//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Where Is My Love? // by TheMyth //------------------------------// Rarity eyed the stallion carefully, her magic building slowly in case he tried to bolt, but he stood facing her defiantly. She couldn’t get a read on him, yet from his stance she knew that he was posturing -  what most unicorns did before a duel. She went to speak, but it seemed he was faster. “Oh, it’s you.” Blinking in surprise, Rarity stammered as she fought for her words to come out. Blueblood gave an impatient snort at her silence. “Come on, get on with it already. Berate me some more for the way I treated you at the Gala.” “I would rather talk in private. Follow me.” Whilst he would rather carry on with his search, Blueblood felt that if he appeased the mare it might actually help him in his task - however, he was still not looking forward to the awkward conversation awaiting him. Yet he found himself keeping step with the mare as she walked down the street, ignoring the now curious gazes now coming his way. Especially the one pony trailing them, bouncing from rooftop to rooftop, a massive smile upon her face as she glanced down at the two fillies enjoying their ice creams. Letting out a mischievous giggle and rubbing her hooves, as she eyed the little ponies.  Very soon, silly filly, but the time isn’t right yet.  Back down on the more sensible place for ponies without wings, the two unicorns entered Carousel Boutique, the stallion giving a nervous glance as the door shut and locked behind them. After looking around, Blueblood trotted from the obvious display room through the doorway in which Rarity had disappeared through. It led into the kitchen of the building, the mare pointing to the table as she levitated a kettle over and set it on the stove. As soon as Blueblood slid into a seat, several boxes of tea bags appeared on the table before him. He carefully looked through them, his eyes settling on one he hadn’t had for a while, floating it to the waiting mare. “Oh, lavender. It seems good taste isn’t wasted on you after all.” He remained silent as Rarity worked away, his body beginning to tremble as the adrenaline that coursed through his body ever since he had laid eyes upon her began to taper off.  Minutes seemed to pass like hours to Blueblood until the kettle finally began to whistle. Rarity soon filled two prepared cups with the boiling water and carried them over to the table, placing one gently in front of the prince. He lifted the cup up in his hooves, too shaken to use his magic as evident from the clinking of china upon china as the drinking vessel repeatedly struck the saucer. What sat opposite of him was a mare that was the perfect picture of calm, lifting her own drink  towards her and taking a dainty sip from it, giving off a pleased sigh. “So…” Blueblood shot up rigid with his eyes wide and ears reaching towards the ceiling, looking not unlike several of the statues of stallions in Canterlot Castle’s gardens. In any other circumstance, Rarity might have found it attractive, but the events from three years previous were still fresh in her mind - even if she saw them, and the prince, in a different light now. “Why exactly could you not let me down gently at the Gala?” “How do you—” Blueblood began to speak, but was silenced once Rarity raised her hoof. Rarity emitted a small smile before lowering her hoof. Her eyes narrowing as she stared into the depths of Blueblood’s. “A very good friend of mine told me part of the story.” “W-w-well, y-you s-see—” “Come, Blueblood, we both know you do not stammer. Take a deep breath and then speak.” The prince did just that, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. An image of an angel from his dreams came to him. The grey coated pegasus mare, her blonde mane and shimmering golden eyes like shining stars that warded off the darkness of night. The tightening muscles of his body loosened as he fantasized, and as he opened his eyes again, he managed to meet Rarity’s gaze. “There was one mare present, persistent in her quest to gain my affections. I… had hoped that by displaying to her that I was certainly not a stallion of noble standing, it would dissuade her, and possibly every other mare, from pursuing me.” He gave a sigh, his gaze shifting to the wall, “Alas, it did not, and I feel nothing but shame for the way I treated you, Miss Rarity.” “So, you used me as… as an example as to why you’re not a perfect catch?” “Do you have any idea what it’s like?” The sudden answer-turned-question caught Rarity by surprise, and she could only stare baffled as the prince’s gaze was still fixated on the wall. The light shimmered on his now teary eyes as his ears began to flatten themselves against his head. “To have actually found the love of your life, yet so foolishly let them disappear from your sight for a decade?” “I… I can’t say I d—” she was silenced by the sound of Blueblood’s hoof slamming against the table, the fine china jumping slightly from the strength of it. “And then there’s the mares! Because I am prince with no mare of my own, they are all after me, believing me to be their true love, when we have never met! I never wanted any of that!” Blueblood’s burning gaze turned to the mare that sat opposite of him. Rarity desperately searched for a way out of the room, yet her only possible escape, magic, with an emotional unicorn nearby would be silly at best, suicidal at worst. “And then we have you, Miss Rarity. You did the same, at the Gala. As soon as you set eyes on me I knew what was coming,” he uttered. Blueblood stood from his chair and stalked around the table until he was face-to-face with the cowering unicorn mare. She didn’t have time to scream as he struck, but no pain came. The mare blinked in confusion, she stared down in disbelief to what she saw; Blueblood was hugging her! “P-prince Blueblood, w-wh—” “That night, the way we treated each other! Being so self centred, I deceived the majority of those mares - I made them believe I was not worth pursuing, and you performed beautifully, with the way you tore into me at the end of the night!” “What… what are you saying?” He pulled back with a smile, wiping the tears from his cheeks before giving a small chuckle. “What I am… what I wish to say is this; Thank you, Miss Rarity. And if you’ll permit us to, I’d like to try again.” He held his hoof up and took hers in it, leaning forward to give it a kiss. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Rarity. My name is Pr… My name is Blueblood.” Rarity giggled like a school filly as he returned to his seat with a grin, then covered her muzzle before she burst; now was not really the time to laugh. Picking up her tea with both hooves, she watched him with mirth in her eyes as he finally used magic to lift his cup. Draining her drink in one go, she set the cup down the table and gave a sigh, deciding now would be the perfect time to get to know the real Blueblood. “So, Mr Blueblood, what is it that you do?” “Besides hobnobbing with some interesting ponies, I am the Minister of Finance.” “Oh, I thought that was… no, nevermind.” “Fancy Pants?” Blueblood smirked as he floated both his and her cup over to the sink, Rarity was shocked once more that afternoon. “Actually, Fancy Pants taught me most of what I know to do with economics. In reality, he should be the minister and I the vice-minister.” “And, if you don’t mind me asking, why is it not that way?” “He didn’t want it. I still learn things from him as we go. He’s currently helping the Crystal Empire familiarize to modern times, both he and Fleur are heading up there sometime this week in fact.” “Speaking of her, you must know their good news then?” Blueblood’s mood fell as Rarity introduced the subject, his eyes falling back down to the table. Fighting for something to cheer him up with, she recalled the scene she had witnessed approaching the prince. “That was a very nice thing you did for Dinky and Twist. I guess... it shows you really do have a heart.” “It was the least I could do to cheer them up. After watching Diamond-” “-Tiara and Silver Spoon, the two spawns of Tartarus? “I’m presuming you know them?” “My sister, Sweetie Belle, has trouble with them. I’ve talked to Diamond’s father, Filthy Rich, a few times about it, but nothing seems to be done.” The bell above the front door to Carousel Boutique suddenly rang out. Rarity, knowing she had not changed the sign to open, frowned at its chime. “Excuse me a second, won’t you?” Rarity slipped away from her chair and moved into the showroom; Blueblood could still hear the mare, yet also another voice. Overcome with curiosity, he made to follow, sticking his head out through the doorway. Rarity was crouched down to the ground reading a sheet of paper, and sat in front of her was a white unicorn filly with a pink and purple mane. The filly’s gaze slowly moved from Rarity to Blueblood as he approached, and she gasped before suddenly bouncing around the two adults. “~RARITY HAS A COLT FRIEND!~ RARITY HAS A COLT FRIEND! RARITY HAS A COLT FRIEND!~ RARITY HAS A COLT FRIEND! RARITY HAS A COLT FRIEND!~” Blueblood and Rarity looked at each other for a moment before they both exploded in laughter. She reached her hooves out, pulling the filly into a loose embrace as she explained. “Oh, Sweetie Belle, this isn’t my coltfriend.” “He’s not?” “No, this is Prince Blueblood.” The filly stopped smiling, turning towards the stallion. Her horn flashed green and there was a small explosion, Rarity quickly opening a window and clearing the smoke. When she turned around she couldn’t help but giggle as she stared at Blueblood, for Sweetie Belle’s spell had burnt away his eyebrows. “Nicely done Derpy,” Poste Haste congratulated Derpy from behind the front desk when she entered the postal office, signing out for the day after delivering her last package. Derpy let out a huff of air, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she smiled wearily. “Thank you, Sir,” Derpy muttered, stamping her time card into the slot. “Derpy…” Poste chuckled slightly as he shook his head, his long brown hair waving in the air as he moved. “How many times have I told you, we’re on a first name basis here.” He smiled cheerfully at Derpy who had begun shuffling her hooves, her eyes shifting away from her boss. “Besides, you’re one of the best employees I have.” “I’m not, not really—” Before she could finish her words, she felt a nudge on her shoulder and turned to see a pale persian blue mare with a cerulean mane and a shooting star for a cutie mark grinning at her. “You really shouldn’t fight a compliment when you earn it, Derpy,” Blossomforth commented as she stamped her own timecard. “Thanks, Blossomforth…” Derpy said before her eyes landed on the clock which told it was three in the afternoon. “Now get out of here, Derpy!” Poste laughed as he pointed to the door, “A certain little filly is waiting for you back home.” With that, Derpy saluted Poste and flew out of the post-office. Derpy decided to walk back home today, her wings feeling sore from flying to every house in Ponyville. As she walked past a few ponies, many of them greeted her with a smile on their faces; though there always the other few that whispered about her. Making her way past the cafe, her ears perked to the sounds of the whispers. “There she is, getting off work early again as usual.” “I hear she gets special treatment, because of her eyes.” “Nah, I hear she gets more income thanks to her daughter.” “To use a foal to earn undeserved bits? The nerve!” The last comment made Derpy clench her teeth and narrow her eyes as she resisted the urge to walk up to those ponies and give them a thorough