Shifting Melodies

by Thadius0

Bonus Chapter - Bugging Royalty

Well, that had certainly been an interesting day.

Not only had Princess Celestia paid a visit to Las Pegasus to give an award to a Changeling, she’d also accidentally interrupted a rather raunchy scene.

Just thinking about it made the ancient Alicorn blush. Thankfully, she’d not come back to a similar scene when she paid a return visit to Aerial Ace and his...nymphfriend?  Was that the right term, or did she think of herself more as a pony?

Then the solar diarch recalled the silver changeling’s words, about how the ruling body of the Changeling Lands may very well pay her a visit in the near future thanks to this...publicity circus.

That could be a real problem, given the city’s stance on Changelings. While Celestia had made an effort to alleviate their fears, her little ponies could be frightfully stubborn about this sort of thing. It had taken nearly a decade just to get them to accept the fact that the Griffons weren’t trying to eat them.

Still, she had faith that the shapeshifters would be accepted one day. And while she had felt terrible about using Level Ledger like that, some sacrifices were necessary.

She also made a mental note to send him a fruit basket.  One with plenty of mangoes.

As she walked into her throneroom, thankfully empty. She practically flopped onto her cushioned throne as her assistant teleported in next to her.

“Busy day?” Raven asked, the auburn-maned Unicorn humming slightly.

“When aren’t my days busy?” Celestia sighed as she removed her tiara and torc, leaving her slippers on as she relaxed. “I was hoping it wouldn’t be a dramatic affair. But, like always...”

“Fear not, I already foresaw this and have prepared a pot of your favorite tea and biscuits,” Raven nodded, her horn tinkling lightly as she summoned the maid to bring the tray of tea and sweets.

“Raven?” Celestia said, her large doe-eyes wide and glistening.

“Yes Princess?” the mare replied, not looking up from her checklist.

“Marry me?” the Alicorn said.

“As flattered as I am,” Raven said, unfazed. “I would fear that you would leave me for the next pony to bring you your favorite snacks.” She tapped her chin and thought for a second. “Hmm, how many is that now? Fifteen times?”

Celestia just snorted. “Twenty seven actually, but who’s counting.” She sipped at her tea as a scroll flashed in front of her. “Oh, a letter from Twilight?” It only took a second to realize that the seal that bound it wasn’t the one belonging to the Princess of Ponyville. She read it and her eyes widened slightly. “Raven? Seal the door, then use the emergency escape.”

“Highness?” This was unusual.

“Now Raven!” Celestia snapped. If this letter was to be believed, then she was removing one of her dearest friends should things get dangerous.

“Your Highness, with all due respect,” Raven began as she closed the throne room doors. “I shall remain here, as I always have.”

“My little ponies, as stubborn as any mule...” She suddenly felt the need to apologize to somepony.

And then there was a yellow flash just in front of the doors, and a mare she could swear was just a unicorn maid on her staff stood in the room with her and Raven.  “What, no anti-teleportation wards, your Highness?” the mare asked, looking up and locking eyes with Raven, then the Princess.  “Pretty reckless of you.”

“It is easier to bait with honey, instead of sap,” Celestia replied, using her magic to pull Raven to her side just in case. “I removed them when I got your message. I trust you will not abuse my goodwill?”

“Nah, I’m just the messenger...oh, and I know you’re probably already pulling up my history in your head,” the maid said as she looked at Raven.  “Don’t bother, I’ll not be here after today.  Anyways, that scroll I sent you?”  Here the mare pointed at the parchment that had sent Celestia into a tizzy.  “The only real thing about it is the seal.  It was meant to create this sorta situation, so I could pass on the real private.”

Celestia nodded, it still didn’t stop her building up some defensive wards in case this turned nasty. “So, from this ‘Seven’ then?”

“Yup,” the mare said with a smile that was...decidedly more pointy than it should have been.  “First time this council has agreed on anything in twenty years.  You should feel honored.”

