Shifting Melodies

by Thadius0

Chapter 58 - Awkward conversations

Ledger awoke to two sensations. The first was quite familiar to him now, the feeling of being buried in fluffy mares. That feeling never got old.

The second?

It was like heaven itself was being cooked up down in the kitchen. The scents wafting up were already making his mouth water.

The only problem was, getting down there without alerting the mares would be impossible.  The drone resigned himself to delicious-smelling torture until the mares woke up enough to allow him the ability to leave.

Twilight’s nose twitched, and she hummed lightly as her horn begun to glow. Before Ledger could do anything to respond to this, the entire group suddenly found themselves being teleported straight to the living room.

Well, a few feet from the floor anyhow. Then Ledger was buried under mares again, only it wasn’t so fun this time around.

“Owch,” Ledger commented.  That was a hoof in his ribs at least.  And he swore he felt his head being jostled a little as well.  Maybe he should rethink their waypoint project, or at least add some safety measures…

Twilight was already up and floating towards the kitchen, as Midnight just hummed and continued to hug Ledger, the trip not having roused her in the slightest. Cider and Scope just groaned.

“Well, that’s one way to get downstairs,” Fritter chuckled from the couch. “Y’all okay there?”

“I’ll live,” Ledger muttered from his position.  “This is much less fun when you and the ones you love are dropped.”

“Well, they say love hurts,” Fritter nodded with a sage-like tone. “Mama’s makin’ breakfast, an’ ah reckon that the Princess might steal it before we even get there…”

“I’d help, but sorta buried here,” Ledger reiterated.  “...Cider, do you think you and your sister could help your mother make enough for everypony?”

“Ah reckon so,” Fritter nodded as she dragged a sleepy Cider into the kitchen, tossing the alicorn out on her rump. “Try and keep this one out until we’re done eh?”

Twilight just huffed and crossed her forelegs.  Ledger chuckled and waved the now-free foreleg at Twilight, offering a place where Cider had just been in the cuddlepile.

Twilight just shrugged as she settled down next to him as Scope sighed and stretched.

“Nnn, bathroom,” she muttered, snuggling closer to Ledger. “Carry me?”

“I suppose I can,” Ledger said with a sigh as he scooted out from between Twilight and Midnight, leaving the alicorn to the thestral’s mercies.  The drone then walked upstairs to their room, carrying the nymph up to the bathroom and gently setting her down outside it. She stumbled inside, still half-asleep. Upon their return, Midnight had cuddled up to a struggling Twilight, gently nibbling on one of her ears.

“Midnight, I’m not a chew toy!” the alicorn protested.  Ledger just chuckled at the ideas his brain conjured before gently easing the batpony away from Twilight.

“C’mon, leave her be.  Otherwise you know Cider will tease you about playing out your little game with somepony else.”

“Little game?” Twilight asked.

“Cider reads a lot of sparkly thestral stories,” Ledger explained. Twilight blinked before she facehooved. She had gotten so much flak from Rainbow about the title of those books.

“So you mean she…” She looked at Midnight and blinked. “I’d have thought that a Thestral would have been insulted over those books.”

“She was to start,” Ledger said as he finally situated himself as a buffer between Midnight and Twilight.  “And then we paid a visit to the Crystal Empire...during their festival.  I think sometime around there, they made it a game.”

“Crystal… Oh, oh dear,” Twilight giggled, imagining Midnight with a Crystal coat. “That must have been really something.”

“No less so when we walked in on the tail end of one of their games,” Ledger said with a snicker.

“I can imagine,” Twilight giggled.

Ledger suddenly had a Thestral draped over his shoulders, her fangs grazing his neck. “MMm, ah vant to suck… something long and meaty~”

“First thing in the morning?” Ledger questioned.  “Why don’t you at least wait until after breakfast?”

“Maybe she wants sausages and cream for breakfast?” Hearing the Princess say something so lewd in such an innocent tone…

“Too bad, still sorta tired from last night,” the drone more firmly rebuked the batpony.  “Maybe once we’re all fed and caffeinated.  Especially caffeinated.”

“Mmmm, coffeeeeee~” Midnight and Twilight moaned and started stumbling towards the kitchen like zombies. “Cooffeeeeee….ahhhhh….”

“And how does the Apple family typically reward intruders?” Ledger asked from the floor, with Scope still on his back.

“I’m surprised you're not joining them,” Scope said as Cider tried to keep the two caffeine addicts back with a broom.

“I know better than to assault the kitchen before the call of ‘soup’s on,’” Ledger replied.  He’d been taught that lesson the hard way, but he knew it.

Some painful-sounding whacks told him that the two mares just learned that lesson as well. Twilight and Midnight walked back over, rubbing their heads where Cider had punished them.

“Nnn, remind me to bring Cider along for the zombie apocalypse,” Twilight muttered. “She’s ruthless…”

“Mmhmm, you’re either there to help or you get out when an Apple is cooking,” Ledger said as he smiled smugly, having known better all along.  “And I’m not great at breakfasts, so every time I step in there in the morning, I make sure Cider’s done first.”

“I’m best friends with Applejack… you’d think I’d have learned, but noooo,” Twilight whined. Ledger leaned over and kissed where she was rubbing, his cheesy attempt to kiss it all better.

“Where’s mine?” Midnight pouted, presenting her forehead to him.  Ledger rolled his eyes, having intended to do her next anyways, but kissed the proffered spot on the thestral mare as well.

“Yay~” Midnight giggled, giving him a hug. Twilight shook her head and looked at him.

“You really spoil her huh?”

“And she spoils me as well,” Ledger replied as he just basked in her affection, already feeling a lot better. Scope had fluttered up to her nest and pulled out her long-forgotten book, scrawling a few things in it.

“So what’s up with that?” Twilight asked, staring at the cloud nest. “That seems more like a Pegasus thing, than Changeling.”

“That’s Scope’s business,” Ledger said with a shrug.  “And while I or Middy could go up there and look, we respect that there are some things Scope wants to keep secret.  If she ever wants to tell us, we’ll be here to listen.”

“Plus it helps that they’ve never asked,” Scope replied. “I like sitting in clouds, it’s comfy. As for my book here…” She paused and tapped her chin, before flying down and whispering into Twilight’s ear. She nodded a few times and then gasped, before whispering something back. Scope tilted her head, then her eyes went really wide and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Because if we asked, we didn’t expect a favorable response.  More like ‘shut up’ or ‘none of your business,’” the disguised drone illustrated for Scope.

