//------------------------------// // Chapter 38: Prison Break // Story: The Arrogance of Man // by Johng117 //------------------------------// Saddle Arabia The sun had set, making way for the night. The temperatures were beginning to lower as the heat escaped from the surface of the land. The quarantine dome glowed in the distance away from the village. MONARCH soldiers paced around the area near the dome, vigil for any threat that may emerge. A few mechs remained motionless as their optics and visors glowed dimly in the evening. A tall fence was erected around the dome with caution signs on the sides. From within the dome, there was silence. Junior lied down on his side with his eyes closed. An airship floated near the dome and shone a searchlight over the destruction of the facility. The beam of light passed through the cracks of the roof and struck Junior in his eye. He slowly shielded his eye from the brightness and growled in annoyance. The beam of light disappeared and continued on through the rest of the facility. Junior slowly stood up to his feet and dusted himself off. His eyes carried their reptilian appearance as he kept a hard stare. "Won't be long now." said Junior to himself. He spent the next few minutes running to the exit of the Turbine Hall. He found a large pile of rubble sitting just a few feet away. Junior rushed over towards the rubble and began to move it to the side. Underneath was a great hole, from which he dropped down into the hall, finding himself in darkness. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness and he began to walk through a great tunnel. His body began to morph and change as he grew in size and grunted in pain. He transformed into his Transmutant form and began to stomp through the tunnel, slightly hunched down to walk through the tunnel. After a minute of walking, he found the end of the tunnel, but a rocky wall blocked his path, causing him to slash his claws against the wall to break through. 'I should be outside of the dome pretty soon. I just hope it's not a sphere.' thought Junior. His escape plan had been to dig his way out and to eliminate all obstacles, but the long distance he needed to cover and the need to sneak through the soldiers was troublesome. He would spend at least an hour to tunnel under ground and then return back to the Turbine Hall after concealing his escape route. One hour later... The soldiers stood guard outside of the dome. They stood by in silence. "Hey, you think Lucky Dragon is dead?" asked a soldier. "Obviously. No way is that freak still alive. He’d likely starved to death in there." said another soldier. "What's the point of us staying out here if he's dead?" asked a soldier in exasperation. "Someone's gotta make sure no one messes with the dome. Or else we run the risk of nuclear waste and radiation to escape. Wouldn't be a good look if we were to abandon it." replied another soldier. One of them sighed in exasperation. "Soooo booooored!!" complained the soldier. He then looked over to the side and found a tall rectangular crate sitting next to a few mechs. "What's in there?" the soldier asked. The other soldiers looked to where he was looking. "Oh, that's the new mech that they've been working on for some time now." replied a soldier. "Kiryu." said a soldier. The soldiers looked to him in confusion. "Huh?" asked another soldier. "They call it, Kiryu. It means, 'Machine Dragon'." said the soldier. "They must be shy with it if they got it locked in a box." said a soldier in an unimpressed tone. "Well, they seem to have a lot of confidence in it. I just wonder why they stationed it out here." said the soldier. The sound of rumbling was heard beneath them. The soldiers looked down and found the ground beginning to rise. "What the-" The ground burst as a charcoal grey scaled arm shot out of the ground. The soldiers were knocked off of their feet as the arm slammed onto the ground. They landed and found Junior rising out of a hole. His dorsal plates grazed against the rocky and dirt walls as he climbed out of the hole and roared in fury when he stomped onto the surface. "Dear Faust! Open fire!!" shouted a soldier as he raised his rifle. The nearest soldiers began shouting as they shot Junior. Magic bolts struck his thick scales, causing him to growl in annoyance. Further out, the soldiers turned and found some of their comrades to be engaging the Transmutant. An alarm began to blare and soldiers grabbed their weapons and moved out into the battle. A few soldiers leapt into a couple of jeeps with turrets and others rode a couple of tanks. The mechs turned and their visors began to glow brightly as they stood up and stomped over towards the battle. Junior roared as he charged towards the nearest soldiers that were shooting him. He slammed his fist against one soldier and knocked him several feet away. He then swung his tail against three soldiers and knocked them away. "Stop! Just leave me be!" shouted Junior. The soldiers began to fire at him as they kept their distance. Rifles and light machine guns barraged him with hundreds of bolts per minute. Junior roared angrily. He turned and found a couple of jeeps parking further away and firing at him with their turrets. The bolts were slightly larger and struck him harder. Junior groaned as one bolt struck him in his gill, causing him to drop to one knee. "Nowhere to run!" shouted a soldier. "It's over, freak!" shouted another soldier as he tossed a grenade at Junior's feet. The ordinance exploded, sending shrapnel against Junior's face and body. He brushed his hand against his muzzle as he groaned, growing angrier by the minute. Junior suddenly was forced off of his feet and onto his back as a large bolt of magic struck him in his chest and exploded. He flew and rolled against the ground a few feet away as his chest began to smoke. His scar was sensitive, causing him to shriek in agony and clutch his chest as he glared at what shot him. A tank that was clear from the soldiers had fired an explosive shell filled with magical energy. The tank fired again as the soldiers fired at him. Junior rolled out of the way and dodged the shell. He then began to charge down towards the soldiers with a roar. They continued to shoot at him as they slowly backed up while the tank fired another shell, the projectile hurled through the air at high speed. Junior raised his arm over himself as his eyes followed the projectile and swung his arm, slamming against the shell and changing its path. The shell was flung over towards one of the jeeps, causing it to explode. The soldiers inside the jeep perished in a fiery explosion. Junior's arm ached from slamming it against the shell but he pressed on. The tank fired another round, which was deflected by Junior's other arm. The shell was flung over toward a group of soldiers, engulfing them in an explosion. Junior roared as he leapt towards the tank. His body slammed against the top, causing it to bounce slightly from the weight, and he pounded his fists against the armor before punching through it and finding three soldiers. Junior roared as he shot his arm inside and threw one of them out. He then reached back inside and clawed at the other and slammed the last soldier against the walls of the vehicle. Junior roared as he dropped from the tank and placed his hands underneath. He groaned as he slowly began to lift it overhead. The soldiers continued to fire at him but stared in horror when they found him lifting the tank over his head. He strained as he held the tank, but noticed a second tank approaching him from his side. He roared as he crouched and forced his arms forward. The heavy tank was thrown twenty feet into the air and thirty feet away from his position, crushing the second tank and making them explode from the impact. Junior roared into the heavens, displaying his dominance. He was interrupted as he was met with additional gunfire, making him growl. "We need reinforcements!" shouted a soldier over the intercom. Junior charged over towards the soldiers as the bolts continued to strike his hide. A soldier fired a rocket launcher from the side, allowing the projectile to explode against Junior's chest. He stumbled a bit as the explosion struck his scar and the smoke filled his nostrils. He began to slightly cough from the smoke. He then looked to the ground and found a cylindrical shaped object to drop next to his feet. "Hrrh?" Junior tilted his head in confusion, wondering what sort of object was tossed at his feet. It looked different compared to the round ordinances that he had seen. Suddenly, the object exploded into a bright