“Given my own Council, I find that the standard fare really,” Celestia chuckled. Even she couldn’t remember a time when they reached a consensus. “So, the message then?”

“Pretty basic.”  The mare shrugged.  “It’s full of standard fluff like non-intervention, non-harmful passage being sought, but what it boils down to is...they know what you did.  And they’re all coming.  It’ll take them about a week and change,” here the mare chuckled, before continuing, “to get here, but you’re going to play host to the Seven soon enough.”

“Yes, Secret said about as much,” Celestia replied. “And what can I expect? Any social faux pas I should avoid?”

“Whatever you do,” the mare said sternly, “Don’t ask them to take their masks off unless you’re in a private room.  They might even request a private audience as well, to make it easier on you.  I suggest you take it.  They’re well aware of how your subjects see them.  Especially Loyalty and Creativity, or Blue and Green.”

Celestia nodded as Raven wrote this information down. “And what of Chrysalis?” the Alicorn said tersely. “Is she one of these ‘Seven’?”

“Minor noble of, get this, the Yellows,” the mare said with a smile.  “It’s why she did such a bold move: she had the Courage that she could make it work, against all odds.  She and her troops were under an illusion to cast other Colors in a non-benevolent light, in case yours sought...retribution.  What it ended up doing was make us all look like monsters.”

“Well, if it helps,” Celestia smiled warmly. “Not all my little ones think ill of you, if what I saw today is any indication.” That also raised a thought as she looked at the Changeling. “And, I trust that Secret-Hoarder will receive no punishment for his role in this?”

“Hives no,” the mare said.  “In the words of the Silver king, ‘He did exactly what he should have.  Perhaps slower than he should have, but he acted the way he was raised to be.’  His parents or siblings might have words for him, but he’s not to be punished for his role in either the destruction of the Black, or how he acted today.”  The mare’s lips pursed as she thought of something.  “You...made this public...just to draw me and them to you, didn’t you?”

Celestia just smiled, that knowing, motherly smile that both hid and showed wisdom beyond compare. “Perhaps.  Then again, perhaps not.  It would be quite the coincidence if there were no plan and things fell that way, would it not?  It would be quite the risk, exposing Secret-Hoarder, if there were nothing to be gained.” She smiled again and sipped her tea. “Funny how things work out sometimes.”

“...Okay, I can tell you’ll likely get along well with the Silver king,” the mare said after she processed the enigmatic reply.  “Just...I think I’ll keep that answer to myself for now.  And you should probably never tell Secret-Hoarder he was a pawn.  He’ll likely not appreciate it.”  With that, the mare tapped her chin with a hoof.  “If there’s nothing else, I think I can go…”

There was a thump, like something hitting the sealed doors. Celestia sighed as her horn flared and surrounded the three with a shield as the doors exploded into countless splinters, Luna storming in, wearing her Nightmare Moon illusion.

“GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!” Her Royal Canterlot Voice was at full blast as the tiles at her hooves were ripped from the floor by sheer force alone. Luckily Celestia had seen to magically re-inforcing the stained glass windows.

“I’m closer to you than your sister, and was that way before you decided to deafen Canterlot,” the mare shot back.  “Seriously, are you trying to wake the dragons from here with that voice of yours?”

Nightmare blinked, then the illusion peeled away like water as the door reformed. “Sister! I like this one!” she beamed. “She has balls as big as a buffalo.”

“Luna...” Celestia let out an exasperated sigh. “How much?”

“.....” Luna remained silent.

“Lulu. How. Much?” Celestia said again, much like a mother scolding a foal.

“ cups,” Luna said with a light blush. “But I requested only three sugars in each, rather than five.”

“And on that note, unless either of you can come up with a question for me, I’m going to take my leave now,” the mare said, a yellow glow building at her horn.  “Before the sugar and caffeine go to Miss ‘I am the night’s head again and cause her to nearly shoot the messenger.  Again.”

“Oh relaaaax,” Luna sighed, draping a hoof over the mare. “My aim is only a little off. Even if you missed the moon, you’ll still land among the stars...or the unimaginable, hideous gaping void of of the two.”

