My castle,” she roared. “My castle has been reduced to such a decrepit ruin.” Her anger shook the foundation, shaking up a millennia of dust and loosing several blocks from the walls.

“It can be rebuilt, Your Majesty,” Apostle told her. Nightmare Moon was thankful she had a minion like him. His power and intellect had gotten her this far. She’d have to reward him when she took up her rightful place as ruler.

Nightmare Moon sighed. “Yes it can…And it will be far grander than it was before. It shall outshine the greatest monuments known to ponykind.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Before Nightmare Moon could say anything more, she felt her whole life essence become strained. It started pulling on itself, trying to drag her back to her lunar presence. Her face scrunched up in pain, as she concentrated all her might against it. 'Infernal curse.'

Apostle saw this and quickly whipped out a purple soul sphere. Speaking in the tongue of darkness, the souls, looking like a living purple wisp of smoke, traveled out of the sphere and around Nightmare Moon. Taking in a huge breath, she breathed in the collective life force around her. Instantly, she felt the strain lessen to a comfortable extent. She would have sighed with relief if not for something within the essence.

Growling, she turned her gaze over to Apostle. “Do I sense the taint of chaos in these souls?”

Apostle bowed his head apologetically. “It was all I could find on such short notice, Your Majesty. I would have been able to secure more, but the blood magi put up a fierce fight before he escaped.”

“So, there are still rogue chaos factions about?” Nightmare Moon scoffed when Apostle nodded. “Typical. My sister is too soft hearted. Do not worry, my little pony. When I am princess, I shall wipe out the infernal scum of Discord.”

“And that shall be a day of true wonder, Your Majesty.”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “Why thank you, Apostle.” She patted him on the head with one of her tendrils. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.” The two kept walking a little ways, passing a couple of rooms (same rot, same stones, nothing special) until they came across what Nightmare Moon was looking for. In the middle of one of the largest rooms in the castle—with a complete lack of a rooftop allowing the glory of the night sky to pour in—stood a giant, gray spire. The spire reached over the tops of the rooftops, looking as if to touch the sky. Four jagged, black supports were on the device, one on each side. The pillar would pulse black every now and again, as black magic was pumped through it. A loud ‘hum’ could be heard with every pulse.

“We’ve been able to cloak it’s presence with some artifacts we found hidden in some of the secret passageways. With them, we’ve been able to work undeterred.”

Nightmare Moon smiled down at her second in command. “Brilliant as always, my little pony.” She was rather growing fond of this minion…Not fond enough where she wouldn’t kill him, but just enough not to send him to his certain death.

Just then, one of her soldiers came rushing into the room. “Your Majesty, we have intruders.”

“What?” Nightmare Moon seethed. Her plan wasn’t ready yet. She still had too much to do before she was ready to confront her sister. ‘I can’t fight her like this. She’ll kill me without breaking a sweat.’ “How is this possible? I told you to make sure nopony escaped the town.”

"We…” Before the guard could continue, he found himself hoisted tail first into the air. Using the tendril, she brought him face to face with herself. Feeling the terror emanate off of the soldier brought her some satisfaction, but she was too angry to fully enjoy it.

“Tell me,” Nightmare Moon said, baring her teeth, “how many made it through?”

“Seven civies and a dragon,” And with that, the guard was flung to the ground…hard. Luckily for him, his armor prevented any real serious damage.

But Nightmare Moon didn’t care. She was too far gone in her rage to care. “DRAGON!” Her thunderous voice shook the heavens. 'Infernal scum.' “A dragon made it through our lines? I told you specifically to end that wretch’s life.”

“He is a young dragon, Your Majesty,” Apostle spoke up. “He holds no true threat.”

“He is a dragon,” Nightmare Moon seethed. “His very existence is an affront to me. I despise their accursed race, even more so than the ilk of Discord. I HATE DRAGONS!”

Apostle bowed his head. “Then permit me the honor of slaying him. Seeing his demise, surely the ponies will run back to the safety of their homes…For however long they remain safe.”

“No,” Nightmare Moon tapped her chin with one of her tendrils. Simply killing the dragon wouldn’t be satisfying nor a suitable punishment for its existence. No, she had to think of something better. Something grander.'But what?'Sparing a glance at the spire in the middle of the room, she listened to the loud ‘humming’.

She puzzled and puzzled until her puzzler was sore.

And then Nightmare Moon thought up something she hadn’t before.

Her demented smile nearly split her face as she got an idea.

And awful idea.

Nightmare Moon got a wonderful, awful idea.

“My machine needs a sacrifice.

“A dragons’ soul shall suffice.

“Bring him here unharmed and intact.

“His soul shall help me seal this pact.”

Apostle bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty, it shall be done.

“There is no place from me they can run.”

Nightmare Moon waved a tentacle, to shoo him away. “Then be gone, my subject, get out of my sight.

“Or else, I shall make you feel my might.”

With not another word, Apostle departed, turning into a shadowy mist as he left the room. Nightmare Moon’s smile fell a little bit.

“Since when did my speech devolve into rhyme?” She shrugged, or at least she would have if she had a body. “I’ll think on it some other time.” She turned back to the spire and grinned wickedly. ‘Soon my sister, I shall have my vengeance.’