Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy

by AnonymousCardCaptor

Chapter 13: Confrontation at Central part 1

Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy
By Anonymous Card Captor

My Little Pony-Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro Studios. Fullmetal Alchemist is created by Hiromu Arakawa. All other characters are the creation of the author. All thoughts or anything read by a character is in italics.

Chapter 13: Confrontation at Central

Despite the breeze from the ceiling fan, the clerk at the counter waved his hand over his sweat-covered forehead. The Resembool Train Station was a wooden building; a relic of 19th century ingenuity and wasn’t graced with the modern convenience of air conditioning as were the station at Central. The clerk’s mood pepped up just enough to crack a smile on his otherwise glower face. A young lady with blonde hair strolled in the station with a piece of paper flapping in her grip as her arms swung back and forth. The clerk straightened his collar and extended a hand to the young lady. “Welcome to the parcel department of the Resembool Station, madam.”

“I’m Winry Rockwell Elric.” The clerk’s smile disappeared upon catching sight of a wedding band. “I got a telegram this morning saying I had a package at Parcel Office No. 15. A man at the ticket booth said it’s live cargo, though I can’t imagine why Mr. Armstrong would send an animal.”

“Let’s have a look,” the clerk sighed. Winry handed him the telegram. “This isn’t a mistake, ma’am,” the man said shaking his head. “The first three letters are a dead-giveaway.” The clerk pointed to a sign above his head that read “Livestock”.

“Great!” Winry moaned. “What is it-a cat or a dog?”

“Neither,” the clerk said whiling glossing over an invoice, “it’s a horse.”

Winry fanned the stench of livestock away from her face as the clerk led her to the livestock pen where a green-blue pony with a yellow mane was kept. The clerk unlocked the gate and then slipped a bridle on miniature horse’ face and a bit in its mouth.

“Why would Mr. Armstrong send...that?” Winry whispered.

The clerk handed Winry the reins to the bridle. “He’s all yours.”


Winry felt self-conscious from the attention she and her new pet were getting from her fellow pedestrians.

“Who in their mind would dye a horse’s coat?” One older lady said to her husband. Others giggled as they passed by. Winry pulled up the collar on her coat up and partially obscuring her face.

“What was Mr. Armstrong thinking? Is this supposed to be a joke? But that makes no sense. It’s not like him.” When they were far enough away from the city limits, Winry tucked her coat collar back in. “When Edward gets back, I’ll see about getting that dye off you.”


Startled, Winry jumped back and frantically glanced around.


Winry looked down and saw the pony staring at her. It tapped the side of his mouth where the bit was sticking out. Winry just stared dumbfounded.


Winry bent down and cautiously removed the bit.

“Oh thank God that damn bridle’s out of my mouth.”

Winry’s jaw hung open for a minute before the shock of a talking horse wore off. “You...can talk?!?”

“So Armstrong didn’t tell you?”


Flashback-one week ago

“It’s your old war buddy, Douglas,” Sinclair said sheepishly.

“I see. You’re a human chimera...and did you just claim to be the fuehrer?”

“I didn’t say anything about being fuehrer, but I am Douglas Sinclair.”

“And just what the hell is the difference, chimera?” Olivier glared.

“The difference is that impostor took my body long before he took over Amestris.”

Armstrong stooped over and gazed into Sinclair’s eyes with a shocked expression. “Are you were never fuehrer?”

“The night you gave me the chimera was the night we switched bodies in a failed alchemy experiment.”

Armstrong then gave Sinclair a nasty glare. “Your body thief has human intellect. So it’s safe to say you were experimenting with a human chimera.”

Sinclair backed away. “I didn’t know until it was too late. The impostor claimed my body as his and kept me a prisoner forcing me to teach him alchemy.”

“And he didn’t tell you he was once human?”

“Did he tell you?”

Armstrong’s demeanor softened. “I see.” He stroked his chin while contemplating Sinclair’s explanation. “It must have been an opportunity too tempting to pass up for your imposter.”

Perfect! I was able to tell Armstrong who I really am without telling him what the Imposter really is.

Armstrong scooped up Sinclair into one of his patented friendly hugs/death grip. “Do not fear my old compatriot! I will do everything in my power to restore your human...” Armstrong was launched a foot off the ground when Olivier kicked him in the rear.

“You gullible moron! You’d believe any pathetic worm with a sob story if I wasn’t around to beat some sense in you. And you,” Olivier addressed Sinclair, “and what’s your proof that you’re the fuehrer.”

“I’m not the fuehrer. The impostor is th...”

“SILENCE!” Olivier yelled. Sinclair immediately stopped talking. “As far as we know, Fuehrer Sinclair sent him to entrap us.”

“Do you remember the raid on the Ishval refuge, Armstrong?” Sinclair asked Alex. “We were ordered to strike on the Ishvalans’ holiest day of the year thinking they would be caught off guard, but they weren’t. The state control paper said there were only minor casualties, but we lost 1500 soldiers. Only someone at the front lines of the battle would know that.

“The fuehrer told you that to pad your story.” Olivier drew her saber and held the edge just an inch from Sinclair’s face. “A little truth sprinkled on a lie.” Sinclair shifted his right front hoof and tapped his left hoof.

“Sister, please.”

“Shut up! Alex,” Olivier said still with eyes fixed on Sinclair. “I expect more proof from you than a factoid passed on by word of...” Olivier was shocked when a flash of blue light erupted from her sword when Sinclair tapped the blade with his hoof. In one swift, fluid movement, Olivier drew back her saber and struck Sinclair. But instead of burying her blade into Sinclair’s flesh, the saber crumbled into a cloud of reddish dust.

“That sword was my great grandfather!” Olivier yelled. She grabbed Sinclair by the neck, despite being smaller, and shoved him into the wall.

“And how do you think I did that if I wasn’t skilled in alchemy?” Sinclair said in a horsed voice as he struggled to talk.

“Just like the Elrics brothers.” Alex blurted out.

Olivier loosened her grip. “Your alchemy skills are impressive. I’ll give you that, but how do we know you’re really are the Fuehrer?”

“Do you still think this is some sort of set up? Why would he need to? The bastard kills whomever he feels like...or is his reputation as a tyrant undeserved?”

“It most certainly is.” Alex finally built up enough courage to speak out.

“And yeah, someone could have told me what happened in Ishval, but I bet your fuehrer couldn’t.”

Alex’s eyes opened wide. “Olivier, he’s right. The Fuehrer didn’t seem to remember his old compatriots or details of the war. What he did ‘remember’ was the stories the old state-ran media put out at the time. I even had to correct him several times about the Ishvalan conflict when he should have known better. Elder Sister, I believe this being is who he claims.”

End of Flashback

“Mr. Armstrong didn’t say you were a human chimera,” Winry answered. “I didn’t even know what he sent.”

“Are you taking me to see Colonel...Fuehrer Roy Mustang?” Sinclair asked. Winry nodded her head. “Good, because I have vital information about our so-called Fuehrer Sinclair.”


Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! That mantra ran through Twilight’s mind. Princess Celestia ordered them not to be seen by the humans, and Sky Ripper took one as a prisoner, which was evident from the human’s quivering legs and stuttering, fear-drenched voice.

Sky Ripper pointed at the human.  “Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to Yoki.” Sky Ripper pointed a hoof in the general direction of the Bearers. “I was just telling Yoki our story-about how we were once human until some alchemists transmuted us into chimeras.” Sky Ripper winked at the others.

“Darling, what are talking ab...” It took a few seconds for the words to sink in. She put her front leg against her forehead just below her horn. “Ohhhhhhh! What a tragedy! To be half-human and half-pony! What a world! I can’t walk only on my hind legs anymore and,” Rarity held up her fore hoof, “and this used to be my feeettttt!”

Yoki pointed at Rarity’s fore hoof. “Don’t you mean, your hands?!?” Yoki corrected.

“That tooooooooo!!!! WAAAHHHHHH!!!!”

Sky Ripper put a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “You see how distressed she is. Don’t you want to restore her to human form?”

Yoki raised an eyebrow. “That depends-how dangerous are these alchemists?”

“You can’t abandon us in our time of neeeeeeeedddd!” Rarity took hold of Yoki’s forearm. “You wouldn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. In. This. Cruel. World!”

Yoki pulled away from Rarity. “Keep your hooves off me.” Rarity stared at Yoki with puppy dog eyes and frowned. “Now look,” Yoki said apologetically, “You’re not the first human chimeras I’ve come across. So I know how you must feel, but I can’t just jump into this without knowing more. I don’t even know who you’re looking for.”

“We’re looking for Douglas Sinclair.” Pinkie Pie answered with a blissfully ignorant smile on her face.

Yoki flayed his arms around and shaking his head emphatically. “You mean the Fuehrer?!? You can’t be serious!”

“The Fuehrer?” Pinkie Pie said with a puzzled look. “Oh you mean Wind Rac...” Rainbow Dash immediately clapped a hoof over Pinkie’s mouth.

“There’s no way in hell I’m going against Fuehrer Sinclair. That man is...” Yoki looked to his left and right, “ a tyrant.” Yoki said in a hushed voice. Sky Ripper hung his head down and sighed. His ears drooped.

“What’s a tyrant?” Pinkie asked. “Is that like being fuehrer?”

“No it’s worse. He executes anyone that opposes him. No one is safe, not even Parliament. He executed a member in cold blood just to prove a point. Imagine what he’ll do to us. I suggest getting used to being chimeras. You’ll live longer.”

“Excuse me,” Twilight said to Sky Ripper sternly, “can I have a word with you?”

“Let me finish speaking with Yoki,” Sky Ripper replied. The pegasus stallion then turned his attention to his new human ally. “Yoki, I’ll be honest. The alchemists that turned us into chimeras are very dangerous. That’s why we must speak to the Fuehrer, in private. Now, you don’t really have to help us.”

Yoki perked up. “You mean it. I’m free to go?”

“You can, but...”

“But what?” Yoki groaned.

“If we’re captured, I can’t promise they won’t torture us for information like...I don't know...who we talked to.” Yoki turned two shades lighter and his legs began quivering again. “And even if they didn’t, I’d tell them all about you anyway.”

Yoki backed against the shack. “You fiend! How could you!” Yoki waved his finger at Sky Ripper.

“If our mission is a success, it won’t come to that. It’s in *your* best interest to help us.”

Yoki slumped his shoulders. “You win. I’ll do it.”

Sky Ripper patted Yoki on the back. “That a boy.”

“Sky Ripper!” Twilight yelled.

Sky Ripper began walking away slowly. “You’re coming or what?” He said to Twilight. The two walked just out of earshot of the others and ducked between two shacks. “Now what’s the problem, young lady?”

“You know darn well what the problem is,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “The princess ordered us not to be seen by the humans.”

“No, her orders were to keep the existence of Equestria a secret from the humans and,” Sky Ripper pointed to Yoki backing away from an inquisitive Pinkie Pie who was hopping towards him, “as far as he’s concerned, we’re humans who were transformed into chimeras.”

“I don’t think this is what the princess had in mind.”

“Look, we’ll never capture Douglas Sinclair if we’re stuck hiding in a cloud. Having hooves on the ground is our only chance.”

“But what about catching him while he’s in the air in Pinkie’s flying machine?”

“It would make things simpler but what if he slips in Central City on foot or he sneaks in at night. Douglas Sinclair is after my son. Keeping him under surveillance means finding and capturing our target.”

Twilight frowned and eyed Sky Ripper suspiciously. “And this has nothing to do with Wind Racer being fuehrer.”

“No. It. Doesn’t.”

“I. Beg. The. Differ.”

“Are you accusing me of lying?”

“ yourself. You want to see your son so badly you’re making up excuses.”

“Do you have a better plan? I’m all ears. Well?”

Twilight tilted her head down. “No, I don’t.”

“Then you have no other choice but to follow mine.”


“What’s fith all the metals?” A man, reeking of strong liquor, clutched an empty bottle of scotch slurred as he patted a chest adorned with military medals. “Ya’ getting a aworn or sum’um.”

Brigadier General Claymore slapped the drunkard’s had away. “Don’t touch those, dammit!”

“No offenshe sir,” the drunk saluted Claymore mockingly. Suddenly, a mountain of a man on the other side of the bar gripped the drunk by the shoulder and spun him around.

“Best be goin’ home.” The drunkard complied and stumbled his way out the bar. “Sorry about Phil. He’s getting all chummy when he’s had too much.” The man went back to serving drinks behind the bar. “All kidding aside-why get all dressed up in a toilet like this?”

“There’s a pair of tits with a hot brunette attached with my name on ‘em.”

“Wise choice. Women love a man in uniform.”

Claymore swiveled around and watched the entrance. The glass of whiskey was slowing disappearing with each sip. Just as Claymore held out his glass for a refill, a brunette, half his age, slammed the door open. Claymore hopped off the bar stool and threw his arms open. “Candy baby, how about a smooch for your o...” He was oblivious to her scornful demeanor until Candy’s open palm landed on his cheek.

“Candy, what’s wrong baby?” Claymore rubbed the sore cheek where his date slapped him.

“You didn’t think I’d find out did you?”

“Find out about what, baby?” Claymore asked dumbfounded.

“I know about your little whore.”

“What whore?!?”

“Don’t ‘what whore’ me!” Claymore tried hugging Candy but she pushed him away. “Your freckled face ginger bitch was sniffing around for you.”

Claymore’s eyes widened. “‘Freckled face’? ‘Ginger’?”

“So you do know her? Well, you can go jump in the sack with her for now on.” Candy grabbed Claymore’s drink and doused him in the face before storming out.

Claymore raced outside to see Candy climbing inside a cab. “Wait! Come back baby. She’s the fuhrer’s...”. Claymore pleaded as the taxi pulled away. “April you bitch!” Claymore started to leave when the bartender ducked his head out the doorway.

