//------------------------------// // Ch.25, (To The Past) False Alarm // Story: The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain // by shysage //------------------------------// A minute more, and Fluttershy and I found ourselves back in Equestria Past(1), well at the same approximately 1000 years back location I had left two weeks ago, well, maybe two weeks ago in Equestria Present... It was hard to keep track any more... We were alive, anyway. As before, I kept Fluttershy and I both people, and we carefully turned around. The same three Unicorns were there, but so were four armed guards. The guards immediately lined up facing us. They didn't look happy, and evidently didn't remember me. Well, I really didn't know how long of a time it was, from the perspective of the Past, since our last visit. That time, I had to leave here without Summer... I had to fight the urge to cry... We just stood there, as people, as they summoned Cel (Princess Celestia). At least she recognized me. She thanked the guards, then asked them to return to their posts. Only then did I change Fluttershy and I back into ponies. And I was careful to warn Fluttershy, so she didn't fall. Noticing the visitor (Fluttershy), Cel asked us to not talk for now. The three of us headed through labyrinthine hallways, and we were soon heading across the Commons lawn to the Audience hall. It looked like noon or so, here. Fluttershy was behind Cel and I, but I was pretty sure she was looking around in wonder... Cel was leading us pretty fast, too. Still, six guards walked quickly up before we made it to the Audience Hall. "Princess Celestia, we finally caught the 'apple thief'..." one of the guard's said. The 'apple thief' was dark Blue, and looked up only briefly, then looked back down. I could tell by the look on her face... clearly guilty... This was Cel's problem. "To the dungeon for now, and we will handle that tomorrow" Cel said as 'officially' as she could. They were quickly off with the prisoner. I took the opportunity right then, to ask Cel how long it had been since I left last. She said simply "About two months..." Then she asked me why I was here. I explained that the Beacon had gone off, and we really couldn't tell why. So, I needed to come just to find out. "Well, I didn't initiate it..." Cel said quietly. I just sighed. I also explained that the Portal must be failing, because it took over a minute to get us here. Cel mentioned that the Unicorns had surmised as much, and there was talk of dismantling it. Now I really wanted to cry. The future needed the Portal, and to lose it certainly WOULD erase a lot of things. After thinking carefully, I just said softly "Cel, the future NEEDS the Portal." She looked at me, and clearly understood what I said, but said nothing in reply. I didn't disappear, so I decided I didn't mess up too badly. The three of us were soon heading into the Audience Hall doors. "False Alarm" I said to myself, and sighed. I know this happened before, at some point, I just can't remember where, or when... Cel burst into tears before we even made it into her bedroom... At least we were out of the Audience Hall, and into Princess quarters. Fluttershy came with us, of course, and sat near us. Cel and I hugged tightly and cried together for a little while. We didn't talk, there was just nothing left to say... Lu was banished... Mom was dead... Our family was so seriously wounded... At one point I said "Cel, I love you..." Still crying, Cel said "I know dad... I think that is the only reason I am still going..." She kept crying. I hugged her tight, and cried with her, well as much as I could without... I realized something as we were crying though, and I tried to apologize for that... "Cel, I feel really bad I left so quickly last time... That just wasn't fair to you, especially after what had happened... I just felt I really needed to get Shyna out of here, away from that bully, and to her new home..." Fluttershy burst into tears immediately, and was crying loudly... Cel stopped crying mostly, looked at Fluttershy, then asked quietly "Dad, please tell me who this mare is..." I answered just as quietly "Mom's sister, Fluttershy... I couldn't just leav--" Cel immediately burst into tears too, and pulled Fluttershy close... The three of us were hugging tightly and crying together. Still, I realized that even here in the past... Family... We were holding on to each other for dear life... We cried together the rest of the afternoon. Fluttershy 'vented' some more, and I think Cel did too. It was ok, together like this. Well, I didn't, but I couldn't... Who knows when... At around dinner time, the girls worked on calming down, and Cel took us for a walk. It was a short walk since it was cold. Then we joined Cel for dinner. It was 'subdued', but I think it really helped Cel to have family around her right now... After dinner, Cel had to attend to some more 'short' (she said) 'Princess business', and she left us in her bedroom. While Fluttershy and I were alone, I explained to Fluttershy about the primary risk of being back here in the Past. It is possible to say or do something here that would change the future, or even erase it. The worst case would be that we would just disappear along with our future... As a result, I told Fluttershy that she had to be very careful what she said, about the future especially. She could talk about herself, and things around her right now, but Fluttershy needed to avoid talking about the future. I think she understood, but I really didn't have time to talk about this in greater detail. Cel returned, it really was short. Still, with 'mom's sister' here, Cel wanted to talk... Fluttershy was amazing, and said right away "Shysge told me to be careful what I say, but I will try to answer your questions." Well, Cel surprised me too, and answered softly "Yes, I know there are things about mom and dad that I can't ask or talk much about. Still, I love them..." We all had to stop and cry together a little while... I love my girls... I think I can say that here in the Past... Well, I loved both of these amazing mares... We (well, Cel and Fluttershy mostly) talked together until very late. I thought we should be crying together, but I didn't expect this... It was so clear that Cel (Princess Celestia) so completely and unconditionally welcomed Fluttershy into our family... She and Cel really enjoyed their evening talking together, and were acting like best of friends by the end of the evening. I quickly realized this was very good for both of them. I think bringing Fluttershy with me was the right thing to do. And we did occasionally stop, and cry together. Now if only that 'looming cloud' would wait until we returned to Equestria Present...