//------------------------------// // Shocking Preludes // Story: Earning Freedom // by Daxisle //------------------------------// Shocking Preludes Shade's eyes shifted from the purple unicorn mare in front of him to the orange earth pony besides him, than to the sky blue pegasus to his other side. His eyes never lingering for more than a half a second before finding yet another object of interest to gaze upon. He'd tried to escape many times, but the purple one's magic was far too strong. His wings were held in place, and all he could do with his legs was whip them around uselessly. He was at their mercy, and according to them, they had plans to "help him". He didn't care though, Discord needed him. His god was being tainted behind him with the white unicorn, the pink pony and cream colored mare! He needed to get to him, he needed to get away from these cretin to see to his master! His labored breathing soon became even worse as the troop diverged from the path to Sin's camp. Where were they taking him? What did they plan to do? "Would y'all just relax already?" Said Applejack, looking a little miffed. Shade merely glared in reply. There was no point in words, he was at their mercy. "At least he stopped yelling about eating our young and burning our innards." Twilight replied with consultation. "Poor Fluttershy, I hope she isn't too scared by that." "Pft, she may act weak and helpless, but Flutters is a lot tougher than you think." Rainbow proclaimed proudly before giving a scowl to their prisoner. "Too tough for this bat brain to mess with." Shade smirked. "Is that why she was crying like a little bitch?!" He finished with a cackle, only to be lifted a little to quickly for comfort, thanks to Twilight the bat pegasus narrowly missed a much deserved slap from Rainbow Dash. "Dash, calm down!" Applejack sneered, holding the fuming pegasus back. "He ain't in his right mind, he don't know what he's sayin'." Working he way out, the cyan mare spat and declared that she didn't care what Discord or Cadance had said. Shade had no right to make her friend cry or call her such a terrible name. Twilight interjected that their troubles would be over soon. Apparently somepony named "Zacora" had offered her assistance in dealing with him. 'So this is what they plan to do, get somepony else to do their dirty work. Bucking cowards!' The trip continued in silence with only the occasional snide remark and counter to offer company before Shade came face to face with a strange hut that was built into a tree. His eyes narrowed as a strange odor greeted his nostrils from the dwelling. It smelt more offensive than pleasant, but not so much as to make him annoyed. Twilight went up and knocked on the door, which in turn opened to reveal a brown cloaked figure standing in the door way. Shade suddenly felt a sense of hope, thinking the hooded figure was Sin, but his hope quickly faded as a low, feminine voice spoke. "Ah, my good friend the princess. I've heard you've had to deal with quite a mess." Rhymes, the bucking thing spoke in rhymes! So, this was their game, was it? To psychologically torture him into submission? HA! It would take more than some bitch with fancy word play to get him to admit defeat. As he contemplated his plan to combat whatever plan the mares had for him, he didn't notice the conversations and pleasantries taking place. At least, not until a strange, rolled up piece of paper was offered up in front of his face. "The buck?" "As I was saying, you my dear shade have much stress on your backs. To use this properly will cause you to relax." 'Stress on your backs? The buck is she talking about?' The lunar stallion merely looked over the small offering with a confused expression. He looked up at the smiling face of the... Striped female pony with golden rings around her neck. Ok, what the buck is this? She encouraged him to place one end of the piece of paper into his mouth. Apparently they wanted to kill him via poison by having him suck on something that looked like a phallus, huh? Did their sickness know no bounds? "If you want to see sucking, ask the rainbow one to suck the purple one's horn." Shade snarled. After that, a bunch of things happened. First he was in a chair, now he was on the floor. Rainbow Dash was now ontop of him, snarling with her snoot only about an inch away from his with the most angry and hateful eyes he'd ever seen. The orange one was on her way to calm Rainbow down, and lastly and most importantly, Shade was free of the unicorn's magic. "Thanks doll." Shade chirped happily, giving Rainbow a peck on the nose. Her head immediately shot up in utter shock at the kiss and Shade took the opportunity to push her off and dash out of the hut and shot into the sky to make way and rescue his god. Something was wrong with Discord, the ponies had infected him some how and he needed to help his master in any way he could.