The Mailbox: Reloaded

by bats

Week Six

June 23rd

To Dashie,

I oughta come over there and wallop you! And then sit on your head. You’d like that, wouldn’t ya? Teehee! You’re so silly, thinking you can outfox me. I catch up to ya everytime, remember? But I still love it when you try anyways. It’s fun!

So here’s the situation over here. I… kinda got a bit of a reputation from when we were here last time. Remember my song? (I thought it was good, but nopony else thought so, which sucked. But I think you were staring at my dress a lot. Pretty, huh?) Yeah, that combined with me spending time with the buffalo bros… all the old Apples are kinda wary of me. Think I’m some sorta loose cannon, y’know? And they’re so stuck in their ways.

Braeburn’s been pretty okay though, but there’s not much he can really do. He likes my energy and optimism, but he doesn’t want a family feud starting over this. I kinda agree with him. I’m just one pony, so I’m not… not really worth breaking a family over, y’know?

I thought I could try working on their orchards, but I really hurt my legs doing that. I’m just not cut out for that sorta thing, and that made all the old folk grumpier. I don’t think I’m on a winning streak at the moment, but maybe that means I’ll win lots in Las Pegasus?

I’d go there right now, cut this a loss, but…

Okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but you do crazy stunts all the time so you’d understand.

I’m thinking about going on a vision quest.

Think about it: it’d give me all the answers I need to fit in with the Apples better! Ooooonly there’s the teeny problem of starving myself. And I don’t think I could live with that. Can you imagine eating no cupcakes for days? It should be a crime, I tell you! A criiiime!

The buffalo would give me all the advice and things I need, but then I’d be on my own. In the wilderness, tumbleweeds and the occasional coyote as my only company. But then I might meet my spirit animal! I hope it’s something fun, like a seal. Seals are always fun.

So… that’s what I might do. Dunno yet, but I’m running out of options. And desperate times call for desperate measures! I thought about writing to Applejack again, but I can’t, ‘cause then she’d get all worked up. Either about me or her family. Or both. Either way, she doesn’t need that right now.

I’ll keep ya posted on what I’m gonna do, Pinkie Promise.

Talk to ya later, girl,

P.S. I laughed at that image ‘cause then Rarity strolled in and gave you a bubble bath! You looked so cute and grumbly, heehee!
Eating a cupcake right now, actually. But I’m kinda messy. It’s all over my mouth, and the desert heat is making me all sweaty like a piggie. Maybe if I just lick my lips…

June 27th


Suuuuuuper good to hear from you again! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner; things have just been craaaaaaaazay here in Appleloosa. But I’ll get to that later. It’s great that you’re going out into the world and doing exciting things! Sometimes a little bit of random is all ya need to kickstart something awesome! Make sure to try all the unique foods in Morrocolt and maybe even dive into a bit of the culture, huh? You’re already cultured, but imagine you with extra cultures! You would be stunning, I bet!

So yeah, as you probably can tell by now, I didn’t stick in Baltimare long. Fluttershy told me about these sailors she met once, and how they said really nice things to her and stuff, so I decided to see some sailors myself!

Except… well, I don’t think they were very nice sailors. Maybe Fluttershy’s just prettier than me though. She always gets noticed for that sorta thing. That’s good though! She needs all the confidence boosts she can get. I just gotta except that maybe I’m not as pretty as her.

Moooooooooooving on (yes, there are cows here), after a big fun pie war between the buffalos and the ponies here, I’m just chilling with my Apple folks. It’s pretty neat to be part of such a big family, y’know? Even if I’m distantly related and some of them might say I’m not. It’s cool though! I’ve always been super interested in the south. It’s always sunny, the views can be pretty impressive and there’s lots of cider! The looks on everypony’s faces when I beat them in drinking contests wherepriceless!

Tell me how your vacation goes, okay? I hope you have lotsa fun!

Hoedowning in the heat,

P.S. Glad you liked the prank! Was kinda worried you'd be grumpy, but looks like my risk paid off!

June 29th

Dear Pinkie,

I’m back in Ponyville. Because screw everything.

I’m done. Done with my dad, and done with his stupid dying.

Guess what? I still haven’t told Fluttershy about him, and he found out about this. We got into another fight. He yelled all this garbage about distancing myself from him, and... you know what? No. Screw it, it’s not important.

He got really sick and put in the hospital. Even when he came to, he was still pissed, and you know what? So was I. He kept information from me, so you know what? I should be as secretive as I want. But what was the kicker? What finally caused me to walk?

He said I failed as a daughter.

I failed? He failed. He failed as a father. I may have abandoned him a long time ago, but you know what? He let me run, and on top of that, I came back. So screw him.

I left his ass to rot, because like I said, I’m done. I’ve wasted too much time on this decaying bastard to care anymore. I mean, this whole summer has been a waste. None of our friends are writing letters because they’re probably having incredibly awesome lives, and what am I doing? Watching some washed-up arena hoofball player die of cancer. Whoop-dee-freaking-do.

I’m done. I am so done, I can’t even begin to tell you. I’m just gonna stay in Ponyville and drink myself into oblivion. Just forget all of this even happened, and when everypony comes back, I can move on with my life.

It just... it just all sucks. Why can I never be happy, Pinkie? Why do I always destroy myself?

It’s just all a mess. I can’t deal.

I just... can’t.

Dear Fluttershy,

Guess what? Blaze is dying. Cancer.

Want my advice? Move on, already. Because trust me, the Buccaneer Blaze we knew and loved died a long time ago. So I'm in Ponyville while his ass rots in a Las Pegasus hospital. He doesn't deserve better.
If you’ll excuse me, I have a me to drown in liquor.