flash of light and smoke. Junior roared in pain as his eyes were assaulted from the sudden brightness. He dropped to his knees and placed his hands on the ground as the world around him spun. His ears rang and sound became muffled. He panted as he tried to search his surroundings in a dazed state. From behind the smoke that engulfed him, he spotted multiple shadows surrounding him. Soldiers circled around Junior outside of the smoke. The flash bang's light was beginning to die down. Soldiers panted as they kept their weapons pointed at where the Transmutant remained hidden in the smoke. The soldiers were growing anxious from the animalistic panting. "Leave me alone." said Junior softly in his deep and growling voice. His tone carried exhaustion in it. The smoke slightly blew away as he spoke. "Oh shit." said a soldier as he began to reload his rifle. The soldiers readied their weapons. Junior growled in anger. A neon blue light began to erupt from within the smoke. Junior's silhouette sent fear into the hearts of the soldiers as they watched his dorsal plates illuminate. Streaks of neon blue sparks began to fly around his body. "I said..." Junior rose to his feet as his eyes began to glow. "LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!" The smoke that surrounded Junior was suddenly dispersed as he slammed his fists onto the ground. From his body, a bright light shot from his body as sparks of atomic energy was shot from him in all directions. The soldiers that were the closest to him were struck by the blast and blown away. Some of the closest soldiers were burned to ash from the blistering hot energy while others suffered painful burns. One of the closest jeeps was blown off of their sides and burst into explosions. Junior panted as his surroundings were cleared. He roared as the dirt around him smoked after being reduced to glass. Junior turned and found additional soldiers approaching along with several mechs. He roared as he charged over towards the soldiers, but noticed a jeep driving next to him. The soldier that was on the turret fired at Junior's dorsal plates. He growled in annoyance as he continued to charge towards the nearest soldiers. He raised his arm over his face to protect his eyes from the bolts. Junior looked to the jeep and then side stepped and rammed against it. The men in the jeep cried out as their vehicle was flipped onto its side. Junior stopped and began to ram himself against the jeep as the soldiers continued to fire at him. Outside of the battle, an older man watched the scene with a glare. "Deploy Kiryu for combat! I want that son of a bitch dead!" ordered the commanding officer. A few men rushed over towards the tall steel crate. They both fished out a round key from their pockets and stuck them into a slot on each side. The men looked to each other with a nod. "3! 2! 1!" one man shouted. Both men turned the key simultaneously, causing the crate to creak and hiss. The door began to unlock as a cog in the center began to turn and allowed for a double door to open outward. From behind the door, a thirteen foot tall mech was revealed. The dragon-like appearance mirrored Junior's. Its long mechanical tail was curled to the side and its arms were covered in gauntlets that carried twin barrels. Kiryu slowly stepped out of the crate with heavy footsteps. Its silver armor shone in the moonlight as its yellow optics glowed with red slits glowing over the box shaped snout. On the mech's shoulders was a large thruster pack with twin cannons attached and hung over the shoulders. The mech's eyes scanned the area, running a diagnostic on its weapons, motor skills, and its condition. The mech clamped its jaw shut as it stared off towards the Transmutant that fought with the soldiers. In the corner of the mech's vision appeared green-blue text. It read, 'Objective: Eliminate Transmutant, Lucky Dragon.' The mech's vision painted Junior in a red outline and the soldiers and allied equipment in green. "Target sighted. Engaging in combat." spoke the mech in a monotone, deep computer voice. Kiryu's optics flashed as it charged into battle along with other mechs. "Alright, let's see if this thing can live up to expectations." said the commanding officer. Back on the battlefield, Junior lifted a jeep over his shoulders and began to slam it against the ground in attempt to crush the soldiers. They dodged his strike and continued to fire at him. Junior grunted as he slammed the jeep on the ground again, managing to crush a few soldiers under. He then raised it again but was met with several rockets against his chest. He roared in anger as he dropped the shattered jeep on the sand. He turned and found a few mechs with large turrets stomping towards him. "Suppressing fire." said a mech as it fired its turrets at Junior. The bolts struck all around him, only a few striking him. The nearest soldiers took the distraction to fall back from the raging Transmutant as they fired at him as well. Junior pulled the destroyed Jeep to his side and used it as a shield. He then reached into the front of the jeep and yanked out the engine. Junior smirked as he looked at the mech. He raised the engine into the air and tossed it towards the mech, slamming it in the chest. "Critical error! Critical-" The mech began to spark as it convulsed. It began to fire its turrets uncontrollably and began to fire all around itself. Junior was struck a few times but a few soldiers were shot dead by the stray bolts along with some mechs. "Alert! Friendly fire!" the mechs said as they were struck by the out of control mech. Junior charged towards the malfunctioning machine and grabbed its arm. He hid behind its back and raised its turret and pointed it at the nearest mechs. The malfunctioning mech continued to fire as it sparked, mowing down the other mechs. Junior then pointed the weapon towards the soldiers that were attempting to find cover around their camp along with the crates, tents, and equipment. Junior was suddenly struck from the side by multiple rockets, causing him to roar in anger. The mech that he was holding exploded in his grip and fell apart. He turned and found a silver armored mech approaching from the wreckage of the other downed mechs. Its armor was unscathed from the attack. "Malfunctioning mech eliminated. Switching targets." spoke Kiryu in a cold tone. Junior's eyes widened in shock. "Wow. I never knew that MONARCH was such a fan of mine. They even made a robot to look like me." said Junior in amusement as he kicked the mech he used as a weapon away. He stomped and glared at the machine, which pointed a metal claw at Junior. "Lucky Dragon, for your crimes against MONARCH, you shall be terminated." said Kiryu. Junior raised a brow. "Huh. This one can speak in more sentences." said Junior in surprise. "Looks like you machines are getting smarter everyday!" growled Junior. "Affirmative." said Kiryu as it charged towards Junior. Junior growled as he charged as well. The ground rocked and cracked with each step that they took. Kiryu's thruster pack ignited and propelled it at higher speed compared to Junior's. The mech crashed into the Transmutant and locked its arms around him. Junior grunted as he was knocked off of his feet and was carried above ground several feet away. Kiryu slammed Junior onto the ground and dragged him along the dirt, Junior's dorsal plates carved through the ground as he was dragged. Junior kneed Kiryu's metal belly, forcing the mech off of him. Kiryu's thruster pack shut down and caused him to crash and roll along the ground. The mech immediately stood to its feet as it shot its arms forward. From the barrels that were attached to its gauntlets, Kiryu fired rapid shots of orange bolts of magic. The bolts struck Junior's chest, causing him to roar angrily. He ran towards Kiryu and leapt several feet into the air. He reared his fist back for a punch but Kiryu grabbed him by his neck with his left arm. The mech turned with Junior and then sent a powerful punch against his chest. Junior groaned in pain as Kiryu continued to punch Junior several times. The mech shoved the Transmutant away and then swung its tail. Junior was knocked to the ground a few feet away and crashed into the dirt. Junior panted as he stared at the mech. 