Midnight's wish

by Sugarcube66

Evil (Part 1)

A few days had past since Twilight took Night in permanently, the filly enjoyed her life and had opened up a lot and wasn't having so many visions of blood erupting into her mind now. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were still teasing her everyday, but not nearly as bad as the first incident that led her to becoming a CMC member.

She and Nyx were walking down the street to the schoolhouse. Both of them smiling happily. Unknown to them, they were being watched by two earth ponies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to be exact. And they weren't pleased or happy. Diamond growled under her breath before saying. ''We need to teach that little Night a lesson that she'll never forget. I had enough of her stealing my break time.''

''But how are we gonna do that, we already referred to her as a crybaby, a simple baby and a disgusting filly.'' said Silver, with a frown as she listed what they had called her before.

Diamond frowned too, before she glanced over at a dark, gloomy nearby wood. ''I think I have my idea.''

''What?...'' questioned Silver, as she looked the same way Diamond did and gasped. ''Y-you can't, Diamond. She could be killed, or somepony will find out. Remember what happened when you did that to Nyx three years ago.''

''Well, it won't be the same because we're just going to do it a different way to make sure that she learns her full lesson.''

Silver shaked a little, she didn't like the tone that Diamond was using. Truth be told, the 10 year old wished nothing more than to walk away from Diamond but she had no choice, if she walked away then she would have Diamond's wrath behind her and she didn't want that for all the bits in Equestria. ''How then....?''

''Well....'' said Diamond, as she began whispering her plan to Silver Spoon.

Later that day, Night was packing her stuff away into her saddle bags when she was approched by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She freaked and attempted to get away from them, only to have Diamond's hoof placed on her shoulder in a surprisingly calm way. The small filly looked back at them in confusion. ''W-why...didn't....you say...anything...?''

''Because we wanted to say sorry for all the mean comments.'' said Diamond, in a relatively kind voice.

''....Say sorry...?'' mimicked Night in confusion.

''Yeah, we're sorry.'' said Silver.


''You don't have to say anything. Wait, how about to show our apologies. We take you a lovely flowerbed.'' said Diamond.


''Uh huh, it's just within that forest over there.'' said the pink earth pony, as she pointed out of the window and over to the Everfree Forest. Night flinched, Twilight had told her about the dangerous forest before and she really didn't want to head into there. She had heard that when night fell, creatures would begin roaming through the almost dead trees.

''....B-but.....that...f-forest is dangerous......''

''Only at first. But when you get so far in, the danger fades and you find a beautiful flowerbed.''

''.....B-but.....Twilight said to go home....straight away........with Nyx....''

''Aw, don't worry. I have already told Nyx so that they do not worry about you.'' said Diamond, with a little faint smirk. ''So are you in or are you going to be little mommy's girl all your life?'' Night flinched again, the mention of the word 'mommy' scared her. But if Nyx already knew and if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was going with her, maybe she should go. After all, they did say sorry to her and they were being kind for a change.


''So you're in. Well come on.'' said Silver, with a smile but worry filled eyes.

The three fillies left the school building, without any of the CMC members spotting them. Diamond and Silver led the small nine year old to the dark forest. Night hesitated when they were coming to the entrance of the forest, looking frightenly at the almost dark trees. Diamond smirked a little, before changing her facial expression to a frown. ''You coming or what?''

''Yeah....'' mumbled Night, as she slowly walked forward.

As they walked through the scary forest, Night stopped every now and again but always forced herself to keep going. Some time later, it felt like they had been walking for half an hour but none of the three really knew. Night stopped once more, and screamed when she saw a tree with a terrifying face on it. Diamond smirked, that was what she needed. The filly bawling in tears because of a scary face. She picked a rock up from the path, a hard and sharp rock. Silver gasped, but didn't find the strength to stop her friend. Diamond walked over to the crying filly, without the child noticing, and slammed the rock hard on the filly's head to the point that blood leaked from it mixing with her violet mane. and leaving her unconscious.

''Diamond, you shouldn't have done that!'' cried Silver Spoon.

''Oh. Shut up, you wimp. And if you tell anypony what happened, then consider yourself dead.''

Silver quieted down, with fright in her eyes. But she followed the pink pony out of the forest, taking one last look at the unconscious filly with a sad tear rolling down her eye as she mumbled. ''I'm sorry, Midnight....''

By the time, the two fillies left the woods it was sundown. The pink aura lit the sky, as the sun faded across the horizon. Diamond smirked, whilst Silver looked frightened. Both knew what could happen to Night during the night hours, and both had different opinions on it too. But neither one spoke a word to each other, and soon parted ways.

About a hour passed, and Night woke up. Blood dripped on the ground, as she shuffled into a seating postion. She looked around, seeing danger in every corner. And that was when she noticed that it was night time. She blinked in horror, and tears rolled down her face as she mumbled out. ''I want my mommy!''