The Arrogance of Man

by Johng117

Chapter 4: Transmutants and a New Friend

It was a dark night, Junior found himself running through a wasteland filled with nothing but stone. His heart beating at a rapid pace, his pulse racing as he searched his surroundings. Junior heard a deep, loud, and low moan in the air. The moan sounded terrifying, it sent chills down his spine. Junior searched frantically for the source of the sound, he then noticed dark clouds surrounding the night sky, covering the stars and moon. Lightning flashed across the cloudy sky, thunder booming after the strikes. From the clouds, a bright, blue light shone from the clouds. Junior squinted toward the light, trying to find its source. Suddenly, a massive tornado, that appeared to be made of something that almost resembled blue flames, crashed down into the Earth miles from Junior's position. He shielded his eyes from the sudden intense light in the darkness. He lowered his arm down, after his eyes adjusted to the light. The flaming tornado dispersed, leaving smoke behind to shroud the center. Junior continued to observe the smoke, he didn't dare take his eyes off of it. Suddenly, a loud growl caused the Earth beneath Junior's feet to rumble. From the smoke, He saw what looked like dark, sharp stones moving through the air. Junior's heart nearly stopped as he saw what appeared to be a giant , reptilian head moving through the smoke. Junior desperately wanted to run away from what was hidden in the smoke. However, his legs wouldn't obey him.
The giant creature turned its head toward Junior, growling as it's powerful legs carried it toward him. Each step the beast took caused the Earth beneath it to shake. The smoke followed the creature, keeping the rest of its body hidden from Junior's sight. His heart began to beat faster as the creature got closer. The creature suddenly stopped walking, the air was quiet, Junior could only hear the pounding of his heart. Suddenly, a glow came from behind the colossal creature, a whirring sound could be heard. The creature's arms moved through the smoke, both arms were pulled back to its sides as it puffed its chest out. The creature opened its mouth, a light blue glow can be seen in the back of its throat, illuminating the rest of its head.
"Oh my God..." Junior's eyes widened in horror as he got a clearer look at the creature's face.
Out from the monster's mouth, came a stream of a bright, light blue flame. The flames shot down toward the ground where Junior stood. The flames consumed Junior, causing him to yell in agony as he felt the intense heat pierce his body. His flesh burned, his bones churned, all of his strength left him. Junior collapsed onto the ground, as nothing but a charred corpse. However, Junior continued to move. His breaths were raspy, his body was in excruciating pain. Junior managed to look above him, he saw the creature standing over him. The creature lifted its massive foot, then brought it down on Junior's charred form.

Junior shot up from his bed, breathing heavily. He was sweating from head to toe, his heart pounded against his chest. Junior quickly looked at his arms, then used his hands to feel his chest and face. He was OK, it was all just a nightmare. Junior's head slumped down, trying to calm himself down. Junior climbed out of his bed and made his into his bathroom. Junior placed a bath towel on a rack, he turned the knob to the shower, putting it on warm. Junior stripped out of his pajamas and stepped into the warm running water, he took deep breaths, and long exhales. He continued this process several times as he scrubbed his body with soap. After Junior finished washing his body and hair, he shuts off the water and takes his towel and began to dry himself off. Junior wrapped the towel around his waist, then walked over to the sink and began to brush his teeth. Junior noticed something strange about the fogged mirror, his barely visible reflection seemed off. Junior placed his hand over the mirror, wiping away the fog. What Junior saw caused him drop his toothbrush in the sink and to back away from the mirror. He saw the face of a familiar reptilian beast covered in charcoal grey scales, it had small yellow eyes, a box shaped snout and sharp teeth that were exposed by its overbite. The creature bared it teeth, it looked angry, like it was going to burst out from behind the mirror and devour Junior. Junior quickly dove for the sink, splashing water onto his face. Junior cleared the water from his eyes and looked back at his reflection. The creature was gone, only Junior's own reflection was there.
"I must be losing my mind." Junior placed his hand over his face.

Junior got dress, wearing a tan shirt and grey jeans, he then made his way outside of his house. Junior stood, glad to see the day. Junior sat down at the patio of his house, slumping his head down. He couldn't get that dream out of his head. It didn't help that he was just hallucinating that same damn thing from his dream. The creature looked too familiar to him. It was just a terrible reminder. Junior heard foot steps approaching him.
"Um...excuse me?" said a timid, feminine voice.
Junior slowly lifted his head up. It was Fluttershy, she was in a butter yellow t-shirt, wearing teal skinny jeans. she had a worried look on her face.
"Oh, hi Fluttershy." greeted Junior.
"H-hi. A-are you alright? you don't look very well."
"I'm fine. I just had a rough night." Sighed Junior.
"What happened? I mean, if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy hid her face behind her long hair.
"Had a nightmare. It's still bugging me."
'What was it about?" Fluttershy asked curiously.
"Well..." Junior stopped, he wasn't sure if it was good idea to share this with someone as timid as this girl. "...I probably shouldn't say, you might end up having the nightmare if I were to tell you about it."
"Oh...OK," said Fluttershy softly. Junior and Fluttershy stayed in an awkward silence.
"So...what are you up to?" asked Junior.
", right now I was just taking papa duck and mama duck and their ducklings to the pond." Fluttershy stepped to the side, gesturing toward the fowl family. "I need to get them through Ponyville safely."
"Would it be...alright if I tagged along? You know, maybe help?" Asked Junior. Anything to get his mind off of his dream.
"R-really?" asked Fluttershy in disbelief. Junior nodded in response.
"We're neighbors after all." Junior gestured toward a small cottage that was a mile down the road away.
"Oh. O-Ok, sure." Smiled Fluttershy.