“Well… true enough I suppose,” Scope nodded as Midnight cleared her throat and gave her ears a wiggle. Scope sighed as she looked at her.

“You heard every word didn’t you?”

“Mmmaaaaybe,” Midnight giggled and Scope sighed again, before fluttering up to her nest and waving a hoof. Ledger quirked an eyebrow, not quite sure what that meant, but until otherwise directed, decided to take it as he normally would.  Namely, an ‘I’m up here, go on about your business’ wave.

“So I can tell him Scopey?” Midnight clarified. The nymph grunted and rolled over, turning her back to them. Midnight giggled and looked at Ledger. “She’s writing a book. Her very own Daring Do adventure.”

“Oh dear,” Ledger said with a shake of his head.  “I know how that usually ends up…”

“What do you mean?” Midnight asked him.

“I may have written a few stories when I was younger,” the drone confessed.  “And anytime I tried my hoof at writing my own addition to a previously-established never ended well.”

“I’m writing it for fun,” Scope spoke up. “I don’t care what others think. As long as I like it.”

“Then that’s all that matters,” the drone said with a sigh and a smile. Any reply Scope has was cut off by ‘Soup’s On,’ It was the song of their people and Midnight and Twilight all but vanished, reappearing at the table and awaiting the arrival of deliciousness.  Ledger sighed again, but stood up and ambled over to the table, taking his seat and kissing the closest mare.

“Ya know,” A familiar voice said, though not in the way he expected. “Ah appreciate the gesture an’ all, but ah’m strictly a mare’s mare.” Apple Fritter blushed and looked away from him.

“...Sorry, thought you were your sister,” Ledger offered as he decided he needed a big cup of coffee.  Really big.

“Ledger, is there something you’d like to tell me,” Cider said from his opposite side as she pushed a mug of coffee his way. “Y’all aren’t tryin’ to trade me in fer mah sister are ya?”

“Just not awake yet, otherwise I would have looked before I smooched,” Ledger said before drinking deep of that sweet nectar of civilization.

“Ohh, are we playing with Fritter now?” Midnight hummed, before drawing the mare in for a deep kiss. Cider facehooved and sighed.

“Will everypony stop kissin’ mah sister?”

“Aw, feeling left out?” Fritter cooed after Midnight was pulled off of her by Twilight.

“She probably would appreciate a kiss herself,” the stallion at the table mused.

Fritter giggled as she moved to pepper Cider’s face with kisses, the older sister screaming and trying shove her away as Full Steam came downstairs.

“This is why we can never have a normal breakfast,” he muttered as he sat down at the table. Apple Leaves sighed as she ambled in from the kitchen and nodded in agreement.

“Normal is overrated,” Ledger retorted as he began putting food on his plate.  “Try growing up with my family.  Your definition of normal will shift to ‘any day that involves an argument or an explosion.’”

“I can vouch for that,” Midnight said, as Cider and Scope nodded.

“Try having breakfast, only to have your table turn into a glowing, magical map that tells you where you need to go to save the world,” Twilight countered.

“Try having breakfast before your little brothers cause a detonation with vinegar and baking soda, your oldest sister critiques your latest disguise seven ways to sunday, and your youngest sister replaces everyone’s toast with oatmeal,” Ledger riposted.

Twilight glared at him. Challenge Accepted!

“Pinkie Pie once replaced everpony’s seats with confetti cannons. I’m pretty sure the indentations from my horn are still on the ceiling.”

“My youngest sister’s first time with sugar,” Ledger fired back.  “Utter chaos in the house.  I won’t tell you everything she did, but to me, she apparently had time to excavate a pool in my room, fill it with applesauce, and add a donkey of all things.”

“We invited Discord to lunch once,” Twilight replied. “DO you have any idea how hard it is to eat when your blanket starts flying and Discord is wearing a turban and some puffy pants, singing about love and stuff.”

“My brothers blew up my step-dad’s garden shed,” Ledger countered.  “With just a few fireworks, they utterly demolished his building.  To this day, Peaceful Heart still can’t grow anything there.”

“My new home is a hundred-hoof tall crystal castle shaped like a tree! And somehow, Rainbow Dash still crashes into it!”

“I have five step-dads,” Ledger deadpanned.  “Growing up with them was weirder than your castle.  Especially when my dad had to instruct the others in how to make my little brothers and sisters properly.  Especially when you get lost looking for the bathroom and wonder why step-daddy Inspired and daddy are doing things to mommy.”

Everyone fell silent for a moment, Twilight had a massive blush on her face as Scope and Midnight howled with laughter.

Cider and Fritter shuddered and patted his shoulder sympathetically. Yeah, they’d been there.

“I believe I win,” Ledger said as he finally began eating his food with gusto. Twilight just nodded as she tried to purge that mental image from her head. Midnight wondered if she should tell the time her parents discovered her… extracurricular activities…

Nah, they didn’t need that kind of scarring.

“Funny part is,” Ledger said around mouthfuls of food.  “Wasn’t the last time I walked in on them.”

“And this is suitable breakfast conversation because…?” Apple leaves dared to ask.

“Because Twilight challenged Level, and Level hates to lose,” Midnight replied. She wondered if this would affect him. “Besides, I don’t mind the mental images too much, Ledger’s mom is pretty~”

“That is my mother you’re talking about,” he replied dryly.  “Do you admit defeat Twilight?”

“Hooves down,” Twilight nodded, looking at her food now that her appetite had been thoroughly killed. She was highly tempted to send him after the next great evil that showed up, all because he could probably snark it to death. She was about to take a bite when a scroll appeared in the air in front of her. She looked it over and sighed.

“Seems I have to head home today. Something’s come up.”

“We’ll be waiting for you when you have time again,” the drone said as he left his food unattended for a moment so he could walk over and kiss the alicorn on the cheek.

“Mhmm, it can wait until after breakfast though.” she replied. “Your foalhood sounds interesting.”

“That’s what you’re callin’ it?” Cider blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Interesting?”

“It’s my coping mechanism,” Twilight shrugged.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know the finer details,” Ledger said before returning to his breakfast and chowing down again.

