The Silver Stars

by David Silver

65 - Return to Ponyville

Twilight and Silver walked side-by-side with the guard marching in front of them. Luna suddenly stepped out in front of the guard. "Halt. The Princess Sparkle is required in Ponyville immediately."

Twilight unfurled her wings in alarm. "Is something wrong?"

Luna nodded. "You are required for the winter preparation. It is nothing dire, but as presiding princess, you should make a good impression."

The guard looked a little confused. "Celestia or--"

"Plans change." Luna waved Twilight off. "Take Silver with you, the practice will be good for her."

Twilight changed course for the exit, and soon she and Silver were gone.

Luna nodded to herself and moved off. She met with Shining Armor and Cadance, and they marched as one through the halls. "Fortuitous timing. Twilight emerged on her own. I sent her back to her castle."

Shining nodded. "I'm glad she's feeling better. Let's focus on the matter at hoof."

Cadance inclined her head slightly. "Namely how to approach Auntie about this tactfully without being brushed off."

Luna arched a brow. "Are we certain we didn't want to bring Twilight and Silver with us? They are princesses as well."

Shining shook his head quickly. "Twily's too close, and Silver's too new. It'd be way better for both if we can handle this on our own."

Twilight and Silver landed in a town deep in the throes of preparing for winter. Leaves were being collected and clouds being brought in, heavy and thick. The sight of Twilight brought happy smiles as ponies gathered around, but they looked at Silver with uncertainty.

Mayor Mare pushed to the fore of the gathering. "Good to see you back, Princess Twilight Sparkle. We're already well underway and on schedule! I trust everything went well?"

Twilight wrapped a wing around Silver. "We're back and ready to pitch in a hoof." Though she had failed to notice the nervousness of the ponies, her showing of solidarity with Silver proved a sound move for relaxing many of them. "This will be Silver Star's first Running of the Leaves." She looked aside at Silver. "Up for running? Just don't show up the other ponies too badly."

Silver smiled nervously. "Sure, I'll give that a chance. Where do I go?" Silver was soon led away towards the race track, and preparations for the coming of winter resumed. As Silver slid into position, a wide berth was afforded on both sides. Silver shook her head a little. "I won't break on contact. There's plenty enough room for everyone."

Soft whispering murmured through the crowd.

"Why does she keep saying everyone like that?"

"That's the one that made Twilight go crazy, right?"

"Why does she look so scary for a princess! It's worse than Luna!"

"Why is a princess running in the race? Is she trying to show off?"

Silver sagged a little, annoyed, and on some small level, amused. The whispering was loud enough to hear easily, even though other ponies seemed to miss it all the time. "For the race I'm just a pony like the rest of you. Let's shake those leaves!" A soft murmuring of indistinct noises was the reply.

The gun went off and it become a riot of colors as the ponies surged forward in one great herd. Silver launched herself forward with them, concentrating on keeping her pacing even. A thought came to her as she thundered with the others. If she was an alicorn, surely she had some earth pony mixed in there? She let her magic free, panting all the harder as heat built. With soft mental nudges, she focused it, trying to send it down into her legs and her lungs. Her panting become deeper and deeper as she pulled in huge gulps of air and relief came swiftly. She felt she could keep on running for some time. Running became fun in a way that it never had before.

It was a few minutes before she realized she had left the pack behind and she went dark in the nose and cheeks. She couldn't blow all the other ponies out of the water! That would make them so angry... She ducked to the side into some bushes and waited, allowing the pack to catch up and pass her by before she emerged and let them set the pace.

A grey mare slowed down and turned her head towards her. Derpy. "Hi!"

"Hi Derpy! You're a pegasus, I thought you'd be helping with the clouds." Silver raised a wing to point up at the clouds being moved into position. "What brings you to the ground-pounders?"

Derpy shrugged. "Everypony says that, but I can run as good as anypony else! Just like you. I heard them saying mean things about you. That wasn't very nice."

Silver shook her head and extended a wing, hugging Derpy briefly. "You are so sweet. Thanks! Yeah, anypony can run if they want to, don't let them tell you otherwise."

Derpy nodded her head, panting much more roughly than Silver was with her earth pony magic. "You're good at running..."

Silver slowed a little. "We can slow down if you want? It's not a race, even if they do give medals in the end."

Derpy slowed down with a grateful look on her face, and they trotted instead of galloping. "Thanks. I need to practice more. You're Silver Stars, right? A princess?"

Silver reached up to poke her horn and flared out her wings. "Guilty. And you are Derpy Hooves, a very nice pegasus."

Derpy giggled at the description of herself. "So what's it like, being a princess? Do you have a crown?"

Silver shook her head. "Not yet. It's... Well I got bigger, and these wings. I guess the biggest part is the magic of all the tribes, and dreamwalking."

