//------------------------------// // Fate's Decision // Story: Sonic's Freedom Fighters // by Amereep //------------------------------// The chimera of Ixis, prophecy from olden pony times. Legend has it that a power hungry chimera will take over the empire, bringing disaster to the realm through lies. It will wield magic uncomparable to any that was used before, but it's power could be match by the Gems of Discord. With them, fate will be decided in due time. ~ Predictions and Prophecies (6.23.19–91) With the pounding on the large wooden structure, the team stood at Canterlot Castle's front door, waiting for a reply from inside the fortress. Patients, anxiety, and curiosity were seen being demonstrated from everyone, but for Sonic, he was being melancholy. He just walked through Canterlot and couldn't help but recall the town he grew up in. The architect of the buildings, the clean streets, the carefree ponies, it was like walking through his childhood; before Robotnik took it all away. The creaking of the front door snapped everyone to attention and a white stallion wearing gold armor peered from inside looking at a lavender colored mare. "Miss Twilight! Please, hurry inside" he opened the door wider and the team followed the unicorn inside. The guard quickly shuts the door "We've been trying to keep the absents of Princess Celestia away from the public's knowledge" and locks it "as well as the chimera's presents." "Good, dealing with a chimera is tough enough without having panicking ponies in the mix" Twilight thanked "Could you tell me what happened prior to the events of the Princess' absents?" The guard motioned the team to follow him and began telling all that he knew. He talked about the tremor before the the chimera's appearance, it proclaiming for a cure, its true intentions at learning all of the archive spells, and finally, the vortex that took Princess Celestia. When he was done, everyone arrived to witness a group of guards charging at an opened doorway with piles of debre blocking the way. "The chimera is currently in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. We've been trying around the clock at retaining him," the guards slam against the doorway only to proceed no further "but he has barricaded himself inside." "I see. Where's Princess Luna?" "The Princess is in another castle, but before she left, she ordered us to give you this upon your arrival" the guard reached into his armor and pulled out a morganite jewel that shined when light struck it. "We actually found it fallen off of its pedestal, but luckily, there were no cracks in it." Twilight took the Chaos Emerald "Must have been from the earthquake the chimera made, which would explain how it got through the barrier." She has five gems in her possession now, she just needs to wait for the Princesses to arrive with the last two. "This gives us time to form a plan." She turns towards her friends "Alright guys, here's what I think we should do..." Meanwhile, on the other-side of the barricaded door, Naugus was busy reading. He nearly mastered the entire Equestrian written language. He could read the word 'Fish,' 'Pony,' and even 'Hippopotamus.' He could even read the word 'Cure' and 'Crystallize' from the page he was on. Naugus swiftly turned to note "Let's see 'Eheehee Pfufufu' means 'giant gingerbread mare.'" He stopped for a moment before returning back to the book. "Perhaps this language truly is better left dead." As he continued, a low humming could be heard and the cracks of the blocked door suddenly had a strong light shining through them. The lights flickered followed by a large explosion that shot the door and the block-aid across the room. Naugus didn't even lift his head from the book. The once blocked entrance now shows a group of girls, a hedgehog, and a group of soldiers behind them. "Chimera!" Twilight sternly stated her authority. "Hush young mare," he nonchalantly said back still glued to the book "this is a library after all." "For the good of Equestria, I order you to return Princess Celestia and lea-" "Naugus?" The person in question finally broke his concentration from the book at the sound of a familiar voice "Why, Sonic Hedgehog! This is quite a surprise." "I could say the same thing" so could everypony else, they never thought Sonic would know somebody here in Equestria. "How'd you get out of the void, and why aren't you a turning into crystal?" "You have Snively to thank for both of those questions. He may retaliate behind other's backs to power, but he's defiantly not fit at ruling an entire empire alone, which is why he asked me for help." "So your working with Snively?" He laughs in between wheezes, "That fool wishes. I convinced that spineless snail that I would return once I learned a few spells, but theres no way I'll work as an equal to him. I have....... other plans." Naugus returned to his book to see it glowing before it vanished. "Well you're going to do it someplace else" Twilight warned holding the book she just teleported in plain sight. She then hides it behind her back. "Give back the book, dear" the sorcerer began to sound aggravated by this new annoyance. Sonic takes the book from the lavender mare "You'll have to catch us first!" He flashes the book for a second to Naugus then runs out of the library. The rest of the team teleports out with the help Twilight; leaving only the guards there to handle the wizard. He groans in anger as he marches towards the steadfast soldiers. With a wave of his claw, the guards were collided with a wave of water. The liquid pushed them out of the room and into to wall of the hallway. Before they could get up, Naugus walks by them without even giving