Fruits of our Labour

by Distorted Flare


I had been though much since Celestia had sent me to Ponyville. From my encounter with the dreaded Mare In The Moon, to the magic stealing Centaur, Tirek. But as I sat before the doctor, I had never felt more nervous in my life. Uncertainty gripped at my sides, my body shaking as sweat ran down my forehead.

        Taking a deep breath I soothed the worries that had been welling up inside of me. A couple of days ago I had sent samples of my sperm to the doctors. The results had come back today and I had been told to come in immediately. I’d been optimistic, my failure in bed I hoped was nothing more than just bad luck. That thought had all come to a screeching halt when I had seen the look on the doctor’s face. The pitiful smile the doctor had given me had made me shiver,  my heart jumping into my throat. My fingers dug into the soft fabric of the bed as I tensed. She had explained why she had called me in, I listened silently my heart growing heavier. The conversation eventually lead up to the result I had been dreading.

        “Sterile!” One word. One little word left me gawking at the doctor. The humiliation I felt coursing through my body, forced me to grit my teeth to prevent a moan of despair. My dreams of having a family were crushed.

        “Is... Is there anything you can do?” I croaked, tearing up as I bit down on my lip harshly. I would not cry, not here.

        “I’m sorry your highness, but our knowledge in the field is limited. We have neither the experience nor the technology to even attempt to fix it. I am truly sorry,” The mare replied solemnly resting a hand on the my shoulder.

        “This has to be a joke. I am not infertile. I am a bucking alicorn, this doesn't happen to us,” I cried, refusing to accept that all of our hard work would be for nothing. “You are wrong,” I  insisted. The doctor shook her head sadly, handing the chart over. Scanning the content I could not believe what I was seeing. Dropping the chart as I made for the door. “You are wrong.” I repeated slamming the door behind me.

Leaving the doctor’s office, a lone tear run down the side of my face. My body shaking as I weakly tried to suppress a sob. It could not be true; how could I be infertile? Exiting the building, I ignored the small gasps from ponies who recognised me. I threw my hood over my face blocking my face as I blended into the crowd.

        How could I tell Celestia that we would never be able to have a foal due to my condition? Celestia and I had  been trying for months now, and whilst I could not deny that the extra sessions in the bedroom, among other places, had been nice, I  had grown frustrated when the seeds of our labour bore no results. Secretly, I had made an appointment with the hospital to figure out what we were doing wrong.

        Now it seemed that we would never be able to have foals. How could I face Celestia after this, how could she possibly want me now that I could not even give her a foal. Tears streaked down my face as I  hastily pushed my way through the crowd my hood covering my face. The gentle crackle of thunder was all the warning I received as the heavens above opened. Rain drenched my cloak as ponies dashed for cover.

I wandered through the streets in a trance like state. Feeling neither the cold of the rain nor the icy nip of the wind. With Hearth's Warming Eve but a few days away, how could I spring this on Celestia now?. She would be crushed, the two of us would be a laughing stock, or I would at the very least.

There had been multiple causes for my infertility. For example my brief use of black magic whilst in the crystal Empire and Tirek draining me in exchange for my friends. Gaining so much magic and then losing it all in the span of a couple of hours had damaged me on the inside.

Rubbing my hands together, I shivered as the winter’s cold seeped through my warm cloak. The sun was slowly lowering in the sky as the moon rose to take its place. Despite it only being five in the afternoon, already winter’s day was coming to an end.

My eyes caught sight of a fast food joint as my stomach made a sharp, gurgling noise. .Maybe some food would at the very least cure my empty stomach.

Sliding into a booth, I  kept my hood drawn, not wishing to pander to the mass today. I had enough on my mind as it was without being harassed by the staff and customers. Looking through the menu, I quickly made my choice slamming the menu down a little more forceful than I had intended.

A waitress eventually wandered over to take my order. Idely chewing on gum, the mare sighed in distaste at my concealed form..