“Hey lover boy!” He called out. “You still owe me for that last drink.” Claymore yanked the loose change out of his pocket, some of which bounced off falling to the floor, and slammed it in the bartender’s open palm.

“You’re welcome,” the bartender yelled, “...jerk,” though he whispered the last word rather say it loud enough for Claymore from across the street. He was getting in his car, and the bartender didn’t want to escalate things further. The bartender went back inside to tend to his customers.

Claymore slammed the door on his roadster and fired up the steam-powered car's boiler. Under the hood, flames roared to life and shined through the front grill.

“Hurry up and heat up!” The roadster was a roaring dragon shooting fire through the teeth-like grill. When the pressure regulator whistled out a stream of water vapor, Claymore sped away and nearly struck a car, which drove over the sidewalk to avoid a collision, as he drove out of the parking lot.

“I don’t care what Doug says, I’m putting a stop to this bitch once and for all.” Claymore regained enough of his composure to take greater care to following the rules of the road, after a few more fatal collisions. His fingers tapped on the dashboard as he waited from the traffic signal to turn green. It was then a slight jolt shot through the roadster. Claymore glanced down and saw the gearshift in neutral. “Overpriced hunk of junk! Jumping gear like that!” Claymore reached for the gearshift when a gloved hand grabbed his. Red bolts of lightning danced across his body as it convulsed. Claymore’s body felt heavy. The world spun around him.

“Did you really think you could betray Douglas and get away with it?” The feminine voice came from the back seat.

“April, you bitch,” Claymore moaned. “What did you do to me?”

“You know how this works.” April waved her hand in front of Claymore showing him the very transmutation globe she used to harvest Philosopher’s Stones.

“You think you can kill me and get away with it? Sinclair will break you in half.”

“And who do you think gave me the order to kill you? How dare you betray Douglas after all he gave you!” Once again, red sparked danced over Claymore. “I’ll take my sweet time ripping your sold out of your body.”


“Turn-about is fair play,” April sneered.


“You lying son of a bitch! Douglas would never to do that to me! I’ll teach to not to lie!” April accelerated the transmutation process and finished extracting Claymore’s soul. Claymore’s lifeless corpse slumped over. The car horn blazed as his forehead leaned up against until April nudged his head over to the side.

April popped the hood of the roadster and etched a transmutation circle with a marker. A spark originating from the transmutation circle ran along the surface of the boiler. April slammed the hood and walked away. As she strolled across the street, the steel boiler squealed from the pressure building inside. April ducked into a dark alley just before the boiler exploded in a hail of metal parts and a cloud of steam.


“Cut it out! That tickles!” Pinkie Pie giggled. Her cotton candy pink fur now had a dark brown blotch on her side. Beside her was a fine-toothed comb suspended in mid-air.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rarity said in a cross tone. “Could you *please* be still? This was all the hair dye we could afford. So don’t wiggle around and knock it over.”

“Pinkie, we don't have time for this,” Twilight Sparkle scolded.

“But I can't help it,” Pinkie Pie chuckled.

Rarity turned to Yoki and smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Yoki. We’d never get our hooves on it if it wasn’t for you.”

“No thank you,” said Yoki. “It was kind of you to let me keep the change from pawning those lost rings you found.” Yoki rubbed his face with the stack of thousand-centz bills.

Rarity looked away from Yoki concealing her self-satisfied grin. “There’s no need to gush over me. Generosity just happens to be my element.”

“Cause it sho ain’t modesty,” Applejack mumbled.

“By the way, are you by any alchemist?” Yoki asked.

Rarity gave Yoki a confused look. “Me? An alchemist?”

“How else did you find that lost jewelry in the city dump?”

“Please, don’t remind of that ghastly place!” Rarity cringed.

“And how are you making that comb float?” Yoki kneeled down and looked Rarity in the eyes. “Did you transmute...gravity?”

“I’d love to discuss this matter further, but poor Pinkie Pie must be exhausted just standing here,” Rarity hastily changed the subject.

“No, I’m not. In fact, I’m...OUCH.” Pinkie Pie rubbed her bruised knee where Rarity nudged her a tad too hard.

“Perhaps we can arrange some sort of partnership. You’ll find the jewel and I’ll...find a good home for them for a ‘measly’ service fee.” Yoki grinned devilishly.

“We don’t have time for that nonsense,” Sky Ripper stomped his hoof. “Keep your mind on the mission at hand. The Fuehrer may leave Central at any moment. We can’t afford to clown around. We’re counting on you to get us close to the Fuehrer while Miss Dash, Fluttershy, and I keep watch in the air. Does everypon...everyone understand?” Everyone in the shack nodded their head except for one purple unicorn mare in the corner sulking. “Well, Miss Sparkle?”

“I suppose I don’t have any choice in the matter.”

“You and Miss Rarity will have to stay low. Your horns are a dead giveaway that you’re not exactly the local breed of pony. You’ll accompany Yoki in the covered wagon.”

“Don’t you think our wagon is a bit inconspicuous?” Twilight asked.


Yoki snapped to attention. “Yes sir, Mr. Ripper.”

“Find a cart big enough to carry Miss Sparkle and Rarity and get a canvas to keep them covered.”

“Where would I get that?”

“You have the money. Buy it.”

“But Miss Rarity gave that money to me!”

“I suppose we can just waltz out in the open and be discovered by that evil alchemist.”

Yoki slumped his shoulders. “Very well...but...”

“But what?” Sky Ripper stared suspiciously at Yoki.

“It’ll get searched by the military police. They won’t let me waltz around the streets of Central in a covered cart without being searched.”

“Yer jist bein’ paranoid,” Applejack rebutted. “They wouldna search a cart fer no reason.”

“That was before Sinclair became fuehrer. We’d be screaming ‘search us’ if we haul a covered cart within a mile of Central Command.”

“Hmmmm,” Twilight hummed. She held her hoof under her chin while contemplating on a less obvious hiding place. “I wished I knew an invisibility spell then this wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Did you say ‘spell’?” Yoki asked? “Are you talking about magic?”

“Did I say ‘spell’? I meant to say ‘alchemy’,” Twilight said with a sheepish smile. “Yeah, that’s it-invisibility alchemy.”

Yoki gave Twilight a suspicious look.

“I got it!” Rarity’s face lit up. “Twilight, are you up for a change in manestyle?”


Roy Mustang studied the creature intently. “’re the real Lodestone?” Roy knelt down. The bizarre chimera was as he remembered it apart from two burns marks where it wings once resided. Roy reached out to touch it only for Sinclair to recoil just before Roy’s hand brushed up against it. “And if you’re Lodestone, then just who is the guy running the country that looks like you...well... used to look like?”

“My last experiment didn’t exactly go as planned,” said Sinclair.

“That was fairly obvious,” said Mustang. “Now how about some detail.”

“You remember Shou Tucker and what he did to his daughter?”

A queasy feeling erupted in Alphonse’s gut. “Nina,” Al whispered remorsefully.

Sinclair turned his attention on Alphonse. “You said something?”

