Where Is My Love?

by TheMyth

Chapter 21

Trudging along darkened corridors, one unicorn stallion scowled to himself as light projected by his horn shone on the floor before him. Why the hay do I have to pull a weekend night shift? I could be in a mare’s bed right… his thoughts stopped when he saw a light on in the employee’s lounge, his ears perking at the sound of movement from inside.

He slowly walked over and pushed the door gently open, his eyes going wide as he saw a mare just making a fresh pot of coffee. “Uh, shouldn’t you be in jail?” he asked.

“Actually,” the mare started, not even bothering to turn around. “I left there the same day after spending some time with the Minister of Finance and his family.”

“Oh… well what are you doing here now?” the stallion asked, suddenly remembering he was the duty guard for the building and there shouldn’t be anypony in on a weekend. “Didn’t they suspend you?”

“No, Amber Vain did,” the mare said as she poured the coffee into two cups. “But the board of directors haven’t heard from her for a week now, and as she didn’t inform anypony of a holiday, they decided it was time for a management change. So, I am here to get my government department back to why it was founded; to help foals. I’ll be here most of the weekend, so pass it on to the other guards, please.” She watched with a smirk as the guard processed what she had told him, his ears falling flat.

“O-of course, Bre… Miss Haze,” the guard said, relaxing when Breezy picked up a cup in her wing and point at first to the other one them at him with her free feathery appendage. Trotting over, he lifted it in his magic and took an appreciative sip. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Breezy studied the stallion, sure she had seem him somewhere else… “Don’t you work for the FPS as well?” she asked.

“I did some agency work a few years back, just some low level filling,” he answered.

“Good… I need somepony who isn't on the inside of FPS to help,” Breezy said, downing the contents of her cup. “If you’d be so kind when you get off duty, find me the personnel file for one Miss ‘Shimmer Spark’, and don’t worry, you’ll be compensated for your time.” With that, Breezy left the employee lounge, leaving the guard to ponder over her words.

With a thick cloak over her back, Derpy stood at the prow of the Lightbringer, watching as the Dreamcatcher led the way. Unlike Luna’s vessel, which looked just like a pleasure craft unless a pony knew what kind of crew it had, the Lightbringer was an instrument of war. She now understood the slight feeling of dread that ran down her back when Celestia said that name, and when she saw the ship, Derpy had to pause so her mind could take it in.

Twice as wide as the Dreamcatcher and three times as long, the Lightbringer was crewed by some of the best ponies in service to the crown. Along its hull on pivotal mounts were large barrels, which Derpy found out when asked were immensely powerful focusing lenses for unicorns, turning even the weakest foal’s weakest magical outburst into a destructive power that could topple any mountain. With the threat looming aboard the Lightbringer, Derpy finally began to understand why races such as the griffons and minotaurs had worked tirelessly to uphold the peace between their nations.

If ever its armaments were not enough, its decks could hold a full battalion of Solar Corps soldiers, ponies Derpy didn’t know even existed until that very morning. And it was how the Lightbringer was currently crewed, the sounds of swords, spears and other weapons being sharpened lost to Derpy as she stared ahead, not looking at the Dreamcatcher, but to where it was leading them, two of Princess Celestia’s personal guards, Praetorians, stood a respectful distance away from her.

“Well… it’s been some time…” Derpy whipped around at the voice, her eyes going wide and her mouth dropping open. “Still fits, if a little tight,” Blueblood said as a blue glow loosened a strap across his chest. That was not what had drawn Derpy’s attention though, as Blueblood stepped towards her, heavy hooffalls thudding through the deck.

From crest to dock, the unicorn stallion was covered by multiple layers of strange black metal, which formed an armored suit without restricting any mobility. Upon each pauldron was a silver flower, and hovering behind him was a full helm, which would leave none of him exposed when he put it on.