“Not inspiring a lot of confidence there,” the mare deadpanned before looking at Celestia.  “Any other questions, or should I hope that you’re ready for the Seven before I use one of my other aliases and flee?”

“Time will tell, my little Changeling.” Celestia lifted Luna with her magic as the Alicorn let out a shout of joy.

“Oh. My. GOSH! I can FLY!?”

The mare looked at Raven with a sigh.  “Well, it was fun working for you.  Maybe you’ll see me again when this whole thing blows over.”  With that, the unicorn former maid turned and looked at the doors, before shrugging and teleporting back out.

“Well, that was fun,” Celestia giggled as her assistant shook her head. The white Alicorn stood as Luna continued to float beside her. “I suppose I’d better decaffeinate her. I trust you’ll see to things Raven?”

“As always,” Raven smiled as she looked at Luna. “So, which one this time?”

“Hmm, I’m thinking...method 42.”

“Ohh, haven’t used that in a while. Good choice.” Raven gave a small bow as the two sisters left the room. Raven looked at her list of things to do, then to the damage left behind by Luna.

“At least that Nightmare could be solved with rainbows...”

As a precaution, Princess Celestia had taken to cutting Day Court a few hours short each day, claiming that refurbishments to the palace would present a danger to bystanders. As the last noble left for the day, Raven closed the door as she walked towards the throne.

“There is one more, Your Highness... a party of seven request your audience.”

So. They were finally here.

“Alright, have Guards posted outside. I want this room sealed and soundproofed. And for the love of me, keep my sister occupied with something other than coffee.”

“By your will,” Raven smiled and left the room, just as the mentioned party walked in.

Each one was wearing a different coat color, Celestia noticed...and none of them were sporting horns or a pair of wings.  It was as though all the colors of Rainbow Dash’s mane had walked into the the silver Earth Pony that led them.  The Guards let the party of seven in, and immediately, Celestia could sense...friction.  It was in how they looked at each other and tried to subtly edge away or closer to their neighbors.

Oh, this was going to be most fun.

“Welcome, my little ponies,” Celestia greeted them. “And to what do I owe this pleasure?”

The silver stallion looked from her to the door.  “That depends, your highness.  Is this conversation entirely private?”

“You would like privacy?” Celestia saw an opportunity, and perhaps she had spent a little too much time around Discord, but she felt the need to show off a little. Her horn blazed with ancient magic, and the whole room seemed to shift distortedly for a moment.

“This room now exists outside the normal plane,” she smiled. “We are quite alone here.”

With that, the silver stallion nodded, and one by one, the ponies behind him were consumed with flames that matched their coats.  As the fires died, each revealed a matching Changeling King or Queen, ones that stood somewhere between Luna and herself for height.  Eventually it was the silver stallion’s turn, and he too turned into a Changeling King before smirking at Celestia.

“I am the current leader of the Silver Hive,” he said.  “King is most appropriate, and I bear the title Archivist besides.  Knowledge is power, and it is by that knowledge that I currently lead the council of Seven.”

Celestia took their appearances in. Very different to Chrysalis, yet some similarities existed. They were all quite powerful also. “A pleasure to meet all of you. As you are probably aware, I am Princess Sol Celestia. Diarch of Equestria and Daughter of the Sun.”

“Are we doing introductions now?” the Violet Queen asked, in a voice that could probably turn any stallion’s head.  And more than a few mares.

“You can go last,” Archivist said snappishly.  “We don’t need you trying to seduce another global leader.”

“But the dragons were fun,” the Queen pouted. She winked at him, “But, I’ll go last. I usually do~”

“I can never take them anywhere,” the Silver king sighed as he looked back at Celestia.  “Seriously, half the time our meetings devolve into her...antics.”

“Antics?” Celestia replied with a cute tilt of her head.

“We were negotiating the return of some of the dragon’s more beloved ancestors from their current positions as decorations for Yellow’s Hive in exchange for more favorable trade agreements,” the Green Queen volunteered.

