//------------------------------// // 74 - What are Friends For? // Story: The Silver Stars // by David Silver //------------------------------// Silver rose from her sleep with a start, shaking off the mugginess and the clinging headache. Twilight looked up, apparently awakened by the movement, "Hnnnh?" Silver smiled at her and sat on her haunches. "Sorry. Is it late, or early?" She had lost most ability to tell on her own on awakening, and the drawn blinds didn't help. The conversation roused Night, who stretched and rolled over, pulling Twilight into a tight hug. Silver warmed at the sight and a giggle escaped her. "Good... morning?" Night mumbled something before she sat up. Twilight looked more awake and sat up herself. Last awake but quickest to sit up, Fast Change sprung up and looked around. "Are we having a meeting?" Silver nodded. "I would like to, if you're all available? I have a problem that could become our problem if not handled correctly." Twilight's attention focused. "Is it dangerous? Tell us." Night bobbed her head in agreement. "We're listening. Did you do something foolish?" Fast slid around until he was behind Silver and pulled her back into his lap, snuggling. "Was it sexy?" Silver snorted softly, relaxing into Fast's grip. "A little foolish, but I don't think dangerous. When I was dreamwalking, I visited a very old friend of mine, Rough Tumble." Night perked up with recognition. "The abused colt? How's he doing?" Silver lifted her shoulders. "From the sounds of it, he's pulled it together, financially. He owns a business in a new field and he's making a name for himself." Twilight nodded a little. "Alright, that sounds great! So what's the problem?" Silver wobbled a hoof. "We were herd-mates, very briefly... He's had a crush on me from even before that... He's had other boy... oh." She clopped her hooves. "He is... or was... a colt cuddler, so... He had some other coltfriends over the years, but they were all kind of jerks, drawn to his insecurity and they took advantage of him." Night snorted. "Sounds a little like someone I know." Silver leaned out of Fast's grip to kiss Night on the cheek. "I shudder to think where I'd be without you as my guardian angel." Night raised a hoof. "So that means you'll listen to us about Starlight Glimmer?" Silver stiffened. "This isn't about her! Can we focus please?" She grumbled a little, which was ignored by and large by the others. Twilight tilted her head. "I think I'm starting to get the picture." Night nodded in agreement. "He's looking for you, the one that got away, and didn't abuse him." Fast shook her head. "If he's a good pony, why would it be bad if he found you?" Silver went rigid. "I'm... in a four-pony herd that's about to become a six-pony herd. Two of them are alicorns, and the two others? Rulers of the nation..." She sagged her head. "Even if I did fall for him and you all agreed, would he get the time he deserves? I... feel..." She searched her emotions. "I feel... like I'd be abusing him by accepting his advance. He'd sit there with a smile, happy as could be, but he wouldn't be getting the attention he deserves." Fast squeezed Silver from behind. "The more you talk, the more it sounds like you. You wanted to roll over and be an alicorn's pet before, didn't you? Think about how happy you were." Silver began to color as she thought back to when she threw herself at Luna's hooves, and the satisfaction of being loved by her. "I..." She closed her eyes, drawing back to the memory. "She felt so large... Even when she barely had time, it made me so happy. Just basking beside her..." Night nodded quickly. "I know that feeling too well... I miss her." Silver opened her eyes with a sad frown. "I'm sorry for poking a sore spot. Would I really fill that kind of void? Am I that... large? Should I really... accept that for him?" Twilight pointed at Silver. "You have asked many times that you be allowed to choose. This time, I think you need to let another pony make their choice. The shoe is on the other hoof. Will you decide for Tumble or let him decide? If this is really what he wants, knowing all the facts... Just be honest. That's the most fair thing you can do. Be honest, with him, and yourself." Night nodded in agreement with Twilight. "That was perfect, Twilight." She leaned in and kissed the princess on the cheek. "Well said." Fast seemed to also agree. "The way I see it, this is your chance to prove if you were sincere, or a hypocrite. You're the princess now, and he is the lonely little normal pony. If he loves you half as much as you're implying, will you tell him to shove off because 'it's complicated'? What if Luna had done that to you?" Silver frowned a little. "She tried, at first. I was very stubborn." Fast grinned. "I get the feeling your friend will be just as stubborn." Silver sagged against Fast. "What about the rest of you? It's another stallion in the herd. Most of you have never met the pony. Are you OK with this?" Twilight shook her head. "I'm not likely to sleep with the pony, but herds don't all... do that..." She swallowed heavily. "If... you somehow got the royal sisters, I would... be quite confident they would never touch one another, but they would be herd-mates all the