“Can I take your order?” she drawled. I  recoiling slightly at her tone her rude attitude not improving my mood as I ordered a coffee and burger.. Snorting, the mare gave a sharp nod before disappearing, barking out my order as I snorted. Her demeanor and attitude were both incredibly unpleasant. Whilst I waited my mind went over the last hour trying to make sense of it.

Why me? This was the thought that plagued me as I waited patiently for my food and coffee to arrive. I have always done my best to be a good pony, and this is how I am rewarded? Why couldn't it have been someone else? I have done nothing but give and give and this is how I am rewarded? I mentally hissed.

A plate was slammed down in front of me, breaking me out of my internal ranting. Looking up the mare placed a hand on her hip expectantly as I snorted.

“Thank you,” I replied gruffly, taking a sip of my coffee, only to grimace. The coffee, if it could be called that, was disgusting. Too much water and milk and not nearly enough coffee in it. Smiling I pictured Luna drinking this coffee. Giving her love for black coffee and the mares attitude to ruddiness. Luna would have most likely torn the waitress a new one before having the restaurant if this slum could be called that closed.



"I will never understand why my sister and you insist on butchering the taste of coffee with fatty substances." Luna snorted shaking her head as I tore another sugar packet in half spilling the white content into the warm beverage as Luna glowered at me. Throwing the wrapper over beside many Celestia finished adding cream to hers as Luna huffed. "Honestly Coffee was meant to be drank without the addition of milk and what ever processed junk hides in that abomination you call a latte." she continued ignoring her Celestia who rolled her eyes.

"Luna must you do this every time I take you out?" Celestia snorted, Luna huffing as she leaned back in the comfortable sofa. Having decided to step out the three of us had stopped at a Starbucks wishing to relax for the hour break we had in between meetings. Of course Luna had commented on the lack of professionalism of the place pointing out the bean bags as being juvenile and had then complained about the ludicrous names of the coffee size chart for five minutes. Being honest it was far more amusing than annoying at seeing Luna getting herself worked up over such trivial features in the shop.

"This place will never catch on, I mean who names a coffee shop Starbucks?" Luna questioned taking a drink as Celestia groaned. Catching my eye a smile worked its way onto Celestia's face as her foot gently rubbed against my thigh. I shivered as the mare giggled her magenta eyes glowing mischievously. The tip of her foot came dangerously close to a specifically tender part of my body her smile never wavering.

"Are you cold young Dusk Shine? Typical they can not even provide good central heating." Luna growled firing into another tirade as I only half listened to her complaints. Celestia's eyes never left mine as I gave her a weak glare. Covering her mouth Celestia stifled a giggle her laugh always bringing a smile to my lips. her laugh was much like a tinkling bell so unique to her. It was a sound I did not get to hear enough from her and with the stress of ruling Equestria and Blue Bloods petty and outrageous complaints and demands, such as having me stripped of my rank due to my family only being middle class. Celestia rarely found anything to laugh at these days.

"Yes Dusk Shine are you cold? Maybe I could keep you warm." Celestia smirked patting the space next to her, extending a wing invitingly. Shaking my head I tried to ignore Celestia's teasing. Ever since I had confessed my feelings to her the mare had taken a perverse glee in making me uncomfortable. I had always known this side of Celestia but rarely did she allow herself to show it. The stuffy nobles and upper class would throw a fit if they knew the real Celestia. Though I was happy that she had given me a chance I still had to stop myself from bowing or using princess when speaking to her. Years of admiring and to an extent unhealthy worshipping the mare made it hard to just treat her like my marefriend rather than an omnipotent ruler. Luckily Celestia had been patient and found it more amusing than annoying.

"I am perfectly fine thank you." I smiled forcefully, biting my gum.

"Are you sure? Their must be some way to warm you up?" Celestia replied the motherly tone in her voice hiding her less than innocent actions under the table. Her foot lightly rested on my crotch. My fingers tightened on the chair as I shakily took a drink of my latte trying to ignore the playful teasing of Celestia.

