//------------------------------// // My Sanctuary // Story: The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle // by ShaD-23 //------------------------------// Twilight hurried into the wide, spacious room and looked all around her. This had to be the biggest library she had ever seen. “This will be your room, young Twilight.” Celestia said, the little foal marveling at the rows upon rows of books stacked all around the room. “This was once an old observatory of Canterlot, but I think it will accommodate you perfectly as you study under me.” she said, smiling as Twilight could barely contain herself. “This is the best bedroom I've ever seen!” the tiny pony cheered, looking to see all her luggage (including her newly hatched dragonling, whom she named Spike) had been loaded into her new dormatory. “Be forewarned, Twilight, your magic will be put to the test like never before.” Celestia cautioned her newest pupil, little Twilight turning to her mentor. “You will become a great magician, but only through rigorous trial and error throughout your life. Do you understand?” Twilight bowed and smiled. “I understand, your majesty.” she said. Turning back to her snoozing little dragon, Twilight smiled as she gave his tiny frills a stroke, Celestia beaming behind her. “This is the happiest day of my life.” she said, her eyes welling just slightly with tears.