A New World, a New Ranger

by ed2481

Chapter 45

Abby leaned slightly against Kasai as the pair walked out of the hotel lobby, one of her tails intertwined with his. “Are you sure we don’t need to be with them?” she asked him.

“Abby, if Pokemon Eggs needed mothers with them all the time then none would ever have hatched, period,” Kasai replied blandly, bumping her with his shoulders. “You’ve got to stop worrying so much.”

“But Kasai... what if the maid tries to take them,” Abby replied nervously, her tail’s hold on his getting tighter.

“...” Kasai just looked at her for a moment before leaning his muzzle close to her ear. “Abby, do I have to ‘assert my dominance’ again? Here? Now?”

Abby blushed crimson before sighing. “Sorry Kasai,” she said quietly, looking down. “I’m just worried is all.”

Kasai sighed and licked her muzzle. “Abby, please relax, you’re allowed to leave the hotel room for an afternoon stroll through the town,” he pointed out, nuzzling her lovingly. “Just relax.”

Abby glanced at him and then nodded, leaning over and licking him back. “Right, sorry, thanks,” she blushed a little. “And let’s not do that ‘dominance’ thing in public... it might get us weird looks.”

“Ya think?” he replied, raising a playful eyebrow at her.

Abby rolled her eyes and snapped at him, gently grazing his muzzle with her canines. “Hah hah hah,” she said dryly before her eyes glanced towards a group of Pokemon and an earth pony who were walking purposefully towards them from across the street. To the average Pokemon or it would have seemed random but Abby could tell by the way they were looking at them. “Company.”

“I see them,” Kasai said as they moved out of the way of the hotel doors and sat down on their rumps. “Wonder who they are.”

“We’ll see soon enough,” Abby said as her tails wrapped around in front of her.

The leading Luxray looked rather nervous so Kasai spoke up first, putting on his best 'I'm a big friendly dog' smile. “Hello, looking for us?”

The Luxray nodded and took a step forwards, though for some reason that caused the Absol and the Sylveon of the group to take up an obvious defensive position on either side of him. “Are you the resident Pokemon Ranger here in Ponyville?”

“Well, technically Luny and Sol were here before us, and my mother is probably the one who’s going to be in charge, but sure, let’s go with that,” Abby said with a smile as she looked over the small party. “Top Rangers Abby Trombley and Kasai at your service.” She glanced at the two defensive females. “And I hope you’re not criminals looking to settle an old score... you’re kinda out gunned.” She nudged Kasai with one of her hips.

“Pft! I could so take him,” a large orange Charizard puffed indignantly, but the Luxray gave him a warning glance.

“Nothing of the sort,” the Luxray replied and showed to silver collar around his neck. It was similar to the ones worn by Celestia and Luna, and bore both their Cutie Marks. “My name is Seth Crescent, and I’m here by order of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia of the kingdom of Equestria.”

“That’s a real mouthful huh?” the Sylveon giggled.

Abby blinked. “Crescent... Crescent where have I heard that surname before...” she frowned and trailed off. “Oh! I remember now!”

Seth gave a slight chuckle. “Yes, I had a... reputation, back on Earth. But I did what I thought was right and now it is neither here nor there... unless you have a problem with it?”

Abby and Kasai exchanged a look and then they both began to chuckle, Kasai’s deep and bassy while Abby’s was lighter. It took them a moment to get it together before shaking their heads.

“No, no we don’t have a problem with people who spoke out against the hypocrisy that was the Pokephilia system,” Kasai said, leaning down to lick Abby’s cheek. “Trust me.”

Seth’s ear gave a very noticeable flick, clearly unsure of what they meant.

“No indeed,” Abby agreed before she leaned up and licked Kasai on the lips. “See, we weren’t exactly ‘honest supporters’ of it ourselves.”

Seth’s eyes widened as it finally dawned on him. “So you two are-”

“I thought it was pretty obvious,” the Sylveon deadpanned.

“I do kind of smell a lot like him, especially around the important areas,” Abby added with a small smirk as she leaned up to nuzzle Kasai. “So, Mister Crescent, what can I do for you and my dear supporters Princess Celestia and Luna?”

The Luxray looked between them in shock for a moment before pulling it together and looking at Abby. “Ah, well.*ahem* I am here to see how the Ranger’s are coming along here in Ponyville, as well as introducing myself, as the newest, and first, member of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Pokemon Special Forces Division.”

Abby raised an eyebrow before smiling. “Well then congratulations on becoming a Special Forces member,” she said before her tone turned a bit more serious. “As for how we’re ‘coming along’, we haven’t gotten anywhere just yet. We haven’t even met with any contractors yet to set the Union’s new base of operations up. I’ve been hoping that they’d arrive but they haven’t shown up yet. We have four ex-human rangers here counting myself and nine Pokemon who can be counted as either Rangers themselves or parts of Teams. I’m not sure how that’s going to work just yet.”