as much as a glance and halts them with his hand summoning a strong air current. It dried their fur from the water that just hit them but found themselves stationed in place from their armor turning to rust. Sonic ran outside and into the garden. It seemed like he lost Naugus with his speed, but the warlock's magic proved to be unavoidable when he had to skid to a halt before crashing into a teleported chrimera. Looming over him, "The book" Naugus demanded. "Okay okay, you win" Sonic emphasize while giving the book back. "I guess you're just too smart for me." He snatches the book from the hedgehog and continues reading it. "'Earth Ponies founded land. Unicorns use magic. Pegasi soar through the air.' .....WHAT IS THIS???" Naugus snaps at him. "Gotta learn the basics first, Naugy ol' pal" Sonic told before running away. Being tricked with a different book nearly blew the sorcerer's horn off, but... "My, that certainly is an interesting spell!" ...he subsided when noticed a unicorn exaggerating from a book she was reading, his book. Her eyes gave him a snarky look before she ran into a hedge maze. Naugus wasted no time and ran after her. He was in no shape at catching her on foot and teleporting can do only so much with the lack of visibility within the narrow path. "Hey!" another a pegasus yelled at the wizard from a different direction he was taking. He glared back and saw that the book was now in her possession. "Come and get it" she mocked before darting around the corner. Naugus began a new pursuit... *Whistle* ...then another pony with a stetson hat displayed the book before running off. This procedure continued for a while. "What's this?" "Lost something?" "Keep try'n" "Over here!" "Yoo-hoo!" "Lookie lookie!" "You're too slow!" "E-NOUGH!" Naugus roared a loud defiance. He stomped his foot into the ground and a red ring began to expand along the dirt. It was quick, but every path flashed red and was quickly followed by the elaborate hedges going up in flames, starting from the roots. It soon collapsed the walls leaving an open area for everyone to see each other. Everyone ran to Twilight, unsure of what to do next. Naugus takes a step towards them with an extended hand, "NOW!" he demanded while his eyes were glowing red. The lavender tactician recalls he plan "We got him out of the castle, tired him out with a game of keep away, and made him lose his cool. Now we can get down to business." "Okay, everypony" she takes out a chaos emerald signaling Sonic and the girls to do the same with their own emeralds. They hold them out and Twilight channels their powers together. ........... "Are you about through?" an irritated Naugus said. They all looked puzzled, there was nothing happening. There was no glowing, no humming, no rainbow, nothing. Twilight was at a loss the most. She treated the jewels no different from the elements, so why aren't they doing anything? "Twi" her friend brought her back to the situation at hand with Naugus. The unicorn swallowed her disappointment and takes out a tiara "Time for plan B." Sonic steps back as the rest of the girls puts on a necklace. He wished he could do something, but now that the situation had resort to using magic, he had no choice but to let them handle it. The girls were now wearing the elements of harmony and begin to channel their power. The magic that they were conjuring was quickly increasing and Naugus took notice at what they were planning. He responded by performing a swooping uppercut with his fist that shot all of the girls accessories into the air with a gust of wind. The magic they were making quickly vanished by the separation of their elements; as well as their emeralds and books they had. Naugus wasn't through yet, he used the same hand to form another torrent at the flying objects. He swipes his hand towards him and the trinkets begin falling towards him. With one last move, Naugus targets the book he chased after all this time and with a clack of his claw, it teleports to his hand. The falling objects clatter at the ground between the ponies and wizard. In a 1-2-3 combo, he stopped their most powerful attack, and reclaimed the spell book everyone kept from him. "Did you really think I would just stand by while you charge your spell?" Naugus mocked "Since you've manage to trouble me this long," he lifts out his hand "I'll reward you by having you join the princess that you so badly want back." In moments, a vortex begins to form in front of Naugus. "Spike," Twilight called out with fear "the emergency plan!" Spike was tasked with finding a rope and tying it to something planted into the ground. His job was to give the team the rope if Naugus decided to open the Void again. With one end tied around a flag pole, Spike threw the other end towards the team. They grabbed the rope in a panic as the wind began pulling them towards the hole. The elements, emeralds, and books began flying into the Void. With the team now hanging on in mid-air, Naugus returned to reading his book while the spell continued. The wind was so strong that even Sonic had to hold onto the rope. "ANY IDEAS, TWI?" the hedgehog yelled over the rushing of the wind. "Umm..." Twilight couldn't think of anything that could help them now. Sonic grit his teeth at the fate he was being pulled towards. This was unlike the vortex he dealt with in the past, it was much stronger and impossible to outrun. If he had a power ring then he could probably match it in strength. He tightened his grip, frustrated at his lack of planing ahead, and realized that one of his hands wasn't hanging onto the rope. Sonic viewed at what he held, a chaos emerald. "Why? ...why didn't it...!" His gaze widened as memories struck him like lightning bolts. 'The Echidnas were experts at fully utilizing the emeralds.' 'The Chaos Emeralds can be used to unlock unlimited power.' '[It means, that it holds energy which is equal to, the Power Rings.]' 'What's that ring made of anyway?' 'I'm the only one that can use them.' Sonic took the chance at the possibility without a second thought. He lets go of the rope and dives straight into the Void. "SONIC!!!" Everypony cried at out as their friend fell into the abyss. Many of them could bare to watch, while others cringe at losing him. Though they just lost a friend, they also realized that they would soon join his fate if they don't think of something to get out of this mess. Their grips were starting to loosen by the amount of strain they've been putting on them. It seemed hopeless while they looked at the Void's pink-purple walls and yellow rings falling towards the center that just gave a glint. Everypony's eyes widened when two familiar faces started approaching them rapidly from the tunnel. The team could hardly get a good look at them before their world quickly shifted. Everypony suddenly felt a bit of lightheadedness that soon settled to witness that they were in a different location. They weren't that far away from the Void, but they were out of harms way. The question of what just happened was quickly pushed aside with a delightful appearance from a white alicorn holding the Elements of Harmony and a golden-furred hedgehog. "Princess Celestia!!!" they cried in astonishment followed by a perplexing "Sonic???" "Ya miss me?" he humored them. Though it was Sonic all the same, his blue quills have been turned into a golden-yellow color that resembled the color of his rings. He turns to view Naugus and everypony sees that the quills on his backside were pointing up. Before any of them could blink, the book that the wizard was reading was now in the hedgehog's hand. "Wha... you know magic?" Twilight ask "When did you learn to teleport objects?" Naugus was left baffled at the sudden disappearance of his book. He noticed where it went the moment Sonic replied "Didn't you see me run and get it?" The chimera groaned with frustration and cast another spell with a clack of his claw. The hedgehog once again vanished, leaving a crystal block about ankle high. Bewildered, Naugus pondered, "Did I get him?" only to hear his thoughts being spoken aloud by the rodent standing next to him empty-handed. The wizard gave an angry growl followed by a whip of his hand at a disappearing Sonic. Twilight was slack-jawed "If he isn't using magic, then he must be moving near the speed of light. Just what happened in there?" She turned to Princess Celestia. "I was inside that crystal world," the alicorn began, "When all of a sudden the vortex opened up again. Seconds later, books, gems and the Elements of Harmony out from the portal. I was fearing the worst was yet to come, but that blue individual came instead. He asked who I was and said 'I'm going to get you out of here.' If he was, then I had to gather the Elements, so I did while he gathered the jewels. Once gathered, he seemed to have been channeling magic and to my surprise, he turned yellow. He proceeded then by picking me up and running through the vortex." "He..... he got them to work!" Twilight said at the joyous surprise "He must've also saved us from entering the portal as well." She returned at watching Sonic making Naugus spin in circles. The others were cheering him on and the delighted expressions of hers were slowly fading. "Something is not right. Is this really all it takes to stop him?" Naugus kept striking with spells at Sonic and kept on missing every time. "Usually, whenever we use the Elements they knock out or stops the threat all together." The wizard was showing no signs at slowing down. "What did that passage say again? 'With them, fate will be decided in due ti-!'" Twilight's face suddenly went pale at the possible downfall, "SONIC!!! STOP HIM NOW!!!!!" The desperation in her voice surprised the hedgehog. "What was that about? She sounded like we're in trouble." Sonic dodged another fiery punch "Tying him up with a rope is out of the question." After the next escape, he found the perfect way at stopping Naugus, swirling at the corner of his eye. "Well, it worked once." Sonic latches onto the chimera's arm and hurled him towards the Void. "I'm not going back there again!" Naugus snarled wiping away the vortex before he could be engulfed. He rolls on the ground and plants himself on one foot. "Alright then," the hedgehog was rearing himself up "guess were doing this the old fashion way" and with a sudden flash, he turned back to blue again. Sonic was left bewildered when the Emeralds he used suddenly appeared around him and fell to the ground. "No" Twilight barely managed to say. It was just as she feared. The power of the Emeralds last only for so long and after fifty seconds, it stopped. The blue hedgehog frantically picked up the gems to try and become super again, but it resulted with nothing except a cackling from Naugus. "After all of your attempts, only to fail at the last moment." He raises his hand at the mobian, planning on stopping him from interfering once and for all "Goodbye, Sonic Hedgehog." A yell was soon followed after the threat. The Equestrians were left in shock at what they saw, but none more so then the one being turned into crystal..... ......Naugus. His body was beginning to crystallize, starting from his feet. "The book! GIVE ME THE BOOK!!!" the wizard desperately cried out. "I thought Snively cured you?" asked Sonic. "It was only temporary. In order to cure this, I NEED THAT BOOK!!!" his waist down