“My brother and I knew Nina. We were there when Nina’s father...”

Sinclair placed a hoof over his mouth. “I’m sorry...I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have brought it up if I...”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Alphonse forcing a smile on his face. “Now finish telling us how you changed form.”

“Well, after I heard about Nina Tucker, I thought I could atone for what I did in Ishval if I helped others like her. I convinced Major Armstrong to part with a stray chimera they picked up and were about to put to sleep. I needed to know if I was truly successful at separating chimeras or was I just backtracking my transmutation.”

Alphonse leaped out of his seat. “You discovered a way to separate chimeras?”

“Like I said, I was separating the chimeras I created. I never got the chance to separate a chimera created by another alchemist. That’s why I needed the one from Lab 2. The chimera was a miniature horse with a pair of wings. My first attempt at separation failed. The creature was created from a third being that I didn’t know about till it was too late. It was then I tried to break the chimera down to individual atoms and recombine it to gain an understanding of its makeup. When I did, the reaction backfired and I was in this world of pure white.”

Alphonse hastened to Sinclair’s side and stooped down til they were eye-to-eye. Roy Mustang and Izumi Curtis joined him.

“Did I say something wrong?” Sinclair asked.

“Just finish your story.”

“Well, I was in this pure white world with some being calling itself Truth. The next thing I know, I woke up back in the real world in this body minus the wings.”

Mustang walked to the fireplace and grabbed a poker hanging on the wall. “How are you transmutation skills, Lodestone?” Mustang walked over to Sinclair and let the poker fall to the floor in front of Sinclair’s hooves.

Sinclair beamed with pride. “Let’s just say they’ve improved since last we met.” Sinclair revved up on his hind legs, tapped his hooves together, and touched the poker. The poker flashed with the familiar blue arc of energy and was twisted into a U-shape bar. Sinclair bit into the horseshoe-shaped bar and trotted over to a cast iron stove. The U-shaped bar stuck to the stove. “Impressed.”

“A little, but,” Mustang clapped his hands together and transmuted the horseshoe magnet back into a poker, “it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“You did see Truth.”

“And you performed a human transmutation. It’s how the Gate of Truth is opened.”

And apparently, transmuting ponies also count as well. That's how I did it. When I tried deconstructing the Impostor on a fundamental level, it must have caused the alchemic rebound and opened the Gate.

“You performed a human transmutation? How could you be so reckless?”

“And how could your subject be so willing to allow himself to be in an alchemy experiment without speaking up?” Dr. Marcoh asked in an accusatory tone. “I’m assuming the third being in that chimera was human.”

Dammit! Stuck between a rock and a hard place. I could be honest and tell him it was sentient pony, but then I’d have to reveal the existence of Equestria to them. But if I let Mustang think I performed a human transmutation, he’ll think I’m some sort of monster experimenting on people.

“Mr. Mustang, sir, wasn’t Major Armstrong in charge of Lab 2?” Alphonse asked. “I don’t think he’d let Mr. Sinclair perform experiments on a human chimera.”

“It’s true. I didn’t know he was a human chimera until I switched bodies with him.”

“You do have a point. Not to mention this impostor of yours had all this time to tell us what happened,” Mustang pointed out. “Instead, he pretended to be you and staged a coup de tat.” Mustang placed a hand on Sinclair’s shoulder. “Lodestone, how would you like to be human again?”

“You...can do that?”

“Not us per se. But your impostor has something in his possession that would make it possible.”

“You mean to use the Philosopher’s Stone on Mr. Sinclair?” Izumi frowned.

“Hold it! Did you say the Philosopher’s Stone?” Sinclair asked. “I thought it was just a theoretical substance. I’d never imagine that modern alchemist were able to create one.”

“It’s nothing to gush over.” Izumi folded her arms and scoffed. “The Philosopher’s Stone is an unfortunate reality.”

“What’s so bad about the Philosopher’s Stone?” Sinclair said with the enthusiasm of a child opening his Christmas presents. “This is the discovery of the millennium.”

Izumi picked Sinclair up by the scruff of his neck. “It’s made from human souls, you moron!”

“Human souls?!?” Sinclair gasped.

“Discovery of the millennium?!?” Dr. Marcoh said remorsefully. “You wouldn’t be saying that if you know the suffering that it brought.”

“Is this true?” Sinclair asked Mustang.

“It is, but it doesn’t matter. It’s impossible to restore souls turned into a Philosopher Stone without their original body,” Mustang said to Izumi. “Using up the Stone is the only mercy that we can offer.” He then turned his attention back to Sincliar. “Lodestone, we won’t just be turning you human. You can end this coup without any bloodshed and no one would be the wiser.”

“I can be...human again.” Sinclair sighed.

“You don’t sound excited,” said Winry.

“No, I am,” Sinclair lied. “It’s just that I’ve been a chimera for so long that I have trouble imagining life back in human form.”

“You won’t be for much longer,” Mustang reassured Sinclair with a hand on the back of his neck. “Because if we fail, then that leaves us with a direct assault. And for the sake of Amestris, we can’t let it come to that. I have a plan to get Lodestone into Central HQ.”


April pressed the doorbell at the door of the presidential palace. It only took seconds to get a response.

“Oh Douglas, I was expecting Mr. Quinn...”

“You’d think I’d risk having witnesses. I gave the help the night off. Now, is Claymore...gone?”

April nodded and handed Wind Racer the speck of Philosopher’s Stone made from Claymore’s soul. “I even sabotaged his car’s boiler. They’ll think the explosion killed him.”

“Good job,” Wind Racer rubbed April on top of her head. “By the way, did he say anything to you?”

April felt her heart skip a beat. Her palms were getting sweaty, clammy.

“April, answer me.”

“No,” April lied. “He didn’t get the chance.” April’s words drifted off as her palm slowly moved over her mouth. “Why do you want to know?”

Wind Racer stroked her hair and said with a smile and devilish glint in his eye that he couldn’t completely hold back. “A deceitful man like Claymore would say anything to save his skin and I wouldn’t want him confusing you with lies.”

“Yeah...say anything?”

“You must be freezing. Come inside.” Wind Racer extended a hand to April. “You look so pale.”

April held her chest and shivered. “I could use a little time in front of the fireplace.” April squeezed past Wind Racer.

“In a hurry to get inside?” Wind Racer asked as April was almost at the fireplace.

April turned and said while forcing herself to smile. “I feel like an icicle.”

“I’m turning in for the night. Just don’t forget to put out the fire.” Wind Racer left April to warm herself by the fireplace. April left out a sigh of relief and shivered. Why am I letting Claymore get to me? I can’t possible believe Douglas would hurt me? Why am I afraid of him? April was then reminded of Wind Racer’s smile and how unnerving it felt. I shouldn’t be afraid of Douglas? I shouldn’t be afraid...