“Yes, and then she said something about how once we’d given them the bones, they could give her their bones,” Orange stated.  Violet, for her part, did not look ashamed in the least.

“Mmm, those were a few fun days,” she sighed at the memory.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Celestia let out a melodious giggle as she looked at the Violet. “Oh dear, you really should meet with one of my subjects. You two would get along famously. Why, you already have something in common~”

“Any pony that can take a dragon has my respect,” the Queen said, all smiles.  “But, let’s listen to Archivist for now, my fellow Kings and Queens.  Otherwise he’ll pull out that blackmail file of his, and then we won’t get to have any fun.”

“If I have to blackmail you all into behaving at serious functions of state, I will,” the Silver King said before smiling back at Celestia.  “If there exists a way to corral these...troublemakers short of blackmail, I’ve yet to find it.”

“There is nothing wrong with a little mirth to break the ice,” Celestia smiled. “To be honest, even I have been a little nervous about this meeting. My last encounter with Changeling royalty was...unpleasant.”

“You mean nobility,” the Yellow King stated.  “Little brat didn’t take my feeding the soldiers before my family well at all.  I ended up telling her that if I didn’t see to it that every nymph and drone was fed, they’d turn on me.  And that if she wanted love, she could get it her own damn self.  I was sorely tempted to have all of my nieces and nephews scanned for brain tumors once she did what she did. Rest assured, once she’s found, we have plans for her.”

“Regarding that,” Celestia said as she sat back down on her throne. “I have a small request regarding Queen Chrysalis.”

“She’s no more a ‘Queen’ than you are a donkey,” the King replied.  “But I’ll listen.”

“The crime she committed was against Equestrian citizens on Equestrian soil. Should her location ever be discovered. I would like to handle her punishment.”

The seven changeling leaders looked at one another before the yellow one nodded.  “That is...acceptable,” the silver King said.  “To be honest, we had planned on making a show of it.  Putting her ‘disguise’ back on and showing up with her at your front gate to turn her over to you.  Perhaps to show to your ponies that even to us, she’s unwelcome.”

Celestia nodded, even now, she was moving pieces and placing her bets. Though, Chrysalis was the least of her concerns. Something far darker loomed on the horizon. She sighed inwardly as she opened her mouth once more.

“One more thing, and you can consider having my personal favor in return, should you choose to agree and keep your word.”

“You have our attention,” the de facto leader said, to mumbling agreement with his statement.

“Should the Silver Changeling, Secret-Hoarder, ever choose to visit the Changeling Lands. Absolutely no harm will come to him and Physical, mental or magical.”

“He’s my favorite nephew,” the silver King said with a smile.  “I think I can grant his family that much protection...though, you can deal with my sister asking why she has to put up with more security checkpoints around her home.  Besides, we only recently got the information as to where he was.  I think his siblings are trying to convince her to let them visit him before she does.”

“Then you have my thanks,” Celestia smiled. Her horn shone as large cushions appeared for the Changelings to sit on. “Now, I am sure you have all traveled far. Let us dispense with the formalities. Exactly why have you all come here? Peace perhaps?”

The changelings took up the cushions and each sat down with a sigh of relief.  “Peaceful co-existence is the goal, yes,” the spokesbug said.  “We literally cannot live without you and yours.  We were hoping to find a way to forge a future together, with the added spotlight you seem to be shining on our existence.”

“I’ll admit, I may have forced everypony’s hoof with that little stunt,” Celestia said. “But, sometimes a little intervention is necessary. If Secret has proven anything, it is that a Changeling can find freely given love in Equestria, without hiding.” Her horn shimmered again as Raven was summoned, along with a cart laden with tea, coffee and snacks.

“Ah, ‘Silent Night’,” the Unicorn mused at the spatial relocation spell. “Haven’t seen this in a while. Felt like showing off Princess?”

