Fortune Favors The Bold

by TheEquestrianWing

A Decisive Strategy

Nightmare Moon continued chortling wickedly as the ponies on the ground below stared at her in horror. Amidst the crowd of frozen ponies, the Mayor boldly stepped forward and shouted "Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!"

Three Pegasi Royal Guard ascended into the air and speedily soared towards Nightmare Moon. The corrupt Alicorn turned towards them and yelled menacingly "Stand back, you fools!"

Just before the three Royal Guards reached her, she summoned another round of lightning. She easily repelled the three stallions and sent them plummeting to the ground. She broke into laughter once more, cherishing this victory. She gazed around the room, as if she was daring the rest of the Royal Guard to approach her. She was powerful enough to take all of them on without breaking a sweat. However, while she could see all the Royal Guard in the lobby, she had yet to notice Bronze Star.

The gold stallion stealthily charged towards the black Alicorn and lunged onto her back, catching her totally off-guard. Nightmare Moon ceased her laughter and turned her attention towards him. She tried hard to get away from him or throw him off, but the young prince was resilient.

Bronze Star's military workout programs had covered a variety of ways to overpower, disarm, and subjugate his opponents. This was one situation where this training proved to be an asset. He placed his back hooves on Nightmare Moon's wings to prevent her from flying away and he seized her by the throat to keep her from turning towards him to use magic. Then he attempted to force her into a posture of submission.

As he struggled with Nightmare Moon, Bronze Star demanded heatedly "Where is the Princess? Where is she? Answer me! NOW!"

Despite the vigor and relentlessness of his approach, he got no answer. All the black Alicorn did was gaze at him out of the corner of her eye and bellow in outrage "You DARE to attack me! Release me at once or you will perish in misery!"

Bronze Star was not the least bit intimidated by this threat. He just tightened his grip on Nightmare Moon's throat and shouted furiously "WHERE IS CELESTIA? Tell me or YOU will be the one in misery!"

Less than five seconds later, the glow emanating off of Nightmare Moon's body increased in brightness. It made her appear slightly translucent. As a result, Bronze Star suddenly found his grip on her throat loosening. Once he lost his grip, Nigthmare Moon aggressively jerked her upper body backwards and flung him off her back. And off the balcony as well. Bronze Star sailed halfway across the room and landed painfully in the center of the ground floor.

Despite the ache he felt from the fall, Bronze Star quickly returned his attention to the balcony above. He discovered that Nightmare Moon was no longer standing there. Instead, she was floating. She had transformed into a sparkling cluster of dark blue energy. Before anypony else had time to react, the energy cluster jolted through the air, burst through the front entrance of Town Hall, and departed from the premises.

Rainbow Dash flew after the energy cluster a few seconds later, as if she intended to pursue it. Applejack called out urgently "Rainbow, be careful!" Obviously, she had not been heard by her hotheaded friend.

Even after the energy cluster left, Bronze Star kept his sight on the main entrance. He picked himself up off the ground and grunted in frustration. SIG Sauer, Twilight Sparkle, Noble Edict, and Bellerophon rushed over to him. The palomino stallion queried in concern "Are you alright, sir?"

"I'm fine," Bronze Star answered his mother's chief of staff, "Don't worry about me. We have bigger problems to worry about than my well-being."

There was a short period of silence between the five ponies. They were in what was perhaps the quietest spot of Town Hall. The majority of the other ponies in the lobby were frantic. They were whispering amongst themselves and cowering in terror. There was a ubiquitous atmosphere of discomfort, anxiety, and fear all around the room.

Although he did not show it, Bronze Star was just as afraid and agitated as the other ponies. However, he had to retain his composure and keep his head straight if they were all going to get through this crisis. He let out a troubled sigh and turned to Twilight Sparkle. He told her in absolute sincerity "You were right, Twilight. It was Nightmare Moon all along. We should have listened to you and taken your warnings more seriously. I cannot tell you how sorry I am that we didn't."

"You don't have to apologize, Bro- I mean, Gold," Twilight Sparkle assured him. She wanted to address her friend by his actual name, but since Noble Edict was within earshot of her, she stopped herself in time. "At any rate, that doesn't matter now. All that does matter is that we spend our time finding a way to put a swift end to this catastrophe."