same." She looked quite flustered on speaking on the subject, red and embarrassed. Night nodded in agreement. "We can make our own decisions, starting with deciding if he's a good pony. That's up to us. You don't worry about that part. Your part is to decide if you will accept him, then we get to do our part." She flashed her fangs. "If you accept him and we turn him away, well, you did your part, didn't you?" Silver snorted softly. "I suppose that's true... I told him I was in Ponyville. I get the idea from the way he was talking he'll be here in a few days at most, looking for me. I don't know if he'll know to look here, but most people in town know where to find the lunar princess, so that won't take long." Fast nuzzled into Silver's neck softly. "Are you going to get prettied up and try to meet him at the station?" Night tilted her head. "You should. Find out when he's coming, visit him in his dreams again if you have to, and make the first step he takes off the train or his truck or whatever else be the last breath he takes for a while." Silver squirmed around in Fast's grip. "That seems very mean. What if I don't accept him? Then I'm just teasing the guy." Twilight slapped Silver over the head with a wing. "Sorry, but you deserve that." She pulled herself up to her full height, clearing her throat. "This is a date. You should look your best, whether or not things work out afterwards is a separate affair." A piece of parchment appeared. "I know what you need! A checklist. I'll have one ready for you shortly." She hopped off the bed and made her way to a nearby desk to start scribbling. Silver couldn't help but giggle, watching her. "Don't ever change, Twilight." The room suddenly lowered as Fast picked her up in his magic. "Pretty time!" Night snorted with a smile. "Put her down. We don't know when Tumble is arriving yet." Fast looked like he was ready to carry her off anyway. She let her magic flow and pressed her silver glow against Fast's grip, breaking the hold and flopping to the ground almost-gracefully. "I'll get dressed when it's time, promise." She trotted over to the window and pulled the blinds enough to see the sun had risen. "At least I didn't wake everyone up in the middle of the night." Silver allowed the sun in fully. Night rolled out of bed, stretching her pudgy body. "Time for me to get to work. That road won't build itself." Fast leaned over the edge. "How's that going? Want some company?" Night tilted her head. "If you want to move a lot of heavy things around, you're welcome to join the team. You'll probably have more fun here." Fast hopped down beside Night. "If you're there, I'll have fun. Lead on, my amazing leader." Night leaned in and kissed Fast's nose. "I don't want to hear a single cry when I work you into the ground." "Oh you know just how to talk dirty to me." Fast walked off after Night, a grin on his face. Twilight held up a list triumphantly. "Here you are! Follow this and I'm sure the date will go perfectly." Silver took hold of the letter in her own magic and brought it over, reading it curiously. "Really? All of this?" "Every single step." Twilight reached out and put a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "This is very important. It's your chance to really show you're an adult now, a master of your own destiny. I'll want to hear all about it after it's over." Silver shrunk a little as the weight of Twilight's words sank in. "I'll do my best." She fidgeted a moment. "Tumble deserves a chance, a real one. I'll give him a good date and, I guess, we'll see?" She folded up the checklist and tucked it away. "Thanks, Twilight." Twilight glanced around at the empty room before suddenly jumping at Silver. They crashed to the ground and Twilight kissed Silver fiercely. Silver was dumbfounded by Twilight's sudden aggression, but was soon squeezing her tightly and enjoying every moment of it. When she drew back, Twilight nodded. "That's for showing me how wonderful married life can be, even if we aren't official yet. You do what's best. We're here for you." Silver leaned up to rub noses with Twilight. "Would it be selfish to request some 'Twilight Time' later?" Twilight tickled at Silver's side with her wings. "After your date, and I'm assuming you mean a bout of copulation, not educational time." She tilted her head. "Or do you? I could do either. Just not at the same time, that would be very counterproductive." Silver burst into giggles, squirming under Twilight's tickles and her manner of speech. "I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy either if you were involved, but I think... I really want to be your mare again." She flashed her fangs. "One time isn't enough." Twilight nodded a little stiffly. "Alright, then I'll promise. You do what's right and handle it like a friend and an adult, and we will spend some... quality time together." She leaned in closer, sniffing. "You're not receptive are you?" Silver flushed dark. "I still don't know how to tell. Am I?" Twilight poked Silver in the belly. "I don't think so, but you still have half a foal in there. Let's not complicate matters. I think the two foals we have in this herd is plenty." She stepped off of Silver. "Be good. I want to hear all about it afterwards."