"YOU NEED ANYTHING?" the sharp shrill voice of the waitress snapped me out of my musing as I hastily shook my head. Rolling her eyes the mare went back to chatting with her friend. The two were more interested in there gossip than actually doing there job as I shook my head. Nibbling on a prenchfry, I watched ponies scurry past eager to get out of the horrid weather. The food was mediocre at best, but a full stomach was better than an empty one. Throwing my napkin onto the plate I left the money on the table eager to leave this horrid. I snorted as the mare made a snide remark about lack of a tip. The day that bitch got a tip was the day Discord was allowed to organised the Grand Galloping Gala.

“If only we had had more warning, maybe we could have done something. Maybe another doctor will give better results. There’s still time to fix this,” I muttered, trying to think of a possible solution to fix this mess.

The wind howled fiercely through the deserted streets. With a small huff, I teleported to my destination, not wishing to spend another moment out in the pouring rain. The world went black for a split second before I re-appeared in Celestia’s bedroom. Wincing at the brightly lit room, I carelessly threw my cloak aside and collapsed upon the bed with a defeated sigh.

Technically, it was my bed as well, now that I've moved in with her. After dating for eight months, Celestia had finally convinced me to move in. Being her former student, as well as the fact the mare had practically raised me from a colt, it had been awkward at first. Especially when Celestia had taken our relationship to the next level.

I could still remember the first time I had worked up the courage to ask Celestia out. She had gotten sick a couple years back, coming down with a bad case of Sunspots which had required me to step in and oversee the day, as well as help Luna lower the sun. Sunspots was much like chicken pox, but solely affected Alicorns and Draconequus. I had stopped by after my first day to see Celestia, and make sure she was okay. It had been then that I had confessed to her. ____________________________________________________________________________

“Dusk Shine... how lovely to see you,” Celestia greeted, coughing as she spoke, a pile of used tissues resting around her bed ridden form. I nervously approached her. With a small vaccine, Luna and I had been spared Celestia’s fate as the last case of Sunspots had been roughly six hundred years ago. Sunspots was the result of a parasitic bacteria that fed on magic. Whilst non-lethal, it left the victim weak and very tired. Her magic would eventually overwhelm it, then her body's natural defence would see to the removal of the illness.

Lazily brushing the mountain of tissues aside, the mare sneezed as I pulled up a seat next to her.

“How are you doing, Princess?” I asked, pausing as a wheezed chuckled escaped her lips.

“I will live, but one day I will get you to start using my name instead of my title.” She paused, giving me a  playful grin. Her coat was duller than usual, and the area around her nose was a cherry red. Her eyes were bloodshot and had a thick layer of gunk around them. To others, the sight might have been off putting, but to me, all I saw was the most beautiful mare I had ever laid eyes on.

“What troubles you, Dusk?” Princess Celestia questioned, a look of concern on her face. I inwardly cursed. Then again, I was shaking like a leaf so I was hardly discreet. It was now or never.

“P— princess w-will you go out on a date... with me? Once you’re feeling b-better, of course,” I whimpered. “I mean, I understand if you don’t want to... I mean, I can understand if I am not your type or good enough but I thoug—” My self-conscious rambling was silenced by Celestia placing a finger on my lips.

At first Celestia said nothing. Merely staring at me as I looked away. Just as I was about to apologize, the larger alicorn had broken out into the first genuine smile I had seen in weeks.

“I’m sorry, Dusk, but I must deny you that request. This is no more than a little crush and I do not wish to rob you of finding a mare your own age,” Princess Celestia responded with a sigh. I had sat there, my heart broken. Shaking my head, I moved forward and pressed my lips against Celestia’s, causing the mare to freeze. Separating, I grabbed her hands, my ears perked as my eyes glowed with a confidence that seemed to shock Celestia.

“I have been infatuated with you from the day I first saw you. Maybe at first it was a crush but as I grew, I got to know you... the real you. I saw the mare that laughed for five minutes straight when Chancellor Iron Beak slipped on an icy path. I saw the mare that had a wicked sense of humor and an act for the occasional harmless prank. I saw a mare that cared so deeply for her subjects that she was willing to sacrifice her own happiness to do so. And most of all I see the most beautiful mare I have ever laid eyes on. Your natural beauty is only a small part of what makes you beautiful. Your sense of humour, wisdom, and intelligence, I never stood a chance,” I finished.

