//------------------------------// // Pink and Red // Story: Pink and Red // by Quillfeather882 //------------------------------// “And solemnly swear not to be scared, at the prospect of being doubly mared.” Pinkie’s jaw dropped as she saw at least eight more copies of herself emerge from the mirror pool, their constant hopping around and refrain of fun echoing around the room. As one of them began to drag herself through the dirt in her excitement, Pinkie began to worry. Her plan had been to make copies of herself to be involved in the fun her friends were having, but this was getting out of hoof. The thought of what might happen if she let them get out into Ponyville was terrifying. There were other stories told of the mirror pool besides her Nana Pinkie's...it spoke of ponies being put to death for the havoc their duplicates wrought on Equestria...but she had no idea if they were true. Then…I guess I have no choice. I want to spend time with my friends and have as much fun as possible, but this just loco in the coco...it’s not worth it. But, what do I do? “It’s a lot less complicated then you think Pinkie.” A voice said. Pinkie jumped. “Who’s there?” She asked. The voice sounded familiar. There was a high pitched giggle that reminded her of her own, but there was something much more…sinister about it. “It’s me, Pinkie. Or, more accurately, it’s you. The part of you you’ve long since forgotten. The you that would have no trouble at all getting rid of the…evidence.” Pinkie Pie blanched, her usually perfect smile falling out of place. No…that part of her was gone…there was no way that Pinkamena could still be… “Oh, don’t be scared Pinkie. You know that it’s impossible for me to hurt you. And why would I? I’m very fond of you." Pinkamena giggled again, and then cooed softly, a singing lilt to her voice. "You know what you have to do Pinkie…let me out…let me out." Pinkie Pie lay down on the ground, curling into a ball. “No, I don’t need you anymore, I won’t do that to the other Pinkies. That would be mean! And I’m not mean!” That maniacal, spine tingling laughter seemed to fill the walls around her. "You’ve grown weak! Being all alone on the rock farm with no friends as a filly made you tough.” Then the voice let out a snarl. “You’ve grown SOFT! You need ME! You wouldn’t have made it through without me!” The dark, sinister chuckle continued. The sound was now coming from the pool itself. “You did what you needed to do to stop yourself from being hurt. Do your new friends even know what happened before they met you?” Pinkie cautiously approached the pool, looking into the clear water. The pink mare that looked back at her didn’t have the same fluffy pink mane and tail as her, and her pink coat seemed dull, as though it was dirty, but it wasn’t. “Come on, Pinkie. You wouldn’t have made it this far in life without me around. You would have been miserable…I took care of that mare for you. I became the part of you that didn’t have time to be sensitive if it meant you survived and didn’t have to get hurt. Let me back out, Pinkie…let me out…please? I can fix this for you too. If you don’t let me help you, your friends will see you for what you really are…a good for nothing goofball who makes stupid decisions and ruins everything.” At this point, Pinkie was sobbing, hot tears streaking her pink cheeks. “No…no…I won’t do it. I…I can’t do it…I…” “Don’t you get it, Pinkie?!” Pinkamena snapped. “You can’t…but I can! All you have to do is let me the buck out…and I’ll do the rest!” Pinkie sniffed. “R-really?” Pinkamena nodded, a grin on her face. “Oh yes. Would I lie to me?” She giggled again, only this time, it didn’t scare Pinkie as it had before. For the first time in years, Pinkie Pie, the cheery party pony, allowed her fluffy pink mane to deflate and her bright pink coat to darken. “Yes Pinkie, I’ll take care of this.” Pinkamena said, her voice no longer coming from the mirror pool, but from pinkie's own mouth. “And after this...it'll be you and me against the world." Raising a rock in one hoof, she took careful aim, throwing it at one of the pinkies that was bouncing around the room. There was a cry of pain, and then a crunching sound as another, and this larger, rock was thrown, crushing the pony beneath it. Poking out from under the rock, was nothing but one pink hoof, it’s bright pink color bright against the pool of dark blood pooling around it. Pinkamena let out a high pitched giggle. The other Pinkies screamed and began to run around the cavernous room. Laughing hysterically, Pinkamena began bucking rocks at the pinkies, laughing even harder at the pink flesh and red splatters of blood that began to appear on the stone floor. Pinkie grabbed another by her mane, shoving her face into the water and holding her head there, feeling the Pinkie squirm and struggle, until she finally went still. "Ahahahahaha, oh yes, this is so much fun. Now, who's next?" Looking around, Pinkamena realized that all the Pinkies were dead. She, however, wasn't going to stop there. With the Pinkies gone, there was only one way to ensure her friendship with Pinkie would be everlasting. "Well, Pinkie, it's time to go and meet those friends of yours. I would just love to have some fun with them too!" And with that, she strolled out of the cavern, leaving behind nothing but splotches pink and red in her wake. The End