'This thing...its not like the other mechs.' thought Junior. He watched as its tail swayed and lied on the ground behind itself and stomped over to him as the barrels on its gauntlets smoked. He noticed how the mech wasn't stiff with its movement like the other mechs as it moved with a fluid, almost organic grace. Junior slammed his hands onto the ground as he slowly stood back up. He growled at the approaching mech. From the forward rocket launchers that hung over its shoulders, it launched multiple rockets. The mech then raised its arms and fired from its gauntlets. The rockets and magic bolts rained on Junior's body. From the thruster pack, four batteries along its back launched guided missiles. The missiles flew into the air and then crashed back down on Junior. He roared in pain as the constant explosives struck him. "Move up! Hit him with everything we got!" commanded the C.O. over the COMs. Several soldiers moved closer to the battlefield and shot at Junior as Kiryu continued its assault of bolts, rockets, and explosives. "Firing Oral Maser Cannons." said Kiryu as it opened its metal jaws and revealed two small cannons inside of its mouth. The cannons fired a stream of orange lighting-like energy that streaked through the air. The stream of lightning struck against Junior's hide, causing him to shriek in agony. Junior dropped to his knees as he was continuously attacked. Junior's dorsal plates began to illuminate as he inhaled deeply. He then spewed forth his atomic breath towards the nearest soldiers. The concentrated radiation engulfed several soldiers, burning their bodies to a crisp. Junior closed his jaws and stopped spewing his atomic breath, but his dorsal plates were still glowing in the night. He turned his head to face Kiryu and fired his breath again; engulfing the mech. Kiryu stopped its attack and stumbled back. Junior's atomic breath was like a powerful, superheated wind, pushing Kiryu back as it struggled to stay on its feet. It was pushed several feet away as it held its arms over its face. Junior panted as he stopped spewing his atomic breath. "Minimal damage taken. Systems holding." said Kiryu as it lowered its arms. Its silver armor was covered in a few dark spots in its front from the incredible heat of the atomic breath. The machine gave off smoke and traces of concentrated radiation that flowed off of it. The mech stomped on the ground and pulled its arms back. "No way." said Junior with wide eyes. He was able to burn vehicles with the attack and cause them to either melt or explode, yet he could not severely damage the mech that mirrored his image. Kiryu suddenly fired what was left of its payload at Junior. The rockets soared towards Junior and exploded all around him. Junior roared in pain as a few rockets struck him in his chest. Kiryu's rocket launchers and batteries gave off smoke as it remained motionless and stared at Junior with eerie yellow optics. Junior stumbled back slightly as he glared at the mech. The mech's head slowly rose as its optics scanned Junior. The Transmutant gave a shrieking roar that elevated into a low, whale-like bellow. The mech's vision began to static as its audio receptors picked up the roar. It slightly twitched as a small spark came from its neck. Kiryu's optics tried to readjust themselves to get rid of the static but failed to see Junior charging towards it. He slammed against Kiryu and knocked it to the ground and stomped on its chest. Junior ran as his tail slapped Kiryu's head, knocking it to the side. The reinforcement soldiers began to pursue Junior and fire at him. Kiryu's optics followed Junior as it lied on the floor. The text, 'Critical damage to the chassis. Error' appeared in the corner of Kiryu's vision. Its dented chest began to slightly spark as it lied motionless. It slowly moved its joints as it attempted to roll onto its belly. The mech got onto its knees and slowly stood up, but stumbled as it attempted to pursue Junior. Kiryu's vision slightly cleared up but re displayed its objective in blue text. ''Objective: Eliminate Transmutant, Lucky Dragon.' the text said. But, a red text appeared underneath the blue text. It read, 'Error.' Kiryu's vision began to pick up foreign images. There were faces appearing in its vision that disappeared in a flash, changing at a rapid pace. The mech found itself looking down on a young Neighponese woman with long black hair. She shyly looked away as she held her hands behind her back. The vision disappeared and switched to another static vision in the night where the same woman leaned in closely with her eyes closed and her lips puckered up. The mech heard the sound of a woman crying out in agony. Her cries were eerie and sounded digital. The mech wobbled slightly as the images of a woman began to assault its vision, blinding it. The face of a woman in pain blinded it from the red text that were appearing. "What the hell is wrong with Kiryu?!" demanded the commanding officer as he glared at a small group of engineers. "Why isn't it pursuing Lucky Dragon?!" "Something must be wrong." said the engineer. He made his way over to a laptop and began to look it over. He began to type on the keyboard, searching for the issue. "Its chassis was severely damaged but that's not the cause. The A.I. is not responding!" said the engineer. He then looked over to a Neighponese woman that sat over towards a desk with two throttles and a rectangular key pad. "I'm switching it to manual! You ready?" asked the engineer. The woman nodded. "Alright, switching Kiryu to manual controls." The laptop screen began to display the text, 'error'. The engineer's eyes widened. "What the-" the engineer tried to figure out what the problem was, but the screen began to static. He growled in anger as he tried to solve the problem, but the laptop suddenly sparked and died. The engineer turned back to find Kiryu stopping as it became motionless. Its glowing eyes began to dim. Kiryu's vision continued to static as images of the woman kept assaulting it. Her cries continued. A countdown appeared in the center of the vision with the text, 'deactivation in...' above. The mech sparked as it continued to hear the cries. The countdown had reached down to the number five. Before the machine could shut down, the mysterious woman's cries died down and were replaced the cries of an infant. The infant's voice carried the electronic sound in its voice as well. The woman's face faded away completely as the countdown reached the number one. "My son." said a foreign male voice in Neighponese. Kiryu's vision suddenly darkened as its Heads up display disappeared. The mech's head slumped down as it became still as stone. Later... After an hour of running away from soldiers that fired at his back, Junior found himself across a deep and thick jungle. He turned back and found the soldiers nowhere in sight. As he began to slow down, Junior began to pant heavily. He hunched over as he attempted to catch his breath from running nonstop. He turned and began to look around the jungle that he was in. Junior sighed solemnly as he thought back to the facility that he was trapped in. He was forced to leave his family photo behind. He hoped that someone managed to keep his spare copy from his old home. He turned back to the jungle and heard the sound of birds in the air. Crickets chirped and the wind blew in the air. "I'm coming, Ro and Aang." said Junior as he began to stomp through the jungles. His tail swayed over the ground as his feet flattened the grass. Trotkyo, Neighpon. The next day... An Earthbound man stood before a holographic image of another man. The holographic image of Onyx wore a look of disappointment. "What happened to your so called, 'Ultimate Weapon'? Why has one of my commanding officers in Saddle Arabia informed me that Kiryu had shut down in the middle of battle?" demanded Onyx. "Something went wrong with its A.I. systems. We suspect it may have been affected by Lucky Dragon's Atomic Breath." informed the Earthbound. "Chairman Kin, your Industry has provided MONARCH with vehicles and mechs that have performed well. Even if your current models are lacking on the collateral safety side, you have made Kiryu seem quite promising." said Onyx. "Director Onyx, you must understand that Kiryu is also a machine. Despite being cybernetically enhanced, it may run into problems as well with performance as other mechs do." said Kin. Onyx sighed in annoyance. Kin began to regret his response. "But, I will analyze Kiryu so that we may improve its performance and solve the problem." "Very well. My soldiers have moved Kiryu over towards the base in Zebrabwe. It shall remain there and will be repaired. Just please have those who worked on the damned thing to report to the base to get it up and running. The others will not be pleased if this project fails after spending so much money into it." said Onyx. "Of course." said Kin. The holographic image of Onyx disappeared, leaving the room that Kin