Junior found himself at the back of the line of ducks, behind the father duck. People that were passing by looked at him strangely. They weren't expecting a thug to be helping a sweet girl like Fluttershy walk cute little ducks. Junior was getting annoyed by the stares but kept himself composed. Fluttershy was walking backwards, talking the mother duck through the town. Fluttershy suddenly bumped into another girl. The girl wore a brown sweater, with a feathered collar along with blue jeans. She had wings like an eagle and a tail of a lion. Her hair was white with grey tips and her irises were golden. The girl stood at least 5 foot 8, having a few inches over Fluttershy.
"Hey!" The girl shouted.
"Oh, please excuse me," said Fluttershy, looking up toward the girl.
"Watch where your going Dweeb!" shouted the girl.
"I-I'm sorry. I-" Fluttershy stuttered, backing away from the girl.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The girl mocked Fluttershy, "Why don't you watch where your going?!"
Fluttershy was backing up even more, the ducks flew away as she was backed up near them. Bystanders that were nearby were witnessing the entire thing.
"I-I..." Fluttershy stuttered, suddenly a taller figure stepped in between her and the girl.
"Leave. Her. Alone." Junior glared at the girl, who returned the glare.
"And who are you chump? Her boyfriend?" chuckled the girl. People that were nearby looked toward Fluttershy, seeking an answer. Fluttershy had a bright blush, she hid her face behind her hair.
"I'm her neighbor. And I don't like the way you're treating her. She apologized to you and was courteous about this, yet you started acting like a total bitch and got in her face!" said Junior angrily. Fluttershy flinched at his swearing.
The eagle winged girl's eye twitched, "What...did you just call me?" her voice low.
"Did I stutter? I called you a bi-" Junior was punched in his gut, he grunted in pain, the wind being knocked out of him. He then felt the girl's tail wrap around his throat, she then flung him toward a row of tables.
Fluttershy gasped, cupping her mouth with her hands. She then turned back to the girl, her eyes wide with fear. The girl took a deep breath, and roared in Fluttershy's face like a lioness. Fluttershy began to have tears well up in her eyes. She sobbed, running away from the girl, flapping her wings and took off into the air. Junior groaned, pushing a table off of his chest. He looked up and saw that Fluttershy was gone, and the eagle-winged girl had began to fly away.
"Damn Garuda, I ought to tear her tail off and shove it down her throat!" Junior whispered to himself.
"Goji!" called a familiar, high-pitched voice.
"Ah hell." said Junior. He turned and noticed Pinkie Pie running toward him.
"Are you OK?" asked Pinkie, as she grabbed Junior's hand and pulled him up to his feet. Junior had trouble standing , but quickly regained his balance.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine." Junior replied, glaring at the staring crowd. The crowd saw his glare and quickly dispersed. Pinkie noticed his glare.
"Hey, what's wrong Goji?" asked Pinkie.
"Whats wrong? These assholes clearly saw that Fluttershy was being bullied. Yet, I was the only who had the guts to stand up for her? Unbelievable! Sure, people want to shoot me ugly looks every time I walk into town and some have enough balls to pick a fight but when a sweet girl like Fluttershy is in need of help, they just stand and stare! My problem is that people are spineless cowards!" Junior was breathing heavily, angry at the whole town. Junior suddenly felt himself wrapped by something tight, he quickly forgot about his anger. He looked down and saw Pinkie had him in a tight hug.
"W-what are you doing?" asked Junior quizzically.
"I'm hugging you silly! You were really really mad, so I thought a hug would make you feel better. Is it working?" asked Pinkie.
"Uh...kinda." Junior admitted. Pinkie released him, a large smile on her face.
"Good!" replied Pinkie.
Junior turned and saw Fluttershy flying in the distance. Junior sighed, wishing he could of done more. How did that Griffon caught him off guard like that? She flung him like nothing. He even felt more pain from the collision then he thought he would have. What was happening to him? Wait, why did he care for Fluttershy that much? He didn't have any relationship with her, they were just neighbors. Could it be? Did he...?
"Goji..." called Pinkie. Junior turned around, facing Pinkie, "Could you go find and bring Fluttershy to Sugarcube Corner for me? Tell her that I have a plan to fix this problem with Gilda."
"Gilda? The Griffon?" Asked Junior. Pinkie quickly nodded in response.
"What are you going to do?"
"This calls for desperate measures, Pinkie Pie style!" said Pinkie, her face filled with determination. She then took off in the other direction.
"God help us," said Junior to himself. Junior then took off, heading toward the direction that Fluttershy flew off to.