“You… but…” Derpy started, but she couldn’t put her thoughts into coherent words. She stepped closer to Blueblood and lift a hoof, gently pressing against the black metal. She let out a surprised gasp when she felt warmth instead of cold, something that went against all her high school physics and flying experience for their current altitude, yet that was the case. “What… how…”

“Platinum Knight armour,” Blueblood said as he leaned forward and gently nuzzled Derpy. “The original unicorns of this world came from far north, even further than the Crystal Empire, so had to endure much harsher climes. They were tribes constantly at war until one tribe, instead of killing of their enemies, took in the defeated ponies and added them to their own ranks.”

“But…this armour. It looks new and old at the same time,” Derpy said as she took a closer look, now seeing the scratches and dents that marred the metal. “And it’s seen battle.”

“It is a family heirloom that was kept at the castle,” Blueblood said, then suddenly dropped his gaze to the deck. “I… used to sneak into my family vault and try it on when I was a teenager, imagining myself leading the charge against the enemies of Equestria. ‘Prince Blueblood, vanquisher of evil and Knight of Equestria!’” he said, throwing his arms wide.

He expected ridicule, especially from the Solar Corps, but all he got was Derpy giggling as she turned to press against his side, nuzzling under his chin. “You’re my knight, and Dinky’s too,” Derpy said, letting out a sad sigh. “...but why are you wearing it?”

“Because I am going to lead the charge to get our daughter back,” Blueblood replied, the tone of his voice and the resoluteness of his words telling Derpy there would be no discussion on the matter. Metal hitting the deck caused them to both turn around, Blueblood cocking his head. “Captain, is that…”

“You bet yer arse it is. Pardon my Prench, m’lady,” said a very large pegasus with a scar going from his left eyebrow to his right cheek. “For all we know, that… word that cannot be repeated in polite company has Trottingham under her hoof. I ain’t gonna let the lady go anywhere near there without knowing she’s got this on,” he said, turning his gaze to Derpy.

Derpy looked from Blueblood, to the captain, to the pile of the metal on the deck. Meeting Blueblood’s blue eyes with her golden ones, Derpy made her decision. “...suit me up.”

What do I do now?

Sly lay on the guest room’s bed and stared at the ceiling for hours. With two guards standing outside the room, his current accommodation felt more like a prison cell.

Maybe that’s where I’m going next? Sly thought to himself as he emitted a sigh. A part of him felt like they were being genuinely kind to him for relaying news about the filly’s whereabouts, yet he could not rid himself of the notion that they were merely pampering him for a sentence in prison, or worse.

Just as he furrowed his brow whilst looking up at the ceiling, an image of the scared filly appeared before Sly, causing him to flinch as he sat up on his bed. The mere memory of her sent a shiver down his spine. He knew Amber would do anything to attain her goals; but to actually abduct a foal, one who belongs to the royal family, was just beyond madness. 

It’s not like I could have saved her when right there… not with that Katakan around! Sly’s thoughts came to a halt when he heard the door open, and saw not only the two guards coming in, but also Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He cocked his eyebrow when he saw the princesses carrying what looked a tray with a teapot and biscuits on it.

“Comet, Rock… you may take your leave, we wish to be alone with our guest.” Luna said as she turned her head to the two guards, who saluted to their princess. Once they closed the door behind them, both princesses turned their attention to Sly. “Do you wish to join us for tea?”

Like you’re giving me much of a choice. “Okay…” Sly shrugged before he got up from the bed and took a seat where Celestia and Luna were. When the elder sister poured tea into a cup and passed it onto him, the stallion stared at it as he took a hold of it. It’s not like this is poisoned… Or could there be a truth serum in it? I told them everything I knew, it’s not like I’m working as a double agent for my deranged sister! Still, why the buck are these two treating me so nicely

“Is something the matter, Sly Cur?”

Sly shook his head as he sipped his tea. “It’s nothing…” he trailed off for a moment and blinked. “Actually, there is something I want to know…” he paused for a moment as he looked down at his own cup of tea, feeling the eyes of Celestia and Luna upon him. “Why are you being so nice to me?” he asked them.