was in to be dark. The Earthbound sighed in disappointment. "Hopefully the problem won't be too hard to fix. The A.I. is what sets it apart from the other mechs and allows it to act on its full potential. I rather it not be reduced to manual control." Kin said to himself as he made his way out of the dark room. He found himself inside of an office that had large windows that overlooked the city. He sat down at a desk and sighed as he placed his finger on a button, leaning into a microphone. "Contact the men and women who worked on Project Kiryu. The Director wants them to report to Zebrabwe to look the mech over." ordered Kin. Zebrabwe... Erika roamed the halls alone. Her eyes stared down at the ground. It had been several a few days since she, Sunset and several other soldiers were able to contact the base for a transport home. A lot of soldiers still seethed in anger from their failure to stop the renegades. The failure had really infuriated the soldiers. Sunset was not holding well herself. Erika sighed to herself as she continued to walk through the halls. "I hope she's doing better today." said Erika to herself. She was going to meet Sunset in the mess hall for dinner. She hoped that she would be able to help the Elf take her mind off of the whole incident. Erika caught sight of a glowing orb down the hall. She gasped in surprise as the orb floated ominously in the hall. "What the heck?" Erika said to herself. The orb suddenly shot down to the left side of the hall, causing Erika to jump. Curious and concerned, she decided to chase after the orb. She ran down the hall, chasing after the orb that floated ominously down the halls. She made several turns down the halls in pursuit of the golden orb. She passed a few soldiers that looked to her in confusion as she pursued the orb. 'Does nobody see the scary ghost ball floating around?!' thought Erika. The orb was much further away from her, passing a few soldiers that were in the halls, yet no one paid it any mind. Erika continued down a hall where the orb had flown to the right. She picked up her speed to catch the orb and turned. She stopped as she came across a large metal door with a red light glowing above it. Painted on the door was the text, 'Mech Hangar'. Erika gulped nervously about the idea of entering a hangar filled with mechs designed to destroy Transmutants. Prior to her transformation she wasn’t weary of them, but now she felt nervous around them. Erika swallowed her fear and reached for a panel on the wall, pressing a yellow button that made the light above the door to turn green. The door slowly began to slide in between the cracks of the wall. Slowly, the hangar area was exposed to her, revealing it to be dimly lit. Erika slowly stepped inside, searching for the golden orb that she had chased. "Hello?" called Erika. She then noticed a man emerging from the corner of the room, wearing a look of confusion. "Hey, what are you doing here, soldier?" asked the man. Erika went stiff. "Uh...I'm just passing through. I wanted to check up on how our metal friends are doing." said Erika nervously. The man gave her a suspicious glance. He cleared his throat. "Right. Anyhow, have you seen the other engineers? They were supposed to help me repair one of these damn things." said the man with a scowl. Erika shook her head. "Nope. But I assume they're in the mess hall for dinner." said Erika with a shrug. The man's eyes widened. "Wait, what time is it?!" exclaimed the man. "Uh...it's 7:35. Wait, have you been in here all by yourself?" asked Erika. "Yeah. I must have missed the time." said the man as he rubbed his head. He was dirty and covered in sweat. He sighed in annoyance. "I've been trying to fix this mech that was sent over to us. I was wondering where everyone disappeared to." Erika looked around the hangar anxiously, finding several mechs standing next to towers that locked them in place. Cords were plugged into their backsides, charging the mechs with power. Their visors and optics were dark as they stood still like golems. "Hmm. So uh...this is gonna sound weird, but you wouldn't happen to see a weird glowing ball float in here have you?" asked Erika. The man looked to her with a raised brow. "Uh...no." answered the man. He then noticed Erika staring curiously to the other side of the room. "Say, what's that over there?" asked Erika. The man looked to where she was looking and found a mech standing alone with a desk and a computer console sitting a few feet away. "Oh, that's the new mech that was finished. Something went wrong with its A.I. We were told to repair its body before the guys who designed it come over to work on the rest." answered the man. He then looked to his watch. "Listen, no one is supposed to be here after 8. I'm going to grab something to eat so I can rush back here to continue with repairs. Would you mind...?" the man asked as he gestured to the door. Erika turned back to face him. "Oh! Of course, sorry." apologized Erika. She made her way over to the man, both headed for the door. The man pressed a button on the wall, causing the door to slowly open. Erika caught sight of something rushing from the corner of her eye. She immediately turned and found the orb flying off into the shadows. She nervously gulped, wondering if she was losing her sanity. She turned back to find the door opening. The two walked out of the hangar as the door slowly began to close behind them. "Well, I'm off. Have a nice night." said the man as he continued down the hall. Erika turned and made her way down to the opposite end. "Yeah, you too!" said Erika. She then turned and found the door to slowly beginning to close. She looked back and found the man turning around the corner of the hall, disappearing from her sight. She sighed in exasperation as she turned around and rushed back towards the hangar. She leapt through the tight space of the door as it closed. "I can't believe that I'm doing this." said Erika with a scowl. She began to tread through the hangar lightly on her feet. Her footsteps echoed in the metal room. She watched the mechs warily as she continued to walk inside of the dimly lit room and towards the path where the orb disappeared to. She recalled how it disappeared in the shadows where the new mech stood. Erika carefully made her way over to the position, her muscles steeled in case this orb presented some sort of danger. She looked towards the shadows, unable to find anything within. She heard the sound of sparking from behind her, causing her to yelp and to turn around. Erika gasped loudly as she found the motionless mech staring at her with ominous yellow optics. Erika began to slowly approach it and was suddenly standing a few feet away from the mech with a dragon-like head. She panted as she held her hand against her chest. Erika stared at the dim glowing optics of the standing mech. Its chassis was exposed, showing a partially damaged panel. The mech's silver armor was covered in dark spots, scratches and dents. Its arms hung by its sides while its body and joints were locked in place by steel beams and clamps. Only small parts of the mech's body were exposed underneath the steel beams that surrounded it. "Oh boy." said Erika as her breathing began to settle down. The mech had a few cords hooked to its body. The optics stared off blankly against the wall. Erika noticed the computer console sitting on the desk that sat a few feet away from the mech. Curious, she made her way over towards the computer screen and found a schematic of the mech. "Running Diagnostics, eh? That explains why you're powered on." Erika said to herself. She then looked up to the mech with a smile. "Kiryu, huh? That's a fitting name for you. I don't think I've ever seen your model before. You must be new." said Erika. The mech remained still and silent. Its optics slightly brightened up, which caused Erika to raise a brow. From the corner of her eye, she caught a text appear on the computer screen. She looked at the screen and found the text, 'Running observation practice routine'. Erika raised a brow in confusion. She heard the sound of the mech slightly whirring. She faced it to find the mech slightly rotating its head. It looked from side to side and then it looked up and down. "Wow. For some reason, that was kinda creepy. Must be the lighting in here." said Erika with a nervous chuckle. The mech then slowly turned to face Erika with its illuminating optics, much to her surprise. She and Kiryu stared at each other, neither of them moved. Erika slowly stepped to the side as she kept her eyes on Kiryu, but its head slowly followed her. Erika