“I do!” Midnight chirped happily as she downed her second coffee and a healthy pile of hash-browns.

“You would,” the stallion replied with an eye-roll.  “And I can guess which part you want to know as well.”

“Whelp, time for me to go to work!” Full Steam said, getting up from the table.

“And we have shopping to do,” Apple Leaves nodded, dragging Cider and Fritter along with her. Twilight also absconded, deciding to get to Ponyville early to help with the preparations. That just left Scope and Midnight there with Ledger.

“Was it something I said?” Midnight blinked.

“Maybe,” Ledger said with a chuckle, before walking over and kissing the thestral mare on the cheek.  “I have a company to watch over, will you two look after the farm until Cider gets back?”

“Sure,” Midnight nodded, kissing him back. “Have fun at work. I’ll be here. Bored.”

“Really feeling the love,” Scope muttered. “And what’s happening with this message system Ledger? We already sent out my minions.”

“Celestia wants to turn it into a military utility before releasing it again as a government service, like the post office.  Only we’ll be getting a cut of whatever profit it makes.  So...I dunno.  Do what you feel is best until she approaches us again?” Ledger said with a shrug.  “Just don’t open up the offices until she says we can.”

“Geh! Fine, guess your sexy secretary is taking the day off,” she shrugged. “Looks like a lazy day today Midnight.”

“Yay…” came her already unenthusiastic response.

“Don’t have too much fun without me,” Ledger said with a wink.  “That’s what that second stallion is meant for, once we find him.”  With that, he was out the door, seeds of thought hopefully planted.

Midnight blinked and looked at the closing door. Was...was he actually serious about that? Midnight frowned as she closed her eyes and lay her head on the table. She hadn’t really thought of another stallion like that in a long while. And she only really knew of two or three here in Las Pegasus, all of whom were taken and one she wouldn’t dare do something like that with.

Sure, there had been dozens in the past, but she couldn’t even remember their names and faces anymore.

“Scopey, what do you think of that?” she asked. “About getting a second stallion?”

“Yeah, no.” the nymph replied. “I only like Ledger and you girls. Heck, I barely like Twilight. Sure she’s cute and all, but, I don’t have that bond with her that I do with all of you. I suppose I might in time… but another stallion…” She shook her head and flew up to her nest. “No thanks.”

“Hmm, I wonder how Twi and Cidey feel about it?” Midnight hummed, moving over onto the couch and laying on it. It didn’t take her long to fall back asleep again…

Ledger sat in his office as he did another piece of paperwork, by hoof.  Nearly dying sucked.  It tended to create mountains of questions, in triplicate.  Which he just loved doing with magical exhaustion still being a thing he was going through.

Still, his business hadn’t suffered too badly while he was...indisposed.  With a flourish, the latest foe in the dreaded bureaucracy machine was slain.  Only a hundred more to go, yay.

“So, this is where you’ve been holing yourself up?” A voice said and Ledger looked up to see Ace leaning against the doorframe, looking just a little weary.

“Nearly dying tends to create more paperwork than can be believed,” Ledger said as he pulled the next sheet over.  “And any of them could be a priority to answer and fill out, if I want to maintain my previous status quo.”

“You have my respect,” he said as he limped over to the couch and sat down. “I couldn’t stand a desk job. I’d go insane within the hour…”

“That’s how I felt working under Toll,” Ledger said as he began filling the latest sheet out.  “Once I caught on to what was going on, I nearly went mad.”

“And yet you stuck with it, and brought her down… with a little help,” he chuckled. “I can bet that you never imagined yourself in the position you’re in now.”

“Nope, but I know how those under me feel when I’m the one working them,” Ledger said as he chuckled along with the griffon.  “So I do my best to make sure they know they’re appreciated.”

“Glad to hear it,” Ace nodded. A voice could be heard from outside, somepony was sounding quite demanding. “Oh crap… she found me already?”

“...Dare I ask?” the disguised drone inquired.

“Let’s just say that Amy is very adamant about having a hatchling… and that a certain Griffon can only take so much before needing a break.” He moved to a window and opened it. “We’re friends yes?”

“I like to think so,” Ledger replied.  “Why?”

“Great. Stall her!” he said as he leapt from the window, just as his door opened forcefully and Amy stood there, her mane ragged and a mad glint in her eye.

“Heeeeey Levvy,” she giggled. “Where’s Acey~?”

“Who?” Ledger asked dumbly, doing his best to stall the manic pink as he finished his latest form. Said forms scattered when the Pink leapt onto his desk, her nose pressed against his.

“You know Levvy~ I think you're stalling,” she sang. “Are you doing something silly and highly dangerous like that~?”

“Would I do that to you?” Ledger asked, looking the Pink in the eyes.  “Now if you don’t have any serious questions for me, I have a lot of paperwork to do…”

Amethyst sat there for a moment, before plopping down on her rump and sighing. “Yeah, sorry… guess I’m acting a little cray-cray today. I just want a foal so bad…”

“You know they sell the inverse of morning-after potions at the pharmacy, right?” Ledger said as he got up to pick up his scattered paperwork.

“Saywat?” Amy blinked and appeared in front of him, her pink eyes staring into his soul.

“Fertility potions,” Ledger said, blinking a little at her sudden appearance.  “Y’know, for couples having difficulty having a foal.”

“Ididn’tknowIgottagobyenow!” She hollered as she raced from the room, the inertia she created scattered his papers once more.

“Well, I stalled her,” Ledger mused as he began to gather his paperwork again.  “But I feel like I made it worse at the same time…”

A sudden flash and a pop as the air expanded to make way for the pony teleporting in, and yes, scattering his paperwork…

“Heya bugbutt!” Moondancer smiled as she reclined on his couch. “How’ve you been?”

“Busy,” Ledger said as he mentally said buck it and moved the unsorted paperwork from the floor to his in-box.  He’d work it out in a bit.  As the drone reclined in his chair and began sorting through his work, he spoke up to the mare that had just teleported in.  “What brings you by today?”

“Paying a debt,” she replied as she floated a bottle out of her bag and onto his desk. Ohh, now that was a nice (and by definition, expensive) bottle of scotch.  Ledger graciously accepted the bottle before putting it next to the bottle of rum in his bottom drawer.  The bottle that had miraculously remained full as it had been before Moondancer teleported in.

