//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - ...and all the men and women are merely players... // Story: The Lost Chronicles of Auric Fulcrum // by Thadius0 //------------------------------// I blinked at the comment the zerg had made and looked at the coin, then back at...him? I think it's a him. “Ah. Interesting. Another worthy holder...well, introduce yourself.” “I am Dahaka, leader of the Zerg, I heard your call recently, and well, let’s just say that I’m not the typical ‘assimilate everything’ leader.” I raised my other eyebrow at that one. Not easy to overcome...oh yeah! The Hive Mind, right? “And if I recall what little Starcraft I played so long ago correctly...there’s another side of you I should be talking to. Hive Mind or somesuch. What does it have to say?” “Its name is Prime Directive, and if it were in charge, I would be trying to side with Teridax instead.” I sighed and nodded at that news. “Yeah, figured as such. But there’s one thing your little hive mind doesn’t quite understand. Care to take a guess what it is?” “Hm, I don’t have any guesses that are probable.” Here, I gained a shark-like grin. “There are...let’s call them Administrators of the Multiverse. They that are meant to keep it in line and such. And he’s been pissing one of them off. Whereas I’ve been making friends with ‘im.” “That’s very interesting, but why isn’t Teridax dead, then?” I blinked at that before gesturing to my clothes. “Um, hello? Slightly more noble than him? I mean, yeah, Umbra’s offered, multiple times, to reclassify Teridax as a blight on the Multiverse and just wipe him out, but if he’s gonna die, then since he’s put so much effort into antagonizing me, the least I can do is give him a clean, fair fight.” “Heh, I may not have the normal zerg ideals, but I would not be too noble to not take such an easy way out. You have gained my respect.” I smiled at that, nice to see others share my values. “Not sure if compliment...anyways. And since Umbra’s an Admin, he’s providing me and him with a staging ground for our little bout to come.” “What are you implying?” Here my smile turned downright mischievous. “Well, while Teridax and I will have to go to this neutral ground, this new planet, along with all our allies...nobody said they all had to come back…” He stared at me for a moment, then a broad grin split his face. “So, if I ally myself with you, I get a whole planet to infest?” Here my grin dropped and my face turned serious as I laid out the ‘guidelines.’ “I’d wait to do any serious infesting until after the fight is over, and at least make a show of pulling out when the others do. There are indigenous life-forms on it, but nothing with any true sapience...as far as I know, anyways. Plus, if you piss off Umbra, that’s on you. I’d suggest that if he catches you and makes a big deal out of it, you should just ask rather than cling to his world.” His smile evaporated as well. “Fine, could I ask Umbra ahead of time if I can have the leftovers? Because that solves a lot of problems beforehand.” I smiled again, at least he thought to ask. “At least you’re understanding enough to not rail against what I’ve said. And hey, if he says that you can’t have his planet, it ought to be not a total loss: he’s an Admin, I heard it from him that he found a dead Universe and reprogrammed it to be alive again. He could probably code up a new one for you. And if he refuses, I’ll try to bribe him. Somehow.” My smile, while not as big as before, returned. “As long as I can get something that big for something as small as some military support, I will be very happy.” My smile faded slightly, but I nodded again. Maybe Umbra is right and nodding is a thing I need to stop doing? “And even, on the slight chance that he says no, I have a back-up plan. Tell me, what do you remember of the Golden Sun games?” “I actually never played them. They were one of the games that I couldn’t fit into my schedule.” My smile vanished completely. “Do you know what I mean by the words Elemental Stars, at least?” “Not a clue, sorry.” I sighed and closed my eyes as I began to list the elements of Psynergy. “Venus, earth. Mars, fire. Mercury, water. Jupiter, wind. These four elements are the building blocks of Weyard.” My eyes snapped open. “I brought them with me to my Equestria, and after...extensive study, I’ve found the way to fabricate Elemental Stars, objects of great energy that can...influence beings into being able to wield such power. I recently made a set and can’t do so again for about...a hundred years, but time is subjective between worlds. If I end up owing you a set, I’ll make sure it’s sent to you in time. Fair?” “One question, how will I be able to use this magic? I mean, even when we assimilated unicorns, we could barely make a pebble float.” I waved a hand at that; Measured and I hadn't finished our studies, but we had our theories. “It’s a study I’ll probably get into at some point in time, but my theory is that exposure to the energy of the Stars over time influences the brains or capabilities of organic beings nearby. In the last century, a whole lot of ponies in Canterlot could use it. And I don’t know when it started, but the upper limit is somewhere around...no, wait...huh. Maybe it could happen in a human lifetime. It’ll just be real weak as compared to born and bred Adepts.” “Hm, a long term investment. I