"You can go into dreams?!" Derpy's crossed eyes went wide. "That's amazing! Can you visit mine? ... Did you already visit mine? You have to tell me if you did!"

Silver couldn't help herself from giggling, warming to Derpy's optimistic enthusiasm. "I haven't, but do you want me to?" Derpy bobbled her head eagerly. "Then I will, tonight, promise. We'll do whatever you always wanted to do, together." Derpy took off on her wings to free up her hooves and clopped them together ecstatically before landing. "Derpy, you've made this entire run worth doing." Derpy flushed warmly at the compliment and didn't reply. They just trotted onwards through the race course.

As they came within sight of the end, Derpy moved closer. "Silver Stars? I don't think you're as scary as the others said. They're just being mean faces, like when they say I'm stupid for looking weird."

Silver tilted her head. "You look adorable, not weird, and you're not stupid. I'll see you around town, OK?"

Derpy smiled brightly, then surged ahead, completing the race ahead of Silver. They weren't the last ponies across the line, but they were far from the first.

"Winter is coming!" came Twilight's shout, amplified into the Royal Canterlot Voice.

The ponies all looked confused at the warning. Silver did a circling around until she could see Cloudsdale sparking and smoking. A great wad of something white propelled out of it and came flying towards Ponyville at an unhealthy speed. Wanting to protect her new friend, Silver threw herself at Derpy and quickly summoned up a shield of silvery light. Snow thundered across the town, the race track, and everything else. The snow hissed loudly on contact with the reactive bubble, and Silver felt her energy being drained quickly, but it was over as quickly as it began, leaving the two of them standing on a patch of dry leaves in the middle of a winter wonderland.

Derpy clopped her hooves in delight. "Thanks, Princess Silver Stars! I'd better go help out." She took off into the sky, joining the other pegasi. Silver took it as her cue to find somewhere she could lend a hoof for the process.

Celestia smiled, seated in the gardens. "My dear Cadance, Shining. A pleasure to see you both!" Around the small table was Cadance, Shining Armor, and Luna. The other three nodded at Celestia. "You all look quite severe. What troubles you?"

Shining gave a nervous smile. "It's... We're very thankful for all the work you put into Equestria."

Cadance nodded in agreement. "You've worked very hard to give us such a peaceful kingdom and time."

Luna joined in. "And done a very admirable job, dear sister."

Celestia waved a hoof in a slow roll, "But?"

Cadance did her own calming technique, moving her hoof with her breath. "We think you've become so trapped in a lifetime of looking at things long-term, that the matters of the immediate have fallen entirely off your perception."

Luna nodded gently. "You can see clearly what your ponies need for the future, so what pains may be brought about in the present are marginalized and rationalized away."

Celestia shook her head a little. "Young Cadance, Shining Armor; Neither of you have lived beyond a single lifetime. Luna, sister, you know what it is like to watch the years go by. If I did not plan for the future, what would I do? The needs of the many, and the future, must always outweigh the few, and the present."

Cadance spread her wings. "There are ways, Auntie. I know you are used to... certain allowances, but all we ask is that you try first. Before you move to bypass or step over a pony, ask them. You have made a grand new age, where ponies think for themselves, and expect some amount of respect."

Shining Armor joined in quickly. "Your ponies will respect you all the more if you make it clear why you are doing what you do. They love you, and Equestria. Most of them will willingly do what it takes to protect them."

Celestia raised a hoof. "I know what this is about. I know I've been a little r--"

"Little?" Luna frowned. "You have run roughshod over her at every chance. There is no reason for it, Tia. She wants to be a good subject."

Celestia clopped the top of the table lightly. "He has arrived as a strange creature in this land and everywhere he has gone, chaos and disharmony have followed in his blundering steps. He spouts harmony and is beyond any reasonable measure of timidity, but he is a beacon for chaos. There was not supposed to be another princess yet! Despite his words, he has ascended to the highest power available, and I shudder in terror at what the next step may be."

Cadance snorted softly. "You made Silver a mare, Auntie. It's rude to call her a him now. While it is true odd things have occurred around her, she has risen against the chaos at every opportunity. She protected the ponies of Canterlot, twice. She defended the Crystal Empire at no small risk to herself and her family." She sighed gently. "The bottom line is that if you asked her to take the fall for Twilight? She'd probably have said yes. Even if you asked her to surrender being a stallion, there's a good chance you could have convinced her without much trouble. She was a model citizen during her stay in the Empire. She looked up to me, and she almost cried with the joy that her ruler didn't abuse her." She looked at Celestia eye-to-eye. "I think better of you, Auntie. Please, this has to stop."

Shining nodded softly. "When it was discovered she may cause harm, she left despite our offer to shelter her. Whatever chaos follows her, it is against her will. We should be helping her, not blaming her."

Luna raised a hoof. "Tia, I think I know the source of this chaos."

Celestia turned to Luna with a brow raised. "You have my attention..."