Yoki’s wagon cart was a mix-match of parts. The back wheels were smaller than the front wheels. Boards were covered in patches of peeling red, green, white, black, and white paint, if they still had any paint at all. The wheels rattled and swayed side-by-side along their respective axis as it rolled on the bumpy cobblestone road. The cart caught the eyes of pedestrians who gawked and pointed at the spectacle, but it wasn’t the dilapidated wagon as much as the pair of ponies leading the four-horse team pulling it.

Rarity wore a self-satisfied grin. She beamed with pride over the makeovers she gave Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, and herself. Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle wore golden brown coats. Because according to Yoki, the primitive ponies of this land could have white coats and golden coats, she only dyed her mane and and her and Applejack's cutie marks.

“Rarity, it’s not working,” Twilight whispered in Rarity’s ear.

“What are you talking about? I colored your coat and mane flawlessly.”

“Twi’s right,” Applejack said from behind Rarity, “these humans are starin’ at us like we got stocks o’ corn growin’ out of our ears.”

“Ears of...corns growing out of...ears.” Pinkie Pie snorted.

“Don’t be givin’ us away Pinkie Pie.”

“I can’ it.”

“Pinkie Pie, please settle down or else, you’ll give us away.”

“No, what’s giving us away is your manes.” Yoki said through gritted teeth.

“I didn’t miss so much as a single strand.”

“It’s not the color, it’s that hairstyle.”

Both Twilight and Rarity’s mane was done in a high bun draped over the forehead covering their horns.

“Is it out of place? Dirty?”

“Humans don’t style horse manes.”

“Did you call me...a horse?!?”

“Rarity, not so loud,” Twilight whispered in a harsh tone.

Suddenly, two soldiers on the side of the road flagged for Yoki to stop.

“Are you gentlemen interested in purchasing some slightly pre-owned merchandise?” Yoki’s voice cracked nervously.

“ thanks. This is an inspection.”

“I know my cart is a bit run down but I swear I’ll get it up to standards just as soon as I get back on m...”

“Not that kind of inspection.” The guard climbed on back of the cart and tossed the junk on the street.

The other guard waved a poster in Yoki’s face. It had a black and white photo of Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye. “Have you seen these two individuals?”

“ Never saw them before in my life.” The cart shook when the other guard jumped off.

“Find anything?” The guard who interrogated Yoki asked his compatriot.

“Nothing but garbage.”

The guard pointed at Yoki and then at the pile of junk on the street. “Clean up this mess,” the guard ordered.

“Y...y…yes sir. Right away, sir.” Yoki was in such a hurry that he tripped and fell face first. He was upside down and his feet tangled in the reigns. Legs flayed as Yoki struggled to get free.

“Idiot!” The guard huffed. “I saw drunks with better coordination.” The guard began to circle around the Bearers of the Elements when he paused beside Twilight Sparkle. He looked over the forehead bun and ran his hand through before snatching it out. “What the hell?!?” The guard carefully raked his fingers through Twilight’s mane until her horn, which only had streaks of dye coloring it and still retained much of its original purple.

“That horse has a horn.”

“No wait! This wasn’t my idea!” Yoki screamed. His legs flailed wildly, even more so than when they first became entangled.

“Just who the hell do you think you’re fooling?” The guard snapped. “Your chimeras are a hazard to pedestrians.”

“A hazard?” Yoki repeated in a dull, dumbfounded voice.

“Someone could be impelled on those things. After you’d done picking up your mess, have both of those chimeras de-horned.”

“Don’t you dare, you ruffin...” Rarity said just before Twilight shoved her hoof in Rarity’s face.

“Did you say something?” The other guard grabbed Yoki by the collar and pulled him up. Yoki was trembling as the guard, who a second ago was untangling him from the cart reigns, was looking him the eye with a ferocious glare.

“I said ‘do you like my mare, Rufus’.” Yoki sounded one octet away from being a soprano. “Rufus is for sell.”

The sneer on the other guard’s face slowly turned to indifference. “Do I look like a country bumpkin to you?” He eased his grip on Yoki's collar and let it slip out of his fingers.

“As I was saying, your chimeras are a hazard. They have to be de-horned by the end of the day.”

“That’s rather abrupt.” Yoki said as he got back on his feet and dusted himself off. “You don’t really mean today, do you?”

“Did you hear me stutter, moron? Have them de-horned or I’ll impound them”

Yoki glanced at Twilight. She made eye contact and shook her head emphatically.

“Sir, I’ve fallen on hard times. I don’t know if I could afford it.

“Then we’ll have to confiscate them.”

“What if I move the chimeras to the back of the team?”

The guard rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever. Just make sure you do something about those horns. Now finish picking up your trash. ”

“Yes sir. Right away sir.” The two guards went back on patrol after they made sure Yoki piled the junk back on the cart.

“Well aint that low down and dirty. They threw yer stuff out and made ya pick it up. If them bullies stayed a second longer, Ida taught’em a lesson.”

“You’ll do no such thing.” Yoki whispered in a harsh tone. “Not if you value your life...or mine for that matter.” Yoki looked around to see if anyone noticed him talking to Applejack.

“Yoki,” said Twilight pointing to a back alley, “we have to go in that back alley.”

“Just switch places here.”

“Rarity still has to put our mane back into a bun.”

“You mean with that weird gravity alchemy?” Yoki asked.

“Twi, wut fer?” Applejack asked. “Them guards didn’t noticed the different.”

“No, but Wind Racer would.”

“I see wut yer gettin’ at.”

“Who’s Wind Racer?” Yoki asked just as the Bearers pulled the wagon into the back alley.

“Uhhhhh…that’s one of the evil alchemists,” Twilight lied

“That sounds like the code name for a state alchemist. No wonder you’re so hellbent on meeting the Fuehrer.”

“Do all state alchemist have code names?”

Yoki nodded. “Before Sinclair became fuehrer, he was called the Lodestone Alchemist.” This time, Yoki stepped down from the wagon without tripping over his own feet.

“Lodestones are natural magnets. Is magnetism his special talent?”

“Code names usually match their specialized skill set.”

Twilight’s thoughts took her back to when Sinclair trapped her in that cage and how hard it was to pry herself free with her magic since the cage was magnetically sealed. “Are all your fuehrers state alchemist?”

“Not all of them, but our last fuehrer, Roy Mustang, was once a state alchemist. He was called the Flame Alchemist becau...”

“Did you say Roy *Mustang*?” Twilight gasped.

Yoki paused from untying Pinkie Pie. “Of course I did. Every Amestrian knows him.”

“Twi,” Applejack whispered in Twilight’s ear, “maybe these humans aint the only intelligent life in these here parts.”

Yoki, who was still stooped over Pinkie Pie, shot and pointed at Twilight and Applejack. “Hey! What are you two whispering about? You’re not up to something are you?”

Twilight pointed to herself. “Us?!? No! Not at all. It’s just that we’re surprised that your leader is a mustang.”

Yoki folded his arms over his chest and turned up his nose. “Half the military is asking the same question after that stunt he pulled with Parliament. Military tribunals? The nerve of him!”

“Twilight,” Rarity, who’s mane was once again in a forehead bun covering her horn, spoke up, “I know you’re fascinated by this mustang, but we have *evil alchemists* to find.”