"She's right," Noble Edict concurred, "We have to do something, and we have to do it right now. Every second we just stand idly by, this situation will only get worse."

"Let's just hold on a minute," SIG Sauer interceded, "This is not a time for rashness. We cannot simply say we're going to accomplish something and try to do it without a well thought-out method of approach. What we really need to do is formulate a plan. Before we leave this room, we should decide how we're going to handle this situation."

The pine green stallion then turned to the gold stallion, as did the lavender mare and the palomino stallion. When Bronze Star noticed that all the focus was on him, he asked in perplexity "What?"

"Sir, Princess Celestia is missing," Bellerophon pointed out, "That means that until she is found, you're the one who issues the commands. Therefore, it would be most appropriate if you were the one who decided how we should proceed."

Bronze Star realized that Bellerophon was in fact correct. Even in his current guise as the ambassador to Ponyville, he still had authority that superseded that of anypony else in town. On the downside, the only people there who knew his real identity were Twilight, Bellerophon, SIG Sauer, Spike, and a few members of the Royal Guard. On the upside, these individuals were some of the few he felt could be fully trusted at present.

He looked around at the four ponies in front of him and announced to them "Right now, we're in more danger than we've ever been in. There's no point in denying that. All the same, we have an obligation to protect this country and uphold the law. Worst case scenario, it may be up to the five of us to avert a nationwide disaster."

The others all nodded their heads in agreement. SIG Sauer inquired "What must we do, sir?"

"The way I see it, we have three objectives: defeat Nightmare Moon, rescue Princess Celestia, and preserve the tranquility of the public," Bronze Star perceived, "Those aren't listed in order of precedence; each one of those goals is as important as the other two."

"How should we handle them?" asked Twilight.

"Let's start with preserving the tranquility of the public; at least that one is directly within our grasp," Bronze Star decided. He gazed around the room at the frightened groups of ponies. Then he turned to the two security overseers and told them "SIG, Noble, I'll be relying heavily on your ability to maintain order and peace. I need you to get this crowd under control. Do whatever you can to calm these ponies down. We cannot afford to create a mass panic; that will only make this much worse."

"You can count on us, sir," Noble Edict ensured him, "Should we contact Canterlot for reinforcements?"

"We could try calling for help, but I am almost certain we wouldn't get any," Bronze Star responded, "The Royal Guard in Canterlot must have noticed that the sunrise has not yet occurred. They know that the only reason why the Sun would be overdue is if Celestia was missing, or if there's an imminent threat to the whole country. By now, they've probably mobilized the Constabulary Contingent. If so, they've got the capital city locked down tight. We're on our own."

"Very well," SIG Sauer commented, "I suppose we can manage with the units we already have. Besides, we all saw how easily Nightmare Moon fought off those three guards. The best we can hope to achieve with our current units is keep the inhabitants of this town safe."

"I'll leave that goal in your capable hooves," Bronze Star informed the red mare and the pine green stallion, "If Nightmare Moon comes back, do not engage her. Just do what you can to keep her away from the civilians."

"Aye, sir," Noble and SIG stated in unison, saluting him.

There was a brief interval of silence, and then Bronze Star went on: "As for our other objectives, they go hoof-in-hoof. Overthrowing Nightmare Moon is the key to locating the Princess and bringing back the Sun. Obviously, a direct physical confrontation with her would be foolish and ineffective, if what just took place between me and her on the balcony is any indication. We're going to need a more practical tactic to defeat her."

Bellerophon turned to the lavender Unicorn and stated "Twilight, you're the one who forecasted this fiasco. You've done more research on Nightmare Moon than the rest of us. What can be done to stop her?"

"I still believe what I thought before," the young mare proclaimed, "Our only hope is to find the Elements of Harmony."

"Twilight, those relics have been lost for centuries," Bellerophon pointed out, "Do you honestly expect to find them within the course of a few hours?"

"Right now, we don't have a choice," Twilight adamantly debated, "Trust me, Bellerophon; I'm not just desperately reaching out for a solution. Gold and I have already found some decisive evidence that suggest the Elements of Harmony can be recovered. Our most promising resource is the library in this town; it has a very broad range of literature. I haven't even looked through the history section just yet. There's bound to be something in those selves that can at least give us a clue about where to find them."