Junior jogged through the town, searching for Fluttershy. As he made his way passed the buildings, he saw a familiar pink-haired figure sitting alone on a bench. Her face was buried into her knees. Junior slowed his pace, walking toward the weeping Valkyrie. As he got closer, he could hear her sobbing. It was a heartbreaking sight. Junior sat down on the bench, next to Fluttershy. She gasped as she found out that she wasn't alone. She looked toward her right, and saw Junior looking toward the sky. Fluttershy sniffled, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"W-what are you doing here?" asked Fluttershy.
"I was just about to ask you the same question." Junior responded nonchalantly. Fluttershy looked away, wiping her eyes again.
"Was I really the one in the wrong?" asked Fluttershy.
"What?" Junior turned his head toward Fluttershy, a confused expression plastered on his face.
"Wasn't it my fault? I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into her." Fluttershy looked down at the ground, her eyes welling up with tears again.
"It was an accident, you didn't see her behind you."
"But it was my fault! It was also my fault that you got hurt!" Fluttershy's voice began to break, her tears trailing down her cheeks again.
Junior sighed, he remembered what Pinkie did earlier and what she told him. Junior then scooted over to the crying girl, and wrapped his arm around her into a firm hug. Fluttershy gasped in surprise. She looked up to Junior, who was looking away.
"I heard that hugs can help make you feel better." said Junior, still avoiding eye contact. Fluttershy sniffled as she leaned her head into Junior's shoulder. The two sat on the bench together for a minute in silence.
"Gojira?" asked Fluttershy.
"Have you ever been bullied before? Or made fun of?" asked Fluttershy. Junior thought of an answer, it couldn't hurt to tell her.
"I have." Junior replied, "It was back when I was a little kid, I was living in Canterlot at the time, I had a really thick accent whenever I spoke in Equish. The other kids would make fun of me, insult me, telling me that I should go back to my country. It wasn't easy getting over that." Fluttershy listened intently to Junior's story.
"After that, I kept practicing at speaking Equish, I lost my thick accent. However, when I turned thirteen I grew more compared to other children. Instead of throwing insults, they were scared of me. This later led to me getting into fights with bad crowds. I remember coming back home after my first fight, Celestia was freaking out." Junior chuckled. Fluttershy didn't share his amusement, instead she found the whole story very sad. She felt like crying again.
"Despite all of that, I didn't give up. Whenever someone would shoot me a dirty look, or call me names, I didn't take them all to heart. I didn't care what they thought of me, they meant nothing to me. They weren't my friends, they weren't family, they were nobody." Said Junior, releasing Fluttershy from his embrace.
"I've been wondering, how did you come to know the Princess?" asked Fluttershy.
"She was an old friend of my Father before he died." said Junior. Fluttershy lightly gasped in response.
"H-how? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."
Junior sighed, thinking back to the day. He remembered it so vividly
"He died of an illness. Shortly after he passed, Celestia was in Neighpon. After she found out that I was his son, she took me in and raised me," replied Junior.
"Did he die peacefully?" asked Fluttershy.
"Yeah...he went peacefully," replied Junior. He then felt Fluttershy wrap her arms around him tightly, he looked down and saw that she was looking at him with tears in her eyes.
"Hey, I was the one that was supposed to make you feel better." Junior lightly chuckled.
"*sniff* I just thought I'd return your kindness by showing you mine." Fluttershy smiled sadly. Junior looked away with a light blush on his face.
"You don't have to show me any," said Junior.
"You're right, I don't. But I want to." replied Fluttershy, her voice slightly louder. Junior looked back at her, seeing the sincerity in her kind eyes. He found himself lost in them, such peace radiating off of them.
"Thanks." said Junior, snapping out of his dazed state. He then stood back up.
"Come on, Pinkie Pie wanted me to take you to Sugarcube Corner. She said that she knew a way to fix the problem with that Griffon." said Junior, holding his hand out. Fluttershy extended her arm, grabbing Junior's hand. Junior gently pulled her up from the bench. The two made their way back to the town.
"Gojira, do you have any friends?" asked Fluttershy.
"No, can't say that I do." Junior replied.
"W-well, would you mind i-if...I was your friend?" asked Fluttershy. Junior stopped, looking back toward Fluttershy.
"You...want to be my friend?" Junior was caught off guard by her question. Never in a thousand years did he think that someone as timid as she was would offer someone like him her friendship.
"I-if you don't mind that is." stuttered Fluttershy.
"But...why me?" asked Junior. He was denying her words, no way was she serious about this.
"Well, you stood up for me to that Griffon. You cared enough to go out of your way to comfort me. Someone like you, I'd be willing to accept as a friend." Fluttershy smiled. Junior was at a loss for words. Did she really mean it? Did she really see him as a friend. He realized why he cared enough about Fluttershy to find her, he saw a potential friend in her. He never went off to look for friends, he stopped caring to have any a long time ago. But here was Fluttershy, offering her friendship to him.
"I'd like that." Junior smiled.
"Great!, would it be OK if I called you Goji too sometime?" Fluttershy asked timidly. Junior couldn't say no to that face.
"Sure..." replied Junior, embarrassed. Fluttershy squeed in response.

"You're throwing her a party?!" asked Junior bewildered.
"Yep!" Pinkie replied.
"B-but...Why?! I thought you said that you had a plan to deal with the problem?"
"This is the plan silly!" Pinkie smiled. Junior groaned in response, he then noticed Fluttershy was making her way toward Pinkie.
"um...Pinkie, about this party for Gilda. Um, do you think its a good idea? I mean-" asked Fluttershy.
"Don't worry your pretty little head about mean ol' Gilda. Your auntie Pinkie Pie has got it taken care of!" replied Pinkie as she patted Fluttershy's head, then bounced off.
"I'm a year older than you..." said Fluttershy. Junior stood and sighed, this couldn't go well.
"Remember if she gives you trouble, I got your back." said Junior. Fluttershy looked to Junior, an unsure expression on her face.
"Relax, she caught me off guard last time. She won't pull something like that with me again," Reassured Junior.
"OK..." replied Fluttershy. Fluttershy gasped as she saw that Gilda had already arrived. She quivered as she backed away, Junior placed his hands on her shoulders.
"It's alright, it's alright, I'm right here with you." said Junior. He saw that she struggled to keep a brave face on.
"O-OK, I'll do my best!" replied Fluttershy.