“You’re right. You can tell us more about Roy the mustang later.”

“Girls, just remember to be careful with dem horn,” said Applejack.

“Because it’s an exit, not an entrance,” Pinkie Pie chuckled.

“How uncouth!” Rarity huffed.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle,” Yoki, who had a bewildered look on his face, asked, “are you foreigners?”

“Why yes we are.” Twilight sheepishly smiled.

“That explains a lot,” Yoki groaned.


“Douglas will see you now,” the soldier said to Edward Elric. She was a blonde girl with blue eyes, and a tan complexion. She had a smidgen of baby fat that hinted she was almost, but not quite, an adult. On her shoulder was the rank insignia of private first class. She smiled at Edward and pointed at the staircase to her left.

Edward stood up and stretched out his arms. In his left hand was a large brown envelope. “Man things are sure lax around here,” Edward yawned. “You and the fuehrer on a first name basis?”

The PFC turned her eyes away and blushed. “Not at all, Mr. Elric, sir.”

“Sure, whatever,” Edward rolled his eyes. “Just lead the way.”

Edward Elric followed the PFC up the staircase and through Central HQ to the fuehrer’s private office.

The PFC knocked on the door. “Sir, Edward Elric is here to see you.”

“Let him in,” Wind Racer said in a gruff voice.

“Did I catch the fuehrer at a bad time?” Edward asked.

“That’s strange. He’s usually much nicer.”

“I don’t have all day, Elric.”

“Oh, right away.” Edward hurried inside and was greeted by a cold, disapproving stare.

“Diana, make sure we’re not disturbed.”

“Yes, sir,” Diana replied.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Is April here?”

“No sir, I haven’t seen her.” Diana answered. Wind Racer gazed seductively at the young PFC. She bashfully covered her face, which turned a darker shade of red.

“You can go outside now,” said Wind Racer.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Edward said to Diana.

Diana gave Elric a vacant stare. “Forgetting what?”

Edward raised his forearm and waved his hand in a half-hearted salute.
“Oh right.” Diana saluted Wind Racer and stepped outside.

“I don’t recall hiring you to enforce military etiquette, Elric.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I just didn’t want her getting in trouble with you. You can run the place however you like.”

“Don’t worry about her. You have enough on your plate already and that’s what I want to discuss with you. I placed most of my secret service under your command and what you have to show for it? Nothing! That’s what! Nothing! You let Mustang slip out your fingers and my patience is growing thin! Major General Armstrong just made a declaration challenging my position as fuehrer. Central Command is on high alert. I shouldn’t have to deal with that nuisance Mustang. That’s your job!” Wind Racer snatched an envelope that Edward handed him. “What’s this?”

“I didn’t mention it in the telegraphs to Central. Couldn’t risk prying eyes.” Wind Racer opened it and scanned over the papers. It was autopsy reports and notes mentioning the Philosopher’s Stone. He recognized one of the faces. When she began making the Philosopher’s Stone, April was careful to pick victims no one would miss. The homeless vagrant in the autopsy was April’s first trial run. Wind Racer remember how much of nervous wreck April was before she got used to taking life, which was why that body stuck out in Wind Racer’s memory.

“Where did you get this?”

“I found it at Mustang’s last hideout? We waited for him but he never came back. I couldn’t send it through Central. Let’s just say Mustang probably still has allies in the military, and one of them tipped him off. I didn’t tell the secret service what I found.”

“And you think I have a Philosopher’s Stone?” From behind his desk, Wind Racer eased his hand in his pocket and pulled out the glove for transmuting human souls into a Philosopher’s Stone.”

“I researched it for years,” Edward knocked on his left leg, “for personal reasons.” The automail leg clanged with each wrap. “Not that I’d lose sleep over dead hobos.” Wind Racer paused. His hand halfway in the glove.

Is this little bastard for real or is he telling me what I want to hear? “And this doesn’t bother you?”

Edward shook his head. “Why? They had their chance, and they blew it. Might as well make themselves useful.” Wind Racer slowly eased the rest of his hand out of the glove. “Unfortunately, some of the old guard might not feel the same. I’m sure you were briefed on the Father Conspiracy.”

“And how would you know about that?”

“Like I said, I was researching the Philosopher’s Stone and that’s how I got dragged into it. But as I was saying, Fuehrer Grumman replaced the high ranking officers that conspired with the homunculi with men that could be trusted not to create more Stones. Mustang’s next move is to rat you out and have them turn against you.”

“I’m planning on replacing them anyway.”

“There’s not enough time for that!” Edward raised his voice. “Mustang could be talking to General Hemtt or Stryker right now!” Edward cleared his throat and slumped his shoulders. “I apologize for that outburst, sir.”

“No, you made your point, and it’s a good thing you informed me of Mustang’s plan. He was sighted at Rush Valley, a town about 50 kilometers from Central. Unfortunately, he gave the locals the slip. General Kiowa is going north to keep to confront the Mistress of Briggs herself. I’ll order Hemtt, Stryker, and Paladin to Central. I’ll have a press release sent out saying my remaining generals are meeting at Central HQ. In reality, they’ll be staying at the diplomatic quarters at the Parliament building and double the security detail. I sent Parliament back to their district for an extended vacation so I won’t have to worry about their loose lips. You’ll take your men and stakeout the entrance to Central. I’m also sending you sharpshooters. Let’s see Mustang out me with a bullet between the eyes. I’ll be here waiting for him. Hell, I’m tempted to handle this myself.” Wind Racer pulled the Philosopher’s Stone from his coat pocket and showed it to Edward.

“Been awhile since I’ve seen one.”

“Play your cards right you’ve have one of your own. This country is full of undesirables. Now, get your men in position ASAP. Can’t take any chances, not when Mustang was sighted so close to Central.”

Edward tilted his head down and took deep breaths, one after the other. His fingers were clutched tightly in a fist that shook furiously.

“Are you okay?” Wind Racer asked.

Edward looked up with a forced smile across his face. “Okay?!? That’s an understatement. I’m on cloud nine. I mean-my own Philosopher’s Stone.”

“Enthusiasm-that’s what I want to see in my men. I just have one more question - is Major General Olivier Armstrong she acting on Mustang’s behalf?”

Edward shrugged his shoulders. “I doubt it. I met the Major General in person.”

Wind Racer saw the scowl on Edward’s face. “You have my condolences.”

“Let’s just say she’s just as ambitious as you. Anything else?”

“No, that's it. You're dismissed. Now be so kind as to fetch Diana for me on the way out.”

“Yes sir,” said Edward as he left the room. Just outside the Fuehrer's office, PFC Diana was stepping side-to-side and blocking the path of a man who was a bit taller than Edward but with broader shoulders and with golden hair like Edward’s.

“Oh good, you’re finally out Big Brother. Tell her I’m with you.”

“Is that true, Mr. Elric, sir?” Diana ask as she looked over her shoulder with her arms outstretched still blocking Alphonse.

