Spike's 'Real' Day

by Aura Zero


Spike was in the library laying in a chair after an exhausting day outside. He sighed as he leaned back in the chair and rubbed his head.

"Geez that rabbit sure has an arm on him. I'm lucky I have tough scales or that rock would have definitely left a mark...annoying furball."

Spike looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Speaking of annoying furry creatures, I wonder where Trixie went. I told her to meet me at the castle." Spike merely shrugged. "Oh well, now I don't have to deal with it. I already had to deal with one self-centered shade of blue colored mare today..."

Spike hopped out his seat and took a short walk towards the large kitchen in the castle. "Might as well start to make the food for the picnic. I'll admit, it was a good idea for them to plan it at sundown; that way we can see the stars at night."

As Spike was walking, he stopped suddenly. "Wait, why am I talking to myself?" Spike pondered for a moment before he remembered. "Oh yeah, Pinkie." He put his claws behind his head and strolled along.

Once Spike made it to the kitchen, he set out to work making all kinds of sandwiches and putting the ingredients together to make his specialty. Spike made the sandwiches rather quickly and after he was done, he heard a voice.

"Spike! There you are!" Spike turned to see Twilight with the missing unicorn from earlier.

"Hey Twi. I'm guessing you two talked?" Spike said as he turned back to making his cookies.

Twilight frowned at him. "Spike, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I feel fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well, its just...you seem to be... different, I guess." Twilight pointed out awkwardly.

"Oh! Well turns out your spell worked and I'm as 'real' as I can get." Spike said simply as he pointed a claw upwards.

Twilight's expression immediately morphed to happiness as she heard that. "It did? That's great! I knew I had it right. So what exactly does it do?"

"I'd rather not get into details Twi. Just observe like you always do." Spike said simply before placing the sheets of cookies on the oven racks. He took a deep breath and released a solid stream of flame on the cookies, burning them to a nice golden color mixed with swirls of brown and cream colors.

"Those smell delicious! You haven't made those in a while." Twilight said salivating slightly at the cookies.

"Those do smell rather appetizing..." Trixie said as she stared intently at the treats.

Spike pulled out the treats and turned to place them out to cool. "I thought about what to make and decided 'why not?' and treat you all to something. You girls are my best friends after all."

"That's really nice of you Spike." Twilight said happily. She reached for a cookie to taste, only for her hoof to get smacked away by a claw. "Ow!"

"You're not getting any of these until the picnic." Spike said.

"Please? Just one?" Twilight begged, eyes wide and sparkling.

Spike just looked at her. "That doesn't work on me." He said before taking the cookies away right as Trixie tried to grab one. "Don't even think about it." Spike walked away from the two mares and started to place the cookies in a bag and the bag in the basket where the other treats were. After he secured it and the blanket that Applejack gave him, he turned towards the mares and saw their eyes quickly shift from the basket to his eyes.

"Well are you two just gonna stare at the basket, or are you gonna head out? Its about time to go meet up with the others and the quicker we get there, the quicker we get to eat." Spike said with a smirk as he watched the two mares burst through the door towards the picnic site. He chuckled.

"I'm glad I learned how to cook." Spike said as he strolled out the library and locked it. As he turned around, he noticed another friend of his coming over with something on her back. He smiled. "Hey Applejack."

Applejack smiled at him. "Howdy Spike." She turned and looked at the two disappearing figures. "What's gotten into them two, and when did Trixie get back in town?"

"She came to visit Twilight for some reason. As for why they're running, I've decided to make you girls a little treat." Spike replied as he walked beside her towards the picnic site.

Applejack grew interested. "A treat huh? What kinda treat?"

Spike shook his head. "You'll see when we get there AJ. I'm actually looking forward to your apple pie. I haven't had it in a while."

"Well today's yer lucky day! Ah just so happen ta make two so eat yer fill." She said proudly.

"I can't wait! So, how's farm life these days?" Spike said changing the subject.

Applejack laughed lightly at what Spike said. "Farm life's been pretty good. Apple harvestin's done a day early so it gave me time ta just relax with mah friends."

Spike nodded. "Glad you could make it."