"If you're so certain of this, then I trust your judgment, Twilight," Bronze Star remarked. He turned to the palomino Pegasus and ordered him "Bellerophon, I want you to help Twilight with her research."

"Forgive me if I speak out-of-turn, sir, but do you really believe I would be most useful there?" Bellerophon asked rhetorically.

"Yes, I do," Bronze Star replied, "You've got more background knowledge on Equestrian history than anypony else I know. If there's somepony who could trace the Elements all the way to their current location, it would have to be you."

Bellerophon had to admit that the young prince had a point. He nodded his head and declared "As you wish, sir. It shall be done."

Bronze Star nodded his head in approval. Next he said to both Bellerophon and Twilight "Once you've acquired a promising lead, meet me at the embassy. I'll be there getting ready."

"Ready for what?"

"For whatever happens next," was all the gold stallion said in response. Despite the bluntness of his answer, the others did not press him for specifics.

"It would probably be best if nopony goes anywhere alone," Noble Edict advised, "Mr. Sauer and I will be staying here, and Miss Sparkle and Bellerophon are headed to the library. Mr. Streak, I'm going to assign somepony on my security detail to accompany you."

"As long as whoever you pick is trustworthy, that's acceptable," stated Bronze Star.

Noble Edict summoned one of her agents over to the group and apprised him "The ambassador needs to return the embassy. I want you to escort him there for his protection."

"It will be done, ma'am," the stallion assured her.

"We'll be leaving in just a moment," Bronze Star informed the guard. He looked around the area at his four colleagues, and then he stated "You all have your directives. Accomplish them swiftly and proficiently. Haste is of the utmost importance, as are results. Now let's move out!"

The group broke off into pairs. Bronze Star and the security officer galloped out of Town Hall first. They headed down the most direct route to the embassy. A couple meters away, Spike had fainted. Twilight Sparkle used her magic to pick him up and place him on her back. After this, she and Bellerophon left the building and made their way to the library. Their departure was noticed by Rainbow Dash, who was still hovering in the air outside.

Inside the lobby of Town Hall, there was a stage connected to the wall opposite the main entrance. SIG Sauer and Noble Edict had climbed onto this stage so that they were standing above everypony else. It had been almost ten minutes since Nightmare Moon had exited Town Hall, but the tension in the room had not subsided even marginally. SIG Sauer bellowed loudly "Mares and gentlestallions! Mares and gentlestallions, may I have your attention please?"

The overall volume of the noise gradually decreased over the next two minutes. Soon, there was not even a soft murmur to be heard. Everypony in the room – civilians and guards alike – had turned to SIG Sauer and given him their undivided attention.

"Thank you," SIG Sauer remarked gratefully.

"Who are you?" demanded a random bystander.

"My name is SIG Sauer," the pine green stallion disclosed. He removed his badge from his knapsack and held it up for everypony to see, saying "I am a government officer who works for the Canterlot Royalty. I know that what just happened was traumatizing for you to witness, but I'm here to ensure your safety."

"Are you Royal Guard?" inquired another bystander.

"Former," he responded, "However, the Royal Guard answer to me. That's why as of right now, their only goal is to protect all of you and see that you all make it through this crisis."

"What about the Princess?" a third bystander asked restlessly.

"My people are already on that," responded SIG Sauer, "We have some of our best operatives searching for her. They will not rest until she is found. In the meantime, my task is to guarantee that no harm comes to any of you."

"Well, how do we know we can trust you?" another bystander challenged.

At this, Noble Edict stepped in and spoke for the pine green Unicorn: "This stallion has been with me for the past eighteen hours tightening this town's security measures. I can vouch for him."

There was a short interval of quietness, and then another person stated "That's good enough for me. If Noble trusts him, I suppose I can, too."

All over the room, there were mutters of agreement. SIG Sauer let it go on for a few seconds, and then he gestured for silence. When the room was quiet again, he announced to the crowd "I would ask that you please remain calm and proceed in an orderly fashion to your houses. You'll be safest in the comfort of your own homes. Once you're there, take measures to ensure that nothing can force its way in. Lock the doors, bar the windows, barricade every single orifice that could be used as a point of intrusion. Stay inside until the Royal Guard give the all-clear."