“What? You don’t see the resemblance?” Edward said with a smirk.

“Kinda, but...”

“But what?”

Diana brought her hand up to Edward’s height. “I just find it hard to believe you’re the *older* brother.”

Edward waved a clenched fist at Diana. “Shouldn’t you be tending to the fuehrer right now?”

“ sir.” PFC Diana hurried into the office and shut the door.

Edward and Alphonse were heading down stairs when April Ferguson passed them running in the opposite direction. Edward took a quick glance behind him just before April made it to the second floor. “What’s she in such a hurry for?”

When they were outside, Edward scanned the Central courtyard for any potential eavesdroppers. “Did you get it set up?”

Alphonse nodded. “Let’s just hope the secretary doesn’t notice.” Alphonse pointed to the room next to the fuehrer’s office. “What about the other end?”

“We’ll just make a quick stop to the Presidential Mansion.”

“Did he have it?”

Edward nodded.

“So Dr. Knox was right.”

“Don’t worry, Al. Everything going according to plan. “He fell for it-hook, line, and sinker. We should thank LeCoulte for his ‘anonymous’ tip when we get the chance.”


April was at the fuehrer’s personal office vigorously shaking the doorknob but it wouldn’t turn. Her fist then pounded on the door. “Douglas, this is April. We have to talk.”

“I’m busy. Can it wait?” Wind Racer called out from the other side of the door.

“No, it can’t. Now open the door, please.”

“Fine! I’ll let you in.”

The floor shook with each footfall behind the door. Suddenly, the door flew open. “What seems to the problem?” Wind Racer said with a forced smile.

“Someone said you were...”

“Go ahead. Spit it out.”

“You’re affa...Who’s that!” April changed her focus to PFC Diana and pointed at the private whose hair was in an upheaval and her tunic wrinkled and not properly buttoned.

“This is one of outstanding military graduates-Private First Class Silas.”

“What’s she doing in your office? And with the door locked?”

“Private Silas, could you step outside for a moment?”

“Yes, sir.” Diana saluted and hurried out the door.

Wind Racer leaned over April and softly whispered. “You know girls her age. They tend to get these silly little crushes. I had to set up straight about fraternizing with a superior officer.”

April leaned to the side until her and Diana, who was peering through the doorway, was looking eye to eye. Then Diana turned her head and her body stiffened. April took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know if I should...”

“...’believe you’?” Wind Racer finished her question. “That’s cold April. You and I are forever...literally.” Wind Racer stroked her hair only to have April pull away. “I see you’re a little suspicious and that’s okay. I’ll just give you some time to think about it.”

April nodded her head. “I guess so.”

“Good, then you can...”

“He’s the fuehrer!” April yelled at Diana while leaning to the side and looking pass Wind Racer. “That’s the highest rank in the mili...”

“April, will you keep it down?” Wind Racer said a low but harsh tone. April immediately recoiled and shielded herself with her forearms.

“This is exactly why I had to lock the door. I was reprimanding her in private so as to avoid these sort of rumors, and you’re just making things worse than they already are.”

April laid her arms back down to the side and looked Wind Racer remorsefully in the eyes. “Douglas, I am so sorry.”

Wind Racer reached out to stroke April’s head but this time she didn’t back away. “It’s understandable. Someone told you I was cheating and you got a bit concerned. Well, don’t you worry. You’re still my one and only.” Wind Racer kissed April on the forehead. “Now you take care, okay.”

April nodded her head. “I will,” she said softly.

Wind Racer waited until April disappeared down the stairway to let Diana back in his office. “I’d thought she’d never leave,” he said while locking the door. “Now where were we?” Wind Racer reached behind Diana and pulled her into an embrace. “Oh now I remember.” Wind Racer slid his hand into Diana’s tunic when she drew back.

“Is any of that true, Douglas?” Diana asked. “What you told her?”

Wind Racer laughed. “That’s funny, Di. Why would you think that?”

“You sound pretty convincing to me.”

“Well, there was a time when I meant it, but April didn’t think a relationship with me was enough anymore. She hasn’t exactly been faithful to me, either.”

“I guess it makes it okay.”

“Turnaround is fair play.” Wind Racer pressed his body against Diana’s and the two French kissed each other. Unbeknown to them, April doubled back and was listening on the other side of the door.


Alphonse treaded cautiously through the murky streets of the abandoned slums. He turned the corner of Elm and Maplewood and stopped at the fourth house and slipped a note through the door and continued on his way.

Roy Mustang picked it up and shined a flashlight on it. Gathered in a circle around Roy and the letter were Riza Hawkeye, Douglas Sinclair, Izumi and Sig Curtis, Dr. Marcoh, and Dr. Knox.

“What did the note say, sir?”

“It says our so-called fuehrer played right into our hands. Fullmetal gave him the phony intel we wanted him to have, and now that the bastard has to cover up his crimes, he’s setting up a trap at Central HQ while keeping his generals at the Presidential Palace.” Roy then said to Sinclair, specifically. “And he has a Philosopher’s Stone.”

“Are you sure those people can’t be brought back?”

“Their bodies have long rotted away. There’s no going back for them.”

“I’m not so sure I want to be fuehrer,” said Sinclair.

“Don’t worry. General Armstrong will take over.”

“You mean the Ice Queen of Briggs! I don’t think I like that idea either.”

“Just keep your mind on the mission. Izumi, Sig, our phony Lodestone will have sharpshooters and secret service staking out the adjacent buildings to HQ. It’ll be yours and Fullmetal’s job to take them out. Dr. Marcoh, Dr. Knox, I know you’re not big on close quarter combat, but the Curtises could use the extra eyes.”

“We’ll do everything in our power to help,” said Dr. Knox. Dr. Marcoh nodded his head in agreement.

“Riza,” said Mustang, “you’ll be Lodestone’s escort.”

“Sir, I can’t leave you unprotected.”

“Lodestone needs you more than me. I can handle a few guards by myself.”

“But sir...”

“This isn’t up for discussion. The fuehrer may be setting a trap for me in Central, but that doesn’t mean the Presidential Palace will be left unguarded and Lodestone can’t take HQ alone.”

Riza took a deep breath and exhaled. “Yes sir.”


“Fluttershy, you haven’t eaten since yesterday,” Rainbow Dash rubbed her friend on the back. The yellow pegasus stared at her share of the hay, which they gathered up at night. Ever since they made it to Central, Fluttershy suffered with bouts of nausea.

“I can’t Dashie, not with that smell.”

“Don’t tell me some bad incense took away your appetite.”

“It’s not incense. It’s burning animal flesh that they cook for food just like Sky Ripper said.”

Rainbow Dash gasped at the thought. “But how would know?”

“I checked,” Fluttershy answered. “I followed the smell to a building the humans called a ‘butcher’ shop.” Rainbow Dash tasted vile coming up from her throat. She grimaced and forced it back down her esophagus.

“Dashie, do you think Douglas Sinclair is like the other humans? I mean, would he eat flesh?” Fluttershy stared at her front hooves and frowned.

“Yeah, he probably would.”