Seth nodded, “I’m afraid I can’t really help you there. But I still have much travelling to do, so I’ll pass the word along to any Rangers should I come across them.” He paused as he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment. “Here, from Princes Celestia.”

Abby closed her eyes for a moment before the piece of parchment floated out of his jaws and slowly, very slowly, floated over to them, opening up for her to see.

It was a Royal Decree, for Abby Trombley and the Pokemon Rangers to have use of Ponyville Town Hall as a temporary base of operations.

“She figured you at least might need a more suitable place than a hotel to run things from for now.” Seth said.

Abby’s eyes widened and she smiled. “Wonderful!” she exclaimed. “Thanks Celestia!” She glanced at Kasai for a moment. “Wait here, I’m going to run this inside to mom so she can start getting things going.”

Abby ran into the hotel, past the receptionist and up to her mother's room. She entered without knocking and walked up to the bed where the Serperior had been reading something.

"Abby, I could have sworn that Roxanne taught you to knock first," Scarlet said wryly as she looked over her foster daughter before catching sight of the scroll hanging in the air, along with Abby's slightly pained expression from holding it aloft for so long. Without a second thought she reached down and scooped up the scroll in her vines before reading over it. "Well now... that is good news."

"Yes, yes it is!" Abby exclaimed with a grin. "Oh, and I'm going to be off with Kasai and some new friends. Hold down the fort for me?"

"You're not on duty so I won't have too," Scarlet reminded her, leaning her head down to kiss Abby on the forehead. "But don't worry, I'll 'think of you' as I set up my office."

Abby rolled her eyes but gave her mother a nuzzle. "Thanks mom."

"Of course," Scarlet replied with a smile. "Now don't you have friends waiting on you?"

Abby grinned, nuzzled her, and then took off back the way she'd come. She took one look at the expression on Kasai's face and smirked. “Who signed up for an afternoon long training match?” she inquired, her voice deadpan.

“That would be me,” Seth said with a confused tone.

“Ooooh this is going to be fun,” Abby said before glancing at the others whose name's she hadn't gotten before running off with her good news, blinking. “And I’m so sorry for ignoring the rest of you, mind giving us some introductions?”

“My name is Rika~” the Sylveon giggled, wrapping Abby up in a hug causing the Ninetales to freeze slightly before giggling and leaning into it.

“I’m Selena,” The Absol stated half-heartedly.

“Ignis is my name, nice to meet you!” the Charizard roared.

“And I’m Apple Fritter,” the Earth Pony finally said, using her Canterlot tone. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Same to all of you, and man you are way more touchy then Lex is,” Abby said as she looked down at Rika, leaning down to lick the Sylveon on the cheek.

“I just like hugs~” Rika giggled, returning the lick. “Hee, you taste like vanilla.”

“That she does,” Kasai agreed, licking Abby’s cheek.

“And you taste like hmmm...” Abby frowned for a moment as she thought about the taste. “... rain, I want to say rain.”

Kasai sniffed. “Yeah, rain sounds about right,” he agreed, glancing down at the Sylveon before carefully placing a paw on her chest and gently pushing her away from Abby. “Mind letting go of my mate now?”

“Sure!” Rika giggled and latched onto the Arcanine instead. “Your turn now.”

“Ack!” he exclaimed playfully before smirking and bringing his head down to sniff at her ears, exhaling on her. “Hmmm, and you smell like Seth does up close, along with Miss Fritter as well.” He glanced up at Seth and Fritter wryly. “Any particular reason for that, Mister Crescent?”

‘Well, we’re busted,’ Seth chuckled nervously. “Well ah, it’s kind of a long story...”

“No it’s not,” Rika interrupted. “Seth, Fritter and I are together. How long does it take to say that?”

“To a Pokemon Ranger?” Seth queried.

The color drained from Rika’s face. “Oh.”

“A Pokemon Ranger who has been mating with her Arcanine since she was ohhhh eighteen,” Kasai said dryly. “I think you’re safe.”

Abby chuckled. “Yeah, please, don’t worry about it.” She glanced over him and Seth felt those red eyes searching him deeply. Then she did the same thing with Rika. “I’m not seeing any signs of abuse on her, no scarring, bruising or otherwise, nor is she latched onto your waist or holding onto you the way that many do. I think you’re more than likely a nice guy who ‘lucked out’ and happened to bag two beautiful ladies.”

When Abby had spoken, Rika had immediately let go of Kasai and run to Seth’s side, while Selena had a low growl filling her throat. Even Apple Fritter seemed confused by their reactions. She’d never seen them act like this before as she hugged her little Sylveon.

“Sorry,” Seth apologized. “They don’t mean anything by it... just, they way you sounded... it was a lot like every visit we made to a Pokemon Center. They’d constantly check for ‘signs of abuse’ whenever we visited them, all because of reputation.”