Junior sat alone as he listened to Fluttershy orchestrating her birds to sing a tune. It was soothing for him to hear the tweets of birds. Fluttershy had managed be able to stand around Gilda a bit without suffering a panic attack, she ended up having the birds sing at the party. That seemed to have completely took her mind off of the situation. Pinkie Pie came rolling in a large cake.
"Cake time everybody!" announced Pinkie.
"Hey, can I blow out the candles?" asked Spike.
"Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles Spike. She is the guest of honor after all." replied Twilight. Gilda suddenly shoved Spike out of the way.
"Exactly!" said Gilda. Junior glared at her from across the room.
'Watch it, your ass is treading on thin ice sister.' Junior thought to himself. Junior suddenly felt himself getting dizzy. His vision began to blur. Junior tried to stand, but stumbled, he landed on his hands and knees before he could face plant onto the hard floor. Junior slowly stood, attempting to get his balance. When he was confident that he was able to keep his balance, he carefully made his way to the door. He walked outside, attempting to get fresh air. Junior walked to the side of the pastry building, his dizziness getting worst. He then collapsed onto his belly, lacking the strength to stand.
'What's wrong with me? I never felt like this before, I feel...weak.' Junior placed his hands beneath him, using whatever strength that he had to lift himself off the ground. Junior crawled to the wall of the building, resting his back against it. He sat there for several minutes, waiting to regain his strength. Junior had no idea what was causing this.
When Junior felt his strength return and his head stopped spinning, he stood back up. As he was about to head back inside, he noticed a newspaper in a trash bin. He saw heading that was titled, "Mutation apprehended in Manehattan, more on the loose". Junior quickly went for the newspaper, getting a closer look. This had his curiosity, he decided to head back inside. Before he could make it to the door, Gilda stormed out of Sugarcube Corner, she looked angry. Gilda then took off into the air, leaving the area.
"What the hell?" Junior walked back inside of the building, hoping to figure out what had happened. He heard the murmurs of people inside of the building, he then heard Rainbow Dash speak up.
"I'm sorry everybody for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her."
"Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business." replied Pinkie jokingly. Junior made his way inside, walking back to where he was sitting.
"I rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?" asked Rainbow as she held out her hand.
"No hard feelings" Pinkie reached for Rainbow's hand. Both felt a buzzing sensation as they shook. Everyone except Junior laughed at the scene as Rainbow and Pinkie revealed that they both were wearing hand buzers. Junior sat alone at a table, unfolding the newspaper to find the article that had his curiosity. He began to read to article.

On the 19th of July this year, over a dozen Transmutations attacked the city of Manehattan. The mutants attacked and killed any human that they could find. local law enforcement that attempted to intervened lost their lives to these mutations. The organization known as MONARCH sent its troops into the city to stop the small mutant invasion. After a long battle, MONARCH succeeded in driving the mutants away. The death toll is still unknown, but is definitely high. One of the mutants were apprehended. It was confirmed by the mutant named Kamacurus that the attack was planned by his group of Transmutant terrorists. MONARCH urges all citizens of Equestria to report any mutant activity that they find and to report it to local authorities as soon as possible. It has also been announced that a decision on what to do to prevent further lose of human life will be made soon. The mutant threat has gone on for far too long, may these abominations be purged from our world.