“Well, thank you for the gift,” Ledger replied, bowing his head to the unicorn mare.  “Something tells me that’s not all, though...and that the scotch was just to butter me up.”

“Well, it's also in case you were mad at Middy for what happened yesterday. She did tell you, yes?”

“She did, and I’m not mad at her,” Ledger said as he got about halfway through sorting his paperwork.  “It would probably take her stabbing me for me to be truly mad at her.”

“Seriously?” Moondancer asked him, one of her eyebrows raised. “Well now, that’s something. Though, she did leave before we got to the heavy stuff…”

“Still not mad at her.  She bit me later that night,” the drone divulged.  “Yeah, I know what it’s like to be bit now.  And I must say, even knowing how it eventually ended, I’m jealous you got to her first.”

“It’s not the first time,” Moon said, blushing at that memory. Sugar had gotten a real working over that day. “But I was the first one she ever did it with. She only does it with somepony she truly trusts and they trust in return.”

“Yes, well, get your nymphfriend to be a little more gentle in her questioning, and that’ll soothe over any irritated feelings I might have,” Ledger joked back.

“I guess so,” Moondancer giggled. “She wants to know if everything is okay. Something about, not having been to the last couple of meetings?”

“Mmm, I haven’t, because I’ve usually been in mortal peril,” Ledger muttered back.  “Tell her I’ll attend the next one, assuming I don’t drown in paperwork first.”  Speaking of, it’d finally been sorted, and he pulled the next piece off the top of the pile.

“Will do, and bring those sexy mares of yours as well,” she winked, before her horn flashed and she vanished from the room.

“Only if they want to,” the drone said to nopony in particular as he continued with his thankless task.

Midnight and Scope had headed out to town once Cider and her family got back. One, they wanted to give the mare a little alone time with them, and two, they were bored outta their skulls.

Which was why they probably went a little overboard stopping a bank robbery.


Midnight looked at the silent Unicorn mare that was staring at her. “Aw c’mon Captain. It’s not that bad…”


“Well, maybe a little,” Scope replied, staring at the smouldering remains that used to be the front of the bank. Midnight huffed and crossed her forehooves.

“Well now he’s learned his lesson, and all's right with the world,” Midnight nodded and Captain Narrow Gaze sighed. They’d caused more in property damage than the thief tried to steal…

Well, whatever. She was sending Midnight the paperwork to deal with. This bat was going to be buried in processed trees until her kid was in college. Also…

“And no getting Ledger to help you with paperwork again,” she said with a nod. “Although he’s done a lot for the city, he’s still a civvie and there are things he’s not meant to do. Understand Specialist Song?”

Midnight pouted further and sighed. “Fiiiine.”

“Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I have a slightly crispy thief to escort to the station.” The mare trotted off as Scope shrugged and went back into the bank to complete their original task of withdrawing some bits.

“This pregnancy things blows,” she muttered. “Can’t do anything fun anymore.” She looked up as she saw Ace fly by in a hurry. “Huh? Wonder what has his tail in a twist?” She soon got her answer as she saw Amy chasing him, some sort of paper bag tucked under one foreleg.

“Weird, but I guess if Amy’s involved, it’s pretty normal…” Scope trotted back up with a full bitbag and beamed.

“You do realise what time it is yeah?”

“Shopping spree?”

“Shopping Spree.” The nymph confirmed and the two giggled before racing off.

It wasn’t until late afternoon by the time Ledger returned home. Full Steam had returned home for the time being, but Apple Leaves insisted that she’d be staying to help with the wedding details. That also reminded Midnight that she hadn’t exactly told her parents yet.

Eh, she’d get around to it.

“A day of paperwork without magic,” Ledger said as he collapsed onto the couch Midnight had dubbed the ‘cuddlecouch.’  “I can think of no worse torture to inflict upon anypony in my line of work.”

“Aww,” Cider cooed as she rubbed his shoulders. “Ah reckon Middy feels your pain right about now. Just… watch where you step in our bedroom.”

“Thanks for the warning,” Ledger said as he sighed, thankful of the massage.  “So, how was your day?”

“Got the groceries done… and a little something else as well~” she giggled and pointed to near the table, and a crate of Crystal Berry Wine sitting there. One dozen bottles, all labeled and ready to be delivered.

“Oh wow,” Ledger said as he looked at the crate.  “Well, I think any money problems we might have had with a foal on the way are about to be a bit lighter.”

“That’s all ah’ll be able to make a month,” she said as she sat next to him, pulling him onto her lap so she could rub his back. “At least until the younger trees mature, but that’ll take a few months.”

“Maybe longer, y’all don’t know how fast they grow right?” Fritter asked from the kitchen. Cider shook her head in response. Oh well, it was a start at least. Oh! She just remembered something.

“Hey Levvy~” she whispered huskily into his ear. “We got a little surprise for you later~”

“Oh dear,” Ledger said as one of his ears flicked.  “Should I be worried?  I feel like I should be worried.”

“You can if you wanna be,” she said, nibbling his ear as she massaged his back. “Or you can look forward to sumthin’ you ain’t seen before~”

“I’ll settle for cautiously optimistic,” the drone replied with as he lay there in Cider’s lap, enjoying the feeling of a nice massage after a day of being at his desk filling out paperwork.  “Might’ve stumbled across something during one of my little research breaks, to keep my mind from killing itself doing all that paperwork.  Remind me to tell Twilight when we next see her.”

“Oh, something only you bookworm ponies would understand?” Cider said with a cute tilt of her head.

“Had an idea that might work with our current understanding as to how Waypoints work,” Ledger said with a nod.  “We can still go over the system later, but this might work to make public teleportation no more intensive than a trot in the park.”

“Sounds… difficult,” Cider asked/stated. “Well, ah’m sure Twi will love to talk about it with you.”

“Mmhmm,” Ledger said as he practically melted under her hooves.  “Oooh, little higher?” She moved her hooves, soon having the drone purr under her ministrations.

“Remember you still have to walk and feed him,” Scope said from her nest. “Like all good pets~”

Ledger was too blissed out to offer a proper response to the implied insult.  Cider was magic with her hooves~

Cider giggled and nodded, her hooves moving a little lower, now working his flank and hind legs, unashamedly copping a feel or three. At least until Fritter and Leaves walked in, then the mare rubbing him down was purely innocent.

