//------------------------------// // Chapter 14- Ninja Report No. 1 // Story: Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja // by PianoPony //------------------------------// Chapter 14- Ninja Report No. 1 The afternoon sun shone on the calm town of Ponyville and all of its inhabitants. Many ponies were crowding the marketplace, and others were busy at home or at work. One not-so-ordinary orange Earth pony, however, was already done with working for the day. However, he had a very important mission to still fulfill. As the sole ambassador and visitor to Equestria from another world, it was his obligation to share as much information about himself with the curious inhabitants of Equestria. “Or at least that’s how Twilight put it,” Naruto thought, still not believing he was actually going to do this. He stood before a humongous oak tree made into a house. Or more accurately, Ponyville’s public library. Inside, was waiting the ever-curious librarian and proud student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle. “Alright, let’s get it over with,” he muttered to himself. If Twilight hadn’t pleaded him so strongly to do this, he probably wouldn’t have. But he also figured that this would be a good way to kill some time. Over the past few days, which were the time he spent in Equestria, he found day-to-day life to be quite uneventful, a stark change from his ordinary life back home. Not only that, but he’d probably get a chance to boast a bit about all of his accomplishments. Approaching the door, he knocked twice with his front hoof, a limb that was far less useful than the one he usually had. He got used to it rather quickly, nevertheless, as he found himself spending most of his time in Equestria thus far in the form of a pony. In response, the door was surrounded in purple aura, and then opened to reveal a female Unicorn with a matching color. “Glad you could make it, Naruto! Please, come in,” she said with a warm smile. Naruto walked in, and Twilight magically closed the front door behind him, as well as switching the sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. Due to the nature of the scheduled conversation, which Naruto wanted to keep as secret as possible, the library had to be closed. This didn’t seem to bother Twilight at all, as this was a one-of-a-kind opportunity for her to learn more about Naruto and the world from which he came. “Please, have a seat,” she motioned to a green, comfy-looking small sofa at the side of the main room of the library. Across from the sofa was another, identical one, and between the two was a small, round wooden table. A stack of papers, a red quill and a flask of ink already lay on it in wait to be used. The two ponies took a seat. Naruto lay back comfortably, while Twilight was sitting close to the edge, ready to start. Before she could do so, however, a small, purple and green creature came running in their direction, holding a tray with a pot and two cups on it. “Hey, Spike. What’s up?” Naruto greeted the little dragon. “Good Afternoon, Naruto!” he answered as he put the tray on the table. “Twilight asked me to make some tea. I hope you’ll like it. I made it with my fire breath!” he explained with a smile, breathing a small and brief green flame at the end. “By the way…” Spike added, motioning Naruto to lean his ear towards him. “If she gets a little overbearing, just tell her to back off a bit, otherwise this could get really, really…” He was promptly interrupted by a loud throat clearing from Twilight, with an added brow-raised glare. “Well, see ya!” the baby dragon said as he ran off and upstairs. Twilight then smiled at Naruto, as she magically raised the pot and poured the hot liquid into their two cups. She then raised her own cup and brought it to her muzzle. Naruto did the same with his hooves, but the moment the liquid entered his mouth he coughed it out, disgusted by the foreign taste. “Oh, right. Tea is probably different in your world, Naruto. Sorry about that,” Twilight said with a slight blush of embarrassment. “Yeah. This tastes… Weird. Are you sure it’s tea?” Naruto replied, brushing off his tongue. “Wait… If we’re from different worlds, how come we both know what ‘tea’ is?” Twilight pondered aloud. “Now that I think about it... How are we even speaking the same language?!” “See, it’s fine to ask yourselves questions and all, but for some, you just won’t get an answer,” a voice said. Suddenly, a pair of books fell down from one of the bookshelves near them, and out of the hole created appeared Pinkie’s head. “Gah!” the purple and orange ponies yelled together. “’Gah!’ to you too,” the pink Earth pony answered happily. “When did you get in here?!” Naruto and Twilight said together again, which made them stare at each other. “I just happened to hear you’d be putting together a report about good-ol’ Naruto here, so I dropped by! Anyways, while this is an excellent opportunity to update the readers on Naruto’s situation here in Equestria, the two of you must simply accept that some questions just can’t be answered!” “Come again?” Twilight asked. She couldn’t even begin to make half a sense of all that. Naruto simply stared at Pinkie, dumbfounded by the entire situation. “Don’t worry, just go on as normal,” Pinkie instructed in a cheerful tone. “Welp, that’s all, folks! Have tons of fun now!” she called as she retracted her head back into the bookshelf. Naruto jumped up and looked into the hole from which came Pinkie’s head. “Nothing,” he concluded in disbelief shortly afterwards and sat down. “I don’t think she even qualifies as a ninja anymore…” Twilight let out a sigh. “Well, let’s just leave it at that, for now. I’ll figure out Pinkie eventually. I think.” “Oh, right,” Twilight said as she decided to seat back. “I was just wondering how you’re faring here in Equestria. How is it at Rarity’s?” “Oh, it’s not bad at all,” Naruto smiled. “She let me sleep in the guest room at Carousel Boutique, and she even sewed me a pajama. Not only that, she makes great omelets,” he laughed. “That’s great to hear! Sorry for kicking you out of the library like I did, but I need my own private study, and there are no spare rooms or beds here.” “Don’t worry about it. It’s no problem at all over there. Well, actually the only downside is that I have to make sure that Sweetie Belle doesn’t see me.” “Oh, right. It would be weird to find some stranger living in your house, wouldn’t it?” Twilight chuckled. “Actually, it’s more of a problem if she sees me as a human. That’s why I asked Rarity not to let her in the guest room,” Naruto clarified. “But why do you keep it a secret from everypony?” Twilight asked, baffled. “Well, I just don’t want everypony to gawk at me like I’m some monster,” he explained. “I have a bad experience with that kind of attention…” “Oh, you worry too much! I bet nopony will mind seeing a human. I mean, it’s not like you’re a giant monster or anything, right?” the purple Unicorn chuckled. “Twilight," he said in a warning tone not to pursue this any further. “Oh. Right, sorry,” she muttered. “I guess I should leave this up to your judgment.” “Well, anyways…” the Earth pony continued in a more lighthearted tone. “I decided to work for Applejack at the farm for now. Without ninja missions or a job I’d go out of my mind with boredom.” “So is Applejack paying you?” Twilight inquired. “How do you use the money?” “Yeah. I decided to pay some to Rarity for everything she’s doing, and other than breakfast I eat outside, but I still have some bits left. I think I’ll save them for later. Though, I hope Celestia will find a spell to bring me back home before I can use them,” Naruto explained. “I see. I hope so too. And I also hope that meanwhile you’re enjoying the Equestrian delicacies we have to offer,” the Unicorn smiled. “Yeah, right… I’ve eaten enough salad for two lifetimes already,” Naruto said sarcastically. “And apples too,” he added, as he thoughts about all the free pies and fritters Applejack treated him to on the job. “Oh well. I’ll just hang in there until Celestia gets me back. It won’t be too long, hopefully,” he sighed. “Well, let’s get to that report,” the orange pony said. “What should I start with?” “Great!” Twilight exclaimed as she magically raised the quill up and dipped it in the pitch black liquid near it. “First, I want to hear more about that ‘chakra’ you keep talking about!” ***** “Incredible…” Twilight muttered in awe. Naruto had finished telling her the basics about chakra and jutsus. He couldn’t give her a very profound explanation since he never bothered to listen to that at the academy anyways, but the information he shared with the ever-curious Unicorn seemed to satisfy her nonetheless. “So not only is chakra made of two energies in your body, which you call ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’, some ninjas can use techniques called ‘sage techniques’, which also require ‘natural energy’, which you collect from the environment. And to top that, there are five attributes: wind, fire, water, earth and lightning,” she summed up what she had written so far. Naruto nodded. “Yep, that’s about it. Though I can’t collect natural energy here in Equestria, for some reason. Maybe there is none here?” “I’m really not sure. I do know that there is magic all around, but we ponies never use it,” Twilight explained to him. “Wait… So not only Unicorns use magic?” “Well, not per se. It is simpler when compared to your world, so I’ll explain briefly. We ponies only have one kind of magic in our bodies, depending on our kind: Earth ponies, Pegasi or Unicorns. Earth ponies use their magic subconsciously to enhance their physical capabilities and endurance, Pegasi use it to fly, as their wings alone are not powerful enough to do so by themselves, and Unicorns use it actively with their horn, but their magic is much more multipurpose.” “And what about Celestia and Luna? They have both wings and a horn,” Naruto inquired. “Yes. They’re called Alicorns. They have a large amount of all of the other types’ magic, as well as special Alicorn magic only possessed by them. But I’m not entirely sure how that kind of magic works, and what it does,” Twilight explained. This made Naruto ponder on his battle with Nightmare Moon. If that was the power of an Alicorn, it was no joke. She may have had weaker attack than him, but even after a rather long fight she did not seem to run out of stamina or power. It was even possible she held back, since Luna seemed to fight against whatever was possessing her. “Now, I want to know more about you, Naruto,” Twilight smiled at him, floating the quill next to the top of a new scroll. “What was your foalhood like?” “Foalhood…? You ponies use really weird phrases,” Naruto sweatdropped. “Anyways…” he began, when he remembered something. “I can’t tell her! She might find out about the fox…” Twilight raised a brow when Naruto seemed to freeze while answering her. “What’s wrong?” “Oh… Uh, nothing,” he answered, a bit aloof. “Then go on! What were your parents like, for example?” she smiled. “I had no parents. They died when I was a baby,” he answered bluntly, looking down at the table between him and Twilight. The quill slowly went down to the table, the purple aura around it vanishing. Ink started dripping on top of the blank scroll. “Oh… I’m so sorry,” Twilight muttered, looking away. “That was really insensitive of me.” To her surprise, Naruto smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I’m way over it. Besides, I wasn’t alone! I had Iruka-sensei with me, and I made some great friends back at the ninja academy! And then I also had the Pervy Sage!” Twilight smiled as well. “That’s great to hear. You’re a really optimistic pony, aren’t you? Uh… Pervy Sage?” “Person, not pony,” he corrected her. “Oh, right! I also met my dad just before I got here! He may have done some mistakes, but I was glad to know he really loved me! Plus, he was the leader of my village!” “Wait… How did you meet your dad if he died?” Twilight asked, confused by the paradox presented to her. “Oh!” Naruto exclaimed, realizing he said something he shouldn’t have. “He… Left me a message. It’s sort of hard to explain.” Twilight arched a brow, not completely accepting his explanation, but refraining from going on about it. “I wonder if this is what Pinkie meant earlier…” “Continuing with your foalhood… Tell me, what was your first jutsu like? Can you show me?” Twilight asked, an excited glint in her eyes. “Oh wow, that’s a classic,” Naruto grinned from ear to ear. “Though I’m not sure I should show you…” “Oh, come on! Pretty please!” the Unicorn pleaded as she moved to sit at the edge of her sofa in anticipation. “Well… If you insist,” Naruto chuckled as he crossed his two front hooves. “Transformation Jutsu, Release!” The human then walked towards the center of the room. “Prepare yourself! This jutsu, which I made myself, has knocked many ninjas off their feet!” “Oh! Yes, yes!” Twilight nearly shouted as the quill started writing faster and faster on the scroll. Naruto made a hand seal. “Sexy Jutsu!” A cloud of smoke appeared around him. When it cleared, a tall, slender and beautiful woman appeared instead of Naruto. She had blonde hair arranged in twin tails. And most importantly, she was completely nude. The quill came to a stop, as Twilight slumped back in her sofa, letting out a heavy sigh and pressing her hoof against her forehead. “What’s wrong, honey?” Naruto asked seductively. “One,” Twilight began elaborating. “I am a pony, not a human. Two, I am a mare, not a stallion. And three, WHAT IN THE HAY IS THAT INAPPROPRIATE JUTSU?!” she yelled. Naruto frowned, and cancelled the jutsu. “Alright, alright. I get you.” Twilight sighed again. “Let’s just pretend this never—“ “This one will totally be to your taste!” Naruto quickly called as he made the hand seal for the transformation technique again. “Reverse Pony Sexy Jutsu!” “Naruto, will you be serious about this already?! I’m trying to study… About… Oh, wow…” After the cloud of smoke cleared, instead of Naruto’s usual pony form appeared a tall stallion with cerulean coat, sparkling silver mane, a short tail in a matching color and green eyes. “What do you think?” he asked slowly in a very deep tone. Twilight’s jaw was unhinged. She slowly brought it up to utter her opinion. “It’s… Just… Wow…” she muttered as Naruto slowly walked towards her. Twilight could feel her heart beating quicker and quicker by the second. Naruto was only ten inches away from her now. “Is he… Going to kiss me?” Twilight pondered. Without any internal voice to speak its objection, she closed her eyes and leaned in closer and closer… “Hey Twilight, is Naruto gone? It’s really quiet—” Spike said as he waltzed in. When he saw the scene in front of his eyes he froze. Twilight and Naruto also stared at him, completely unmoving. “Woah. Sorry to disturb you. I’ll just come back later,” Spike quickly said as he turned around and left, giving a somewhat disgusted look behind him. Naruto and Twilight turned to gazing on each other, when Twilight’s expression became more and more furious. Eventually her horn lighted up, and from the bookshelf floated out the thickest book Naruto had ever seen. “WHAT THE HAY WERE YOU THINKING TO YOURSELF?!” Twilight yelled as she hit Naruto’s head with the book so hard it knocked him out of the transformation. “Ow! I’m sorry! Stop hitting me!” Naruto cried as he ran around to avoid being clobbered by the humongous flying book. ***** Twilight groaned. After hitting Naruto twice more, she seemed content enough and put the book back in its place. Naruto took a peek at it to see how come it’s so impossibly thick. The bright pink cover read ‘The Complete Stallion’s Guide to Love’. “Sit down, and don’t ever do it again,” she said in a warning tone. Naruto let out a sigh of relief and sat down. “Okay. She definitely reminds me of Sakura. Watch out as if she is her,” was the only thought that went through his mind. “So, did you have any other special skills back in the ‘ninja academy’ you spoke of?” Twilight continued. “Well, not really… Back then I was…” he hesitated to answer, slightly embarrassed. “Hey, not everyone can be at the top of their class. It’s really no big deal,” Twilight said with a poorly hidden smug grin. “I was kinda dead last,” he finished, scratching his chin as he smiled sheepishly at her. “Oh… Hehe…” Twilight mumbled as she scratched her head. “Well… It’s really no big deal… You did grow up to be a great ninja! Just look at what your clone did back in the Everfree Forest! Though, you probably don’t know that…” “Actually, after my clones disappear, I learn everything that they experienced,” Naruto corrected her. Twilight gazed at him wide-eyed and completely stunned. “Are you serious?! Do you know what I could do with that?!” “Does it have something to do with books?” he thought sarcastically. “I could read the entire Canterlot Royal Archive in just a week!” the lavender Unicorn exclaimed, completely exhilarated. “It could bring my studies to a whole new level!” “I knew it,” Naruto sweatdropped. “Can’t you make clones with your magic?” “Yeah, but they don’t have that INCREDIBLE ability,” Twilight replied. She then let out a sigh, looking disappointed. “Now I wish I could use that ‘chakra’ too…” “So was that the second jutsu you could use?” Twilight asked, after she got over her chakra disability. “Yeah,” Naruto confirmed. “I learned it just when I finished the academy. I had to rescue Iruka-sensei from a crazy guy… Hmm… I can’t remember his name.” “Woah, incredible!” Twilight said in awe. “Yep! That’s when he gave me this,” Naruto pointed at his headband, smiling proudly. “Well, only the metal piece. I had to change the cloth at one point because it wore out.” “Alright, and what was your next jutsu?” “Uhh…” Naruto began, worried whether he should continue or not, over what transpired just earlier. “Come on! After such an incredible jutsu, the next one must be even more amazing!” Twilight called happily. “No, it’s nothing, really. It’s just a combination of—“ “Don’t tell me! Just show me!” Twilight frowned at him. “Well… Here goes…” he muttered hesitantly, while also making sure to note the door’s location. He walked towards the middle of the room, and crossed his index and middle fingers of both hands. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Taking a deep breath and preparing for the inevitable, all the thirty clones made another seal, that of the transformation jutsu. “Reverse Pony Harem Jutsu!” “Twilight, I just got a letter from Prin—” Spike said as he once again entered the room. The baby dragon immediately froze upon seeing it filled with many duplicates of the male pony from earlier, who all stared at him in surprise. “Okay, that’s it. I’m taking the rest of the day off,” the dragon said angrily as he headed for the front door, closing it behind him as he left. “Naruto…” Twilight muttered, turning all of the clones’ attention to her. She looked down, her face hidden behind her mane. “BY CELESTIA’S NAME, IS THIS ALL YOU’RE EVER THINKING ABOUT?!” Twilight yelled as she started picking off one clone by another with a laser beam from her horn. The real Naruto made a mad dash to the front door, as the clones provided cover for him. Eventually, he made it through, and closed the door behind him. Letting out a sigh of relief, he smiled at Pinkie, who was standing only five inches away from him. “Gah!” he shouted again when he realized she was there. “’Gah!’ to you too, again!” she replied happily. “So how was it?” “Oh, it was ‘interesting’ alright,” Naruto replied as he relaxed his heartbeat from the surprise encounter. “I bet it was! Just look at her, it looks like she wants to continue, seeing how fast she’s running here!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she looked through the window. Naruto went wide-eyed, turning around to see the door slamming open to the inside, and a furious-looking Twilight standing her with steam coming out of her nostrils. “Gah!” Naruto yelled again as he fled from her as fast as his hooves could carry him. “Naruto, get back here!” Twilight yelled and began giving chase, shooting lasers at him as he ran in a zigzag. “That’s all, folks!” Pinkie called as she waved to you. “I’m sorry, Twilight!!!” Naruto was heard yelling over the sound of beams shooting.