was now made of crystal. With a grin, the hedgehog extends his arms out to show he had nothing on him except the gloves that he wore. "What book?" "I MUST HAVE THAT BOOK! IT'S THE ONLY- AH!!!" the crystalization was quickly spreading up his chest. If he doesn't open the Void now, his arms would be next. If they were gone, then opening the Void would be impossible. He had no choice and opened a portal just before his arms were unusable. He looked back the others with a raging glare, while he was being pulled into the vortex. The Void shrinks back into nothing. Sonic smirks as he turns his head at the crystal block Naugus first tried to trap him in "Looks more like a paper weight than a book now." There was celebrations, cheers, and recoveries that followed after the intense events everyone just passed. Things eventually calmed down and the group of rescuers were asked to meet Princess Celestia in the throne room. When they arrived, they were greeted by the white mare getting up from her chair. "Thank you all for visiting. I wanted to express my gratitude once more for all you have done for me and Equestria." "It's no problem, Princess Celestia" Twilight replied "But while we're here, I have someone who wants to meet with you." She motions her blue spiny friend to come forth "I know you two have met, but this is Sonic." "It's a pleasure to meeting you again" she bows her head. "So what brings you to our kingdom?" And so, Sonic requests a cure for robotization to Princess Celestia. He tells how it takes free thinking organic life and turns it into simple material slaves. He even went as far as taking out Nicole and booting up holograms of robots, blueprints, demonstrations, ANYTHING just so he could get a spell for freeing these Mobians from their metallic bonds. The others in the room stare and grasp as much as they could from the blue hedgehog's speech, but.... "So after what I've told you," he boots down Nicole "Do you think you can help me out?" The alicorn princess was speechless. All of this science was beyond her to comprehend even after the breakdown she was given. With a little shake of her head, Celestia refocused on the request before her. "Sonic," she begins of slowly "I'm sure you've been here long enough to know how we live our everyday life." He nods showing excitement. "We have chariots that help us fly through the air, but only when pegasi are pulling them." He nods with anticipation. "And we can make light with candles, gas-lamps, and unicorn magic" He gives a wooden nod. "These robots are centuries ahead of our technology. Not only do we need to comprehend what a robot is, transforming is something that not many unicorns can master. Though that seems to be a small issue that can be dealt with after some time. The biggest problem is the individual's self-conscious. You said that their slaves that follow what they are told to do?" He gives a nod that showed lament. "Then just changing the body will not solve the problem. They'll be back to normal, but they'll still follow what they were told to do." He lowers his head in disappointment. "I'm sorry Sonic, but turning them back into self-conscious Mobians is impossible for us." "What am I going to tell the other Freedom Fighters?" He plants a hand into his face. His words peaked her interest "If I may ask; what's a Freedom Fighter?" "A Freedom Fighter?" He slides his hand off his face and looks at the princess "A Freedom Fighter is someone who always fights for what they believe in, someone who never gives up and always does whats right. Never being restrained and is given the choice at doing what they want. In fact..." He points a thumb behind him at the six ponies and dragon. "These guys are perfect examples at what it takes to be a Freedom Fighter." The group responded with flattered, embarrassed, and prideful expressions; it even put a smile on Celestia. "Oh yeah!" Sonic goes into his backpack, "You probably want these back" and hands out the Chaos Emeralds. "Keep them." Everyone was surprised by the princess's response. "Princess Celestia," said Twilight "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am. I think it's time for my ponies to learn some independence and I believe dealing with the outside world might help teach them that." Celestia walks over to the window to view her kingdom. "While I was in the Void, I began thinking my position as princess. My job is to protect my ponies from the threat of danger and being stuck in a vortex has shown me that I won't always be around to heed their call. That's why I want them to build the courage to handle things themselves instead of going to a princess or an Element of Harmony for protection, and removing the barrier that surrounds us seems like a good start towards that." Celestia followed her speech by going into her pocket and taking out a cork bottle. She walks up to the little dragon of the group "Spike, may I have a bit of your flame?" He accepts the request and blows a green flame into the bottle. Celestia then continues towards the hedgehog "Take this, Sonic. This bottle of dragon flame will help you get in contact with us whenever you need to. Just write a letter and burn it with this fire." Sonic accepts the bottle and places it in his backpack along with the emeralds. "I should probably get going now. Everyone in Knothole is probably worried about me by now." Celestia thanks him once again for all that he has done and the other express their farewells. As he runs towards the door, one of them yells out "Feel free to drop by any time." "I'll consider it" he says with his last goodbyes. "Just make that the next time I visit that there will be a chili-dog stand waiting for me."