Ledger opened his eyes at the sudden mood shifts in the mare massaging him and took in the other Apple family members joining them.  “Oh, hello there,” he greeted the mares, wisely not mentioning what Cider had just been up to.

“You seem to be living the good life,” Apple Leaves smiled. “We’re going out for a little while, try not to get up to too much mischief while we’re gone hmm?”

“No promises,” Ledger told the pair.  “The others are sometimes insatiable.”

“Well, have fun regardless,” Apple Leaves replied as Fritter just blushed and shook her head. The two left a moment later and Cider went back to her groping him.

“Middy’s been rather quiet since we got back…” Scope pointed out. “And given all the paperwork that Narrow dumped on her, I expected a—” A frustrated scream sounded from upstairs and Scope chuckled. “Ah, there we go.”

“She could just ask me when my magic recovers to do it for her,” Ledger pointed out.  “I’m surprised she didn’t try something like that when I came home, to be honest.”

“Narrow told her that you couldn’t help, seeing as how it’s Guard work,” Scope explained. “So she’s just gotta bite the bit and deal with it.”

“Mmm, makes sense,” Ledger said as he looked back at the mare massaging/groping him.  “And I see somepony either missed me or wants to tease me.”

“Both?” Cider asked. “What, ah have a hot stallion in mah lap all t’mahself. Ah reckon ah’d take advantage of that.” Her moment soon ended as Midnight came stomping downstairs and flopped unceremoniously onto the couch. Namely, right on top of Ledger and Cider.

“And hello to you too,” Ledger said from under Midnight. The bat just muttered something at him and lay there until Cider sighed and rolled her off onto the floor.

“Either sit like a civilised pony or you can stay on the rug,” she replied.

“Told you that you hafta housetrain them,” Scope said.

“Like we didn’t have to do something similar with you,” Ledger snarked from beneath the batpony.  Still. Cider blushed when she realised that she’d pushed Ledger off of the couch as well. Midnight decided that it was her victory as she claimed her prize, hugging Ledger tightly.

“Used to being the keyword here,” Scope chuckled. “Hmm, perhaps we should send you off to the Violets to be ‘deprogrammed’ as well~”

“I get the feeling she’d break them before they broke her,” Ledger sighed as he basked in the affection all the same.

“Little buggies stand no chance,” Midnight murmured. “Specially if I use my ‘secret weapon’.” She leaned over and nibbled Ledger’s ear. “You know my Bite?... Well, I can use it on myself,” she whispered.

“Like you need another advantage,” he muttered back. Then he realised, if she could use lust like that normally, what would she be like if she doubled it, and lost most of her inhibitions (If she had any).

“And now I’m terrified,” Ledger said aloud.  “Promise us you’ll warn us if you want to do that?”

"I shall make no promises," Midnight replied with a wink. She cuddled a bit closer and hummed. "So Mr. Ledger. Care to explain what you meant about another stallion joining us?"

That got Scope’s and Cider’s attention. Ledger sighed before replying to the thestral.

“I’m leaving it up to you mares, but I really do think another stallion would help me keep up with you all.”

"This is going to sound really strange coming from me of all ponies," Midnight said in a surprisingly serious tone. “But I really don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I mean, I love all you guys, and I love Twiley as well... but..."

The drone did the only thing he could to reply: say nothing and just hug the mare.  Though he did toss in a quick nuzzle as well.  If she wanted to say something about it, she would, and he wouldn’t put words in her mouth.

"I just, if you want space Levvy, just ask. I mean, the pregnancy thing will put me out of commission soon enough." Midnight sighed and placed her head on his shoulder. "If you want somepony, then I guess it's okay. But I don't need anypony else. You guys are all I need to be happy."

“I just don’t want any of you going without any attention if you want it.  Four mares is sorta spreading me a little thin,” the changeling drone explained.  “If you all feel happy as we are, then I’ll not fight it.  Nor will I fight it if you all decide that you want another stallion in our lives.”

"Well it's a decision that shouldn't be made lightly," Cider said. "And while ah didn’t object to the odd roll in the hay, ah always saw mahself settling down an' having a family."

"Yeah, well... Middy knows what happened at the bar. Which might not have if that whore hadn't used her command pheromones," Scope said with a small huff. "Still, I only like you guys."

"Well that seems to be that," Midnight said. "I might not say no to having a little fun, but I don't know if I could love them as much as I do you guys. And that wouldn’t be fair to them." She then chuckled and looked at Ledger.

"On the other hoof. I could finally take a crack at Fredrick~"

“First of all, he’s my friend,” Ledger replied.  “I’m not going to put him or Narrow in the situation where they would have to reconcile their relationship with ours.  And second, I still haven’t ‘come out’ to him yet.  I need to, one day, but that day is not the same day as when I ask him ‘do you wanna join my herd?’”  The drone shook his head before looking around at the mares around him.  “So we’re sticking with this model, then?  One stallion, four mares?”

"Well I guess," Scope shrugged. "To be honest, I don’t know any other stallions.”

"Ah do, but they're all related and ah ain't gonna put truth to some of those rumours." Cider sounded particularly annoyed at saying that.

”And the only ones I know are taken, one time flings or tries to ponynap me." Midnight shook her head. "Hmm, Cadence seemed interested in herds..."

“Then I pity Shining,” Ledger said with a small laugh.  “Because if she’s the one that starts it...what do you think the odds are she’ll be bringing in another stallion?”

"Aww, you don't want another Princess?" Midnight giggled. "I mean, she has one hell of a body. And I wouldn't mind polishing Shining's spear~"

“I know better than to push my luck,” Ledger replied before softly kissing Midnight.  “Besides, you’re all princesses to me.”

All three mares paused, giving Ledger a moment of serene silence. Right before he was pounced on by Midnight and Cider. Scope opted to blush and call him an idiot.

“I will say this,” Ledger said as he basked in their affection and love for him.  “Our time together has definitely helped me learn what not to say.”

"Yeah, you're not bad," Midnight replied. "But seriously though. If you're feeling overwhelmed, just say so. I'm sure we'll let you be for a while."

"And y’all might wanna take a long vacation come Spring," Cider said. "Or ya might just die..."

“Ah,” Ledger said as an ear flicked.  “I hadn’t...thought about that.  I will take that advice under advisement.  When should I start acting on it?  I can’t just vanish from work for an entire season.”