Applejack nodded before her expression become more stern. "So Spike, Ah heard from Apple Bloom that you told Sweetie Belle her cutie mark and also hinted about Scootaloo's."

"Yeah I did." Spike said simply.

His quick response threw Applejack off guard but she recovered quickly. "Why did ya do that? They're supposed ta learn their cutie marks all on their own."

Spike frowned. "For what? All that's done is have them put themselves in dangerous situations and destroy things if their 'crusades' are anything to go by. I would have told Apple Bloom hers too if I knew it. I find it oddly strange that a group of smart fillies like them that can go on all these crazy ideas of theirs but can't even find their cutie marks. However, others like Snips or Snails have theirs. Those guys are dumb as rocks sometimes. Wait, sorry that would be an insult to the rocks. Heck, even Diamond Tiara... Applejack?"

Spike stopped talking when he noticed his partner for the trip wasn't next to him. He looked behind him and saw the missing pony standing there. She had wide eyes and her mouth hung open slightly.

"Bit for your thoughts?" Spike said making Applejack snap out of it. She shook her head and looked at Spike.

"Uh, yer acting mighty differently right now Spike. Yew feelin' okay?" Applejack asked with slight concern.

"I'm fine. But as a heads up, this picnic might turn out differently than you think." Spike said as he turned back around and started walking.

Applejack stared at him for a moment. She shrugged before trotting ahead.

"Ah have a feelin' this wont be a simple picnic..."

Spike made it to the picnic spot with Applejack and saw three mares waiting; one sitting comfortably on a red couch. He smiled as he saw the only friend of his that he hadn't seen today. As he got close, she gave a small wave at the two.

"Hello Applejack. And hello Spike! Glad you two could make it."

"Well hello there Rarity. You are looking lovely this evening." Spike said as he walked up to her and grabbed the hoof she waved with. He then proceeded to kiss it gently, making Rarity's eyes grow wide and blush slightly in mild surprise. As Spike pulled away, he caught a whiff of her scent. "And you smell wonderful too. Is that lavender?"

Rarity blushed even harder at the compliment Spike gave her, however, she responded. "W-Why yes, it is Spike."

"Excellent choice. Goes with the scent from the breeze here very nicely. Now if you will excuse me, I will set up our picnic."

Rarity merely sat there for a moment and watched as Spike turned and got to work setting up the picnic. Applejack took a seat next to her.

"Surprised huh?" Rarity snapped out of her gaze at the dragon and turned to Applejack confused.

"I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked.

"Spike seems mighty confident today, don't ya think?" Applejack said watching him.

"Indeed that was quite unexpected. However, I would be lying if I said it wasn't nice." Rarity said as she watched him pull out a bag. Once he did, she smelled them immediately. "Are those your special cookies?"

Spike nodded as he placed the still hot cookies on a plate. "Sure are. You girls are in for a real treat. I made sure to make this batch extra delicious." Spike teased lightly.

Rarity climbed off her seat and approached Spike. "I haven't had these in a while. Perhaps I may have one now to remember how delicious they were hm?" Rarity said as she laid a hoof on Spike's shoulder.

"Nope. You have to wait like everypony else." Spike said simply as he finished setting things up, not even paying much attention to her.

Rarity was slightly surprised at the answer, however, she still persisted. "Please Spikey-Wikey? Not even for a little kiss?"

Spike spun around quickly. "On the lips?" He said with a hint of excitement.

Rarity recoiled slightly. "Uh, well I was going to say on the cheek-"

"Then no." Spike interrupted her before turning back around. He noticed Twilight looking at him in surprise, as well as a notepad floating nearby and quill writing furiously on it. He also noticed Trixie reaching for the cookies again. He slapped her hoof away.

"Ow! That hurt!" Trixie whined as she retracted her hoof and waved it around to dull the pain.

"Don't reach for the cookies until everypony is here Trixie. Do it again and you wont get any." Spike warned. Trixie immediately shifted away from the treats. Spike sighed before he turned and saw two ponies coming over a hill.

"Hi everypony! I'm ready for our super fun picnic!" Pinkie said as she hopped over and sat three boxes down.

"Hello everyone. I hope we aren't too late." Fluttershy said as she laid down a tea set that was balanced on her back.

"Not at all darling. We're actually still missing somepony." Rarity pointed out.