stepped back to the other side and the mech followed her again. "Freaky." said Erika as she began to grow anxious. "Save him." said a small female voice. Erika gasped as she quickly turned around to search for the source. No one was around, but the voice sounded close. "He-hello? Who's there?" called Erika nervously. Silence filled the air. Erika shook her head. "I...I must be hearing things. That orb was probably a hallucination too. I don't see it anywhere." said Erika to herself. She looked back at the mech that kept its stare. "S-s-scan co-co-complete." Kiryu spoke in a distorted voice. Its robotic voice played back its words, slightly sparking. Erika gasped loudly as she stared fearfully at the mech. She then noticed the computer screen displayed another text that read, 'Scanning test'. "Subject: Private Er-rr-Eri-Erika Shi-Shi-Shi-Shiragami. Callsign: Ro-Ro-Rose. Transmutant soldier. Codename: Bi-Bi-Bio-Biollante." said Kiryu in its distorted voice. Erika gulped nervously, but her mind registered the codename. She looked on in confusion. "Biollante? What kind of...?" Erika then looked back at the mech. It kept its stare on her as its optic began to dim down. "De-Designation: A-A-Ally." said Kiryu as it slowly turned its head away and looked forward. Erika sighed as she placed a hand over her chest. "Oh thank god." said Erika. She then looked around the area, growing more anxious by the minute. She looked back to the mech with a nervous smile. "Well, it was nice to meet you Kiryu! Um...see ya on the battlefield! Maybe." said Erika as she turned and walked away as quickly as she could. She sighed in embarrassment. "Oh god. I can't believe I was talking to a freaking toaster." Erika made her way out of the hangar room. The large doors slowly began to close, locking Kiryu and the deactivated mechs inside. Silence filled the air as Kiryu kept its sights on the wall. From the shadows came the glowing orb that Erika was pursuing. It suddenly began to glow brightly, forming into a moth-like creature. The divine creature fluttered over towards the mech and perched itself onto the steel beam that locked it in place. The fairy's antennae began to twitch as it stared at the mech. Kiryu brought its head down and stared at the fairy. The fairy's antennae began to twitch as they began to sparkle. Kiryu's optics dimmed and turned off. The moth fairy fluttered away from the mech and down towards the computer console. Its insect eyes stared at the computer screen. The text read, 'Artificial Intelligence is offline'. The fairy turned back towards Kiryu as its darkened eyes suddenly brightened up to be red. "What is this? What is this place?" a digital male voice asked. The voice came from Kiryu, but it was unlike the machine's deeper voice. This voice sounded as if it belonged to someone who had just woken up. The fairy crawled across the desk and stared up at the mech as it stared blankly off to the wall. "Hello mister." greeted the fairy in a small feminine voice. Kiryu's head rotated around, in search of the voice. "Who's...who's there? Where are you?" asked the voice. "I'm down here." called the fairy as she flapped her wings once and tapped her front foot on the desk. Kiryu slowly looked down to find the moth. "You...you're not human." said the voice. "No. But I am your ally." said the fairy. She fluttered up onto the steel beam and stared at Kiryu. "Do you remember who you are?" "No...Wait. I do." said the voice in thought. "You're name is-" the fairy was about to finish her sentence. "Kiryu. I am a cybernetic mech, designed to... No, that's not right." said the voice in confusion. The fairy leaned closer, worried. "Gojira Takeshi! Yes, yes, that is my name." "Yes. Yes, that is correct." said the fairy. Kiryu searched the room as it rotated its head. "Why can't I move? I feel weird. It feels wrong." said Kiryu. "Gojira, you're not supposed to be here." said the fairy. "I don't understand. I don't know what's going on." replied Kiryu. "You must leave this world. You have to move on." pleaded the fairy. "Move on? I don't get it. Where is my son? I want to see my son." said the mech as it attempted to move. The steel beams slightly creaked from the movement but held strong. The fairy fluttered to Kiryu's head and began to drop sparkles over its head. "That man betrayed me. He attacked me and my son." "You've been a sleep. You must remember what happened." said the fairy. Kiryu's vision began to show static and then returned to normal. But, it was now assaulted with visions of the past that assaulted him at high speeds. A young woman with black hair leaned against a man with charcoal grey hair. The vision shifted to the same couple with an infant. The image continued to shift to the man and the child that was once an infant standing before a tombstone. An image of a demonic creature with a horn on its skull roared as it bit down on a dragon-like beast. The next image was of the dragon taking its last breath as the demon stood over it while several men in armor approached the scene. "I...I died." said Kiryu in disbelief. More images began to assault Kiryu. A vision of Gojira Senior in his beast form lied dead in a lab. The vision suddenly flashed to show the corpse without skin, but merely bone. The vision flashed again, showing the skeleton being encased by wiring, gears, and mechanical parts. Then, the vision flashed to Kiryu, standing in a lab with its arms held at its side. Finally, the vision flashed to Kiryu fighting another Transmutant that appeared exactly like Gojira Senior. Only this one bore a scar over its chest and appeared younger as well was a slightly lighter shade of charcoal grey. "Oh no." said Kiryu in a distressed tone. "Gojira, please you must remain calm." said the fairy. "No! No, this can't be happening!" shouted Kiryu. The steel beams around it began to creak even more. The fairy gasped in response. "My boy! Where is my boy?!" demanded Kiryu. The mech convulsed as they clamps that held its waist, arms, legs and tail in place. The cords that were connected to its exposed chassis swayed in the air. "SKREEEOOOOONNNK!!" Kiryu's roar was robotic sound, carrying an ominous, ghost-like tone. Its red eyes pierced through the darkness. An alarm began to blare in the hangar as Kiryu struggled to free itself. The large door that led into the hangar began to open up. From behind the door, rushed in several engineers. The moth fairy immediately dove into the shadows and began to scurry along the ground. "What the hell is going on?!" exclaimed an engineer. "I knew we shouldn't have left this thing on!" shouted another engineer. "Shut it down!" ordered a woman. One of the engineers rushed over towards a computer console. Kiryu continued to struggle as it roared. The HUD of the mech displayed the text, 'Emergency Shutdown'. Kiryu roared one last time, but then it began to lower in pitch and die down. The mech's red eyes dimmed and became dark. Kiryu's head lowered as its lower jaw hung open. "Dear Faust, that was a close one." sighed a woman. "Yeah. The A.I. must be busted if this thing went berserk just from running tests on its systems." said a man. The fairy listened to their conversation as she hid in the dark. "Well, until the people who designed this thing get here, nobody is allowed to turn it on." ordered a man. The engineers nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's call it a night people. We still need to continue repairing this thing tomorrow." said the man. The fairy began to illuminate and then disappeared in a flash. Neighpon. Over a week has passed since Junior had escaped. He was still in his dragon-like form as he continued to swim off the coast of the land. His dorsal plates stuck out of the surface as his tail propelled him through the sea. His physical enhancement and his natural swimming ability allowed him to reach Neighpon in a much shorter time frame compared to riding in a ship. The day had begun to fade to night and Junior's eyes grew heavy as he swam. He spent only short hours of sleep as he traveled to rescue his friends in Neighpon as quickly as possible. Junior finally made his way onto the beach. Water began to drip from his scales and dorsal plates as he stumbled onto land. He panted as his eyes grew heavy and collapsed onto the beach. He lazily dug his claws into the sand and began to bury himself. He lied down on his side as he brought more of the sand over his body to hide himself. His snout was slightly exposed as the sand around him became mud as it seeped into his drenched body. He sighed as he began to drift off to sleep. The next day... The day was