Celestia blushed heavily at my remark a small smile work its way onto her muzzle.

        “ I am head over heels for you Celestia” I finished painting as I sat back. The realization of what I had done slowly seeped through my defiant scowl as Celestia gave me a bemused smile.

        “Well there was this new place I wanted to try,” the mare chuckled.

        After that our relationship had blossomed. Luna had been supportive, though had made it clear that if I hurt Celestia there would be tartarus to pay. My friends had been shocked and Rarity had been practically giddy, gushing at the thought of designing a wedding dress for one of the princesses of Equestria, and Celestia no less.

        The smile slipped from my face as I realised that my relationship might not even exist once Celestia found out. How could she love a stallion that could not give her a foal. I whimpered pitifully my wings limp as tears ran down my cheeks. I was a failure both as a coltfriend and as a prince. Outside the wind howled and lighting illuminated the dark, dreary sky only adding to the bleakness of my situation.

        “Honey?” the velvet voice of my marefriend snapped me out of my depression as I hastily wiped my eyes. My eyes stinging, the matted fur on my cheeks a clear indication as I grimaced at her concerned look.

        “Celestia... I didn't see you there,” I smiled weakly,  my eyes puffy as Celestia gave me a sad look. Crossing the spacious room she crawled onto the bed settling down next to me as she pulled me to her chest. Wrapping her arms around me she lightly nuzzled my ear.

        “Dusk Shine,” she sighed. “You have been acting strange these last few weeks. At first I assumed it was merely stress but my suspicions were roused when you tried to sneak out of the castle without any of the guards or myself seeing you. I was lucky enough to spot you just before you left. I postponed all my meetings that day and followed you, I was confused and worried that something was wrong. Imagine my surprise when I followed you and ended up outside a hospital. I had no idea what was going on but I needed to know if you were all right. Then the doctor took you inside and I... I heard everything.” she finished, looking down at me my body tensing.

        “So you know why I have failed you,” I croaked my body shaking as a small sob escaped my mouth. Tears ran down Celestia face as she shook her head. Resting a hand on my chin the mare tilted my head up bringing it to meet hers. Leaning forward Celestia pressed her lips against mine.
        “H-how can you still want... me? I am useless to you, I can’t ever give you foals.” I whispered. Celestia recoiled at my words her eyes narrowing. “I understand if you don’t want me any more-- I mean why should I hold you back from having foals or if you wish foals from another stallion I won’t complain,” I finished my heart slowly breaking as I waited for her answer. A sharp growl broke me from my self loathing as Celestia’s hands clamped down on my arms painfully.

“Dusk Shine when the two of us consummated our love for the first time that night over a year ago. I gave myself to you, and you alone. I refuse to touch another stallion solely for the purpose of having foals. As long as we are together I will never touch another being apart from you. Either I will have your foals or we will have none.” Celestia finished pulling me into a hug. Her eyes softened as I gave a weak nod.

“I love you Dusk Shine. Not being able to have foals does not change the way I feel about you. Do not for a second think that I think of you as a lesser stallion of this. As far as I am concerned you have not changed in my eyes, and nothing has changed between us. I still love you as much as I always have,” the mare whispered, wrapping her arms around me as I clung to her. I could not find the words to describe my relief at Celestia's words. My shoulders slumped as I nuzzled her neck.

“Thank you,” I whispered my voice wavering as Celestia nodded.

“Any time my most faithful student,” Celestia whispered, tears running down her cheeks in rivulets. The two of us mourned the loss of parent hood as outside lighting streaked across the sky as thunder roared close by rain pelting the large window. Rolling over Celestia pulled me closer so I was resting under her chin, my back pressed up against her breasts. Throwing the warm duvet over the two of us she wrapped her arms protectively around my chest.

The two of us lay there for the rest of the night,  listening to the weather outside. Neither of us saying a word, just taking solace in each others embrace.  
