The 7th Element

by thunderhawk7865

The Throne Room

Chapter 18: The Throne Room

The battlefield outside Canterlot was a horror to behold. There were bodies sprawled all over and blood flowed like a river. Luckily, most of the corpses were that of Discord's creature army. The Earth ponies made a body count, and only 25 out of the 150 that volunteered lost their lives. Out of them, seven were guards.

Thunder cracked and lightning flashed in the sky as it started to rain. Captain Sixer looked up, rain dripping off his helmet. "The Pegasai haven't been able to manage the weather..."

"Not really a surprise, is that dawg?" Mic Bluez said as he knelt down and checked for a pony's pulse, but he gritted his teeth and shook his head. "I mean, there was kind of a battle..."

"Don't be sarcastic with me, Manehattenite..." The Captain retorted. "Just be glad our job is over..."

"Eeeeyup." Big Mac said, walking up with a wounded Earth pony on his back, the medic ponies quickly taking the stallion into a medical tent they had set up in the woods. "It's all up ter the Pegasai and Ace now..."

A small group of Pegasai shot through the sky from the crater where Dan had crashed. In this group was Fluttershy, Shadow Breeze, Blazing Heartbeat, Blue Arrow, two members of the Red Hooves of Celestia, and three Royal Guards. At the head of the group was Ace, squinting to see through the rain. And on Ace's back was the crippled Rainbow Dash, holding on for dear life, burying her head in the nape of Dan's neck. Weaving through the thunder-head clouds, the small group made for the throne room, aiming for the hole in the roof.

"Fall in!" Ace barked, and the Pegasai formed an arrow formation with Fluttershy in the middle. "Expect resistance in the throne room! Luna told me there was still some baddies left before I came back! Dive!"

In an instant, the group moved as one and shot down towards the hole in the roof of the castle.

Diamond dogs and griffons were all about in the throne room, holding weapons. They had been routed from the city by the Earth ponies and the Red Hooves resistance. Most of the monsters had retreated, but the ones in the throne room were the extreme pro-Discord creatures.


A shout echoed throughout the throne room as the group of eleven Pegasai dove down through the hole, weapons drawn. Blue Arrow angled his sword downward, impaling a griffon that tried to take off and meet him.

Blazing Heartbeat, bearing no weapon, slammed a hoof down on a diamond dog's face, then, slamming the rest of the dog's body onto the ground, took flight and rammed into another one.

The two Red Hooves of Celestia, Blue Arrow's Corporal Flying Sunstar and a private known as Papyrus, were fighting back to back, using daggers as their weapon of choice, whirling around in a flurry of stabs and hacks, causing many of the griffons to fall. The Royal Guards were weaving in and out of the enemies, still in the air, cutting them down with their wing blades.

Shadow Breeze was being unusually brave. He darted in and out of the enemies, hacking and slashing with a knife from his kitchen.

Dan wove through the crowd of enemies while still flying with Dash on his back, Fluttershy behind him. He reached the door that led into the throne room, turned around in the air, and kicked the door as hard as he could. It slammed open and, with a furious battle-cry, DJ Skully and the Unicorn escorts charged in, blasting magic from their horns.

"Ace!" AJ ran up. "Ah'm so glad yer okay!"

Dan smiled, "Thanks AJ!"

"Look at your armor!" Rarity sighed. "It simply matches your hide color perfectly!"

"Thank you Rarity, but I don't have time to chat!" Dan carefully touched down and crouched, letting Dash slide off.

"Dash!" Twilight ran forward. "Your wing-"

"It got crushed by the dragon. Do what you can, Twi." Dan explained before giving Dash a peck on the cheek, whirling around. Standing up on his hind legs, he drew both scimitars from their sheathes. "This is where fencing paid off..." He muttered before. "YAAARGH!"

Dan charged into the fray by air, carrying both swords in each hoof. He flew into a group of three diamond dogs, lopping one's sword arm off with his right hoove, while impaling another with his left. He then lifted up the second one and slammed his body down on top of the third. A griffon trying to surprise attack Dan was felled by Dan leaping up and impaling the beast through the stomach with both swords, afterwards throwing the screaming griffon down at another one.