Fluttershy looked around and noticed who she meant. Also, she noticed Trixie. "Oh hello Trixie. When did you get back in town?"

"Well, Trixie-"

"Ahem!" Spike said loudly, cutting off Trixie. The others looked at him in confusion at that.

Trixie looked his way before grunting. "I, came to speak to Twilight. We've already discussed my business and afterwards she offered me to accompany her to the picnic."

"Sweet! The more, the merrier!" Pinkie said happily.

"Now all we gotta do is wait fer Rainbow ta show up and then we can dig in." Applejack said, getting hungrier by the second.

As if on cue, Rainbow appears above them and lands right next to Rarity's couch. "Sorry I'm late. Had a few things to take care of and..." Rainbow stopped once she saw Trixie. "Trixie? What are you doing here?" Dash said with a frown.

"I was invited by Twilight." Trixie said simply.

Rainbow raised a brow in slight surprise. "Did you just say 'I' instead of 'Trixie'?"

"Yes, I did. It Seems someone prefers I speak this way, and being the nice and generous Tr- mare that I am, I will abide by his request."

"And I thank you for it." Spike said with a smile. He noticed Rainbow shoot him a glare, but he ignored it. "Well, now that everypony is here, you can all dig in."

Twilight and Trixie wasted no time and snatched away a few of Spikes cookies. Rarity was the next to grab one by merely levitating it over to her.

Spike immediately went towards Pinkie's sweets first. "So what did you bring today Pinkie?"

Pinkie started to open the boxes as she spoke. "Oh you know, some cupcakes, brownies, muffins-" As she said that, she tossed one in the air as a clumsy pegasus came by and grabbed it.

"Thanks Pinkie!" The mare said happily as she kept on her way, narrowly avoiding a tree.

Spike shook his head. "You are too random Pinkie."

Pinkie merely smiled wider. "I know! That's why I got you this!" Pinkie then pulled a smaller triangular box from her mane.

"Do you have like a portal in your mane or something?" Spike asked as he took the box.

"Nope! I just have a lot of room in my mane."

Spike decided not to press further and opened the box and his eyes grew wide. There were three cupcakes; One with emeralds, another with rubies, and a third with sapphire shards all over them. "Wow! These look delicious! Thanks Pinkie." Spike gave the mare a hug, who happily returned it.

"Anytime Spikey! Now lets eat."

Spike started with the ruby one and devoured it quickly. "So...good." Once done, he ate the emerald one more slowly.

"Here you go Spike. Have some tea with it." Fluttershy offered.

Spike happily took the cup and downed it. "That hit the spot. Thanks Fluttershy." She merely smiled and nodded at him.

"Sho, anypony goph somephing-"

"Dash, chew your food first." Spike interrupted with a claw to his face. Rainbow shot him another glare and this time Spike spoke up about it. "Is there something wrong Dash? You are staring pretty hard."

Rainbow quickly swallowed her food and responded. "No. Nothing is wrong."

Spike raised a brow. "Are you sure? Don't hesitate to speak your mind Dash; you know I wont."

"What's with you?" Rainbow said loudly. Everypony else stopped their conversations and turned to them. "You're acting weird. And not as in Pinkie weird either."

Spike shrugged. "Let's just say I'm keeping it real."

Pinkie giggled lightly at that, while Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity looked at him in confusion. Twilight was busy writing on her notepad with a giddy smile on her face while Fluttershy looked at her in confusion. Trixie was merely devouring Spike's cookies during the whole conversation.

"Trixie if you eat like that you're gonna get fat." Spike said as she ate another cookie.

"Please! I will not get fat over a few cookies." Trixie huffed.

Spike merely shrugged and turned towards Rarity. "So how has your business been coming along Rarity? I heard about the large sale you made in Canterlot."

Rarity lit up at the mention of her profession. "Oh yes! My dresses are receiving lots of praise because of that order. I really must thank Fancy Pants for that wonderful opportunity, which will be soon because he is coming to personally request more dresses!"

Spike nodded. "Well that's great! I just hope he doesn't try to hit on you again like last time."

Everyone grew quiet at that. Rarity's smile faltered and she looked at Spike with confusion. "I'm sorry; could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you right."