Junior felt himself grow very uncomfortable as he finished the article. There really were more mutants other than him in Equestria, there was even a group of terrorists going around killing innocent people. But where did these other mutants come from? They had to have had their genetics manipulated the same way his was. But who was responsible for this? And why? Junior's peripheral vision caught a figure approaching him toward the table that he sat at. Junior turned and saw that Twilight was making her toward him.
"Hey there, how's work at AJ's?" asked Twilight.
"Oh, its fine. Been a good three weeks." Junior lowered the newspaper.
"That's good to hear!" smiled Twilight, she then noticed the article's title on the paper.
"What are you reading?" asked Twilight curiously.
"This article, apparently there was an attack in Manehattan." said Junior. Twilight gasped in response, she quickly sat next to Junior and looked over his arm.
"May I see that?" asked Twilight urgently.
"uh, sure. Here you go." said Junior, handing the newspaper over to Twilight. Twilight took the newspaper, her eyes scanned through the article, her face contorting into that of disgust. Junior noticed that Fluttershy and Rarity were making their way over to Twilight and himself.
"Twilight? What's the wrong darling?" asked Rarity.
"Ugh, this article. Manehattan was attacked and a lot of humans were killed by mutants a few days ago." answered Twilight. Rarity and Fluttershy gasped in response. Fluttershy looked to be on the verge of tears.
"How barbaric! Were they caught?" asked Rarity. Twilight shook her head in response.
"No, only one of them was caught. The rest of them escaped." Twilight sighed. Junior then saw that Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow were heading their way. Junior felt himself growing more uncomfortable.
"Hey, what's going on?" asked Rainbow.
"A group of those mutant monsters were in Manehattan a few days ago and killing innocent people." answered Rarity. Junior sat silently, his uneasiness rising when Rarity used the word monster.
"What?! Those freaks were in Manehattan?!" asked a bewildered Rainbow.
"They were killing people?!" Applejack asked in a shocked tone.
"That's terrible!" shouted Pinkie. Junior fiddled with his fingers, looking down toward the floor.
"Grr! Why do those things have to be around? If you ask me, they need to go!" said Rainbow.
"Here, here. Those vermin should be stamped right out!" agreed Rarity. Junior felt himself slightly sweating at their words.
"I have family in Manehattan, I hope those things hadn't harmed a hair on any of them." said Applejack worriedly.
"Don't worry AJ, i'm sure they're fine." reassured Twilight.
"W-what else does the article say?" asked Fluttershy.
"It's being decided on what to do about the whole situation. MONARCH has it's troops still stationed in Manehattan." answered Twilight.
"I can't believe those monsters. Its a disgusting waste of human life, I hope they can figure this out." sighed Twilight.
"Hey Goji, your awfully quiet over there." said Rainbow. Junior shot his head back up, facing Rainbow.
"Huh? oh...yeah, I'm usually this quiet." replied Junior nervously.
"Uh huh. What do you think of the whole thing? About those monsters killing people in Manehattan?" asked Rainbow. The others focused their attention on Junior, curious to hear his opinion. Junior felt more uneasy.
"I...I think it's a tragedy that this happened. It's also an atrocity committed by this group that should have them severely punished." answered Junior, "But, I'm trying not to put all mutants in the same category as that group."
"Why not? They aren't natural, and they've been attacking humans for years now!" said Rainbow, crossing her arms.
"Why? Because I don't know if all of them are like that. Some of them just might be afraid about what people think about them and choose to hide." replied Junior, hating that he was forced to participate in this conversation.
"Pfft! Please." scoffed Rainbow. Junior clenched his fist in anger.
"You know Rainbow, sometimes there are things in this world that we don't know. I just think its wise to keep an open mind about certain things." said Junior calmly as he stood and walked passed the girls. Junior stepped outside of Sugarcube Corner, sighing as looked up to the sky. Just as he was afraid of, mutants really didn't have a positive place in the world. They were doomed to persecution for something that they have no control over and seen as all the same because of the actions of one group of Mutants. He wasn't sure if Mosura's words about some mutants seeking only to survive were true, but he hoped that it was. He wanted to know that he wasn't the only one that still held on tight onto what was left of his humanity. Mosura just might be the one that still held onto her humanity. Junior suddenly heard foot steps coming up from behind him.
"Gojira?" Twilight's voice called out. Junior turned his head, seeing that Twilight was walking toward him.
"Hey, are you OK?" asked Twilight, as she stood behind Junior. Junior turned his head back forward, away from Twilight.
"I'm fine." replied Junior, walking away. Twilight frowned, she then trailed behind Junior.
"You didn't seem fine back inside. What's wrong?" asked Twilight. Junior internally groaned.
"Nothing is wrong Twilight. Go back to your friends, they're gonna wonder where you've been." Junior kept walking, hoping that Twilight would drop the subject.
"Did what we said really get to you?" asked Twilight
'More than you know' Junior thought to himself, "A little bit."
"Gojira, we're just nervous about the whole thing. You know that they've been terrorizing humans for the last 8 years," said Twilight. Junior stopped walking, turning around with a mad look on his face.
"And that gives you all the right to label them all as monsters? Have you ever thought that maybe some of them joined that group because they felt that they had no other choice? Because they knew that the world would never accept them?" Twilight flinched at Junior's harsh tone.
"I'm not trying to justifying their actions, I just think its unfair of you to assume that all of them are bad!" said Junior angrily. Twilight responded by looking down at the ground, a look of shame on her face as the end of her pointed ears descended down. Junior felt bad, he may have been a little too unfair to her himself.
"Look, I don't blame you for being afraid. I guess I'm letting my personal feelings get to me." sighed Junior.
"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.
"I...kinda relate to mutants. How they are judged." answered Junior. "I believe some mutants are not like the ones that kill out of malicious intent. I think some are victims of judgement that others had based on the actions of mutants that they aren't affiliated with." Twilight stood and listened quietly.
"I relate to them because others judged me back in Canterlot. Of course I can't say that I had it as bad as mutants, but I know what it's like to be judged. I know that I look and come off like some good for nothing thug, I've gotten into fights that way. It's not something that I can change." Junior looked away, a small frown on his face.
"Yeah, Fluttershy was telling me about that a few minutes ago," said Twilight. "She also told me how you stood up for her to Gilda."
"She did?" asked Junior as he turned his head. Twilight smiled as she nodded.
"I think its sweet that you did. I'm happy that you two became friends. Who knows, maybe there are some mutants that are just trying to live in peace as you say. I'm actually ashamed that I assumed that all of them were bad." Twilight looked away. Junior slightly smiled, he turned around and placed his hand on her shoulder. Twilight looked up to Junior in confusion.
"It's good to know that your willing to consider the other possibilities Twilight." smiled Junior. 'Maybe, things aren't as hopeless for us after all'
"S-sure, no problem." Twilight stuttered as she looked away embarrassed. Junior removed his hand, turned back around and walked away.
"Hey wait! Your still leaving?" asked Twilight.
"Yeah, I have some stuff that I need to do. See ya Twilight." Junior waved.
"Gojira wait!" called Twilight. Junior stopped, turning back around.
"Um...why don't you come by to the library sometime?" asked Twilight, her hands behind her back.
"Really?" asked Junior. First time someone had invited him to visit.
"Of course! I-I mean, as long as you aren't busy. I'd like to get to know you more as a friend."
"Me? A friend?" asked Junior.
"Yes! We aren't exactly strangers anymore. Besides, a friend of Fluttershy's a friend of mine." Twilight smiled. Junior felt himself crack a small smile.
"Um...sure. That sounds good. I'll see you when I have time. see ya Twilight."
"see you!" Twilight waved. Junior continued on. Despite the damper that the girls put on his day on their opinions on all mutants, Twilight managed to brighten it back up. He was still hurt from hearing those words, even though they weren't knowingly directed toward him. The conversation went well between he and Twilight about their disagreement. He was happy that Fluttershy had good things to say to Twilight about him. He was fortunate to have had a friend in her.

Twilight made her way back inside Sugarcube Corner, her friends waiting for her.
"Where's Goji?" asked Pinkie.
"He went back home," replied Twilight. Fluttershy looked out the window, concerned.
" he alright?" asked Fluttershy.
"Right now, I think so. A minute ago he wasn't too happy about what we were saying about mutants."
"Geez, what's his deal? He's such a grump!" said Rainbow.
"He just thinks its unfair that we automatically assume that all of them are bad Dash. Who knows, he just might be right about some being good." Twilight reasoned.
"I'll believe that when I see it." replied Rainbow. Meanwhile, Pinkie was sitting in wonder.
"Pinkie, is something on your mind?" asked Rarity.
"If Goji is grumpy all the time, then I'll have to find a way to turn that frown upside down! Ooh, I know! I'll throw him a party!" declared Pinkie.
"Yeah right, he'd probably hurl you across town." joked Rainbow.
"How can you say that about him?" asked Fluttershy in shock.
"Relax Flutters, I'm just kidding!"
"Besides, he doesn't seem the type that enjoys social gatherings." Interjected Rarity.
"I got it! I'll throw him a birthday party!" shouted Pinkie excitedly.
"Uh...sugarcube, do you even know when his birthday is?" asked Applejack, a brow raised.
"Nope, but I'll find out!"