“Would you prefer it that we treat you with hostility?” Luna questioned him.

“Well, no… but given this situation, am I not supposed to be in prison now?”

Celestia let loose a sigh before she replied. “You did nothing wrong, my little pony… Even if you think you were at fault for what happened to our niece.”

“Tell that to your nephew.” Sly replied, his neck still in pain thanks to Blueblood nearly choking the life out of him.

“We apologize for that,” Luna interjected herself into the conversation. “You must understand, our nephew is very protective of his family… especially when it comes to his daughter. I’m sure you would have done the same had it been your sister that was taken from you.”

Sly huffed as he looked away from Luna. “She would sell me out if it meant getting a foothold into the elite of Canterlot.” he said. “She’s not even my real sister.”

“How do you mean?” Celestia asked, now curious to Sly’s words.

The stallion, having finished his drink, poured himself a cup of tea before he continued. “I think I was around five or six when she and her mother moved in. A couple of years later, Shimmer Spark became my step mother when she married my dad.” Even though she didn’t really love him...

A spray of tea was sent across the table, causing Sly and Luna to turn to Celestia, who was staring wide eyed at the stallion. “Did you say just Shimmer Spark?” she asked, getting a confused nod in return. Oh no!

“Tia, what’s the matter?” Luna asked her sister, whose eyes were darting back and forth as she mumbled to herself.

“I’m sorry Luna, Sly, but I must go. There is a pony I must ensure is not present when Amber Vain is brought in!” With that, Celestia disappeared in a flash of golden light, leaving two very thoroughly confused ponies behind.

Glancing over at the clock on the mantlepiece, Amber Vain gave a snort then got out of her chair, Dark Star following. She opened the door to the basement, pausing a moment to pick up a small gold band, then descended the stairs. Using the light or her horn, Amber approached the dangling cage, noting the filly appeared to be asleep, making her task much easier.

Quietly opening the cage, Amber sent the ring inside and left it hovering above Dinky’s horn. “Wake up!” the mare shouted, banging the cage with her hoof. As it pushed Dinky away, her horn touched the golden band, which slid down her horn to the base, an inscription flashing red once. “It’s time. Dark Star, get her out of there.”

The Katakan nodded, reaching a hoof into the cage. Dinky backed away and tried to summon her magic like before, but instead she felt pain pierce her skull. She gave a whimper and collapsed to the cage floor, which was enough for Dark Start to get a grip on her.

Pulling her out, Dark Star gently picked her up in his mouth by the scruff of her neck, careful not to break her skin with his fangs. He followed Amber back up the stairs and into the mansion, walking through it until they emerged into the front yard.

Dinky gasped when her eyes landed on a table, which had a rather large, sharp-looking knife set on it . She began to struggle to get free from her captor, but any strike she managed to land seemed to have no effect. Approaching the table, Dark Star dropped Dinky onto it and placed his hoof on her back, keeping enough pressure on her to make sure she stayed down.

“Well little one,“ Amber said as she lifted the knife in her magic, turning to face the frightened filly. “It seems daddy doesn’t love you after all. Now hold still… this is going to hurt enough as it is.” Amber placed the blade edge down just above the base of Dinky’s horn, about to raise it up to strike when a loud and very, very angry growl caught her attention.

Her eyes went wide as they settled upon two Katakans who had appeared from nowhere, instantly recognizing the one eyed stallion that was Luna’s captain. Before she could react, Deadeye leapt at Dark Star, the force of the impact sending both stallions through the brick wall and into the mansion.

With Dark Star removed, Amber was left defenceless against Nightshade, who was charging right at her, but then the unicorn mare spotted something behind the Katakan. With a quick flash of her horn, she transported the colt to the ground next to her and lifted a second knife in her magic. “One more step, and the colt gets it!” she said, nearly screaming in anger.