"It's usually strongest fer the first couple of weeks. It becomes more manageable after that." Cider informed him. "Ah dunno what happens to Scope or Midnight. And ah'd hate to see if it happens to Twilight."

“I dread to imagine as well,” Ledger said with a soft chuckle.

“Aww, what’s so bad about one of the most powerful spellcaster in the word having insatiable lust and a desire to breed?” Midnight said, already knowing Ledger’s answer.

“The idea that she’d become like you are in bed,” Ledger said.  “I can barely keep up with one of you.  And let’s not imagine the fallout should I be successful.”

“You know, you have to wonder,” Scope hummed. “I mean, have you ever heard of Celestia having a foal? Or even Cadence for that matter. Maybe an Alicorn can’t get pregnant.”

“...Calling not-it for bringing up to Twilight, on multiple counts,” Ledger said after thinking it over for all of ten seconds.

Scope and Cider quickly agreed, leaving Midnight to pout and fold her forelegs. “Aww, you guys suck.”

“I thought that was what you’re good at~” Scope chuckled, serving only to deepen Middy’s pout.

“Look at it this way,” Ledger said.  “If I bring it up to her when she’s not in Heat, then she’ll likely go all research-crazy to prove or disprove it.  And if I bring it up when she is…”

“You’re boned into giving her your bone either way,” Midnight laughed.

“At least this way, I’ll have time to run,” Ledger riposted.  “I mean, unless she comes through that door right now and you’re feeling especially sadistic.”

Everyone turned and looked at the door, half-expecting to see Twilight walk in.

They were disappointed.

At least until they turned back to Ledger as Twilight teleported into the room, her coat was ragged and singed. She looked like she’d been slammed into a building or three and her left eye was giving a dangerous twitch.

“Well, that wedding was fun,” she said with a small smile.

“You look...stressed, Twilight,” Ledger said, carefully inching away so as to not attract attention.  “Cider does wonderful massages, it might help you to get one.”

“Stressed, I’m not stressed!” Twilight said with a small giggle as her lopsided grin fell slightly. “I mean, who doesn’t love a good old fashioned Bugbear attack during one of your friends weddings!”

“Until you destress via whatever means you find suitable, I’m not going over our project with you,” the drone basically blackmailed the princess.

Twilight fell onto the rug next to Midnight as the bat cuddled her. “Oh, and Ledger?” the alicorn said with a soft sigh.


“Heads up.” And that was all the warning he got before a giggling Pinkie Pie tacklehugged him.

“Ack!”  Ledger said from under his new assaulter.  “Oh, you’re that impossible Pink pony from Ponyville.”  He’d recognize that scent of baked goods anywhere.  Along with that glaring shade of pink.  Once was usually more than enough for anypony Pink or Pink-like to leave an impression.

“Yahuh!” she giggled, her cottoncandy mane spilling over his face. Sweet Hives, it even smelled like cotton candy.

“We’re all here actually,” Applejack said as the rest of her friends wandered inside. “We wanted to see what y’all have been up to.”

“Cousin AJ!” Cider exclaimed, moving off the couch to give her a hug, before settling down next to Twilight so she could offer her services. Rainbow lined up as well to get one… Because Rainbow.

“Ah, well, just working on a few ideas with Twilight about long-distance teleportation.  Y’know, nothing major,” Ledger tried to brush off the idea that he was doing anything important.  “...You figured something out as well, didn’t you Twilight?”

“Mmmmm, what...ahhhh, makes you say that?” she said with a cheeky giggle as Cider massaged her. Midnight offered to do Rainbow Dash, and now had her hooves all over the prismatic Pegasus.

“Last I checked, the waypoint only worked for the pony that cast it,” Ledger said with a smile as he watched the scene.  “So, mind explaining how all your friends got here if you didn’t figure out something about waypoints?”

“Okay, so maybe I figured out how to key in a pony’s magical signature to an existing Waypoint,” Twilight admitted. “Not exactly viable though, as you would have to tie in every pony to every Waypoint. But...ahhh, oh Celestia that’s good~”

“Still, it’s a start,” Ledger said as he took the chance to retake the snugglecouch for himself.  Victory!  “I had an idea as well, and when you’re less frazzled, you can come up here and I can share it.”

Twilight stood up and stretched, her joints cracking loudly as she shook herself off and sighed. She settled onto the couch next to him, with Pinkie still hugging, well, now hugging both of them.

“Oh! That reminds me! I need your birthdays!” Pinkie declared.

“My twentieth was two and a half weeks ago,” Ledger said, not knowing the damage such a simple sentence could unleash. Pinkie paused and blinked, but Midnight’s reaction was much more dramatic.

“I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!?!?” she screeched. “OH my gods. I am the worst marefriend ever! I need to get a present, and cake, and—”

Midnight was shut up by Ledger wiggling his way free of the couch and kissing her to silence her.  Hey, it seemed to work, so he was gonna keep doing it. She broke the kiss and glared at him.

“Why the hay didn’t you tell me!?” she said. Pinkie had vanished somewhere and Twilight just sighed. Well, he’d brought this upon himself.

“We were kinda almost always busy,” Ledger said with a rarely used light touch of snark.  “I just took ‘you entering my life’ as the best present ever and rolled with it.  Besides, did we really need the stress of my birthday on top of everything else that was going on?”

“YES!” Midnight said. “It was your first birthday with me and everypony else in it!”

At which point, Pinkie returned pushing a large blue cannon… wait. A cannon!?!?

“Who’s ready to party?” she screamed.

“Meep!” Ledger let out as he ducked behind the couch in a burst of speed, not wanting to stick around for a cannon! Pinkie pulled the string and it exploded, somehow decorating the room for a birthday party, streamers, balloons, even a fully baked three-tier cake!

“...Is it safe to come out?” Ledger asked as he poked his head over the back of the couch.

“Um… what happened?” Midnight blinked, a few streamers clinging to the top of her head.

“...I have no idea,” the disguised drone honestly replied.

“It’s a party silly, better to have a belated buggy birthday bash by Pinkie Pie than not at all!” the mare cheered as Ledger found himself in a chair with a party hat on his head.

“Sorry about this,” Twilight giggled as she took a seat next to him. “Trust me, once Pinkie starts, there is no stopping her.”

