//------------------------------// // The Alicorn of Death // Story: The Crystal Vizier // by Lich-Lord Krosis //------------------------------// Celestia was in pain. A LOT of it. The last thing she remembered before blacking out with Twilight crying into her mane, was... cold. So much frigid pain that it made her eyes water just thinking about it... But... To be honest... It was kind of refreshing. To know that you're not COMPLETELY invincible. To know that you can still have your flank handed to you, even after a thousand years of experience... While she definitely got off on the wrong hoof with this stallion, Kel'Thuzad... Well, rather HE got off on the wrong hoof with HER... She hoped that she would be able to rectify whatever tainted disagreements between them existed, if any. After she mopped the floor with his sorry ass, anyway... She had to uphold her image, after all... ......... "How are you feeling, Princess?" Twilight said, for the umpteenth time in the last fifteen minutes. Celestia turned her head, painfully. "Twilight, I don't want to ORDER you to relax. I'm fine, really." Celestia responded, pulling her protégé for a hug. The smaller mare was still... shaken, about what had happened to her brother. Yet, she was relieved when Cadence had told her that he would be back soon, safe and sound. She had also talked to her about Kel'Thuzad, and his position as their Archmage and Vizier. While Cadence seemed absolutely thrilled to have him, not only as a colleague and protector, but as a very close friend, Celestia still had her doubts and concerns. While Cadence had told her everything about him, INCLUDING his past, her assurances that he was tricked into performing these absolutely HEINOUS acts she accused him of, and that he had absolutely no intention of repeating his offenses, calmed Celestia. She loved her niece, almost as if she were her own daughter, and her ability to see the good in ponies has always made her envious of the young alicorn. If he really has changed from... whatever monster he was before he was brought here... and Cadence is willing to let him be her bodyguard, basically... I'm willing to give him a chance to redeem himself... "Auntie! How are you faring?" Cadence called from the hallway, her muzzle sticking into the guest room were she was currently resting. Celestia sighed. "I'm fine Cadence, really I am... I just wish your friend would have started asking questions before shooting, is all." Celestia chuckled, her hoof reaching for her tea, which Marrowfrost had been kind enough to make for her, as a gesture of goodwill, on behalf of his master and himself. "Sorry, Auntie... Kel'Thuzad and Shiny should be back soon. He can formally apologize then! He really is very nice once you get to know him... and get past his appearance..." Cadence sheepishly replied, still obviously embarrassed by her archmage's unprovoked restrainment of the solar goddess. Oh yeah... she forgot. He was a necromancer. An UNDEAD necromancer... His immortality through undeath had unsettled her, seeing as she was naturally immortal, thanks to her alicorn lineage. But, thanks to Shining Armor's pseudo-undeath... she kind of had her hooves tied. While she had never formally OUTLAWED necromancy, it was generally greatly frowned upon, and rather difficult to study without some rather... taboo practices. Robbing graves and resurrecting the dead was not exactly the best first impression... She had faced her fair share of necromancers, the most recent being a self-styled warlord who had gone to live in the mountains with his 'followers', nearly thirty years ago... The stallion was a madman, obsessed to the point with death that he had decided to have himself resurrected after his own death, becoming a quite powerful revenant. It had taken nearly several hours to for her to fight her way to the summit, where the madman was trying to resurrect a dragon. Even after defeating him, she was left with a rather... despicable taste in her mouth. Necromancy was disgusting... ......... Realizing that she had been in a rather uncomfortable position for quite a while now, Celestia fluttered her wings lightly, attempting to move slightly to the left, so she could lay down on her side. "Mmmm..." Twilight groaned, quite obviously uncomfortable now. Great. She fell asleep. She loved Twilight. Loved her like a daughter, which she sort of became, once Cadence married Shining Armor (much to the solar alicorn's glee). Seeing her apprentice like this, curled up against her barrel like she did when she was a filly... it made her heart swell. She sighed, accepting her uncomfortable fate, and nuzzled the sleeping unicorn gently upon the head, eliciting a sigh of comfort from the mare. Celestia was tired, once again. The constant headache her frostbitten horn gave her was very taxing on her energy, and even immortals need sleep... Sleep... ......... With a resounding explosion, and a sound of shattering glass, Prince Shining Armor slammed down into existence, a glaze of faint bluish-grey energy clouding from his body for a few moments, before dissipating. The court that was currently in progress was more than startled by their prince's sudden appearance, and even more startled as the intimidating form of Kel'Thuzad materialized behind the stallion, his form exploding from a block of ice with a screech of power and arcane magic. "SHINING!" Cadence exclaimed, literally catapulting into her husband's outstretched arms, the lich grunting slightly in exertion, attempting to stop his wife's unnatural alicorn strength and speed. "I'm here, baby, I'm here. I'm back." He chuckled, attempting to gauge his surroundings. The alicorn mare smothering herself against him was distracting to say the least, so he brought muzzle up to his with his hooves, and captured her lips. The mare quivered, and attempted to bring him closer, which he happily complied with. When his wife started to push harder, and attack his teeth with her tongue however, he backed away, much to the mare's disappointment. I'd rather not take my wife in front of the entire court... as much as I want to... "Sire! You... you have wings!" "What?" Shining turned to the lich, who's eyes were wide. "I do?" his head craned down to look at his back, and he gasped. HE HAD WINGS! Very large wings... Dragon wings... But still wings... AWESOME! "I HAVE WINGS!" Shining exclaimed, his face engulfed in a smile that could kill a lesser creature. He grabbed his wife, who had joyfully thrown herself into his barrel, her eyes watering. She had her stallion back... Forever.