As both griffons crashed to the ground, Blue Arrow looked up from pulling his sword out of a diamond dog. "Have at um, laddie! Don't stop now!"

Dan didn't need to be told twice. The Elements watched in awe as Dan seemed to dance around in the crowd of dwindling enemies. A Unicorn lit a griffon on fire, and Dan finished it off and cutting an "x" on it's chest. Unfortunately, a guard Pegasus was cut down by a diamond dog. Dan roared and impaled the gem dog through the face. Dan quickly jumped around and yanked his swords out of the gem dog's skull and quickly impaled another through the chest, finishing him off and cutting his throat with his other sword.

Letting the dead dog slide off his sword, Dan looked around. The enemy was gone. Defeated. Only one dead guard and unicorn were found. Everypony cheered.

"Yeehah!" AJ threw her hat in the air. "That was rip-snortin' good fight ya'll!"

"We're all just lucky Discord wasn't here..." DJ Skully muttered, shaking his head above the body of the fallen unicorn.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, trying to flutter her wings. She grunted in pain when she remembered her wing was crippled. "Ace, you are now 20 percent cooler in my book..."

Dan chuckled, sheathing his swords, "Wouldn't that be 120 percent total in your book then?" He gently nuzzled her face as he walked by into the stained glass room, followed by everypony else, except Blue Arrow, the two remaining guards, and his two stallions. "We'll stay in here. We'll see if we can find anything contributing to the bonny whereabouts of the Princesses." Blue Arrow muttered, rolling over the corpse of the gem dog he assumed was in charge with his hoof.

Dan gasped in awe at what he saw, "Wow...this is incredible..."

Surrounding him were glass windows of the most beautiful designs he had ever seen. He viewed one of Luna and Celestia zapping Discord with their horns, another with Twilight and her friends zapping Nightmare Moon back to Luna. "So these are new..." Dan said, turning around to face Twilight, her friends, Blazing Heartbeat, Shadow Breeze, and DJ Skully and his unicorns.

"Yep..." Rainbow Dash grunted as she walked into the room, trying to elevate her injured wing. "That one only happened about five months ago..." She pointed a hoof at the window of Discord getting zapped again, but this time by the six elements.

"Whoa..." Skully said, trotting by the windows. "I've heard of this hall but... I've never seen the prophecies that were supposedly etched on the windows... This is incredible..."

Dan shook his head, "Right, the Elements!" He turned to Twilight. "Where are they?"

Twilight pointed at the end of the hallway at a stone outcropping with a circular key hole. "Over there-" She stopped, stared ahead, and then face-hooved.


"Celestia and Luna are the only ones who can open it..."

There was complete silence in the room, before Dan exploded.

"YOU'RE SERIOUS!? Dammit, Twilight! Why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

"Hey, give her a break..." Rarity put a hoof around a shuddering Twilight. "She forgot one thing in a rush of the's alright..."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie smiled. "All we have to do is free the princesses and-"

"Did it ever occur to you all the Discord himself might be guarding the princesses?" Dan retorted sharply.

The six looked down in dismay, and Shadow Breeze approached Dan. "Hey, maybe you could cut them a break..."

"Yeah dude..." Heartbeat trotted up. "We haven't seen Discord this whole time... Maybe he's off plotting... Or something..."

"Bwahahahahaha!" A evil voice thundered throughout the room. "My my, filles and gentlecolts, you have gotten far..."

"You were saying...?" Dan muttered, one hoof straying to one of his swords.

"Show yourself, coward!" Rainbow Dash tried to take off again, but was grounded by her wing. She fell on her face and Twilight rushed to her side to help you up.

"Oh my... Rainbow Dash, it seems you're grounded... Hahahaha!"

Dan gasped as the Discord on the stained glass window of the six zapping him began moving around and talking.

"I'll admit, I thought my minions would be able to stop you, but..."

He stopped moving on the window closest to Dan.

"I see a new face in this fun little circle of friends who seems to be responsible for their defeat... Tell me, boy... What do they call you?"

Dan snarled at the stained-glass Discord. "They call my Blue Bass. Or Ace. But you can call me the pony that's gonna whoop your sorry ass back to hell itself..."

"Hahaha! Oh my! A sharp-tongued one. Pray-tell dear boy..." The figure of Discord rested it's head in it's arms. "How do you plan on doing that? The elements cannot be accessed unless one of the princesses unlocks the vault..."

"Wrong, Discord." AJ stepped forward. "We got the seventh Element of Harmony!"

"Seventh?" Discord's mouth hung open for a second before he saw that Dash had her necklace. "How did you get- Wait..." He saw the new gem and gasped. "It's not possible! There's only six! How does Rainbow Dash have two elements, anyway!?"

"It's not just her, ugly." Dan tapped the stained-glass, getting Discords attention. "Check it." He gestured towards the hilts of the scimitars.

"No..." Discord started flying around restlessly from one window to the next. "No, that's...that's not possible..."

"Oh, but it is, you ugly freak!" Dan drew both his swords and ran up to the Discord on the window. "Stop these illusions! And come fight me stallion-a-...whatever-you-are..."

Discord just stared at Dan's snarling face for a moment for grinning devilishly. "It's too bad, really. All this time you would've realized the princesses were being held right in front of your noses..."

"What're you-"

Before Dan could say anything more, Discord's stained-glass figure disappeared. A boom echoed from the throne room and the scream of one of the Red Hooves was heard, followed by a sickening crack and a slam.

"Sunstar! NOOO!" Blue Arrow's voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Twilight!" Dan barked, making for the door back into the throne room. "Stay here!"


Dan, Blazing Heartbeat, and Shadow Breeze and the unicorns burst into the throne room and gasped. One of the Unicorns held a hoof up to his mouth like he was going to vomit.

Discord himself stood in the center of the throne room, holding in each hand what looked like two halves of what used to be Flying Sunstar. Dan scowled, "You monster..."

Blue Arrow and Papyrus were unconscious up against the wall, clearly thrown. The two remaining guards were cowering in a corner.

"Hahahaha! Oh, that was fun!" He let the two halves of Sunstar drop. "But all this killing is getting me nowhere..." He turned to the guards cowering. "Wouldn't it be great..." He stared them down and suddenly they stopped cowering and stared back into his eyes. "If I didn't kill you? Hmhmhm..."

Dan gasped as the two guards were drained of color. They looked absolutely pale. "Yes, Lord Discord." They both uttered in a monotone voice together. Simultaneously, they drew their swords and faced the group of ponies along side Discord, who bellowed out a fit of laughter.

"This should even the playing field, don't you think?"

Dan scowled, "You'll pay for all the innocent lives you have destroyed today, Discord!"

"What about yesterday?" Discord feigned a sense of confusedness. "I killed so much more yesterday than I did today..."

Blazing Heartbeat's eye twitched as he growled at Discord, pawing the floor with a hoof. "Just let me at him, Ace..."

"No, you won't stand a chance!" Dan barked, turning his head slightly. He then feigned a fighting stance. "Protect Twilight and her friends... I'll deal with Discord."

"Hahahaha! Oh priiiincesseeees!" Discord snapped his fingers and two magical cages appeared, suspended in the air above the thrones. Inside were the two Princesses, Celestia and Luna. Both unconscious. "Someone is here to rescue you...oh wait! They're in a meeting... Sorry!" He turned to face Dan, readying his claws. "Can I take a message?"

"Sure..." Dan said, pawing the ground with one of his back hooves before yelling. "Tell them that Ace said sorry he's late!"

With that, Dan charged forward through the air at Discord and his two hypnotized Guard Ponies.


Shadow Breeze (c) AnonJ31

Mic Bluez (c) Don'tDriveAngry7

DJ Skully (c) Malfatto the Doctor

Blazing Heartbeat (c) MilesProwerFan100

Blue Arrow, Flying Sunstar, and Papyrus (c) QTXAdsy