Spike sighed. "Listen Rarity. There is something I want to tell you." At this, Rarity's eyes grew wide and a faint trace of sweat appeared on her forehead. "Seeing that I have no hesitation at the moment, I'll just say it flat out. I'm in lo-"

Rarity interrupted him. "Spike, can't it wait another time? We are at a picnic, and-"

"So you do know." Spike interrupted back.

Rarity flinched. "K-Know what dear?"

Spike frowned at that. "Please don't play dumb Rarity."

Rarity grew more nervous and looked around. Applejack and Fluttershy were staring intently at her, while Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were sitting next to each other eating popcorn. Twilight was still scribbling madly on her notepad, however, she had both a concerned and surprised look on her face as she looked between them. Meanwhile, Trixie was still munching away on Spike's cookies.

She looked back at Spike and saw him shake his head. "I had a feeling you knew, but I didn't want to really believe it cause if you did, that means you already had an answer for it."

Rarity frowned and looked down. "I'm sorry Spike. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. You seemed to really enjoy spending time with me and I with you. But-"

"You don't love me like I love you. I know. It hurts, but I know." Spike said sadly.

Rarity got up quickly and rushed over to pull him into a warm hug. Spike couldn't help but let a few tears loose, however he held back anything more.

"I'm so sorry Spike." Rarity said hugging him tighter.

Spike enjoyed the embrace for a while longer before he pulled away. He put on a small smile. "There's no reason to be sorry Rarity. You didn't do anything wrong; it was all me. I got my hopes up for something that'll never happen." Spike got up. "Besides, it would be weird to see a pony and dragon together. Should have gave up on that idea a long time ago..."

"Now hold on just one second there sugarcube. Just because things didn't work out fer yew two doesn't mean ya should give up." Applejack protested.

"Yeah! And I think a pony and dragon together sounds pretty sweet!" Pinkie said with a smile.

"I agree. I'm sure there is somepony out there that wouldn't mind that you are a dragon and would love you just like a pony." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Yeah! Don't give up just because Rarity here doesn't like you." Rainbow added.

"Hey! I never said I didn't like him!" Rarity defended.

"Oh? Then what exactly did you mean?" Rainbow pried.

Rarity blushed. "W-Well, I..."

"She likes that Fancy Shoes or whatever his name is. I saw her giggling madly over his name today when I stopped by her store." Trixie added as she ate another cookie.

Rarity gasped. "You were eavesdropping?"

"I guess you can say that." Trixie replied before grabbing another cookie.

Rarity frowned at her before she realized that everyone heard what Trixie said. She hesitantly looked at Spike and was slightly surprised to see he wasn't mad. He actually seemed to be in thought.

"I had a feeling that was the case. Guess this proves it." Spike smiled at her. "Well I wish you the best with him. He seems like a nice guy from when I met him."

Rarity merely stared at him for a moment before a tear slid down her cheek. She immediately pulled him into another hug. "Thank you Spikey-Wikey! You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that."

"I can take a guess... but one more thing?"

Rarity pulled away with a smile. "Yes?"

"Don't call me 'Spikey-Wikey'. It sounds degrading; like I'm a pet or somethin'."

Rarity blushed and heard a snicker behind her. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry Spike! I didn't know."

Spike smiled at her. "Its fine. Spikey is cool with me; just leave the other half out."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "Very well."

"Well its about time you two talked about this!" Rainbow said as she flew above them. "I was beginning to think I'd grow old before the whole Rarity and Spikey-Wikey fiasco ended." Rainbow said dramatically.

Spike glared at her. "Don't call me that, Dashie."

Rainbow glared back at him. "Don't call me Dashie."

"B-But I call you that all the time..." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Yeah, but you're different." Rainbow protested. "We've know each other for like ever."

"Aaaanyways," Pinkie interrupted. "So who ya gonna try to go out with now Spike?"

Spike looked at her in surprise. "Well that was unexpected...but when is anything expected from you Pinkie. And to answer your question, I have no idea."

"Maybe it would be best if Spike didn't try to look for another mare to woo over right now." Twilight spoke up.

Spike looked at her. "And the princess speaks. Thought you were gonna sit there and listen to us all night for a moment."

"I was merely observing and didn't think any input from myself was necessary." Twilight said as her notepad and quill disappeared.

"Until now."

She nodded. "Yup. I think its best if you not worry about mares just yet."

"I think its about time I should be." Spike said simply.

Twilight raised a brow. "Oh? And what makes you think that?"

"I'm not young anymore Twi. It seems like you've forgotten that." Spike deadpanned.

Twilight was surprised. She wanted to speak up on it, but someone else did.

"He's right ya know. He's really only a bit younger than us." Applejack pointed out.

"Yes, and he's much more mature than any stallion his age." Rarity said as she smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Plus he seems like he would treat a mare right if he was with one..." Fluttershy added.

Spike was slightly surprised. "Wow girls. Didn't know you thought so highly of me."

"Well of course silly! You're our friend!" Pinkie said as she hopped by him.

Spike smiled. "Thanks. Well now that Trixie is done devouring my cookies, lets snuggle up and enjoy this amazing night that Luna has given us."

"Well aren't you the romantic dragon." Twilight teased.

Spike smirked as he laid down. "It's nothing new."

All the girls joined him as they laid down and looked at the stars; Rarity forgetting her comfy couch in order to snuggle up with her dragon friend. The stars sparkled brightly overhead as they enjoyed the sight and the cool breeze.

"It's nights like these that makes a drake appreciate what he does have, and I'm one lucky dragon to have all of you girls in my life." Spike said with a small smile.

"Aww! Spike you're too cute." Pinkie said as she snuggled up to him making him blush slightly.

"We are glad you are here with us as well Spike." Rarity said.

"Even though we have our arguments, you're still a pretty cool drake." Rainbow Dash added.

"Thanks Rainbow. And you are an awesome Pegasus. But you already knew that." Spike smirked as he saw her nod.

"I do."

Spike shook his head. He then noticed Trixie was sitting away from them. "Trixie? Why are you over there by yourself? You don't have to be a loner ya know."

Trixie shifted slightly. "Well, Tr- I, didn't want to interrupt your moment."

Spike frowned. He got up and walked to her. "Trixie, you are my friend now just like Twilight and the others. Our moment is yours too. I'm sure the others agree."

Trixie looked as all the others nodded at her. Spike spoke up again.

"What do ya say, Trixie?"

Trixie looked at him and smiled slightly before turning away. "Very well. I accept your friendship."

"That stuck up attitude of yours is annoying..." Spike said simply, making Trixie glare at him. "...however, I think I will grow to not mind it." he added with a smile.

Trixie merely huffed and looked away. Spike chuckled lightly before grabbing her hoof and pulling her.

"Lets join the others already."

"Well that was an eventful picnic, don't you think Spike?" Twilight said to Spike as they walked back towards their library/castle home.

"Yeah, but in a good way. Even though things didn't work out with Rarity, at least I know she will be happy. I guess that's all that matters."

Twilight was surprised. "Wow Spike. Who knew that you held so much back. You were growing up and I didn't even notice." she frowned and looked down. "Some best friend I am."

Spike rubbed a claw on her shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up Twi. Its all my fault. I should have been more open to you from the beginning. Guess I didn't mind as much how I was treated because It took me a while to say it." They made it to the door of the library when Spike finished.

"Yeah, and only because the spell let you."

Spike looked at her. "No it didn't. The spell wore off at the start of the picnic. I just said those things because It's what I really wanted to say."

"What?" Twilight said surprised. "That means that your confession..."

"Said it all on my own. It was really tough, but I managed to hold it all in..." A tear dropped from Spike's cheek after he said that.

Twilight pulled him close for a hug. "You know you don't have to hold it in any longer Spike."

Spike quickly wiped his eyes. "No, I'm fine. Thanks Twi."

"Anytime Spike. Now lets get to bed." Twilight said as she opened the door and went inside.

Spike followed her and as he entered, an idea popped up in his mind. "Ya know Twi, that spell made me realize something."

Twilight turned to look at him. "Oh? And whats that?"

Spike smiled. "Real isn't what I say, but how I say it."

Twilight nodded. "Wise words Spike."

Spike shrugged as he walked past Twilight. "Hey, just keeping it real."