
by shysage

Chapter 1

On the day Fluttershy was born, a huge storm blew through Equestria.

This didn't happen often, but when it did it was scary.

Most of Equestria weathered it ok, aside from fallen trees. Sweet Apple Acres and the other farms lost a bunch of trees; they had more trees to lose.

But Cloudsdale was right up in the middle of this terrible storm.

Their general plan was usually to all gather, form everypony into a wedge shaped wall between Cloudsdale and the storm, fan madly, and split the storm in two, and guide it around their city.

This storm was too big and too violent for that. All they could do was hang on and wait it out... ...and hope for the best...

Fluttershy was born in the midst of that storm.

She cleared the birth canal, and was quickly in her mother's embrace. Soft Yellowish skin, now curly short Pink hair, Blue eyes it looked like. She was beautiful. But every thunder-clap, and every bright burst of lightning scared her to death.

She actually found the floor with her weak legs, and was trying to push herself up further under her mother's front legs. She simply couldn't get away from that awful sound... ...those blinding flashes... She couldn't even nurse, though she wanted too...

Every crash made her start... They called her Fluttershy... She was their second daughter.

The storm eventually passed, and Fluttershy nursed, but the delay in her first feeding contributed to Fluttershy being a little weaker physically than most of her peers. She knew she would never be able to catch up with them so she didn't even try.

In addition, from this very first day forward, Fluttershy was always very skitterish -- it was very easy to startle this foal.

Fluttershy's ocean-deep sensitivity didn't come from this day however, she was born with this gem. Her deep Blue-Green eyes could only hint at this amazing gift.

Almost a year earlier, to the day, Fluttershy's parents had their first foal.

This foal was also born in the rain, but it was a very different rain. It was a soft, slow, warm continuous rain. It rained softly in all Equestria for two days straight, and the land throughout the realm just softly drank it all in.

It was the kind of rain you could stand out in, and the water didn't feel cold at all... It simply and gently melted around your head, your body, your legs, your wings. Many ponies across Equestria just stood outdoors in this rain for hours. It was an amazing summer rain... ..and that's what they called their first daughter -- Summer Rain.

Light Tan coat, faded Yellowish, short but already flowing mane and tail. She was beautiful.

Summer's eyes were deep Blue, she was almost as sensitive as her sister. But she was precocious, calculating, and feared little, certainly not the storm clouds that echoed their sounds and lights when her younger sister was born.

That day, after Fluttershy was born, Summer stayed very near both her mom and her woundrous new sister. Summer kept trying to look into this brand new foal's eyes, to make eye contact, just to smile at her. Fluttershy was so scared. Summer was finally able to look into Fluttershy's eyes though, and out from under her moms leg, Fluttershy peered back... They both smiled at each other... Summer knew from then on that she loved her little sister dearly.

Once Fluttershy started nursing the first time, Summer lay down next to her new 'Sis' and just stayed close. They would always call each other "Sis" from that day on. Summer couldn't yet say the whole word.

They enjoyed being foals together during the day, and always slept next to each other at night. It seemed like they were always together, and could always find something fun to do. And Summer was always very protective of her little "Sis".

Friends and neighbors commented at how quiet these two were. These sisters talked, it was just very quietly. And neither seemed to get angry very often.

Their mom counted her blessings. She heard horror stories of foals who were much worse.

School was just hard for Fluttershy. She was so easy to scare... And at this age, when something startled her, it was unpredictable what she might do; fall over, run straight into the wall, spin around some...

Her classmates just laughed no matter what she did... And no matter how hard the teachers tried, they simply could not stop the other ponies from teasing her.

At the end of the day, Fluttershy was usually a tearful wreck. But Summer was always there to help her.

Summer would usually hug her sister for a little while as Fluttershy cried through her day.

After Fluttershy calmed down, Summer would fly to the edge of Cloudsdale, and disappear over the edge.

Fluttershy was terrified of heights, and so would not fly very high, so she just was not very good at flying. Fluttershy wouldn't even get near the edge of the cloudbank that was Cloudsdale.

Summer dove over the edge, and headed down to the forests below. She would find something amazing, stuff it in her shoulder sack and would bring it back for her sister. Fluttershy would gaze at it with wonder for a long time. The pain of the day was soon forgotten.

Once her few friends found out about this daily treasure hunt, they too would often join her, and would all gaze at something amazing together.

Once, Summer suprised her sister in an amazing way. Summer had to plan this day out way in advance. Summer found that feathers would not fall through the clouds, so she made a large box thing from them. Then she flew down and found a huge butterfly, and brought it back up for her sister.

Summer's timing couldn't have been better, Fluttershy's day at school was absolutely terrible, she was crying loudly.

Summer walked up to her sister, set the box thing on the clouds, took the top part off, and... ...Fluttershy was awestruck... The Butterfly stretched it's beautiful wings a few times then darted into the air... They both flew after it, squealing together with delight. It flew over to the edge and down, too soon...

Fluttershy had no idea what it was like down below, but she knew it must be amazing, based on the many amazing things her sister found there. She yearned to visit this place, but wouldn't dare fly there. Maybe some day...

Cloudsdale was just white... ...and fluffy... ...nothing amazing here...

Fluttershy always spoke softly, and very 'breathy'. Fluttershy would not, could not yell. Loud noises scared her, even if she herself made them. Her scream was a quiet 'eep' sound, and would petrify Summer if she heard it -- this meant her sister was really hurt.

Summer's voice was higher than Fluttershy's, and not quite as breathy, but very close. Her tone was close to Princess Cadance's voice, but maybe not as 'sing-song'. Summer could yell if she needed to, but that was rare.

Both girls were very 'tentative' as they spoke and talked, certainly not presumptuous or assertive.

But by their parents admission, both their precious girls grew up way too fast, it seemed...

Summer loved to fly, and in Cloudsdale, there was a lot of emphasis placed on flying, and there were a lot of competitions held to foster this. Summer was drawn into this...

...and Fluttershy was increasingly left behind...

Summer loved to fly, and was very good at flying, but she just wasn't a very fast flyer, and never would be. Summer started getting teased alot for always coming in last. Summer just pushed harder.

One evening after the family was back home after practice for some flying event, almost at bed time, Summer's Cutie Mark appeared out of no-where. No-pony knew what it meant. Summer's peers just teased her a lot about that too...

The rest of the lives of these two amazing Pegasus mares are recorded elsewhere.

Still, their parents were justifiably proud of their two daughters. Both were exceptionally rare... ...and honestly, amazing.