“Perhaps a little,” Celestia smiled as she allowed Raven that one little quip in exchange for dragging her through dimensions. “Now,” she turned back to her guests. “I believe that peace is possible. It will take effort and patience though.”

“Things we can do easily,” the Green Queen said.  “But perhaps...we should ask…”

The Blue, Yellow, and Red Kings nodded as one at the half-said idea, and the Silver King sighed before speaking up again.  “There is a faction back home that would...oppose this peace, and show our worst side, that of a monster, to all your subjects.  I believe you had the misfortune of cleaning up after one?”

“That Black one,” Celestia nodded. “And I shall admit that not all my little ponies will agree to this peace either. The question is, what shall we do about it?”

“Well, for yours, our planned song-and-dance of showing up with Chrysalis at your front door could be worked on,” the Yellow King said as he nibbled at some of the cookies and hummed.  “But…”

“Give us a week to rescue as many as want to be saved,” the Red King rumbled.  “And then we would ask that you reduce the Black Hive to ash, to ensure their filth is gone and can no longer threaten this peace.”

Celestia sighed again, more vocally this time. This wasn’t the first time that someone had asked this of her. “Make no mistake,” Celestia said, her tone having a little bite to it. “I understand that these ‘Black’ Changeling’s are dangerous. But I will not cause an act of genocide for any reason. No creature is deserving of that.”

There was silence for a moment.  Two.  And then the Orange Queen spoke up.

“Do you know...what they do?  To make a Black Changeling?” she asked as she stared at her teacup.  “They find everything good about us.  Everything we care about.  Everything they love.  Over long, long torture sessions.  Once a ‘ling has confessed everything positive in their less than five black nymphs focus their magic...and burn it out.  Down to the very soul.  And replace it all with the blackest of magics.  Their victims go mad.  If they’re lucky.”

“I see,” Celestia replied. It seemed justified when it was put like that. No creature should be made to suffer so. Even still.

“If I may be so bold, how old are some of you, or even better, how much do you know of events that happened say...” She paused and the closest ‘ling could hear her count under her breath. “Nine hundred and seventy six years ago?”

“Royal blood does grant us a few boons,” the Blue King said.  “But a life as long as yours is not one of them.  At most, we can survive up to two-hundred years if we are not killed and are well-fed.”

“Our archives from around that time are spotty, though,” the Silver said with a sheepish smile.  “Discord did more than hit your country.  We were getting things back in order after he saw how...well organized we were at around that time, I think.  The records are, as I said, lax until nine-hundred years ago.  It doesn’t help when the records themselves become elaborate paper birds and fly off.”

Celestia chuckled, as terrible as Discord was... He had a sense of humor that none could match. Well, maybe except Pinkie Pie.

“The Badlands,” Celestia finally said. Before revealing something that would not be found in any species records. “Or more specifically, what the Badlands used to be.”

“Ah,” the Silver King said with a soft sigh.  “I suppose I can connect the dots, then.  We can stop looking for that valley that is mentioned in our older texts.  Dare I ask what provoked your power?”

Celestia closed her eyes, and once she opened them, a very different pony was there. Gone was the kind, motherly figure. In her place, a being of great and terrible power sat.

“A race, whose name is lost forever. They practiced terrible arts there. Necromancy, mind control, creating chimeras from existing creatures. Sentient or not...” She paused as she thought back. “I was younger then. Impetuous and emotional after losing my sister... and then, word comes to me, that an alicorn had appeared in a distant valley.” She paused as she floated some water over to her and took a sip. After she sat the glass on her arm rest, the remaining liquid began to bubble.

“When I arrived, do you know what I found?”

“Nothing good, I’d wager,” the Yellow King said as he sipped his tea.

“You would win that bet,” she replied. “I found the remains of hundreds of my little ponies. Butchered and mutilated, and all that was left, was the monsters that did it, and the creature they created. Little more than an animated corpse with wings and a horn.”

She paused for a moment, her body shaking just a little. “So, I responded in a way that would not be forgotten. And ironically, only I remember. I alone remember the day the sun set on that valley. The day I immolated tens of thousands...”

“The problem is,” the Red King observed.  “That while we have sympathy for you doing what you had to for your subjects...this is little more than a...a cult, brainwashing ours into becoming those things that attacked yours.  We’ve tried to break them, but their hoarded magic is not to be trifled with.  And if we even attempt a public peace while they exist…”

“I just...” Celestia...faltered? Raven looked at her with a concerned look. How could these Changelings walk in, ask for peace, then tell Celestia she would have to kill thousands to get it?

“My fellow King is being ever-so-blunt,” the Silver said with a roll of his eyes.  “I am certain that you yourself need not contribute if you do not wish for it.  But, among us ‘lings, very few find themselves capable of wielding the Flames of Knowledge.  They are a secret of the Silver line, the incantation that brings them forth is something we do not share...but, times change.  I am certain we can...share it with you, if you are willing to aid us in removing a cockroach from our lands.”

The piece of cake that the Violet was about to bite into suddenly decided to speak up. “Ah, but you see. Dear old Celestia is soft in the heart and soft in the head. But me?” The cake suddenly smiled with a row of sharp teeth. “Not so much~”

“Dare I ask why my cake can now bite back?” the Violet asked aloud, somewhat stunned by the turn of events.

“Goodness me, where are my manners?” the cake sprouted legs and hopped from her plate. There was a bright flash, and the Seven now found a smiling Draconequus hovering over their heads. “I am Discord, master of Chaos.”

“Ah, you would be the reason our records have such a hole in them,” the Archivist said with a smile that was more fangs than it should be.

“I think he’s also the reason we first met dragons,” the Yellow King said as he put a hoof to his chin.

“And he definitely messed with our hall of great works when he was free,” the Green Queen stated, angrily glaring at the spirit.

“Ah, I remember those, good times,” Discord laughed. “And really, you little buggies were so stiff and proper.” He looked at the Violet and hummed. “Hmm, except for your kind. You ladies were quite...flexible~”

“When your kind keep trying to pen new volumes to the Pony Sutra, it’s either become flexible or throw your back out trying to keep up,” the Violet Queen said as she retrieved a new, hopefully Discord-free, slice of cake.

“Speaking of, I have this terrible kink,” he said as he folded his body into a pretzel shape. “Perhaps you’d like to help me work it out later~?”

“Discord...” Celestia said, her eye twitching ever-so-slightly.

“Fiiiiine, sorry Mom!” the chaos god hovered there. “Look, you have a little problem and Little Tia here is too much of a goody-goody, rainbow farting saint to do anything about it.”


“Too easy,” he laughed. Then the Red King rumbled a question for the spirit.

“Have you ever stood where we stand, O Discord?  Atop another being as its life ebbs, knowing you are responsible for that?”  The crimson-hued king shook his head.  “Every life is a waste to lose, precious to hold.  But sometimes, just sometimes...other beings don’t seem to take ‘please bugger off and die alone’ too well, and kill your soldiers that you sent to remove them.”

During his spiel, Discord’s pawed hand had formed a cartoonish facsimile of the Red King’s head and spoke along with him. “Hmm, what, I wasn’t listening,” he said, yawning. “Honestly, still getting used to the whole ‘Friendship and blahdeblahblah thing’.” He leaned forward and petted the king on the head. “Unless you’re a little Pegasus with a pink mane. I doubt I’ll pay much attention to you.” He snapped his fingers as a large throne appeared, seemingly made from a pile of molten swords.

“Look, you want that bug problem gone? Fine. What’s one more black mark on my book.”

“If you did this for us, I am certain that Princess Celestia and ourselves would be highly grateful,” the Silver King said.  “After’s not just us they hurt.  They need to feed...somehow.  And if the idea of removing them pains you, consider this: they’d all go mad eventually, with their dark magic.  It’s really doing them mercy.”

“Hmm?” Discord was sitting at a candle-lit table with the Violet Queen, as a quartet of Mini-Discords sang an acapella of ‘Can you Feel the Love Tonight.’

