//------------------------------// // Week Five // Story: The Mailbox: Reloaded // by bats //------------------------------// June 17th Dashie, So you like it when I bump and hump my pink rump? You are now reading this with the image of my tooshie wiggling around in your head. Have fun with that! I’m totally jealous of you right now though. Carnies, Dashie! You met carnies! I love them! They’re so funny, but they usually treat each other like family. It’s really heartwarming, when you get to know ‘em. I bet Honcho can belly drum like a total pro. Go ahead and ask him! Maybe I’ll teach you some rhythm (we seriously gotta work on your rapping skills, girl). Does Agnes light all the cigarettes in her mouth too? ‘Cause even if that sounds awesome, I don’t think it’s healthy. Unless she’s a built up an immunity like I have! Not to smoking sticks, but to sweets. Twilight says the amount of sugar I eat daily is probably enough to kill a buffalo—oh! I’ll get to them soon! But we need to show The Mane and Chico to Rarity. Can you imagine how much she’d freak out? We also gotta compare manes, ‘cause mine has a life of its own sometimes! I’m so glad you and your Dad are getting along. And you’ve made new friends too! That’s great! Cherish the good times, yeah? They’ll keep you going when you face the bad times. Happiness is cumulative. And no, I don’t have a word-a-day calendar, but you’ve been making me think about words lately. Bookworm. Tee-hee A lot’s gone on over here. And that isn’t just because of the pie fight—that was awesome though so I’ll talk about that first. Basically they were, like, towers of pie. Not even joking! We needed towers of pie ‘cause this pie fight was huge. Everypony and buffalo was involved and we painted Appleloosa… er, creamy. In the end, there wasn’t really a winning side, since we all had fun! Then I talked to Braeburn. I… I think he’s still getting used to the idea that we’re family now. I mean, it was kinda something Applejack and her close family decided on, but Braeburn and the other Apples didn’t really get a say in. He’s not being mean, I swear! It’s just… mmm… awkward. I don’t really know if I’ve been properly accepted yet or not… He’s the only Apple I’ve properly spoken to, so I don’t wanna imagine what the grouchy older Apples are like. I’ve been told off by Granny Smith before and it’s not nice. The novelty of that wore off fast. So I just hung out with Little Strongheart and her family. The buffalo don’t move around so much anymore, but they still keep to their ways. They just trade and talk to the ponies a lot more, which was great to see. Some of the ponies go with the buffalo, and vice versa. I even saw a buffalo in a house! It’s a lot stranger than it looks, after you’ve seen them in their funny teepees. I didn’t really talk to Strongheart about my family stuff. Especially when she was feeling so good. She also told me that she completed some sorta… buffalo trial thing not long after we left. She called it a vision quest. Basically, she went out into the wild all alone and starved herself! It sounds awful, but then apparently she got a vision and her spirit animal guide talked to her! I think they had a really deep conversation about her life ‘n’ stuff. It sounded pretty interesting. Makes me wonder what my spirit animal would be… But, ugh, now I come to the icky part. I could leave right now and see you, but… if I do, that might leave the Apple here with a really bad impression. I gotta at least try to integrate myself with them, right? But then that makes me feel bad ‘cause I’d be leaving you. But if I went with you I’d feel bad for leaving my family… I wish Applejack would write back soon and tell me what to do. She knows them best. Argh! My brain’s all a mess. A least there’s tons of that buffalo mushy stuff, whatever it is. I’m gonna stuff my face with it. But I’m fine! Really. Just super confuzzled right now. Focus on having fun, yeah? Tell me if you need me with ya, and I’ll be right there. I might be anyway. I dunno. And if I keep my writing, I’m gonna get so confused I’ll start seeing cute li’l birds flying around my head or something. Later, Dashie! Pinkie P.S. Maybe I didn’t stop you looking because I wanted you to look, huh? Huh? Whatcha got to say to that? June 19th OOC: Letter arrives on the back of a postcard, the front of which is a painting of a palatial estate labeled “TAJ PALACE, MAREAKECH, MOROCCOLT.” HRH Princess Twilight, Forgive me, darling, but I do love writing that title! Realize you have your hooves full with Griffons, wanted to drop a friendly note. Neither seen nor heard from you in nearly a month; miss you and worry about you. Your lovely marefriend does too; seemed fine last I heard from her, if a bit stir crazy. Remember we’re here for you if negotiations get rough, dear. Shoulders to cry on, willing ears to vent to, wine cellars stocked and ready! Do keep in touch. Mail ponies will courier your messages to my room here in Moroccolt. Surprise! If inspiration will not come to moi, then I shall go to it - booked a cruise to the Mediterrhaynean coast! Architecture here is breathtaking, place oozes exotic flair. Locals very friendly - you’d love it. Mareakech a tad touristy but cosmopolitan. Must go, city’s open-air market opens at dawn. Write when you can, and be well. Yours, Rarity OOC: Letter arrives on the back of a postcard, the front of which is a photo of ponies in elaborate flowing robes against an over-dramatic desert sunset. Dearest Fluttershy, If your travels happen to cross the Mediterrhaynean in the next several weeks, do please let me know – I’ve booked a cruise! Had the bits and the time and found the motivation. Stopovers in exotic locales, time for reflection and retail therapy. Can safely lie to myself and call it “fashion research,” but of course it’s just an escape. I accept that. Cruise ship is delightful; feels indulgent enjoying myself so much with just a change of scenery. First stop Moroccolt. Perhaps not your style - few wild creatures, save for some caged exotic birds in the market. Loud and bustling too, in a good way. Delicious nightlife. Fashion here is fascinating! Everypony goes robed against the desert wind, in broad bold colors set off by dense brocades. Always another layer, hinting at what’s underneath; little details only seen from too close. Or perhaps from just close enough? A Lady never tells! Stay safe, darling. Miss you. Ever Yours, Rarity Dear Pinkie, I’ll have you know I’m an awesome rapper. With the wickey-wickey this, and the chicka-chicka that. Word to your mother. Also, how dare you call me a bookworm? I oughta come out over there and wallop your crown... aw, crap. Anyway, that sucks about you and the Apples. I know it’s not easy to try and make things not-awkward with family (I’ve been trying for a month, now, and even some days, I feel like I fail). My best advice would be to just be yourself. I mean, you’re Pinkie Pie, and I don’t see how they couldn’t love that, ya know? And I feel like if they really are AJ’s family, they’ll have no problem accepting you, eventually. Keep your head up, Pinkie. And hey, stay in Appleloosa as long as you need to. Things are still good here for the time being, so I’m not begging for you like I was like a week ago. And I’m with you on AJ needing to writing back. Like I said before, must be on some killer painkillers (which the thought of is making me jones. I betcha Chico can hook me up with some primo stuff). Also, a vision quest you say? Really, that just sounds like what happens when a pony takes mushrooms and wanders off in the desert without water. In fact, are you sure that’s not exactly what happened? In that case, I’ve gone on a vision quest at least once with a couple of my griffon friends (though, my ‘spirit animal guide’ was a dancing hot dog, so... Pinkie, never do mushrooms. Please). Anyway, it’s getting late, so I gotta cut this one short. Just remember what I said, alright? The Apples will warm up to you, Pinks. I’d never lie to you, alright? Stay classy, Dash. P.S.- Ah, but perhaps you only wanted me to look because you just love attention from me, eh? Don’t think I don’t notice how much you just love to sneak a squeeze on me. Two can play at this game, filly. You are now spending the rest of the day imagining me doing squats, flexing my leg muscles, and toning my flanks to peak condition. You will also be doubtless I’ll be glistening with sweat. A gleam will even shine off my coat. Have fun with that. June 20th OOC: Letter arrives on the back of a postcard, the front of which is stylized drawing of a lavish and complex tea ceremony. Dear Pinkie, Epic adventure, you say? Why, I do believe I shall! I’m writing from the deck of a cruise ship overlooking Mareakech, Moroccolt. Had no idea where I would go – walked into the travel agent’s office, picked a brochure at random, and off I went. Haven’t felt so daring since I debuted my Summer in Zebrica line a month ahead of schedule! Everypony here is quite friendly, even for a tourist trap. The desserts too are delightful: crunchy honey-dipped dough concoctions, little almond-and-sugar pastries, and crispy chips paired with more dips than I can count. Doubt I can mail a box of them to you; instead I shall use my feminine wiles to secure the recipe. Perhaps a more delicious endeavor than sampling the deserts? I did write to Coco, and I feel refreshed for it. I believe I’ll pay the darling a visit when I return. Despite its randomness, your advice as always was sage – thank you. Yours, Rarity P.S. Thank you for the flour. I mean that - messy, but a perfect slice of Ponyville. Just like you. OOC: Letter arrives on the back of a postcard, the front of which is a photo of a grand and colorful feast spread out over a long table. Dear Applejack, I trust this note finds you well. You have managed to relax a bit and enjoy being pampered by Canterlot’s finest, I hope? I realize you were a bit stir crazy when last you wrote – I can sympathize, darling, really – but you’ve worked hard all your life and a little relaxation certainly won’t dull your earthy instincts. Maybe visit the Royal Gardens, get some soil under your hooves? Been a month, haven’t heard a word from you. Don’t hesitate to write; mail couriers from the cruise line are superb. Oh, I didn’t tell you, did