In the throne room sat Princess Celestia on her throne. By her side was her little sister, Princess Luna. Luna had grown to be six foot four, her magic had restored her to how she was with full power before her banishment. Her hair flowed like her elder sister's, sparkles could be seen in her now sapphire blue hair, appearing like the night sky. Her wings had darkened to a dark blue. A necklace was around her neck, dipicting a crescent moon that represented her cutie mark. She stood by her sister, listening to a man in black uniform.
"MONARCH only wishes to protect the cities within Equestria your highness. You and your sister are especially valuable targets for these Transmutant terrorists here in Canterlot." Reasoned the man.
"What you are proposing is something that I am not comfortable with. You want to have soldiers stationed in the cities of Equestria, but you have intentions of immediate termination of any Transmutant that your soldiers come across. I understand the danger that these terrorists group pose against humans, but I fear for the lives of innocents." argued Celestia.
"Your highness, I assure you that our methods are efficient and necessary to eliminate any mutant threat toward humans. You don't need to worry for the well-being of your subjects with our presence."
"It is not just about my subjects, it's about Transmutants that aren't affiliated with that group."said Celestia, feeling slight frustration.
"With all due respect, we can't take any chances with any of them. If one shows up, we are forced to put them down. If you recall, the mistake at letting the first mutant, codenamed: Alpha, to remain alive you would not object to this. Do you remember what happened? He destroyed an entire facility in the East, ending the lives of scientists working there." The man argued.
"Why must you speak of them as if they are not human?" Demanded Celestia.
"Because they aren't! They are abominations that have turned to attacking innocents. What good have they done? None, they are a threat to not just humans, but all other sapient life forms in our world as well." The throne room was silent. Luna had no knowledge about what was going on. Mutants? What did she missed when she was banished?Celestia sighed.
"I know that I can't change how you feel about them. I do care for the safety of my subjects, therefore I will accept Monarch's presence but under a few conditions." said Celestia. The man stood silently, patiently waiting to hear Celestia's conditions.
"You will not harass my subjects when stationed here, you will inform me of any information that concerns myself and my subjects, and you will spare the lives of any Transmutant that willingly surrenders." Celestia locked eyes with the man, showing that she was serious about this. The man dared not question these conditions, they seemed reasonable enough. Yet, he hated the idea of sparing any of those freaks.
"Very well, I will inform my superiors and we will honor your terms." bowed the man.
"Thank you."

Luna sat across from Celestia in the dining hall for dinner. Celestia sat, exhaling deeply. She lifted her hand up, placing her hand on her forehead. Luna looked on to her elder sister in worry.
"Sister, art thou alright?" asked Luna.
"I'm fine dear sister, I'm just stressed from today." replied Celestia.
"Sister, we are curious. What was it that man was speaking of? What are Tansmutants?" asked Luna. Celestia placed her hand onto the table, her eyes closed in thought.
"They haven't been known for very long. However, in the short time that we learned of their existence, they were known to have attacked other races around the world. They were mostly known to be appearing in the far East." Explained Celestia. Luna sat and listened, trying hard to not interrupt.
"They are a new form of humans that originated from non magical Earth bounds, with unique abilities that gives them greater strength, speed, and senses. However, they have an ability where they are able to morph their bodies into animal-like beings with human traits." Luna's eyes widened at this.
"Wait sister, thou art saying they were Earth bound humans? What is responsible for their change?" asked Luna, her interest peaking.
"That my sister, is a greater mystery about them. The mutants were discovered to have manipulated genes that contained traits that were foreign to their genetics. We do not know who is responsible for these mutants, but we do know who were responsible for the first two." explained Celestia.
"Who? And who are these first two mutants?" asked Luna.
"It was an organization that was attempting to create something that was meant to heal people of their wounds and diseases. I am not sure of who exactly these first two mutants were, but only that they were called, Alpha and Lucky Dragon." answered Celestia.
'Lucky Dragon? Quite a peculiar name.' Thought Luna. "What happened to them?"
"Alpha and Lucky Dragon were said to have escaped from where they were held. Later on, Alpha returned and wrecked havoc on the facility and ended the lives of the scientists inside that same facility. The organization was shut down when it was discovered to be using human test subjects. MONARCH was then formed to counter Alpha and Lucky Dragon, they spent months hunting them down. Alpha was said to be found at certain points, they attempted to destroy him, but he would always manage to get away. Eventually, they finally killed him. And as for Lucky Dragon, he was never found. He is assumed to be dead or hiding to this very day. For what ever reason, their identities were never revealed." sighed Celestia.
"Do thou think'st that he is still alive?" asked Luna.
"I sincerely hope so." Celestia stood up from her seat, looking out the window, toward the night sky. "If he is, I hope that he was able to make a new life for himself, so that he may live in peace."

Junior sat at a desk in his room, sketching in his journal. He was illustrating the image of the beast that has haunted his dreams. He didn't sketch the full body, it was mainly the head, a tail and the spikes that stood out from behind it. The creature was drawn to be covered in a smoke cloud, hiding the rest of its body. Junior was writing about the creature from his dreams, he felt that his illustration was necessary. Junior suddenly heard a knock at his door, snapping him out of his drawing. It was late, who could be here at this hour? Junior made his way to the door. He placed his hand on the knob, twisting it and slowly pulled the door open. He saw a feminine figure cloaked in a black hood, she stood at 5 foot 7 compared to himself.
"Uh...can I help you?" asked Junior, unnerved by this visitor.
"Takeshi-Kun." the figure spoke in a familiar voice. Junior gasped as he backed away from the figure. He fell back, struggling to get back up.
"You! What are you doing here?!"
The figure removed her hood, revealing a pale, young woman's face. Her eyes were a bright, light blue. She had short white hair, with several strands hanging between her eyes.
"Please don't be alarmed, I mean you no harm!" The young woman held her hands out, motioning Junior to remain calm.
"Mosura, it really is you. Why are you here?" asked Junior, standing and calming his breaths.
"Its time that you met the other transmutations that I told you about," answered Mosura. Junior looked to her in surprise.
"Come with me." Mosura turned and made her way outside of Junior's home.
"Wait! How can I trust you?" Demanded Junior. Mosura slowly turned around and looked deeply into Junior's eyes. They were beautiful, they were the eyes of a gentle individual. They even rivaled Fluttershy's eyes. They seemed to softly glow in the moon's light.
"I have no proof to offer you that'll earn your trust. All I have is my word. But you have to know, you aren't the only one here." said Mosura, her tone soft and gentle. Junior internally argued with himself. What if this was a trap? She could be leading him on to be captured by MONARCH. What if she wasn't? What if she really wanted him to meet these other mutants. He had to make a decision. Worst case scenario, he's in trouble when he goes with her and he's forced to make a mess.
"OK. I'll take your word for it. I better not catch you doing any funny business." Junior warned. Mosura smiled in response.
"Of course, lets go."

Junior found himself wondering in the Everfree forest behind Mosura. Their walk was silent, only the sounds of birds and the wind could be heard. The pair walked passed large bushes, crossed streams, and near the old castle of the royal sisters.
"How much further?" asked Junior, breaking the silence.
"Not long Takeshi-kun, we're almost there." answered Mosura. Junior sighed in response, he really hated missing sleep.
The pair came across a small house that was built into the entrance of a cave. It appeared to be abandoned, the wood was old, slightly rotting. The bricks that held the the structure up was chipped. There was only a dim light on in the house. The pair made their way into the house, inside were a couple of old couches, worn out. A large table with a few chairs, a counter, a refrigerator, and a stove. The house was dark, there was a faintly lit hall at the end of the house.
"This way." said Mosura. Junior followed her toward the faintly lit hall, feeling uneasy about following a stranger into a dark room.
As the two made their way through the doorway, Junior noticed that it wasn't anything that he expected. The hall turned out to be a metal bridge that descended down the cave. The bridge extended about 25 feet away, a few lights lighting the way that hung from the cave ceiling. Beneath the bridge was a twenty foot drop with shallow water flowing down the narrow cave hall. The two walked down the bridge, the sound of water flowing below echoed in the cave. The pair heard the sounds of grunting, and shouts. As they made it to the end of the bridge, Junior found himself staring around a great chamber. Above them were stalactites that hung from the cave ceiling. In the center was a hole that allowed the Moon's light to shine down to the bottom. The chamber was lit by lamps and flood lights that were placed in different corners above and below. On the right to Junior were seven separate holes in the cave walls that appeared to have a bed in each one along with curtains that must be used to have privacy. Junior assumed that these must of have been rooms that they slept in.
The pair continued on to the right. As they kept walking, Junior continued to observe his surroundings. There was a lower level below them, where a metal walkway platform stood above a pool of water. Junior saw that the water appeared to flow from a dark hole that he assumed led back below the bridge based on it being below from whence they entered. The pair continued to hear grunts and brief shouts, like a fight was going on. They made their way over to a metal stairway that led down to the lower level. As they walked down the bridge, Junior noticed a dark, large hole beneath the living quarters, and a brightly lit hole where the sounds were coming from. The pair walked over the platform, their steps causing the metal to clang. As they made their way into the lit hole, Junior saw the source of the sounds.
Inside the hole was what appeared to be a Dojo with dummies lining the walls, mats were on the ground, covering a platform that was built over the rocky floor. There were two Earthbound males sparing with each other. One of them stood about five foot nine, his hair was crimson, it was slightly spiked. He was wearing a crimson kimono. His eyes were a bright green. His body was smaller then his opponent's, his build was a medium tone. He had a cocky look on his expression as he dodged his opponent's attacks.
"That all you got?" asked the crimson haired boy, his voice less deep than Junior's. His opponent snorted, charging toward him.
The other Earth bound was a larger build compared to the crimson haired boy. He stood at six feet, and wore a brown kimono. His hair was incredibly spiky, and was a a grayish brown color. His eyes were a light brown, they burned with determination. The Earth bound gave a shout as he charged toward his cocky opponent, throwing multiple punches. The crimson haired Earth bound dodged every single one. The crimson Earth bound then slid under his opponent and slapped him in the back of the head. The taller Earthbound grunted in irritation, he quickly spun around and swiped at the crimson haired Earth bound. The crimson haired Earthbound side stepped away from the swipe, chuckling.
"Grr! Cut that out!" shouted the larger Earth bound, his voice deeper then the crimson haired Earth bound. The two fighters got into a stance, staring each other down. Just when they were about to charge, Mosura interrupted them.
"Yame!" shouted Mosura, causing the two fighters to turn their heads toward her and Junior.
"Hey Mosura, who's that with you?" asked the crimson haired Earth bound.
"Boys, this is Takeshi Gojira. He is a transmutant that is living in Ponyville." Mosura stepped aside, introducing Junior.
"Um...hey?" He waved.
"Really? Nice to meet you man! The name is Shou Rodan. Feel free to call me by my first name, Rodan." The crimson haired Earth bound stepped forward and extended his arm. Junior stuck out his arm shook hands with him. The other Earth bound stepped forward and repeated Rodan's action.
"Riku Angirasu. A pleasure to meet you." Angirasu lightly smiled. Junior shook Angirasu's hand.
"Likewise Riku-san." replied Junior. Thinking it was best to refer to him by his last name for respect. He should probably start doing the same for Mosura, they both seem to be more use to Neighponese customs. Rodan at least seems to have not really care.
"Takeshi-kun, please take a seat over here." Mosura led Junior into the dojo, she then sat on her knees. Junior sat facing her, sitting cross legged. Rodan and Angirasu stood, watching the two quietly.
"I totally would've won dude." Rodan whispered as he leaned over to Angirasu.
"Oh, shut up." chuckled Angirasu as he slugged Rodan in the shoulder.

Mosura removed her cloak from her body, revealing a orange kimono that she wore. She folded the cloak neatly and placed it beside her.
"Takeshi-kun, we are just like you. Earth bound humans that were changed by mankind's foolishness at playing God. Because of that, we are forced to hide from the world to survive." explained Mosura.
"Mo...sorry. Yasu-san, I have to know something. How did you know that I was a transmutant? How were you able to speak to me without being around for me to see you?" asked Junior.
"All transmutants have a unique ability that they can use when in their human form. For example, I was able to learn about your mutation because I was able to sense you. Transmutants have an ability to sense each other through smell, you had the smell of light traces of radiation. I was able to speak to you without being near because I have a unique ability that allows me to communicate with others through their mind. My psychic ability also allows me to hear the inner thoughts and memories of others." Answered Mosura.
"You can read minds?" Junior wasn't exactly comfortable with that. That must mean she knew more about his origins then he realized.
"Only when I choose to." smiled Mosura. "But, I did learn much about you from reading through your memories. I apologize for invading your painful memories." Mosura bowed her head.
"I see..." Junior was lost in thought. But now there was another question that he wanted answered.
"How did the three of you become Transmutants? The organization that changed me was shut down years ago."
"Well, after the organization was shut down, MONARCH was formed and took the data for Project: Transcendence. Project: Transcendence was what you were apart of. Your genetics, like ours, were mutated with a mutagen that was made from the DNA of ancient beasts that cease to exist today. MONARCH repeated the same mistake that the organization responsible for your mutation made, by kidnapping us along with many others." explained Mosura. Junior was dumbfounded. Why would MONARCH create more mutants? How foolish were they to create more?
"Wait, MONARCH is responsible for the appearance of other mutants? Nobody but you guys knew about this?" asked Junior. Mosura sadly nodded her head. Junior felt himself getting angry.
"Why? Why did they do it?" asked Junior, his voice low. Mosura avoided his gaze, looking down at her hands.
"Yasu-san, I have to know. Why were you all mutated?" Junior asked, desperate to hear the answer.
"...We were mutated to kill you when you were older." Mosura admitted. Junior clenched his fists. They were mutated, because they were meant to be used as weapons. MONARCH was aware that he was still alive, and they were preparing for the day that he would reappear.
"How were able to escape?"
"One of MONARCH's earliest experiments at that time went out of control. It wrecked havoc in the facility that had us contained. We all managed to escape. Most of us stayed together in a group, and some of us left on our own." Explained Mosura. Junior groaned, as he placed his hand over his face.
"I can't freaking believe this! All this time, I thought that MONARCH was actually trying to protect people. But really, those two faced bastards were just trying to cover up their accidents!" Junior slammed his fist onto the ground.
"Takeshi-kun, please remain calm!" pleaded Mosura.
"Calm?! How can I be calm?!" Junior suddenly stood to his feet, his eyes filled with anger.
"Do you realize what this means?! MONARCH is responsible for everything! The new mutations, the mutant terrorists, the death of innocents, and even the destruction of all of our lives!" Junior paced around the Dojo, breathing heavily.
"I had everything! A home, a loving family. It was bad enough that my mother passed away when I was five, and when my dad and I were taken from our home and locked up to become lab experiments. But nothing was as bad as when I found how much exactly that I had changed! I was terrified, I was alone in a tight room with no hope!" Angirasu and Rodan looked to Junior in pity as he ranted.
"I began to feel unbearable pain in my body. My dad and I were nothing but freaks! Monsters! We were forced to hide from everyone, when we escaped. But that wasn't enough, those sons of bitches decided to take my father away from me! The one person that I had left who mattered to me!" Junior punched the cave wall, causing large pieces of stone to fall to the ground. He was taking deep breaths, feeling his eyes well up with tears.
"When I was raised by a dear friend of my father's, I was forced to lie to her everyday. I have no one to turn to about this, people hate the things that they don't understand. Especially if it scares them." Junior's voice was low, devoid of hope.
"Now, MONARCH has repeated the cycle. They chose to ruin your lives just like mine was." Junior fell down to his knees.
"How dare you tell me to calm down. You should be angry yourself at how they have wronged you." Junior felt hands gently placed on his shoulders.
"In all honesty Takeshi-kun, it upsets me to know that I'll never have my old life back. But I let go of my anger years ago. I chose to forgive those that have wronged me. Even though I won't be able to see my old home, friends and family, I made new friends through all of this." Mosura stood with Junior, gesturing toward Angirasu and Rodan.
"I even grew to call them my new family," said Mosura. Junior couldn't comprehend that someone like Mosura could exist. She had a gentle heart, she admitted at on point being angry but managed to let it go. She even forgave the ones that made her the outcast that she was today. Something that he couldn't see himself doing.
"I wish it didn't have to be this way." sighed Junior.
"We do too Takeshi-kun." replied Mosura, a look of understanding on her face. "Just know that you are not alone anymore."