lashing. Inhaling a few deep breaths, she forgot the comments that were made about her and her little muffin and continued walking. Her lips curled into a smile when she saw her house, deciding to speed up into a canter before she reached the door and opened it. “Muffin! I’m home!” Derpy called out to Dinky as she entered the house, glancing around for any sign of Dinky before closing the door shut behind her. The latch locked with a click, and the sounds of tiny hoof steps perked Derpy’s ears. Turning around, she was greeted by Dinky hugging and nuzzling her neck, or at least trying to. “Welcome back, Mommy,” Dinky greeted her mother, feeling a pair of incredibly soft wings embrace her, followed by Derpy’s muzzle gently stroking her head before planting a kiss on her forehead. When she let go of her, Derpy noticed the red puffy eyes of her daughter and the strained streaks on her cheeks. “Did something bad happen today?” Derpy asked Dinky out of concern, caressing Dinky’s cheek with her hoof. Dinky nodded slowly as she instinctively leaned into her mother’s hoof. “It was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again,” she replied softly. Why those little! Derpy sighed, closing her eyes and taking another deep breath, then opening them to look down on her daughter. “I’m so sorry to hear that…” “Well, at least somepony helped us out.” Dinky smiled weakly, removing herself from her mother’s hoof. “Oh…” Derpy’s brow cocked as she leaned down to Dinky’s level, a small smile plastered on her face. “Was it that colt you like so much?” Derpy giggled from watching Dinky’s cheeks burn brightly as she turned away from her mother. Before she answered her, Dinky blinked numerously as her cheeks cooled off from the embarrassment. Returning her gaze to her mother, who still held her grin. “It wasn’t Pip, Mommy. It was somepony else…” Dinky replied, seeing Derpy’s smile slowly fading. “Well, after Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ruined our ice creams… a nice stallion bought us new ones and—” “Dinky,” Derpy interrupted her daughter, surprising the latter with the serious tone of her voice. “What did I tell you from accepting things from strangers?” Derpy asked Dinky, lifting herself up from the floor and towering over Dinky. “I know,” Dinky answered her mother, her ears and eyes both drooping to the floor. “But all he did was just give us ice creams and walk away, he was a really nice stallion… ‘Blue’ was his name, I think.” “Blue?” Just as Dinky opened her mouth, a carnivorous growl escaped from her stomach, returning a rosey-red colour to her cheeks as she rubbed the back of her head. When she looked up, Dinky saw her mother smiling fondly. I guess I’ll let this one slide for now… “I think those ice creams weren’t enough for you… how about you help me out in the kitchen?” Derpy asked Dinky, seeing her daughter beam in excitement. “Are we gonna bake some of Mommy’s Muffins!?” Dinky asked, nearly bouncing in place. “Can we make extra for the train journey for me to share with my friends?” Derpy nodded to Dinky, who immediately rushed towards the kitchens, leaving a trail of dust in the air. Letting out a sigh, Derpy rolled her eyes and chuckled at her daughter’s enthusiasm before following suite. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Dinky already getting all the trays and bowls ready for the muffins. Just as Dinky got the last tray out, she rushed to the other side of the room, trying to lift the bag of flour with all her might. “Dinky, watch out—” Just as Derpy’s words escaped her mouth, Dinky slipped and yelped as the bag of flour fell to the floor releasing it’s contents into the air. As the flour cleared the air, Dinky opened her eyes and saw her mother covered from head to hoof with flour. She gulped nervously as Derpy made her way towards her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” Derpy immediately grabbed Dinky and tickled her furiously, the flour on her coat falling down onto her daughter. Writhing under her, Dinky began giggling uncontrollably as her mother continued her assault of tickles. “I’m gonna get you!” Derpy declared, before blowing a raspberry on Dinky’s stomach, earning a squeal from the little filly. After minutes of tickling and giggling, everything quieted down. Derpy laid next to her little muffin on the floor. Deciding she had spent enough time on the ground, Derpy sat on her haunches. However, she was only up for a little bit before her daughter flung herself at her mother in a hug, bringing the pair back down to the kitchen floor. “I love you, Mommy!” Dinky said as she nuzzled Derpy’s flour coated neck. Derpy returned her daughter’s embrace, holding her close, she whispered in her ear, “I love you too, my little Muffin.” From her perch on the rooftop, Pinkie Pie smiled as her left hind leg finally stopped twitching. So, that’s what it means. She pondered. Somepony’s going to be blown up, but not fatally. Turning her gaze back down to the ground, she snickered as Rarity ran out of the Boutique, Blueblood trailing behind her, wrapped in the former’s magic. Pinkie, with her ever-lasting smile on her face, stretched and began hopping across buildings as she followed the pair. The unicorn mare running below finally slowed as she approached the spa, where Fluttershy was waiting. After a quick introduction which Pinkie could not hear, the trio disappeared into the building, leaving the bubbly earth pony waiting once more. “It’s all coming to a close. But can she be here? No, she must not be here when they see each other.” A whistle in the distance made her ears perk, and she looked towards Canterlot to see a cloud of smoke coming closer. Pinkie blinked before a small smile started to etch on her muzzle, that soon turned into a grin as she giggled in glee. “Of course! She must be on that train!”