I, dear? I booked a cruise! Touring the Mediterrhaynean coast as we speak. A little work, a little pleasure, and exactly what I needed. You should see the food here, darling! Every dish an explosion of color, and oh, the spices! Wish I could send samples to you; perhaps I’ll pick up a cookbook instead. Rest and recuperate. Miss you, darling. Yours, Rarity OOC: Letter arrives on the back of a postcard, the front of which is an aged, sepia-toned photo of a robed and turbaned Sultan and his court. Darling Rainbow, Afraid hotel trashing will have to wait, unless you plan on flying solo to Moroccolt. Felt rash and impulsive, boarded a Mediterrhaynean cruise; no regrets so far. Invigorating! Warm coastal seas, dry desert days, cool whispering nights. Daresay you might enjoy it, dearth (new word for your calendar) of pegasi here. Unless it promises catastrophe, they tend to accept whatever weather blows in off the dunes as "the Sun’s will." How’s your father? Better thanks to your gentle bedside manner, I trust. Perhaps you should take him on vacation! Few months in a dry climate might do him wonders. Certain he'll be doing stunts alongside you in no time. Several years’ separation may have given Fluttershy an urge for reconciliation too. The darling combines a kind heart with sense for such things. Do try to relax, Rainbow – rage and my sock-drawer alcohol supply won’t help you or your father. Yours, Rarity P.S. Haven’t forgotten the cape. Will see what I can do when I get a bit more settled. June 22nd Hey Rarity, It’s a good thing I made sure to have any mail sent to Luna Pier come here, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to respond. You can write here to Las Pegasus for the time being. So yeah, I’m way ahead of you when it comes to vacationing, heh. Well... not that much of a vacation, actually. A lot’s happened in the... month since I last wrote to you (man, between you, Applejack, Twilight and now Fluttershy, I’m beginning to think some evil creep is making us disappear... just so we’re clear, you haven’t been taken hostage by some evil organization, right?) But anyway, I kind of got a bombshell dropped on me after I wrote to you. You see... my dad is dying. Terminal cancer. He doesn’t have that much time, left. It was a really bad stretch after that. When I wasn’t yelling at him, I was crying like some kind of kid. I was a mess. Pinkie helped me through it, but I couldn’t stand to look at my dad. He had been keeping it from me, and I was just so angry. After that, I tried to deny what was really happening. I actually dragged him out to Manehattan before we got here to see if an oncologist could tell me he was full of crap and that he could beat this... they didn’t say that. They told me the facts, and I was just madder than ever. I then took us to Las Pegasus to see if they could quell my worries (quell isn’t as cool as some of the other words in this word-a-day, but I can make it cool). But then Fluttershy wrote to me about how my dad and mom met and hit if off in Las Pegasus, and it kind of brought me down to earth a bit. Now... we’re talking. We’ve been spending our days at this dingy motel with out-of-work carnies, but I gotta say, we actually have a relationship again. I go grocery shopping with him, take him to the clinic, and just talk with him about stuff. For the first time in the long time, I feel like he’s my dad. He’s getting worse in health, but better in mood. I’m still scared about when he’s gonna go, and I still need to tell Fluttershy (which I am not looking forward to), but for now, I feel like things are a little bit okay. But that’s all a bunch of rambling. There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about. Pinkie Pie. Nothing’s wrong, just to let you know. Things with her have been great, actually. She’s been writing to me a lot and helping me get through some of the tougher parts of this whole thing with my dad. After that, um... we’ve been kinda-sorta flirting via letter. We’re mainly just talkingl about her jiggly pink butt. It’s not really anything that serious, and I think the two of us are mainly joking... but at the same time, I’d be lying if I said I never stole a peek at it from time to time. Any day now, Pinkie Pie’s gonna come over to Las Pegasus to see me and my dad, and I’m just wondering how I should approach things. I feel like things’ll be a bit awkward seeing as how we’ll be actually seeing each other face-to-face for the first time in over a month. ...I’ve never slept with a friend before, Rarity.... okay let me rephrase that. I’ve never slept with someone who was my friend beforehand. I mean, Gilda and her griffon friends were kind of alternating and disposable, but I never thought of sleeping with one of you girls. I dunno, you’re into all that heartsy-fartsy junk, how do you think I should approach this? Other than that, have a good one in Morrocolt (or whatever), and don’t disappear again for a month, otherwise, I will seriously check and see if there’s some kinda changeling invasion or something. Stay cool, Dash. P.S.- Oh right, that cape... eh, it seemed cooler a month ago, now? ...Eh. Don’t send me a cape.