accept this offer, this back-up plan, as well. I just hope it can be mass produced in time.” I smiled at that before deciding to clue him in to something that could vastly help. Not all the way, but just enough. “Try finding areas that the Stars respond to, areas of great elemental energy, and you’ll cause a Light to occur. Almost all beings born around or near a light end up being Adepts of that particular element. Y’know, if you need immediate results.” “I like the sound of that, all I will need to do is make some hatcheries at those areas. Thanks for the tip.” I nodded a final time, I was starting to feel like a damn bobblehead. “Well, if we’ve established our relations, then I should bid the Zerg farewell. I have...training to do. And allies to contact. I’ll make sure that when the time comes, Umbra’ll not forget you.” I nodded back. “Well, goodbye now, Auric. Contact me with a item from the place that the battle will take place, when you need me.” With that, I cut the connection, then formed Concordia in my left hand. I had training to do. ----- Are you certain about this? Indeed I am. Since we are bonded, my power should be accessible to you. It should be like...what is that metaphor you used?...ah yes, like an extra gas tank being bolted on to your own existing frame. Of course, if you use up all my power, it'd be slightly worse than normal. ...How bad?... ...Let's just say I'm glad my intake still functions and leave it at that. Now go on, use that fancy new staff of yours. I raised the thing, cast a skeptical glance around, and slammed it into the ground while barely thinking of the Quake spell. The ground around me in a five foot radius rumbled. I was startled, until I saw the rune for Venus on the staff glowing, before diminishing. This...this thing is a damn good focus! Indeed, and the drain was no more than normal. Also, I feel as though I should confess to something. ...Whaaaaaat? I may have...studied the summoning tablets...in exquisite detail...to the point where we could possibly use them. ...Including- INCLUDING HERS, yes. But it'd cost me, GREATLY, if any are used. Save it for a last-ditch effort, if you'd be so kind. ...I'll at least try. ----- I had only just gotten comfortable in my lab again when my mirror...rippled. It seemed like someone was trying to contact me, but nothing came through. Curious, I put a hand on the mirror, and felt the feeble beginning of a connection. When it happened again, I caught snippets of someone talking. “Hey...you there? Can...this working?” I frowned and put a bit more power on my end into maintaining the connection. “A connection, but it's difficult. Perhaps if I boost the energy input...no, that world's idea of Time is all messed up. In order to properly establish a link, contact is required...” My expression did a rapid one-eighty when the mirror settled to show me a man in a very fine outfit, with a version of Luna behind him, holding my coin up to the mirror. “Oh, there you are! Do you have any idea how hard it was to find you? Your world’s version of Time is...well, let’s just leave it as ‘a bitch to understand and navigate.’ Messes up contact something fierce.” He was stunned for a moment, but rapidly composed himself and replied to me in a 'proper' tone of voice. “Well, hello, dear friend. I apologise for any issues you may have had in attempting to secure my precise location. My name is Michael Faraday. Who may I have the pleasure of speaking to?” I blinked at that, it was rather rare someone didn't know my name. “Oh, you didn’t hear? Hmm. It’s rare that I have to introduce myself.” I held a hand to my chin, shrugged, let it fall again, and let loose a wry grin. If he's from Earth, chances are, he might know of the world my powers are from. “First I have to ask you a thing, so that you can be impressed with my titles properly. Ever hear of Weyard, land where the Golden Sun franchise takes place?” His face contorted into one of deep thought before he sighed and relaxed. “I apologise once again, but I do not believe I have heard such a name.” I shrugged. No big deal, I had plenty of fallbacks. “Eh. Just means those titles are out. I have others.” I reached inside of me and merged some of Dully's energies with my own. When I opened my eyes, I could tell we spoke as one and that my eyes were aflame. “I am Auric Fulcrum, Knight of the Eclipse. Wielder of Eureka, blade of Understanding. Slayer of the Wise One, supposed lesser deity.” I nodded then, satisfied, and let the fire in my eyes die. “I am the Temporal Guardian, Protector of Freedom, and former Champion of Discord; I have achieved interdimensional travel and…” Here he seemed to spasm slightly, “The killer of the Elements of Harmony.” Another spasm showed me a shocked expression. “I am the Lord of Time,” he finished with a friendly smile. I wasn’t buying it, though. I'd been stabbed by Pyramid in my dreams before, and he, too, had two halves. I frowned at him and my right hand grasped the hilt of Eureka. “And why does one who slays Harmony seek an audience with one who serves Balance in all things?” “I apologise for the third time, my mental stability is not the best, these days. That little outburst was simply a slip on my part; I assure you, it won’t happen again.” Just as I made to reply, another spasm occurred, and he blurted the most inane thing. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!” His other half shouted from his mouth. “You don’t even worship a blood god!” he whisper-screamed back. I actually chuckled for a moment as memories surfaced, so I decided to test them and see which reference, if any, the other half had intended. “We talkin’ Armok, or do you also require skulls for the skull throne?” Dwarf Fortress or Warhammer. Place yer bets... “SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRO-” He was cut off this time. “Shut up!” My mirth vanished after a moment. “No, but seriously. Should I believe that voice at all...or should I merely cut this connection?” “I would like to inform you that I have full control of my body physically. He may scream obscenities at others he does not like, but he will not be able to attack anyone. Recently I have been doing mental exercises with a certain zebra in the Everfree to control his verbal catcalls.” He bowed his head in apparent sorrow and shame. I narrowed my eyes, recalling the times when Dully hadn't been...subtle. “And has that always been the case? And did what he introduce himself with ring with any truth? Be Honest with me now.” There we go, invoke an Element, see how he responds. Huh, he just seemed to...clench for a moment. “The Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, are perfectly safe in this universe, I assure you. My worse half believes he killed them, but those are just fabrications I implanted in his memories.” Oh, I get it. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand's up to. He looked to Luna and asked her, “Could you go get Twilight? Knock twice when you return.” As the lunar mare nodded and left, my rage simmered down completely. “Ah. Interesting. Hmm. So. My question now is thus: why did you call? What do you seek of me?” “Ah, my dear alchemist, the question is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you!” Oh, I have a competitor in the art of grandstanding? “I hear that you are in need of assistance and are looking for power, I am here to supply what I can and help with any battles you may begin.” Ah, so he doesn't know. Well then, time to tell him. “One known as Teridax believes himself and myself to be perfect polar opposites. This is compounded by the fact that we are both Displaced, and we both Understand. He has harassed me for far too long and threatened all I hold dear. Why, I know not beyond his insane quest to do battle with me. Any who are willing to help me fight an overpowered ten foot robot, I welcome.” “I know not of this Teridax, but if he has threatened you and your loved ones, then I will offer any service I can provide; namely, time manipulation. I have the power to stop, slow, or speed up time. This is also effective on anyone or anything I choose.” His description of his own powers was interrupted by the return of Luna, at least, that's what the knocks say. “It seems our guests have arrived.” In stepped Luna and Sol be praised, Twilight! Or at least his version of Twilight. Play it cool. “Ah. Twilight, I presume.” Suave. Casual. “Um, yes, sir…” She said with wonder. “Who are you?” I chuckled and waved the question off before proceeding to ask my own. “Oh, I’m much like Mister Faraday, someone Displaced from his home, but I made do. I have a simple question to ask of you, m’dear. I’m trying to trust him, really I am. But I need to know one thing: are you and all your friends safe?” Her eyes lit up in fear at the name “Faraday”, but when her head whipped around to face the man his eyes lit up as well before he explained. “I do apologise, Mr. Fulcrum. I believe I’ve introduced myself incorrectly. I have gone by the name ‘Michael Faraday’ for the past millenium, you see, and it’s quite imprinted on my mind. My real name is Nicholas, but you may call me Nick. Sadly I have forgotten my last name, but I have left my old world behind, and that means my family name, too.” I nodded at that; I could understand more than he knew. “At least I have the good grace to remember mine, even if I can’t return. So I ask again, dear Sparkle,” and here she looked back at the mirror, “Should I trust Mister Nicholas? Can I?” Twilight’s fear visibly drained from her face. “Yes, Mr. Fulcrum. If he calls himself Nicholas, you can trust him with your life,” she looked back to him, “I know I do.” I smiled then. One question down, one to go. “Oh, that’s excellent. And I’m making leaps here, but your friends as well are secure? Even the one who’s known you all his life?” Her eyes lit up at the mention of her friends. “Oh, yes. The other Elements are safe and sound, but…” She looked up to Nick with a hurt expression. “The… Element of Kindness received a small… accidental Impact.” he finished for her. My eyes went from Twilight, who is obviously safe, to Nick, she trusts him despite something he did, if her eyes say anything, to Luna, who can clearly help contain his other half, and back to Twilight, so she and her friends could not be safer. “Well. That’s a bump in the road to be sure, but you ponies are made of stern stuff. I should know.” Nick seemed to clench, or spasm, or something.. “Thank you, Twilight. That will be all.” he said in fairly rushed manner. Twilight understood immediately and left the room, closing the door behind her. And then Nick looked sorry before his voice...changed. “So, you’re the guy Nick’s trying to team up with? What a pansy. I bet your girlfriend could fight better than you!” he was making motions with his hands that suggested ignoring his 'self,' but it was far too late. I could feel Dullahan responding to the challenge, and I decided to give him a bit of 'fresh air.' I saw the colors bleed over even as he took control of my mouth and other functions. “Watch your words, worm. I have brought to heel Timberwolf pups that were more frightening than you.” “Really?” He asked, as if he’d been issued a challenge. “Can Timberwolf pups control time, stop you in your tracks, and rip out your uvula through your ass without any resistance?” The smirk grew to something akin to a victorious visage. Dullahan merely scoffed mentally. “Can a ‘pansy’ control the forces of the Universe with a thought? Can a ‘pansy’ call to heel the elemental forces of magic with no effort save a raised hand? Could a ‘pansy’ claim himself to have once been Dullahan, he who walks the night, the elemental wraith? Because I was. The summons of my world are at my fingertips...Including Charon, he who escorts the dead. Piss me off, runt, and I’ll show you how bad a worse half can get.” It seemed that this duel of alternate selves would continue for a while if not for a blue hoof to a head. Specifically, Nick's. No, not the hoof, the head. “Nick, get a hold of yourself!” Luna yelled just off-mirror. “Ok! I’m back. Sorry. You know how it is.” He said as he stood up, dusting off his pants. “When I strain myself too much mentally he tends to get a bit more control than he should have. I’ll say it again, he’s never moved my body, only my mouth.” He rubbed his cheek, looking down at Luna and mumbling “You didn’t have to hit me so hard, you know.” I felt my control return as Dully had apparently been sated now that Nick's other half was gone. “Yes, yes she did,” I replied. “I have...several ideas as to what you’re doing, but that hoof to the face pretty much confirmed it. And I have to say, I do not envy your task in the least.” I looked to Luna then and smiled a wan smile. “When I had to get Dully under control, and sometimes still do, I find hanging out with your niece helps. Little tip.” “Oh, I’ll have to introduce you to her.” She said to Nick. “She really is a lovely girl, no pun intended.” He looked at her in confusion, and I groaned mentally at the unintended pun. Really, Luna? Really? “I believe that we have gotten off track. You made a call for help, I am willing to provide. I just ask you to explain what it is you are in need of.” I frowned, turning over in my head what I could use. “Aid, really, is the broadest term available. I have grown...weary of putting up with Teridax. Not to mention, I have scried his world. His is darker than most because he is making it that way, and I have looked into probable futures. He intends to rule, dominate, and attempt to take as much energy as necessary to Ascend. Should he succeed, I fear for not only my self, but the Multiverse as a whole. So I have issued a challenge to him. An ally is providing a staging ground, and he and I will settle this on a neutral world, where none of what I hold dear...or any traps he might have...can come into play.” “Well, if aid is the only thing you require, I may be able to help you in battle by slowing time--essentially speeding your reaction time up to an infinite level. other than that, I don’t believe I’d be much help… unless you would allow me to interfere directly.” I slowly shook my head. Faraday would be too much of an unknown factor...“Not until you get your other half under...a bit better control than that. So that you don’t have to strain to contain. None should be slaves in their own minds. Once that has been accomplished on your end, I will welcome whatever aid you choose to give me, whatever form it may take. Either via that reaction time thing, or directly in the battle to come. I would welcome the merest scrap of aid.” “As I have said before, I am in the middle of training with Zecora. A few more days, she says, and I will be as normal as you or her.” Hah! Me, normal! That's a laugh! Still, I merely shook my head again. “Time doesn’t have to be a constant between Universes. That would require it be a thing that exists in the Void Eternal. Attempt to contact me again when you’re in control, and I’ll still hear you. And more likely than not, it’ll not be too late.” “As you wish, I will train hard. Thank you for your time.” he said as he took a step back, showing his farewell. I quirked an eyebrow, curious as to where and when they were in the ol' Timeline. “Out of curiosity...Where does ol’ Dissy fall in Equestrian Relations?” His face fell grim at the mention of Discord. After a moment of contemplation, he responded with, “I don’t know what the sisters think of him, but in my eyes, he is the worst of the worst.” His face was as stoic as they come, to which I could only smirk. Time for spoilers! “He’s a spoiled child acting out because he thinks he has everything he wants. I should know, mine was similar before I befriended him. Give him something truly irreplaceable...and take it away when he acts like his old self. You’ll see a change, overnight.” I cut the connection then, and once the mirror was out, I re-summoned Concordia. "Well...I know how you react to elemental powers. Time to see what I can do with your more...abstract concepts." Tomorrow promised to be interesting...