“Trust me, after dealing with the Pink of this city, I know,” Ledger said before blinking and biting his tongue, not wanting to say too much more around this pink pony.  They must never meet.

“Pink? I love pink!” Pinkie giggled and snorted. “My favourite colour is pink!”

“Did someone say pink?” Amy chirped from behind Ledger.

“Sorry about this,” Ledger said with a sigh to the mares as the two Pink ponies, well, pony and changeling, met for the first time.

There was a moment of silence, as Pinkie stared into Amy’s eyes. As Amy stared into Pinkie’s eyes…

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!” The sheer Joy this mare put out was staggering. Like a thousand foals all eating the most delicious ice-cream at the same time.

“Hi!  I’m Amy Cream!” the pink nymph responded, putting out her chitinous hoof for a hoof-bump.  “I like you, you’re my kinda pony!”

“And you’re my kinda buggy!” Pinkie giggled. “Can you believe that Ledger here skipped his own birthday!? I mean, who does that!?”

“Eh, he was kinda busy at the time,” Amy said with a shrug.  “...Heck, I don’t think he was even here for his birthday.”

“Hmm, that… would have been around the time I got…” Midnight fell silent as she looked at the table. “Oh…”

“SAD PONY!” Pinkie cried. “Amy! Code P!!”

“On it!” Amy said as she produced a one-gallon tub of Mango ice-cream from thin air and plonked it down in front of Midnight.

“Is...that…?” Midnight stared at the tub of ice-cream with wide eyes. She grabbed the tub, hissing at anypony that got too close as she all but shoved her head inside of it, noisily gulping the treat down.

“I still don’t know why she loves it so much,” Ledger said as he gingerly took the party hat off his head. Pinkie re-attached it as Twilight nodded at his statement.

“A Thestral’s main diet is fruit, and mangoes in particular are quite appeasing to their palette. Though, Midnight does seem to enjoy them more than most.”

Midnight’s ear gave a twitch as she put down the now empty tub. “Like Ledger enjoys me using my tongue on his—”

“And you don’t need to tell them that,” the drone said with a large, fake smile as he cut Midnight off.  Afterwards, he attempted to, again, remove the party hat from his head.

“Awww,” Midnight, Pinkie and Amy frowned. Twilight and Rarity blushed, Fluttershy had fainted and…

Hmm, Rainbow and Scope had vanished somewhere. That didn’t bode well.

“Pinkie, we seem to be missing a few guests,” Ledger mentioned to the impossible mare.  If she was going to be weirdly impossible, he was going to make use of it.

“Hmm, Dashie and Scopey aren’t here…” She reached under the table and pulled them out, placing them there. Rainbow seemed confused…

Scope looked like she’d seen the afterlife and come back.

“Well, that solves that issue,” Ledger said as he pushed the party hat away with one hoof.  “And once Scope is working again, I’ll tell her to blame you.”

Apple Leaves and Apple Fritter returned not long after, surprised about the sudden party until Fritter saw Pinkie. That had explained pretty much everything.

Midnight decided that she’d throw Level a lifeline and looked at Amy. “Hey, you should introduce your new friend to Ace. I bet he’d love to meet her.”

“Oooh,” Amy said as she hooked one foreleg across Pinkie’s withers before looking at Twilight.  “Can I?  He’s just the best griffon ever!  Please?

“Um, sure… you don’t really have to ask me,” Twilight nodded.

“It’s only fair, you’re her ride,” Amy chirped before leading the pink pony out.  “I am gonna have so much fun watching Acey react to both of us!”

“I feel like I have done a very bad thing,” Midnight said as she crossed a hoof over her heart. “Rest in peace Teach.”

“Well with that out of the way,” Ledger sighed.  “How about we enjoy this party at a much...saner pace?”

“Sounds good, but Pinkie really does throw some amazing parties,” Twilight said. “Wait until next year. She won’t forget now and when she has more than fifteen seconds to prepare…”

“Whooeee, you get one hay of a hoedown,” Applejack whistled as she ate some cake.

“Yeah, they’re cool enough for somepony like me at least,” Rainbow nodded.

“Infinite...possibilities…” Scope muttered as she rocked back and forth. “The walls… there are no walls….”

“Oh dear,” Ledger muttered as he stuck a forkful of cake in Scope’s mouth to help calm her down. Scope nommed the cake, but her thousand-yard stare continued.

“Mhmm, that looks like the time I tried to find out what makes Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight hummed thoughtfully as she ate her cake. “Also, having a piano and a safe dropped on you from a hundred feet up is really, really painful.”

Midnight stared at the Alicorn, and decided that it was far safer not to ask.

“Like I said.  If it's Pink…” Ledger started, before munching on some cake himself.  This was good stuff!

“Well, I suppose we should get to the reason on why we came today,” Rarity said and Midnight giggled.

“Really Bookworm? Did we teach you that well? I thought you were fighting Bugbears, not adding to our herd?”

It took a few seconds for the Unicorn and Alicorn to catch on, both of which blushed and groaned as Midnight laughed harder.

“You really do need to think twice before saying anything around Midnight, if you want to avoid moments like that,” Ledger said once his mouth was clear.  “She’s sorta the expert at that.”

“Among other things,” Midnight giggled. She leaned in close and whispered something to Scope and Cider. It seemed to be quite the conversation before the two mares nodded and Midnight clapped her hooves with glee.

“Midnight, what are you planning?” Twilight asked with a dubious tone.

“Just a little birthday promise to Levvy~” she giggled. Ledger cocked his head to one side, before his eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly.

“Please tell me you aren’t going to ask…” Ledger pleaded.  There were a few questions and promises they’d made to one another, and he didn’t want any of them being brought up at this second!

Midnight tilted her head and she looked at him. Had he forgotten? Oh yes! This was gonna be even better if he didn’t see it coming...well, he’d be coming soon enough~

“S-So Rarity, you were saying?” Twilight asked, wanting to change the subject away from Perverted Midnight.

“Ah, yes. Well we came to help prepare your upcoming nuptials darlings. We were to assist with one in Ponyville, but that dreadful Bugbear put quite the cork in that one.”

“Aw c’mon, fighting that thing was sooo much cooler than helping out with a wedding!” Rainbow said.