Abby blinked and then shook her head. “Oh, oh I’m so sorry,” she said, moving up to give Rika a lick. “I didn’t mean anything by it other than the fact that you three look like you’re fine together. Really cute together actually.”

“Thanks Abby,” Rika said softly. “We are really happy, right?” Seth and Fritter nodded as the three shared a brief hug. Selena just shrugged and powered down the Night Slash she had been building up. Kasai for his part relaxed his back and a bit of a glow left his fangs.

“Right then, you signed up for a crash course of training, Kasai style?” Abby asked Seth, getting them onto a hopefully less touchy subject.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Seth agreed. Rika jumped up, already back to being bright and bubbly.

“New plan!’ she shouted. “We’re all gonna be friends and it’s gonna be awesome.” she looked at Selena. “First, Selly. You need to say sorry for being so bitchy!”

“What!?” Selena grabbed the fairy. “What did you call me?”

“Oh for the love of Celestia,” Seth sighed. “Don’t worry, these two are often like this... sisters will be sister after all. But Rika has a point. Friends?”

“Hell yes,” Abby replied with a casual grin. “You can never have too many friends right? Especially the type that won’t mind when I do this.” So saying, she leaned up and gave Kasai the best approximation of a kiss she could with a muzzle. Kasai simply smiled and kissed her back.

“She’s kinda frolicking in this whole ‘unrestricted love’ thing,” Kasai told Seth once the Ninetales had stopped kissing him.

“Ooh, oh!” Rika bounced. “I can do that too~” she suddenly pounced on Seth and gave him a deep kiss, humming happily.

“Your mate isn’t the only one,” Selena smiled.

“I can tell,” Abby said, chuckling softly as she looked between her and the Charizard. “So, are you two going to stick around and watch Seth here get beat into the dirt, or do you have other plans for the day?” she inquired, sniffing the air around the two of them for a moment before jumping to a conclusion. “Fun plans.” She smiled slyly.

“Perhaps,” Selena replied with a salacious smirk.

Seth finally got Rika off of him, only to have Fritter help him up and get her own kiss in.

“Wow, and I thought I was a ‘stud’,” Kasai commented with a smirk as he looked at the ongoing kiss before he glanced at Ignis. “Though, you mentioned you wanted a good fight right?”

“Yeah?” Ignis was intrigued as Selena just blinked and sighed.

“My team mate Axle, who is a Haxorus and a mighty strong one at that, is off in the woods over in that direction-’” Kasai used a paw to point. “-so-”

Kasai didn’t even finish before Ignis took to the skies and roared. Selena watched her mate fly away, along with her plans for a romantic day out.

“Couch, forever!” she muttered at the retreating dragon before sending death glares at Kasai.

“... I didn’t think he’d do it now...” Kasai said, blinking blankly before he glanced at her. “Sorry.”

“That idiot is fight happy, but I suppose it’s just one more thing I love about him,” Selena sighed. “And Seth, can you stop making out already? We have things to do... like the insane Gabite we left behind.”

Seth’s eyes widened as he realised he’d left Christine at the farm. “Oh crap...”

“Insane Gabite?” Abby inquired, glancing at Seth with a raised eyebrow.

“An experiment of one Doctor Nurem,” Seth explained. “She’s a Gabite with the powers of a Kecleon and a very short fuse. I just hope the farm hasn’t burned down yet.”

The Ninetales frowned for a moment. “A friend of Vincent’s?”

“You know Vincent?” Seth exclaimed. “Well, yeah... though more of a friend of Sam, a Scizor. She has a... fascination, with him. We’re headed to Las Pegasus after we’re done here actually.”

“We know him,” Kasai answered the first question. “Though not very well personally. That was more of Luke who went to see him yesterday. Hmmm, if you’re going to go to Las Pegasus, mind saying hi to them for us?”

“And maybe we should train you after you deal with the insane Gabite,” Abby added dryly.

“That would be nice, thank you Miss Trombley,” Seth said. “And I’ll be happy to say hello to this ‘Luke’ for you. What Pokemon is he?”

“A sensitive Gallade,” Abby answered before glancing at Rika. “A warning in advance... don’t hug him unexpectedly. He’ll either have a panic attack or he’ll stab you.”

Rika gulped. “Noted, no huggy the Gallade.”

“Thanks,” Abby told her with a smile, looking over at Seth. “So, mind if we tag along on this little ‘job’ of yours? We could probably save time and train on the farm.”

“Hmm, that might work. Just leave Christine to me and Selena though. We’ve already got experience with her, and I fear she’d relapse if someone else tried something. Just, don’t make eye contact, at least for very long and use threatening tones. And don’t ever call her a Number or experiment. Name only.”

“We can manage that...” Kasai looked down. “Trust me, we’ve seen the type before. You’re her ‘handlers’ for the time being.”

“Well then, let’s be off!” Seth