shining brightly over Neighpon. The summer breeze filled the air. People walked together in the blistering heat. Some complained about the heat, others planned trips to the public pools or beach. A Neighponese woman walked down the road alone. She hummed to herself as she carried a bag filled with a towel. She wore a small sweater as her bare legs were exposed. Her sandals clapped against the concrete as she continued to walk. She noticed a path that led down to the beach, causing her to smile brightly and to run down the path. The woman found herself down on the sandy beach, where the waves splashed onto the sand. She looked around the area with an eager expression. Her expression slowly began to change. The young woman looked at the watch on her wrist with a frown. "Huh. I guess no one else is here today." the young woman said to herself. She made her way over near a shade as she hummed to herself. The girl reached for her towel and began to unfold it. The woman lied down on the towel, sighing as she closed her eyes as she rested. Suddenly, that peace was interrupted by the sound of an animalistic groan. Her eyes shot open and she slowly raised herself up. The woman searched for the source of the sound. She stood up and began to walk around the sand. Her feet stepped on the mound nearby. The groan grew and sounded much closer. "Hello?" called the woman. Suddenly, she lost her balance as the ground around her shook. She yelped as she fell onto her belly and onto the sand. A growl came from underneath the woman, causing her blood to run cold. The sand that was beneath her began to slide down to the side, revealing a charcoal grey scaled creature. She was lying on top of creature's side with her face dangerously close to its own. Its yellow eyes slowly opened and widened at the sight of her. The woman remained still as stone. Then, she began to whimper as she sighted the razor sharp teeth of the creature. She screamed as she scrambled off of the creature's larger body and fell on her side. Junior slowly stood to his feet with a groan of annoyance. The woman turned and stared in fear of the Transmutant. She let out an ear piercing scream as Junior stood over her, causing him to clutch his head as he attempted to block out the scream. The woman stood to her feet, grabbed her bag and ran away. She continued to scream as she ran away. Junior remained still as he scowled in annoyance. "Not my idea of waking up in the morning." said Junior. He shook his head as he turned around. He slowly began to morph back into his human form. He stood naked on the beach. Junior looked down and noticed the beach towel that she had left behind. "At least I don't have to go out completely naked." said Junior as he reached for the towel and wrapped it around his waist. He sighed as he stretched his arms. "Man, I needed that sleep." said Junior. His face then turned serious. "Now it's time to save my friends." One day later... Junior treaded through the forest of an area. It had been over a year since he had last been in Neighpon and the Vault. Unfortunately, he spent the whole previous day in search of the prison but had no luck. It was times like this where he had at least one ally that knew as much about MONARCH as Battra did. Junior sighed as he continued to tread through the forest. He then noticed a faint light in the distance. He turned and made his way past the trees and found a lonely building standing in a large clearing of the forest. It had a great fence that formed a perimeter around it and a great magical dome shield. "I thought it was around here. Just needed to head north from that nuclear power plant." said Junior proudly. He then frowned as he continued to stare off to prison. “Now, how the hell am I going to get inside?" wondered Junior. Normally, he would have just charged in blindly, but his father taught him that warriors need a battle plan. It didn't hurt to improvise, but plans help the fighter to strive for success. This was an opportunity where he would have to plan something himself. "I could try burrowing under again. But that'd take hours and someone would find the starting hole." said Junior in thought. He hummed to himself. "I definitely shouldn't try to surrender myself. They'll just kill me instead." Junior heard the sound of footsteps. He immediately hid behind bushes as he spotted twin lights. The rays of light searched the road that was nearby and grew brighter. Junior spotted two soldiers walking together with their rifles in hand with attached flashlights. Junior crept through the woods as he got a closer look at the soldiers. One of them appeared to be about his size. Junior smiled as his mind played out a scenario. "This could work." said Junior to himself. He slowly began to walk over towards the area where the soldiers were. He picked up a stone and moved closer to the soldiers. They were having a conversation that Junior paid no mind to. He looked to the rock and then looked off to the side of the road. Junior reared his arm back and tossed the rock over towards the bushes that were on the other side of the road. The soldiers immediately turned to where the rock had landed and pointed their rifles in that direction. "Go check it out. I'll cover you." said a soldier. "Copy." replied the second soldier. He slowly began to approach where the rock had landed, unaware of Junior stalking behind his comrade. The Transmutant glared at the solder from behind as he flexed his fingers. He immediately wrapped his arm the soldier's mouth, preventing him shouting. Junior then used his free hand and placed it on his helmet. With a swift motion, Junior snapped the soldier's neck. The soldier gave a muffled groan as he slumped in Junior's grip, dead. The Transmutant gently lowered the soldier down onto the road and began to stalk after the remaining soldier. He was just a few feet behind the remaining soldier, but then the man began to turn around. "I don't see anything." said the soldier. "Look harder." said Junior as he rushed towards the soldier. The man gasped as he raised his rifle, but Junior slapped it out of his hand. He then tackled him to the ground and began to strangle the soldier with all of his strength until he heard a sickening crack. The man gagged and slumped into the grass as his eyes rolled back. Junior panted as he released the man's neck, finding red hand prints and a mangled neck. He dragged the soldier over towards a tree and then rushed back out to the road and dragged the other soldier over to the same tree. He looked to the larger soldier with a sigh. Later... Junior stood over the dead soldier that he had undressed. He was left only in his boxers and a tank top. Junior held his helmet at his side as he stared at the bodies. He brought the helmet over his head and firmly placed it on. His mouth was exposed, but the rest of his face was hidden. He picked up the rifle and began to walk down the road. He calmly made his way down towards the facility where two towers stood by the entrance through the dome shield. He took calm breaths and blocked out any thought of the plan failing. Junior made his way over towards the entrance of the prison grounds, where a couple of soldiers waited. "Oh, we weren't expecting you to return from your patrol so early." said one of the guards. "Something came up. My presence is needed inside." said Junior. "Oh, alright. Say, where's the other guy that was with you?" asked one of the guards. Junior cleared his throat as he tried to think up a lie. "Uh...he wasn't called back. He's down the road patrolling without me. He's not too happy about me leaving." lied Junior. The men nodded. "Well, that sucks to be him. There's a few others patrolling right now so he'll won't be alone." said one of the guards. He then reached for his helmet and placed a hand against it. "Hey, we got one that needs to come back inside. Dim the power." said the guard. "Copy that." said a voice on the radio. Junior watched the shield become more transparent and began to pulse less. He nodded to the soldiers as he walked over towards the dome. He successfully managed to pass through, ending up on prison grounds. "Huh. Did that guy look a bit taller than usual?" asked one of the soldiers that guarded the gate. Junior began to walk stiffly. "Nah. He seemed normal to me." said the other soldier. Junior sighed in relief. 