“Look Silvey,” Discord was then reclining on his back. “You’re asking me to be the villain in this story. And I said I’ll do it. And even in a way that will leave everyone happy and smiling and all that sappy nonsense. But...” He leaned over, his yellow eyes staring into his silver ones. “You. Will. Owe me!” 

“Gladly,” the Silver King said.  “In fact, we all will.” At that, the other Kings and Queens slowly nodded their assent to this idea. “And to us, Discord?  You are in fact going to be revered as a saint for removing them.  I’d even teach you the spell we use to combat their dark magic if you desire to make use of it.”

“Your spells huh?” Discord donned some white robes as he pondered this, his clawed hand held a collection of trillions of spiralling lights, before he closed it and caused the lightshow to vanish. “Nah, too orderly and boring. I’ll think of something.”

“Discord. Are you sure?” Celestia asked him.

“Pah! I was the villain, I was the hero. I have been a little voice in somepony’s ear and I was even a cake and that is no lie.” He waved a hand as his creations vanished and the room returned to normal. “Honestly, it’s another way to kick off a lazy Sunday.” He produced a top hat and doffed it to the small crowd. “Until then little mortals, and not so little immortals. Seriously Tia, lay off the sweets.”

“Discord, I swear-”

“I kid, I kid,” he smiled. He looked back at the Violet and winked. “Call me!” he not-so-subtly whispered before vanishing with a snap of his fingers.

There was silence for all of a minute before a pink flash filled the room, revealing a mare that, again, Celestia could swear she saw worked in the castle.  Another pink flash revealed a Changeling Queen, pink-hued in color and standing next to the Silver King.

“Heya!” she chirped.  “Sorry I’m so late, I only just got word that you all were here!”  Somehow, she dragged her fellow kings and queens into a massive group hug and sighed.

“And now we’re all together again~” she cooed as she looked over at Celestia.  “Hiya, Princess!  I’m the Changeling Queen of Joy and Happiness!  My fellow Kings and Queens represent Duty and Honor, old Red is a stickler for rules.  Kindness, Orange loves most living things.  Courage, Yellow knows how to work past fear.  Creativity, Green just loves to make things.  Loyalty, Blue will never break his word.  Lust, Violet is a treat in bed.  And Knowledge, Silver keeps us all in line whenever he can...and then I show up!”

“Pink,” Celestia said, with just the smallest hint of a blush. “I have...met your kind before.”

Duh!” she said with a smile.  “My brothers and sisters here never seemed to ask this question of themselves, but when the icky Blacks started showing up...where do you think we Pinks would go?”

“You...came to Equestria,” Celestia smiled. “Well, I am honored that you would think so highly of my ponies.”

“Chryssy was silly, and her ‘army’ was easily rehabilitated,” the Pink Queen said...while still not letting go of her fellows.  “Far easier to help out and get love and happiness from being a normal pony than taking it!  Coming to Equestria was the best decision we ever made!  These guys,” Here she finally let go of the changeling royalty...only to give them all each a noogie in turn.  “Seem to think we’re Hiveless, but you know the answer to that, don’t you Princess?”

“You are far from it,” she smiled. “All of Equestria is your Home.”

The other ‘lings in the room were stunned by the blatant reveal of information that not even the Silver knew.  The Pink Queen just sat on her haunches and held her forelegs out wide.  “Yup, and now, fair warning, but I feel like hugging you too.”

“Oh, are you under the assumption that I do not want one?” Celestia asked, before she smirked. “But, you might be a little too busy to do that.”

The Pink cocked her head questioningly at the Sun Diarch, an expression of ‘huh?’ on her face as clear as day.  What could possibly stop her from hugging the Princess Celestia beyond Celestia?

Her answer came as night descended.


Princess Luna dropped from the ceiling and scooped the pink changeling up in a tight hug, nuzzling her and smiling.

“Tia! She’s so adorable. Can I keep her?”