As the ponies in the room began to comply with SIG Sauer's orders, Noble Edict jumped off the stage to properly direct them. She called out "You heard him, people! Gather with your families. Stay together at all times. There's no telling how long this crisis will last. If you do not have a dwelling that is outfitted for long-term survival, move in with a friend who does. My security team will periodically check in on you and ascertain the durability of your shelter."

In the time since SIG Sauer had spoken out, only four more ponies had left Town Hall. These four were Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. They spotted Rainbow Dash hovering over their heads. Applejack called out to her friend "Hey, Rainbow, did ya see where Nightmare Moon went?"

The cyan Pegasus landed next to the orange Earth Pony and answered her with "No, she disappeared from my sight before I had a chance to follow her. Then Twilight Sparkle left with that large Pegasus. They appeared to be running towards the library."

"Did anypony else leave before them?" asked Fluttershy in interest.

"I think I saw the ambassador run out a few seconds earlier," "But I don't see where he went."

"I think they're hiding something from us," Pinkie Pie pronounced, "I mean, did you see what happened to the ambassador? He just liked jumped right onto that Nightmare Moon's back and sized her up. That was totally unbelievable! Not to mention exciting. And after he was thrown off and fell to the ground, he didn't seem to be hurt. He must be really tough."

"I do concur with that notion at least," Rarity thought aloud, "Our new ambassador is definitely more than a typical bureaucrat."

"Well, he was strong and brave enough to face on Nightmare Moon," Applejack recalled, "Maybe we should speak to him. He may have a better idea of what's goin' on than the rest of us."

"No, I say we track down Twilight Sparkle, first," Rainbow Dash proposed, "She was the only one who recognized Nightmare Moon on sight. There's also something about her that I find suspicious."

Applejack rolled her eyes and commented "Rainbow, just because somepony can explain this here phenomenon, that doesn't make her an accessory or nothin' to it."

"Well, we'll find out," Rainbow Dash proclaimed. Before the others had a chance to respond, she shot up into the air and flew off towards the library. Her friends follow her closed behind. Or at least as close as they could manage on their hooves.

When Bronze Star reached the embassy, he asked his security attendant to wait outside the main entrance and remain there until he came back out. The guard complied with his request and kept watch near the front gate.

Bronze Star entered the embassy and went upstairs to his room. Once there, he removed his knapsack and hanged it by its strap on the wall. Then he picked up his suitcase and set it down on the bed. He opened it and dug through its contents until he found his training uniform. Like the one he wore that morning, this set of clothing was entirely black. Bronze Star proceeded to get dressed. He slipped on the pants, the vest, the jacket, and the boots. He decided to leave the mask off for now. After he was dressed, he put on a saddle bag which was full of combat gear. Then he picked up a belt of assorted tools and weapons and fastened it around his waist.

When he was finished, he gazed at himself in a full-length mirror on the wall. He definitely looked as though he was ready for action. He just hoped he actually was and that his eyes were not deceiving him. He had been training with SIG Sauer for ten years, and this was the first time he would be using his skills in the field without some prior notice. He would also be going out there without his wings or horn.

Fortunately, some of his exercises had been specifically designed to exclude the use of magic and flying. SIG Sauer had proposed them so that if his wings or horn were somehow damaged and rendered temporarily inactive, he would have a suitable alternative means of fighting his opponents and successfully bringing them down. Although SIG had not foreseen the possibility that Bronze Star's horn and wings would be gone altogether, his teachings would prove to be invaluable in the coming hours.

Bronze Star sighed and uttered under his breath "I'd better get out there."

"Out where, sir?" came a voice from behind.

Bronze Star looked over his shoulder and saw Bellerophon standing in the doorframe. Despite his stern frame of mind, the gold stallion smirked and commented "You're here already, Bellerophon? It hasn't been twenty minutes since we split up at Town Hall."

"I would have been here even sooner, but I was detained by the security guard," the palomino stallion revealed, "Since Noble Edict gave orders for everypony to stay in groups of two or more, he was suspicious because I arrived here by myself."

Bronze Star raised an eyebrow and presumed "Twilight didn't come with you?"

"No, she didn't," Bellerophon replied, "However, you'll be pleased to know that we have a lead on the Elements of Harmony."

Bronze Star clapped his front hooves together and stated in satisfaction "That's great. Where are they?"

"While it's too early to say for certain, we're confident they're hidden somewhere in an old abandoned fortress," Bellerophon enlightened him, "Before your mother had Canterlot Castle built, she resided in another citadel in the Everfree Forest. This was before the Forest became an overgrown wasteland, mind you. Fortunately, this particular edifice is only about ten miles outside of Ponyville. Twilight's going out to locate and search this fortress as we speak."

"What?" Bronze Star observed in surprise, "She went out by herself? Without backup?"

"No, as far as I know, she is not working alone, Your Highness," Bellerophon informed him, "Did you by any chance remember having a conversation with five young mares yesterday? Specifically, a farmer, a weather maker, a wildlife preserver, a designer, and an entertainer?"

"Actually, yes," Bronze Star affirmed, "Other than Noble Edict and some of the City Council, they were the first ponies I met in this town. Why do you ask?"

"Those same five mares showed up at the library while Twilight and I were doing some research," the chief of staff explained, "Twilight and I decided to let them in on what we were doing. The pink one managed to spot a book that focused exclusively on the Elements of Harmony. A book which both of us had overlooked. From it, we came to learn about the significance of the aforementioned fortress."

"Alright, so I take it those mares went with Twilight?" Bronze Star assumed.

"Well, she did ask for their help in finding the most direct path leading into the forest," Bellerophon started out tentatively, "However, she and I had a moment to speak in private before I left. She told me she has no intention of putting those other mares in danger. It would not surprise me if she asks them to turn around and come back to town once they bring her to the border of the forest."

"That's unacceptable," Bronze Star decreed, "My mother is missing, the sun's rays have been extinguished, and we're up against a legendary supernatural entity. The only things that can undo all that are some lost relics. With so much at stake, it would be senseless for Twilight to put all the responsibility on herself. She'll need all the help she can get."

The young prince picked up his mask off the bed and approached the door. As he left the room and trotted towards the staircase, Bellerophon enquired "Where are you going, sir?"

"To the border of the Everfree Forest," Bronze Star replied, "If Twilight's heading in there, I'm going with her."

"What?" Bellerophon remarked in astonishment. He caught up with the younger stallion and told him "Your Highness, I must protest. You of all ponies cannot afford to put yourself in harm's way."

"Oh?" Bronze Star commented sardonically, "Why is that?"

"Like you said, your mother is missing," Bellerophon expounded, "Legally, that makes you the ruler of Equestria by default. At least until Celestia is returned to us."

"What about my cousin?" Bronze Star suggested, "Couldn't she fill that role?"

"Cadence is an excellent diplomat and a munificent aide, but she isn't officially a recognized leader," Bellerophon pointed out, "But you are. Equestria needs a leader, and as of right now, you are the only one who can occupy that position. In fact, if you weren't undercover, the Royal Guard would have already moved you to a secure location."

"Well, unfortunately for them, they don't know my location," Bronze Star cheekily stated, "I'll make sure it stays that way for now. You know why? Because there is no way in Tartarus that I'm going to voluntarily sit in some quiet private room flanked by dozens of bodyguards while one of my friends is out there risking her life to save this country. Why do you think I'm dressed like this, anyway?"

Bellerophon had noticed that the gold stallion was clad in black, but up until now, he had not given any real thought as to why. "So, this is how you were 'getting ready?'"

"Correct," Bronze Star confirmed, "This was part of my plan. After I donned appropriate apparel for entering a combat situation, I would wait here until you and Twilight acquired a viable lead about the Elements of Harmony. Once you found one, I would help investigate that lead. I still fully intend to carry out that arrangement. Now that you guys have something, I can be of use."

"Sir, while I admire your willingness to contribute, in my opinion, you'd be of more 'use' if you stay here and take charge," Bellerophon disclosed, "You said it yourself; maintaining peace and order is just as imperative as eliminating Nightmare Moon and rescuing your mother."