'Don't get cocky, Gojira. We're just getting started.' Junior thought to himself. He continued on down the prison grounds until he reached the open door of the prison. He looked around the facility in surprise. It looked exactly how it originally was before the Transmutants destroyed the place. He looked over and found a metal platform that stood in the middle of the room where a control panel lied. Slowly, he made his way over towards the platform but then found a few soldiers making their way onto it. He abruptly made his way behind the soldier that lagged behind in the group, in hopes of blending in. The soldiers and the Transmutant reached the platform and began to stand on it. Junior remained silent, hoping that no one would catch him being the odd man out. The ring leader of the group activated the platform, causing it to slowly descend down the familiar tunnel that was dimly lit with the lights that were built into the walls. Junior glared at all of the soldiers with homicidal rage as he waited. "Do it, Gojira. Make them suffer." said the dark dragon's voice. Junior clenched his teeth as he closed his eyes. 'No. I can't do it. Not yet at least.' thought Junior. He then reopened his eyes and felt the descending platform slowing down. The elevator stopped at a long and vast hallway that was too familiar to Junior. He recognized it to be the place that led to the cells. The soldiers were led down the hall and over towards where the familiar, giant vault door stood. Junior remained behind the soldiers as he stared at the door, hoping that his friends were inside. A man made his way over towards a panel and began to type the passcode. The panel blinked with a green light and the vault door began to shift its gears as it unlocked itself. The door then slowly began to open outwards allowing the group to walk inside. Junior began to search the cells, but found many of them to be empty. He began to grow worried about the growing possibility of his friends not being around, but then noticed a few dimly lit cell door shields on the upper levels. The soldiers began to take their places along the ground level of the cell block with their rifles held to their side. Some soldiers began to stand guard by the upper levels. Junior followed the guards that walked up stairs that led to the cell block above, where a metal bridge held them up. The Transmutant realized that the men were guards. Junior searched around the cell block for the lit door shields and nearly gasped at what he saw. Junior spotted Angirasu sitting cross legged in his cell with a solemn expression. A glowing metal collar was wrapped around his neck. His clothes were a grey shirt and a pair of darker grey sweat pants. Junior turned to find Rodan lying down in his cell on his bed with a solemn expression and a collar on his neck. Junior felt his eyes beginning to water at the sight of his brothers, but he focused on his mission. He sighed in frustration as he made his way over towards Rodan's cell, pretending to be on guard. 'Let's hope we can figure out how to escape.' thought Junior. He stopped next to Rodan's cell and glanced his way. Rodan remained on his back as he stared at his ceiling. "Psst. Rodan." whispered Junior. Rodan's eyes widened as he heard his name called. He turned his head and found Junior standing still with his rifle in his grip. "Who the hell are you? How do you know my name?!" demanded Rodan. "Shh! Ro, it's me, Gojira!" whispered Junior. He then raised his helmet a bit and revealed more his face. Rodan's eyes widened in shock. "No freaking way!" Rodan whispered back. Junior smiled at him. "Good to see that you are still alive." said Junior. Rodan grinned at him in response. "So, you got an escape plan?" asked Rodan. "Not exactly. I was thinking we'd wreak havoc on this shit hole to escape and call it a night." said Junior. Rodan shook his head. "Good to know you haven't changed that much." said Rodan. Junior slightly smiled. "Yeah, but I have changed a bit. I just wonder if it's a bad change or if it's good." said Junior. "Hey, is Mosu with you?" asked Rodan. Junior lost his smile and avoided eye contact with Rodan. "I'll tell you about it later." said Junior. Rodan looked to him in confusion. "Uh...alright." said Rodan. Junior frowned as he looked down on the ground. He hated that he had to tell Rodan about Mosura. He wanted to tell him now about what happened, but he couldn't until they managed to escape from the Vault. "Listen, I'm going to talk to Aang. I'll try to figure something out." said Junior as he began to walk away from the cell. Rodan nodded in response and lied back down. Junior gritted his teeth in anger for postponing the news about Mosura’s death. Junior made his way over towards Angirasu's cell. A few guards walked passed the cell and made their way up to the third level of the cell block. Junior leaned against the wall next to the cell. "Aang, it's me." whispered Junior as he raised his helmet. Angirasu gasped in surprise. His face brightened into a smile. "Goji, you crazy bastard." said Angirasu. Junior chuckled. "That's right bro. We're about to start a prison break." whispered Junior. Angirasu smiled. "Where's Mosura?" asked Angirasu. Junior kept his smile. "Just as I told Rodan, I'll tell you guys later." said Junior. Angirasu raised a brow as Junior turned away. He noticed that Junior's smile suddenly became forced when he answered his question. "OK. How are we getting out?" asked Angirasu. "I don't have that much of a plan. It was easier for me to enter, but I hadn't made any plans on escaping." said Junior. Angirasu sighed. "We could just wreak shit." said Angirasu. Junior shook his head. "No, too much noise. We'd be sitting ducks if we can't make it out of the dome." said Junior. He then noticed a few of the guards standing idly by. Only a couple were standing on their level while another couple was on the ground level. The rest were on the upper level of the cell block. Junior hummed in thought. "We'll escape the same way that I did." said Junior. He turned to face Angirasu with a mischievous smile. "Drop on the ground and start moaning in pain." said Junior. Angirasu looked to him in confusion but then smiled. "I see what you're getting at." said Angirasu. He then lied down on the ground and began to moan. He clutched his stomach as he moaned in pain. Junior turned to where the guards were on his level. "Hey! I think something is wrong with this one!" called Junior. The two guards shrugged at each other and began to make their way over towards Angirasu's cell. One of them stuck a key inside of a slot that was built into the side of Angirasu's cell, causing the shield to die down. The two guards made their way over to him and looked him over. "What's wrong with you?" asked the guard. Junior slowly made his way over to the back of the guards and grabbed both of their heads. He forced his arms together and slammed their skulls against each other. The guards dropped dead to the ground from the traumatizing force. Angirasu saw the cold expression on Junior’s face as he stared down at the soldiers. "One of them is bound to be close to your size." said Junior. He then turned away and kept guard at the cell door. "Right." said Angirasu. He spent the next minute undressing one of the guards and took the armor that he wore and placed it on himself. It was a bit tight due to his more rounded muscle build compared to the dead guard that he looted, but it still fit. Angirasu picked up the rifle and found Junior taking the clothes off of the other dead guard. He nodded to the outside of the cell and led Angirasu outside. They used a key and then locked the dead soldiers inside. The Transmutants walked over towards Rodan's cell and stuck the key inside of the slot on the wall, making the magic barrier fade away. Junior walked inside and handed Rodan the clothes while Angirasu handed him the armor. "Suit up." ordered Junior. Suddenly, an alarm began to blare. The Transmutants jumped at the sudden sound. "Alert! Prisoner Club Tail is absent from his cell!" said a voice over the intercom. The Transmutant's eyes widened in shock. Junior noticed a camera looking his way from the ceiling outside of the cell door. He scowled in response. "Were there any cameras the last time I was down here?" asked Junior. Rodan looked to him with an appalled expression. "Wait, you didn't do anything about the cameras?!" exclaimed Rodan. Angirasu wore a deadpanned expression. "Well, looks like we're going to have to wreak some shit after all." said Angirasu. The sound of multiple footsteps came from outside of the cell. The Transmutants turned and found several guards pointing their rifles at them. Junior and Angirasu glanced at each other and then pointed their weapons as well. "By the way, I have no clue how to use these things." said Angirasu. "That's OK. Neither do I." replied