Nightshade skidded to a stop as her eyes focused on Pip, then she began to pace back and forth, snorting angrily as she glared at Amber.

“You don’t get it do you?” Amber asked, giving a laugh that could be considered a disturbed cackle. “I’ve won!” The blade above Dinky’s horn was raised into the air, but Amber paused, blinked, and looked up. Her ears splayed backwards as she saw a small airship with Luna’s mark drift overhead, followed by a much larger vessel, twin blazing suns marked on either side of the prow.

The sky was filled with black dots, like a colony of bats at dusk, but Amber knew that was not the case. One of the blurs headed towards the ground much faster than any of the others, light glowing from the body. With a large tremor that nearly made the unicorn mare falter, the falling pony hit the ground, send up mounds of dirt.

The sound of a heavily armoured hoof on gravel filled the now silent garden, Amber’s eyes going wide at the black clad unicorn, then she scowled when she saw the two platinum roses on the pauldrons. “Well well… look who came for the show!” Amber said in the most condescending voice she could.

“Let her go, Vain, and I promise we’ll just have you tried for her abduction,” Blueblood said, his voice given a deep echo to it thanks to his helm. He took one step forward, but Amber lowered the knives a little, causing him to stop in place.

“Abduction? This is purification!” Amber cackled as she grinned uncontrollably and her eyes started to water when she saw Blueblood give her an icy glare. “Once this mongrel is gone, I’ll rid Equestria of that tramp that’s poisoned your mind! A pegasus actually being a princess of Equestria?! That’s just sick! It’s destiny that you and I be together! I know because this what I was born to do” her words were cut off when a hoof collided with the side of her face, dispelling the magic that held the knives in place. Fortunately, neither found their mark, clattering harmlessly to the ground.

Amber’s body flew until she was stopped by a wall, her cheek burning in pain and her back aching thanks to the collision. She looked up to see the one who dared to attack her, only for her to seethe in hatred. Standing just before the filly was the tramp who had nearly ruined her chance with her beloved Blueblood.

“Get away from her, you bitch!” Derpy snarled as she flared her wings to the fallen unicorn. Her ears perked when she heard Dinky’s muffled cries, causing her to turn around and see Blueblood comforting their daughter as she cried in his chest. Her eyes lingered to Nightshade who had Pip on her back, the latter surprisingly quiet. “Blue, Nightshade… get Dinky and Pip out of here.” she instructed her fiancé, who only nodded once.

“What about Vain?” Blueblood asked as he pointed to the unicorn, who was now struggling to stand on her hooves.

Derpy’s eyes landed on Amber as her glare intensified when the unicorn mare tried to attack again. “She’s mine.” she said as she flew towards her target.

Why that good for nothing little! Amber roared as she charged towards Derpy, using her magic to grab hold of the nearest object, which happened to be one of the knives. “Just die, you worthless defiler of Equestria! Your kind does not belong with Royalty! You defy my destiny and must pay!” she shouted out as she sent the knife flying, but missed when the pegasus simply side stepped.

Amber gasped when Derpy suddenly appeared before her, the latter’s eyes burning with rage until a hoof impacted against her chest, with another hitting underneath her chin. As she staggered back in pain, she tried to use her magic to attack but failed when her opponent decided to buck her hard against her torso, sending her flying again.

“I don’t give a flying feather about your beliefs on destiny or even what you want out of life,” Derpy said as she continued to walk towards Amber. “Because you made the worst mistake in your sad pathetic life…”

“My life is not pathetic!” Amber retorted as she grinded her teeth and tried to focus her magic into eliminating the mare who dared defy her. “I control the lives of those blasted foals who pretend they are the future of this country! I am the one who decides their destiny! And who are you to tell me that my life is sad?! You’re kind are just thieves who deny their assigned destiny to” she was silenced again when Derpy charged towards her, causing her magic to dispel as she lost concentration.

