Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers

by Tatsurou

20: Training Day 1

Spy walked calmly beside Fluttershy, leading her through the base. Chompy bounced along by her side, clanking audibly with every landing as his chain jangled. His size would have been concerning, as he was now big enough to eat anyone but Heavy in two or three bites - and Spy or Scout in one - but his obedience to Fluttershy was absolute, and she had made it plain he was not to eat anyone living unless she told him to specifically. Spy admitted privately that, even knowing that, Chompy's intimidation factor would be more than enough to send all but the most well trained soldiers and agents fleeing and pissing their pants. Especially after he saw Chompy's tongue, the less thought about that the better.

"You made an excellent showing of yourself on your birthday, Fluttershy," Spy told the filly, speaking calmly and precisely as was his wont.

Fluttershy blushed at the praise. "I didn't really know what I was doing," she admitted. "It's just...I saw you all in such danger, getting hurt, and...I just got so angry!"

"Quite alright," Spy replied. "And that actually raises a point we discussed after you fell asleep. Tell me Fluttershy, aside from being afraid for us and being angry at the BLUs, did you enjoy it?"

Fluttershy thinks for a time. "Well...I'm not sure. It was...different. It was scary, but...seeing all the destruction I wrought...I felt...powerful. I think I liked it."

Spy smiled widely. "Tell me, would you like to master that power? Learn to wreck destruction in controlled manners, to destroy only your enemies?"

"Oh yes!" Fluttershy affirmed immediately. "I don't want to hurt my friends."

Spy's smile widened to a full grin. "And that is why we will begin your combat training! We all discussed it, and given your quiet nature and somewhat frail body, we decided that the fighting styles that would be easiest for you to learn would be mine and that of your Bang Daddy, Sniper." Spy found it oddly enjoyable to refer to his companions by Fluttershy's names for them. "However, as you are much too small to hold a sniper rifle, you will start by learning mine. But first, there's something you need to learn."

He led her into a large room with a wide, glowing disc in the center of the floor. Circuitry was visible through the metal of the disc, and nine circles spun slowly, each containing a single drop of blood on a petri dish. The entire circle slowly spun, and Fluttershy could feel a great deal of energy flowing through the device. She couldn't help but stare in awe at it.

"Like my Respawner, do you?" Engineer asked, distracting her from her fascination. "Impressive, I know. Normally, we keep it hidden under the floor in here so it can't be damaged, but I uncovered it so you could understand it a bit better."

"What does it do?" Fluttershy asked in amazement.

Spy grinned. "I will show you. Heavy?"

Heavy stepped over, turning his back to Spy. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. Big Daddy will be-" Heavy's voice cut out as Spy jabbed his knife into the back of his neck and he dropped down, dead.

Spy (backstab) Heavy

Fluttershy gasped loudly. "Big Daddy!" she wailed.

One of the petri dishes on the disc glowed, energy gathered, and Heavy appeared, standing in the center of the disc. "-just fine!" he finished. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ow," he muttered.

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, and she stared between Heavy and the dead body that Chompy had already started to eat. "" she gasped out, plainly unsure what to make of this.

Engineer stepped forward. "Each of those nine petri dishes has a sample of each of our DNAs. The Respawner uses that, extra dimensional matter drawn from the spaces between dimensions, and a chip in our communicators that scans our brains to recreate our bodies identical to our state at the moment of our death, complete with full brain chemistry, memories, and personality. We don't actually notice a time differential, as Heavy demonstrated, unless it gets overloaded."

Fluttershy tilts her head. "Then...for the nine of you...death isn't permanent?"

"Nope!" Heavy bellowed happily. "And is fun sometimes!"

Fluttershy nods. "So...will I be hooked up to it, too?"

Engineer shook his head. "It can only hold nine DNA profiles. If I tried to add yours, it would overload and go haywire, and we'd end up creating freaky hybridized versions of ourselves." The three mercs present shuddered from memory. "When this thing gets set to Random like's not pleasant."

Fluttershy nodded. "So...why are you telling me all this?"

"So you can understand that death, as far as the battles regarding the Fortress are concerned, is a temporary concern for us. At least within the Fortress." Engineer gestured to the disc. "It has limited range to respawn us. If we die outside that range, our only hope is the revive function of Medic's medigun."

"And," Spy added, "for you to become more comfortable with your training on live"

Fluttershy's eyes widened. " want me to try...and kill all of you?"

"Only in controlled circumstances," he hastened to assure her. "Only during practice sessions."

Fluttershy thought about that for a time. Heavy rested a hand on her barrel. "Fluttershy, sometimes killing each other fun. And will be fun to be hunted by Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled up at him. "If you say so, Big Daddy."

Spy smiled as he handed her a box. "This is for you, then."

Smiling, Fluttershy opened it up revealing ten small knives and a pin.

"These are butterfly knives," Spy explained. "One of my favorite weapons, and I thought they would suit you." He lifted out the pin, which was a pink butterfly with a bee sting. "And this," he said, pinning it to the front of her uniform shirt right in the center, "is your personal colors. Because with training, you will float like a butterfly...but sting like a bee!"

Fluttershy smiled, lifting out one of the butterfly knives, blade already out as she carefully gripped the hilt. "So, you're going to train me to kill you all with these?" she asked happily.

Picking up another knife, Spy nodded. "Yes. Now, there are several ways these knives can be used to kill. You can throw them..." He demonstrated an overarm motion, but didn't release. "However, your strength isn't quite up to that. You can slash..." He demonstrated a slashing motion. "However, that doesn't create a very effective kill strike. Your best bet would be to stab." He demonstrated a thrusting motion. "You will aim for vulnerable points, and strike when your target least expects it-"

Fluttershy (headstab) Spy

As Spy's voice cut out, Fluttershy carefully pulled her knife from his eye socket. She then turned to where a different petri dish had started glowing. As Chompy devoured the dead body, Spy reappeared on the disc. He turned to stare down at Fluttershy.

"You said when they least expect it," she pointed out, smiling. "Did...did I do good?"

Spy stared for a time, then laughed, grinning from ear to ear. "You did wonderfully, Fluttershy!" Heavy and Engineer joined in the laughter as Chompy bounced with joy. "You're already quiet enough, so all you really need to learn is what vital points to aim for...which Medic can teach you as easily as I can. Come, let's go seek him out."

Fluttershy grinned widely, pleased she was mastering her lessons already.