"I've already given SIG Sauer and Noble Edict that task," Bronze Star reminded the older stallion, "The two of them are more qualified to handle it than I; they have more experience in dealing with these types of threats. I'm quite confident they can manage; they've got Ponyville's entire security force and dozens of the Royal Guard to assist them. At best, Twilight only has Spike and five of the local residents assisting her."

"She didn't bring Spike along," Bellerophon apprised him, "He passed out shortly before we left and Twilight thought it best to put him in bed."

"Okay, then she only has five mares to assist her," Bronze Star noted, "Five mares whose help she may be unwilling to accept, at that. All the more reason why I should join her. Look, Bellerophon; I know that you are concerned about the state of Equestria. I am as well; that is precisely the reason why I want to help Twilight go after the Elements. If we don't retrieve them, we may never see the Sun or my mother again. Believe me, I value your input and I totally respect your views, but this is my decision."

There was a long period of awkward silence between the two stallions. Ultimately, Bellerophon expelled a deep sigh and declared "Very well, sir. If you're that committed to this plan of yours, I will not stop you. But under one condition; I'm accompanying you on this mission."

Bronze Star opened his mouth to protest, but he was quickly interrupted by the palomino Pegasus: "Sir, I would prefer it if we stopped the argument right here. Every moment we linger here, Nightmare Moon gets stronger. This circumstance is non-negotiable. I swore to serve and protect your mother and the integrity of the office of the Canterlot Royalty. Therefore, I swore to serve and protect you as well. I'm going with you whether you like it or not."

Bronze Star did not want to drag his mentor into this matter. However, from his experience, he knew that Bellerophon could be just as persistent as him, if not more so. Aside from that, if he turned down the older stallion's offer, he would be contradicting his own point about how Twilight would need all the help she could get to locate the Elements of Harmony. He gazed up at Bellerophon and declared "Alright, you're in. Now let's find Twilight before she enters the forest."

The two stallions proceeded downstairs and exited through the main entrance. The security guard was still there. Bronze Star told him "I want you to return to Noble Edict. Tell her and SIG Sauer that I am with Bellerophon, and that we're going after 'Nightmare Moon's bane.' Use those exact words."

"Yes, sir," the security guard complied. As he left through the front gate, he called out to the gold stallion and the palomino stallion "Good luck out there."

Bronze Star nodded his head in acknowledgement, but when the guard was out of earshot, he muttered solemnly "We'll need a lot more than luck if we're going to get through this night."

Ten minutes later, the two stallions arrived at the edge of town. Conveniently, Twilight Sparkle was already there, as were Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. The six mares were in the center of the path which led directly into the Everfree Forest.

Pinkie Pie giddily squealed "Whee! Let's go!"

"Not so fast," Twilight stopped her, "Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own."

At that, Applejack interceded and countered with "No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple."

She trotted into the Forest first. Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity followed close behind and muttered "Umm-hmph" in agreement.

Pinkie then added in "Especially if there's candy apples in there."

Twilight gave her a strange look, to which she only replied with "What? Those things are good."

Then she happily pranced into the woods.

Twilight gave an annoyed sigh and was about to enter the Forest as well, when Bronze Star called out "Room for two more? Or is it mares-only?"

Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies had not even noticed him and Bellerophon approach. However, she appeared to be glad to see the two of them. She admitted "I would be a fool to turn down such an offer from you. But we should get moving before we lose the others."

"Bellerophon told me you were hoping to lose them," Bronze Star remarked.

"Maybe, but if I wanted to, I would have done it out here, not in there," Twilight Sparkle apprised him, gesturing towards the forest.

"Well, looks like we're stuck with them," Bellerophon wittily observed, "Don't be so quick to label them as burdens, Twilight. Give these mares time, and I'm certain that each one of them will prove her worth."

"I'm sure they will," Twilight concurred, "Still, that doesn't stop me from worrying about what might happen in there."

"At any rate, we've got a country to save," Bronze Star reminded her, "A word of advice: use your anxiety to fuel your motivation. That's what I always do."

Twilight Sparkle took this helpful tip into account. Then she proceeded down the path alongside Bronze Star and Bellerophon. Soon they caught up with the other five mares, and together, the eight of them ventured further into the unknown depths of the Everfree Forest. What awaited them, they did not know. But whatever did happen in there would change their lives forever.