“So, he's no different from the other humans?”

“I didn’t say all that.”

“But he’s a flesh eater.”

“And so is Gilda,” Rainbow Dash said defensively, “and every other griffon.”

“Oh that’s right. Griffons are half-eagle/half-lion and both of those are carnivores.”

“My dad warned me not to make friends with Gilda-told me I’d get eaten if I hung out with her. Dad was right about not making friends with Gilda, just not for that reason. Gilda did a lot of rotten things, but eating ponies ain’t one of them.”

“It’s not that simple for me, Dashie. When I think about humans eating flesh, all I can think of are my animal friends.”

“Did any of them go missing?”

“Well, no. He didn’t hurt any of them.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.”

“So, liking Douglas Sinclair isn’t wrong?”

“Hold your horses, I didn’t say that either.”

“But you said Douglas Sinclair wasn’t bad even though he ate...”

“I wasn’t talking about Douglas Sinclair.” Dash took a deep breath and sighed. “To be honest, I was kinda standing up for Gilda. I’m hoping someday she’ll be a griffon of a different feather and stop worrying so much about her stupid rep.”

“Just like I hoped that Wind Racer would...change.” Fluttershy droned off when the reality that Wind Racer didn’t really change for the better hit her. If anything, he’s worse than when they were a couple if he really did switch bodies with that human and became their ruler. The only real change was that someone else was in his body-the very human they were sent to hunt down. The strange and sad irony was this flesh-eating ape was a better pony than Wind Racer ever was.


“Ma’am! Wake up!” April was stirred by a voice at her feet. She pried her encrusted eyelids open. Two shadowy figures stood at the foot of her bed.

“Ma’am, I’m afraid you have to get dressed and come with us,” said the same voice as before. April rubbed the morning haze from her eyes and saw two MPs pointing rifles at her. One was a ginger with freckles covering his babyface and the other was an Ishvalan, one of the few that Wind Racer was able to entice into enlisting, with a few strands of peach fuzz on his chin. Both of them were teenagers.

April shot out of bed with the sheet covers clutched firmly in her hands. “Wha...wha…what’s going on?” She stuttered.

“You’re being placed under arrest for sedition against the Amestrian government,” said the Ishvalan MP.

Did Douglas really did betray me? Was Claymore telling the truth?

“Ma’am, you have to get dressed,” the ginger tactfully ordered. “We don’t want to take you in your nightgown.” The rifle rattled in his shaky grip.

“Can you step outsi...”

“No! You can change underneath the sheets, but we’re not leaving you in this room alone.” The ginger MP picked up a dress April threw over a chair last night and laid it on the bed beside April, who then slipped the dress beneath the sheets. While April was changing clothes, the Ishvalan MP took out a pair of shackles.

April pointed to the pair of transmutation glove on the dresser. “I hate to ask, but could you hand me my gloves. My blood circulation isn’t so good and my hands get so cold, even this time of year.”

“I’m sorry ma’am,” said the Ishvalan MP, “we’re under orders not to let you wear gloves.”

“I know I’m asking a lot and you two have been so patient with me,” April said with her gaze fixated on the transmutation gloves, “but my fingers will feel like icicles if I don’t have them.”

The Ishvalan and ginger MP both had guilty looks on their faces. “We really wish we could but we have our orders.”

“I’ll take them off before going to the stockades, I promise. Once I’m inside, I should be fine. I won’t tell your superiors. They don’t need to know.”

The MPs looked at each other and nodded. The ginger passed the gloves to April.

A few minutes later, April emerged from the room in a purple sweater and blue jeans. A Philosopher’s Stone clutched in her fist. The MPs’ lifeless bodies were sprawled out on the floor.


Contrary to popular belief, snipers do not operate as lone wolves. Rather they work in pairs: the sniper behind the rifle scope keeping high valued target in his sights and the spotter observes the general surroundings and watching out for danger so that his partner can keep all of his focus on the target. The moving van stopping a half-block from the entrance to Central did not go unnoticed. On its side were the words “HAVOC GENERAL STORE”. One of the spotters on the roof signals to the four sniper cells. The other three snipers fixed their sights on the van.

“You see anything suspicious?” The spotter who caught sight of the van asked.

“Nothing so far,” his partner repied.

“Greg, you see anything on your end?” The spotter asked the sniper at the far end would was at a better angle.

“One occupant-middle-aged, dark hair, wearing glasses, clean shaved. He’s just sitting there waitin...”

Suddenly, the building shook and jarred the van from their scopes.

“What the hell was that?” Another spotter blurted. The snipers laid down their rifles. They and their spotters drew their side arms. Suddenly, all pistols were pointed at the entrance to the roof as the door swung open.

“Don’t shoot!” The sniper cells recognized the voice as belonging to Edward Elric, who emerged from the stairwell with hands up.

“What the hell is going on?!?”

“Mustang and Hawkeye got inside somehow and got the jump on us. I managed to slip out but the others weren’t so lucky.”

“Where are they?”

“On the second floor last time I saw them.”

“Are you sure it’s just two of them?”

Edward nodded. “They’re probably waiting for us.”

“Not a problem,” a sniper said beaming with confidence. “We’ll just take the fire escape to the second floor and flank them.” Edward lead the way down the fire escape. Just when Elric ducked into the second story window, an electric arch crawled up the fire escape. The guard rails and steps curled up and wrapped themselves around the snipers and spotters’ waist and arms and pinned to the side of the building. At the bottom of the fire escape was Izumi Curtis. Edward stuck his head out a window and waved.

“That’s the last of them.”

“You bastard!” One of the members of the sniper cells cried out. “You sold the fuehrer out to that traitor Mustang!”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” Edward mocked. He then ran downstairs to the entrance of the building and waved to the vans.

Dr. Knox, who was the driver’s seat, looked over his shoulder. “Elric and Curtis cleared the building,” he said to a large canvas covering the floorboard. Three figures rose from underneath the canvas. It was Riza, Mustang, and Sinclair. Mustang clapped his hands together and laid the palms of his hands on the van. The familiar blue electric merged the bottom of the van with the ground underneath forming a stairway that disappeared into a murky abyss.

“And this was under Central Command the whole time?” An awestruck Sinclair asked.

Mustang nodded his head. “Remind me to tell you the story behind this place if we come out of this in one piece. This is the least trafficked part of the underground passage but you may still run into a few of the fuehrer’s soldiers. So be careful.”

“Don’t worry, sir,” said Sinclair. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” After Riza and Sinclair disappeared into the darkness of the subterranean labyrinth, Mustang transmuted the ground and van back to their original state.

“Are you sure they can make it on their own?” Dr. Knox asked.

“They’ll have to. We’re stretched thin as it is, and you’ll need me for the next part of the plan.”


The pieces are falling into place. As Wind Racer sets a trap for Mustang and Mustang prepares to turn the tables on Wind Racer, both are under the watchful eyes of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Will Mustang's plan succeed? Will Sinclair become human again? And what the Mane 6? Find out in the final chapters of Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy.