//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 // Story: A New World, a New Ranger // by ed2481 //------------------------------// “That... ended badly,” Abby groaned as the pair made their way back towards the Guard Building. “Yeah... that Vincent kid was impressive,” Kasai agreed with a nod of his head, only causing him to wince. “Yeah,” Abby said, giving his forehead a lick to get rid of a little more of the blood that had been seeping out of the light headwound. That’s what Abby hated about them, they bled profusely even if they were mercifully shallow. “Thanks,” he muttered. “I should have just charged him with a crunch the moment he started going off. Would have saved us a lot of trouble.” “Yeah, and between the two of us, we could have taken down that malfunctioning Porygon Z and the Scyther...” Abby let out a sigh. “Well, you know what they say Kasai; shoulda, coulda, and woulda won’t pay the bills or change the past, best to move on and think of a new way to do things.” “Right, like bringing Axel and Rill and stomping them into the ground,” Kasai replied darkly. “That kid could have killed everyone in the building.” “I don’t think it’s his fault exactly,” Abby stated. “After all, he was horribly abused for all of his life, the fact that he’s still capable of acting somewhat normal and with empathy is impressive as hell by itself.” “Yes, empathy enough to bring down a building,” Kasai repeated himself. “I don’t care how badly abused he was, there’s no excuse for blaming you and I for what happened to him and attempting to kill everyone around him.” Abby let out a small sigh. “Yeah, you’re right,” she agreed, her golden ears flicking down. “I don’t feel responsible for what happened to him, but I will say, it’s the kind of thing that will not go unpunished once we get our new rangers set up.” “Abby, it wouldn’t have gone unpunished if we were still on Earth, we just never found Nurem,” the Arcanine stated flatly. “And if we ever did, I would have torn his ass off, literally.” “And then I’d have arrested him and claimed that he attacked us,” Abby replied with a nod, it was something that they’d done on occasion when particularly despicable criminals tried the old ‘surrender and avoid consequences’ method. “Exactly,” Kasai said, nodding his head, and then wincing again. “Gah, I haven’t felt like this since the first time that Luke lost control... something about rampaging Psychics always gives me a headache.” “I wonder why,” Abby said dryly before a slightly more worried look crossed her face. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah, just a migraine and a headwound, great things come in pairs,” Kasai replied calmly. “I do wish that chair hadn’t hit me in the shoulder though, that’s going to leave a bruise.” The Ninetales leaned over and gave his shoulder a lick. “Better?” A wry smile crossed Kasai’s face. “No, but thanks for trying,” he told her, a soft, loving chuckle rolling out of his throat causing Abby to smile. “What about you; were you hit by anything?” “No, I got lucky,” Abby answered, shaking her head. “The worse I got was wood splinters in my fur, which are going to be a real pain to clean up, but nothing worse than that.” “Good,” Kasai replied, he was about to lean against her comfortingly but thought better of it. “So, do you have any plans so far other than ‘get Axel and Rill and smash your way through walls to get to them’?” “Not yet, but I really don’t think that should be our first plan,” Abby remarked. “This kid is still mentally unstable and actually beating him in a battle of any kind might send him over the edge. I wish we had a Dark Type who could resist his Psychic attacks but that’s not an option to us. If we could find Luke then we could possibly do some one on one talking without worrying about too much, but at the moment, we don’t have that option either.” Kasai let out a sigh, a jet of fire leaving his mouth and causing several ponies to turn and stare at him, eyes wide with fear and surprise. The Arcanine ignored them and glanced at Abby. “So, we have nothing that can actively resist him. Remind me again what kind of plan you can come up with involves us not just storming the house?” Abby shot him an irritated glance. “You’re not helping Kasai,” she grumbled. “Sorry, it’s what I always do when you’re planning, it’s just that normally you can’t hear it,” he said with a small shake of his head. “Sorry, it’s not that I’m being negative about this, it’s just that I don’t really like going around in circles before we apprehend someone.” “Hey, it worked with Gene and Belle,” Abby pointed out with a small shrug. “Look Kasai, we’ll figure out something alright?” Kasai grumbled. “That’s hardly the same thing... but fine, I trust you to get us where we’re supposed to do.” “Thanks Kasai,” the ninetales said with a smile, leaning up to llick his cheek once. The two continued on in silence for a moment before a surprisingly familiar voice spoke in their minds. Um... Abby... Kasai, hi... um it’s me, Luke, I just... um wanted to say that... I kind of... heard what happened in the casino and... I’m going to go and see if I can’t... help Vincent, the nervous mental voice of the Gallade spoke through their minds. If... if you don’t mind of course. Abby and Kasai came to a complete stop and a smile split both of their faces. Luke! You’re alright! Abby exclaimed, projecting her thoughts along the surface of her mind so that the Gallade could easily pick them up. I was so worried about you! Yes... I’m alright, Luke replied quietly. And thanks... you shouldn’t have been worried though... I found a nice old mare to stay with... she made me a really warm sweater... but anyways... if you don’t mind I’m going to go and... talk to Vincent. Abby frowned for a moment and then nodded. Sure, this is kind of your deal anyways Luke. Just be careful alright? He’s a little... off. Thank you for the concern Abby... but I will be fine, Luke answered softly, and Abby could just see the Galade nervously fiddling with his fingers. You are right, this is... the kind of thing that I’m good at. Right, well, good luck Luke, do you know where we’re all staying? Abby inquired. Um yes, I did a search of your memories and I found it... just um make sure that they don’t try and attack me on sight okay? he asked timidly. Of course we will, Abby answered tenderly. See you later Luke. Yeah, stay safe out there buddy, Kasai added. I will... goodbye, Luke said before he cut the link. “Well... that’s two problems dealt with,” Abby said, a small chuckle leaving her throat. “I’m so glad that Luke’s okay!” “Yeah, me too, poor guy,” Kasai agreed. “It’s nice that he found someone to take him in temporarily.” “Yes, yes it is,” Abby said, smiling before she frowned and glanced back at Kasai. “Come on now Kasai, let’s get back to the station and get your head wound looked at.”