“Um, well… I don’t think so…” Fluttershy said quietly. Seems she still wasn’t used to Ledger and the others quite yet.

“Hmm, well, we’re either getting married right away, or after about...Hmm.  That’s a good point, we should do a comparison between how long it takes a pony and how long it takes a changeling,” Ledger said as he mulled over the idea of a crossbreed coming to be.

“The average pony take around eleven months from conception to delivery,” Fluttershy of all ponies informed him. “Oh, um… in case you were wondering…”

“Huh, Changelings do it in nine,” Ledger commented.  “Wonder what the reason for the discrepancy is...but that gives us about two months of difference.”

“Well, insects tend to have far shorter periods due to shorter lifespans, Oh, not that I’m saying you’re like insects, OH! Or that you don’t live as long as a pony. Oh, um… I’m sorry…” Fluttershy’s voice got quieter as she retreated into her mane.

“It’s fine, I wouldn’t hold anything you say against you,” Ledger said without looking at the yellow pony, knowing that eye contact would only worsen the situation.  “So, we’ve got options.  I’m evenly divided, personally, on whether the marriage happens tomorrow or nine to eleven months from now.”

“I’m not gonna show for at least a month or so,” Midnight pointed out. “So there’s no great rush. And even if I did, so what? I’m gonna marry you guys regardless.”

“Fair enough.  Maybe we should at least wait until the morning sickness and constant purging isn’t a thing before we get married,” Ledger conceded.

“That… would be a good idea,” Midnight nodded. Still, she was feeling better and better these days. And the medication and Twilight’s magic also helped.

“I think I still have my mother’s list hanging around here somewhere,” the drone muttered as he cast his gaze about, trying to think about where he last saw the thing.

“Ah have it upstairs,” Cider said. “Ah can go and get it later.”

“That’s why were here, to help,” Rarity said. “I’d be quite honoured if you’d allow me to handle the dresses.”

“Me an’ mah kin will handle all the food. It’s mah cousin that’s gettin’ hitched to y’all after all,” Applejack agreed. “And despite her quirks, Pinkie is a whiz at decoratin’.”

“I can do anything that requires me to be awesome,” Rainbow nodded.

“I’m not sure there’s a whole lot of call for ‘awesome’ in the proceedings, but...thank you.  You will of course be compensated,” Ledger said as he began drawing up the message he would send to his mother in his head.  “Name your prices.”

“Tain’t nuthin,” Applejack said. “Like ah said, mah kin, and soon you’ll be mah kin as well.”

“And I’ve never done a wedding dress for a Changeling before, ohh, it will be fabulous!” Rarity giggled. “I’ll give you an invoice once I’ve worked out materials and labour.”

Twilight just knew that she’d probably give them a massive discount to boot as well.

“One more thing, then, if you all intend to go see the city while you’re here,” Ledger said, deciding to warn the mares before they found out the hard way.  “Despite, the citizens of Las Pegasus are rather...accepting of Changelings.  So you may see more than one walking around undisguised.”

“I told them already,” Twilight replied. “Did you know there was an undisguised Changeling foal in Ponyville? It went to the wedding and everything.”

“Huh,” Ledger said with a flick of his ears.  “I didn’t know one of Scope’s was a mother.”

“Apparently so,” Twilight nodded. "And well, nopony really panicked, so I think it’s alright. It’s good to see that everything’s going so well, despite what’s been happening lately.”

“...That’s a word we can use for it,” Ledger said with a smile.  “Until action was taken against the invaders, I was afraid of relations becoming so rocky we would be forced to flee, frankly.”

“Well, I guess we were a little guilty of helping that,” Twilight blushed.

“Heh, it is kinda funny you went from fightin’ em to lovin’ em,” Applejack giggled. Twilight just snorted and blushed again as Midnight got up and gave Ledger a kiss on the cheek.

“Meet me upstairs in ten minutes,” she said with a wink and then all but vanished from the room. Ledger rolled his eyes before looking at the gathered former Bearers.

“Well, you all are welcome to do as you please if you think it’ll help with planning this wedding.  However it’d turn out.  I’m not even sure how a herd wedding is supposed to go, frankly.”

“Honestly, I don’t know if anypony does,” Twilight replied. “Princess Luna is officiating yes? Maybe ask her about it?”

“So what about you Twi?” Rainbow asked. “You gonna get hitched along with ‘em?”

“I, um, I don’t…” Twilight stammered and blushed.

“The offer has been extended, but that’s another reason for us to wait,” Ledger explained.  “For her to make up her mind as to whether or not she’d really fit in and be happy with us.”

“And I’ve said that I have to think about it,” Twilight said to Rainbow. “But right now, we should be focusing on them and hoping that this wedding actually goes off without any problems.”

“We do tend bring trouble along to these shindigs huh?” Applejack mused. “Ah well, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Didn’t you just say something about a bugbear?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.  “And I’ve already fought off a horror of my own, thanks.  I’d rather not tempt fate into sending me something new to fight.”

Rarity had been quite silent, already scrawling in a notebook with ideas for gowns and the like. Which reminded her…

“Have you chosen bridesmaids and a best stallion yet?” she asked them.

“A what?” Scope blinked. She turned and looked at Ledger. “What the hell is she talking about?”

“No clue, I don’t know that much about pony weddings,” Ledger replied.  “Care to explain?”

“Basically somepony that stands beside you at the ceremony.” Twilight explained. “It’s an honor usually given to a close friend or loved one. You don’t have to have one. But it’s tradition.”

“...I suppose I was going to have to tell him sooner or later,” Ledger sighed.  “I have an idea for the best stallion, but I’m going to just hate that conversation tomorrow…”

“Huh, so a friend huh…” Scope was surprisingly quiet for once.

“Ah reckon ah’ll choose Fritter fer mine,” Cider nodded. “She is mah little sis after all.”

“The sooner you let me know, the better,” Rarity said with a small nod. “I’ll need their measurements as well, unless they plan on their own outfits.”

“I think I know who Midnight’s is going to be: Moondancer,” Ledger said.  “But my own can only be one person.  Fredrick, local restaurant owner, shameless flirt...and a griffon who doesn’t know my identity.”

“That’s… did you want me to come along with you?” Twilight asked him out of concern.

“I should be fine,” Ledger replied as he finally got up to follow after Midnight.  “It’s our friendship that worries me.”