Junior. He then glanced at the trigger of his rifle and began to fire his weapon. Rodan immediately dove for cover behind his bed while the Transmutants fired their weapons. Junior was shot several times and Angirasu was shot three times against his arm, shoulder and side. The four guards that engaged them dropped dead on the ground from the shots fired by the Transmutants. Angirasu knelt down as he clutched his side. Junior knelt next to him. "You OK?" asked Junior, worriedly. Angirasu panted. "I...I think I'll be alright." replied Angirasu. He released his side, finding a small patch of blood on his hand. Junior rushed over towards Rodan's bed and began to tear the blanket. He returned to Angirasu and began to wrap the torn pieces of blanket around his wounds. Rodan emerged from his hiding place and looked on anxiously. "What now?" asked Rodan. Junior picked up a rifle and handed it to Rodan. He eyed the weapon warily. "We fight." answered Junior. He then turned to face the cell door way. He rushed out of the cell and leapt into the air, falling down towards the ground level of the cell block. A few guards were racing towards the stairs, but caught sight of him as he landed. Junior raised the rifle and began to fire. He ran to the side, away from the shots fired from the guards. The bolts flew around him, but his bolts connected with the men. Angirasu and Rodan dropped from the higher level of the cell block. Rodan yelped as he fired his rifle uncontrollably, launching bolts in all directions. He managed to shoot down a few guards. Junior and Angirasu ducked for cover as Rodan yelled. Rodan threw his rifle to the ground with a panicked expression. "Hold it firmly, dumbass!" shouted Junior. Rodan shook his head. "I ain't ever gonna touch a gun again! These things are evil!" shouted Rodan as he pointed at the rifle that lied at his feet. Junior groaned in annoyance as he turned to fire his rifle at a guard that appeared from a corner. "Whatever! Let's just move up!" shouted Junior as he rushed towards the door. He groaned in annoyance when he realized that the vault door was locked and threw his rifle to the ground. "So much for my freaking plan. Looks like we're going to have to do this like monsters after all." spat Junior. He groaned as his body began to strain. Angirasu and Rodan followed Junior's lead and began to strain and groan as their bodies began to grow and change. Junior roared as he had finished transforming and charged towards the vault door, slamming his large fists against it. His claws began to tear through the metal. Angirasu rammed his body against the side of the vault and proceeded to swing his spiked, clubbed tail. The large door began to dent and the walls around it began to crack. The two suddenly forced the vault door downward, revealing a large group of soldiers standing outside. Junior growled angrily as they pointed their weapons at them. "Don't let them get out of here alive!" shouted a soldier. They all fired their weapons upon the Transmutants. Junior roared as he charged towards the soldiers and the bolts rained down on him. He slammed his body against the nearest ones and trampled on the unlucky few. Angirasu charged through the soldiers, knocking them out of the way and impaling one with his horn. Rodan flew over the soldiers that struggled to get back up. His wings kept grazing against the walls, forcing him to fall to the ground and to crawl. Rodan leapt over the soldiers, attempting to catch up to Junior and Angirasu. A large door suddenly dropped down and blocked off the Transmutants' escape route. Junior growled as he punched the door, forcing his hands into the metal door and pulling back down on the hole. He tore part of the metal door open and reached for the other end of the torn door and pulled it back as well. The trio charged through the hall and made their way over towards the elevator platform. Junior reached for the button and gently pressed his claw against it. The platform began to slowly ascend up the tunnel, where the soldiers began to fire at them. The platform continued to ascend upwards, giving the Transmutants time to catch their breath. Junior sighed as he looked towards his friends. "Guys, there's something that I have to tell you." said Junior. They looked to him in confusion. Junior was about to go on but suddenly, the platform emerged from the tunnel and out to the great facility's surface. The staff members looked on in horror and few soldier pointed their rifles at them. "Tell us later!" said Angirasu. The Transmutants roared as they charged towards the soldiers. The facility was filled with roars, cries of anguish, and gunfire. These sounds continued on and reached out to those that were outside of the building. Soldiers that were guarding the shield generators tensed as they heard the roars. Later... Fires raged over the facility. Corpses of soldiers littered the ground. Staff members were injured from the prison escape. Junior, Angirasu and Rodan had fled far away from the facility. The three were alone in a deep and dark forest.. "We made it. I can't believe we made it!" said Rodan. Junior smiled. "Yeah, we made it." said Junior. He began to walk past the two and continued on through the forest. Rodan and Angirasu stood up and began to follow Junior as well. The three remained silent for a few minutes. "Hey Goji, where's Mosura?" asked Rodan. Junior stopped walking and lowered his head. He wore a solemn expression as he remained silent. "Gojira?" called Angirasu in worry. Junior sighed heavily. "Guys, I'm sorry." said Junior. Rodan looked to him in confusion. "Sorry for what?" asked Rodan. "Back in Saddle Arabia. Mosura...she didn't make it." said Junior as he clenched his fist. Wait...what the hell do you mean she didn't make it?" demanded Angirasu. "She's dead!" shouted Junior. Rodan and Angirasu looked to him in shock. Junior breathed heavily. "We were trapped by Destoroyah and Battra. We were fighting them but MONARCH interfered. Sunset Shimmer, that bitch killed her!" shouted Junior as he slammed his fist against the tree, knocking it down to the ground. "No...no that can't be." said Rodan in disbelief. Angirasu lowered his head down as his eyes glistened with tears. "She died in my arms, Rodan. All she wanted was to go home." said Junior, distraught. He growled angrily. "I couldn't do a damn thing to save her! I tried!" "No! No! Dammit!!" shouted Rodan as he clutched the sides of his head. His eyes ran with tears as he began to sob. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm so sorry." said Junior as he placed his hand over his eyes. Angirasu sniffled to himself. "Where's her body?" asked Angirasu. "I don't know. I was unconscious one minute and by the time I woke up, her body ended up somewhere when the room that we were in flooded. I think she got swept away to the nearby beach and into sea." said Junior as he sat on his rear. Rodan and Angirasu were heartbroken as they thought of the woman who grew to be their adoptive sister. "Gojira..." called Rodan as he managed to calm himself. Junior slowly turned to face the bird-like dragon Transmutant, who looked to him with tears flowing from his eyes. Rodan made his way over to him and placed a claw over his shoulder. "Thanks for staying with her to the very end. You're a true brother." said Rodan. Junior lightly smiled in response and slowly stood to his feet. “With you guys, you all became the closest thing to siblings besides Blaire." said Junior. He brought Rodan into a hug as he patted his back and gestured Angirasu to come over. The three Transmutants joined together in a hug as brothers and felt as though Mosura's spirit was still with them, joining them before they released each other. "Mosura, she was someone with wisdom. She had a kind and loving heart." said Junior. Rodan nodded in response. "She was smart and reasonable." said Rodan. Angirasu sighed. "She was a wonderful sister. The one out of all of us who was the strongest." said Angirasu. "We'll remember her for who she was. Mosura will not die in vain." said Junior as he began to stomp through the forest. He wore a hard stare. "We will do whatever it takes to return to Equestria. And one day, she will be avenged." "That's right." said Rodan. Angirasu nodded in agreement. Junior turned back to look at the forest and the fiery glow in the distance. "MONARCH is our enemy. If they're looking for monsters, then it's their lucky day." said Junior. He flared his nostrils. He turned around and led Rodan and Angirasu through the forest. "But for now, we're going back to Equestria. The only home that we have left."