Knowing she didn’t have time to resort to what little battle magic she knew, Amber rose to her hind hooves and tried to punch Derpy in the face, but the pegasus saw the attack and stopped her charge. As the unicorn’s hoof came forwards, Derpy stopped and spun around to her left with the grace of a ballet dancer, her own forehoof raised.

Her hoof connected with the back of Amber’s head, knocking the unicorn back to four hooves, but Derpy had already started her next attack, her left rear leg meeting the underside of Amber’s chin and sending her back up into the air. Amber tried to protect her head, but that left her barrel open for attack, which Derpy took full advantage of, hitting several times in quick succession.

“Like I care what you have to say!” Derpy shouted as she assaulted Amber, now aiming a flurry of hooves at her face as the unicorn tried to protect her body. “You abducted my daughter and tried to kill her,” she paused when she saw the unicorn’s face was becoming swollen.

“And nopony, no matter who they are, hurts my family and gets away with it!” Derpy finished her speech with a roar as she thrusted her hoof against Amber’s horn, shattering it upon impact. The unicorn, now with a broken horn, did not scream in pain. She was already unconscious from the pegasus mare's attacks.

Derpy winced as she massaged her hoof, only to stop when she heard the sound of hoofsteps coming towards her. She turned to see three Solar Corps soldiers coming over, one of them carrying a magic restrainer. They paused when they saw Derpy standing over a battered and hornless Amber Vain.

"I guess this won't be needed?" the pony holding the restrainer asked, receiving blank stares from his colleagues.

"Can somepony get me an ice pack, please?" Derpy asked politely as she held her hurt hoof in the air, grinning at the soldiers.

With the danger now passed and Amber Vain taken into custody, Blueblood stripped from his armour, almost instantly being impacted from both sides at the same time once he was out of it. One was a small body, pressing firmly against his side, the other larger, a pair of wings being wrapped around them all. Movement to the side caught his attention, and he looked around to see Pipsqueak slowly moving closer. Beckoning him over, Blueblood added the colt to the loving embrace, feeling his daughter shift around so that she could be next to Pip.

“Where is Deadeye?” came Nightshade’s voice, causing Blueblood to look over then follow her gaze, to where a large hole had been formed in the side of the mansion. “Where is my son?” The katakan mare went to look, but after moving one hoof she stopped, jumping in front of Blueblood and the others, spreading her wings with a snarl.

From inside the hole a bloodied hoof appeared, the pony it belonged to dragging themselves out. As soon as a muzzle came into view, Nightshade knew it was her son. There was a loud, pained groan from the hole, Deadeye managing to find his hooves, but when he stepped out into the the twilight light, Nightshade’s eyes went wide.

With his right forehoof raised from the ground, the stallion stumbled forward on three legs. His mouth was covered in blood, but Nightshade could see no wounds on him, and fully believed that he had fulfilled his promise.

Deadeye made it about halfway to the five ponies before he collapsed, Nightshade frozen in shock when she saw the wounds his folded wings, which now lay splayed out, had hidden. She didn’t even notice the filly and colt run past her.

“Deadeye!” Dinky screamed as she galloped over to the downed Katakan, whose breathing was shallow and his eyes closed. Ignoring the mess on his face, Dinky leant in close and nuzzled his cheek, tears freely flowing from her eyes. “Come on Mr Deadeye! Wake up!” the filly wailed.

She heard a groan and stepped back, smiling when Deadeye’s eye fluttered open, focusing on her. Taking a few deep breaths, the stallion returned her smile, reaching out to gently touch her cheek with his good forehoof. “Dark Star… will bother you no more.” The stallion then went limp, his eye rolling shut.

“Deadeye! Get up!” Dinky shouted, shoving the stallion. “A-as your princess, I command you to wake up!”

Behind her, Blueblood stood watching with a sobbing Derpy next to him, whilst Nightshade watched on with her emotions hidden, but she could not stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks...