Turquoise Blitz & Anthea: Road to Parenthood

by N7_Spartan117


It was a bright and beautiful morning in Ponyville as its resident pony-dragon hybrid Turquoise Blitz awoke. As he started to stretch his large bat-like wings across the bed, he felt the spot next to him, belonging to wife Anthea, empty.

“Annie?” asked Turquoise as he rubbed his light green hoof-claw across the bed. It was not long before he heard a loud sound coming from the master bathroom.

“Huuurggehh!!!” The sound of solid chunks splashing into water caused Turquoise to leap out of bed and gallop towards the bathroom door.

“Annie? Sweetie, are you in there?” asked Turquoise, concerned for his wife.

“Yeah T, I'm in he-HUUURRGGGEH!” answered Annie as she began to vomit again. “Ugh, that looks disgusting.”

“Can I come in?” asked T on the other side of the bathroom door. It wasn’t long before the partly blind, light-pink-coated, green-maned unicorn mare (with a light green Equestrian flower as her cutie mark) opened the door with her magic. T quickly moved to Annie’s side and rubbed her back to comfort her, “That’s the fourth time this week, isn’t it?”

“Yea...Yeah,” answered Annie as she nuzzled against her husband’s green scales, “It must have been someth-HHUUURRGEH!!!” After Annie had finished vomiting, she started to take deep shallow breaths, wash her face, and brush her teeth as T continued to rub his hoof across her back.“Ugh. Wh...What time is it?”

“Quarter after seven,” answered T as he helped her to the bedroom.

“Oh no, you're going to miss your train to Canterlot with Claire!”

“It’s okay. You don’t feel well. Claire can go without me, it’s only a day trip to visit Illusion and Creme.”

“But, T, I’m fine. It’s probably just something I ate.”

“But…..” said T before Annie kissed him on his cheek.

“I’m okay, honest,” reassured Annie as she nuzzled his cheek. “Go with your sister on her trip.”

“But...but...okay, but I promise to take the express train back,” said T, finally giving into his wife's wishes.

“Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for my magic lessons with Princess Twilight,” said Annie as she pushed T out of the bedroom to clean herself up. Once she was sure that T had left the second story of the house, Annie opened the cabinet under bathroom sink and pulled out a box that she had hidden from her husband.

After several suspense-filled minutes, Annie heard a soft knock on the bathroom door that scared her. “Annie, are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while now,” said T through the door.

“Yes...yes, just finishing up!” said Annie nervously as she hid something under the sink.

“Okay, I’m going to go ahead and go to the train station.”

“Oh, wait!” Annie then opened the bathroom and gave T long, passionate kiss. As the kiss ended, Annie had a big smile on her face.

“Seems like you're feeling much better,” remarked T, making her blush.

“I am. So when will you be back?”

“Hopefully around ten tonight,” said T as he made his way towards the front door, “Do you want me to walk with you to Mrs. Twilight?”

“N-no, I’m fine,”answered Annie nervously.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, I’m sure, sweetie. So I will see you tonight?” asked Annie as she opened the door for him, but Turquoise then pulled her into another kiss.

“See you tonight.” After Annie watched as T made his way towards the train station, she galloped back to the master bathroom. She quickly found what she was hiding from her husband and stared at what she saw--a white blur with a small unidentifiable blur in the center. Annie was blind all her life, but thanks to her magic she could see colors, but not shapes, so everything to her was just a blur.

“Maybe Mrs. Twilight can get a more accurate result,” said Annie as she put the object into her saddle bag and made her way to Princess Twilight Sparkle’s crystal castle.

It did not take long for Turquoise to reach the train station and find his older sister, Crystal Clarity, a lavender-coated dragon-pony hybrid mare with two small unicorn horns on each side of her head. “Hey, Sis!”

“Turquoise, it’s great to see you again, darling,” said Claire as she hugged her brother. “It’s been awhile since we last met. So tell me, how did you and Annie’s honeymoon go?”

“It was great!”exclaimed T as he helped Claire carry her bags into the train, “We went to Mare-is and saw the Eiffel Tower and explored the city.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun,” said Claire as she placed the last of her bags on the rack above their seats. “So, how is my sister-in-law doing, anyways?”

“Well, she’s been having stomach issues these last couple of days.”

“Aw, poor thing.”

“Yeah. I told her I could stay with her, but she insisted that I should go with you.”

“Well, I am sure she will find out what's bothering her,” said Claire, placing a comforting hoof-claw on her little brother, “But it might surprise you.”

“What do you mean?” asked T cautiously, oblivious to what Claire was implying. Claire only gave him a shy grin and giggled at his obliviousness.

"Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough."

As T and Claire were making their way to Canterlot, Annie had arrived at her mentor’s castle. She entered into the main library to find Twilight’s face buried in one of her many books.

“Uh...Mrs.Twilight? I’m here,” said Annie as she tapped Twilight on her shoulder. Twilight was startled by Annie and jumped out of her chair.

“Oh Annie, it’s you,” said Twilight as she calmed herself, “Are you ready to start your lessons?”

“Well…” said Annie as she place her saddle bag down and pulled the white blur out.

“What is that?” asked Twilight as she noticed the object. Annie only raised an eyebrow at her mentor’s question. “I know what it is, but are you…?”

“Well, that’s the thing. I need you to tell me what it says,” said Annie as she handed Twilight the object.

“No offense, but shouldn’t this be something you should do with Turquoise?”

“No! I want to be sure before before I tell him.”

“Okay, are you sure?” asked Twilight before she read the results. Annie could only nod her head to contain your excitement. “It looks good to me.”

“YES!!!!” yelled Annie in joy as she jumped up and down.

“Hold on, sometimes these things can be inaccurate,” said Twilight, disappointing Annie.

“Oh…..” All of Annie’s excitement and joy seemed to have disappeared from her.

“If you would like, I could use a spell to scan your--”

“YES!!! Please, please, please do it!” begged Annie as she gave Twilight her saddest face possible. It did not take long for Twilight to give into Annie’s plea.

“Okay, come with me so we can start.”

“And that should do it. Shall we meet again next tax season?” asked the tall, light pink unicorn mare with a violet mane and royal crown as her cutie mark known as Creme de la Creme.

“Hopefully sooner,” remarked Claire as she placed her documents into her saddle bag. “We need to get together one day and do something fun.”

“I would love to. ‘Til next time,” said Creme as she gave her childhood friend a hug goodbye. Turquoise was sitting in the waiting room of Creme’s accounting building reading a fashion magazine talking about his mother’s new fashion line based off his father’s scales. “Okay T, we done here.”

“Okay, so where to now?” asked T as he followed behind his sister, and waved goodbye to Creme.

“Well, I am going to go see Illusion, but if you want to go ahead and get back to Annie, you may.”

“I’ll walk you to the castle before I head back,” said T as he placed his large bat wing over Claire.

“How sweet of you,” remarked Claire as they continued towards the royal castle. It was not long before they reached the castle, and was led into the royal garden to where Claire’s oldest friend-turned-coltfriend, Prince Illusion, was at.

“Crys!” yelled Illusion as he galloped to meet his fillyfriend. Prince Illusion was the son of Princess Celestia and Discord, he had the body of the stallion, but with a red scaly tail, a lion paw for his front right hoof and claw for his back left hoof, two horns similar to his father’s, and a black mane and white coat with sun/moon/star for his cutie mark.

“Lulu!” said Claire as she went to meet him. As soon as the two met, they both shared a kiss and nuzzled each other.

“Uh….” said T trying to make the situation less awkward for himself.

“T! How’s the newlywed doing?” asked Illusion as he pulled T into a hug.

“Good, and you?”

“Great, now that Crys is here,” answered Illusion, causing Claire to blush. “Where is Annie?”

“Oh, she’s sick,” answered Claire before Turquoise could. “Stomach problems.”

“Stomach problems?”

“Yeah, she’s had them for awhile now,” answered T. “It must have been something she ate while on our honeymoon.”

“Oh, I see!” said Illusion as he looked at Claire, who gave him a knowing nod.

“Don’t worry, T. You will find out soon,” said Claire. She then gave Illusion a look that meant not to say anything.

“Yeah, you will find out soon,” said Illusion, only causing T to become more frustrated.

“Why does everypony keep saying that?”

Turquoise soon left for the train back to Ponyville, but before leaving, he made sure to buy Annie some of her favorite flowers. The train ride was quicker than he had anticipated, and he had made it back to his home by sunset. As he entered into his two story house he could smell Annie cooking in the kitchen.

“Annie, I’m home,” said T as he made his way to the kitchen.

“T...T...you’re home early!?” said Annie nervously as she turned to face him.

“Yeah, train ride was quicker than I thought. I got you these.” T then pulled out a bouquet of flowers similar to her cutie mark.

“Aww, T, there beautiful!” said Annie as she held what she could see as a light green blur.

“I hoped you would like them.”

“So...so how was your trip?” asked Annie trying to buy herself some time.

“It was good. I saw Creme and Illusion,” answered T as he made his way to see what she was working on. “What are you cooking?”

“It’s your favorite. So...how are Illusion and Creme doing?”

“Good. Claire told Illusion about your stomach issues,” said T, causing Annie to become more nervous. “They said you’ll be fine, and that I will know what the problem is soon.”

“Doh!” thought Annie. “I guess I have no choice now. Here goes nothing.” While Annie was mentally preparing herself, Turquoise was getting ready to eat.

“Hey Annie, can we go ahead and eat now?”

“No!” yelled Annie, scaring the dragon-pony hybrid. “I'm sorry, it’s just that I have to tell you something.”

“Wh...What is it?”


“Are you not feeling well again?” asked T in a concerned tone.

“No. I’m-”

“Did somepony make fun of you because you're blind?”

“No. I’m-”

“You’re not leaving me, are you?” asked T with a hint of sadness and fear in his voice.

“No, of course not!” said Annie, reassuring her frightened husband.

“Then what?”

Annie then took a deep breath and prepared herself, “I’m pregnant.”

After hearing those words, Turquoise immediately fell to the kitchen floor unconscious.
